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Alhamdulillah, firstly we want to thanked Allah SWT because we had

completely our assignment for Creative and Critical Thinking (MGT315). We are
indebted to our lecturer Madam Syukurriah thats always help us in improving
and give knowledge to complete our assignment well. We are satisfied with
her because she motivate us and sacrifice her time to explain, showing
example, teaching us with a good eloboration for us to understand more
about our assignment.

Beside that , we would like to thanks and much appreciation to our group
members that has always give cooperation and has always been dedicated in
making the assignment successful no matter how hard it is. Thank you very
much because give many support and suggestion. Without their support this
assignment are impossible to be complete successfully.

Lastly, we want to thank to our family for their support in no matter what we
do. They also help us a lot such as providing us with necessary financial to
make this assignment a success according on the due date given by lecturer.

Melaka, also known as Malacca the Historical City is located in West Malaysia
(Peninsular Malaysia). Together with Georgetown in Penang, Melaka is
awarded the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 7 July 2008. Melaka is a
multiracial melting pot as a result of intermarriages since the beginning-since
the days of the Melaka Malay Sultanate. As it is a small state, public transport
can connect you to places that you want to visit while traveling in Melaka. At
city center, most of the museums and heritage sites are within walking
distance which enables you to incur lower cost.

Melaka the Historical City may sound boring to many and perhaps place a not-
so-good first impression to tourists who are planning to visit Malaysia. Of
course, minus the few who really are history lovers. Let the truth be revealed-it
is a city where the past meets the present which make her truly interesting.

Melaka has a lot to offer to both local and overseas tourists. From shopping to
historical sites to food to beaches. I'm sure we'll be able to find something that
suit our travel plans and budgets here, be it a business trip, a family trip,
backpacking or even home stay programmes which enables us to experience
Malaysian culture first hand.

Melaka is world-renown for her long history, historical sites, cultures and
cuisines where it has charmed numerous visitors to the shores since the
founding in the 15th. Century . People can feel it unique history, see the sites,
enjoy the cultures, hospitality and taste the delightful cuisines.

Melaka is not only rich with historical and heritage sites but also culturally and
the must-try local delicacies like cendol, satay celup and chicken rice ball,
People can eating round the clock. There are some food outlets other than fast
food which operates 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. In addition to that,
there is a great variety of food to choose from.

Today, Melaka is well developed and is a shopping haven with malls like
Mahkota Parade, Dataran Pahlawan and Hatten Square, which are near to
most of the historical sites in the City Center as well as the new Aeon Shopping
Complex. Shopaholics will definitely have a great time shopping from high end
to affordable products. We move forward but we never lose touch with our
origins because it's the past thats what makes the present. Besides, there a lot
of vendors who offer interesting souvenirs to bring home for friends and
family. You will leave your footsteps here but bring back home lots of
remarkable memories when traveling in Melaka.

Malacca is a small city with many eye-catching sights and attractive modern
establishments. It is easy to get around on foot or trishaw to explore the many
places that make it unique. You'll learn about the rich heritage and history
which has shaped Malacca into the unofficial historic capital of Malaysia.

The most prominent contribution that Malacca has lent to the Malaysian
cultural landscape is the Baba-Nyonya culture. Possessing an entirely new
blend of customs, traditions, food and lifestyle, the Nyonya are especially
prominent throughout Malacca. Although the city is a mix of old and new with
historical buildings standing side by side with ultra modern shopping centres it
retains this seamless blend of cultures.

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