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4 Girder bridges 1/92



Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 2/92

Girder deck dimensions - Bottom view

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 3/92

Girder deck dimensions Interaxis between main members

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 4/92

Girder deck dimensions Cross section

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 5/92

The beams subjected to the highest bending moment

are the external ones, so the other beams are designed
as they were subjected to the same actions. This
reduces design time and is a safe approximation.

We proceed calculating the internal actions (bending

moment and shear) in the mid-span section of an
external beam called beam 1.

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 6/92

Values of the multi component actions

In this exercise we will solve the structure only for the multi
component action group n 1. Needless to say that the other
groups have to be taken into account too.

Loads on carriageway Loads on

Vertical Horizontal Vertical
Group Main action Special Crowd Braking Centrifugal Uniform
of LM1-2-3-4-6 vehicles Accel.
1 Characteristi 2.5
c value kN/m2

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 7/92

Load analysis
Dead load g1
1. Longitudinal beams
2. Transverse beams
3. Slab

1. Longitudinal beam g1lb b h l 0.5m 1.20m 15m 25 225kN
2. Transverse beam g1tb b h l 0.3m 1.00m 2.5 3m 25 3 56kN
3. Slab g1s b l h 12m 15m 0.25m 25 1125kN

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 8/92

Load analysis
Dead load g1

Total weight of the girder

g1tot 4 g1lb 4 g1tb g1s 4 (225 56) 1125 2249kN

Dead load on the outermost beam

g1tot kN
g1,1b 2249kN 38
4l 4 15m m

Two simplifications:
a. Dead weight uniformly distributed among beams
b. Dead weight of transverse beams taken as uniformly
distributed instead of 4 concentrated forces

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 9/92

Load analysis
Permanent loads g2
1. Kerb
2. Pavement
3. Vehicle restraint system
4. Pedestrian parapet

1. Kerb g 2 k b h l 1.5m 0.23m 15m 25 129kN
2. Pavement kN
g 2 p b l 1.5m 15m 3 67.5kN
The load value for the pavement takes into account that
several layers of asphalt may be placed one over another
during maintenance of the road:

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 10/92

Load analysis

3. V. R. S. g 2 vrs l 15m 2 30kN
4. Pedestr. parapet g 2 pp l 15m 1.0 15kN

Permanent load on the outermost beam

g 2,1b ( g 2,k g 2, p g 2,vrs g 2, pp ) l
(129 68 30 15)kN 15m 242 15 16kN / m 44% g1,1b
One simplification:
a. The permanent load for the outermost beam is grater then for the other
beams. In this example the load of kerb and barriers is fully given to the
outermost beam, in reality it would distribute itself according to Courbon
theory on the others beams resulting in a lesser weight for beam one.

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 11/92

Internal actions due to permanent loads

In the mid-span section of beam 1 we find the following internal actions:

Bending moment Mg1b Mg1,1b Mg 2,1b

g1,1b g 2,1b l 2

38 16 15 2

1068 450 kNm 1518kNm


Shear Vg1b Vg1,1b Vg 2,1b 0 0 0kN

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 12/92

Load analysis
Variable traffic load q1

We need to trace the influence lines of bending moment and shear

for the mid-span cross section of the beam for moving vertical
We apply a disconnection dual to the desired internal action and
we calculate the function of the entity dual to the known action
(vertical force).

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 13/92

Bending moment in mid-span

Drawing influence surface
One dimensional influence line for longitudinal simply supported beam


1 l l 0.5
4 2
Transversal load repartition according to Courbon theory

i , j 0.1
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 14/92

Transverse distribution

1, j Is the amount of the load P=1

applied on the beam 1 that goes on
the beam j (j=14)


1, j Is the amount of the load P=1

applied on the beam j (j=14) that
goes on the beam 1

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 15/92

Bending moment in mid-span

Drawing influence surface
If we modulate the two graph seen before we obtain

The blue area has to be loaded to

maximize the mid-span bending
moment in beam 1

0.2 l

0.7 l

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 16/92

Longitudinal distribution (concentrated loads)

6.9m 1.2m 6.9m


1 l 3.75m
4 6.9 3.75 / 7.5 6.9 3.45m
M S , P 2 3.45 P 6.9 P

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 17/92

Longitudinal distribution (uniformly distributed loads)

l l l l
4 4 4 4
Rq Rq

1 l 3.75m
l 1.875m 4

M S ,q 2 1.875 Rq 3.7 l q 3.7 7.5q 27.75q

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 18/92

Transverse distribution

Carriageway width = 9m
Width of each notional lane = 3m
Number of notional lanes = 3

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 19/92

Transverse distribution (concentrated loads)

1 Notional 2 Notional
Lane Lane We dont place the third
notional lane because its
3.0 3.0 centroid will fall inside
the negative influence
0.5 2.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.5 line of load distribution

150kN 150kN 100kN 100kN


i , j 0.1
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 20/92

Transverse distribution (concentrated loads)

0.5 2.5

R1,a -0.2

i , j ya 0.1
0.7 0.5
R1,a Fa ya 150kN 0.7 0.3 150kN 0.65 97.5kN
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 21/92

Transverse distribution (concentrated loads)

2.5 0.5

R1,b -0.2

i , j yb 0.1
0.7 2.5
R1,b Fb yb 150kN 0.7 0.3 150kN 0.45 67.5kN
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 22/92

Transverse distribution (concentrated loads)

0.5 2.5

R1,c -0.2

i , j 0.1
0.7 0.5
R1,c Fc yc 100kN 0.4 0.3 100kN 0.35 35.0kN
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 23/92

Transverse distribution (concentrated loads)

2.5 0.5

R1,d yd -0.2

i , j 0.1
0.7 2.5
R1,d Fd yd 100kN 0.4 0.3 100kN 0.15 15.0kN
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 24/92

Transverse distribution (concentrated loads)

R1,concentrated R1,a R1,b R1,c R1,d

97.5 67.5 35 15 215kN

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 25/92

Transverse distribution (uniformly distributed loads)

1 Notional 2 Notional
Lane Lane We dont place the third
notional lane because its
3.0 3.0 centroid will fall inside
the negative influence
1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 line of load distribution
27 kN / m 7.5kN / m
qa 9kN / m 2
qb 2.5kN / m 2


i , j 0.1
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 26/92

Transverse distribution (uniformly distributed loads)

3.0 3.0
1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
qa 27kN / m qb 7.5kN / m

R1 -0.2

i , j ya 0.1
R1,u .distr . R1,a R1,b qa ya qb yb 27 0.55 7.5 0.25 14.85 1.87 16.7 kN / m
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 27/92

Pay attention! If we consider a force F and we calculate its

distribution using directly the influence line, or
2 1 we solve the static scheme shown below and then
we calculate the force in the beam 1 with the
F reactions, we obtain the same result.

F 2F
3 3 -0.2
R1 F 0.5 F 0.7 2 F 0.4
3 3
i , j 0.1
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 28/92

Transverse distribution (crowd) We dont place crowd on this

foothpath because its centroid will
fall inside the negative part of the
1.5 influence surface

q 2.5kN / m 2

F1 F2

i , j 0.1
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 29/92

Transverse distribution (crowd)

1.5 3
q 2.5kN / m 2
Rq q 1.5m 3.75kN / m
F2 3.75 0.75 / 3 0.94kN / m
F1 3.75 0.94 4.69kN / m
F1 F2
R1,crowd F1 0.7 F2 0.4 2.9kN / m

0.7 Same result if we extrapolate
the Curbon transverse line
R1,crowd outside beam n1

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 30/92

Bending moment in mid-span

6.9m 1.2m 6.9m
Concentrated tandem system

R1,concentrated P 215kN
M S ,concentrated 6.9 R1,concentrated 1484kNm

Rq Rq
Uniformly distributed

R1,u .distr . q 16.7 kN / m 0.5

M s ,u .distr . 27.75 R1,u .distr 463kNm 1

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 31/92

Bending moment in mid-span

Rq Rq
Crowd q

R1,crowd q 2.9kN / m 0.5

M s ,crowd 27.75R1,crowd 81kNm 1

Total bending moment from vertical traffic actions

M s ,Vtraffic M s ,concentrated M s ,u .distr . M s ,crowd 1484 463 81 2028kNm

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 32/92

Shear in mid-span
Drawing influence surface
One dimensional influence line for longitudinal simply supported beam

7.5m 7.5m

Transversal load repartition according to Courbon theory


i , j 0.1
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 33/92

Shear in mid-span
Drawing influence surface
If we modulate the two graph seen before we obtain

The blue area has to be loaded to

maximize the mid-span shear in
beam 1

0.2 0.5
0.7 0.5 0.2 0.5

0.7 0.5

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 34/92

Shear in mid-span
Variable concentrated traffic load

6.3m 1.2m 7.5m

1 m
1 6.3 0.42m
2 7.5
VS , P (0.5 0.42) P 0.92 P

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 35/92

Shear in mid-span
Variable uniformly distributed traffic load
l l
4 4

1 m
1 m 2

l 1 15
VS ,q q q 1.875q
2 4 8

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 36/92

Transverse distribution (concentrated loads)

1 Notional 2 Notional 3 Notional
Lane Lane Lane

3.0 3.0 3.0

0.5 2.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.5
150kN 150kN 100kN 100kN 50kN 50kN


i , j 0.1
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 37/92

Transverse distribution (concentrated loads)

Longitudinal location of previously seen concentrated loads

3 Lane

1 Lane 2 Lane

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 38/92

Transverse distribution (concentrated loads)

0.5 2.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.5
150kN 150kN 100kN 100kN 50kN 50kN

R1 -0.2

R1,concentrated 150 (0.65 0.45) 100 (0.35 0.15) 50 (0.05 0.15)
165 50 5 220kN
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 39/92

Transverse distribution (uniformly distributed loads)

1 Notional 2 Notional 3 Notional
Lane Lane Lane

3.0 3.0 3.0

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
27 kN / m 7.5kN / m 7.5kN / m
qb 2.5kN / m 2
qa 9kN / m 2


i , j 0.1
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 40/92

Transverse distribution (uniformly distributed loads)

Longitudinal location of previously seen distributed loads

3 Lane

1 Lane 2 Lane

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 41/92

Transverse distribution (uniformly distributed loads)

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

27 kN / m 7.5kN / m 7.5kN / m

R1 -0.2

R1 , u.distr. 27 0.55 7.5 0.25 7.5 0.05 17.1kN / m

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 42/92

Transverse distribution (crowd)

1.5 3 3 1.5
Rq Rq
q q 2.5kN / m 2
Rq q 1.5m 3.75kN / m q

F1 F2 F3 F4

0.7 F1 F4 3.75 0.94 4.69kN / m
F2 F3 3.75 0.75 / 3 0.94kN / m
R1,crowd F1 0.7 F2 0.4 F3 0.1 F4 0.2
4.69 0.9 0.94 0.3 3.94kN / m
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 43/92

Transverse distribution (crowd)

Longitudinal location of previously seen distributed loads

3 Lane

1 Lane 2 Lane

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 44/92

Shear in mid-span

Concentrated tandem system 6.3 1.2 7.5

m m P

R1,concentrated P 220kN

VS ,concentrated 0.92 R1,concentrated 202kN

Uniformly distributed q

R1,u .distr . q 17.1kN / m

Vs ,u .distr . 1.875 R1,u .distr 32kN

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 45/92

Shear in mid-span
Crowd q

R1,crowd q 2.9kN / m
Vs ,crowd 1.875 R1,crowd 5.4kN

Total shear from vertical traffic actions

Vs ,Vtraffic Vs ,concentrated Vs ,u .distr . Vs ,crowd 202 32 5 239kN

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 46/92

Non traffic actions: WIND

Location: Piemonte 250m o.s.l.

Wind referring speed vb vb ,0 25
1 2 1 N
Kinetic referring pressure qb vb 1.25 252 391 2
2 2 m
Geografic zone 1
Terrain roughness class D (open land without obstacles)
Site exposition category II kr = 0.19
z0 = 0.05m
zmin = 4 m

Maximum height of the structure z=3m

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 47/92

Non traffic actions: WIND

z z
Exposure coefficient ce z ce zmin kr2 ln min 7 ln min
z0 z0
4 4
ce z 0.192 ln 7 ln 1.8
0.05 0.05

Dynamic coefficient = 1

Shape coefficient = 1
Wind pressure p qb ce c p cd 391 1.8 1 1 0.74

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 48/92

Surface exposed to the wind



From pavement
extrados to
longitudinal beams
intrados (13cm of
pavement thickness)

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 49/92

Vertical position of the centroid of the deck

Total mass of the bridge

1. Longitudinal beams Mg1lb 225kN 4 900kN
2. Transverse beams Mg1tb 56kN 4 224kN
3. Slab Mg1s 1125kN
Total Mg 900 224 1125 2249kN

Static moment of bridge masses with respect to the intrados

1. Longitudinal beams Sg1lb 225kN 4 0.6m 540kNm
2. Transverse beams Sg1tb 56kN 4 0.5m 112kNm
3. Slab Sg1s 1125kN 1.325m 1491kN / m
Total Sg 540 112 1491 2143kN / m

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 50/92

Vertical position of the centroid of the deck

Wind Mt
moment due
3.63m to the wind

0.95m yg

Sg 2143
Vertical position of the centroid yg 0.95m
Mg 2249

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 51/92

Non traffic actions: WIND

kN kN
Wind resultant qwind p h 0.74 4.58m 3.39
m2 m
kN kN
Torque moment Mt qwind e 3.39 4.58 / 2 0.95 4.54 m
m m
Equivalent vertical 9m
load acting un beams
1 and 4
qVert ., wind Mt / 9m
4.54 / 9 0.50

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 52/92

Non traffic actions: WIND

Bending moment in mid-span of beam 1 due to wind action

qVert ., wind l 2 0.50 152

M S , wind 14.1kNm
8 8

Shear in mid-span of beam 1 due to wind action

VS , wind 0kN

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 53/92

ULS combination

Bending moment in mid-span of beam 1

M S ,tot 1.35M S , perm 1.35M S ,traffic 1.50M S , wind

1.35 1518 1.35 2028 1.50 14 4808kNm

Shear in mid-span of beam 1

VS ,tot 1.35VS , perm 1.35VS ,traffic 1.50VS , wind

1.35 0 1.35 239 1.50 0 323kN

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 54/92

Pay attention:

Its not possible to evaluate the internal actions in the

transverse beams using Courbon, because Courbon
hypothesis doesnt locate transverse beams in a specific
position but smears them in the whole length of the

If we want to know the internal actions in the transverse

beam we have to use the Engesser model.

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 55/92



Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 56/92

We will analyze the same deck seen with the Courbon

approach with Engesser theory.

We will calculate bending moment and shear in the mid-

span of beam 1 exactly as we have done with Courbon
for the same multi component actions.

For sake of simplicity we will assume for dead load and

permanent actions the same values seen in Courbon
example (theres very little difference as the deformation
due to these loads is cylindrical).

We will then focus only on variable traffic loads.

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 57/92

Bending moment in mid-span

Drawing influence surface
One dimensional influence line for longitudinal beam (continuous on
transverse beams)

z Rtb Rtb
l l
l 5m 2 2 l

z z2
2 1 for 0 z l
10 l 3EI b
ya1 ( z ) Rtb
1 3z 2 z l
3 5l 2
5 2l for l z l
2 2

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 58/92

Bending moment in mid-span

Drawing influence surface
We apply the virtual reactions Rtb on the girder and we calculate with
Courbon theory the global deformation of the deck.

Beam 4

Beam 3

Beam 2
Beam 1

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 59/92

Drawing influence surface

The equation of the surface drawn in the previous page is

10l 2 z 6l z for 0 z l
3 2

x 1
yb ( z , x) 0.7 0.9
3b 10l 2 3

z 3 z l 6l 2 z for l z 2l


10l 2 z z l z 2l 6l z
3 3 3 2
for 2l z 3l

Longitudinal direction

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 60/92

Drawing influence surface

That can become for the single beams

10l 2 z 6l z for 0 z l
3 2

yb ,i ( z ) 1,i
2 3

z 3 z l 6l 2 z for l z 2l


10l 2 z z l z 2l 6l z
3 3 3 2
for 2l z 3l
Longitudinal direction
0.7 Beam 1
0.4 Beam 2
0.1 Beam 3
0.2 Beam 4

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 61/92

Drawing influence surface



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15




Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 62/92

Drawing influence surface



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15






Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 63/92


1. We have to distribute on the longitudinal beams the vertical loads acting

on the slab using the simply supported schemes seen before

2. Once the loads are on the beams we can use the influence lines shown
in the previous slide to calculate the bending moment in mid-span.

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 64/92

Concentrated loads
3.0 3.0 We dont place the third
notional lane because its
0.5 2.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.5 centroid will fall inside
the negative influence
150kN 150kN 100kN 100kN surface of load

F1 F2 F3 -0.2 F4

i , j 0.1
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 65/92

1. We have to distribute on the longitudinal beams the vertical loads acting

on the slab using the simply supported schemes seen before

F1 150kN
F2 150 100 250kN
F3 100kN

2. Once the loads are on the beams we can use the influence lines shown
in slide 61 to calculate the bending moment in mid-span.

z 8.1m
z 6.9m
Fi Fi

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 66/92

ya ,1 (6.9) yb ,1 (6.9) ya ,1 (8.1) yb ,1 (8.1) 0.6 2.0 2.60

yb ,2 (6.9) yb ,2 (8.1) 1.14
yb ,3 (6.9) yb ,3 (8.1) 0.285

M s , F 1 2 ya ,1 (6.9) yb ,1 (6.9) F1 2 2.60 150 780kNm

M s , F 2 2 yb ,2 (6.9) F2 2 1.14 250 570kNm
M s , F 3 2 yb ,3 (6.9) F3 2 0.285 100 57kNm

M S ,concentrated M S , F 1 M S , F 2 M S , F 3 780 570 57 1407 kNm

With Courbon model it was

M S ,concentrated 1484kNm 5% difference

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 67/92

Uniformly distributed loads

We dont place the third
notional lane because its
1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 centroid will fall inside
27 kN / m the negative influence
7.5kN / m
surface of load

q1 q2 q3 -0.2 q4

i , j 0.1
Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 68/92

1. We have to distribute on the longitudinal beams the vertical loads acting

on the slab using the simply supported schemes seen before

q1 13.5kN / m
q2 13.5 3.75 17.25kN / m
q3 3.75kN / m

2. Once the loads are on the beams we can integrate the influence lines
shown in slides 56 and 59 for a uniformed distributed load to calculate
the bending moment in mid-span.


Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 69/92

a system

z z2
2 1 for 0 z l
10 l
ya1 ( z )
1 3z 2 z l
5 2l for l z l
2 2

3l l z z 2

1 3z 2 l

0 a1
q y ( z ) dz 2
0 10 l 2
q 1

dz q

2 z


l z z2 3l
1 3z 2 l

2q 2 1 dz 2 z dz
0 10 l 5 2 l 2

l 2
3l 1
2q q l 2 0.625q
40 80 40

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Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
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4 Girder bridges 70/92

b system
10l 2 z 6l z for 0 z l
3 2

yb ,i ( z ) 1,i
z 3 z l 6l 2 z
for l z 2l


10l 2 z z l z 2l 6l z
3 3 3 2
for 2l z 3l


3l 2l

0 q yb , i ( z ) dz 1, i 2 q
2 z 3
6l 2
z dz l 10l
z 3
z l
6l 2
z dz
0 10l

l 2l

1,i z 3 z l 6l 2 z dz
3 2 3
2 z 6l z dz
10l 0 l
q 11 4 11 4 11
1,i 2
l l 1,i q l 2
10l 2 2 10

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Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 71/92

a + b systems

1 11 2 41 25 41
Beam 1 0.7 q l q q
40 10 100 4

11 2 11
Beam 2 0.4 q l q 0.44q
10 25

11 2 11
Beam 3 0.1 q l q 0.11q
10 100

Total 41 41
M S ,u .distr . q1 0.44q2 0.11q3 13.5 0.44 17.25 0.11 3.75 146kNm
4 4
With Courbon model it was

M S ,u .distr . 463kNm 37% difference

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 72/92

Shear in mid-span
Drawing influence surface
One dimensional influence line for longitudinal beam (continuous on
transverse beams)

z Rtb Rtb
l l
l 5m 2 2 l

z z2
1 2 for 0 z l
3 l l 6 EI b
ya1 ( z ) Rtb
z z z
2 3
3 l2
3l 1 1 for l z l

l l 2

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
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4 Girder bridges 73/92

Shear in mid-span
Drawing influence surface
We apply the virtual reactions Rtb on the girder and we calculate with
Courbon theory the global deformation of the deck.

Beam 4

Beam 3

Beam 2
Beam 1

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
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4 Girder bridges 74/92

Drawing influence surface

The equation of the surface drawn in the previous page is

2 z3 l 2 z
3 for 0 z l
l 6 3
x 2 z 3 ( z l )3 l 2 z
yb ( z , x) 0.7 0.9 3 for l z 2l
3b l 6 2 3
2 z 3 ( z l )3 ( z 2l )3 l 2 z
3 for 2l z 3l
l 6 2 2 3

Longitudinal direction

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 75/92

Drawing influence surface

That can become for the single beams

2 z3 l 2 z
3 for 0 z l
l 6 3
2 z 3 ( z l )3 l 2 z
yb ( z , x) 1,i 3 for l z 2l
l 6 2 3
2 z 3 ( z l )3 ( z 2l )3 l 2 z
3 for 2l z 3l
Transverse l 6 2 2 3

Longitudinal direction 0.7 Beam 1

0.4 Beam 2
0.1 Beam 3
0.2 Beam 4

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Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 76/92

Drawing influence surface



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15




Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 77/92

Drawing influence surface

-0.6 ya1+yb1


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15




Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 78/92

Concentrated loads
Longitudinal position of the three tandem systems
-0.6 ya1+yb1


Lane 3 Lane 1 Lane 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15




Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 79/92

Concentrated loads

Longitudinal location of previously seen concentrated loads

Each couple of tandem

systems should be
treated separately

3 Lane

2 Lane
1 Lane

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 80/92

Concentrated loads : 1 lane

1 Lane
3.0 F1 F2 150kN

0.5 2.0 0.5 ya ,1 (7.5) yb ,1 (7.5) 0.5 0.0 0.5

150kN 150kN ya ,1 (8.7) yb ,1 (8.7) 0.27 0.13 0.40

yb ,2 (7.5) 0
yb ,2 (8.7) 0.08

Vc ,1 F1 0.50 0.40 0 0.08

0.98 150 147 kN

F1 F2

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 81/92

Concentrated loads : 2 lane

The z corresponding to the maximum value
2 Lane of yb ,2 z has to be calculated. For
sake of simplicity it is done for 0<z<7.5
3.0 and then used for the symmetric points
with z>7.5m.
0.5 2.0 0.5 2 z3 l 2 z
yb ,2 z 0.4 3
100kN 100kN l 6 3

yb ,2 z 2 z 3 l 2 z
0 0.4 3 0
z z l 6 3

z l 4.08m

zt1 4.08 0.6 3.48m

F2 F3 zt1 4.08 0.6 4.68m

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 82/92

Concentrated loads : 2 lane

yb ,2 (11.52) yb ,2 (3.48) 0.140
2 Lane yb ,2 (10.32) yb ,2 (4.68) 0.140
yb ,3 (11.52) yb ,3 (3.48) 0.035
0.5 2.0 0.5 yb ,3 (10.32) yb ,3 (4.68) 0.035

100kN 100kN
F2 F3 100kN

Vc ,2 2 F2 0.140 0.035
0.350 100 35kN

F2 F3

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 83/92

Concentrated loads : 3 lane

The tandem loads are placed
symmetrically to the ones of the
3 Lane 2 lane with respect to the mid-
3.0 span of the bridge because of
the anti-symmetry of the
0.5 2.0 0.5 influence line of beams 3 and 4
yb ,3 (3.48) 0.035
50kN 50kN
yb ,3 (4.68) 0.035

yb ,4 (3.48) 0.070
yb ,4 (4.68) 0.070

F3 F4 50kN

Vc ,3 2 F3 0.070 0.035
F3 F4 0.070 50 3.5kN

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 84/92

Concentrated loads : total shear in mid-span

We add the contribution of the three lanes

VS ,concentrated Vc ,1 Vc ,2 Vc ,3 147 35 3.5 185.5kN

With Courbon model it was

VS ,concentrated 202kN 8.9% difference

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 85/92

Uniformly distributed loads

Location of uniformly distributed loads

Each lane should be

treated separately

3 Lane

1 Lane 2 Lane

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 86/92

a system N.B. For sake of simplicity the

following calculations are done
z z2 for 0<z<7.5 and then used for
1 for 0 z l
the symmetric values with
3l l 2
ya1 ( z ) z>7.5m.
z z z
2 3
3l 1 1 for l z l

l l 2

3l 3l
2 l
z z2 2 z z 2 z 3
q ya1 ( z )dz q 1 2 dz q 1 2 1 dz
0 0
3l l l 3l l l
l 1 z 3

1 z3 z
q z 2 dz z 2 1 dz
0 3l l 3l l l

1 25 1 1 1
ql ql q5 0.156q
12 192 64 32 32

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 87/92

b system
2 z3 l 2 z
3 for 0 z l
l 6 3
yb1 ( z ) 1,i
2 z (z l) l z
3 3 2

l3 6 for l z 2l
2 3

l 2 z3 l 2 z
2 z 3 ( z l )3 l 2 z

q yb1 ( z )dz 1,i q 3

l 6 3

dz q 3
l 6 2


0 0 l

2q l z 3 2q 2 z 3 ( z l )3 l 2 z
1,i 3 l z dz 3 dz
0 l
3l 2 l 6 2 3

1 65 1 5 11 11
1,i ql ql 1,i ql 1,i q5 1,i 1.72q
4 192 64 12 32 32

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 88/92

3l 2
q yb1 ( z )dz q yb1 ( z )dz is:

For beam 1: 1,11.72q 0.7 1.72q 0.156q 1.36q

For beam 2: 1,21.72q 0.4 1.72q 0.688q

For beam 3: 1,31.72q 0.1 1.72q 0.172q

For beam 4: 1,41.72q 0.2 1.72q 0.344q

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 89/92

Distributed loads
1 Lane 2 Lane
3.0 3.0
1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
27 kN / m 7.5kN / m

q1,1 q2,1 q2,2 q3,2

On 1st beam On 2nd beam On 2nd beam On 3rd beam
due to 1st lane due to 1st lane due to 2nd lane due to 2nd lane

q1,1 q2,1 27 / 2 13.5kN / m q2,2 q3,2 7.5 / 2 3.75kN / m

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 90/92

Distributed loads

1.5 1.5
7.5kN / m

3 Lane

q3,3 q4,3
On 3rd beam On 4th beam
due to 3rd lane due to 3rd lane

q3,3 q4,3 7.5 / 2 3.75kN / m

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 91/92

The shear due to distributed loads is then:

Beam 1 - lane 1: Vd ,1,1 1.36 q1,1 1.36 13.5 18.36kN

Beam 2 - lane 1: Vd ,2,1 0.688 q2,1 0.688 13.5 9.29kN

Beam 2 - lane 2: Vd ,2,2 0.688 q2,2 0.688 3.75 2.58kN

Beam 3 - lane 2: Vd ,3,2 0.172 q3,2 0.172 3.75 0.65kN

Beam 3 - lane 3: Vd ,3,3 0.172 q3,3 0.172 3.75 0.65kN

Beam 4 - lane 3: Vd ,4,3 0.344 q4,3 0.344 3.75 1.29kN

Pay attention to the signs !

See next slide

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

4 Girder bridges 92/92

Location of uniformly distributed loads

The distributed load on lane 3 is on the

opposite side with respect to lane 1 and 2.

The influence line on

beam 3 has for lane 3
opposite sign with
respect to lane 2 (point
b a).
The influence line on
3 Lane beam 4 would have
been negative in c but
1 Lane 2 Lane is positive in b


Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design
4 Girder bridges 93/92

Distributed loads : total shear in mid-span

We add the contribution of the three lanes

VS ,distributed Vd ,1,1 Vd ,2,1 Vd ,2,2 Vd ,3,2 Vd ,3,3 Vd ,4,3

18.35 9.29 2.58 0.65 0.65 1.29 31.5kN

With Courbon model it was

VS ,concentrated 32kN 0% difference

Politecnico di Torino
Department of structural and geotechnical engineering
Bridge design

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