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Guided Notes

Outline Notes
Ideologies Capitalism: Communism:

Potsdam: Yalta:

Yalta and Potsdam

Post-War Germany
US Aims vs Soviet Aims The US wanted: The Soviets
Create a _____ _______ _______, Encourage
Where all nations have a right to in other countries.
Access to ____ ___________. Control
________ to
Rebuild ___________. US influence.
Pause for Review Recall the aims of each country
Can you describe how the separation of Germany
created conflict?
Define communism and Capitalism.

The Truman doctrine and the The Truman doctrine declared that:
Marshall plan

The Marshall plan helped Europe by:

Both were designed to _________________ communism.

Policy of Containment

Check for Understanding Analyze the aims of the USs containment policy.

Berlin Blockade
Alliances NATO:

Warsaw Pact:

NATO Nations

Satellite States
Pause for Understanding Compare and Contrast the NATO alliance with
the Warsaw Pact.

Group the European nations that are part of

NATO and ones that are part of The Warsaw

Critical Thinking Questions Imagine you were living in Germany post ww2.
Which section would you prefer to live in? Why?
Evaluate the actions taken by both side. Is one
side more to blame than the other?

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