Managerial Decision Modeling Answers

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Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis, 5ed

Cliff T. Ragsdale
Check figures for selected odd problems.

Chapter 2
7. Optimal objective value = 10.55
9. Optimal objective value = 125
11. Optimal objective value = 154
13. Optimal objective value = 775
15. Optimal objective value = 32500
17. Optimal objective value = 0.75
19. Optimal objective value = 59300
21. Optimal objective value = 26000
23. Optimal objective value = 3.5 million

Chapter 3
3. Maximum profit = $775,000
5. Minimum cost per pound = $0.75
7. Maximum profit = $59,300
9. Maximum profit = $26,000
11. Minimal cost = $3.5 million
13. c. Maximum revenue = $444,000
15. c. Maximum new customers = 113,500
17. b. Maximum return = 10.25%
19. c. Maximum return = $8,898 (or 8.898%)
21. c. Minimum cost = $1,049 (in $1,000s)
23. c. Profit = $1,526,500
25. c. Minimum number of employees = 640
27. c. Maximum steam production = 32,174 pounds per ton
29. c. Minimum transportation cost = $730
31. c. Minimum cost = $44,067.67
33. c. Maximum profit = $1,007,750
35. c. Profit = $669,000
37. c. Maximum profit = $29,100
39. c. Minimum investment = $38,149
41. b. Total Finance Charge = $22,878.
43. Among other things, defer $3,000 in payments in March
45. b. Total Profit = $1,309,900
47. b. Branches 1, 2, 6 & 8 are efficient

Chapter 4
3. c. 4.67
d. 15.33.
5. a. 0
b. The new objective would be unbounded.
6. d. No.
h. Every additional ton of concentrate unit shipped from Eustis to Miami would increase costs by $50.
7. c. $225
9. b. The profit per acre of cantaloupes would have to increase by $99.50.
11. a. No.
e. Yes.
13. c. Yes. Profits would increase by $71,000=$7,000.
15. b. This constraint is nonbinding and its RHS could by 0.15 without affecting the solution.
17. c. Regular octane rating = 90.0, supreme octane rating = 102.11.
19. b. Location 6.
21. b. Macon. Each additional unit of capacity there increases costs by $36.45 (which is the cheapest way to
increase capacity).
e. $1 extra.
23. c. $0.
25. b. $0.
27. f. There are alternate optimal solutions. One is given by X1 = 2, X2 = 5, S3 = 5.
29. b. i. S=4

Chapter 5
3. a. Total cost = $3,398
7. The cost on each arc increases by $2,000.
9. c. 20,000 from Region 1 to Pine Hills, 10,000 from Region 1 to Eustis, 40,000 from Region 2 to Pine
Hills, 25,000 from Region 3 to Eustis, 35,000 from Region 4 to Sanford, 25,000 from Region 5 to Eustis,
5,000 from Region 5 to Sanford. Total cost $1,132,500.
11. c. Total Cost = $1,006,675
13. b. Minimum total cost of $67,825.
15. c. Total Profit = $12,750
17. b. Minimum total cost of $2,700.
19. c. Minimum total cost = $285
21. c. Total cost = $1,875
23. c. Total layover hours = 15, longest layover time = 7 hours.
25. c. Total cash required = $273,658
27. c. The maximum flow is 55 tons.
29. c. Total cost: $20,150.
31. c. Maximum flow = 5 sets of connecting flight plans.
33. Total cost = $270

Chapter 6
7. c. Total cost = $2,512
9. c. Minimum total cost = $1,475,000
11. c. Total cost = $42,300
13. c. Total NPV = $1,925,000
15. c. Maximum monthly rental income = $23,200
17. c. Minimum cost = $242,000
19. c. Total cost = $7,800,000.
21. c. Total cost = $63,900.
23. c. Maximum amount of money at the beginning of year 1 = $197,925
25. c. Minimum total cost = $715,000.
27. c. Profit = $545,444.
29. c. A total of 395,000 people can be reached within 4 minutes.
31. b. Total cost = $855,000
33. a. Total hubs = 8, Total coverage = 55.

Chapter 7
5. d. None.
7. c. X1 = 8.57 and X2 = 0.857
9. c. Wythe = 3.33, Giles = 3.67, Maximum excess = 6.667
11. b. Minimum objective value = 2
13. b. Min cost = $0.865 per pound, Min Fat Content = 5%
15. b. Maximum Deviation = 13.53%
17. b. Sulfur 1100, Coal dust 1.7, Steam 32,174
19. b. Total Cost = $3470
21. b. Best possible value for objective 1 = 1965, Best possible value for objective 2 = 67.4%
23. c. Max Deviation = 1.97%
25. b. Optimal solution: S = 6 , A= 6
27. b. A = 18,055.70, B = -0.1266
29. The optimal solution is: X2A= X2B = X1C = X2D = X1E = 1, d=14

Chapter 8
7. c. Profit = $2,648.78
9. c. Maximum profit = $1,668.8 (in $000s)
11. a. Minimize r . This is a linear objective.
13. Yield = 12.51%
15. c. Model 1 = 34, Model 2 = 14, Model 3 = 32
17. a. Day price = $0.1307, Night price = $0.0805
19. c. Maximum profit = $84.52
21. a. 399.22 miles of pipe would be needed.
23. b. The solution is: X=35, Y=57
25. b. Prob. of receiving all donations = 0.15396
27. b. Distance = 25.486
29. a. Variance=0.00088, Return=10.68%.
31. b. This generates $952 in expected earnings.
33. a. Max lateness = 30.
35. b. Tour length = 7,289.6
37. b. 97 out of 127 or 76%

Chapter 9
7. c. R2=0.922.
9. a. The relation between mileage and price seems to be fairly linear while the relationship between model
year and price appears to be quadratic.
11. c. The R2 statistic indicates that approximately 96.6% of the total variation in the % of O-ring
expansion is accounted for by temperature.
13. d. R2 = 0.9837.
15. d. 90.961
17. c. R2 = 0.0502.
f. R2 = 0.774.
19. b. Years of service. R2 = 0.737.
21. a. b0 = 6.030, b1 = 0.170
Chapter 10
5. c. Overall classification accuracy is 26/30 or 86.7%.
7. b. Overall classification accuracy is 25/30 or 83.3%.
9. b. Overall accuracy = 66.67%
11. b. Overall accuracy = 94.44%

Chapter 11
3. b. Forecast for September = 38.5 + 0.25(32 - 38.5) =36.875
5. c.
Forecasts 2-Period 4-Period
21 542.0 533.8
22 547.0 536.4
7. b. Forecast for year 21 = 553.56 + 113.21 = 566.77
Forecast for year 22 = 553.56 + 213.21 = 579.98
9. c. Forecast for year 21 = 552 + 111.42 = 563.42
Forecast for year 22 = 552 + 211.42 = 574.84
11. Nonstationary.
Forecast for year 15 = 172250 + 28500 = 189250
13. b. Forecast for year 14 = 185266 + 18699 = 193965
Forecast for year 15 = 185266 + 28699 = 202665
15. b. Approximately 54.8% of the total variation in the number of units sold is being accounted for by this
Seasonal Index
1 84.2%
2 92.3%
3 126.8%
4 96.8%
17. c. Forecast for quarter 1 of 2006 = 41.9-4.37 = 37.5
Forecast for quarter 2 of 2006 = 41.9+0.56 = 42.5
Forecast for quarter 3 of 2006 = 41.9+11.23 = 53.1
Forecast for quarter 4 of 2006 = 41.9+1.10 = 43.0
19. a. = 0.114, = 1.0
21. a. = 0.330, = 0.280, = 0.533
23. The data appear to be non-stationary.
25. a. w1 = 0.789, w2 = 0.015, w3 = 0.091, w4 = 0.105
27. a. = 0.678, = 0.
29. b. The adjusted-R2 for this model is 45.9%. This is lower than the adjusted-R2 for the linear trend
model, suggesting that the quadratic term is unnecessary.
31. a. = 0.179, =0.3569, =0.5
33. Nonstationary.
35. a. = 0.6517, =0.091
37. Nonstationary.
39. a. MSE = 0.0315
41. a. MSE = 0.06758
43. b.
Period Month Forecast
83 11 6.36
84 12 6.36
45. a. MSE = 21757.5
47. a. MSE = 21757.5
49. The data appear to be fairly stationary.
51. a. MSE = 0.05434
53. a. MSE = 0.5434
55. a. MSE = 997.967
57. a. MSE = 912.868

Chapter 12
3. b. Approximately $3,200,000
5. b. About 67% of the time
7. a. Mean = 900, Std Dev = 11.19, P(<920) = 0.9641
9. b. min $4,390, max $8,190
11. b. Expected profit $3,267
13. a. Average $20,819,912
15. c. Probability of investment being worth more than $1,000,000 0.11
17. b. Expected NPV $2.0 million
19. See file: Prb12_19.xls
a. Average total cost $399,827
21. a. About $9.15.
23. d. -$144,540
25. d. Probability of total weekly claims exceeding $20,000 0.15
27. b. Probability of selling at least 10 cars 0.29
29. b. 8 employees should be scheduled.
31. c. About $7.12

33. a. $23,051
35. b. Approximately 0.845

Chapter 13
5. c. 30 minutes
7. a. Expected service time = 1/40 = 0.025 hours (or 1.5 minutes)
9. With 3 servers the average waiting time is 0.3057 hours or 18.34 minutes.
11. b. Arrival rate = 1/2 per minute
13. b. w-wq = 0.1002-0.0585=0.0417 hours or 2.502 minutes
15. a. 50/4=12.5 arrivals per minute per chute
17. c. 0.0408 hours or approximately 2.45 minutes
19. a. 14 (arrival rate) 0.1393 (prob of balk) $55 (profit margin) = $107.26 per hour
21. a. 0.0486
23. a. 45.3%

Chapter 14
5. d. 18 time periods
7. c. Critical Path: ABDGH
9. Total Crash Cost $246
11. c. 26 weeks
13. c. 27 days
15. c. Expected Time = 10.17
Expected Variance = 0.50
17. c. 39 days.
19. b. ~ 43 days
21. a. 49 days, $34,500
23. b. 61.9 days
25. d. Average finish time: 352.54 days

Chapter 15
5. g. .005*30,000 = $150
7. e. Order 15
g. $2.59
9. a Large development
c. Medium development
11. b. Building a small development provides the greatest expected utility.
13. b. This decision rule results in a tie.
f. Buy now.
15. c. $5.3603.
17. b. Option 2 should be selected
19. b. Bid $7 million, EMV = $7.98 million
21. P(HD | Pos EKG)=0.667.
23. b. 0.600
25. P(Credit Denied | Bad Credit Risk) = 0.165/0.2 = 0.825.
29. c. Sedan 2 has the highest weighted score
31. c. Select model Y

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