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tza5055 e0hEtn
stulof eqt 1o AbololsAqd eql
To my wife
To my afiist mother
To my sufgeon father
To my maternal grandfather

P ublisher ; Sarena Wolf aard

Commissioning Editor: Claire Wilson
Project Manager: NancY Arnott
Designer : Stewart Larking
g00Z otu0J0l {aupIg srnol }S erqdlepelrq6 pr0}x0 lr0A M0N u0pu0l q0rnqurp3
grouoH srnol rc pele suerl
roLllnP oql lq s0u,mn;p eurO;o 5gq
luellles prergg rossalord lq pror,re;o;
fue6rng pueH lo sorlorcos uerlell pue uecuourv olll +o requoy11
(n=C) Ilercog fue6rng pueH qcuerl g8-/g6L lueprsord
[lercog A6ololeunprf pue crpeedoqlro r-]cuorl oq] lo roquron
sued 'ourclpol4 lo ft;nce1 'clullC ;ecr6rng +o peeH roLurol
s;elrdsog sued 'uoebrng reuro3
peoH pue elprlS
3t^lod'uunloo leurds or-ll e lI^|nlo^
slulor oqt +o
A6olotsAqd oql
An imprint of Elsevier Llmited

Originally published in French by fOitions Maloine, Paris, France under

the title: Physiologie articulaire, Vol 3, 6th edition
O Maloine, 2006

Sixth edition published in English

O 2008 Elsevier Limited, A{l rights reserved.

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ISBN-I3 : 97 807 02029592

ISBN-10: 0702029599

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watxffHsn Tllun il'{um onHHaffi
VL sor]r^ec cr^led pue leurujopqe eql ]o souJnlo^ oqt
-2 I
OL uCIerqderp crnled eq1
B9 1lenn crnled eq1
99 e;prrO crn;ed eql lo slurol eql uo uorlrsod lo ecuenllul eLlI
v9 lurol lee0Accocorces oq] pue srsAqdu{s crqnd eq1
Z9 uorlelnu ]o souooq] snoue^ eql
09 uorlBlnurOlunoc pue uorlelnN
slueuueOrl cerl ro;ces eq1
^89 99 sed{} leurds
snouE^ eql pue Lunrces eq] lo loceJ relncune oqf
v9 lurol cerlrorces eql lo secelrns relncrue oqf
Z9 elpr6 crnled eql +o ernlcolrqcrv
09 e1p,rr0 crnled oq] +o lopoLu lecrueqcon
BV sexos oM] eql ur e;prrO crnled eq1
9V olprlC cr^led oql rZ reldeqg
vv sluouJo^oLU
leurds 1o se6uer 1eqo10 oql lo lueussosse 1ecrurlO
ZV eurds oql +o uorlelor lerxe Jo se6uer leqolC
0v eurds eql jo uorxolJ le;elel lo seOuer leqolC
..)o eurds eq1
lo uorsuolxo-uorxol] Ouunp ]uoLuenour 1o seOue; leqolC
90 uorxol+ lerolel 6ur.rnp eurds or.ll +o uorlelor crleLUolnV
vt csrp lerqouonrolur oq] ul slueuuonoLr fue1ueuue13
7C lo^ol proc o] petelor eJnlcnrls csrp ur suorlEUEn
0t csrp oq] uo Ourice socro] enrsse;du.ro3
BZ snsodlnd snelcnu oql uorlrqrqur releM
9Z ^q
lurol ;e;qe1ro^-ocsrp oq] lo
uoilezrlrqels-+los eql pue csrp eql Jo elels pepeolerd eq1
VZ lo^rMS E o] peuolr; snsodlnd snelonu eqf
ZZ csrp lerqouo^rolur oq] lo ernlcnrls
0z e6elurl lerqope^relur Jo sluoLuolo eql
BL erqeuon e Jo sluouoduuoc leuor]oun+ eql o
9t {poq ;e;qeuo^ oq} +o orntcnrls
VL sernlenrnc ;eurds eq1 o
ZI erqopo^ ;ecrdft oq] lo ernlcnrls
OL sornlenrnc leurds oq] lo lueLudo;enep oql
B sernle^rnc leurds oq] mern ;eqo;0 y
Io t5
o srxerneu oq]
]o rolcelord pue Apoq eq1 +o srxp :uurnloc ;eurds eq1 o
v srxe pe{e1s e :uLUnloc ;eurds eql I
7, uurnloo ;eurdg or-ll +o Mern leqolC V r I reldeqC
X uorlrpo qull oq] ol proMorol
tJ g'^
X uorlrpo r..trlxrs oq] ol proMeJoj o L00z
Labour 76
Micturition and defecation in the female t6
The male perineum BO

External landmarks of the pelvis: the lozenge of Michaelis

and the plane of Lewinneck

Ghapter 3l The Lumbar Spine B4

Global view of the lumbar sPine B6
Structure of the lumbar vertebrae BB
The ligamentous complex of the lumbar spine 90
Flexion-extension and lateral flexion of the lumbar spine 92
Rotation in the lumbar sPine 94
The lumbosacral hinge and spondylolisthesis 96
The iliolumbar ligaments and the movements at the
lumbosacral hinge 9B
The trunk muscles seen in horizontal section 100
The posterior muscles of the trunk 102
The role of the third lumbar and twelfth thoracic
vertebrae 104
The lateral muscles of the trunk 106
The muscles of the abdominal wall: the rectus abdominis
and the transversus abdominis 108
The muscles of the abdominal wall: the internal and
external oblique muscles 110
The muscles of the abdominal wall: the curve of the waist 112
The muscles of the abdominal wall: rotation of the
trunk 114
The muscles of the abdominal wall: flexion of the trunk 116
The muscles of the abdominal wall: straightening of the
lumbar lordosis 118
The trunk as an inflatable structure. the Valsalva manoeuver 120
The statics of the lumbar spine in the standing position 122
The sitting and asymmetrical standing positions: the
musician's spine 124
The spine in the sitting and recumbent positions 126
VI Range of flexion-extension of the lumbar spine 128
Range of Iateral flexion of the lumbar spine 130
Range of rotation of the thoracolumbar spine 132
The intervertebral foramen and the radicular collar 134
The various types of disc prolaPse 136
Disc prolapse and the mechanism of nerve root
compression 138
Lasegue's sign 140
9tz slurol lerqeue^ocun oql ]e sluou]o^oul eql
V LZ, eurds lecl^roc roMol otli u! uolsuolxo-uolxeli
ZIZ ourds lect^roc roMol oq] Jto sluoLlleoll oqf
0lz erqouo^ lecr^rec lecld^] e Jo ornlcnlls eqf
802 (penurluoc) slueLre0rl ;elrdrccoqns oqf
902 slueuue0rl ;elrdrccoqns oqt
v0z eurds oql +o slueue6rl ;elrdrccoqns oq.I
ltA lelrdrcco-oluelie oLl] ul uorsuelxe-uorxolj pue uorxoll lerolel
002 slurol ;elrdrcco-o]uel]e oLlt ul uotle]ou
86t lurol lelrdrcco-o]uel]e oq] ]o sece]rns lelnclue eql
96r slurol lerxe-oluel]e uetpour pue lerelel eql u! uotle]ou
v6l slutol
lerxe-oluelle uBrpoL-u pue leretBl oq] u! uolsuolxo-uolxell
z6l sluto[ lerxe-o]uel]e oLl.l_
06t eerqoueA
lecr^roc eerql lsrU eql Jo uotleluoserdet ctleuuuuer6et6
BBt oloqM e se uo>le1 eurds lectnroc oqf
98L eurdg lecr^roC oq.I :g raldeqg
VBL uotleuoqd :sproc leco^ otll pue stpol0 eq1
z8l 0urnnollems 0uunp
s{erure oLl} lo uollcelotd eql pue solcsnlu ;eeOufue1 eqt
0Br ernnooueuu r-.lcrluroH eqi pue Outq0noc Jo L,ustueqcoul eql
BLI se0elryec lelsoc eq] ]o fttcl1sele eq1
9Lt ecuer 1d u-roc crceroL1l
vLl eceds peop oqf
ZLI ''' srorllo pue suercrsnLu 'solelqle :sedt{1 fuolerrdseg
OLL 0urqleerq 1o {6oloq1edots{qd eq1
89r soulnloA rtolejrdseg
oot seOessed {;olerrdser oLll ul Mol}lv
v9t selcsnLU leutLUopqe
eq] pue r-uOe;qderp oql ueo4oq uustOteu{s-uusruo6eluy
z9l selcsnur fuolerrdser eq1
091 uorlce jo opolu slr pue uuOe;qdetp eq1
Bqt selcsnLU
lelsocourols pue lelsocrolul elll lo uollce lo opoy\
ocr uorlerrdsur
6uunp eue;d ;e11tOes oLl] ul xeroql eq] +o suotleLurolop eLjl
v9t uJnurols eql +o pue seOe;tuec lelsoc oLli lo sluoLuenon
z9l speoq lelsoc yo slutof oql le sluoLuo^oul qtU
0qt sluroI lerqoUo^o]soc eqf
BVt eurds crce;oLll oq] +o uotlelol letxv
9Vl eurds crceroq] oq] jo uorxel] lerelel pue uotsuolxe-uotxoll
vvt erqeueA
crceroql q4loMl eql pue erqepo^ ctceroql lectdft eq1
zvl xeroqf oLll pue eurdg ctceroql eql It reldeqg
Orientation of the articular facets: the composite axis of
lateral f lexion-rotation 218
Combined lateral flexion-rotation in the lower cervical
Geometric illustration of the movement of lateral
f lexion-rotation 222
Mechanical model of the cervical spine 224
Movements of lateral flexion-rotation in the mechanical
model 226
Comparrson of the model and the cervical spine during
movements of lateral flexion-rotation 228
Compensations in the suboccipital spine 230
Ranges of movements of the cervical spine 101
Balancing the head on the cervical spine 234
Structure and function of the sternocleidomastoid muscle 236
The prevertebral muscles: the longus colli 238
The prevertebral muscles: the longus capitis, the rectus
capitis anterior and the rectus capitis lateralis 240
The prevertebral muscles: the scalene muscles 242
Global view of the prevertebral muscles 244
Flexion of the head and of the neck 246
The posterior neck muscles 248
The suboccipital muscles 250
Actions of the suboccipital muscles, lateral flexion and
extension 252
Rotatory action of the suboccipital muscles 254
The posterior neck muscles: the first and fourth planes 256
The posterior neck muscles: the second plane 258
The posterior neck muscles: the third plane 260
Extension of the cervical spine by the posterior neck
muscles 262
Synergism-antagonism of the prevertebral muscles and the
sternocleidomastoid muscle 264
The ranges of movements of the cervical spine taken as a
whole zoo
Relationship of the neuraxis to the cervical spine 268
Relationship of the cervical nerve roots to the spine 270
The vertebral artery and the neck blood vessels 272
vlil The importance of the vertebral pedicle: its role in the
physiology and pathology of the spine 274

Ghapter 6: The Head 276

The cranium 278
The cranial sutures 280
The cranium and the face 282
The visual field and localization of sounds 284
9rt eurdg lecr^roC eql +o lepo/\ lecrueqcon
vlt o^reu reolqcor] or.ll Jo
pue selcsnuJ enbrlqo oq] lo olor oql :ecue16 enbr;qo eq1
U IU ecuel0 enbrlqo oq] to Luelqord lecrueqcour eLl_L
0r0 ecue6renuoc eAe ur solcsnLU relnco eql
B0t sluoLUoAoLU
o{e lecrye^ pue le}uozuoq ur solcsnLU relnco oLl-L
90t srsorqueuo lceped e :11eqe{e eq1
r0t slueLuo^oLIl relnqrpueur ur solcsnur ]o oloj oqf
z0t 6uruedo mel ut pe^lo^ur solcsnur oqf
00t ornsolc mel 1o selcsn17\
B6Z lurof relnqrpueLuoroduro] eq] ]o s]uoLLoAoLL oqf
962 lurol ;e;nqrpueuuorodLUel oq] +o eln]cnr]s oqf
v6z s1u roI relnqrpueLUoroduuel eq1
Z6Z suorsserdxo lercel
062 (penurluoc) slueuenour dr-1
887, sdrl eq1 Jo siueLUo^oLU eqI
9BZ solcsnur lerce] oql
The spine is no longer an anatomical mystery now
that its challenging physiology has been explained
in this book. Despite the variations peculiar to its
and the myth of a complicated spinal column
naturally fades away.

Further expanded in its sixth edition, this thought-

various segments - cerwical, thoracic, lumbar and
sacral - the structural and functional principles provoking reference book, with its exciting
remain identical whatever the segment. Its physi- subject and extraordinary layout, both didactic
C and enchanting, will be avidly read. So it will be
o ology is actually simple and logical, yet how many

fbolish things have been said and written about
and done to the spine!
useful, or rather essential, bqually for medical stu-
dents and for any practitioner interested in the
locomotor apparatus: ofihopaedists, rheuma-
,.L .X
Everything seems simple when it becomes clear
that protection of the neural axis must be assured,
tologists, physicians, neurosurgeons, physiothera-
pists, osteopaths and even musicians and top-level
a along with a careful balance between the two athletes interested in understanding the workings
principal functions of the spine: stability and oI their own bodies.
,.,.O -C mobility. Crowning the vertebral column is the

E -4-)

head, which plays a social and relational role
inasmuch as it is the seat of the flve senses, of
which four are directly connected to the brain.
Adalbert I. Kapandji deserves heartfelt thanks for
having taken us back so enjoyably to certain basic

The triumph of Adalbeft Kapandji is to have Professor G. Saillant

shown all this simply and naturally by means of a Member of the Academy of Surgery;
clear, understandable text enlivened by extraordi- Former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Piti6
narily simple diagrams and colour drawings. In SalpOtridre (Paris W);
this book everlthing seems perfectly simple - if Former Head of Orthopaedics at the Piti6
only someone had thought of it like this before - Salptridre Hospital.


'..o The physiology of the spine cannot be said to be to understand and explain. Dr Kapandji's achieve-
easy even for surgeons who specialize in locomo- ment, which was already outstanding in the lirst
tor problems. Someone with a feeling for mechan- two volumes, is even more striking in the volume
C ics, an affinity fbr precision, an ability to see things it is my privilege to introduce.

three-climensionally had to feel a vocation for this
work - and that person had to be an able teacher
with a gift for simplifying complex ideas. Such are
In my opinion his success is complete. I emy
young surgeons who have such a book available
the qualities of Adalbert Kapandji, who has put to them. I have no doubt that, in making the
.C understanding of the mechanics of the spine
into this work his great ar-tistic talent along with
,,.L =ts his sense of precision and of beauty, all of which easier and in explaining the forces that cause
,o O
have resulted in a most inventive layout. Ve
all learned anatomy from diagrams, but they were
deformities, this book contributes enormously to
the very important progress that is being made
flat and fixed, whereas with his cut-out models and will continue to be made in the tfeatment of
-P Dr Kapandji has created the three-dimensional spinal lesions.
Professor Mede d'Aubign
The task of teaching the spine used to be more
difficult, since its complex movements are harder
'.,(poq ueunq Jql
Jo sJrurqJJur sr.tyad aql qll^\ Surpap raldeqr aqt ayduuxa roJ s?
-orq eql ur p)lsJJJlur SJJpEJJ rrro{ uor}uellE 'peppe uaaq aAEq sraldrqr.uJU JruoS 'palu8qsa.,lur
p),r\JUJJ sJ^-rJSJp iyluanbasuor puu'luJluoJ JrE a;II puorssa;ord pue dep,{ralJ ur pJtdopr
q}oq '{ooq ,nau,{lalayduor e d1ra.r
puu 1no.{u1 ur sa;nlsod prrsdqd tueJaJJrp 'aurds Jeqrunl Jql uo
sr (7 aunlol JJntnJ aqf pur) I aurnlol Jo trql raldtqr eql uI '^\eJJs.reFrrpad JqrJo uortJnpoJtrrr
a{I ' attlnlo^ Jo uor}rpe qxrs slqt '1u;a,r6 's8ur aql ol s>lueql 'fta8.tns leulds ur sJJuEApu lra;8
-^\l,Jp pur8r-ro qU,{\ pelcJ}snllr sr slql IIV 'uors ot pal seq alrrpad Izrqrurl JrIt tnoqe a8pal.uou>1
-serclxa IETJEJ JIlJLIlud aqt Jo sruJal ur paureldxa sr lueuodul'uorlelndrueru Lsrunlr uo.r; a8uruup
z7 salJsllru anbrrqo eqt Jo,{Sololsfqd eql'sJruerlJJru ol alqlldaJsns L1q3q sr tr ]"q1 rurqrile^ eql
Jo selnJ JruES Jrll ,(aqo lsnru 'JJplnoqs Jql pue or pJ{ull dyasoyr os sr qJrrl,lr 'ltaftv I"JqJuJ^ Jql
drq aqr a>1q 'adil JrrrES Jqt Jo sJeqlo o1 ayqard uo a8ed E Jo rroplppp eel s^ureluor aurds IBJr,\-rJJ
of, -tuoc 'lu1o{ p;rl.raqds pepr slqt pue 'srsoJqueuJ aql uo ratdeqr aql 'aycluexJ JoJ :pJrlJrJuJ uJaq
t= lra;rad e Jo asoql aru sleqaia Jqr Jo sluarueloru a,teq s.raldeqr leur8r-rcl JIIJ 'JJnlelJuJurou IEUorwu
Jrl] ltqt ool uJual ar16 'Sulpaa; ul lelluJsse os -JJlur,lrollo.J sruJJl IEJrruolEuE JrlI 'lssJeJ dyarrlua
'1ruo[ .tepqrpueruo.rodruat aql 3o dSolorsdqd aqr uJJq suq lxa] Jq] aruanbasuor ul puu 'sa8ud
o3o- Jo uorldr.rr.^Jp E Jrul] lsJU arll JoJ sJJnpoJlul peJrl
arll uo laldtqr y 'fua,t11ap pug JnoqEI pug uollJJJJ
/Aau aruos sE IIJrd. sE pJpps uJJq e Eq sJUo ,^aJU
trnq JnoloJ ur euopeJ uaaq saluyd Jqt IIE a,ruq .,(po
-=' 'uortuca;ap'uolteulJrl Jo selll^llJu prrSoyorsdqd tou :I Jrunlol Jo pEJI Jql s,lrollo.I s7upol' aql to
Jrlt u1 runaur.rad
Jqt Jo JIoJ )qt 3u1q1nsap pue tC8o1otsf,q4 aqJ lo Jrunlo^ Jo uortrpJ snlJ
= ^\JU
ffiW&Wwffiffi ONE
A Global View of the
Spinal Golumn
The human species belongs to the subphylum Vertebrata and rep-
resents the final stage of a long evolution that stamed with fish
after they left the sea to colonize the land.

Its locomotof system, centred on the spinal column, or the spine,

is the result of the transformation of a prototype akeady recogniz-
able in the crossopterygians, which were four-legged and caudate
animals intermediate between fish and reptiles. All the compo-
nents of this original model are still present in humans with some
modifications, notably these two:
. the loss of the tail
. the transition to the erect position.
These changes have wrought profound alterations in the axis of
the human body (i.e. the spinal column), which nonetheless is still
made up of short bones stacked one on top of another and still
able to move freely among themselves (i.e. the vertebrae).

This osteoarticular complex not only suppolts the body but also
protects the spinal cofd, a veritable message-tfansmitting cable
linking the muscles of the body and the brain, which lies within
the protective cranium at the top of the spinal column.

Ve share this spinal column with our cousins, the great apes,
which are also bipedal, albeit intemittently. As a result, our spinal
column is different from theirs.
'/) \\
, \y
\ t\[
The spinal column: a stayed axis
The spinal column, the veftical axis of the body, In one-legged standing (Fig. 2), when the body
must feconcile two contradictory mechanical weight rests entirely on one lower limb, the pelvis
requirements: rigidity and plasticity. It achieves tilts to the opposite side and the vertical column
this goal, despite the apparently unstable stacking is forced to bend as follows:
of the vertebrae, as a result of stays built into its . in the lumbar region it becomes convex
Yery stfuctufe. towards the resting limb
. then concave in the thoracic region
In fact, when the body is in the position of sym-
metry Gig. 1) the spinal column as a whole can . and finally convex once mofe.
be viewed as a ship's mast resting on the pelvis The musctrlar tighteners automatically adapt
and extending to the head. At shoulder level it their tension to festore equilibrium under the
suppofts a main-yard set transversely (i.e. the guidance of spinal reflexes and of the central
shoulder girdle); at all levels it contains ligamen- nefvous system, and this active adaptation is under
tous and muscular tigbteners arranged as stays the control of the extrapyfamidal system, which
linking the mast itself to its attachment site (i.e. constantly readjusts the tonus of the various pos-
the hull of the ship or the pelvis in the body). tural muscles.

A second system of stays is closely related to the The plasticity of the spine resides in its make-up
scapular girdle and has the shape of a lozenge, (i.e. multiple components superimposed on one
with its long axis ver-tical and its short axis hori- another and interlinked by ligaments and muscles).
zontal. -ff/hen the body is in the position of sym- Its shape can therefote be alterecl by tbe muscu-
metry, the tensions in the stays are balanced on lar tighteners tahile its rigidity is maintained.
both sides, and the mast is vertical and straight.


\ /\
The spinal column: axis of the body and
protector of the neuraxis
The spinal column is in effect the central pillar neuraxis and the spinal nefves, as we shall see
of the trunk 6ig. 3). Its thoracic segment (cross- later.
section b) lies more posteriody, one-quarter deep
in the thorax; its ceruical segment (cross-section Figure 4 also shows the four segments of the
a) lies more centrally, one-third deep in the neck, spine:
and its lumbar segment (cross-section c) lies cen- . the lumbar segment (1), where the lumbar
trally in the middle of the trrtnk. Local factors can vertebrae L are centrally located
explain these variations in position as follows: . the thoracic segment (2), where the
. in the cervical region, the spine supports the vertebrae T lie posteriodY
head and must lie as close as possible to its . the cervical segment (3), where the
centre of gravity vertebrae C are almost central
. in the thoracic region, it is displaced . the sacrococcygeal segment (4), formed by
posteriody by the mediastinal organs, two composite bones S.
especially the heart
The sacrum is formed by the ftision of the
. in the lumbar region, where it must suppolt five sacral veftebrae and is part of the pelvic
the weight of the entire upper trunk, it girdle.
resumes a central position and iuts into the
abdominal cavity. The coccyx arliculates with the sacrum and is the
In addition to supporting the tntnk, the spine is vestige of the tail seen in most mammals. It is
the protector of the neuraxis (Fig. 4): the ver- formed by the fusion of four to six tiny coccygeal
tebral canal starts at the foramen magnum and vertebrae.
provides a flexible and efficient casing for the
spinal cord. This protection, howevet, is not Below the second lumbar uertebra (L2), where
without its downside, since, under certain cir- lies the conus medullaris, the spinal canal con-
cllmstances and at certain locations, the protec- tains onlythe filumterminale internum, which
tive casing can come into conflict with the has no neurological function.
t arn6lj I arn6ll
A global view of the spinal curvatures
The spine as a whole is straight when viewed . the cervical curvaturc (4) or cervical
from the front or from the back (Fig. 5). Some lordosis, which is concave posteriody and
people may show a slight latenl curvature, which whose concavity is proportional to the degree
of course remains within normal limits. of thoracic kyphosis.
In the well-balanced erect postufe, the posterior
In this position the line of the shoulders (s) and part of the cranium, the back and the buttocks lie
the line of the sacral fossae (p), which is the tangential to a vertical plane (e.9. a wall). The
short diagonal of Micbaelis's lozenge (red dotted depth of each curvatufe is measured by the per-
line; see later, p. 82), ate parallel and horizontal. pendicular drawn from this vertical plane to the
apex of the curvature. These perpendiculars will
On the other hand, when viewed from the side be further defined later (see pp. 86 and 234).
(i.e. in the sagittal plane; Fig. 6), the spine con-
tains four curvatufes, which are, caudocranially' These curvatufes offset each other so that the
the following: plane of the bite b, represented by a piece of
. the sacral curvature (1), which is fixed as a cardboard held between the teeth, is horizontal
result of the defrnitive fusion of the sacral and the eyes h are automatically directed to the
vertebrae and is concave anteriody horizon.
. the lurnbar curvature or lumbar lordosis
(2), which is concave posteriody - when this In the sagittal plane, these cutwatures can be asso-
concavity is exaggerated the term lumbar ciated with curuatures in tbe coronal plane,
hypedordosis is used known commonly as humps or medically as
. the thoracic cunratufe (3), also called
thoracic kyphosis, especially when it is
g arn6ll I ornbll
The development of the spinal curvatures
During phylogeny (i.e. evolution from the pre- In quadrupeds tlire four limbs are weight-bearing
hominids to Homo sapiens) the transition from @lue arrows), whereas in bipeds only the lower
the quadruped to the biped state (Fig. 7) led limbs are weight-bearing. Thus the lower limbs
first to the straightening and then to the inuersion are now subject to compression,whlle the upper
of tbe lumbar cuructture (black arrows) from limbs, hanging free (red arrow), are subject to
concave anteriody to concave posteriody (i.e. the elongation.
lumbar lordosis).
During ontogeny (i.e. the development of the
In fact, the angle formed by the straightening of individual) similar changes can be seen in the
the trunk was only partially absorbed by retrover- lumbar region (Fig. 8, after T.A. Willis). On
sion of the pelvis, and bending of the lumbar tlne Jirst day of lxfe (a) the lumbar spine is concave
column had to occur to absorb the rest. This anteriorly and at 5 montlcs @) it is still slightly
explains the lumbar lordosis, which varies concave anteriody. It is only at 13 montbs (c) that
according to the degree of anteversion or retfo- the lumbar spine becomes straight. From 3 years
version of the pelvis. At the same time the cerwical onwards (d) the lumbar lordosis begins to appear,
spine, which articulated with the cranium cau- becoming obvious by 8 years (e) and assuming
dally, was progressivety displaced anteriorly under the definitive adult state 10 years (f).
the cranium so that the foramen magnum
moved towards the base of the skull Thus ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.
'( (( f
l/N g e.rn6;g
Structure of the typical vertebra
Analysis of the strLlcture of a typical vertebra either the body or the arch but generally both
reveals two major components: simultaneously.
. the vertebral body anteriody
It is important to note, however, that in tbe uerti-
. the vertebral arch Posteriody. cal plane all these various constituents are aligned
A view of the typical vertebra disassembled in anatomical correspondence. As a result,
Glg. 9) reveals the following: the entire spine is made up of three columns
(Fig. 14):
. the body (1), the larger cylindroid
component, is wider than it is tall, with a cut- . one maior column (A), anterior$ located
off corner posteriorly and made up of the stacked vertebral bodies
. the posterior arch (2), in the shape of a . two minor columns (B and C), posterior to
horseshoe, receives on either side (Fig. 10) the body and made up of the stacked articular
the articular processes (3 and 4), which pfocesses.
divide the arch into two parts (Fig. 11): The bodies are joined to each otl:'er by inter-
- the pedicles (8 and 9) in front of the uertebral discs, and the articulaf pfocesses to
afiicular processes each other by plane synouial ioints. Thus at the
- the laminae (10 and 11) behind the level of each vertebra there is a canal bounded by
articular pfocesses. the body anteriorly and the arch posteriody.
These successive canals make up the vertebral
In the midline is attached the spinous process (7). or spinal can:Lal (12), which is formed alter-
The arch is then attached (FiS. 12) to the posterior nately by:
surface of the body by the pedicles. The com-
plete vertebra (Fig. 13) also contains the trans- . bony stfuctures at the level of each vertebra
verse processes (5 and 6), which are attached to
the arch near the articular pfocesses.
. fibrous structures between the vertebrae (i.e.
the intervertebral discs and the ligaments of
This typical vertebra is found at all spinal leuels
the dorsal arch).
with, of course, profound alterations that affect
0t 6rn6ld
6 ainnld
,. t arnbld
The spinal curvatures
The spinal curvatures increase resistance to A spinal column with normal curuatures (a) has
axial compression forces. Engineers have shown an index of 95% with normal limits of 94-96N. t
(Fig. 15) that the resistance R of a curved column spinal column with exaggerated curuatures (b)
is directly proportional to the number N of curva- has a Delmas index of 94%, signifying a greater
tures plus 1 (with k being the proportionality difference between the fully extended length of
factor). If a straiglct column (a) with N = 0 and the column and its height. On the other hand, a
R = I is taken as reference, then the column @) spinal column with attenuated curuatures (c)
with a single curvatufe has a resistance of 2 and (i.e. almost straight), has an index greater than
a column with two curvatlrfes (c) a resistance of 96%
5. Finally, a column wrthtbreeflexible curuatures
(d), like the spine with its lumbar, thoracic and This anatomical classilication is very important
cervical cufvatures, has a resistance of 10 (i'e. 10 because it is related to the functional type of the
times that of a straight column). spinal column. A. Delmas has in fact demonstrated
that a column with pronounced curvatures (i.e.
The significance of these curvatlues can be quan- with an almost horizontal sacfum and a strong
titated by the Delmas index (Fig. 16), which can lumbar lordosis) is of the dynamic type, whereas
only be measured on the skeleton and is expressed a column with attenuated curvatures (i'e. with an
as the rutio H/L x 100, where H is the height of almost vertical sacmm and a flat back) is of the
the spinal column from the upper surface of 51 static type.
to the atlas, and L is its fully extended length from
the upper surface of the sacrum to the atlas.
gI e,rn6ll
(q10ue1 pepualxe [11n1) 1
xapur seurlec
96;. x (1qOreq) g
crlels elerpeulelur crr-ueuAp edfi leurdg
polenuelle oietpoullolut pelere66exe ernlerunc;eurdg
96 q6lq alerperurolut t6 Mol xepur leurdg
"( gg ern6r3
Structure of the vertebral bodY
The vertebral body is built like a short bone two sheaves of oblique fibres in a fan-like
(Fig. 17) (i.e. egg-like, with a dense bony cortex affangement:
surrounding a spongJl m'ed'ulla). . the first (Fig. 2O), aisingfrom tbe superior
surface, runs through the two pedicles to
Its superior and inferior suffaces, called the reach the corresponding superior articular
vertebral or discal surfaces, consist of thick surfaces and the sPinous Pfocess
cortical bone, which is thicker centrally where it . the seconcl (Fig. 21), atisingfrom the inferior
is partly caftilaginous. sut"face, mns throtlgh the two pedicles to
reach the corresponding inferior articular
Its margin is rolled up into a labrum (L), which surfaces and the sPinous Process.
is derived from the epiphyseal disc and becomes
fused to the rest of the discal surface (S) at The crisscrossing of these three trabecular systems
14-15 years of age. Abnormal ossification of this creates zones of strong resistance as well as one
epiphyseal plate leads to vertebral epiphysitis or zone of weaker resistance - in particular, the
Scheuermann's disease. triangle with its base lying on the anterior border
of the vertebral body, and made up entirely of
A verticofrontal section of the vertebral body vertical trabeculae (F15. 22).
(Fig. 18) shows clearly the thick cortical bone
lining its lateral surfaces, the superior and inferior This explains the occurrence of the wedge-
cartilage-linecl discal surfaces and the spongy shaped compression fracture of the vertebra
centre of the body with bony trabeculae disperse d (Fig. 23). An axial compressive force of 600 kg
along the lines of force, which run as follows: cr-ushes the anterior paft of the vertebral body,
leading to a compression fracture, but a force of
. uerticctll.!, between the superior and inferior 8OO kg is needed to cmsh the whole vertebra and
make the posterior part collapse (Fig. 21). This
. borizontalty,beween the two lateral surfaces type of fracture is the only one able to damage
. obliquely, between the inferior surface and the spinal cord by encroaching on the spinal
the lateral borders. canal.

A sagittal section (Fig. 19) shows these vertical

trabeculae once mofe. In addition, there are
tz ornbtc
8t arn6ld
The functional components of a vertebra
When viewed laterally (Fig. 25, after Bmeger) . the facet (zygapopbyseal) joints (between the
the functional components of the vertebral articular processes)
column are easily distinguished: . the ligamentum flauum and the interspinous
. anteriorV (A) lies the vertebral body as part of ligaments.
the anterior pillar, which is essentially a The mobility of this active segment is responsible
supporting structure for the movements of the vertebral spine.
. posteriorl| (B) the posterior arch supports the
articular pfocesses, which are stacked There is a functional link between the ante-
together to form the posterior pillar. rior and posterior pillars (Fig. 26), formed by
the pedicles. Each vertebra has a trabecular struc-
V/hile the anterior pillar plays a static role, the ture involving the body and the arch and can thus
posterior pillar has a dynamic role to play.
be likened to a lever of the first order, where the
articular process (1) acts as the ftilcrum. This first-
In the vertical plane bony and ligamentous class lever system, present at each vertebral arch,
strllctufes alternate, and give rise (according to allows the axial compression forces acting on
Schmorl) to a passive segment (I) formed by the
the column to be cushioned directly and passively
vertebra itself and a mobile segment (II), shown (2) by tlne interuertebral clisc and indirectly
in blue in the diagram. The latter consists of the and actively by the paravertebral muscles (3).
following: Thus the cushioning effect is both passive
. the interuertebral d,isc and active.
. tlae interuertebral .foramen
ge srn6ld
gt arr!6rd
The elements of intervertebral linkage
Between the sacrum and the base of the skull - the strong thick ligamentum flavum (3),
there are 24 tnovable parts linked together by which meets its contralateral counterpart in
many fibrous ligaments. the midline and is attached superior$ to
the deep surface of the lamina of the upper
A horizontal section (Fig. 27) and alaterul view veftebra and inferiody to the superior
(Fig. 28) bring out the following ligaments: margin of the lamina of the lower vertebra
. First, those attached to the anterior pillar: - the interspinous ligament (4),
continuous posteriody with the
- the anterior longitudinal ligament (1), supraspinous ligament (5), which is
stretching from the cranial base to the poody defined in the lumbar region but is
sacrum on the anterior surfaces of the
quite distinct in the neck
vertebral bodies
- the posterior longitudinal ligament
- the intertransverse ligament (10)
attached to the apex of each transverse
(2) extending from the jugular process of
the occipital bone to the sacral canal on
the posterior surfaces of the vertebral - the two powerful anterior and posterior
bodies. ligaments (9), which strengthen the
capsules of the facet joints.
These long ligaments are intedinked by each
intervertebral disc, which consists peripherally This ligamentous complex maintains an extremely
of the annulus fibrosus, formed by concentric solid link between the vertebrae and imparts a
layers of fibrous tissue (6 andT), and centrally of strong mechanical resistance to the spinal column.
the nucleus pulposus (8). Only a sevefe tralrma (e.g. a fall from a great
height or a ttaffic accident) can cause rrtpture of
. Second, the numerous ligaments attached to these interwertebral linkages.
the posterior arch and connecting the
arches ofthe adiacent vertebrae:
,a a.rn6tj
Structure of the intervertebral disc
The joint between two vertebrae is a symphysis . A peripheral part, the annulus fibrosus (A),
or amphiarthrosis. It is formed by the two adja- made up of concentric fibres that cross one
cent vertebral discal surfaces and is connected by anotber obliquely in space from one layer to
the intervertebral disc, whose structure is quite the next, as shown in the left half of the
characteristic and consists of tulo parts (Fig. 29): diagram (Fig. 30).
. A central part, the nucleus pulposus (N), a On the right (Fig. 31), the flbres are vertical
gelatinous substance derived embryologically peripherally and become more oblique toutards
from the notocbord'.It is a strongly tlce centre. The central fibres, in contrast to the
hydrophilic transparent jelly containing 8O% nucleus pulposus, are neady horizontal and run
water, chemically it is made uP of a betlveen the vertebral discal surfaces in an ellip-
mucopolltsaccbarid,e matrix containing soid fashion. Thus the nucleus is enclosed within
protein-bottnd chondroitin sulphate, an inextensible casing between the two vertebral
hyaluronic acid and keratan sulphate. discal surfaces and the annulus, whose woven
Histologically the nucleus comprises collagenous
fibres prevent any extrusion of the nuclear sub-
stance in the young. The nucleus is held under
fi.b r e s, cells re sembling cb o n clr o t e s,
ql c o nn e ctiu e

tissue cells and very few clusters of mature carti-

pressure within its casing so that when the disc
Iage cells. No blood vessels or nefves penetfate
is cut horizontally its gelatinous substance can
the nucleus, and the absence of blood vessels be seen to bulge through the cut. This is also
excludes the possibility of spontaneolrs healing. the case when the vertebral column is sectioned
It is hemmed in by fibrous tracts running from the

8e arnlSll
6A 6im(ill
The nucleus pulposus likened to a swivel
Incarcerated under pressure within its casing sion (Fig. 37) it is displaced posteriorly. Likewise,
between the two vertebral discal surfaces, the during latetal flexion, the displacement occurs
nucleus pulposus is roughly spherical. There- on the side of bending. During rotation (Fig. 38)
fore, as a first approximation, it can be compared it takes place on the side of the rotation.
to a billiard ball placed between two planes (Fig.
32). This type of joint, known as a swivel joint, All told, this very mobile joint has exactly six
allows three types of bending movement: degrees of freedom:
. in the sagittal plane, flexion (Fig. 33) or . flexion-extension
extension (Fig. 34) . lateral flexion on both sides
. in the coronal plane , latetal flexion . gliding in the sagittal plane
. rotation of one discal surface relative to the . gliding in the transvefse plane
other (Fig. 35). . rotation to the fight
In life the situation is more complex, since added . rotation to the left.
to these movements occurring around the ball
there are gliding and even sbearing movements However. each of these movements has a small
that take place between the two discal surfaces range, and sizable movements are only possible
with the help of the ball. These movements by the simultaneous participation of multiple
take place while the nucleus rolls slightly in joints.
the direction of movement and is flattened on
the side where the two discal surfaces ate These complex movements depend on the
approximated. arrangement of tlce posterior articular surfaces
and of the ligamenfs, which must be taken into
During flexion (Fig. 16), the discal surface above account in tbe d.esign of disc prostbeses now
is slightly displaced anteriorly, whereas in exten- under development.
sg arnmld
i:$ ;?,In6l:*
The preloaded state of the disc and the
self-stabilization of the disco-vertebral
The forces applied to the intervertebral disc are to the other (T'), it is now a preloaded beam, and
considerable, the mofe so as the sacrum is the deflexion f2 caused by the same load will be
approached. clearly smaller than f1.

In tefms of axial compression forces it has been The preloaded state of the disc likewise gives it
worked out that when a ver-tebral discal surface gfeater resistance to the forces generated during
presses on the disc the nucleus pulposus bears axial compression and lateral flexion. As the
75o/o of the force and the annulus fibrosus nucleus loses its hydrophilic properties with age,
trears the remaining 2Jo/o, so that fot aforce of its internal pressllre decreases with loss of its
2O kg a 15-kgfor"ce is exertecl on tlce nucleus and preloaded state; hence the lack of Jlexibility of
a 5-kg force on tlce annulus. tbe spinal column in tlce aged.

In the horizontal plane, however, the nucleus When anaxialload is applied asymmetrically
transmits some of the pressure to the annulus to a disc (Fig. 42, F), the upper vertebral discal
(Fig. 39) For instance, in the standing position, surface will tilt towards the ovedoaded side,
the vertical compression force acting on the making an angle (a) with the horizontal. Thus a
nucleus at L5-S1 level and transmitted to the fibre AB'will be stretched to AB but, at the same
margin of the annulus equals 28 kg/cm ancl time, the intemal pressure of the nucleus, which
16 kg/cm'). These forces are incre ased consider- is maximal in the direction of the arrow (f), will
ably when the subject is lifting a load. During act on that fibre AB and bring it back to AB',
forward flexion of the trllnk the pressure/cm2 thereby righting the vertebral discal surface and
rises to 58 kg, while the force exefted/cm reaches restoring it to its original position. This self-
37 kg. When the tr-unk is being brought back to stabilization mechanism is linked to the pre-
the vertical, these pressllres reach up to 107 kg/ loaded state. Therefore, the annulus and the
crnz and l74kg/crn These pressllres can be nucleus form a functional couple, whose effec-
higher still if a weight is lifted while the trunk is tiveness depends on the integrity of each compo-
being straightened, and they come close to the nent. If the internal pressure of the nucleus
values fbr breaking point. decreases, or if the impermeability of the annulus
is impaired, tbis functional couple immed,iately
The pressure in the centfe of the nucleus is never loses its effectiueness.
zero, even when the disc is unloaded. This is due
to the disc's water-absorbing capacity (hydro- The preloaded state also explains the elastic
philia), which causes tbe disc to staell uitbin properties of the disc, as well shown by Hirsch's
its inextensible casing. This is analogotts to the experiment (Fig. 43). If a preloaded disc (P) is
preloaded state. In concrete-building tech- exposed to a violent force (S), the disc thickness
nology preloading denotes a pre-existing tension exhibits a minimum and then a maximum, fol-
within a beam about to be stressed. If a homogen- lowed by damped rtscillations over one second.
eous beam (Fig. 40) is exposed to a load, it is If the force is too violent, the intensity of this
deflected inwards for a distance denoted by f1. oscillatory reaction can destroy tbe fibres of
tbe anmulu.s, accounting for the deterioration of
If a beam (Fig. 41) is fitted with a very taut cable intervertebral discs exposed to repeated violent
passing through its lower half from one end (T) StfeSSCS.
g& arnfi,d
gb o"{n,3rs
&e a,rnbld
&& srn6!3 s& arn6rd
n gH g * ffi I K e F ryr\ffi ffi H & ffi ra a fr g
Water imbibition by the nucleus pulposus
The nucleus rests on the centre of the vertebral one is taller in the morning than at night. As
discal surface, an area lined by cartilage and tra- the preloaded state is greater in the morning than
versed by many microscopic pores, which link at night, tbe Jlexibilitl of tbe spinal column is
the casing of the nucleus with the spongy tissue greater in tbe morning.
underlying the vertebral discal surfaces. Vlhen a
significant axial force is applied to the column, The imbibition pressure of the nucleus is consid-
as by the weight of the body during standing (Fig. erable, since it can reach 250 mmHg (Charnley).
44), the water contained in the gelatinous matrix With age, its hydrated state is reduced along
of the nucleus escapes into the vertebral body with its hydrophilia and its state of preloading.
through these pores (i.e. the nucleus loses This explains the loss ctf beight and of flexibility
water). As this static pressure is maintained of tbe spinal column in the aged.
throughout the day, by night the nucleus con-
tains less uater tban in tlce morning, with the As shown by Hirsch, when a constant load is
result that the disc is perceptibly thinner. In applied to a veftebral disc (Fig. 46), the loss of
normal people this cumulative thinning of the thickness is not linear but exponential (first part
discs during the day can amount to 2 cm. of the curve), suggesting a dehydration process
proportional to tbe uolume of tlce nucleus. When
Conversely, during tbe nigbt, in recumbency the load is removed, the disc regains its initial
(Fig. 45), the vertebral bodies are no longer thickness once mofe exponentially (second part
subject, to the axial force of gravity, but only to of the curve), and the restoration to normal
that generated by muscular tone, which is much requiresa finite time (T). If these forces are applied
reduced during sleep. In this period of relief, and removed over too long a period, the disc
the hydrophilia of the nucleus draws water back does not regain its initial length even if there is
into the nucleus from the vertebral body and the enough time for recovery. This results in ageing
disc regains its original thickness (d). Therefore, of the vertebral disc.
Gompressive forces acting on the disc
Compressive forces applied to the disc assume disc at rest (Fig. 48) is loaded with a 100-kg weight,
greater significance the nearer the disc is to the it is flattened by a distance of 1,.4mrn and
sacrllm, because the weight of the body sup- becomes wider 1nig. 4D.If a diseased disc is simi-
ported by the vertebral column increases with larly loaded, it is flattened by a distance of 2 mm
the length of the spinal column above (Big. 47). (Fig. 50), and it fails to recouer completely its
For an So-kg man the head weighs J kg, the upper initial tbickness after unloading.
limbs 14 kg and the trunk 30 kg. If it is assumed
thatat the level of disc L5-S1 the column supports This progressive flattening of the disc is not
only two-thirds of the weight of the trunk, then without an effect on the facet joints:
the weight borne is 37 kg, i.e. nearly half of the . uitlt normal clisc thickness (Fig. 51) the
body ueigbl P. To this must be added the force cartilaginous articular facets of these joints are
exerted tonically by tbe paraspinal muscles (MI
normally arranged, and their interspaces are
and M2) in order to maintain the trunk in the erect
straight and regular
position at rest. If a loacl E is being carried and a
further load F is added violently, the lowest discs
. uitb a flattenecl disc (Fig. 52) the
may be subjected to forces that occasionally relationships of these facets are disturbed, and
generally speaking the interspaces open out
exceed their resistance, especially in the aged.
The loss of thickness of the disc varies according This articular distortion, in the long run, is the
to whether it is healthy or diseased. If a healthy main factor leading to spinal osteoarthritis.
,t aim6rc
$s a.rn6!d
Variations in disc structure related
to cord level
Disc thickness varies with position in the spinal border and 3/7oths thickness from the
column: posterior border of the vertebra and occupies
. the intermediate 3/loths.It lies exactly ctn
it is thickest in the lumbar region (Fig. 55),
tbe axis of mouement @lue arrow).
i.e. 9 mm
. . In the thoracic spine (Fig. 57) the nucleus
it is 5 mm thick in the thoracic region
is a little closer to the anterior than the
(Fig. 54)
posterior border. Once more it amounts to
. it is 3 mm thick in the cervical region 3/10ths of the disc thickness, but it now lies
6ig. 53). posterior to the axis of moyement. The blue
But more important than its absolute thickness is arrow indicating this axis runs cleady anterior
the ratio of disc thickness to the height of the to the nucleus.
ver-tebral body. In fact it is this ratio that accounts . In the lumbar spine (Fig. 58) the nucleus
for the mobility of a particular segment of the lies cleady closer to the postefior border, i.e.
column, since tbe greater tbe ratio, tbe greater at 2/l}ths thickness from the posterior border
tbe mobility. Thus, in decreasing order: and 4/loths thickness from the anterior
. the cervical spine (Figs 53 and 56) is the most border, but it now amounts to 4/tOths of the
mobile with a disc/body ratio of 2/5 thickness, i.e. it has a gteater surface area
corresponding to the greater axial forces
. the lumbar spine (Figs 55 and 58) is slightly exerted there. As in the cervical spine it lies
less mobile with a ratio of L/3
exactly on the axis of movement @lue
. the thoracic spine (Figs 54 and 57) is the least arrow).
mobile with a ntio of l/5.
Leonardi considers that the centre ofthe nucleus
Sagittal sections of the various segments of the is equidistant from the anterior border of the
spine show that the nucleus pulposus is not vertebra and the ligamentum flanrm and cor-
exactly at the centre of the disc. If the antero- responds obviously to a point of equilibrium, as if
posterior thickness of the disc is divided into 10 the strong posterior ligaments acted. to pull the
equal pams, then: nucleus posteriody.
. In the cervical spine (Fig. 56) the nucleus
lies at 1+/l}ths thickness from the anterior
,$ &rnsl$
fg arn6!$ cg arn6,l
Elementary movements in the
intervertebral disc
Let us staft with movements occurring in the axis stabiTization is the result of tlce concertecl
of the spinal column. In the rest position (Fig. action of tbe nucleus-annulus couple.
59) before any loading, the fibres of the annulus . During lateral flexion (Fig.64) the upper
fibrosus (3), already stretched by the nucleus vertebra tilts towards the side of flexion and
pulposus (2), arc in the preloaded state. the nucleus is driven to the opposite side
. Vlhen the column is actively elongated (green arrow). This results again in
axially (Fig. 60, red arrows) the vertebral self-stabilization.
discal surfaces (1) tend to move apart, thus . During axial totation (Fig. 65, blue arrows)
increasing the disc thickness (d). At the same the oblique fibres, running counter to the
time, its ttidtb is reduced and the tension in direction of movement, are stretched, while
the annulus rises. The nucleus, somewhat the intermediate fibres with opposite
flattened at rest, now becomes mofe orientation are relaxed. The tension is
spherical. This increase in disc height reduces maximal in the central fibres of the annulus,
the intefnal pressure; hence the rationale which are the most oblique. The nucleus is
underlying tbe treatment of disc pt olapse bjt therefore strongly compressed and its internal
spinal tractiom. When the spine is elongated, pressure rises in proportion to tbe degree of
the gelatinous substance of the prolapsed disc rotatiort. This explains why combined flexion
moves back into its original intranuclear and axial rotation will tend to tear tbe
location. This result, however, is not always annulus by increasing the pressure inside the
achieved, because the tightening of the nucleus and driuing it posteriofly through
central flbres of the annulus may in fact raise potential cracks in the annulus.
the internal pressure of the nucleus. . W-hen a static force is applied slightly
. During axial compression (Fig. 61, blue obliquely to a vertebra (Fig. 66), the
arrows), the disc is crusbecl and, uiclened vertical force (white arrow) can be resolved
and the nucleus is.flattenecl so tbat its raisecl into:
internal pressure is transmitted laterally to - a force perpendicular to the lower
the innermost fibres of the annulus. Thus a vertebral discal surface (blue arrow)
verlical force is transformed into lateral forces
and stretches the fibres of the annulus.
- a force paralTel to the same discal surface
(red arrow).
. During extension (Fig. 62, red arrow) the The vertical force presses the two vefrebrae
upper vertebra moves posteriody (p),
together; the tangential force makes the
reducing the interwenebral space and driving
Llpper vertebra slide anteriody, and leads to
the nucleus anteriody (blue arrow). The
progressive stretching of the oblique fibres in
nucleus then presses on the anterior Iibres of
each frbrous layer of the annulus.
the annulus and increases their tension, with
the resnlt that the upper uertebra is restored On the whole it is clear that, whatever the force
to its nriginal position. applied to the disc, it always increases the
. During flexion (Fig. 63, blue arrow) the internal pressure of the nucleus and stretches
upper vertebra moves anteriody, narrowing the fibres of the annulus. But, because of the
the intervertebral space anteriorly (a). The relative movement of the nucleus, stretching the
nucleus is displaced posteriody and now annulus fibrosus tends to oppose this movement,
presses on the posterior fibres of the annulus, hence the system tends to be restored to its initial
increasing their tension. Once more self- state.
sg srn6rd
gg a,rf?6!g bg ainblj
Lg a.xnslc
Automatic rotation of the spine during
lateral flexion
During lateral flexion the vertebral bodies auto- the concave side; as the disc itself is wedge-
matically rotate on each other so that the line shaped, its compressed contents tend to
passing through the middle of their anterior sur- escape towards the more open side, i.e. the
faces is displaced contralaterally. This is clearly convex side. This leads to rotation.
seen in tlre schematic representation of an antte- This pressure differential is shown in Figure 68A,
rior radiograph taken during lateral flexion where a plus sign inside a circle marks the high
(Fig. 67). The bodies lose their symmetry and the
pressure atea and the arrow indicates the direc-
interspinous line (heaq' broken line) moves tion of rotation.
towards the side of movement. One vertebra is
drawn with its bony constituents to allow a better Conversely, lateral bending stretches the contra-
understanding of its orientation and of the radio- lateral ligaments, which tend to move towards the
graphic findings. midline so as to minimize their lengths. This is
shown in Figure 68A as a circled minus sign at the
\W-hen viewed from above (Fig. 68A), as the ver- level of an intettransvefse ligament, while the
tebra rotates, the tfansvefse process on the side afrow indicates the direction of movement.
of lateral flexion appears in full view, whereas
the contralateral process is foreshortened. Fur- It is remarkable that thesc rwo mechanisms are
thermore, the X-ray beam goes successively synergistic and contribute to rotation of the ver-
through ttre facet joints on the convex side (Fig. tebrae in the same direction. This rotation is
688), while providing afrontal view of these joints physiological but, in certain cases, the vertebrae
and of the vertebral pedicle on the concave are fixed in a position of rotation, as a result
side. of an imbalance of the ligaments or of develop-
mental abnormalities. This results in scoliosis,
This automatic rotation of the vertebral bodies which combines fixed lateral flexion of the spine
depends on two mechanisms: with rotation of the vertebral bodies.
. compression of tlce interuertebral discs
This abnormal rotation can be demonstrated clini-
. stretching of tbe ligaments. cally as follows:
The effect of disc compression is easily displayed . in the normal subject (Fig. 70), when the
using a simple mechanical model (Fig. 69), trunk is flexed forwards, the spinal column is
which you can build as follows: symmetrical posteriody
. Use wedge-shaped segments of cork and soft . in the scoliotic subject (Fig. 71), when the
rubber to represent the vertebrae and the disc trunk is flexed forwards, the column becomes
respectively. asymmetrical, with the appearance of a
. Glue them together. hump in the thoracic region on tbe same
. Draw a line centrally on theif anterior side as the conuexity.
surfaces to indicate the symmetrical resting This is the result of a state of permanent rotation
position. of tbe uertebrae. Thus in scoliosis the short-
. Then bend the model laterally, and you will lasting physiological automatic rotation of the
observe contralateral rotation of the vertebral vertebral bodies has become pathological in
bodies, indicated by the displacement of the being permanently linked to spinal flexion. Since
various segments of the centfal line running it occurs in the yolrng, this deformity becomes
through the vertebrae. Lateral bending fixed as a result of unequal growth of the ver-
increases the internal pressure of the disc on tebral bodies.
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Global ranges of movement during
flexion-extension of the spine
Taken as a whole, the column from sacfum to The segmental contributions can be measured on
skull corresponds to a joint with three degrees lateral radiographs:
of freedom allowing the following movements: . in the lumbar spine, flexion (blue arrow)
. flexion-extension attains 60'andextension (red arrow) 20'
. lateral flexion to the right and to the left . for the thoracolumbar spine taken as a
. axial fotation. whole: flexion attains 6O'and extension 60"
. for the thoracic spine the ranges can be
It is thus equivalent to abalT-and-socket ioint
calculated by subtraction, i.e. flexion
placed tretween the sacrum and the skull.
(Fts; = 45 and extension (Ets; = 49"

The ranges of these various elementary move-

. for the cervical spine (Fig. 75) the range of
ments at each level of the spine are quite small, movement is measured between the upper
discal surface of the first thoracic vertebra and
but their cumulative effect is signiflcant in view
of the many joints involved (i.e. 25 in all, dis- the plane of the bite. It attains 60o for
counting the sacrococcygeal joint). extension and 4O" for flexion, giving a total
range of close to 100".
Flexion-extension takes place in the sagittal For thetotal range of movement of the spine
plane (Fig. 72).The reference plane at skull level the double black arrows indicate the axes of
is the plane of the bite, which can be imagined reference.
as a sheet of cardboard tightly held between the
teeth. The angle formed by the plane of the The total range of flexion of the spine (Ft) is
bite and the two extreme positions Tr is 250' in thus 110' and total extension (Et) is 140'. 'il/hen
the normal subject. This range is considerable added together, the total range (Tr) is 250', which
when compared to the 180" maximum range of greatly exceeds the 180' limit of all the other
all the other joints of the body. Of course this 250' joints.
value applies to the maximum range attained in
normal supple individuals. The young can do a Nonetheless these Iigures are given as guidelines,
crab (Fig. 73), but at all ages it is easier to curl up as there is no agreement among authors regarding
in flexion (Fig. 74). On the other hand, these the range of movement at the various levels of the
ranges can be even greater in certain male or spine. Moreover, these values vary enormously
female acrobats who can push their heads between with age. Therefore only maxirnum values are
their thighs. given here.
r{ arnoll
: sll
"90 */
\ \ \r
\ \- \.
Global ranges of lateral flexion
of the spine
Lateralflexion occurs in a coronal plane (Fig.76) Latenl flexion of the lumbar spine (L)
Clinically these ranges cannot be measured accu- atta;ins 20".
rately, but it is easy to measure them on radio- Lateral flexion of the thoracic spine (TH)
graphs taken from the front (Fig.77) using as attains 20".
reference either the axis of the vertebrae or the Laterul flexion of the cervical spine (C) is
orientation of the upper surface of a particular 35-45".
vertebra. The baseline is the
The total range of flexion of the spine (T)
lar surface, i.e. the upper surface of the first
from sacrum to cranium is 75-85" on each
sacral vertebra.
At skull level the landmark is the intermastoid
line, i.e. the line passing through the two mastoid
Global ranges of axial rotation of the spine
It is difficult tomeasure the ranges of axial rota- Axial rotation of the thoracic spine (Fig. 79)
tion clinically. Moreover, it is impossible to take is more extensive, i.e. 35".It is enhanced by
radiographs in the transverse planes, and axial CT the arrangement of the articulaf pfocesses.
scans need to be taken to measure this rotation Axial rotation of the cervical spine (Fig. 80)
precisely. Clinically the total rotation of the spine is deflnitely more extensive, attaining 45-50".
can be measured by fixing the pelvis and noting One can see that the atlas has rotated almost
the angle of rotation of the skull. 90'relative to the sacrum.
Axial rotation between the pelvis and the
Recently, two American authors (Gregersen and skull @ig. 81) attains or just exceeds 90". The
Lucas) have been able to measure very accurately atlanto-occipital joint contributes a feu
the elementary components of rotation by using degrees of rotation but, as very often the
metal chips inserted into the spinous processes fange of rotation in the thoracolumbar region
under local anaesthesia.'We will come back to this is smaller than expected, total rotation barely
work later when dealing with the thoracolumbar attains 90'.
. Axial rotation of the lumbar spine (Fig. 78)
is quite small, only 5'. The reasons for this
will become apparent later.
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Clinical assessment of the global ranges
of spinal movements
Accurate measufements of the global ranges of entirety (angle b) and then subtract from it
spinal movements can only be made using radio- the angle of extension of the cervical
graphs of the entire column for flexion-extension column (measured by keeping the trunk
and lateral flexion, and CT scans for rotation. vertical and throwing the head backwards).
Nevertheless these ranges can be obtained A good test of extension and flexibility
clinically with the use of certain 'test' of the column is to 'do the crab' (see
measlrfements: Fig. 73, p. 39), but its usefulness is cleady
. limited.
For flexion of the thoracolumbar spine
(Fig. 82) proceed as follows:
. For lateral flexion of the thoracolumbar
spine (Fig. 84), proceed as follows:
- Measure the angle a between the vertical
line V and the line joining the - Measure from behind the angle a between
antefosuperior border of the greatet the vertical line V and the line joining the
trochanter to the lateral extremiry of the upper edge of the natal cleft to the spinous
acromion. This angle also includes a pfocess of C7.It would be more accurate,
contribution of flexion at the hiP. however, to measure the angle b between
the vertical line and the tangent to the
- Or determine the level attained by the
curvature of the spine at C7 . A simpler and
tips of the fingers (f) during flexion of quicker method is to detemine the level n
the trunk in the standing position with
of the fingertips with respect to the
knees extended; here again some hip
position of the knee on the side of
flexion is included. Then measure in
bending (i.e. where it lies above or below
centimetfes the distance f from the
the knee).
fingertips to the ground or the distance n
from the level of the fingemips to a
. For axial totation (Fig. 85):
landmark in the lower limbs, e.g. patella, - Examine from above the subject, who sits
mid-calf, instep or toes. on a low-backed chair with the pelvis flxed
- Or measure with a tape the distance by steadying both pelvis and knees. The
between the spinous processes of C7 and plane of reference is the coronal plane C
Sl during extension and flexion. In the passing across the top of the head, and the
diagram this distance increases by 5 cm in rotation of the thoracolumbar spine is
flexion. measured by the angle a between the
. shoulder line Sh-Sh' and the coronal
Fof extension of the thoracolumbar plane.
spine (Fig. 83) proceed as follows:
. Fof the range of rotation of the entire
- Measure the angle a between the vertical
spinal column:
line V and the line joining the
anterosuperior border of the greater - measure the angle of rotation b between
trochanter to the lateral extfemity of the the interauricular line and the coronal
acromion during maximal extension. This plane
value also includes some degree of - of measure the angle of fotation b'
extension at the hips. between the plane of symmetry of the head
- Or (to be slightly more accurate) measure S' and the sagittal plane S.
the angle of extension of the spine in its
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The Pelvic Girdle
The pelvic girdle, also called the pelvis, is the base of the trunk
and the very foundation of the abdomen. It also links the lower
limbs to the veftebral column and, as a result, it suppofts the
entire body
respect to its prototype in the vertebfates it is an anatomical
stfucture that has undergone extensive changes,.particularly in
mammals and later in the great apes and in Homo sapiens. The
pelvic cavity contains not only some abdominal organs but also,
in women, the uterus, which gfows considerably during preg-
nancy. As a result, the perineum (i.e. the pelvic diaphragm) has
been shaped to allow the passage of the fetus during labour.
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The pelvic girdle in the two sexes

The pelvic girdle is made up of three bony Jtared. Thus the triangle enclosing the female
parts: pelvis has a much wider base than that
. enclosing the male pelvis.
the two iliac bones, paired and symmetrical
. . On the other hand, the female pelvis is much
the sacrum, unpaired but symmetrical, a solid
shorter than the male pelvis so that the
piece of bone resulting from the fusion of five
trapezium enclosing it is lower.
sacral vertebrae.
. Finally, the pelvic inlet (unbroken black line)
It has three joints with limited movements: is proportionately much longer and more
. the two sacroiliac joints between the sacrum wide-mouthed in the female.
and each iliac bone This structural difference in the pelvic girdle is
. the pubic symphysis linking the iliac bones related to gestation, and especially labour, since
anteriody. the fetus, particulady its relatively large head, Iies
Taken as a whole, the pelvic girdle resembles a initially aboue tbe peluic inlet, which it must
cross before entering tbe cauity and exiting uia
funnel with its broader base facing superiody and
the peluic outlet.
forming the pelvic inlet, which links the abdomi
nal and pelvic cavities.
The joints of the pelvic girdle therefore are not
Sexual dimorphism, i.e. the structural differ- only important in determining the static pro-
perties of the efect trunk at rest but also par-
ences in the flvo sexes, is obvious in the pelvic
girdle: ticipate actively in the mechanism of labour,
as we shall see in our discussion of the sacroiliac
. Vrhen the male pelvis (Fig. 1) and the female joint and the pubic symphysis.
pelvis (FiS. 2) are compared, the latter is
found to be much uider and much more
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Mechanical model of the pelvic girdle

Mechanically speaking the pelvic girdle Gig. 3) propeller and forms the hip joint with the
consists of three bony parts: femoral head.
. the sacrum
These two roughly flat parts form a solid angle
. the two iliac bones. opening inwards (Fig. 6) and provide sites of
The symmetrical, wedge-shaped sacrum, which attachment for the powerful muscles of the pelvic
lies in the midline, forms the base of the spine girdle. Their two upper surfaces make an obtuse
and fits like a keystone between the i7lac angle open anteriody (Fig. 3) and combine
bones, which are joined anteriody at the pubic with the spine posteriody and centrally to form
symphysis. the posterior wall of the lower abdomen, i.e. the
false pelvis. Their two lower surfaces make an
Each iliac bone (Fig. 4), which articulates with obtuse angle open posteriody, and combine
the sacrum, consists of two roughly flat parts, with the sacrum posteriody and centrally to form
(i.e. the ilium above and the fused pubis the inferior compartment of the pelvic cavity,
and ischium enclosing the obturator foramen i.e. the true pelvis. The pelvic girdle has two
below). These parts form an angle with each functions:
other srrch that the whole bone has the appear- . a mechanical function as part of the
ance o[ a propeller. skeleton of the trunk
. a protective function in supporting and
These two parts fuse in the acetabulum
containing the abdominal viscera.
(Fig. 5), which corresponds to the axis of the
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Architecture of the pelvic girdle

The pelvic girdle transmits forces between the The sacrum also fits between the iliac bones in
spine and the lower limbs (Fig. 7). The weight (P), the transverse plane (Figs 8 and9). Each iliac bone
supported by L5, is distributed equally along the can be viewed as the arrn of a lever (Fig. 8) with
alae of the sacrum and through the ischial its fulcrum (O1 and 02) located at the sacroiliac
tuberosities towards the acetabulum. ioint and its resistance force and its effort force
acting on theif anterior and posteriof extre-
The resistance of the ground (R) to the body mities, respectively. Posteriody the resistance
weight is transferred to the acetabulum by the force would reside in the powerful sacroiliac
neck and head of the femur. Part of this resistance ligaments (L1 and L2) and anteriorly the effort
is tfansmitted across the horizontal ramus of force would act at the pubic symphysis subjected
the pubic bone and counterbalanced at the to fwo approximately equal forces (Sl and S2).
pubic symphysis by a similar force from the
-W'hen the symphysis is dislocated (Fig. 9) the
opposite side.
separation (diastasis) of the two pubic bones (S)
These lines of force form a complete ring acting causes the iliac bones to move apart at the sacro-
along the pelvic inlet. There is a complex system iliac joints and thus frees up the sacrum, which
of bony trabeculae to direct these forces through can now move forwards (dl and d2).
the bony pelvis (see Volume 2). As the wide
sacrum is broader above than below, it can be W-henever the lower limb presses on the ground
considered a wedge (triangle) embedded verti- the dislocated pelvic ring undergoes a shearing
cally between the iliac bones. It is suspended motion at the symphysis (Fig. 10). Thus any local
from these bones by ligaments, and as a result break in the ring affects it as a whole and decreases
it is more tightly held the heavier the weight it is its mechanical resistance.
carrying.It is thus a self-locking system.
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The articular surfaces of
the sacroiliac joint
When a sacroiliac joint (Fig. 11) is opened like that of the iliac bone. In its centre there is a
a book by swivelling its bony components curwed furrow bordered by two long crests
about a vertical axis (line of dots and dashes), the and corresponding to an arc of a circle whose
auricular surfaces are cleady seen to match each centre lies on the transverse tubercle of 51
other, @lack cross), where the powerful sacroiliac
ligaments ate attached. Farabeuf claims that
The auricular surface of the iliac bone (A)
this auricular surface has the shape of a tram-
lies on the posterosuperior part of the
internal aspect of the bone just posterior to
rail, corresponding exactly to the rail-like
surface of the iliac bone.
the iliopectineal line, which forms part of the
pelvic inlet. It is crescent-shaped, concave These two surfaces, however, are not as regular
posteroslrperiorly and lined by cartilage. As a as described above, and the three horizontal sec-
whole the surface is quite irregular, but tions of the sacroiliac joint show that only in its
Farabeuf claims that it has the shape of a superior (Fig. 12) and middle (Fig. 13) portions
segment of rail. In fact, its long axis contains does the auricular facet of the sacrum contain a
a long crest lying between two furrows. This central furrow, while its inferior (Fig. 14) portion
curved crest colresponds roughly to an arc of is more or less convex. As a result, it is very diffi-
a circle whose centre lies approximately at cult to run a single X-ray beam along the sacroiliac
the sacral tuberosity (black cross). As we joint, and therefore the beam will need to be flred
shall see later, this tuberosity is the site of obliquely lateromedially or mediolat enlly, depend-
attachment of the powerful sacroiliac ing on the part under study.
The auricular surface of the sacrum (B)
corresponds in shape and surface contoufs to
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The auricular facet of the sacrum and the
various spinal types
The sacral auricular facet is subject to wide The surface contours of the sacral auricular facet
strLlctural variations from person to person, and were studied in detail by Weisel using cartographic
A. Delmas has demonstrated a correlation between data, and he has shown (Fig. 16) that it is usually
the spinal ftinctional type and the shape of the longer and narrower than its iliac countefpart.
sacrum and of its auricular facet (Fig. 15). The sacral facet regularly exhibits the following
. features:
When the spinal curvatures afe very
pronounced (A), i.e. the dynamic type, the . a central depression at the junction of its two
sAcrum lies quite borizontally and its segments (shown as -)
auricular facet is at once bent on itself and . two elevations near the extremities of both
quite deep. The sacroiliac joint is highly segments (shown as +).
mobile like a typical synovial joint and
represents a state of ouerad,aptatictn to The iliac auricular facet is reciprocally shoftened
bipedalism. but without complete symmetry. At the junction
of its two segments there is an elevation known
. When the curvatures of the column are as Bonnaire's tubercle.
has also developed
poody developed (C), i.e. the static type, a personal theory regarding the arrangement of
the sacrum is almost vertical, and its auricular the sacroiliac ligaments in terms of the forces
facet is very elongated vertically, minimally
applied to them. He divides those ligaments into
buckled on itself and almost flat. This two groups (Fig. 17):
auricular facet has a :;ery different shape from
that described by Farabeuf and corresponds to . a cranial gfoup (arrow Cr), running laterally
a ioint of low mobility like a symphysis. It and posteriody and counteracting the
is often seen in children and closely component F1 of the body weight (P) applied
resembles that found in primates. to the superior aspect of 51 (these ligaments
. There is also an intermediate type (B) lyrng afe thrown into action by fortaard
between these two extfemes. displacement of tbe sacral promontoryl,
which is part of the movement of nutationl)
A. Delmas has shown that during evolution . a cawdal gfoup (arrow Ca) running craniad
from primates to humans, the caudal segment and opposing the component F2 acting
of the auricular facet becomes longer and wider perpendiculady to the superior surface of S1.
and assumes in humans greatef significance than
the cranial segment. The angle between these two
segments can reach 90" in humans, while in pri
mates this facet is only slightly bent on itself.

' Nutation (Lat'. nutare= to nocl) clescribes a complex movement of the sacmm analogous to nodding of the head
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The sacroiliac ligaments
A posterior view of the pelvis (Fig. 18) shows - the greater sciatic foramen superiody,
the two bundles of the iliolumbar ligament: which allows tl:'e piriformis muscle to
. leave the pelvis
the superior bundle (1)
. the inferior bundle (2). - the lesser sciatic foramen inferiody,
through which exits the obturator
On the rigltt sicle of tbe fi.gure can be seen the internus.
intermediate plane of sacroiliac ligaments, which
An anterior view of the pelvis (Fig. 19) shows
are as follows craniocaudally:
again the iliolumbar (1 and 2), the sacro-
. the ligament running from the iliac crest spinous (6) and the sacrotuberous (7) liga-
to the transverse fubercle of 51 (3) ments, as well as the anterior sacroiliac
. the posterior sacroiliac ligaments (4) ligament, consisting of two bundles (also
rrrnning from the posterior extremity of the known as the superior and inferior brakes
iliac crest to the sacral tfansvefse tubercles as of nutation):
follows, according to Farabeuf: - the anteroposterior bundle (8)
- t}:re first runs from the posterior aspect of - the antero-inferior bundle (9).
the iliac tuberosity to the fi.rst sacral
tubercle Figure 2O shows the right sacroiliac joint,
opened by rotation of its constituent bones around
- the second (also called the ligament of a vertical axis, and its ligaments. The medial
Zaglasi) is attached to the second tubercle
surface of the iliac bone (A) and the lateral surface
- the tbird and fourtb run from the posterior of the sacrum (B) are exposed, making it easy to
superior iliac spine to the third and fourth understand the following:
. how the ligaments are wrapped around
On the left sicle of the picture is the anterior the ioint and how they become lax or taut
plane of the sacroiliac ligaments (5), which during nutation and counternutation
consists of a fan-shaped fibrous sheet running .
from the posterior border of the iliac bone to the
why the fibres of the anterior sacroiliac
posteromedial sacral tubercles.
ligament (8 and 9) run obliquely
inferiody, anteriody and medially from
the iliac bone and superiody, anteriody and
Between the lower part of the external border of
laterally from the sacrum (B).
the sacmm and the gfeatef sciatic notch there are
two important ligaments: Also visible in the figure are the following:
. the posterior sacroiliac ligaments (5)
. the sacrospinous ligament (6), which runs
obliquely superiorly, medially and posteriorly
. the sacrospinous (6) and the sacrotuberous
(7) ligaments
from the ischial spine to the lateral border of
the sacrum and the coccp( . the interosseous sacroiliac ligament
(shown as white patches on the two halves of
. the sacrotuberous ligamemt (7), which
the flgure in the concavities of the articular
crosses obliquely the posterior surface
surfaces), which forms the deep layer of the
of the former. Superiorly it is attached along a sacroiliac ligaments and is attached laterally to
line stretching down from the posterior the iliac tuberosity and medially to the
border of the iliac bone to the lirst two anterior forumina of S1 and 52. It is also
coccygeal verlebrae. Its oblique fibres run a
known as the axial or vague ligament and is
twisting course inferiody, anteriody and classically considered to represent the axis of
laterally to be inserted into the ischial
movement of the sacrum; hence the term
tuberosity and the medial lip of the ascending 'axial'.
ramus of the ischium. The sciatic notch is
thus divided by these two ligaments into two
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Nutation and counternutation

Before studying the movements at the sacroiliac the pelvic outlet (PO) during nutation along
ioint, it is wise to recall that their range is small with the approximation of the iliac crests at the
and varies according to circumstances and the level of the anterior superior iliac spines (asis).
subject. This explains the contradictions among
various authors regarding the function of this joint Counternutation (Fig. 25) involves movements
and the relevance of its movements during labour. in the opposite direction. The sacrum pivots
These movements were frrst described by Zaglas around the interosseous ligament (black cross)
in 1851 and by Duncan in 1854. and rights itself so that its promontory moves
superiody and posteriorly (S1) and its apex
and the tip of the coccyx move inferiorly and
The classic theory of nutation anteriorly (d1).
and counternutation As the sacrum rights itself into counter-
During the movement of nutation (FiS. 22) nutation, the anteroposterior diameter of the
the sacrum (red arrow) fotates around an axis pelvic inlet (PI) is increased by a distance of 51
(black cross) formed by the interosseous liga- and the anteroposterior diameter of the pelvic
ment, so that its promontory moves inferiorh outlet (PO) is reduced by a distance of d1. At the
anrid antteriody (S2), while its apex and the tip
same time (Fig. 24) tbe tuings of tbe iliac bones
of the coccp( move posteriody (d2). moue apart and. tbe iscbial tuberosities are
clraun closer togetber.
During this tilting motion, which could be com-
pared to the anteroposterior diameter of the pelvic The movement of countemutation is limited (see
inlet (PD is reduced by a distance of 52, and the Fig. 20, p. 5D by the tension of the anterior (5)
anteroposterior diameter of the pelvic outlet (PO) and the deep (4) sacroiliac ligaments. As a guide-
is increased by a distance d2. At the same time line, the change in the anteroposterior diameter
(Fig. 21) the wings of the iliac bones move closer of the pelvic outlet can amount to 3 mm accord-
together, while the ischial tuberosities move ing to Bonnaire, Pinard and Pinzani and to 8-
13 mm according to Walcher. The range of the
apart. This movement of nutation is limited (see
Fig. 20, p. 5D by the tension developed in the changes in the anteroposterior diameter of the
sacrotuberous (6D and saa'ospinous (7) liga- pelvic outlet can amount to 15 mm according to
ments and in the nutation brakes, i.e. the antero' Borcel and Fernstrdm and to 77.5 mm according
posterior (8) and t}":'e anteroinferior (9) bund.les to Thoms. Weisel has recently confirmed the
of tbe anterior sacroiliac ligament. transverse displacement of the wings of the iliac
bones and of the ischial tuberosities.
A coronal section of the pelvis (Fig. 23) shows
the widening of the pelvic inlet (PD and of
The various theories of nutation
According to the classic theory of Farabeuf the caudal segment of the auricular facet. This
(Fig.26), which we have just described, the tilting would mean a linear displacement resulting in
of the sacrum R occurs about an axis formed a corresponding displacement of the sacral
by the interosseous ligament, its displacement is promontory and of the sacral apex.
angular and its promontory moves inferiody and . The other theory is based on rotational
anteriody along an arc of a circle with centre (*) movement (Fig. 29, R) around a
located behind the auricular surface. perpendicular axis lying inferior and anterior
to the sacrum. The location of this centre of
According to Bonnaire's theory (Fig.27), the rotation would vary from pefson to person,
sacmm is tilted about an axis (+) that passes and with the type of movement involved.
through Bonnaire's tubercle, located at the junc-
tion of the two segments of its auricular surface. The variety of theories available suggests how
Thus the centre of this angular movement (R) is dfficult it is to analyse movements of small
range and raises the possibility that different types
of movement may occuf in different individuals.
The studies of Weisel allow two other possible
These ideas have more than abstract significance,
since these movements participate in the
. The theory of pure translation @ig. 28, T) physiology of labour.
states that the sacrum slides along the axis of
The pubic symphysis and
the sacrococcygeal joint
The pubic symphysis is an amphiarthrosis, i.e. The superior border of the symphysis is strength-
a secondary cartilaginous joint of minimal, rf any, ened by the superior pubic ligament (13),
mobility. Nonetheless at the end of pregnancy and which is a thick and dense fibrous band. The infe-
during labour Laater imbibition by its soft tissues rior border is strengthened by the inferior or
allows the two pubic bones to slide on eacb other arcluate pubic ligament, which is continuous
a.nd. moue apart. In rodents these movements with the interosseous ligament and forms a sharp-
have a sizable range. A horizontal section (Fig. edged arch rounding off the apex of the pubic
30) shows the two medial ends of the pubic bones arch. The thickness and strength of the rib vault
lined axially by cartilage (10) and united by the of the pubic atch (4) are clearly seen in the
interosseous ligament (1 1), a fibrocartilaginous sagittal section (Fig. 31). These powerful periar-
disc with a thin median cleft (12). On the anterior ticular ligaments make the symphysis a uery strong
surface of the symphysis there is a thic k and joint tbat is dfficult to dislocate. In clinical prac-
predominantly fibrous ligament (7-8-9), whose tice tfaumatic dislocation rarely occurs and is gen-
stfucture will be presented later. On its posterior erally difficult to treat when it does occur; this is
surface lies the posterior pubic ligament (5). surprising for a joint that is apparently fixed under
On a medial view of the opened joint (Fig. 31, normal circumstances.
right side) the articular surface of the pubic bone The sacrococcygeal ioint, connecting the
appears oval, with its oblique long axis running sacrum and the coccp(, is an amphiarthrosis.
superiorly and anteriorly, and is topped by the Its articular surfaces are elliptical, with their long
tendon of origin of the rectus abdominis (f ). The axes running tfansversely. A lateral view (Fig.
joint is locked anterior$ by the very thick anterior 37) shows the convex sacral surface and the
pubic ligament (3), made up of transverse and concave coccygeal surface. The joint is united by
oblique fibres, as cleady seen in the anterior view an interosseous ligament similar to an interver-
(Eig.31+). These libres consist of the following: tebral disc and by periarticular ligaments,
. the aponeurotic insertions of the external which fall into three groups: anterior, posterior
otrlique (8) and lateral. The anterior view (Fig. 35) shows
. the tendinous origins of the fectus the cocc;zx (1), which is a uestigial tail and is
abdominis (7) and of the pyrarnidalis (2) made up of four fused bony uertebrae, the
. the tendons of origin of the gracilis and of sacfum (2) and the anterior ligament, and on
the adductor longus (P). the anterior surface of the sacrum, the vestigial
All these fibres crisscross anterior to the symphy- anterior longitudinal vertebral ligament (J),
sis and form a dense fibrous feltwork, the pre- which becomes continuous with the anterior
pubic ligament. sacrococcygeal ligament (16). Three lateraL
The posterior aspect of the ioint (Fig. 33) bears sacrococcygeal ligaments (5, 6 and 15) can also
the posterior pubic ligament (5), which is a be seen. The posterior view (Fig. 36) shows
fibrous membrane continuous with the perios- vestigial ligaments on the median crest of the
teum. AIso visible is a triangular aponeurotic band, sacrum (13), which are continuous with the pos-
whose base rests on the superior borders of the terior sacrococcygs2l ligaments (14).
symphysis and of the pubic bones deep to the
At the sacrococcygeal joint the only movements
fectlls, and whose oblique fibres are inserted at are those of flexion-extension, which are only
various levels into the midline of the linea alba. It
passive and occur during defecation and labour.
is known as the admuniculum lineae albae (6),
During nutation of the sacrum the posterior tilting
i.e. the reinforcement of the linea alba.
of the sacral apex can be amplif.ed, and extended
A vertical section taken in a coronal plane by extension of tbe coccyx inferiody and post-
(Fig. 32) shows the components of the articular eriody. This increases the antefoposterior
surfaces: diameter of the pelvic outlet during delivery of
. the hyaline cartilage lining the pubic bones the fetal head.
the fibrocartilaginous disc (f 1)
the thin cleft (12) in the fibrocartilaginous
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The influence of position on the ioints of

the pelvic girdle
In the symmetrical erect posture the joints of is dislocated, the upper borders of the pubic
the pelvic girdle are recruited by the weight of bones become misaligned m during walking. In
the body. The mode of action of these forces can the same way one can imagine the recruitment
be analysed on a lateral view (Fig. 38), where the of the sacroiliac joints in the opposite dit"ection
iliopsoas is considered transparent and allows the during walking. Their resistance to movement
femur to be seen. resides in their strong ligaments but, after dis-
location of one of the sacroiliac joints, painful
The venebral column, the sacrum, the hip bones movements occur at every step. Tberefore both
and the lower limbs form a coordinated articular ancl ualking depend on tbe mecbani-
system with two joints: the hip joint and the cal robustness of tbe peluic girclle.
sacroiliac joint. The weight of the trunk (P) acts
on the sacrum and tends to lower its promontory. In the supine position the sacroiliac joints are
The sacmm then undergoes a movement of recruited differently, depending on whether the
nutation (N2), which is rapidly limited by the hip is flexed or extended.
anterior sacroiliac ligaments (the brakes of nuta- . Vhen the hips are extended (Fig. 4I) tlire
tion), and above all by the sacrospinous and the pull of the flexor muscles (e.g. the psoas
sacrotuberous ligaments, thus preventing the visible in the figure) tilts the pelvis anteriorly,
sacral apex fiom moving away from the ischial while the sacral apex is pushed anteriody.
tuberosity. This shortens the distance between the sacral
apex and the ischial tuberosity and rotates the
At the same time, the reaction of the ground sacroiliac joint into countemutation. This
(R), transmitted by the femora at the hip joints, position corresponds to the eady stage of
forms (with the weight of the body acting on the labour, and the countemutation, which
sacrum) a rotatory couple that causes the hip enlarges the pelvic inlet, favours the descent
bone to tilt posteriorly (N1). This retroversion of of the fetal head into the true pelvis.
the pelvis increases tbe mouement of nutation .
at tbe saa"oiliac joimts. This analysis deals with Vhen the hips are flexed (Fie. 42) the pull
on the hamstrings (shown in the diagram)
movements, but it should rather deal with forces,
tends to tilt the pelvis posteriody relative to
because the ligarnents are extremely powef-
ful and stop all movement immediately. the sacrum, i.e. a movernent of nutation,
which decreases the diameter of the pelvic
Figure 40 shows that, in the symmetrical erect inlet and increases both diameters of the
posture, the centre of gravity of the body (G)
pelvic outlet. This position, taken during the
lies on a line joining 53 to the pubis (P) nearly at
expulsive phase of labour, thus favours
the level of the hip ioints, where the pelvis the delivery of the fetal head through the
pelvic outlet.
settles into the position of equilibrium.
. During a change of position from hip
In the one-legged position (Fig. 39) at euety extension to hip flexion, the mean range of
step taken the reaction of the grouncl (R) is trans- displacement of the sacral promontory is
mitted by the supporting limb and elevates the 5.6 mm. Therefore these changes in the
corresponding hip while the other hip is pulled position of the thighs markedly alter the
down by the weight of the fieely hanging limb dimensions of the pelvic cavity in order to
(D). This leads to a shearing force in the pubic facilitate the passage of the fetal head during
symphysis, which tends to raise the pubic bone labour. W-hen the thighs are flexed on the
on the supporting side (A) and lower the opposite pelvis the lumbar lordosis (Fig. 41) is flattened
pubic bone (B). Normally the robustness of the and a hand can no longer be slipped under
symphysis precludes any movement, but, when it the small of the back (green arrow).
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The pelvic wall

A medialview of the right hemipelvis (Fig. 43, the lower limb as they leave the peMs under the
after removal of the left hip bone) shows only inguinal ligament (il) on top of the horizontal
the right hip bone and the sacrum with two pubic ramus. They are as follows:
ligaments: . the iliacus (6), which has a wide fleshy origin
. the sacrospinous ligament (1), which ntns from the entire pelvic surface of the iliac
from the lateral border of the sacrLrm to the bone
ischial spine . the psoas maior (7), which arises from the
. the sacrotuberous ligament (2), which runs transvefse pfocesses of the lumbar veftebrae.
from the inferior part of the lateral border of These two muscles join to form the iliopsoas
the sacrum and of the cocclx to the ischial before being inserted by a common tendon into
tuberosity and sends a falciform expansion (3) the lesser trochanter.
on to the ischiopubic ramlls.
These two ligaments join the hip bone and the The osteomuscular pelvic wall (Fig. 46, rnedial
sacrLlm to form the two foramina (i.e. the greater view) gives attachment to a very large muscle, the
sciatic notch superiorly [s] and the lesser sciatic levator ani (8), which lies symmetrically on
notch inferiorly [i]). These foramina connect the either side of the midline of the pelvic dia-
pelvic cavity to the lower limb. phragm and arises along a line that borders the
pelvic wall, i.e. from the following strlrctures
A similar medial view of the right hemi- arranged anteroposteriody:
pelvis (FiS. 44) also contains ttvo external rotator . the pelvic surface of the pubis
muscles of the lower limb (see Volume 2) after
leaving the pelvis via these two foramina:
. the obturatot fascia arching over the
obturator foramen
. the piriformis (4), which arises from the . the tendinous arch of levator ani connecting
pelvic surface of the sacrum on both sides of the external border of the sacfum to the
the second and third sacral foramina and is ischial spine
inserted into the greatef trochanter after
passing through the greater sciatic foramen
. the pelvic surface of the sacrotuberous
with the gluteal afiery above (red arrow) and
the sciatic nerve below (yellow arrow) . the lower paft of the lateral border of the
. sacrum and the external border of the cocclx
the obturator internus (5) which arises
from the border of the obturator foramen . the anococcygeal ligament running from the
and the quadrilateral surface (q)'? and bends tip of the coccpr to the anus (a).
acutely at the posterior border of the lesser This wide muscular sheet consists of many bundles
sciatic notch, rlrns anteriody and laterally well described by anatomists and forms the pelvic
with the gemellus muscles (not seen in the diaphragm, which holds in place and sup-
diagram) to be inserted into the greater ports all the abdominal and pelvic viscera.
trochanter. The sciatic artery (red arrow) also This partition is intermpted of necessity along the
exits via the lesser sciatic foramen. midline by important tubular structures: two
These two muscles are also lateral rotators of the in men (the anus and the urethra) and yet a third
lower limb (see Volume 2). in women (the vagina). Here lies the problem of
the perineum!
Another medial view of the right hemipelvis
(Fig. 45) now also contains two flexor muscles of

The quadrilateral surface (q) is the pelvic surface counterpaft of the iliac bone contribution to the articular and non-articttlar surface of
the acetabulum.
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The pelvic diaphragm

A view of the pelvis taken from behind, A coronal section (Fig. 50) shows that this parti
below and outside (Fig. 47) clearly shows the tion is not horizontal but is oblique and funnel-
wide muscular sheet formed by the various com- shaped and open below at the urogenital cleft c.
ponents of the levator ani around the anus a. Moreovef, it is lined superficially by a second
diaphragm, i.e. the perineum (P), which is hori-
This muscular diaphragm (Fig. 48) is a perfect zontal and varies in structufe with the sexes.
counterpart to tlce tboracic diapbragm. It has
similar functions (i.e. separating and retaining A posterior view (Fig. 51) shows these two
the viscera) and also contains openings for the planes very well:
passage of important ofgans.
. the deep plane: the levator ani with its
Thus in women it contains a large cleft, the posterior (8) and anterior (8') bundles
urogenital cleft (Fig. 49,c). In both sexes, . the superflcial plane: the perineum (P), which
howevef, the anus, located in its posterior part, is is attached laterally to the ischiopubic rami
surrounded by a special sling, i.e. the levator ani and converges centrally on the anal sphincter
(8), whose fibres blend more or less with those (as) and anococcygeal ligament (ac).
of the anal sphincter and play an important role
in the mechanism of anal continence ancl
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The female perineum

A lefit view of the female pelvis (EiS. 52) taken urogenital diaphragm (3), which extend
from behind, below and outside brings out posteriorly (3) just beyond the transversus
clearly tlire hto pla.nes of the female perineum. muscles.
. The superficial plane consists of the
. In the centre of this structure all the muscle
superficial transversus perinei (1) running flbres and their aponeuroses become tightly
transversely between the two ischiopubic interwoven to form the perineal body (6),
rami and of two sphincteric muscles, which which is a vital element in the robustness
are circular and can thus control the calibre of the female perineum. It is prolonged
of an anatomical orifice (like the orbicularis posteriorly by the anococcygeal ligament (8),
oris in the face): which connects the tip of the cocclx to the
anal sphincter.
- anteriody the sphincter urethrovaginalis
(4) surrounding the vaginal orifice (v) All these structures are visible in the position
- posteriorly the anal sphincter (5), which adopted during a gynaecological examina-
forms a muscular ring around the anus (a). tion (Fig. iJ) and can also be seen individually in
. the diagram drawn in perspective (FiS. 54).
The deep plane is made up of the following:
- the deep transversus perinei (2), which Aview taken in perspective of the superficial
has the same attachments and course as the perineum and the levator ani (Fig. 55) brings
anal sphincter out their relationships.
- the ischiocavefnosus (seen as tfanspafent,
7) surrounds the corpus cavernosum, it Unlike the male perineum, the female perineum
arises from the ischiopubic ramus and is subject to severe traumas, especially during
meets its counterpart to form the clitoris labour, when the fetus must forcibly make its way
under the pubic symphysis. Its function is through the urogenital cleft, which is suppoted
to compress the corpus cavernosum and by the anterior medial flbres of the levator ani (L).
therefore it lies parallel to it. These traumas can destabilize the static equi-
. These two planes are separated by the librium of the pelvis and lead to prolapse of
superior and inferior fascial layers of the the urogenital organs.
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The volumes of the abdominal and

pelvic cavities
An anteroposterior view taken in perspec- Figure 57 (taken in perspective) brings out two
tive (Fig. 56) brings out the virtual volume of the other openings of great impoftance for the passage
combined abdominopelvic cavity. This global of the fetal head during labour:
volume is divided into two by the pelvic inlet . the intermediate opening (green line)
(red), as seen in a view of these three open- demarcated by four landmarks:
ings taken in perspective (Fig. 57).
- the lower border of the pubic symphysis
The pelvic inlet coincides with the pelvic ring. It - the ischial spines
is a contirluous circular line running from - the pelvic surface of the sacrum
the sacral promontory (i.e. the projecting ante- . the pelvic outlet @lue line), also demarcated
rior border of the upper surface of Sl) to the by four landmarks:
upper border of the putric syrnphysis. On
both sides it crosses the arcuate line of the - the lower border of the pubic symphysis
ilium. - the tip of the coccpr
- the pelvic surfaces of the ischial
The dimensions of these openings are well known tuberosities.
and of considerable importance during pregnancy. As the term fetus shifts from its abdominal to its
They can be measured radiographically with rela- pelvic location, on its way out, it enters the so-
tive ease. called birth canr:al (Fig. 58), which can be con-
ceptualized by an anteriody concave large tube
Another look at Figure 56 shows that the volume passing through all three openings.
of the abdomen (clear and transparent), strictly
speaking lying above the pelvic inlet, is clearly
greater than that of the true pelvis, which lies
below (in blue).
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This is not an obstetrics textbook and there is no The hormonal status at the end of pregnancy leads
intention of describing in detail the mechanisms to softening of the pubic symphysis and allows
of normal labour. and even less of abnormal the pubic bones to move apart by 1 cm, thus
labour. increasing pelvic diameters, starting with that of
the pelvic inlet. rMhen the cerwical os is fully
This physiological process, however, is of interest dilated, expulsion begins, and there is a need to
here insofar as it depends on the locomotor increase further the diameter of the pelvic outlet.
appatatas in its broad sense, i.e. the skeleton, This is achieved by the mechanism of nutation,
the joints and muscles of the abdomen and which, as we have akeady seen, is enhanced by
pelvis. flexion of the thighs on the pelvis (see Fig. 42,
At term, pregnancy is followed by labour, i.e. the
expulsion of the fetus per vias naturales. It must The ancestral position for labour, still used by a
be stressed that the delivery of the fetus is a large portion of humanity, is that of hanging by
natural physiological process, which has the arms (Fig. 63): hip flexion promotes nuta-
occurred over the aeons to ensufe the surwival of tion and thus opening of the pelvic outlet; the
the human race. Thus obstetfics is the science of ver-tical position enhances the abdominal thrust,
the mechanisms of normal and abnormal labour, which results from the weight of the viscera, the
culminating in what is called a 'happy event'. downward displacement of the diaphragm
and contraction of the abdominal rnuscles
At the start of labour the entire body of the mother (Fig. 6l). The most effective muscles in this
is called to 'action stations', and the passage of process are not the straight muscles but rather the
the fetus through the birth canal is the result of a large flat muscles, such as the external and inter-
well-coordinated succession of processes. nal oblique muscles and especially the trans-
versus abdominis, which bring back towards
First (Fig. 59) the abdominal muscles contract to the spine and the axis of the birth canal the
push the fetal bead tbrough tbe peluic inlet, so now grossly enlarged utefus as it tilts forwards
that it becomes engaged in the true pelvis. The over the pubic symphysis.
supine position with lower limbs lying flat (see
Fig. 41, p 67) favours the opening of the pelvic The anatomical and functional characteristics of
outlet via the mechanism of counternutation. the female perineum set the stage for functional
disorders caused by ageing and by multiple
The powerful uterine muscle (Fig. 60), made up pregnancies in some women. The urogenital
of circular, oblique and longitudinal fi.bres, cleft then provides a possible path for the
starts to contract rhlthmically and the cervical descent of the pelvic viscera, e.g. the bladder, the
os begins to dilate. The contractions signal the urethra and the uterus, resulting in urogenital
onset of labour. prolapse.

The increase in the pelvic diameters is facilitated

by the widening of the pubic symphysis (FiS. 52).

Micturition and defecation in the female

The perineal muscles control essential processes The control of defecation
like micturition, defecation and erection.
Faeces accumulate in the rectum, which is the
Let us look at the role of the female perineum in large-calibre terminal portion of the sigmoid
micturition and defecation, which occur in both colon. Vlhen the rectum (r) is full, the desire to
sexes. First we shall consider the mechanisms of defecate is felt.
urinary continence and micturition.
Faecal continence (Fig. 66) is controlled by the
The control of urination action of two muscles:
. the levatot anri (3), whose deepest fibres
The bladder is a reservoir that reconciles the crisscross the anal canal posteriody and
continuous formation of urine by the kidneys contract to bend the anal canal at an acute
and the sporadic passage of urine at will. Bladder angle by pulling it forwards
filling triggers the desire to void. Urinary conti- . the external anal sphincter (4), which
nence and voluntary contfol of urination are
consists of voluntary striated muscle and lies
vital for the autonomy of the individual.
in the superflcial plane of the perineum
downstream from the internal anal sphincter;
Urinary continence in women (Fig. 64) allows
its contfaction controls faecal retention and
the progressive filling of the bladder (b), which is
its relaxation controls defecation.
the most anterior organ in the pelvis. As long as
the internal urethral sphincter (1), which con- Defecation Qig. 57) or the release of faecal
sists of smooth muscle, remains contracted, there matefial depends on four mechanisms:
is no leakage of urine. The external urethral . relaxation of the levator ani (3), which allows
sphincter (2), which consists of voluntary stri- the canal to become once more straight and
ated muscle, lies in the superflcial plane of the
perineum downstream from the internal sphinc-
ter. It is the voluntary contraction of the external
. contraction of the smooth muscles of the
sphincter that preuents micturitiom in the pres- rectal wall (r), especially the longitudinal and
ence of a very stfong ufge to urinate. circular bundles, in a peristaltic fashion, i.e.
waves of repeated contractions moving
Micturition (Fig. 65) (i.e. urination or satis- downstream
fying the need to urinate) depends on four . relaxation of the external anal sphincter (4)
mechanisms: . contraction of the abdominal muscles,
. the relaxation of the involufltary internal contributing to the abdominal effort during
urethral sphincter defecation, i.e. the diaphragm (d) and the
broad muscles of the abdomen, especially the
. contraction of the detrusor, a smooth muscle
external oblique (5) and above allthe
in the bladder wall
transversus (6).
a relaxation of the external urethral sphincter
contraction of the muscles undedying the
abdominal effort during micturition, i.e. the
diaphragm (d) and the broad abdominal
muscles, especially the internal oblique (5)
and the transversus (6).
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The male perineum

Unlike the female perineum the male perineum is structufe, the prostate (P). This gland lies at the
straightforward, i.e. no delivery, no prolapse and base of the bladder and surrounds the Llrethra; its
no urinary incontinence, except postoperatively. function is to secrete seminal fluid.
On the other hand, men are prone to urinary Normally when the bladder fills up two sphinc-
retention because of prostatic disease.
ters ensufe continence:
Anatomically the male perineum (Fig. 68) has . the involuntary internal urethral
the same structural components as the female sphincter (2), which surrounds the first part
perineum, but there is a crucial difference, i.e. of the prostatic urethra
there is no urogenital cleft.
. the volurlrtairy external urethral sphincter
(3), which lies at the prostatic apex and
The male perineum consists of two planes:
ensures uoluntary urinary control.
. the deep transversus perinei (1)
V/hen there is nodular prostatic hyperplasia the
. the superficial transversus perinei (2). enlarged prostate projects into the flrst part of the
These planes ate sepatated by the following: prostatic urethra and hinders the emptying of
. the bladder, whiCh then dilates from urinary reten-
the intermediate perineal ligament (3),
tion and extends as a dome (d, dotted line) above
which fills the entire anterior triangle of the
the pubis.
. the anal sphincter (4) attached to the Micturition (Fig. 7O) results from contraction
coccp( by the anococcygeal ligament (5) of the detrusor, while the internal (2) and
. the external urethral sphincter (6). the external (3) urethral sphincters relax. No
abdominal effort is usually necessary except when
All these structures meet in the midline in the there is urinary retention.
perineal body (7).
Erection, tulticlt renders tbe penis rigid, is easy
The urogenital cleft is replaced by the erector to understand with the use of a novelry parq
apparatus made up of three erectile bodies, hooter. This is a tubular paper ribbon, closed at
which act as sponges and can swell with blood one end and fitted with a spring that allows it to
supplied by the pudendal arteries. Along the roll up on itself (Fig. 71). ril/hen one blows into it
ischiopubic rami ate also found the two cofpofa (FiS.72) through its open end it swells up, gets
cavefnosa (8), which are surrounded by the longer and becomes rigid. During erection the
ischiocavernous muscles (9) and meet in the corpofa cavefnosa and corpus spongiosum swell
midline below the pubic symphysis to form up like the ribbon and become rigid because of
tl;re dorsal part of tbe penis.
the inflow of blood from the pudendal arteries.
As the urethra (u) traverses the perineum it is An experirnental demonstration of this process
embedded in the corpus spongiosum (10), can be carried out with a rubber fingerstall
which is surrounded by the bulbospongiosus attached to a base with an inflow tap and an
(11) and is slung by the perineal ligament as it outflow tap (Fig. 73). \Mhen the inflow tap is
courses along the midline towards the confluence closed, corresponding to the closure of the puden-
of the cavernosa to contfibute to the formation of dal veins, blowing into the inflow tap causes the
the penis (p). These three erectile bodies are fingerstall to swell. If, in addition, the fingerstall
surrounded by the inextensible deep fascia of is tightened at its base (Fig. 75), simulating the
the penis, which acts as a sheath contributing to contfaction of the ischiocavernosus and of the
the erection of the penis. The male urethra ends bulbospongiosus, its volume and rigidity are
at the external urinary meatus at the tip of the increased. This muscular spasm occurs at the
time of eiaculation and leads to orgasm. Contin-
Urinary control 6ig. 69) depends on the same ued involuntary penile erection is priapism,
stfuctures as in women. but with an additional which is a very painful condition.
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External landmarks of the pelvis:

the lozenge of Michaelis and the plane
of Lewinneck
Besides more or less sophisticated radiological . the apices corresponding to the two sacral
examinations, a simple clinical examination using fossae always ovedie the upper part of the
posterior and anterior landmarks can help under- sacroiliac ioints
stand the structlrre of the pelvis. . the position of the superior apex varies
between L4 andLLL5
The human back (Fig. 76) has the easily . the inferior apex can also oscillate slightly
detected rnidline spinal fiJrrow, which lies about its projection on 53.
between the paravertebral muscles and corre-
sponds to the interspinous line. It stops at the This lozenge lies in a region of great aesthetic
bottom at the level of the sacrum, where the value, hence its name of 'diuine lozenge'.It cor-
lozenge of Michaelis stands out with its four responds to the sacrum and to the lumbosacral
apices: junction and is of considerable interest to sur-
geons and rheumatologists.
. on either side of the midline, the two sacral
fossae In fact, three landmarks help to demarcate this
. above, the lower extremity of the spinal lumtrosacral region (Fig. 78):
frrrrow . the space between the spines of L4 and
. below, the summit of the natal cleft. L5, where the intercristal line (between the
Thus the lozenge has a vertical long axis in the iliac bones) crosses the midline
midline continuous with the spinal groove and . the two sacral fossae, where injections can
a short transvefse axis, perpendicular to the be made into the sacroiliac joints
former and running between the sacral fossae. . the first superior posterior sacral
The lengtb of tbe sltort axis is constant, whereas foramen, through which it is easy to
tbat of tbe long axis vafies so that the lozenge administer low peridural injections, e.g.
appears more or less flattened depending on the
into the ischial bones. It lies (darkblue) ttuo
finger breadths belou L4-L5 and huo fi.nger
breadtbs aruay from tbe midline. Once the
Since the classical period of Greek history, sculp-
superficial tissues baue been patiently
tors ctnd painters have always included this anaestbetized it becomes easy to look for this
lozenge in their works, as can be observed on all
sacral foramen with a faidy long needle, and
thek pcilntings and sculptures. Some modern it is reached when the needle has lost contact
aftists know the name, but among doctors only
with the sacral bone . The needle is then
obstetricians are familiar with this name. This is pushed in for 1 cm and the injection can
not by chance, since Gustav Adolph Michaelis begin.
(1798-1848) was a German gynaecologist who
lived in Kiel:.l before radiograpby uas auailable. On the anterior surface of the pelvis (Fig. 79)
He discovered the lozenge as a means of recogniz- the two anterior superior iliac spines and the
ing possible pelaic deformities tbat could leacl to pubic crest demarcate the triangle of Lewin-
clystocia. Radiography has made it possible to neck, which supports the pelvis in the prone
know what st1-Llctufes coffespond to the lozenge. position (Fig. 8O). This triangle is a stereotactic
Anterior views (Big. 77), using lead markers to landmark for computer-guided operations on the
identify the four apices, show the following pelvis.
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ffiYw&reffiffi THREE
The Lumbar Spine
The lumbar spine rests on the pelvis and articulates with the
sacrum. In turn it supports the thoracic spine, which is linked to
the thorax and the scapular girdle.

Next to the cerwical spine the lumbar spine is the most mobile
segment and also bears the brunt of the weight of the trunk.
As a result, it is the main seat of disease, including the most
common of atl skeletal disorders, lumbago, secondary to
herniation of the intervertebral disc.
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Global view of the lumbar sPine

An ariteroposterior radiograph (Fig. 1) shows joining the sacral promontory to the superior
that the lumbar spine is straight and symmetri- border of the pubic symphysis, averages 60'
cal relative to the interspinous line (m). The the arc of the lumbar lordosis can be
width of the vertebral bodies and that of their completed by a line joining the
tfansvefse processes de cre ases regulaily craniad. posterosuperior border of L1 to the
The horizontal line (h), passing through the posteroinferior border of L5, and
highest points of the two iliac crests, runs between corresponding (p) to the chord of the arc (c,
L4 and L5. The vertical lines (a and a'), drawn orange-dashed line). The perpendicular (p) to
along the lateral borders of the sacral alae, the chord is usually longest at the level of L3.
rurl roughly through the floor of each It increases as the lordosis is more marked
acetabulum. and almost disappears when the lumbar spine
is straight. It can ntely become inverted
An oblique view (Fig. 2) illustrates the compo- the posterior bend (indicated by arrow pb)
nents of the lumbar lordosis and the static fepresents the distance between the
features of the lumbar spine, as worked out by posteroinferior border of L5 and the vertical
de Sdze: line passing through the posterosuperior
. the sacral angle (a), formed between the border of L1, and can be:
horizontal and the line passing through the - zero if the vertical line coincides with the
upper border of 51, averages l0' chord of the lumbar lordosis
. the lurnbosacral angle (b), formed between - positive if the lumbar spine is bent
the axis of L5 and the sacral axis, averages backward
- negative if the lumbar spine is bent
. the angle of inclination of the pelvis (i), forward.
formed between the horizontal and the line
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Structure of the lumbar vertebrae

A 'disassembled' view (Fig. 3) brings out the posteriorly and laterally, and its cartilage-
components of the lumbar vertebra: coated articular surface faces posteriody
and medially.
. The kidney-shaped vertebral body (1)
is wider laterally than it is deeP
. The inferior atticular process (7) arises
anteroposteriody, and is broacler than it is from the inferior border of the vertebral arch
high. Its periphery is deeply hollowed out in near the junction of the lamina with the
the shape of a diabolo, except posteriody, spinous process. It faces inferiody and
where it is nead)'flat. medially, and its cartilage-coated articular
. surface faces latercr.lly ancl anteriorly.
The two laminae (2) are quite tall and run
posteriorly and medially, but they lie in a
. The vertebral foramen lies between the
plane that is oblique inf'eriorly and laterally. posterior surface of the vertebla and the
. vefiebral arch in the shape of an ahmost
The bulky and rectangular spinous process
equilateral triangle.
(3), formed in the midline by fusion of the
two laminae, fllns backwards into a bulbous The typical lumbar vertebra is 'reassembled' in
tip. Figure 4.
. The transverse processes (4), better called
tl;.e costoid l)rocesses, are in fact Yestigial ribs Some lumbar vertebrae have certain specific fea-
attached at the level of the articular processes tures. The transverse process of Ll is less uell
and running an oblique collrse posteriody and deueloped than those of the other lumbar verte-
laterally. On the posterior aspect of their site brae. The vertebral body of L5 is biglcer anteri-
of attachment lies the accessoty pl'ocess, or"Iy tbcm posteriofly, so that its profile is
which, according to some authors, is the wedge-shaped or even trapezoidal, with its
homologue of the tfansvefse process of a longer side lying anteriody. Its inferior articular
thoracic vertebra. surfaces are more widely sepafated from each
. other than those of the other lumbar vertebrae.
The pedicle (5) is a short bony segment
joining the vefiebral arch to the vertebral
\flhen tuo lumbar uertebrae at"e separated uerti'
body ancl is attached to the former at its
cally (Fig.5) it becomes obviotts how the inferior
superolateral angle. It clelines the superior and
articular processes of the upper vertebra fit
inferior limits of the interveftebral foramen
snugly medially and posteriody into the superior
ancl posteriody provicles attachment fbr the
articular process of the lower vertebra (Fig. 6).
atticwlat pfocesses. Thus each lumbar ver-tebra stabilizes the ovedv-
. The superior articular process (6) lies on ing vertebra laterally as a result of the buttress-
the upper border of the lamina as it joins the like structure of the articular processes.
pedicle. It lies in a plane running obliquely
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The ligamentous complex of

the lumbar spine
This ligamentous complex can be studied, on the The sagittal section (Fig. 7) shows the interverte-
one hand, on a sagittal section (Fig. 7, after bral disc with its annulus fibrosus (8) and its
removal of the laminae on the left) and, on the nucleus pulposus (P).
other, on a cofonal section (Fig. 8, passing
through the pedicles and containing the vertebral Segmental ligaments bind the vertebral arches.
bodies seen from the back). Each lamina is joined to the next by a thick power-
ful yellow ligament, the ligamentum flavr.m
The posterior half of the section (Fig. 9), after (11), seen transected in Figure 7. It is inserted
a fotation of 180", contains the vertebral arches inferiorly into the superior border of the unclerly-
seen from the front and a detached vertebra lytng ing lamina and superiorly into the medial aspect
on top. Note that in Figures 8 and 9 the corre- of the ovedying lamina. Its medial edge fuses with
sponding stllmps of the pedicles are seen on both that of the contralatetal ligament in the midline
sides. Glg. 9) and completely closes the vertebral
canal posteriody (13). Anteriorly and laterally it
The sagittal section (Fig. 7) reveals very cleady overlies the capsular and anteromedial llrga-
two sets of ligaments: ments (14) of the facet joints. Thus its antero-
. medial border is flush with theposterior margin
the anterior (1) and posterior (5)
of tlce interuertebral foramen.
longitudinal ligaments running along the
entire spine
The spinous processes (12) arc linked by the pow-
. the segmental ligarnents running between erftil interspinous ligaments (15), continuous
the vertebral arches. posteriorly with the supraspinous ligaments
The anteriorlongitudinalligament (1) stretches (16), which are attached to the tips of tbe spinous
as a long, thick, pearly band from the basilar processes.In the lumbar region the ligaments are
process of the occipital bone to the sacrum on indistinct as they merge with the crisscrossing
the anterior surfaces of the vertebrae. It consists fibrous attachments of the lumbodorsal muscles.
of long fibres running from one end of the liga-
ment to the other and short afcuate flbres bridg- The intertransvefse ligaments (17), well devel-
ing the individual vertebrae. It is inserted into the oped in the lumbar region, rlln on both sides
anterior aspect of the intervertebral disc (3) between the accessory processes of the adjacent
and into the anterior surface of the vertebral tfansvefse pfocesses.
body (2). Thus, at the anteroslrperior and antero-
inferior angles of each vertebra there are two On an anterior view of the vertebral arch (Fig.
potential spaces (4), where osteophltes are 9), cutting through the ligamentum Jlauum (13)
formed in vertebral osteoarthritis. has allowed the upper vertebra to be detached;
between C2 and C3 the ligament has been com-
The posterior longitudinal ligament (5) pletely resected to reveal the capsule, the antefo-
extencls from the basilar pfocess of the occipital medial ligament of the facet joint (14) and the
bone to the sacral canal. Its two edges are fes- spinous process between the two vertebral
tooned because its arcuate fibres (6) are inserted arches.
a long way laterally into each intervertebral disc.
On the other hand, the ligament is not attacbecl Taken together, these two sets of ligaments form
to tlce posterior surface of tbe uertebra, leaving an extrernely strong link between the two ver-
a space (7) traversed by parauertebral uenous tebral bodies and also for the spine as a whole.
plexuses. The concavity of each festoon corre- Only a seuere trauma can break this link.
sponds to a pedicle (10).
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Flexion-extension and lateral flexion of

the lumbar spine
During flexion (Fig. 10) the body of the upper stretching the anterior fibres of the annulus and
vefiebra tilts and glides slightly forward in the the anterior longitudinal ligament (4). On the
direction of the arrow F, reducing the thickness other hand, the posterior longitudinal ligament is
of the intervertebral disc anteriody and increasing relaxed, the articular pfocesses of the upper and
it posteriorly. Thus the disc becomes wedge- lower vertebrae become more tightly intedocked
shaped, with its base facing posteriorly, and the (3) and the spinous processes touch each other.
nucleus pulposus is driven posteriody, stretching Hence extension is limited by the impact of the
the posterior fibres of the annulus fibrosus. bony structures of the arch and by the stretching
of the anterior longitudinal ligament.
At the same time the inferior articular processes
of the upper vertebra glide upwards and tend to During lateral flexion (Fig. 12) the body of the
free themselves from the superior afticular pro- upper vertebra tilts on the side of flexion (arrow
cesses of the lower vertebra (black ar:row). As a 1), while the disc becomes wedge-shaped and
result the capsule and the ligaments of this facet thicker on the other side, with displacement of
joint are maximally stretched along with the other the nucleus. The contralatefal inteftransverse
ligaments of the vertebral arch - the ligamentum ligament (6) is stretched, while the ipsilateral
flavum, the interspinous ligament (2), the supra- ligament (7) slackens (see Fig. 13).
spinous ligament and the posterior longitudinal
ligament. The tension of these ligaments finally A posterior view (Fig. 13) shows how the
limits extension. articular processes glide relative to each othei:
the anicular pfocess of the upper vertebra is
During extension (Fig. 11) the body of the raised on the convex side (8), while it is lowered
upper vertebra tilts and moves posteriody in the on the concave side (9). This leads at the same
direction of the arrow E. Meanwhile, the disc time to relaxation of the ipsilateral ligamenta flava
becomes flatter posteriody and thicker anteriorly and of the capsular ligament of the facet joint
and is transformed into a wedge with its base and to the stretching of the same structures
lying anteriorly. The nucleus is pushed anteriody, contralaterally.
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Rotation in the lumbar spine

A superior view (Figs 14 and 15) shows the around this latter centfe has to be associated with
superior articular facets of the lumbar vertebrae a gliding movement of the upper vertebra
facing posteriody and medially. They are not relative to the lower vertebra (Fig. 16). Thus the
flat but concaue transuersely and' straigbt uerti- disc D is not only rotated axially (Fig. 17) - which
cally. Geometrically speaking, they correspond to would allow a relatively much greater range of
segments of a cylinder with centre O located pos- movement - but is also subject to gliding and
teriody near the base of the spinous process shearing movements (Fig. 16). As a result, axial
(Fie. 16). rotation of the lumbar spine is quite limited both
segmentally and globally.
In the case of the upper lumbar vertebrae (Fig.
74) the centre of this cylinder lies just behind the According to Gregersen and Lucas, axial rotation
line joining the posterior borders of the afticular of the lumbar spine between Ll and 51 would
processes, whereas for the lower lumbar verte- have a total range bilaterally of 10' and so a seg-
brae (Fig. 15) the diameter of this cylinder is mental fange of 2o (assuming equal segmental dis-
much greatet, so that its centre lies far more tribution) and a segmental range of 1'forunilatetal
posteriorly. fotation.

It must be stressed that the centre of tbis cylinder It becomes obvious that the lumbar spine is not
does not coincide tuitb tbe centres of tbe uerte- at all designed fot axial rotation, which is
bral discal surfaces, so that, when the upper sharply limited by the orientation of the vefiebral
vertebra fotates on the lower vertebra (Figs 18 articular facets.
and 19i), the rotational movement occurring
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The lumbosacral hinge and

The lumbosacral hinge is a weak point in the that still retain L5 on the sacrum and prevent
spine. further slippage are:
. the lumbosacral intervertebral disc, whose
A lateral view (Fig. 2O) shows that, as a result of oblique fibres are stretched
the inclination of the upper surface of 51, the . the paravertebral muscles, which go into
body of L5 tends to glide inferiorly and anteriorly.
pemanent spasm and cause the pain
The weight (P) can be resolved into two elemen-
associated with spondylolisthesis.
tary forces:
. The degree of slippage can be measured anteriorly
a force (N) acting perpendicular to the upper
by the degree of overhanging of L5 relative to the
surface of 51
anterior border ofthe upper surface of 51.
. a force (G) acting parallel to the upper
surface of 51 and pulling L5 anteriody. Radiographs taken from an oblique view
This gliding movement is prevented by the (Fig. 2, reveal the classic picture of the 'Scottie
powerful anchoring of the vertebral arch of L5. dog':
. its muzzle corresponds to the tfansvefse
A superior view (Fig. 22) shows the inferior pfocess
articular processes of L5 fitting tightly into the . its eye to the pedicle seen head-on
superior articular processes of 51. The gliding
force (G') pfesses the articular processes of L5 . its ear to the superior articular pfocess
hard against the superior articular processes of . its front paw to the inferior articular process
the sacrum, which react with a force R on both . its tail to the lamina and the contralateral
sides. superior articular pfocess
. its hind paw to the contralatenl inferior
by necessity transmitted
These forces are arlicular pfocess
through a single point in the vertebral .
isthmus or pars interarticularis (Fig. 21), which its body to the lamina on the same side as the
is the part of the vertebral arch lying between the
picture is taken.
superior and inferior articular processes. 'When The important point is that tbe neck comesponds
this isthmus is fractured or destroyed, as shown exactly to tbe uertebrezl istbmu.s. W-hen the
here, the condition is known as spondylolysis. isthmus is broken, the neck of the dog is
As the arch is no longer retained posteriody on transected, clinching the diagnosis of spondy-
the superior articular processes of the sacrum, tbe lolisthesis. Anterior slippage of L5 must then be
body of L5 glicles inferiorly ancl anteriorly giving looked for in oblique views.
rise to spondylolisthesis. The only structures
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The iliolumbar ligaments and movements

at the lumbosacral hinge
An anterior view of the lumbosacral hinge . During lateral flexion (Fig. 25) the
(FiS. 24) shows the last two lumbar vertebrae iliolumbar ligaments become taut
united directly to the hip bones by the ilio- contralateralTy and allow only an 8o movement
lurnbar ligaments, made up of the following: of L4 relative to the sacrum. The ipsilateral
ligaments are slackened.
. the superior band (1), attached to the tip of
the transverse process of L4 and running
. During flexion-extension $ig. 25,lateral
inferiody, laterally and posteriody to be view with the iliac bone transparent) starting
inserted into the iliac crest from the neutral position N:
. the inferior band (2), attached to the tip - the direction of the ligaments is responsible
and lower border of the tfansYerse process of during flexion (F) for the selective
L5 and running inferiorly and laterally to be tigbtening of tbe superior band of tbe
inserted into the iliac crest anteromedially to iliolumbar ligament (red), which runs an
tbe superior band. oblique course inferiody, laterally and
posteriody. Conversely, this band is relaxed
Sometimes two more or less distinct bands can be during extension (E)
made out:
- on the other hand, tlre inferior band of tbe
. iliac band (2)
a strictly iliolumbar ligament (blue) is slackened
. a sactal band (3), which runs mofe uertically during flexion (F) as it mns slightly
and slightly anteriorly and is inserted distally anteriorly and is stretched during
into the anterior surface of the sacroiliac joint extension (E).
and into the most latetal part of the sacral ala. On the whole, mobility at the lumbosacral joint is
These two iliolumbar ligaments are tightened or sharply limited by tbe strengtb of the iliolumbar
slackened depending on the movements at the ligaments. A11 things considered, they limit
lumbosacral hinge and thus help limit these move- lateral flexion much more than flexion-
ments as follows: extension.
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The trunk muscles seen in

horizontal section
Figure 27 shows the inferior aspect of a horizontal vertebral bodies and the tfansverse
cross-section passing through L3. Three muscle pfocesses.
groups can be identified. The muscles of the abdorninal wall fall into
two grollps:
The posterior patavertebral muscles can be
subdivided into three planes. . the rectus abdominis muscles (13) lying on
both sides of the midline
'!. The deep plane, comprises the following:
. the large atrdominal muscles, which form
- the transversospinalis (1), which fills up tlne anterolateral tuall of tbe abdomen and
the solid angle between the sagittal plane are, from deep to superficial, the transversus
of the spinous processes and the coronal abdominis (10), the internal oblique (11)
plane of the transvefse processes and is and the external oblique (12).
closely moulded onto the vertebral laminae
Anteriody these muscles form aponeurotic inser-
- the longissimus (2), which overlies the
tions that give rise to the rectus sheath and the
former anct overextends it laterally
linea alba as follows.
- the erector spinae (3), a bullry fleshy
muscle lying lateral to the former The aponeurosis of the internal oblique qD/its
Iinally the interspinalis (4) attached to the
at tbe lateral border of tbe rectus to form
- two fascial sheets, one deep (14) and the
spinous processes and lying postefior to the
other superflcial (15), which enclose the
transversospinalis and the longissimus.
rectus. The sheets crisscross in the midline to
These muscles form a large fleshy mass that lies form a very solid rapbe - the linea alba (16).
on both sides of the spinous processes in the The anterior and posterior sheets of the
paravertebral gutters; hence their name of para- rectus sheath are reinforced posteriody by the
ver-tebral muscles. They are separated externally aponeurosis of tbe transuersus and anteriody
by the lumbar fuffow, which corresponds to the by the aponeurosis of tbe external oblique.
interspinous line. This only applies to the upper part of the
3. The intermediate plane, consisting of the abdomen; we shall see later exactly what
seffatus posterior superior and serratus happens in the lower par-t.
posterior inferior (5). The deep lateral paravertebral muscles and
3" The superficial plane, consisting in the large abdominal muscles bound the
the lumbar region of only one muscle, the abdominal cavity, into which project the
latissimus dorsi (6), which arises from lumtrar spine and the large paravertebral
the very thick lumbar fascia (7) partly vessels, i.e. the aorta and the inferior vena
attached to the interspinous line. The body cava (not shown here).
of the muscle (6) forms a thick fleshy The true abdominal cavity (18) is lined by
carpet over the ruhole of the posterolateral the parietal peritoneum (21) (red), which
uall of tbe lumbar region. also lines the posterior aspect of the rectus
The deep latetal paravertebral muscles are muscles, the deep aspects of the large
two in number: abdominal muscles and the posterior
abdominal wall, to which are attached the
the quadratus lumborum (8), which is a retroperitoneal organs, e.g. the kidneys,
muscular sheet attached to the last rib, the embedded in the retroperitoneal space
transvefse processes of the lumbar vertebrae (19), which is made up of loose areolar fat.
and the iliac crest Between the parietal peritoneum and the
the psoas major (9), lyrng within the solid abdominal wall lies a thin Iibrous layer, i.e.
angle formed by the lateral borders of the the fascia transversalis (17).

The posterior muscles of the trunk

These posterior muscles are arranged in three to the transverse processes of the last five
planes from deep to superficial. cervical vertebrae (see 11, Fig. 95, p. 259).
In the lower part of the trunk all these muscles
The deep plane intermingle to form a common body of lumbar
muscles (6), seen on the right of Figure 29. These
The deep plane consists of the spinal muscles are insefied into the deep aspect of a thick tendi-
directly attached to the vertebrae (Figs 28 and nous sheath, which is continuous superficially
29); hence their name of paravertebral muscles. with the aponeurosis of the latissirnus dorsi
Tbe cl.eeper they lie, the shorter tbe course of (7).
their f.bres.
. The transversospinalis (l) is made up of The intermediate plane
lamellae arranged like tiles on a roof. In the
diagram (after Trolard), where only one This plane (Fig.29) comprises a single muscle, i.e.
lamella is included, the oblique fibres run the seratus posterior inferior (4), lying imme-
inferiorly and laterally from the lamina of one diately behind the paravertebral muscles and in
vertebra to the transverse processes of the front of the latissimus dorsi. It arises from the
four undedying vefiebrae. According to spines of thefirst tbree lumbar and. last tuo tho'
'Winckler, the fibres run from the laminae and racic uertebrae and mns obliquely superiody and
the spinous processes of a set of four upper laterally to be inserled into the lower borders and
vertebrae to the tfansvefse pfocess of the external aspects of the last three or four ribs.
lower vertebra (see Fig. 92, p. 257).
. The interspinalis muscles (2) connect the The superficial plane
adjoining spinous processes on both sides of
the midline. The diagram shows only one set This plane consists of the latissirnus dorsi (7),
of these muscles. which arises from the very thick lumbar aponeu-
. rosis. Its oblique tendinous fibres run superiorl,v
The fusiform spinalis (3), lies on either side
and laterally on top of all the paravefiebral muscles
of the interspinalis muscles and posterior to
and give rise to muscular flbres along an oblique
the transversospinalis. It arises inferiody from
line mnning inferiody and laterally.
the upper two lumbar veftebrae and from the
last two thoracic vertebrae and is inserted The lumbar aponeurosis as a whole forms a
above into the spinous processes of the first lozenge uitb a uertically oriented.long axis.The
10 thoracic vertebrae. The deepest fibres run muscle flbres give rise to a broad sheet couering
the shortest coufse. tbe posterolateral part of tbe louer tborax on
. The longissimus thoracis (5) is a long their way to their insertion into the humerus (see
muscle lying lateral to the spinalis. It r-uns in Volume I, p. 73, Fig. f 15).
the posterior wall of the thorax to be inserted The action of the posterior muscles is essentially
into the lower 10 ribs (its lateral or costal an extension of the lumbar spine (Fig. 30).
hbres) and into the transverse processes of From their sacral anchor they can powerftilly pull
the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae (its medial backtuards the lumbar and thoracic segments of
of tfansvefse fibres). the spine at tlae lumbosacral hinge and at the
. The thoracic pafi of the iliocostalis (6) is a thoracolumbar hinge, respectively.
thick muscle mass in the shape of a prism. It
lies posterior and lateral to the above- Furthermore they accentuate the lumbar lor-
mentioned muscles. It r-uns in the posterior dosis (Fig. 31), since their chords span the full
wall of the thorax, giving off branches to be extent or pat1" of the arc of the lumbar clrrvature.
inserted into the posterior surfaces of the It is incorrect to say that they straighten the
lower 10 ribs near their posterior angles. lumbar spine; they only pull it posteriorly b,v
These frbres are then relayed by the fibres of bending it. shall see later that these muscles
the longissimus cerwicis, which rrtn upwards play an active role in expiration.

The role of the third lumbar and twelfth

thoracic vertebrae
A. Delmas has brought to light the functional sig- a locus for the action of the thoracic muscles.
nificance of certain vertebrae (Figs 32 and 33) tn Therefore it plays the essential role of pivot
maintaining the erect position. vertebra and telay station for the spine at fest,
the more so as it coincides with the apex of the
The wedge shape of L5, which acts as a bridge lumbar curvature and its horizontal superior and
between the more or less horizontal sacr-um and inferior surfaces arc padlel to each other. It is
the vertical spine, is well known. Conversely, the the first truly mobile lumbar vertebfa, since L4
role of LJ is just starting to be appreciated (Fig. andL5, strongly bound to the ilium and the sacfllm
32). This vertebra has a better deueloped post- as they are, form a bridge mofe static than dynamic
erior arcb, since it acts as a relay station between between spine and pelvis.
the following muscles:
. Conversely, thetwelfth thoracic vertebra (T 12)
on the one hand the lumbar fibres of the
is tbe point of inflexion bettueen tbe tboracic
longissimus thoracis muscles, which run
ancl lumbar curaatures. It acts as a hinge ver-
from the hip bone to the transverse pfocesses
tebra: its body is relatively bulkier than its arch,
of L3
which lies in front of the paravertebral muscles as
. on the other hand the fibres of the they course along without insefting. Delmas con-
interspinalis thoracis muscles, which arise siders T12 as 'tbe true sutiuel of tbe uertebral
further up the thoracic spine and are inserted axis' .
as low as the spinous process of L3.

Thus (Fig. 33), L3 is pulled posteriorly by muscles

attacbed to the sacruryt and tbe ilium to provide
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The lateral muscles of the trunk

They are two in number: the quadratus lumborum . a postefior sheet attached to the tfansYefse
and the psoas major. processes of the lumbar vertebrae
. anantefior sheet attached to the bodies of
The quadratus lumborum (Fig. 34, anterior T12 and Ll-L5.
view), as its name implies, forms a quadrilateral
These latter flbres are attached to the lower and
muscular sheet. It spans the last rib, iliac crest and
upper borders of two adjacent vertebrae and to
spine, and has a free lateral border. It is made Llp
the lateral border of the interveftebral disc. Ten-
of three sets of flbres (right side of figure):
dinous arches bridge over these muscle attach-
. flbres running directly between the last rib ments. The fusiform body of the muscle, flattened
and the iliac crest (orange arrows) antefoposteriody, runs an oblique course inferi-
. fibres running between the last rib and the orly and laterally, follows the pelvic brim, is
tfansvefse processes of the five lumbar reflectecl on tbe anterior of the bip bone
vertebrae (red arrows) and is inserted along with tbe iliacus into the tip
. fibres mnning between the transverse of the lesser trochanter.
pfocesses of the flrst four lumbar vertebrae
and the iliac crest (green arrows). These If its femoral inseftion is fixed and the hip is sta-
fibres are continuous with those of the bilized by contraction of the other periarticular
transversospinalis (violet arrows), which lie in muscles, the psoas exerts a very powerful
the spaces between the tfansverse pfocesses. action on the lumbar spine (Fig. 37), leading to
lateral flexion ipsilaterally and rc,ttation contra-
These three sets offibres ofthe quadratus are also laterally. Furthermore (Fig. 38), as it is attached
arranged in three planes - the posterior plane to the summit of the lumbar culvature, it also
consisting of the straight iliocostal fibres, the flexes the lumbar spine on the pelvis while
intemediate plane of the iliovertebral flbres and increasing the lumbar cufvature, as is clead.v
the anterior plane of the costovertebral fiLrres seen in a subject lying supine with the lower
(1). 'When the quadratus contracts unilaterally limbs resting on the underlying surface.
it bends the trunk on the same side (Fig. 35) with
considerable help from the internal and external On the whole, the two latetal muscles cause
oblique muscles. lateral Jlexion of tbe trunk on the side of their
contfaction, but, whereas the quadratus has
The psoas tnajor (Fig. 36, 2) lies anterior to the no effect on the lumbar lordosis, the psoas
quadratus, and its fusiform muscle belly originates major increases it uhile rotating tbe spine
from two separate muscular sheets: contralaterally.
9e arn6td
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The muscles of the abdominal wall:

the rectus abdominis and
transversus abdominis
The rectus abdominis 42, side view) form the deepest layer of the large
muscles of the abdominal wall. They arise post-
The two rectus muscles (Fig. 39, anterior view eriorly from the tips of tbe transuerse processes
and Fig. 40, side view) form h.uo muscular straps of tlce lumbar uertebrae.
in the anterior abdominal wall on either side of
the midline. The borizontal fibres run laterally and anteriorly
around the abdominal viscera and give rise t0
They are inserted into the anterior arcbes ancl aponeurotic fibres along a line parallel to the
costal cartilage of the rtftb, sixtlr ancl seuentlc lateral border of the rectus muscles. This aponeu-
ribs ancl into tbe xipboid process. Below its inser- rotic insertion joins the contralateral aponeur-
tion the muscle narrows gradually and is inter- osis on tbe midline. It lies mostly deep to the
rupted by tendinous insertions: two above the rectus abdominis and contributes to the formation
umbilicus. one at the level of the umbilicus and of the postefiof layer of the rectus sheath, but
one below the umbilicus. Thus the rectus is poly- belou tbe umbilicus it runs superficial to the
gastric. Its infra-umbilical pan is cleady narrower rectus, wh:ich perforates it so as to gain access to
as it tapers down into its strong tendon of origin, its deep surface. Below this level, which is indi-
which is attached to the upper border of the cated on the deep surface of the rectus by the
pubic bone and to the pubic symphysis, and sends arcuate line of the rectus sheath, the aponeur-
slips to the contralctteral muscle and tlce tbigh osis now contributes to the anteriof layer of the
aclcluctors. rectus sheath.

The rectus muscles are separated by a wider gap In the diagram it is clear that only the middle
across the midline above than below the umbili fibres of the aponeurosis are horizontal; the uppet
cus - the linea alba. They lie inside the rectus fibres run a slightly oblique course superiody and
sheath, which is formed by the aponeurotic medially, while the lower fibres run a slightl,v
insertions of the large muscles of the abdominal oblique course inferiody and medially. The lower-
wall. most fibres teminate on the superior border oJ
pubic synxplrysis and of tbe pubis and join

The transversus abdominis tbose of tlce internal oblique to form the

conjoint tendon.
The two transverse muscles (Fig. 41, antefior
view, with only the left transversus included; Fig.
atr arn6ld ,.t a,rnSlj
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The muscles of the abdominal wall: the

internal and external oblique muscles
The internal oblique muscle of tations, arising fuom tlce lctst seuen ribs, ovetlap
one another inferosuperiody and blend uitb tbe
the abdomen d,igitations of tbe serratus anterior.
This muscle (Figs 43 and 411 makes up the inter-
mediate layer of the abdominal muscles and runs Its muscle bundles form part of the abdominal
generally speaking an oblique course supero- wall and give rise to an crponeurosis along a line
inferiorly and lateromecl.ially to the iliac crest. of transition, which is at first vertical and parallel
Its fleshy fibres provide a muscular sheet on to the lateralborder of the rectus and then oblique
the lateral wall of the abdomen: inferiody and posteriorly. This aponeurosis con-
tributes to the anterior layer of the rectus sheath
. some are inserted directly into the eleuemtb and blends with its contralatefal counterpart along
and tuelftb ribs the midline to form the linea alba.
. others indirectly by an aponeurosis into a line
that runs first horizontally from the apex of The fibres arising from the ninth rib are attached
the eleventh rib and then vertically along the to the pubic bone and send aponeurotic expan-
lateral edge of the rectus. sions touards tbe ipsilateral and contralateral
adcluctors of tlce tbiglt. The fibres arising from the
These aponeurotic flbres are inserted into the
tentb costctl cat"tilage and tbe xipboid process. tenth rib terminate on the inguinal ligament.
They contribute to the anterior layer of the rectus
These two tendinous structures demarcate tbe
sbeath and, as a result, they blend with similar superficial inguina.l ring, which is a triangular
opening with its apex facing superolaterally and
flbres from the contralateral muscle in the midline
its inferomedial base constituted by the pubis and
to form tl:.e linea alba.
the pubic crest, where the inguinal ligament
The lowest fibres of the internal oblique are is inserted. This account of the abdominal wall
attached directly to the lateral part of the inguinal
muscles forming the anterior grollp of motor
ligament. They are lirst horizontal and then muscles of the spine makes two important
oblique inferiorly and medially. They join the
transversus abdominis to form the conioint . The rectus muscles, lying anteriody in the
tendon before gaining attachment to the sup- abdominal wall, form two muscle bands,
erior border of the pubic symphysis and which act at a considerable distance from
the pubic crest. The conjoint tendon thus forms the spine between the base of the thorax
the border of tlle deep inguinal ring along anterior$ and the pelvic girdle anteriorly.
with the medial part of the inguinal ligament. . The large muscles are ananged in three layers
with their fibres crisscrossing as in an
The external oblique muscle of organized tissue: in the deep layer they nrn
the abdomen transuersely as the transversus; in the
intermediate layer they are oblique superiorly
This muscle (Figs 45 and 46i) forms the superficial and, med,ially as the internal oblique; and in
layer of the large muscles of the abdomen. Its the superficiallayer they are oblique
fibres generally run an oblique collfse supero- inferiorly and medially as tl;,e extemal
inferiorly and, lateromedially. Its fleshy digi- oblique.
gb ain,ilj gf arnFlc

The muscles of the abdominal wall:

the curve of the waist
The flbres of the large muscles and their aponeu- This mechanism explains readily why the waist is
roses afe woven together into an unbroken hollow, the more so as the oblique fibres are
girdle around the abdomen (Fig. 47).In fact under stfonger tension and the subcutaneous fat
the fibres of the external oblique on one side are is tbinner. Therefore, the curve of the waist can
directly continuous with the fibres of the internal be restored by rebuilding the tonus of the
oblique on the other side and vice versa, so much oblique abdominal muscles.
so that, taken globally, the oblique muscles form
a weft, which is not rectangular but diamond- Mofeover, the curve of the lower part of the
shaped, i.e. cut on the bias in the language of abdomen also depends on the large muscles,
seamstresses. This arrangement allows the weft to which form a complete abdominal strap
adapt to the curve of the waist: one can even say (Fig. 50) or a 'belly band'. The efficiency of this
that this 'bias' literally causes the hollow of strap depends not so much on the tonus of the
the waist. rectus muscles as of the large muscles'.
. the external oblique (transparent green)
This can easily be demonstrated on a model: . above all the internal oblique @lue)
. If strings or elastic bands are drawn between . even more the lower pan of the transversus
two circles (Fig. 48) paralTel to the axis (yellow).
uniting the centres of the circles, a cylindrical
surface is obtained. These muscles are very important during the

. pushing phase of labour.

If the upper circle is rotated relative to the
lower circle (Fig. 49), the strings remain taut
bllt run obliquely so that the envelope of the
surface generated is a solid hyperboloid
bounded on each side by a byperbolic curue.
09 ornolg
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The muscles of the abdominal wall:

rotation of the trunk
Rotation of the spine is produced by the para- role. Their mechanical efficiency is enhanced by
uertebral muscles and the large muscles of tbe their spiral course around. the tuaist andby tbeir
abdomen. ctttcrcbments to the thoracic cage at a distance
from tlce spine, so that both the lumbar and lower
The superior view of two lumbar vertebrae (Fig. thoracic spines are recruited.
51) shows that unilateral contraction of the para-
vertebral muscles produces only a weak rotation, To rotate the trunk to the left (Fig. 52) both the
but the deepest muscle layer - the transverso- rigbt external oblique (BO) and tbe left internal
spinalis (TS) - is more effective. With a foothold oblique (IO) must contract. It is noteworthy that
on the transvefse processes of the lower vertebra, these two muscles are wrapped around the waist
it pulls the spinous pfocess of the upper vertebra in the same direction (Fig. 53) and that their mu*
laterally and produces rotation on the side oppo- cular fibres and their aponeuroses are continu-
site its contraction around a centre of rotation ous in the same direction. They are therefore
lying at the base of the spinous process (black synergistic for this movement of rotation.

During rotation of the trunk (Fig. 52) the

oblique muscles of the abdomen play an essential
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The muscles of the abdominal wall:

flexion of the trunk
The muscles of the abdominal wall are powerful is a powerful flexor of the spine and is helped by
flexors of the trunk (Fig. 54). Lying anterior to the internal oblique (O) and the external oblique
tbe axis of tbe spine they pull the entire spine (EO), which link the lower border of the thoracic
fbrward at the lumbosacral amd thoracolumbar cage to the pelvic girdle. V/hereas the rectus acts
binges. Their great strength relies on the use of as a straigbt brace, tlce internal oblique acts as
the hao long leuer arms. an oblique brace oriented inferiorly and pctst-
. eriot'|1t, and. tbe external oblique as an oblique
the lower lever afm corresponds to the
brace oriented inferiorly and anteriofly. These
distance between the sacral promontory and
oblique muscles also act as stays depending on
the pubic symphysis
their degree of obliquity.
. the upper lever afm cofresponds to the
distance between the thoracic spine and These three muscles have a double action:
the xiphoid process. It is represented in the
diagram by the triangular bracket, which rests
. on the one hand, they flex the trunk forward
on the thoracic spine and corresponds to the (F)
thickness of the lower thorax. . on the other, they strongly straighten the
lumbar lordosis @).
The rectus abdominis (RA), which links the
xiphoid process directly to the pubic symphysis,

The muscles of the abdominal wall:

straightening of the lumbar lordosis
The extent of the lumbar lordosis depends not muscles, in particular the rectus muscles
only on the tone of the abdominal and pan- (RA), which act via two long lever arms.
vefiebral muscles but also on some louer limb Therefore the bilateral contraction of the gluteus
rmuscles attached to the bony pelvis. maximus and of the rectus is needed to straighten
the lumbar curvature.
In the 'asthenic' posture (Fig. 55) the relaxation
of the abdominal muscles (blue arrows) accentu- From this point onwards the lurnbar pataverte-
ates all tbrec spinal curuatures: bral muscles (S), as they contract to extend the
spine, can pull back the flrst lumbar vertebra:
. the lumbar lordosis (L)
. . contfaction of the dorsal thoracic muscles
the thoracic kyphosis (T)
flattens the thoracic curvature
. the cervical lordosis (C). . likewise, th,e ceruicctl parctuertebral muscles,
As a result, the head moves forward (b), the pelvis as will be discussed later, flatten the
tilts anteriody (white arrow) and the line joining cervical cufvatufe.
the anterior superior and the posterior superior
On the whole, the curvatufes are flattened and the
iliac spines becomes oblique inferiorly amd
spine grows longer (h) by 1-3 mm (correspond-
ing to a slight increase in the Delmas index).
The psoas tnaior (P), which flexes the spine on
the pelvis and accentuates the lumbar lordo-
This is the classic theory, but 'inclinometric'
stndies (Klausen 1965;) indicate that the spine
sis, becomes hypertonic and aggravates this
behaves gloLrally like the slcaft of a crane with a
deformity. This asthenic stance is often seen in
people without energy or willpower. fofward cantilever. Simultaneous electromyo-
graphic recordings of the posterior trunk muscles
Similar changes in the spine also obtain in women
and of the abdominal muscles (Asmussen &
Klausen 1962) reveal that in 80% of subjects the
in late pregnancy, when the mecbanics of tbe
peluis ancl of tbe spine is consiclerably d,isturbecl standing postufe, maintained subconsciously bl
postural feflexes, depends only on the tonic actil'
by the stretching of the abdominal wall muscles
and by the forward displacement of the body's
ity of the posterior trunk muscles. V/hen the
subject loads the upper part of the spine b.v
centre of gravity by the developing fetus.
placing a weight on the head or carrying weights
Straightening of the spinal cufvatures, i.e. corre-
with hands hanging free along the trunk, the can'
tilever is bent forward slightly, while the lumbar
sponding to the 'sthenic'posture (Fig. 56), starts
clrrvature is flattened and the thoracic curvature
at the leuel of tbe peluis.
increases. At the same time the paravertebral
muscles increase their tone to countefact the
The anterior tilt of the pelvis is corrected by
cantilever effect.
the extensor muscles of the hip:
. hamstrings (H) and the gluteus
As the Therefore the abdominal muscles do not control
maximus (G) contract, they tilt the pelvis the subconscious static behaviour of the spine but
posteriody and restore the interspinous line are recruited when the lumbar curvature is
to the horizontal plane. The sacrum also consciously straightened, e.g. when standing
becomes vertical, and this reduces the lumbar to attention or cantilevering hear,ry loads.
. The most cmcial muscles in reversing the
lumbar hyperlordosis are the abdominal
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The trunk as an inflatable structure:

the Valsalva manoeuver
When the trunk is flexed forward (Fig. 57) closed cavity (A + T), in which the sustained
the stresses on the lumbosacral discs are con- contraction of the expiratory rnuscles and
siderable. particularly of the abdominal muscles,
including the rectus abdominis (RA), raises
In fact, the weight of the upper trunk and the the pressure and transforms it into a rigid
head acts through the partlal centre of gravity
beam lying a.nterior to tbe spine ar:'d
(P) located just anterior to T12. This weight (P1)
transmitting the forces on to the pelvic girdle
is applied at the extremity of the long arm of a and the perineum.
lever with its fulcrum at the level of the nucleus
pulposus L5-S1. To counterbalance this force, the This technique, used by weightlifters, reduces the
spinal muscles S1, acting on the short arm of the pressure on the discs by 50% on the T12-L1 disc
lever seven to eight times shorter than the long and3Do/o on the lumbosacral disc. For the same
arm, must develop a force of seven to eight times reason, the force exefted by the spinal muscles 52
greater than P1. This force acting on the lumbo- is reduced by 55%.
sacral disc is equal to P1 + 51 and increases with Although very useful to relieve the pressures
the degree of flexion or with tbe amount of applied to the spine, it can only be used for
tueigltt carriecl in the bands. a short time because it requires complete
To lift a 10-kg weight, with knees flexed and aptrloea) which leads to signi,ficant circulatory
tfunk veftical, the force Sl exerted by the spinal disturbances:
muscles is L4l kg. Lifting the same weight, with . cerebral venous hypertension
extended knees and trunk bent forward, . decrease in cardiac venous fetufn
requires a force of 256 kg If this same weight is
carried with the arms outstretched forward,
. decreased alveolar capiTlary blood flow
the force 51 equals 363k9. At this moment the . increased pulmonary vascular resistance.
force acting on the nucleus pulposus would be It also presupposes that the muscles of the abdom-
282-726 kg and even up to L200 kg, this latter inal girdle are intact and that the glottis and the
value cleady exceeding the force needed to abdominal openings can be closed.
crush the intervettebtal discs, i.e. 800 kg
before age 40 ancl 450 kg in the agecl. Venous retufn to the heart is shunted into the
vertebral venous plexuses, thereby increasing
This apparent cc,tntradiction cafi be explained in the pressure in the cerebrospinal fluid. Therefore,
two ways: the lifting of heary loads can only be short and
. Firstly, the full impact of the force acting on intense.
the disc is not borne only by tbe nucleus
To reduce the pressure on the intervertebral discs
pulposus. By measuring intranuclear
it is preferable to lift weights with the trunk
pressures, Nachemson has shown that, when
vertical rather than flexed forward with a lafge
a force is applied to the disc, the nucleus
cantilever effect. This is the advice that must
supports 75% of tbe load and the annulus
be given to people at risk for disc prolapse.
. Secondly, the trunk intervenes globally A variant of the Valsalva manoeuvre (Fig. 59),
(Fig. 58) to relieve the pressure applied to the used by divers, consists of closing the mouth
lumbosacral and lower lumbar intervertebral and nostrils (N) by pinching them and not
discs with the help of the Valsalva closing the glottis, which would increase the
manoeuvfe, which consists of closing the ktffacavitlry pressufe. Swallowing at the same
glottis (G) and all the abdominal openings time opens the Eustachian tube (E), increasing the
(F) from the anus to the bladder sphincter. pressure in the middle ear to balance the
This turns the abdominothoracic cavity into a external pfessufe exerted on the eardrum.

The statics of the lumbar spine in

the standing position
Vlhen the body is symmetrically supported on whose anterior tilting is checked by the ham-
both lower limbs the side view of the lumbar strings (H).
spine (Fig. 60) shows a curvature with posterior
concavity, called the lumbar lordosis (L). In this During straightening of the trunk (FiS. 54)
position the lumbar spine is straight as seen from the muscles are recruited in inverse order, i.e. flrst
the back (Fig. 61), but in one-legged standing the hamstrings (H), then the glutei (G) and
with asymmetrical suppoll (Fig. 62) the spine finally the lumbar (L) and thoracic (Th) spinal
becomes concaue on tbe side of the supporting muscles.
limb because the pelvis (P) is tilted so that the
supporting hip is higher than the resting hip. In the erect position (Fig. 60) the slight ten-
dency to sway forward is offset by the tonic con-
To offset this lateral flexion of the lumbar spine, traction of the posterior muscles of the body, i.e.
the tboracic spine is Jlexed in tbe opposite d.irec- the triceps surae (T), the hamstrings (H), the
tion, i.e. towards the resting limb and the line glutei (G), the thoracic (Th) and the cervical
passing through the shoulders (Sh) slopes towards (C) spinal muscles. Conversely, the abdominal
the side of support. muscles relax (Asmussen).

Finally, the cervical spine shows a cllrvature Occasionally one can see on beaches young gids
concave on the side of support, i.e. similar to that in the asthenic stance (Fig. 65) similar to that
of the lumbar curvature. previously described in men (see Fig. 55, p. 179).
The relaxed abdominal muscles allow the belly to
In the symmetrical standing position (Fig. 61) the protrude (1), the chest is flattened (2) and the
intershoulder line (Sh) is horizontal and parallel head is bent forward (3). All the spinal curvatures
to the pelvic line (P) passing through the always are exaggerated: the small of the back is hollow
cleady visible sacral fossae. because there is lumbar hypedordosis (4), the
back is humped because the thoracic kyphosis (5)
Brr,igger's electromyograpbic studies have is accentuated and the nape of the neck (6) is
revealed that during flexion of the trunk (Fig. hollow because of cervical hypedordosis. Here
63), the thoracic (Th) spinal muscles are the again there is a simple remedy: increase muscle
first to contract strongly, followed by the glutei tone! Contfact the hamstrings, tighten the
(G) and linally the hamstrings (H) and the buttocks, retract the shoulders by pulling on the
triceps surae (T). At the end of flexion the spine back muscles and look straight at the hori
is passively stabilized only by the vertebral zon . .. No flaccidity!
ligarnents (L), fixed as they are to the pelvis,
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The sitting and asymmetrical standing

positions: the musician's spine
In Greek sculpture there is a remarkable evolution curvatures are normal and the shoulder girdle
from rigid young rnen (Fig. 66) standing up sym- is so positioned that the upper limbs can
metrically (inherited from the Egyptians) to the reach the keyboatd witltout effort or
Apollo of Praxiteles (Fig. 67;, whose fluidity contortion
gives more life to marble or bronze. This sculptor . if the seat is too far back (Fig. 71) the spine
of genius invented the praxitelian position, assumes an abnormal position and botb the
the asymmetrical position of one-legged standing, tboracic and lumbar curua,tures are
which has since inspired the entire arl of sculp- exaggerated to allow the hands to reach the
ture. Long before our military the Greek sculptors keyboard. Moreover, the sboulder girclle tires
had already invented the positions of standing at easily becauSe of the excessive distance
attention and standing at ease! between hands and seat.
Even when the seat is propedy adjusted, pianists
This praxitelian position is adopted in numerous
must know how to control their lumbar spines
activities of dally life, particulady among artisans
(Fig. 72), since lumbago can result from constant
and musicians. For violinists (Fig. 68) the pelvis
lumbar hypedordosis.
is symmetrical most of the time, but the shoulder
girdle must take up a very asymmetrical position,
To summarize, it is easy to see that it is of funda-
driving the cerwical spine into a very abnormal
mental importance for musicians, especially
stance. Thus these artists often have problems
those who play string instruments, to exer'
that may have a serious impact on their cafeers
cise proper control over their spines at rest.
and may require the help of highly specialized
In fact, the quality of their work and artistry can
experts in rehabilitation.
suffer from longstanding poor posture, which
All stringed instruments necessitate an asymmetri-
is often difficult to correct even by prolonged
rehabilitation unde{ the care of specialized
cal posture. In guitarists (Fig. 69) there is asym-
physiotherapists. The spine plays a crucial role
metry not only of the shoulder girdle but also of
the pelvis, as the left foot is raised on a wedge.
in supporting the shoulder girdle, which often
functions in asymmettical positions, so that
longstanding bad posture can baue clisastrous
Pianists need to rest their pelves propedy, and
consequences. Musicians must therefote take
fbr a pianist the adjustment of the seat is of great
great care of their spines.
. if the seat is at the right distance and at
the right height (Fig. 70) the spinal
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The spine in the sitting and

recumbent positions
Sitting positions The recumbent positions
In the sitting position with ischial support The supine position with lower limbs
(Fig. 73), as when a typist is typing without resting extended (Fig. 76) is the one most often adopted
her back on a chair, the fulI weight of the trunk for resting. The psoas majot muscles are stretched
is borne only by the ischia, while the pelvis is in and the lumbar hypedordosis hollows the loins.
a state of unstable equilibrium and tends to tilt
forward, thereby increasing all three vertebral In the supine position with lower limbs
curvatufes. The muscles of the shoulder girdle - flexed (Fig.77) the psoas muscles are relaxed,
especially the trapezius which slings the shoulder tlae peluis is tilted. backuards and the lumbar
girdle and the upper limbs - are recruited to curvature is flattened. As a result, the loins rest
stabilize the spine. In the long run this position directly on the supporting surface with even better
causesthe painfirl condition of the typist's relaxation of the spinal and abdominal muscles.
syndrome or the ttapezius syndrome.
In the so-called position of relaxation (Fig.

In the sitting position with ischiofemoral 78), secured with the help of cushions or spe-
support (Fig.74), as that of the coaclcman, tl:'e cially designed chairs, the supporting thoracic
flexed trunk, even when it is occasionally propped region is concave, resulting in the flattening of the
up on the knees by the arms, is supported by the lumbar and cetwical cufvatures. If the knees are
iscbial tuberosities and tlce posterior surfaces of supported, the hips are flexed and the psoas
tbe tbigbs. The pelvis is tilted forward, the tho- major and hamstrings muscles are relaxed.
racic curyature is increased and the lutnbar curu- \
ature is straigbtened. The arms stabilize the trunk During side-lying Gig. 7D the spine becomes
with minimal muscular suppol.t and one can even sinuous and the lumbar curvature convex. The
fall asleep (as the coachman does). Tbis position line joining the sacral fossae and the line joining
rests tbe parauertebral muscles, and is often the shoulders convefge at a point above the
adopted instinctively by patients with spondy- subject. The thoracic spine becomes convex
lolisthesis, since it reduces the sbearing fctrces snperiorly. This position cannot relax tbe muscles
on tbe lumbosacral disc and relaxes tbe post- in general and causes some respiratory dffictt'l-
erior muscles. ties during anaestbesia.

In the sitting position with ischiosacral The prone position is bedevilled by the adverse
suppoft (Fig. 75) the whole trunk ispzzlled back effects of an exaggerated lumbar curvature and
so as to rest on the back of a chair and is sup- respiratory difficulties. These difficulties are due
ported by the iscbial tuberosities and the post- to pressufe on the thoracic cage, displacement of
erior surfaces of tbe sacrum and coccyx. The the abdominal viscera against the diaphragm,
pelvis is now tilted backwards, the lumbar reduction of its excursion and possible obstruc-
cufvature is flattened. the thoracic curvature is tion of the carina by extemal pfessure, secretions
increased and the head can bend forward on the and foreign bodies. Nevertheless, many people
thorax, while the cervical curvature is inverted. adopt this position to fall asleep but change posi-
This is also a position of rest, where sleep is tion during sleep. In general, a single position is
possible but breathing is bampered by the neck neuer kept for long cluring sleep, and this is to
flexion and the weight of the head resting on the allow all muscle gfoups to relax in succes-
sternr-rm. This position reduces tbe anterior slip- sion, and above all to rotate the pressufe afeas.
page of L5 and relaxes the posterior lumbar It is well known that when pfessufe areas ate
muscles with relief of the pain caused by maintained for over 3 hours, ischaemic pres-
spondylolisthesis. sure sores will develop.
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Range of flexion-extension of
the lumbar spine
The range of these movements varies with the (i.e. 24"), and it decreases progressively with
subject and with age. AII the values given will values of 18'between L3 andL4 and L5 and 51,
therefore be particular cases or avefages 12' betweenL2 andL3 and l1' between Ll and
(Fig. 8o): L2. Therefore, the louer lumbar spine is con'
siclered. to be more mobile in Jlexion-extension
. extension associated with lurnbar
than the upper lumbar sline.
byperlordoses has a rafige of 30'.
. flexion associated with straigbtening of tbe As expected, the fanges of flexion vary with age
lumbar curuature has a range of 4O". (Fig. 82, after Tanz). The mobility of the lumbar
The work of David Allbrook (Fig. 81) allows us to spine decreases with age and is maxim al b e tut e e n
know the individual ranges of flexion-extension at tlce ages of 2 and 13. Movement is greatest in the
every spinal level (right column) and the total louer part of tbe lumbar spine, especially at level
cumulative range (left column), which is 83' (i.e. L4-L5.
close to the 7O'value given previously).

On the other hand, the range of flexion-

extension is maximal between L4 and L5
eg 6rv!6ld
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Range of lateral flexion of

the lumbar spine
As with flexion-extension, the range of latetal Therefore, having remained maximal up to the
flexion (Fig. 83) or inclination of the lumbar age of 13, the global range of lateral flexion
spine varies with the individual and with age. On remains relatiuely stable at about JO" frctm 35
ayerage it can be said thatlateral flexion on either to 64 years and then drops to 20". In middle age
side ranges from 20'to 30'. the futl range of laterul flexion is 50", apparently
equal to that of flexion-extension of the lumbar
Tanz (Fig. 84) has studied the ranges of lateral spine.
flexion at each level of the spine, and the
global range decreases significantly with age: It is worth noting that the segmental range of
. laterul flexion at L5-S1 is very small as it rapidly
it is maximal between 2 and lJ years of drops from 7" in youth to 2o to 1" or even zero rn
age, when it reaches 62" on either side of the
old age. It is maximalatL4-L5, and especially
at LTL4, where it peaks at L6" in youth, stays
. between 35 and 49 years of age the range relatively stable at 8" betwe en 35 and 64 yearc and
drops to 31' drops to 6' in old age.
. between 5O and 6l years it drops further to

. between 65 and 77 yearc it reaches 22'.

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Range of rotation of the thoracolumbar

The ranges of segmental and global rotation For the thoracic spine rotation is appreciably
of the lumbar spine and of the thoracic spine greater, amounting to 85'minus loo or 75" bilater'
have remained unknown for a long time. In fact, ally, 37" unilaterally and 34" on average uni-
it is very difficult to lix the pelvis and measure the lateralTy at each vertetrral level. Thus, despite
rotation of the thoracic spine, because the mobil- the presence of tbe tboracic, global rotation
ity of the scapular girdle on the thorax leaves a is four tirnes greatef in the thoracic spine
very wide margin of error. The recent work of than in the lumbar spine.
Gregersen and Lucas has provided reliable mea-
surements. These investigators did not hesitate /o A comparison of the two curves (Fig. 86) reveals
implant under local amaestbesia metal pins into that both in the sitting and in the upright posi
the spinous processes of the thoracic and lumbar tions the total range of bilateral rotation is the
vertebrae in order to measure their angular dis- same. There are only segmental differences
placements usinguery sensitiue recording cleuices. between these two curves; for instance, the curve
They were thus able to measure the rotation for the upright position (U) has four points of
of the thoracolumbar spine during walking inflexion, with special emphasis on the point of
(Fig. 85), sitting and standing (Fig. 86). inflexion in the lowermostpafi of the lumbar
spine, where rotation is maximal during
During walking (Fig. 85) the disc between T7 standing. The same applies to the transitional
and T8 stays put (left curve L), while rotation is zone of the thoracolumbar hinge.
maximal at the discs immediately above and below
(right part of diagram). It is therefore in the region In practice, since it is impossible to implant
of this pivotal joint that rotation has the greatest metal pins into the spinous pfocesses of subjects
rangeJ and then decreases progressively craniad to study the rotation of the thoracolumbar spine,
and caudad to reach a minimum in the lumbar old-fashioned clinical methods can be used
(0.3') and in the upper thoracic (0.6) segments, in the sitting position (Fig. 87) with the inter
as shown by the curve R. Thus rotation of the shoulder line kept fixed relative to the thorax,
lumbar spine is only half of that present in The subject is then asked to rotate the trunk on
the less mobile regions of the thoracic spine; one side and then the other, and the range of rota-
we have already seen the anatomical reasons for tion is measured as the angle between the inter-
this limitation of movement. shoulder line and the coronal plane (C). Here it is
given as 15 -2O" but falls short of the 45" maximum
In a study of the total and the maxirnalrunge given for unilateral rotation by Gregersen and
of bilateral rotation (Fig. 87) Gregersen and Lucas. A practical way of stabilizing the scapular
Lucas show slight differences between the sitting girdle relative to the thorax is to rest the upper
(S) and the upright (tl) positions. In the sitting arms horizontally on the bandle of a broom
position the values are smaller as the pelvis is placed across the back at tbe leuel of the scapu
more easily immobilized when the hips are flexed lae. Th'e broom handle then represents the inter-
in order to define the reference coronal plane shoulder line.
"132 (c).

For the lumbar spine alone the total range of

btlatetal rotation is only 1Oo, i.e. 5" on either
side and 1o on average at each vertebral level.
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The intervertebral foramen and

the radicular collar
It is impossible to close this chapter on the func- In the spinal canal this dural sac corresponds to
tional anatomy of the lumbar curve without some the dura fiiatet, which is the outermost and
details of the physiopathology of the nerve roots, strongest envelope of the nervous system.
particulady prominent in this segment of the
spine. Figure 9O (superior view) shows again all these
relations between the neuraxis and the vertebral
Some knowledge of anatomy is a prerequisite for canal. The spinal cord (shown in cross-section)
understanding of nerve root lesions. Each consists of grey matter centrally and of white
nerve root (NR) exits the vertebral canal by an matter peripherally; it is surrounded by the dural
intervertebral foramen (2), which is bounded sac (4) and lies within the vertebral canal, which
(Fig. 88) as follows: is covered as follows:
. anterior$, by the posterior edge of the . anteriody, by the posterior longitudinal
intervertebral disc (1) and the adjacent ligament (12)
parts of the vefiebral bodies . posteriody by the ligamentum flavum (7).
. inferiorly, by the pedicle of the undedying Anterior to the vertebral body the longitudinal
vertebra (10) anterior ligament (13) is seen in cross-section.
. superiorly, by the pedicle of the ovedying The anterior aspect of the facet ioints (9) is
vertetrra (11) covered by a capsule and is reinforced by a
. posteriorly, by the facet joints (9) covered in capsular ligament (8) and by an extension of
front by their capsule (8) and the lateral the ligamentum flavum (6). The nerve root
border of the ligarnentum flavum (6), (NR), resting on the pedicle of the undedying
which comes to lie on top of the capsule and vertebra (10), passes through a naffow tunnel
encroacb sligbtly on the intervertebral between:
foramen, as shown in Figure 90. . anteriody, the intervertebral disc and the
vithin the foramen (2) the nefve foot must pierce posterior longitudinal ligament
the dura Gig. 89); this lateral view in perspective . posteriody, the facet joint covered by an
shows how the nerve root (3) lies initiallywithin extension of the ligamentum flal'um.
the dural sac(74), approaches the internal aspect
of the dural sac (4) and pierces it at the radicu-
It is within the conflnes of this intervertebral
lar collar (5). The nelve must pass through this foramen, bounded by solid and thus inextensible
components, that the nerve foot can be threat-
fixed point, where it is supported by tbe dural
ened and compressed by a prolapsed disc.
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The various types of disc prolapse

'il/hen compressed axially, tlee substance of tbe whence it can be brought back by vertebral trac-
nucleus pulposus can stream out in uarious tion, but more often it snaps the posterior lon-
directions. gitudinal ligament (C) and may even come to
lie free within the vertebtalcanral, i.e. the free
If the fibres of the annulus fibrosus are still strong or migrating type of disc prolapse (D). In
enough, the increased pressure within the nucleus other cases, the nucleaf stfeamef stays trapped
can cause the vertebral discal surfaces to under the posterior longitudinal ligament(E)
give way. This corresponds to intravertebral and gets nipped off by the fibres of the annulus,
prolapse (Fig. 91). which snap back into position and preclude any
retum to normal.
Recent studies have shown that the annulus flbres
startto degenerate after 25 years of age,leading Finally, in other cases the streamer reaches the
to tears uitbin its uarious bund'Ies. Therefore, deep surface of the posterior longitudinal liga-
under axial stresses, the nuclear tnatetial can ment and glides inferiody or superiorly (F). This
stream out through the torn fibres of the corresponds to the migrating subligamentous
annulus (Fig. 92) in a concentric or more often prolapse.
radial fashion. The prolapse of nuclear material
anteriorV is among the rarest, whereas posteriof It is only when the prolapsed disc presses against
prolapse and paniculady posterolateral pro- the deep surface of the posterior longitudinal liga-
lapse are almost the de. ment that nefve endings within the ligament are
stretched causing lumbago or a sprained back,
Therefore, when the disc is crushed (Fig.93),
part of the nuclear substance escapes anteriody, Finally, compression of the nerve root by the pro-
but more likely posteriorly and can thus reach the lapsed disc causes nefve root pain, which has
posterior edge of the disc to emerge under the different names according to its location. For
posterior longitudinal ligament (Fig. 94). example, it is called sciatica when the sciatic
nerve is involved. The term lumbago-sciatica is
After the annulus is split (A), a streamer from the often used since at the start the sciatica is associ'
nucleus, still attached to it, can remain trapped ated with low back pain.
under the posterior longitudinal ligament (B),
z6 srnoll
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Disc prolapse and the mechanism of

nerve root compression
It is now generally accepted that disc prolapse Jlauum. From now ofl, the compression-
occurs in three stages (see Fig. 93, p. 137), but damaged nerve foot will give rise to pain felt
it only occurs if the disc has previously deterio- in its corresponding body segment and
rated. as a result of repeated, microtraumas and eventually to impaired reflexes (e.g. tbe loss oJ
if the annulns fibres have started to clegenerate. Aclcille s' te nd.on refl ex when S 1 is compressed)
and to motor disturbances as in sciatica-
Disc prolapse usually follows the lifting of a associated paralysis.
weight with the trunkJlexed. foruard.
. During the first stage (Fig. 95) tr-unk flexion The clinical picture (Fig. 99) depends on the
spinal level of disc prolapse and nerve root
flattens the disc anteriody and uidens the
intervertebral space posteriorly. The nuclear
material is driuen posterioily through the . Vlhen the prolapse occurs at L1-L5 (1), the
pre-existing tears in the annulus. root of L5 is compressed and pain is felt in
. During the second stage (Fig. 96), as soon the posterolatetal aspect of the thigh and
weight is lifted, the increased axial
as the of the knee, the lateral border of the calf,
compression crushes the whole disc and the dorsolateral border of the instep and
violently drives the nuclear rnaterial the dorsal surface of the foot down to the
posteriody until it reaches the deep surface big toe.
of the posterior longitudinal ligament. . 'When
the prolapse occurs at L5-S1 (2), 51 is
. During the third stage (Fig. 97), when the compressed and the pain is referred to the
trunk is nearly straight, the zigzagging path posterior surface of the thigh, knee and
taken by the pedicle of the herniating mass is calf, the heel and the lateral border of
closed by the pressure of the vertebral discal the foot down to the little toe.
surfaces, and the herniated mass stays trapped This generalization needs to be qualilied, since a
under the posterior longitudinal ligament. hernia at L4-L5 may lie closer to the midline and
This causes the violent acute pain in the compress both L5 and 51 or er.en occasionally
loin or lumbago, which is the initial phase 51 only. Surgical exploration of the L5-S1 inter-
of the lumbago-sciatica complex. space, performed on the basis of the 51 root pain,
This initial acute lumbago can regress spontane- may fail to recognize tbe lesion tbat lies one
ously or taitb treatment,but as a result of similar leuel aboue.
repeated traumas, the hernia qror,I)s in size atd
protmdes more and more into the vertebral canal. The sagittal section (Fig 99) shows that in fact

At this point it comes into contact with one of the spinal cord stops at L2 to become the
the nerve foots, often that of the sciatic nerve conus medullaris (CM). Below the conus the
(Fig. 98). dural sac contains only the nerve roots gathered
in the cawda equina, and they emerge two by
The hernia usually stafts at the posterolatetal two at each level through the interwertebral foram'
part of the disc, where the posterior longitudi- ina. The dural sac ends in a cul-de-sac (D) at the
nal ligament is at its thinnest, and progressively level of 53. The lumbar plexus (LP), made up of
pushes the sciatic nerve root along until its L3-L5, gives rise to the femoral nerve (F). The
excursion is stopped by the posterior uall of tbe sacral plexus (SP), consisting of the lumbosacral
interuertebral foramen, i.e. tbe facet ioint rein- trunk (LS), i.e. branch of L4 + L5 + S1-S3, gives
rise to the two branches of the sciatic nerve (S),
forced by its capsule, its anterior capsular liga-
rnent and, tlce lateral border of tbe ligamentum i.e. the common peroneal and the tibial nerves.
66 arn6ld

Lasdgue's sign
Lasdgue's sign is thepain induced by stretch- slightly longer course over the bulge of a pro-
ing the sciatic nelve or one of its roots. It is lapsed disc, any stretching of the nerwe will
elicited by graclual and slou eleuation of the become painful even with moderate elevation
extended louer limb with tbe patient supine. of the lower limb. This is a true-positive
The pain induced is similar to that felt spontane- Lasgue sign, which is generally evident before
ously by the patient, i.e. in tbe same topograpbic 60" of flexion is attained. In fact, after 60", the
clistribution as tbe affected nerue root. Charnley Lasdgue sign is not applicable, since the sciatic
has shown that the nerve roots glide freely nerve is already maximally stretched at 60o.
through the intervertebral foramina and that, Thus pain may be elicited at 10o, 15' ot 20' eleva-
during elevation of the lower limb with the knee tion of the lower limb and the test can be quanti-
extended, the nerve roots are pulled out of fied as positive at 10o, 15",20" or 30".
the intervertebral fotatnin:a for a distance of
12 mrn at the level of L5 (Fig. 100). One point needs to be stfessed. During forced
elevation of the limb with the knee extended the
Lasdgue's sign can therefore be interpreted as force of traction on the nerve roots is 3 kg,
follows: whereas the resistance of these foots to traction
. is 3.2 kg. Therefore, rt a root is trapped or rela-
Vlhen the subject is supine with the lower
tively shortened by a herniated disc, any rough
limbs resting on a supporting surface manipulation can ruptufe some axons within
(Fig. 101) the sciatic nerve and its roots are
the nerve root, resulting in some form of pata'
under no tension at all. lysis, which is usually short-lived but occasionally
. Vlhen the lower limb is elevated with the may take a long time to subsid.e. Therefore, two
knee flexed (Fig 102) the sciatic nerwe and precautions must be taken:
its roots arc still under no tension.
. . The test must be carried out gently and
But if the knee is then extended or if the
cautiously and must be stopped AS soon AS
lower limb is progressively elevated with tbe pa.tient feels any Pain.
the knee extended (Fig. 103), the sciatic
nefve, which must now run a longef course,
. It must nevef be performed under
is subjected to increasing tension. general anaesthesia, since the protective
effect of pain is lost. This can occur when the
In the normal subject the nerue roots glide freely patient is being placed in the prone
tlcrougb tbe interuertebral foramina and this position on the operating table for a
procedure elicits no pain at all; only when the herniated disc repair and the hips are flexed
limb is almost vertical (Fig. 104) is pain felt on while the knees remain extended. The
the posterior aspect of the thigh as a result of slrrgeon must always personally place the
stretching of the hamstrings in people with patient on the table and make sure that hip
reduced flexibility. This is afalse-positiue Lasdgue flexion is always associated with knee
sign. flexion, which slackens the sciatic nerwe and
protects the trapped nerve root.
Obviously when one of the roots is trapped in the
intervertebral foramen or when it must rlln a
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The Thoracic Spine
and the Thorax
The thoracic spine is the segment of the spine lying between the
lumbar and cervical segments and forming the axis of the uppef
part of the trunk. It supports the thorax, which is a cauitlt of
uariable capacity bounded by 12 pairs of ribs articulating with
the vertebrae. The thorax is committed to respiration and houses
the heart and the respiratory system. The thoracic wall allows
the thoracic spine to suppoll the shoulder girdle, which articu-
lates with the upper limbs.

Contraryto appearances, the thoracic spine is mofe mobile in

terms of rotation than the lumbar spine. It is far less affected
by mechanical stfesses, and its lesions result essentially from
acquired deformities.
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The typical thoracic vertebra and

the twelfth thoracic vertebra
The typical thoracic vertebra The junction of the laminae and the pedicles at
the level of the articular pfocesses gives attach-
This is made up of the same pafis as the lumbar ment to the transvefse pfocesses (p and 11),
vertebra, witli' importnlnt structural ancl func- facing latenlly and slightly posteriorly. Their free
tional differences. extremities are bulbous and bear on their anterior
surfaces small articular facets called the trans-
A 'disassembled' view (Fig. 1) shows the verte- verse costal facets (10), corresponding to the
bral body (1) with roughly equal transverse and costal tubercles. These two laminae unite in the
anteroposterior diameters. It is also proportion- midline to form the long and bull-y spinous pro-
ately bigber tban tbe lumbar uertebra, and its cesses (12), which are sharply inclined infer-
anterior and lateral surfaces are quite hollow. iorly and posteriody and terminate as single
The posterolateral cornef of its superior surface
bears an oval articular facet (13), obliquely set All these components combine to form the typical
and lined by cartilage; this is the superior costal thoracic vertebra (Fig. 2). In the diagram, the
articular facet, which will be discussed later in two red afrows indicate the posterior, lateral and
relation to the costovertebral joints (see p. 150). slightly superior orientation of the articular facets
of the superior afiicular processes.
Posterolaterally the veftebral body bears two
pedicles (2 and 3) and the superior costal facet The twelfth thoracic vertebra (T12)
often encroaches on the root of the pedicle.
The last thoracic vertebra (TI2) acts as a bridge
Behind the pedicles arise the laminae (4 and 5), between the thoracic and lumbar regions (Fig. 3)
which form the bulk of the dorsal vertebral arches, and has some characteristics of its own:
are bigber tban they are utide and are ananged . Its body has only two costal facets, located
llke tiles on a roof. Near the pedicles their sup- at the posterolateral angles of its superior
erior borders give attachment to the superior surface and destined for the beads of tbe
articular processes (6 and 7), each fltted with ttuelftb ribs.
an articular facet. These cartilage-coated facets are
oval, flat or slightly convex transversely and face
. V{hereas its superior articular processes are
posteriorly and slightly superiorly and laterally. oriented (red arrows) like those of the other
thoracic vertebrae (i.e. posteriorly, slightly
Near the pedicles their inferior borders give superiorly and latenlly), its inferior articular
processes must confofm to those of Ll.
attachment to the inferior articulat pfocesses
(only the right process is shown here as 8), Therefore, like all of the lumbar vertebrae
which bear oval, flat or slightly transversely @lue arrow), they face letterally and
concave articular facets (7) facing anteriody and anteriorly and are slightly convex tfansversely
as they describe in space similar cylinclrical
slightly inferiorly and medially. Each inferior facet
surfaces with centres of curvature lying
'144 articulates with the superior facet of the upper
vertebra at the facet joint.
roughly at the base of eacb spinous process.
e ain6ld

Flexion-extension and lateral flexion of

the thoracic spine
During extension between two thoracic ver- line for the lower vertebra (nn') form an angle
tebrae the upper vertebra tilts posteriody
((Fig. 4) equal to that of lateral flexion (lf).
relative to the lower vertebra, and the intervefte-
bral disc is Jlattened posteriorly and. tuidenerJ Lateral flexion is limited:
anteriorly while the nucleus pulpostts is driven . ipsilaterally by the impact of the atticwlar
anteriofly, as is the case with the lumbar verte- pfocesses
brae. Extension is limited by the impact of the . contralaterally by the stretching of the
articulat processes (1) and of the spinous ligamenta flava and of the intertransverse
processes (2), which are sharply bent inferiorly
and posteriody and arc already almost in contact
with one another. Furttrermore, the anterior It would be incorrect to consider the moYements
longitudinal ligament (3) is stretched, while of the thoracic spine only in terms of the individ
the posterior longitudinal ligament, the liga- ual vertebrae. In fact, the thoracic spine articu-
menta flava and the interspinous ligaments lates with the thoracic cage or thorax (Fig. 7),
are slackened. and all the bony, cafiilaginous and articttlar com-
ponents of this bony cage play a role in orienting
Conversely, during flexion between two thor- and limiting the isolated movements of the spine.
acic vertebrae (Fig. 5), the interuertebral space Thus, in the cadaver, the isolated thoracic spine
gapes posteriorly, and the nucleus is displaced can be observed to be mtrre mobile than the
posteriortlt. The articular surfaces of the articular thoracic spine attached to the thoracic cage,
processes glide upwards, and the inferior artic- Therefore, it is necessary to study the changes
ular processes of the ovedying vertebra tend to in the thorax induced by movements in the
overshoot from above the superior pfocesses thoracic spine:
of the underlying vefiebra. Flexion is limited by . During lateral flexion of the thoracic
the tension developed in the interspinoss liga-
spine (Fig. 8) on the contralateral side the
ments (4), the ligarnenta flava, the capsular thorax is elevated (1), the intercostal spaces
ligaments of the facet ioints (5) and the post- are widened (3), the thoracic cage is
erior longitudinal ligaments (6). On the other enlarged (5) and the costochondral angle
hand, tbe anterior longitud.inal ligament is
of tlre tenth rib tends to gape (7). On the
ipsilateral side, the opposite changes occur,
i.e. the thorax moves downwards (2) and
During lateral flexion between two thoracic inwards (6), the intercostal spaces are
vertebrae (Fig. 6, posterior view), the articular narrowed (4) and the costochondral
facets of the facet joints glide relative to one
angles close down (8).
another as follows:
. During flexion of the thoracic spine
. on the contralateral side, the facets glide as Gig. 9) all the angles widen between the
they do during flexion, i.e. upwards (red various segments of the thorax and between
arrow) the thorax and the thoracic spine, i.e. the
. on the ipsilateral side, the facets glide as they costovertebral angle (1), the superior (2)
do during extension, i.e. downwards (blue and inferior (3) sternocostal angles and
arrow). the costochondral angle (4). Conversely,
during extension all tbese angles close
The line joining the two transverse processes of
the upper vertebra (mm') and the corresponding
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Axial rotation of the thoracic spine

The mechanism of axial rotation of one thoracic of the ribs and especially of their cartilages.
vertebra over another differs from that of a lumbar These distortions include the following:
vertebra. When viewed from above (Fig. 10) . accentuation of the concavity of the rib
the facet joints have a totally clifferent orientation. on the side of rotation (1)
The profile of each joint space also describes a
cylindrical surface (dotted circle), but the axis of
. flattening of the concavity of the rib on
this cylinder runs more or less through the the opposite side (2)
centre of the vertebral bodv (O). . accentuation of the costochondral
concavify on the side opposite to the
Vhen one vefiebra fotates on another the ar-ticu- rotation (3)
lar facets of the articular processes glide one on . flattening of the costochondral concavity
the other and the vertebral bodies rotate relative on the side of rotation (4).
to each other around their common axis. This is
During this movement, the sternum is subject
followed by rotation-torsion of the interverte-
to shearing forces, and it tends to assume a
bral disc and not by sbearing nlouements of tbe superoinferior obliquity in order to follow the
d,isc, as in the lumbar region. The range of this
rotation of the vertebral bodies. This induced
rotation-torsion of the clisc can be greater than
obliquity of the sternum must be quite small ancl
that of its shearing movements. Simple rotation of
uirtually absent as it cannot be detected clini-
a thoracic vertebra on another is at least three
times greatef than that of a lumbar vefiebra.
cally; it is also difficult to detect radiologi-
cally because of the superimposition of multiple
This rotation, howevef, would be even greater if
tbe tboracic spine Luere not so tigbtly connected
Tbe mechanical resistance of the tborax tbere-
to tbe bony tborax that any movement at eYery in appreciably limiting tbe
level of the spine induces a similar movement fore plays a role
range of motion of tlce tboracic spine. When the
in the corresponding pair of ribs (Fig. 11);
thorax is still flexible, as in the .youn q, movements
however, this gliding movement of one pair of
of the thoracic spine have a sizable range, but in
ribs on an undedying pair is limited by the pres-
tbe elderly tbe costal cartilages ossify with a drop
ence of the stefnum, which articulates with the
in costochondral elasticity, and the thorax forms
ribs via the flexible costal cartilages.
an almost rigid structure with decreased
Therefore, rotation of a vertebra will distort the
corresponding rib pair because of the elasticity

0l ornSrl

The costovertebral ioints

At every level of the thoracic spine a pait of ribs . anintermediateband (16) inserted into the
articulates with the vertebra by means of two annulus fibrosus (2) of the interwertebral
costovertebral ioints: disc.
. the joint of costal head (articulatio capitis The costotransverse joint is also a synovial ioint
costae) between tlrre bead of tbe rib and the consisting of tu"to oual articular facets, one on
bodies of ttao adjacent uertebrae and the the apex of the transverse process (18) and
interuertebral d.isc the other on the costal tubercle (19). It is
. the costotfansvefse ioint (articulatio surrounded by a single capsule (20), but it is
costotransversaria) between tl:re co stal reinforced above all by three costotfansverse
tubercle and the transuerse process of the ligaments:
underlying vertebra. . the very short and very stfong
Figure 12 (side view) shows one rib removed and interosseous costotransvefse ligament
some ligaments resected so as to reveal the Yerte-
(23), running from the transvefse process to
bral anicular facets; the underlying rib is left in the posterior aspect of the neck of the rib
place with its ligaments. . the posterior costotfansvefse ligament
(21), rectangular in shape and 1.5 cm long
Figure 13 (superior view) shows the right rib in and 1 cm wide; it runs from the apex of the
position but the joints have been opened; the transverse process (22) to the external border
left rib has been removed after resection of the of the costal tubercle
ligaments. . the superior costotransvefse ligament
(24), very thick and very strong, flat and
Figure 14 (verticofrontal view) passes through quadrilateral, 8 mm wide and 10 mm long; it
the joint between the costal head and the vefre- runs from the inferior border of the transYerse
bral bodies; on the other side, the rib has been process to the superior border of the neck of
removed after resection of the ligaments. the underlying rib.
Some authors also describe an inferior costo-
The ioint of costal head is a double synouial tfansvefse ligament lying on the inferior surface
joint made up on the vertebral side of two costal
of the joint (not shown here).
facets, one on the superior border of the lower
vertebra (5) and the other on the inferior bord'er
These diagrams also show the intervertebral disc
of the upper veftebra (6). These facets form a
solicl angle (shown as red dashed lines in Fig. I4),
with its nucleus pulposus (1) and its annulus
fibrosus (2), thLe vertebral canal (C), the inter-
whose base consists of the annulus fibrosus (2) of
vertebral foramen (F), the vertebral pedicle
the interuertebral disc. The slightly convex cor-
(P), the facet ioints with their articular facets
responding facets (11 and 12) on the head of the
(3) and their capsules (4) and the spinous
rib (10) also form a solid angle, whichlfs snugly
processes (7).
into the angle between the vertebral facets.
In summary, the rib articulates with the spine via
An interosseous ligament (8), running from the
two synovial joints:
apex of the costal head between the two articular
facets to the interuertebral disc, divides this joint, . a single joint, the costotransverse joint
surrounded by a single capsule (9), into truo . a double, more solidly interlocked joint,
clistinct joint cauities, superior and inferior (13). the joint of costal head.

This joint is reinforced by a tadiate ligament These two joints are supplied by powerful liga-
consisting of three bands: ments and cannot function one without the othei
(i.e. they are mechanically linked).
. a superior band (14) and an inferior band
(15), both inserted into the adjacent veftebrae
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Rib movements at the ioints of costal

The joint of costal head and the costotransverse outwards over a length t, which represents the
joint form a couple of mechanically linked increase in the tfaflsvefse hemidiameter of
synovial joints (Fig. 15) which share only one the base of the thorax.
movement, i.e. rotation about a common axis
passing through the centre of each joint. On the other hand, the axis lY for the upper
ribs (Fig. 15, right side, upper) lies almost in
This axis :or', loining the centre o' of the costo- the coronal plane. Therefore, elevation of these
transverse joint to the centre o of the joint of ribs markedly increases the anteroposterior
costal head, acts as a swivel for the rib, which is diameter of the thorax by a distance a. In effect,
thus literally'suspended'from the spine at two when the anterior extremity of the rib rises
points o and o'. by a distance h, it describes afi arc of a circle
and is displaced anteriorly by a length a
The orientation of this axis relative to the sagittal (Fig. l7).
plane determines tbe direction of mouement of
the rib. For the lower ribs (left side, lower) the It follows therefore that rib
elevation increases
axis >or' nl.oues closer to tbe sagittal plane so that simultaneouslythe transverse diameter of the
elevation of the rib increases the transverse lower thorax and the anteroposterior dia-
diameter of the thorax by a length t. Thus, when meter of the upper thorax. In the midthoracic
the rib rotates about this axis o' lnig. 16), its region, the joints of costal heads have an axis
lateral border describes an arc of a circle with running obliquely at roughly 45" to the sagit
centre o': it becomes less oblique andmore trans- tal plane so that both the transverse and the
uerse, and as a result its most lateral border moves antefoposterior diameters are increased.
d& arngld
g& alm6lJ
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Movements of the costal cartilages and
of the sternum

So far onl1' the movements of the ribs at the This angular movement of the costal caftilage rela-
costoveftebral joints have been considered, but tive to the stefnum occlrfs at the costosternal
their movements relative to the sternum and ioint; at the same time, there is another move-
costal cartilages also clesetwe attention. From a ment of angular rotation arouncl the axis of the
comparison of a superior view (Fig. 18) and of cartilage taking place at the costochondral joint.
an inferior view (Fig. 19) of these rib move- This will be discussed later (see p. 178).
ments, it is clear that, whereas the most lateral
part of the rib rises by a height of h' and moYes During rib elevation (Fig. 18, right side) the
awa,v from the axis of s1'mmetry of the body by a point m, corresponding to the point of maximum
length t', the anterior encl of the rib rises by a increase in the thoracic diameter, is also the point
height of h ancl moves away from the axis of most distant from the axis 11/. This geometrical
svmmetry of the bocl1' by a length t. (Note that h' obserwation explains how the degree of displace-
is slightlv greater than h, since the most lateral ment of this point varies from rib to rib with the
part of the rib is farther remor.ed from the centre obliquity of their axes (xx').
of rotation than its anterior end.) At the same
time, the sternum rises and the costal carttlage
becomes mofe horizontal, forming an angle
(a) with its initial position.



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The deformations of the thorax in the

sagittal plane during inspiration
Supposing that the spine remains flxed during This closure of the sternocostal angle is by
inspiration without any deformation, one need necessity associated with torsion of the
only consider the changes in shape of the flexi- costal cartilage (see p. 178).
ble pentagon formed, on the one hand, by the The tenth rib is also raised uitb Q as its
spine (Fig. 20) and, on the other, by the first rib, centre of rotation, while its anterior
tlce sternum, tbe tentb rib and its costal cat"ti- extfemify describes an arc of a circle CC'.
lage. The changes during inspiration are as Finally, as both the tenth rib and the sternum
fbllows: are elevated, the tenth costal carttlage
. The fi.rst rib, being freely mobile at its ioint moves from CB to C'B'while staying
of costal head (O), is elevated (blue arrow), roughly parallel to itself. It follows that during
so that its anterior extremity describes an arc this movement the angle at C becomes
of a circle AA'. greater at C' by a value of c, which is itself
. As the first rib is elevated, so is the equal to the angle of elevation of the tenth rib
sternum, which moves from AB to AB'. (green triangles). At the same time, the angle
. between the tenth costal cartilage and the
During this movement, tlce sternutn does nctt
sternum (the angle C'B'N) is slightlywidened
stay parallel tct itself. As we have already
as a result once mofe of torsion of the
seen, the antefoposterior diameter of the
cartilage on its long axis. A similar degree
upper thorax is increased more than that of
of torsion occufs at every costal caftilage.
the lower thorax; it follows that the angle (a)
We shall see later its relevance as regards the
between the sternum and the vertical plane
elasticity of the thorax (see p. 178).
becomes slightly nafrowef as does angle
OA'B' bettaeen tbe first rib and. tbe sternum.

sa arnsld
Mode of action of the intercostal
and sternocostal muscles
The intercostal muscles assuming that OO' stays ptlt. Therefore, since
its contfaction elevates the rib, the external
A posterior view of the thorax, featuring intercostal is an inspiratory muscle.
only the spine and three ribs on the right . The action of the internal intercostals
side (Fig. 21), reveals the presence of three (Fig. 23) can be understoocl in the same way,
muscles: but this time the direction of their hbres is
. palallel to the short diagonal of the
The small levator costae muscles (LC)
parallelogram. V/hen the muscle (I) contracts,
stretch fiom the tip of the transverse process
the shortening of this diagonal O'A1 by a
to the upper border of the rib below. Their
length r' causes A1 to rotate to At and Bt to
contraction elevates the ribs; hence their
Br, still assuming that the sicle OO' stays put.
Thus, since its contraction depresses the rib,
. 'fhe external intercostal muscles (E) run
it is an expiratory muscle.
obliquely snperiorly ancl medially parallel to
those of tbe leuator costae. Therefbre these Hamberger's demonstration was at one time con-
mtrscles and the levator costae eleuate the rib tradicted by Duchenne de Boulogne's electrical
and act asinspiratory muscles. stimulation experiments, but it is now valtdated
. by electromyographic studies.
The internal intercostal muscles (I) run
obliquel-v, superiorll' ancl laterally. They
depress the ribs and so are expiratory The sternocostalis
The sternocostalis has received little study and
The mode of action of these intercostal tencls to be ignored because of its retrosternal
muscles is well explained by Hamberger's location (FiS. 24). It lies entirely on tl'e deep
diagratn (Figs 22 end23): surface of tbe sternum and its fibres, insefiecl into
. The action of the external intercostals the cartilages of the second to sixth ribs, run aru
(Fig. 22) is easily understoocl by the fact that oblique course inferiorly and medially. Contrac
the direction of their fibres is the same as that tion of its flve bundles depresses the correspond-
of the long diagonal of the parallelogram ing costal caftilages relatiue to tbe sternum.'We
OO'B1A', fbrmed by the ribs articulating with have already seen (Fig. 19, p. 155) that the costal
the spine and the sternlrm. When the muscle cartilage is raised during inspiration and depressed
E contracts, the shoftening of this diagonal by during expiration. Therefore we can deduce that
a length r distorts the parallelogram and the sternocostalis is an expiratory muscle.
causes A, to rotate to A, and Br to Br,

ya arn6lc
The diaphragm and its mode of action
The diaphragm is a musculotendinous dome acting from the margin of the central tendon
closing the lower thoracic outlet and separating (double white arrow), elevate the lower ribs. If
tbe tborax from tbe abdomen. the point P is taken as fixed and the rib as
rotating about the centre O, the extremiry of
As seen from the side (Fig. 25) this dome the rib describes the arc of a circle AB, while
reaches farther clown posteriody than anteriody the corresponding muscle fibres shorten by a
and its apex is the central tendon (l). From this length rr8. Thus, by elevating the lower ribs, the
central tendon bundles of muscle flbres (2) diaphragm increases tbe transuerse diameter of
ndiate out towards the rim of the thoracic outlet tbe louer thorax and at the same time, with the
and are attached to the deep surfaces oftbe costal help of the sternum, it also eleuates tlce upper
cartilages, the tips of the eleuenth and tttelftb ribs, thereby increasing the thoracic antero-
ribs, tlae costal arcbes and {inally tl:'e uertebral posterior diameter.
bodies by two crura as fbllows: the left crus (3)
and the right crus (4) are attached respectively Therefore, it can be stated that the diaphragm
to the medial arcuate ligament (7) arching is an essential respiratory muscle, since it
over the psoas tnajor and the latetal arcuate increases by itself the three diameters of the
ligament (8) arching over the quadratus tboracic cauity:
lumborum. . it increases the vertical diameter by
lowering the central tendon
This is more obvious in the anterior view (Fig.
26), where it is easy to recognize at the same time
. it increases the tfansvefse diameter by
elevating the lower limbs
the conuex portion of tbe diapbragm (the upper
part of the diagram) and the concaue portion of . it increases the antefoposterior diameter
tbe cl,iaphragm at the level of the crura. The by elevating the upper ribs with the help of
openings in the diaphragm can also be seen as the stemum.
they allow the passage of the oesophagus (6) Its significance in the physiology of respira-
above and the aotta (5) below. For the sake of tion is evident.
simpliciry the opening for the inferior vena cava
is not shown. Hiccups are due to spasnxodic, rbytbmical and
repeated contractions of tbe diapbragm. Their
'ff/hen the diaphragm contractsthe central tend,on aetiology is poorly known, with two possible
is pulled doun, thereby increasing tbe uertical CAUSCS:
diameter of the tborax. Therefore, the diaphragm
can be compared to a piston sliding inside a . a central cause related to irritation of the
pump. phrenic nerve
. a peripberal cause related to irritation of the

This lowering of the central tendon is, however, dome of the diaphragm.
rapidly checked by the stretching of the medi- Hiccups are usually a transient problem and
astinal contents and also by the rnass of the subside after a variable length of time. V/hen they
abdorninal viscera. From this moment (Fig. 27), persist they are difflcult to treat.
160 the central tendon becomes the fixed point
(large white arrow) and the muscle fibres, now
da in6!c

The respiratory muscles

As we have already seen, the respiratory muscles . the iliocostalis celvicis (12), inserted cranially
fall into two categories: into the last five cervical transuerse processes
and arising caudally from the angles of tbe
. the inspiratory muscles, which elevate the
upper six r"ibs. The direction of its hbres is
ribs and the sternum
almost the same as that of the leuatores
. the expiratory muscles, which depress the costarum longi.
ribs and the sternum.
These two categories comprise two groups each, Third group
i.e. the prirnary group and the accessorygroup
of muscles. The latter group is recr-r-rited only This includes the prirnary expiratory muscles,
during abnormally deep or strong respira- i.e. the internal intercostals. In fact, normal
tory movements. expiration is a purely passiue process due to the
recoil of tbe tborax on itself as a result o.f tbe
Therefore, the respiratory muscles can be sub- elasticity of its osteocboncl.ral cornponents and
divided into four groups. of the pulmona,l'Jl parencbyma. Thus the energy
necessary for expiration is, in reality, derived from
First group the payback of the energy generated by the
inspiratory muscles and stot'ed in tbe elastic com-
This includes the main inspiratory muscles, i.e. ponents of the tbora4 and lungs. We shall see
the external intercostals, the levatores costa- later the vital role played by the costal cartilages
rum and above all the diaphragm. (see p. 178). Note also that in the erect position
the ribs are pulled down by their own weight, and
the contribution of grauity is not negligible.
Second group
This comprises the following accessory inspira- Fourth group
tory muscles (Figs 28-30):
This includes the accessory expiratory muscles.
. the sternocleidomastoids (1) and the anterior Though accessory, they are not less important ancl
(2), middle (3) and posterior (4) scalenes;
are extremely powerful. They undedie forced
these muscles are active in inspiration only expiration and the Valsalva manoeuvre.
when they ctct from tbe ceruical spine, which
must be kept rigid by other muscles (Fig. 28) The abdominal muscles (Fig. 30), i.e. the rectus
. the pectoralis major (16) and the pectoralis abdominis (7), the external oblique (8) and the
minor (5), when they act from the sboulder internal oblique (9) strongbt depress the tboracic
girdle and the abducted upper limbs outlet.
(Fig. 30, inspired by Rodin's Bronze Age)
. the lower libres of the serratus anterior (5) The thoracolumbar region (Fig. 29) contains the
and the latissimus dorsi (10), when the latter other accessory expiratory muscles, i.e. the
acts fiom (Fig. 29) t];re already abductecl iliocostalis thoracis (13), the longissimus (14), the
upper limb serratl-rs posterior inferior (15) and the quadratus
162 lumborum (not shown here).
. the serratus posterior superior (1 1)
'srrn8u IID roJ Jures aql aJe spur8Jl rql
0e arn6ld
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Antagonism-synergism between the
diaphragm and the abdominal muscles
The diaphragm is the main inspiratory muscle. of the abdomen represent a six-sided star, which
The abdominal muscles are extremely stfong is an oversimplified version of the 'woven texture '

accessory expiratory muscles, which are essential of the abdominal wall.

to produce forced expiration and the Valsalva
manoeuvre. Yet these muscles, which appeaf to During expiration
be antagonistic, are synergistic at the same time.
This may seem paradoxical and even illogical, but During expiration @ig. 33, side view and
in practice they cannot function independently. Fig. 31, anterior view) the diaphragm relaxes, and
This is an example of antagonism-synergism. the contraction of the abdominal muscles lowers
the lower ribs around the thoracic outlet, thereby
Vhat then is the ftinctional relationship between decreasing concurrently tlce transuerse and
the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles during anteroposterior cliameters of tlce tborax. Further-
the two phases of breathing? more, by increasing the intra-abdominal pressure,
they puslt tbe uiscera upuards and raise the
During inspiration cemtral tendom. This decreases the vertical
diameter of the thorax and closes the costo-
During inspiration (Fig. 31,. side view and diaphragmatic recesses. The,abdominal muscles
Fig. 32, anterior view) contraction of the dia- therefore are the perfect antagonists of the
phragm louers the cemtral tendon (red arrows), diaphragm because they reduce simultaneously
thus increasing the uertical diameter of tbe tbe tbree tboracic diameters.
thorax. These changes are soon opposed by the
stretcbing of tbe mecliastinal contents (M) and The respective roles of the diaphragm and of the
above alt by tl;re resistance of tbe abdominal abdominal muscles can be visualized graphically
uiscera (R), which are held in place by the (Fig. 35) as follows. Both sets of muscles are in a
abdominal girdle formed by the powerful state of pefmanent contraction, but their tonic
abdominal muscles, i.e. the rectus muscle (RA), activity varies reciprocally.
the transversus muscle (T), and the internal (IO)
and external (EO) obliques anteriorly. Without During inspiratioflthe tonus of the diapbragm
them the abclominal contents would be displaced increases, wbile tbat of tbe abd,ominal muscles
inferiorly and anteriody, and the central tendon clea'eases. Conversely, during expiration the
uctulcl not be able to prouide a solid ancbor fot' tonus o.f tlce abdominal muscles increases ubile
tbe diapbragm to elevate the ribs. Thus this that of tbe diaphragm decreases.
antagonistic-synergistic action of the abdomi-
nal muscles is essential for the efficiency of the Hence there exists between these two muscle
diaphragm. This notion is borne out in disease, grolrps a dynamic balance, which is constantly
e.g. in poliomyelitis, ubere paralysis of tbe sbifting one uay or the otlcer and prouides
abdominal muscles reduces the ventilatory efh- an example of tbe concept of antagonism-
ciency of the diaphragm. In Figure 31 (side view) synergism.
164 the directions of the flbres of the large flat muscles
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Airflow in the respiratory passages

Funck's classic experiment (Figs 36 and 37) . tlle inflated balloon is the lungs
demonstrates the flow of air in the respiratory . tlne elastic membrane at the bottom of the
passages. Replace the bottom of a flask by a water- flask is the d.iapbragm, wl:rich also increases
tight elastic membrane and put inside the flask a all the other diameters concerned.
rubber balloon, which is connectecl to the outside
by a tube going through a cork. The balloon can
Two points need to be emphasized:
be inflatecl or deflated simply by mouing tbe . on the one hand the lungs fill the whole
elastic membrane. lf this rmembrane is pulled thoracic cavity and are connected to the
doun (Fig. 37), the internal volume of the flask is thoracic wall by the potential pleural space,
increased by a volume V, while the internal pres- i.e. the pleura. In fact its two normally
s;;;re falls belou tbe atmospheric pressure. As a apposed layers glide freely one on the other
result, a volume of air exactly equal to V enters and ensure a tight mechanical link between
the tnbe and inJlates tbe rubber ballcton. This is the lungs and the thoracic cavity withottt
the mechanism of inspiration. timiting the respiratory movements, as the
lungs dilate and moue relatiue to the tlcoracic
Conversely, if tbe elastic membrame is releasecl utall.
(Fig. 36), it recoils and the volume of the flask . On the other hand, during inspiration, the
decreases by the same uolume V, while the inter- intrathoracic pressure falls and becomes
nal pressure rises and the air inside the balloon is negative, not only with respect to the outside
driven out through the tube. This is the mecha- but also tuitb respect to tbe abclominal
nism of expiration. cctuity. As a result, air enters the trachea and
'the pulmonary alveoli, and venous retufn to
Thus respiration depends on the increase or the right atrium (RA) is speeded up. Thus
decrease in the volume of the thoracic cavity inspiration irnproves cardiac fllling and,
(Fig. 3S). If initially the thorax is taken to be a with the help of the lesser circulation, it
truncated ovoid with base ACBD, transverse brings venous blood into close contact
diametef CD, anteroposterior diameter AB and with fresh, newly inspired air in the alveoli.
vertical diameter SP, then the action of the respi- Thus inspiration at once ensures air
ratorymuscles, especiallythe diaphragm, increases entry and pulmonary vascular perfusion.
all its diameters into those of a gt"eater truncated
ouoid A'C'B'D' , with an anteroposterior diameter In tems of respiratory airflow let us consider
,\'B', a transverse diameter C'D' and a vertical snoring, which is often very unpleasant for one's
diameter SP'. The only difference here from bedmate. Almost all lcuman beings snore - and
Funck's experiment lies in the fact that all tbe even some animals - but there are certain struc-
dimemsions of tbe contairter baue irtct"eased tural types and positions that predispose to this
simultaneously. inlirmity. Snoring is produced by uibrations of
tbe soft palate taking place in the supine position
There arer however, striking sirnilarities and during deep sleep. There are now some more
between the experirnental setup and the or less efficacious medical tfeatments; occasion-
anatomical reality, namely the following: ally, only surgical palatoplasty can be curative.
. tlte uertical tube fbr the passage of air is the
dg rnsx
{3 *rm$tj
Respiratory volumes
Respiratory or pulmonary volumes are the uo lurne s . The sum of the residual volume and the
of air displaced durimg tbe uat'ious pbases and expiratory volume is the functional fesefve
types of breathing. capacrty (FRC, i.e. 2 l).
. Finally, the sum of the vital capacity and the
Comparison of the various residual volume is the total lung capacity
respiratory volumes (i.e. t+D.

'We find it helpful to represent these various

During exercise
volumes using the pleats of an accordion, as it
simplifies comparison among them. During exercise (Fig. 41) the various volumes
. During quiet breathing are broken dotan clifferently within the total lung
at rest (Fig. 40) the
capacity, as follows:
various respiratory volumes can be deflned as
follows: the air displaced between normal . Only tbe resid,ual uolume is uncbanged, as ii
inspiration and normal expiration is the tidal can nevef be expelled, whatever the force of
volume (TV, i.e. 500 ml). In the diagram this expiration.
volume is shown as the blue-tinted band (2) . On the other hand, as the respifatory rate
containing the oscillations of tbe spirogram. increases, the tidal volume (T\) rises to a
. If normal inspiration is prolongecl by a forced maxirnum, but then as the respiratory rate
inspiration, the extra volume inhaled increases ttre ticlal uolume tends to fall
represents the inspiratory fesefve volume sligbtly. Thus the tidal uolume d.oes attain a
(IRV, i.e. 1.51). maximum.
. The sum of the inspiratory reselve volume . 'ih. expiratory feserve volume increases
and of the tidal volume is the insplratory markedly, indicating that the deptb of rapid
capacity (IC, i.e. 2 l). breatbing d.uring exercise comes closer to
. If a normal expiration is prolonged to the the level of maximal distension of the thorax
maximum by a forced expiration, the volume than during breathing at rest.
exhaled is the expiratory feserve volume . As a result of the increase in tidal volume
(ERV, i.e. 1.51). and of the expiratory reselve volume, the
. The sum of the inspiratory fesefve volume, inspiratory reserve volume drops (IR\).
the tidal volume and the expiratory reserve In Figure 47 the spirogram at rest has been
volume is the vital capacity (VC, i.e. 3.5 l) added for comparison.
. Even aftet a complete expiration some air All these details are quite logical, easy to remem-
cannot be expelled and is still present in the ber and of great importance in daily efforts and
lungs and in the bronchi, i.e. the residual spolts activities.
volume (RV, i.e. 0.51).

&' srnslj
*f arnt5id
The physiopathology of breathing
Many factors can interfere with respiratory . Tn bronchial obstruction with atelectasis
efficiency. (5) the teffitory supplied by the bronchus
receives no air and the lung tissue retfacts. In
The problem of the flail chest can be illustrated the diagram the left Llpper lobe is atelectatic
by a modified Funck's experiment (Fig. 12).If owing to obstruction of the upper lobe
part of the wall of the flask is replaced by another bronchus.
elastic membrane, it follows that, when the . In inflammatory pleural thickening (6)
bottom membrane is pulled down, the membrane following a pleurisy, a pyothorax or a
in the wall of the flask is sucked in and dis- haemothorax, the shell-like sclerotic pleura
places a volurne v, which must be subtracted hugs the lung tightly and preuents it from
from the totalvolurne V. Therefore, the inflated exp anding during insPiration.
balloon has a smaller volume V minus v. . Acute gastric dilatation (7) hinclers the
descent of the diaphragm.
In humans the flail chest is the result of a violent . Sevefe intestinal distension due to
blow to the thorax; as a result, a fairly large part
obstruction (8) displaces the diaphragm
of the thoracic wall stops following its move-
upwards; it is an abdominal cause of
ments and is sucked in during inspiration,
respiratory distress.
leading to paradoxical respiration. Respiratory
efflciency is reduced, leacling to respiratory . Phrenic nerve palsy (Fig. 11) can interfere
distress with a catastrophic drop in the oxygen with breathing. In the diagram, interntption
uptake in tbe alueolar capillaries. of the left phrenic nerve leads to paralysis
of the left hemidiaphragm, which exhibits
There are also many other conditions associated paradoxical respiratory movements, e.g. up
with reduced respiratory efficiency and even cul- instead of down during inspiration.
minating in respiratory distress. They are mostly Ventilatory rnechanics can also be altered consid-
due to ventilatory problems and are summarized erably by the position of the bodY
in Figure 43.
. In the supine position (Fig. 45) the weight
Pneurnothorax (1) is the entry of air into of the abdominal viscera pushes the
the pleural cavity, followed by recoil of the diaphragm upwards, making inspiration
lung by its own elasticity (2).lt can be caused more dfficult. T};re tidal volume is reduced
by a pleuropulmonary tear, whefe at every and displaced upwards in the diagram (Fig.
inspiration (black arrow) air enters the pleural 43), at the expense of the inspiratory reserve
cavity. This corresponds to tfaumatopnoea, volume. This occurs under general
which leads to severe respiratory distress. The anaesthesia and can be made worse by
entry of air into the pleural space can also anaesthetic drugs and muscle relaxants, which
result from the rllpture of a bronchus or of reduce the efficiency of the respiratory
an emphysematous bulla.'Vfhen the pleura muscles. It also occurs in the comatose
no longer pulls on the lung, the latter patient.
becomes useless (2). This can also result from . When the subiect lies on one side (Fig.
a haemothorax (blood in the pleural cavity),
170 46), the diaphragm is pushed upwards far
a hydrothorax (fluid in the pleural cavit), or
more on the lower side. The lower lung is
pleurisy (3), when the fluid gathers at the less efficient than the upper lung and, to
base of the thorax.
make matters wofse, circulatory stasis
Flail chest (4) also callses a more or less supervenes. Anaesthetists particulady dread
severe loss of respiratory efficiency. this position.
g3 arn6!d
t a.rnsld
Respiratory typest athletes, musicians
Ventilatory mechanics varies with age and sex more difficult to pull the uppermost circle
(Fig.47): upwards. Therefore the volume R does not
. in women, breathing contribute to ventilation.
is mostly upper
thoracic, with maximum fanae of movement This experiment illustrates the respiratory dif-
occurring in the upper thorax, which shows ficulties caused by an accentuated thoracic
an increase in its anteroposterior diameter cufvature, i.e. thoracic kyphosis.
. in men, it is mixed, i.e. upper and lower
thoracic The same problems arise in the aged (Fig. 51).
. The increased upper thoracic cllrvatlrre brings
in the child, it is abdominal the ribs closer together and reduces the range of
. in the aged it is greatly altered by the their movements. Thus the upper lobes of the
development of a thoracic kyphosis. lungs are poody aetated, and breathing becomes
To understand the respiratory pathophysiology lower thoracic or even abdominal. This state of
of the aged, reference to a Chinese lantern affairs is made worse by the hypotonicity of the
(Fig. 48) can be helpftil as follows: muscles.
. In this thougltt experimenl the thorax is S/hen dealing with the physiology of breathing,
represented by the Chinese lantern hanging the sigh deserves mention; it is the result of a
on one side from a rigid and straight rod, d e ep i n sp ir clti o n follow ed by a p r o I o n g e d e xp ir a-
wlrich corresponds to the tboracic spine. tion. Physiologically it helps to renew the air in
. Inspiration is produced by pulling on the the dead space and in the reserve compartments.
uppermost circle of the lantern, Psychologically this quasi-unconscious act r e lie u e s
corresponding to the contraction of the emotional tension, pafiiculady anxiety, which
scalene and sternocleidomastoid muscles. At is generally speaking dissipated by the sigb qf
the same time the bottom of the lantern is relief.
pulled down, corresponding to contraction
of the diaphragm (D). Breathing plays a major role in some professions,
. As a result of these two actions the volume e.g. athletics, and in particular swimming. It is
of the lantern increases and air rushes also vital for musicians playing wind instru'
inside it. ments and singers, who need maximal respira-
. If the pull on the uppermost circle and on the toiry cap^city and control of the breath, so
bottom of the lantern is released (Fig. 49), the dependent on the control of the expiratory
lantern collapses under the force of gravity muscles. Moreover, among musicians at large,
(g) along the rigid rod corresponding to the breathing plays an important role outside its ven-
spine, and its volume decreases. This is tilatory function, since i/s rhytbm sbapes the uery
equivalent to expiration. performance of tbe musician.In certain adagios
. the breathing pattern is so distinct that it can be
Let us now assume that the supporting rod is
sairl to act as an internal metronome for tbe
172 not straight but curved (Fig. 5O'), as in a
kypbotic spine. The lantern stays forever in a
collapsed and deflated state, and it is much
t 9 a,rn6!c
6y oim6ll
gP arn6lc
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The dead space
The dead space is the volume of air that does uben only tbe ticlal uolume is displaced, no more
not contribute to respiratoty exchange. In Figure than 35O ml of fresh air participates in alveolar
52 the respiratory volumes are represented by the gas exchange and oxygenation of uenous blood,
accordion. If the exhaust pipe is extended by a Efflciency is improved by:
srzable container (DS) the dead. space is artifi- . increasing the volume of air displaced by
cially increased.In fact, if only the tidal volume recruiting the inspiratory or expiratory
of 500 ml is being displaced, and if the combined fesefve volume, or
volume of tube and container is also 500 ml, then . decreasing the volume of the dead space as
breathing will only displace air within the dead
with a tracheotomy (T), which connects the
space and nr.t fresb air tuill moue insid.e tbe
trachea directly to the outside and cuts down
the dead space by neady a half.
The case of the diver (Fig. 53) is even easier to Tracheotomy, however, is not without risks,
gfasp. Let us assume that he is connected to the it depriues tbe respiratory tree of its natural
surface only by a tube through which he inhales defences, i.e. filtration and warming of inspired air
and exhales. If the tube volume equals his vital by the nasal fossae and above all closure of the
capacity he will never be able to inhale fresh air, glottis against foreign bodies, and exposes it to
despite his most energetic efforts. Wbeneuer he sevefe bronchopulmonary infections. It must
takes a breatb, be uill only inlcale tbe air pol- therefore be used only in high-risk cases.
tutecl by bis oun preuious expiration. Thus he
will soon die of asphl':ria, as occasionally hap- In Figure 55 the respiratory volumes are rep-
pened in the early days of diving. This problem is resented by the accordion and the tracheotomy
solved by conveying fresh air through a tube and by the opening at the base of the tube (see also
by allowing the expired air to be expelled by a Figs 4O and 41, page 169).
valve placed in the helmet, as evidenced by the
bubbles. There is another type of dead space (Fig. 56),
i.e. the physiological dead space (PDS), which
The anatornical dead space (Fig. 54) is the results from the loss of vascular perfusion of
volume of the respiratory tree, i.e. the upper a pulmonary segment from a pulmonary
airways, including mouth and nose, the trachea, embolus (PE). Ventilation of this unperfused
the bronchi and the bronchioles. This volume segment is wasted, thereby increasing the
equals 150 ml, so that during normal breathing, anatomical dead space.

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gg arn6ld
cg srn6lg
Thoracic compliance
Compliance is related directly to the elasticity of . At volume V3, i.e. at 70% of total lung
tbe anatotnical cormpctnent of the thorax and the capacity, the pressure generated purely by
Iungs. the thoracic wall is zero, and the pressllre
generated at total relaxation of the thorax is
In normal expiration (Fig. 57) the thorax and entirely due to the elasticity of the lungs (the
the lungs regain their position of equilibrium, two culves L and T intersect at this point).
which can be compared to that of a spring at rest. . At an intermediate volume (VR) the
Thus the intra-alveolaf pressufe and the atmos- pressr-rre generated purely by relaxation of the
pheric pressure are in equilibrium. thoracic wall is exactly equal to one half of
the pressure generated by relaxation of the
During forced expiration (Fig. 5fl) the active lungs. Thus the pfessure generated by total
muscles coml)ress tbe elastic components of the relaxation of the thoracic wall is equal to one
thorax. To nse a concfete example, if the spring half of the pressure generated by relaxation of
representing the thorax is compressed to gener- the lungs.
ate a positive intrathoracic pressure of +20 cm
A linal point deserves emphasis. At maximal
of water, the intrapulmonary pressure will exceed
expiratictn tbe lungs baue not yet lost all tbeir
the atmospheric pressure and air will escape
elasticity because the curwe L is still to the right
through the trachea. Meanwhile the thonx uill
tencl tct regain its cn'iginal positir,tn eYen as of zero pressllre. This explains why when air is
allowed to enter the pleural spaces the lungs can
the spring will tend to go back to its original
position O.
still retract to a minimum volume Vp, at which
point they cannot tettact any more and therefore
exert no pressure on the air they still contain. The
Conversely, during forced inspiration (Fig.
total elasticity of the thorax (Fig. 61) can be com-
59), which could be compared to stretcbing of
pared to a combination of two springs (A): a
tlce spring, a negative pfessufe of -2O cm of
large spring W representing the thoracic wall and
watef clevelops in the thorax relative to the atmos-
a small spring L representing the lungs. The ftrnc-
pheric pfessllre. As a result, air enters the trachea,
tional dependence of the lungs on the thoracic
btfi the elasticity of the tborax tuill again tencl
to bring it back to its original position. These wall via the pleura can be represented by the
changes can be represented graphically by
coupling of the two springs (B), which requires
compressing the large spring W and stretcbing
using compliance curves (Fig. 60), which
relate tbe cbange in imtratboracic pressure tbe small spring L. The coupling of these two
(.abscissa) tr,t the cbanges in intratlcoracic springs is equivalent to a single spring (C), which
represents the total elasticity of the thorax (T);
uolume (ordinate).
however, if the functional link between lung and
thoracic wall is destroyed, each spring regains its
Three such curves can be drawn:
own position of equilibrium (A).
. The cufve for total thoracic relaxation
(T), where zefo pressufe corresponds to the Tcr snmmarize, compliance is the relationsbip
volume at total relaxation (VR), and is the betueen tbe uolume of air and tbe uall pressure
176 resnltant of the volume/pressufe curve for the neeclecl to clisplace it.lnthe graph (Fig. 60) com-
lungs alone (L) and of the volume/pressure pliance corresponds to the slope of the middle of
cunre of the thoracic wall alone (V). each curwe so that the compliance of the lungs is
It is remarkable that the residual volume greater than that of the thoracic wall, and the total
corresponds to the point where the pressure thoracic compliance is the algebraic sum of these
exerted by the elasticity of the thoracic wall two compliances.
(PV) and that exerted by the elasticity of the
lungs (PL) are equal ancl opposite.
69 axn6gg {S a,:nl3!d gg a;n6rg
The elasticity of the costal cartilages
As already demonstrated (see Figs 19 and 20, receiue it. Here again some laterz"l and vertical
pp. 155 and 157), during inspit"ation tlce costal displacements afe possible, but there is no
cartilages undergo angular displacement and torsion at all.
torsion around tbeir long axes. This torsion is The opposite movements take place during
important in the mechanism of expiration. expiration (E).
During inspiration (I) the posterior ends of the
ribs stay attached to the spine at the joints of During inspiration (Fig. 64;, when the rib is
costal heads (Fig. 62) and, as the sternum rises, lowerecl relative to the sternum, which rises, the
the costal cartilages rotate on their long axes costal cartilage haists on its oun axis tbrougb a,n
as indicated by the arrows t ancl t'.
angle t, and thus behaves like a torsion rod,
which resembles a spring tbat uorks b1l
At the same time, the angles at the costochon- shortening and lengtbening but by tc.trsion, as
dral and sternocostal joints are altered. (To tbe name indicates. This device, well known to
make this easier to understancl, the diagram shows engineers, is used as a shock-absorber in cars.
the sternum as flxecl and the spine as movable, Thus, if a rod is twisted on its long axis, its elastic-
which is mechanically a similar arrangement.) ity stores the torsion energy and releases it when
the twisting stops. Likewise, the energy generated
Diagrammatically, the costochondral and sterno- by the inspiratory muscles is stored in the
costal joints (Fig. 63) are intedocking joints at torsion bars of the costal cartilages during
each encl of the cartilage: inspiration; when these muscles start to relax, the
. The medial end of the caftrlage (3) and the elasticity of these cartilages suflices to bring the
sternal border (1) are tightly interlocked, thoracic skeleton back to its initial position.
forming a solid angle (2), completely filled The flexibility and elasticity of these cartilages
by the tip of the cartilage (4). This allows decrease with age and eventually the,v tend to
some movement Yefiically but no torsion at ossify, leading to a loss of thoracic flexibility
all. and respiratory efficiency in the aged.
. The lateral end of the cartrlage (5) is
shaped like a cone flattened anteroposteriorty This mechanical analysis brings out the important
and Jits snugly into tlce anterior encl of tbe role playecl by tbe elastic costal cartilages in con'
rib (6), u,hich is correspondingly shaped tct necting tbe rigid. ribs to tbe mobile sternum.

bg arfr6!j
99 arnbld

The mechanism of coughing and

the Heimlich manoeuvre
Mechanism of coughing contraction of these muscles is painful and
As air enters the respiratory passages, it is fil- . closure of the glottis requiring the
tered, humidified and warmed up by the nasal integrity of the laryngeal muscles and of
fossae and becomes theoretically free of sus- its neural control.
pended particles when it enters the tfachea and
Coughing is a reflex act set off by sensory recep-
the bronchi. However, if by accident, foreign
tors located at the tracheal bifurcation (the
particles gain access to the bronchial tree, there
carina) and in the pleura. The afferent fibres of
is a very efficient mechanism designed to femove
this reflex are carried centrally in the vagus nefves
them - coughing. Similarly, coughing is designed
to the bulbar centres; its efferent flbres are carried
to expel packets of bronchial mucous secfe-
not only by the laryngeal rlerves, which are
tions, which trap these fine particles and are then
branches of the vagus nerves, but also by the
wafted towards the glottis by the constant ci7iary
intercostal and abdominal nerves. Its deli-
activity of the bronchial epitheliurn - an cately balanced mechanism can easily be upset.
actiuity seuerely compromised by smr.tking.

The mechanism of coughing has three phases: The Heimlich manoeuvre

. Phase 1 (Fig. 65) is the inspiratory phase There are situations when coughing is inap-
or the so-called preparatory phase, when the propriate, for example when a latge foreign
bulk of the respiratory reserve volume is body has been inhaled. This happens when an
drawn into the bronchial tree and alveoli. The adult, trying to swallow a badly chewed piece of
disadvantage of this deep inspiration it that it meat, forces it down the wrong way. The mouth-
can carry down towards the bronchioles any ful unexpectedly gets past the protective mecha-
foreign bodies lying below the glottis. nisms of the respiratory ttact and ends up in the
. Phase II (Fig. 66) ls the pressure phase, trachea. Children can inhale sweets in the same
which involves closure of the glottis and way. It is a dramatic event, since the subject
violent contraction of the intercostal tries to take a deep breath in order to cough ancl
muscles and of all the accessory expiratory only manages to drive the foreign object farther
muscles, particulady the abdorninal down his trachea, which makes his respiratory
muscles. During this phase there is a sharp distress worse. Without immediate help from
rise in intrathoracic pressure. outside he can die of acute asphyxia. People
. Phase III (Fig. 67) is the expulsion phase. should know the life-saving procedures in such
Vhile the accessory expiratory muscles are unfortunate situations:
still contracted, the glottis opens suddenly . Hold a child who is not too big upside down
and violently releases a cuffent of air from by its feet and shake it so as to dislodge the
the bronchial tree. This carries along the sweet.
foreign particles and the packets of mucus Deliver a series of strong thumps to the
past the open glottis towards the pharynx, back of an adult; however, if there is no
180 whence they are coughed up from the improvement after five thumps, proceed to
oropharynx. more effective life-saving procedures.
Therefore, it appears that the efficiency of cough- The Heimlich manoeuvre (Fig. 68), well
ing depends on: known to first-aid wofkers, consists of
. recruitment of the efficient abdorninal violently compressing the epigastrium of the
muscles (thus coughing is infficient or subject in distress while standing behind him.
impossible in patients with poliomyelitis The manoeuvfe can be performed on oneself,
and abdominal wall paralysis and even after if alone, by compressing the epigastrium on
abdominal operations, when any the back of a chaft.
dg ern6Nd
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The laryngeal muscles and the protection
of the airways during swallowing
The highly sophisticated laryngeal apparatus cartilaginous nodule, i.e. the interarytenoid
has three essential functions: carttlage (11) at the junction of its lower stem
and its two upper branches (10).
. closure of the glottis during the Valsalva
manoeuvfe and coughing The stalk of the epiglottic cartilage (1) is
. protection of the airwaYs during attached to the posterior aspect of the solid angle
swallowing formed by the thyroid laminae. Shaped like a leaf,
. phonation. it is concave posteriody and its long axis is oblique
superoinferiody. Its two lateral edges are attached
Understanding these functions requires a review
of the anatomy of the larynx. A posterior oblique
to the corniculate canilage by the two ary-
view (Fig. 69) shows the following cartilages epiglottic ligaments (9).
joined to one another:
Also seen (Fig. 69, p. 183 and Fig. 73, p. 185) are
. The signet-ring-shaped cricoid cartilage (6) the right lateral cricoarytenoid muscle (16),
has a signet plate (see Fig. 75, p. 185) or which unites tlre muscular process of tbe ary-
posterior lamina (7) with two articular tenoicl and the anterior part of tbe arcb ctf tbe
facets, one on each side: the thyroid or ct"icoicl, ancl the right cricothyroid muscle (17)
inferior facet (22), articulating with the running between t};,e inferior border oJ tbe
inf'erior horn of the thvroid cartilage (5), and thyroicl cartilage ancl tbe amterior border of the
the arytenoid or superior facet (21), cricoid arcb.
articulating with the arytenoid cartilage (8).
. The thyroid car|ulage its medial surface In Figure 70 the laryngeal inlet is marked by an
(2) is visible, but its lateral surface is obscured arrow and is bounded as follows:
by the oblique line (3), which bears on the . superiorly by the epiglottic cartilage (1)
superior part of its posterior border the . laterally by the aryepiglottic ligaments (9),
superior horns (4), attached to the hyoid
reinforced by the aryepiglottic muscles (19)
bone (not shown here) by the thyrohyoid
ligaments. It consists of two larninae . inf'eriorly by the corniculate cartilages (23),
fbrming a solid angle open anteriorly. The united by the cricorniculate ligaments (10),
inferior part of its posterior surface (see which are reinforced posteriody by the
Fig. 75, p. 185) receives the anterior transverse fibres of the tfansvefse
attachments (26) of the vocal cords (15). interarytenoid muscles (1 8).
The roughly pyramidal ary.tenoid cartilages The lateral walls of this inlet are completecl by
(8), lying on either side of the signet plate of the the superficial fibres of the inferior thyro-
cricoid cartilage, have three processes: arytenoid muscles (20). The inlet is shown
open as in normal breathing.
. a superiof pfocess or corniculate cartilage
(23) (see Figs 75 and76, P 185) During swallowing the glottis is closed, and the
182 . a medial or vocal process (25) giving epiglottis tilts inferiorly and posteriorly (Fig. 71)
attachment to the vocal cord towards tlre corniculate cartilages by the pull of
. a lateral or musculaf pfocess giving the aryepiglottic muscles (19) and the inferior
inserlion to the posterior crico-arltenoid thyro-arytenoid muscles (20). Solid and liquid
muscle (13 ancl 14). foods slicle down on the anterosuperior surface
Between the corniculate cartilage and the upper
of the epiglottis towards the oropharynx and
the entrance to the oesophagus (not shown)
border of the signet plate of the cricoid cartilage
lying posterior to the cricoid.
rlrns a Y-shaped ligament, i.e. the cricocorn-
iculate ligament (12), which carries a small
'sJJnBrJ Jlrps JLI] JJE spuJBJI lql
69 a,{elsij
The glottis and the vocal cords: phonation
The glottis is the passage that controls the flow ar).tenoid resting on top of the signet plate of
of air in the larynx. Two diagrams (Figs 72 and the cricoid (7), with which it articulates at the
73, superior view) explain how the glottis arytenoid facet (21). The axis of this crico-
ftinctions. arytenoid joint of synovial type runs obliquely
inferosuperiorly, mediolaterally and posterolater-
The rima glottidis seen from the pharyrlx, i.e. ally (not shown).
from above, is a triangular fissure with an
anterior apex (Fig. 72), ancl its two borders \Vhen the interarytenoid (18) and the post-
consist of the folkrwing: erior crico-arytenoid (14) muscles contract
(see Fig. 71, p. 183), the arytenoid staings later'
. the vocal cords (15) joining the posterior
atly to a new position (deep blue, Fig. 75), and its
surface of the thyroid cartilage (3) ancl the
vocal process (25) moues aruay from the
vocal process (25) of the arltenoid
micl.line. The two vocal cords (15) fbrm a trian-
. the ar'.tenoid cartilages (.24), which gular orifice uitb an anteriorly located apex
articulate from above with the cricoid (Fig. 72). Conversely, when the lateral crico-
cartrlage (7) by two joints with two vefiical arytenoid muscles contract (16), the arytenoid
axes o and o'. cartilage swings medially, and its uocal process
Contraction of the posterior crico-arytenoid approacbes tbe midline as does the uocal cord
muscles (13) rotates the arltenoid car-tilages on (15') (Fig. 73).
their axes o and o' and abducts the vocal pro-
cesses (25) tuitb opening of tbe gktttis. During speech the vocal cords are subjectecl to
varying tensions, as is well illustratecl by the
Conversely (Fig. 73), when the lateral crico- cliagram (Fig. 74). On closure of the glottis the
arytenoid muscles contract (16), the arytenoid vocal cord is lengthened. Moreover (Fig. 76),
cartilages rotate in the opposite direction. The assuming that the cricoid cartilage (6) stays put,
vocal pfocesses (.25i) approach each other contraction of the cricothyroid (17) rotates
towards the midline, and the vocal cords (15') the thyroid cartilage around the axis of the joint
come to touch each other, ensuring closure of between the inferior horn of the thyroid cartilage
the rima glottidis. and the cricoid (5), so that its anterior part is
lowered. The anterior inserlion of the vocal cord
The partial diagram of the vocal cords (Fig. flroves from position 26 to position 26', and
74) shows that, when the glottis moves from the the corcl is lengthened as it is actively stretched
open (g) to the closed (g') position, the vocal by the contracting cricothyroid (17'). This
corcls move from the open (15) to the closed (15') muscle, innervated by the fecuffent laryngeal
position and are stretchecl fbr a length d by the nefve, is therefore the most irnportant muscle
displacements (recl arrow) of the vocal processes in speech, since it controls tbe tension in the
caused by rotation of the arltenoid canllages (24). uocal cord.s and bence tbe pitcb of tbe sound.
The increased tension in the corcls produces a
higher note during speech. There are thus two mechanisms that regulate the
tension of the vocal cords:
184 The last two cliagrams illustrate how the glottis . closure of the rima glottidis by contraction of
is closed (Fig. 75) and how the vocal cords are the lateral crico-arytenoid muscle
tensed (Fig. 76) during speech. . forward tilting of the thyroid caftilage by
contraction of the cricothyroid muscle.
A left anterior view (Fig. 75) of the cricoid (6)
and arytenoid (fl) cartilages shows the
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The Gervical Spine
The cerwical spine is the uppefmost segment of the spinal column
continuous with the thoracic spine. It supports the head and forms
the skeleton of, the neck.

It is the most mobile part of the spine and has the task of ori-
enting the head in an almost 180' sector of space both vertically
and transversely. It must be stressed that the mobility of the
cervical spine anLdthat of the eyeballs are additive. Since the
heacl contains the main sensory organs - the eyes, the ears and
the nose - it must be able to localize potential threats to individu-
als and points of interest for their survival.

The sagittal plane of the head demarcates two hemispaces,

i.e. right and left. Stimuli coming from these two hemispaces need
to be separated to achieve three-dimensional vision and
hearing and provide essential data for th,e localization of threats
or points of interest. The neck is thus the equivalent of radetr
supports that rotate through space continuously. The only differ-
ence is that neck rotation cannot exceed 170-180', which is
alrea<ly appreciable when compared to animals without necks, as
for example fish, which, despite the great mobility of their eyes,
must rotate their bodies in order to orient their sensors. As the
most mobile segment of the spinal column, the cervical spine is
also the most fragile, not only because of its mobilify but also
because of the lightness of its structural components, which only
need to support the relatively low weight of the head, except
when it has to support healry loads, as is the case in some

The neck, whose slenderness is of great aesthetic value in women'

is the most exposed pafi of the human body and highly sus-
ceptible to deadly attacks by twisting or severing. The cervical
spine must be handled with great cate aftet an accident, and also
during all.forms of treatmemt directecl to it.
\q\\\t I '
The cervical spine taken as a whole
Taken as a whole (Fig. 1) the cervical spine is The cervical veftebfae ate all alike, except for
made up of two anatomically and functionally the atlas and the axis, which differ from each
distinct segments: other and from the other cervical vertebrae.
. The joints of the lower segment have only two
the upper or suboccipital segment (1) types of movement, i.e. flexion-extension and
comprising the flrst cervical vertebra or the
combined latetal flexion-rotation, but tbere
atlas and the second cervical vertebra or the
cffe no pure nxouements of lateral Jlexion or
axis; these vertebrae afe connected to each
other and to the occipital bone by an
articular complex with three axes and Functionally these two segments are comple-
three degrees of freedom mentary in order to allow pure movements
. the lower segment (2) stretching from the of rotation, lateral flexion and flexion-
inferior surface of the axis to the superior extension of the head.
surface of the first thoracic vertebra (T1).

Diagrammatic representation of the first

three cervical vertebrae
These bigbly simplified diagrams illustrate the are directed inferiody and anteriody and articu-
lowing vertebrae one on top of the other and in late with the superior facets of C3 (24 and 24').
the same verlical plane: The transvefse pfocesses (13 and 13') have
. each a vertical foramen (14) fot the vertebral
the atlas (Fig. 2)
. aftery, i.e. the foramen transversarium.
the axis (Fig. 3)
. the third cervical vertebra (FiS. 4).
The third ceryical vertebra (C3)
The atlas C3 (Fig. 4) is similar to the last four cerwical verte-
brae and as such is a typical cervical vertebra. It
The atlas (Fig. 2) is ring-shaped, with its trans- has a vertebral body (9) shaped llke a parallel
verse diameter greater than its anteroposterior epiped, which is wider than it is high. Its superior
diameter. It has two lateral masses (1 and 1'), discal surface (20) is bordered on both sides by
oval in shape with their long axes running the uncinate processes (22 and 22'), which bear
obliquely anteriorly and meclially, and each of two facets facing superiorly and. tnedially and
these in turn bears: articulate with two flat facets located om eitber
. side of tlce inferior surface of tbe axis.
a biconcave superior articular facet (2 and
2'), facing superiody and medially and The anterior border of its superior surface also has
articulating with the occipital condyles a flat facet (21), which faces superiody and ante-
. an anteroposteriody convex inferior
riody and articulates with the posterior aspect of
articular facet, facing inferiody and medially a beak-like projection from tbe anterior borcler
and afticulating with the superior facet of the
of the axis.
axis (12 and l2'). Its inferior discal surface is bordered on both
sides by the articular facets of the uncoverte-
Its anterior arch (3) has on its posterior aspect bral joints, facing inferiorly and laterally; rt
a small oval-shaped cafiiTaginous articular carries a prorninent beak-like projection facing
facet (1) articulating with the dens axis (11). Its anteriorly and inferiorly.
posterior arch (5) is at first flattenect slrpero-
inferiody but becomes wider posteriody to form The posterior arch of this typical cervical vefie-
not a spinous process but a vertical crest, i.e. bra has two articular processes (23 and 23),
each with:
the posterior tubercle (6) in the midline. Its
transverse processes (7 and 7') are pierced by . a superior facet (24 and 24') facing
the vertebral arteties (8), which run in deep superiody and posteriody and afiiculating
grooves (8') behind the lateral rrrasses. with the inferior facet of the ovedying
vertebra, i.e. the inferior facet of the axis
The axis . an inferior facet (not visible in the diagram),
The superior surface (10) of the body (9) of the directed inferiorly and anteriorly and
axis (Fig. 3) bears centrally the dens (11), which afiiculating with the superior facet of c4.
acts as a piuot for tbe atlanto-axial ioint, an<l Each articular process is connected to the verte-
laterally two articular facets (12 and 12'), which bral body by the pedicle (25), which receives the
overhang the body like h.uo sboulder pads, face base of the transverse process (26 and 26'),
snperiody and laterally ancl are convex antero- also attached to the latetal surface of the body
posteriody and flat transversely. The latter has the shape of a superiody concave
The posterior arch (f6) is made up of two groove, which is pierced near the vertebral body
narrow laminae (15 and 15') running obliquely by a round foramen (29) for the vertebral
posteriorly and medially. The spinous process attery. The transvefse process teminates in an
(18) has two tubercles like every other cervical anterior anrd a posterior tubercle. The verte-
vertebra. Below the pedicle (76i) are attached the bral laminae (27 and27') run obliquely inferiorly
inferior articulat processes (I7 and 17'), with and laterally and meet in the midline to form the
two cartilage-coated articular facets, which spinous process (28) with its ttto tubercles.
& arrnbld
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ct ,91

The atlanto-axial ioints

The mechanical linkage between atlas and axis A parasagittal section through the latetal
is achieved by three mechanically finked masses of the atlas (Fig. 7) reveals the orienta-
joints: tions and curvatures of the various articular
. am axial joint, i.e. the median atlanto-axial
joint, with the dens axis serwing as a pivot . The curved outline of the median atlanto-
(see p. 190) axial ioinrt with the dens facet (1) and the
. ttuo symmetrical lateral joints, i.e. the articular facet of the anterior arch of the
latetal atlanto-axial ioints between the atlas (2) is shown transected in the mid-
inferior surfaces of the lateral masses of sagittal plane; it lies on a circle with centre
the atlas and the superior articular of curvature Q located behind the dens.
surfaces of the axis. . The superior facet of the lateral mass of
the atlas (J) is conuex anteroposteriorly and
Figure 5 (axis seen in perspective) and Figure
6 (lateral view) illustrate the shape and orienta- facing directly pr,tsteriorly; it articulates with
the occipital condyle.
tion of its oval superior articwlar facet (5); its
great axis runs antefoposteriody and it is conuex
. The inferior facet of the lateral mass of
anteroposteriorly along a curue represented by the atlas (4) is convex anteroposteriody and
ro<'but straigbt transuersely. Thus its surface can lies on a circle with centre of curvature O
be viewed as a section from the surface of a and a radius sborter tlcan that of circle Q.
cylinder C with axis Z directed laterally and . The superior facet of the axis (5) is convex
sligbtly inferiorly so that the articular facet faces anteroposteriody and lies on a circle with
superiorly and slightly laterally. The cylinder centre of curvature P and a radius roughly
(sboun bere as h'ansparenf) from which these equal to that of the circle with centre O. Thus
facets afe cut comprises the lateral part of the axis the two articular surfaces (1 and 5) rest on
and just overhangs the distal tip of the trans- each other like two wheels. The star
vefse pfocess. indicates the centre of the movement of
flexion-extension of the atlas on the axis (see
These two diagrams also reveal the rather unusual p. t94).
shape of the dens, which is roughly cylindrical . Finally, the inferior facet of the axis (6)
but bent posterioily.It bears: .faces inferioily and anterioily.It is almost
. anteriorly a shield-like articular facet (1), flat, but its gently curved surface belongs to a
which is slightly biconvex and articulates uide circle with centre of curyature R lying
Laitb tbe articular facet of the anterior arch inferiody and posteriorly. It articulates with
of the atlas tlae superior facet of tlce articular process
o.f C3.
. posteriorl| a cartilage-lined groove (7), which
is concave transversely and articulates with
the functionally critical transverss ligament
(see pp. 194 and l)6).
e sing!:* I

Flexion-extension in the lateral and median

atlanto-axial ioints
If the lateral masses of the atlas rolled without centfe of curwature of the anterior facet of the
gliding on the superior articular surfaces of the dens, but a third point (shown here as a star)
axis during flexion (Fig. 8), then the point of lying roughly in the centre of the dens seen from
contact between these two conYex surfaces the side. As a result, during flexion-extension the
would move anteriody and the line joining the inferior facets of the lateral masses of the atlas roll
centre of curwature P to the point of contact of and glide simultaneously on the superior artic-
these two surfaces would move from PA to PA'. ular surfaces of the axis, just like the femoral
At the same time, the joint space between the condyles on the tibial articular surface.
anterior arch of the atlas and the anterior facet of
the dens should gape slrperiorly (b). It must be stressed, however, that the presence
of a deformable stfucture, i.e. the tfansYerse liga-
Likewise, if the lateral of the atlas rolled
masses ment, forming the posterior wall of the
without gliding on the superior articular surfaces median atlanrto-axial ioint, allows some flexi-
of the axis during extension 6ig. 9), their point bility in the joint. The ligament, Iitting tightly in a
of contact should move posteriody, and the line gfoove on the posterior surface of the dens, can
joining the centre of curvature P to the contact bend uptu ards cl,uring extension and doutnu ards
point should move from PB to PB'. At the same during Jlexion, just like the chord of an arc. This
time, the joint space between the anterior arch of also explains why the cavify of this joint is not
the atlas and the anterior surface of the dens entirely bony. The same reasoning also applies to
should gape inferiorly (b). the annular ligament of the superior radio-ulnar
joint, which is also a pivot joint (see Volume 1).
In real life a carefrrl scrutiny of lateral radio-
graphs fails to show any gaping (Fig. l0); this Thus the transverse ligament is vitally irnpor-
is due to the tfansvefse ligament (T), which tant, since it keeps tbe atlas from gliding ante-
keeps the anterior arch of the atlas and the dens riorly on tbe axes. Dislocation of this joint, often
in close contact (see p. f 96). trallmatic, can be immediately lethal as a result
of compression of the medulla oblongata by the
Therefore, the real centfe of the movement of dens (Fig. 11). As the atlas is displaced anteriorly
flexion-extension of the atlas on the axis (see (red arrow), the dens literally rams @lack arrow)
Figure 7, p. 193) is neither P, the centre of curva- into the neuraxis (light blue).
ture of the superior surface of the axis, nor Q, the
6 a,rnlSt::!

Rotation in the lateral and median

atlanto-axial ioints
We have just studied the median atlanto-axial joint During rotation, for example to the left (Fig.
from the side. A superior view with the entire 13), the dens (1) stays put while the osteo-
atlas included (Fig. 12) and a blown-up view ligamentous ring formed by the atlas and
(Fig. 13) make it easy to understand its structure the transverse ligament fotates anticloclrwise
and its role in rotation. The median atlanto- around a centre (white cross) lying on the axis of
axial joint is a pivot ioint with two interlocked the dens, relaxing the capsular ligament on the
cylindrical surfaces: left (9) and stretching it on the right (8).
. The solid cylindrical surface, i.e. the dens (1),
At the same time, movement takes place in
is not strictly cylindrical and therefore
the mechanicallylinked right and left atlanto-
provides the joint with a second degree of
axial joints. During rotation from left to right
freedom for flexion-extension movements.
(Fig. 14) the left lateral mass of the atlas moves
It has two articular facets, one on its
forward (red arrow L-R), while the right lateral
anterior surface (4) and one on its posterior
mass recedes. During rotation from right to left
surface (11).
(Fig. 15) the converse occllrs (blue arrow R-L).
. The cavity receiving the solid cylinder (i.e.
the empty cylinder) completely surrouncls T'rre superior at'ticular surfaces of tlce axis are,
the dens and consists anteriorly of the however, convex anteroposteriody (Fig. 16).
anterior arch of the atlas (2) and laterally Therefore, the path taken by the lateral masses of
of the lateral masses of the atlas. Each the atlas is not straight in the horizontal plane but
lateral mass has on its medial surface a Yery convex superiody (Fig. 17), so that when the
distinct tubercle (7 and 7') and gives atlas fotates around its vertical axis W, its lateral
attachment to a strong ligament running masses travel from x to x' or from y to y'.
transversely behind the dens, i.e. the
transverse ligament of the atlas (6). If only the circle corresponding to the curvatufe
The dens is thus encased within an osteo- of the inferior f,acet of each lateral mass of
ligamentous ring and makes contact with it at the atlas (Fig. 16) is shown, it is clear that in the
two very different ioints: intermediate position or the position of zero rota-
. anteriody, a synovial ioint with an tion, the circle with centre o is at its highest
location on the superior articular surface of the
articular cavity (5), a synovial capsule and axis. V/hen this circle moves anteriody o' it
two recesses, one on the left (8) and one on descends on the anterior border of the supe-
the right (9); the joint surfaces are the rior surface of the axis for a dista.nce of 2-3 mm
anterior facet of the dens (4) and the (e), while its centre descends for half this dis-
posterior facet of the anterior arch of the tance (e/2). The sarne displacements occut' utben
atlas (3) tbe circle moues posteriorly o'.
. posteriofly, a joint u)itbout a capsule and
embedded within the fibro-aclipose tissue
'$[hen the atlas rotates on the axis it drops verti-
(10), which fills the space between the cally for a distance of 21mm in a helical
osteoligamentolls ring and the dens; the joint movement, but the turns of helix are very tight.
surfaces are fibrocartilaginous, the one on Furthermore, there are two helices with oppo-
the posterior surface of the dens (11) and site turns: one for rotation to the right and the
the other on the anterior surface of the other for rotation to the left.
transverse ligament of the atlas (12).
a& r}rn6:*
The articular surfaces of
the atlanto-occipital ioint
There are in fact two mechanically linked and lar surfaces in the horizontal plane; P is their
symmetrical atlanto-occipital ioints formed centfe of curvature in the vertical plane. The
bythe superior atticular surfaces of the lateral sphere (considered transparent) is seen (green
masses of the atlas and the articular surfaces dashes) resting very precisely on the superior
of the occipital condyles. articular surfaces of the latenl masses of the
In a superior view of the atlas (Fig. 18) its
articular surfaces appear oval, with their main A posterior view of the atlanto-occipital
axes running obliquely anteriody and medi- joints (Fig. 20) confirms that the surfaces of the
ally and converging at a point N on the midline occipital condyles also lie on the surface of
and slightly anterior to the anterior arch of the the same sphere, whose centfe O lies within the
atlas. Occasionally they are waisted in the middle cranium aboue tbe foramen magnum. Thus the
and may even be divided into two separate facets. atlanto-occipital joint can be considered as equiva-
They are lined with cartilage and are biconcave lent to an enarthrosis, i.e. a joint with spherical
with roughly similar curvatures. Therefore articular surfaces (Fig. 19) with three axes and
these surfaces can be considered as pafts of the three movements of small range:
surface of a sphere (Fig. 19) with centre O . axial rotation around a vertical axis QO
located above the afticular surfaces and vertically
. flexion-extension around a transverse axis
above Q, which is the point of intersection of the
zz' passing through O
axis of symmetry of the atlas and the line joining
the posterior borders of the two articular facets. . lateral flexion around an antefoposterior
Q is also the centre of curvature of the articu- axis PO.
8e arn6ld
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Rotation in the atlanto-occipital ioints
When the occiput rotates on the atlas (Fig. 21), Now in kinematics a rotation associated with a
its rotation is part of the general fotation of the translation is equivalent to another rotation
atlas on the axis about a vertical axis passing with similar range but with a different centre of
through the centre of the dens. This rotation, rotation, which is easy to represent diagrammati
however, is not a simple process, since it actively cally. A superior view (Fig. 22) shows the atlas
stretches some ligarnents, in particularthe alat in light colour, the axis (seen through the foramen
ligament (L, green arrow). This diagram, repfe- magnum) in darker colour and, on top of the
senting a coronal cut taken vertically through the lateral artictlat facets of the atlas (at) the
occipital bone (A) and the lateral masss of the facets of the occipital condyles (oc), shown as
atlas (B), shows rotation to tbe left of the occipi- transparent. During rotation to the left over an
tal condyle on the atlas, which is observed as an angle (a) around the centre of the dens (D), the
anterior gliding mouement of tbe rigbt occipital occiput is displaced laterally to the left for 2-3 mm
condyle on the rigbt lateral mass of tbe atlas in the direction of the vectof V. It is now easy to
(red arrow 1). But at the same time, the alar liga- locate the real centre of rotation in a point P lyrng
ment (L) wraps itself around the dens and is slightly to the left of the plane of symmetry and
stretched, pulling the right occipital condyle on the line z joining tlce posterior bord.ers of tbe
to the left (white arrow 2). lateral masses of tbe atlas. Therefofe, the real
centre of rotation at the atlanto-occipital joint
Therefore, rotation to the left (blue arrow) is asso- moves between two extfeme points, P for rota-
ciated at once with a 2-3 rntntranslation to the tion to the left andP for rotation to the right. This
left and a lateral flexion of the occiput to the process causes the real centre ofrotation to recede
right (red arrow). As a result, there is no pure towards the centre of the foramen magnum so
rotation but a rotation associated with a ttans- that the real axis of rotation coincides with the
lation and a flexion at the atlanto-occipital anatomical axis of the medulla oblongata - the
joint. ideal position for totsion of tbe neuraxis.
1e, dr!rurc
Lateral flexion and flexion-extension in
the atlanto-occipital ioint
A coronal section taken vertically through the As the latter movement is always associated with
occipital bone, the atlas and C3 (Fig. 23) shows flexion in the atlanrto-axiaI ioint, the post-
that during latetal flexion there is no move- erior arches of the atlas and of the axis move
ment in the atlanlto-axial ioint. Lateral flexion apart (red arrow), and the anterior arch of the
occurs only between the axis and C3 on the atlas glides downwards on the anterior facet of
one hand, and between the occipital bone and the dens (red arrow). Flexion is checked by the
the atlas on the other. Between the occipital tension developed in the capsular and pos-
bone and the atlas the range of movement is small terior ligaments (the posterior atlanto-occipital
and consists only of the gliding of the occipital membrane and ligamentllm nuchae).
condyles to the right for left lateral flexion and
vice versa. In Figure 23, showing lateral flexion to During extension (Eig. 25) the occipital con-
the left, the left occipital condyle is seen moving dyles glide anteriorly on the lateral masses of the
closer to the dens without coming into contact atlas. At the same time, the occipital bone moves
with it because the movement is checked by towards the posterior arch of the atlas (blue
the tension developed in the capsular llga- arrow) and, as the atlanto-axial joint is also
ment of the atlanto-occipital joint, especially extended, the posterior arches of the atlas
by the right alat hgarnent. The total range of and of the axis approach each other @lue
latetal flexion between the occipital bone and arrow), while the anterior arch of the atlas glides
C3 is 8', with 5' between the axis and C3 and 3" upwards on the anterior facet of the dens (blue
between the atlas and the occipital bone. arrow). Extension is checked by the impact of
these three bones. During violent move-
During flexion-extension of the occipital ments of forced extension the posterior arch
bone on the atlas the occipital condyles glide if in a nutcracker between
of the atlas is caught as
on the lateral masses of the atlas. the occipital bone and the posterior arch of
the axis and can be fractured. The total range
During flexion (FiS. 24) the occipital condyles of flexion-extension is 15' at the atlanto'
recede on the lateral masses of the atlas while the occipital joint.
squama of the occipital bone moves away
from the posterior arch of the atlas (red arrow).
&e srn6!d
The suboccipital ligaments of the spine
The very numerous and very strong ligaments of is made up of a deep (13) and of a superficial
the suboccipital spine can be seen in a sagittal (71) band and r-uns from the basilar process
view (Fig. 26), where the neuraxis is shown as to the anterior arch of the atlas
transparent, i.e. the brainstem and the medulla as . the anterior atlanto-axial ligament (16) is
B and the spinal cord as C. The legends are the a downward prolongation of the anterior
same in Figures 26 to 34 inclusive. atlanto-occipital ligament and ntns from the
inferior border of the arch of the atlas to the
First the bony structures are shown in cross- body of the axis. Anterior to the dens and to
section from above downwards: the apical ligament of dens, and posterior to
the median atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial
. the basilar process (a) and the squama (b) ligaments, there is a fibro-adipose space
of the occipital bone which contains the median atlanto-axial joint
. the anterior (e) and posterior (f) arches of the and its capsule (17)
atlas . the anterior longitudinal ligament (18)
. the dens (g) and the axis (k) (sagittal views) ovedies all these ligaments anteriody. It arises
. the anterior articular facet (h) of the dens in from the basilar pfocess, bridges over the
contact with the posterior ar-ticular facet (i) of anterior arch of the atlas and is inserted into
the anterior arch of the atlas the body of the axis (18'). From there it
. the rest of the axis featuring its spinous extends along the anterior surfaces of the
process (n) and a section of its left lamina (o) vertebrae right down to the sacrum and is
. below the axis, the body (q), spinous process attached to the anterior borders of the
(s) and left lamina (r) of C3 intervertebral discs (d) and the vertebral
. the posterior cranial fossa (seen in bodies (v).
perspective) containing the lower brainstem B
above the foramen magnum. The posterior arches are linked by the following
Next are shown the ligaments:
. The posterior atlanto-occipital ligament
. the apical ligament of dens (1), short and (19), running from the posterior margin of
thick, running vetically between the basilar the foramen magnlrm to the posterior arch of
process of the occipital bone and the apex of the atlas, is the equivalent 6f 2 ligamentum
the dens flavum 19'.lt is pierced (C1) on each side
. the transverse ligament (3, seen in cfoss- just behincl the lateral mass of the atlas by the
section) in contact with the posterior articular ascending occipital artery and tbe exiting
facet of the dens ceruical nerue.
. the transverso-occipital ligament (4) . first
The posterior atlanto-axial ligament (21),
between the superior margin of the tfansvefse connecting the posterior arches of the atlas to
ligament and the basilar process of the the axis like a ligamentum flauum, is
occipital bone pierced (C2) behind the atlanto-axial joint by
. the transverso-axial ligament (5) between the exiting second ceruical nerue.
the inferior margin of the tfansverse ligament . The interspinous ligament (22), which
and the posterior surface of the body of the unites the posterior arch of the atlas and the
axis (these last three ligaments form the spinous pfocess of the axis, interconnects the
cruciate ligament) spinous pfocesses of the cervical vertebrae
. The median occipito-axial ligament (7), below.
behind the cruciate ligament, runs from the . The ligamentum nuchae (23), a very thick,
basilar pfocess to the posterior surface of the fibrous septum homologous to a supraspinous
body of the axis and is continuous posteriody ligament, is attached to the midline of the
with the lateral occipito-axial ligaments occipital bone and separates the nuchal
(not shown here) muscles into two compartments, a right and a
. the capsule of the atlanto-occipital joint (9) left.
. the posterior longitudinal ligament (12), . The capsule of the facet joint (24) between
lying behind the median and lateral occipito- the axis and C3 bounds posteriody the
axial ligaments, is inserted into the groove in inteffeftebral foramen (C3) containing the
the basilar process and the inferior border of third cerwical nerve.
the axis; it spans the full lengtb of the spine . The ligamentum flavum (25) unites the
dotun to the sacral camal posterior arches of the axis and C3.
. the antetiot atlanto-occipital membrane,
lying anterior to the apical ligament of dens,
$a i3,,fls!::!
LC e
bt 6

The suboccipital ligaments

Figure 27 illustrates the arrangement of the sub- - the two alar ligatnents (2)
occipital ligaments; it is a posterior view of the - the tfansverse ligament (l), running
cerwical spine taken in a uerticofrontal plane horizontally between the two latenl masses
tht ough tbe posterior at"clces (f, t, r), which of the atlas
have been resected. The stfuctures shown in - the transverso-occipital ligament (4),
Figure 26 arc still visible, with the addition of which has been cut flush at the posterior
the following: margin of the transvefse ligament and
. the intracranial surface (a) and a cross-section folded upwards
(b) of the occipital squama - the transverso-axial ligament (5),
. the occipital condyles (c) similady resected and folded downwards
. the lateral masses of the atlas (d) and its in the intermediate plane (Fig.29):
anterior arch (e) - the intact cruciate ligament (6), made up
. the atlantto-axial ioints with the inferior of the tfansverse, the transverso-occipital
facets of the lateral masses of the atlas (l) and and the tfansvefso-axial ligaments
the superior facets of the axis (m) - laterally, the capsular ligament of the
. a section of the pedicle and of the articular atlanto-occipital joint (p), reinforced
process of the axis (t) laterally by the alat l'igatnent (10) above
. the posterior surface of the body of the axis, and the capsule of the atlanto-axial joint
the articular facet (h) on the posterior aspect (11) below
of the dens and the transverse ligament in the superficial plane (Fig. 30)
. the posterior surface of the body of C3 (q) - the median occipito-axial ligament (7)
with cross-sections of its laminae (r). directly continuous with the alar ligaments
(8) laterally and the posterior
The following ligaments are attached to the various
longitudinal figarnent (I2) axially .

. in the deep plane (Fig. 28):
- the apical ligament of dens (1)
'siln8u IIB Jo.J JruEs eqt eJe spuJBJI Jq,l
0g srnsNd 6e rnsll
ga a.rn6t$
The suboccipital ligaments (continued)
Figures 3l and 33 show only the bony structures, . the alar (7) and the lateral occipito-axial (8)
whereas Figures 32 and 34 also show the attached ligaments
ligaments. . the capsglal ligament of the atlanto-
occipital joint (9), reinforced by the lateral
Figure 31 (anterior) illustrates all the bony struc- atlanto-occipital ligament (10)
tures already mentioned. Figure 32 contains the . also seen is the vertebtal artery as it runs
anterior ligaments as follows: upwards through the foramina transversaria
. the anteriot atlanto-occipital membrane, and bends posteriorly and then medially to
with its deep (13) and superficial (14) layers, skirt the posterior border of the lateral mass
the latter partially ovedying the capsule of the of the atlas (25).
atlanto-occipital ioint (9) On the left side the posterior ligaments include
. the anterolatetal atlanto-occipital the following:
membrane (15) lying anterior to the former . the posterior atlanto-occipital membrane
and running obliquely from the basilar
(19), covered by the atlanto-occipital ligament
process of the occipital bone to the transverse
(2O), and extending from the occipital squama
process of the atlas
to the tfansverse pfocess of the atlas
. the anterior atlanto-axial ligament (16), .
continuous laterally with the capsule of the
the posterior atlanto-axial ligament (2f)
atlanto-axial joint (f 1)
. the interspinous ligaments (22) covered by
. the ligamentum nuchae (only their left halves
the anterior longitudinal ligament (18),
are shown here)
shown only in its left half
. . finally, the capsular ligament of the joint
the capsglsl ligament of the joint between
between the axis and C3 (21).
the axis and C3 Q3).
The following are also visible in Figure 34:
A posterior view of the bony structures (Fig.
33) shows the posterior arches of the atlas, of the . the first cervical nerve (26) emerging from
axis and of the third vertebra, with the spinal the foramen for the vertebral artery
canal visible between the vertebrae and the . the second cervical nefve (27), whose
foramen magnum between the atlas and the posterior ramus gives off the gfeater occipital
occipital squama. nelve
. the posterior ramus of the third cervical
A posterior view of the ligarnents (FiS. 34) nerve (28) exiting through the intervertebral
shows on the right side the ligaments covering
fofamen, i.e. in front of the joint between the
the anterior surfaces of the spinal canal (already axis and C3 Q4).
illustrated in Eig. 29):
sa-In8u IIB JoJ Jrxps Jqt JJD spuaBJI Jql
*e a*n6!s ec orn6rj
a e,Nn,5!d l c AtnnlJ

The structure of a typical cervical vertebra

A posterosuperior view (Fig. 35) of a cerwical lines the inteffertebral foramen, and its antefo-
veftebra illustrates its various components lateral extremity is flanked by two tubercles,
(which are also shown 'disassembled' in Fig. 36) which give attachment to the scalene muscles.
as follows: The groove is perforated by the foramen tfans-
. versariurn, through which ascends the verte-
The vertebral body (1) with its superior
discal surface (2) is raised on both sides by
btal artery. The cervical nerve, leaving the
vertebral canal at the interwerlebral foramen, funs
two tfansversely flat buttresses, i.e. the
along this groove and crosses the vertebral anery
uncinate pfocesses (3 and 3'), which enclose
at right angles before emerging between the two
the articular surfaces for the inferior discal
tubercles of the transvefse process.
surface of the overlying vertebra.
. Also seen afe the flat area (4) on the anterior
. This foramen in the groove of the transverse
margin of the superior discal surface and the process gives the impression that the process
beak-like antero-inferior prolongation (5) of arises by two roots, i.e. one attached directly
the anterior margin of the inferior discal to the vefiebral body and the other to the
surface. articular process.
. The articular processes (9 and 9') lie
As a whole, the superior discal surface is con- posterior and lateral to the body, to which
caue transuersely and. conuex anteroposteriofly
they are connected by the pedicles (6 and
just like a saddle. Vith the help of the inter-
6';. They bear the artistlar facets; only the
vertebral disc (not shown) it articulates with the
superior facets (10 and 10'), which articulate
reciprocally shaped inferior discal surface of
with the inferior facets of the overlying
the ovedying vertebra. This articular complex vertebra, are shown here
is similar to a saddle joint and allows flexion-

extension to occur preferentially, since latera,l

. The posterior arch is completed by the
flexion is festricted by the uncinate processes, laminae (11 and l1'), which meet in the
which guide the anteroposterior movements midline to form the bifid spinous process
during flexion-extension.
. . The posterior arch is thus made up
To the posterior part of the lateral surface of
successively of the pedicles, the articular
the vertebral body are attached the pedicles
processes, the laminae and the spinous
(6 and 6'), which give origin to the posterior
arches and the anterior roots of the
transvefse pfocesses (7 andT').
. The intervertebral foramen is bounded
inferiorly by the pedicle, medially by the
The cervical transverse processes are unusual in vertebral body and the uncinate process, and
their shape and orientation (Fig. 37): they are hol- laterally by the articular process.
lowed into a superiody concave grooue, and they . The vertebral canral (C) is triangular in shape
are directed anteriody and laterally, forming an
and is bounded anteriorly by the vertebral
angle of 60" with the sagittal plane. However, they
body and posteriorly by the vertebral arch.
slope slightly obliquely downwards at an angle of
15". The posteromedial extfemity of the groove
jg a.rn6!d
gg a.rrx6!d
gc a,cm6rj
The ligaments of the lower cervical spine
The very unusual intervertebral ligaments in the The spinous processes (j) are interconnected by
suboccipital region have already been presented. the interspinous ligaments (8) continuous post-
Some of them extend down into the lower cerwi- erior$ with the supraspinous ligament, which is
cal region. The lower cervical intetwertebral liga- well deflned in the cervical region as the liga-
ments can be seen in detail on a section taken mentum nuchae (9) and gives attachment on its
in perspective from behind and from the left two surfaces to the trapezius and the splenius.
side (Fig. 38) and revealing a cervical vertebra cut
sagittally with its superior discal surface (a) and The transverse pfocesses with their anterior (e)
its raised uncinate process (b). This vertebra is and posterior (D tubercles are interconnected by
united to the undedying vertebra by the inter- the intertransverse ligaments (10).
vertebral disc with its cleady visible compo-
nents, i.e. the annulus Iibrosus (1) and the nucleus Also visible at the level of the transverse process
pulposus (2). are the forarnen transversarium (g) and the
intervertebral foramina (i), which are bounded as
Theanterior longitudinal ligament (3) and the follows:
posterior longitudinal ligament (4) lie respec- . superiody by the vertebral pedicle (h)
tively anterior and posterior to the vertebral body.
. posteriorly and laterally by the articular
On each side the uncovertebralioint is bounded
processes and the facet joint
by a capsule (5).
. anteriody and medially by the vertebral
The facet ioints are formed by articular facets (d) body, the intervertebral disc consisting of
united by a capsule (6), which is also shown the annulus fibrosus (1), the nucleus pulposus
opened (6'). Between the latninae on both sides (2) and the uncinate process (b).
run the ligamenta flava(7), one of which is shown
after transection (7').
8S a,tn6!d

Flexion-extension in the lower

cervical spine
In the neutral position the vertebral bodies the interveftebral disc anteriody, chasing the
(Fig. 39, latetal view) are united by an inter- nucleus posteriody and stretching the posterior
vertebral disc, whose nucleus pulposus is stable flbres of the annulus. This anterior tilting of the
and whose annulus fibrosus is evenly stretched. upper veftebra is hetped by the flat area in the
superior surface of the lower vertebra, which
The cervical vertebrae (Fig. 4O) ate also con- allows the beaklike proiection of the inferior
nected by their articular pfocesses, whose facets surface of the upper vertebra to moYe past.
are oblique inferiorly and posteriorly. In the lower
cerwical spine these facets are slightly concave Just as with extension, flexion of the upper verte-
anteriody in the parasagittal plane, with their bra (Fig. 44) does not occur around the centres
centres of curyature lyrng quite far inferiody and of curvature of the articular facets. As a result, the
anteriorly. As a result of the cerwical lordosis, inferior facet of the upper vertebra moYes superi-
these centres of curvature afe set farther apart orly and anteriody, while the joint space between
than the planes of the articular surfaces them- these facets is opened out inferiody and posteri-
selves. On page 218 the signiflcance of the con- or$ by an angle y', which is equal to the angle of
vergence of these axes will become apparent. flexion y and to the angle t'' between the two
normals to the articular facets.
During extension the body of the upper verte-
bra (Fig. 41) tilts and glides posteriody, the inter- Flexion (red arrow F) is not checked by bony
vertebral space becomes naffowef posteriofly impact but only by the tension developed in
than anteriorly, the nucleus is driven slightly ante- the posterior longitudinal ligament, the cap-
riody and the anterior fibres of the annulus are sular ligaments of the facet joints, the ligamenta
stretched further. Since this posterior gliding of flava, the interspinous ligaments and the ligamen-
the vertebral body does not occur around the tlrm nuchae (the cerwical supraspinous
centres of curvature of the afticular facets, the ligament).
interspace of the facet joints (FiS. 42) gapes ante-
riody. In fact, the superior facet not only glides During car accidents with impact from behind
inferiorly and posterior$ relative to the inferior or from in front, the cervical spine is often very
facet, it also forms with it an angle x', which is strongly extended and then flexed. This produces
equal to the angle of extension x ancl to the angle the whiplash injury, related to stretching or
x" between the two normals to these articular even tearing of the various ligaments, and in
facets. extreme cases to anterior dislocation of the
articular pfocesses. The inferior articular pro-
Extension @lue arrow E) is checked by the cesses of the upper vertebra become hooked onto
tension developed in the anterior longitudi- the anterosuperior margins of the afticular pro-
nal ligament and especially by bony contact, cesses of the lower vertebra. This type of dis-
i.e. the impact of the superior articular process of location, including this hooking process, is very
the lower vertebra on the transvefse process of difflcult to reduce and endangers the medulla
the upper vertebra, and especially the impact oblongata and the cerwical cord with the risk of
of one posterior arch on the other via their sudden death, quadriplegia or pataplegia.
ligaments. This underscores the need for caution in the
handling of people with this type of injury.
During flexion the body of the upper vefiebra
Gig. 4, tilts and glides anteriody, compressing
ct arn6lJ
et a*n6!J !? arn6ld
66 a;n6;g

The movements at the uncovertebral ioints

In addition to the movements at the facet joints During lateral flexion (Fig. 46) the interspaces
and at the intervertebral discs there are in the of these uncovefiebral joints gape by an angle a'
cerwical region movements taking place at two or {', equal to the angle of lateral flexion a and
additional small articular processes, i.e. at the to the angle between the two horizontal lines nn'
uncovertebral ioints. and mm' joining the tfansvefse processes. The
cliagram %lso shows the contralateral clisplace-
A coronal section (Fig. 45) shows two vertebral ment of the nucleus and stfetching of the capsular
discal surfaces and the disc with its nucleus and ligament of the ipsilateral uncovertebral joint.
its annulus, but the disc does not reach the edge
of the vefrebra. In fact the superior surface is In real life the movements of the uncovertebral
raised laterally by two buttresses lying in a sagittal joints are far more complex. We shall see later
plane. Each uncinate process has its cartilaginous (p. 218) that pure lateral flexion does not occur
articular surface facing upwards and inwards but is always associated with rotation and
and articulates with the inferolateral border of the extension. Therefore, during these movements,
upper vertebra, via a semilunate cartilaginous the interspace of the uncovetebral joint gapes
articular surface facing downwards and out- not only superiorly or inferiorly but also anteriody
wards. This small joint is enclosed in a capsule as the upper vertebra moves backwards. The
blending with the intervertebral clisc: it is diagrams (Figs 47 and 48, seen in perspective
therefore a synovial foint. During flexion- with extfemely simplified vertebrae) are meant
extension, when the bocly of the upper veftebra to explain how these movements take place. It
glides anteriody or postefiody, the articular facets would be a good idea to come back to these dia-
of the uncoveftebral joints also glide relative to grams after mastering the mechanism of combined
each other. The uncinate pfocesses guide the ver- latefal fl exion-rotation.
tebral body during this movement.
ffy si!rg!i
Orientation of the articular facets: the
composite axis of lateral flexion'rotation
Lateral flexion and fotation in the lower cervical A lateral radiograph of the cervical spine
spine are governed by the orientation of tbe (Fig. 54) illustrates the direction of the planes of
articular facets of the articulaf processes, which the articulat facets as follows:
preclucles any pufe rotation or pufe lateral . Tlre planes a to f are all oblique relative to
flexion. the vertical.
. Moreover, their obliquity increases
Figure 49 shows that the superior articular facets
caudocranially. Thus the plane f,
of a midzone cerwical veftebra, e.g. the fifth cer-
corresponding to the interspace between C7
vical vertebra (C5), are flat and lie within the
and T1, forms an angle of only 1O' with the
same plane P, oblique inferiody and posteriody.
horizontal, whereas the plane a,
Therefore, any gliding of the ovedying vertebra
corresponding to the interspace between C2
(C4) can only be of two types:
and C3, forms an angle of 4O-1+5" with the
. aglobal gliding movement upwards, i.e. horizontal. Therefore, there is an angle of
equivalent to flexion or a global gliding 30-35' between the planes of the lowest (D
movement downwards, equivalent to and of the highest (a) interspaces.
These planes, however, do not exactly convefge
. a differential gliding movement with the at the same point. The obliquity of these planes
left facet of C4 moving upwards and forwards fails to increase regulady caudocranially, with the
(arrow a) while the right facet moves last three planes (d-f) almost parallel, and the first
downwards and backwards (arrow b). This three planes (a-c) strongly convergent.
differential gliding in the plane P is therefore
tantamolrnt to a fotation around an axis A If a median is drawn at the level of each articular
perpendicular to plane P and lying in the facet, the obliquity of the axes 1-6 increases regu-
sagittal plane. The rotation of C4 around the larly and fits within an angle of 30-35", but impor-
inferior$ and anteriody oblique axis A tantly the lower axis 6 is neady vertical, indicating
imparts to it a combined movement of an almost pure rotation at this level, whereas the
rotation-lateral flexion, which depends on the highest axis 1 forms an angle of 4O-45" with the
obliquity of axis A. vertical, indicating almost equal rotation and
Horizontal sections taken through the facet lateral flexion at this level.
joints show that the superior and inferior surfaces
of these facets are not strictly flat but are: Figure 54(diagran after Penning) also contains
. slightly convex posteriody for C6 and C7 small black crosses indicating the centres of
rotation and corresponding to the location of
(Fie. 50)
the transverse axis of flexion-extension of each
. slightly concave posteriody for C3 and C4 upper vertebra. In the craniocaudal direction
(Fig.51). these centres of motion shift progressively more
These obserwations do not contfadict the previotts upwards and forwards in the ver-tebral body. The
statements, since the plane P (Fig. 49) can be positions of these centres do not coincide with
replaced by a wide spherical surface whose centre the theoretical centfes (shown as small black
of curwature would lie on the axis A below the stars) obtained from latetal radiographs taken in
vertebra A' for C6 and C7 (Fig. 52) and above extreme positions of flexion and extension.
the vertebra X' kx C3 and C4 (Fig. 53). Thus the
composite axis of lateral flexion-extension still
coincides with the axis A of Figure 49.
&s srn&!d
- -\ ! /
il L, |,-'o,Y
Gombined lateral flexion-rotation in
the lower cervical spine
The obliquity of the axis at each level of the spine transverse radiographs cannot be taken, but CT
accounts for the combined movement of lateral scans can now be done), then the following three
flexion and totation, which is added to the components can be observed:
movements of flexion-extension. Along the . in the coronal plane (C) a component of
whole length of the lower cervical spine lateral flexion (L)
between C2 and T1 (Fig. 55, diagrammatic repre- . in the sagittal plane (S) a component of
sentation of the lower centfal cervical spine) there
extension (E)
is an additional component of extension. In fact,
at the level of T1, which lies along the spinal axis,
. in the transverse or horizontal plane (T) a
moyement between C7 and T1 leads to combined component of rotation (R).
lateral flexion-rotation of C7, whereas moYement Therefore, apart from flexion-extension, the cervi-
between C6 and C7, which already starts in a posi- cal spine can only perform stefeotypical move-
tion of lateral flexion-rotation, will lead this time ments of mixed latetal flexion-rotation-extension,
not only to combined rotation-lateral flexion but with extension being automatically offset in
also to an additional movement of extension. part by flexion in the lower cervical spine itself.
This combination of movements becomes more Conversely, as 'we shall see (p. 228), the other
pronounced caudocranially. If this composite unwanted components can only be offset in the
movement of the lower cerwical spine is resolved upper cervjcal spine.
along the three planes of reference with the use
of anterior and lateral radiographs (unfortunately

Geometric illustration of the movement of

lateral flexion-rotation
The movement of lateral flexion-extension . the component of latetal flexion in the
can be illustrated geometrically (Fig. 57) by plane C
simply using a three-dimensional diagram featur- . the component of rotation in the plane T.
ing the plane R of lateral flexion-rotation occur-
ring about an axis u. Since axis u is oblique, the
Vhen the upper veftebra rotates around the axis
plane R is also oblique at an angle a relative to the
u it shifts its own axis of rotation to u' while the
coronal (C) and transverse or horizontal (T) planes
next upper vefiebra shifts its axis to u". This
explains how a new component of extension is
of reference. The sagittal plane S, perpendicular
generated, which can be calculated with the use
to the other tlvo, contains the segment k (in red),
of trigonometry. \tre shall not try to do so here.
which corresponds to the axis of symmetry of the
upper vertebra as it rotates around the axis u.
The diagram (Fig. 58, in perspective) includes two
cervical vertebrae one on top of the other and
This segment rotates to the right in the plane R
displays the right rotation (red arrow) of the upper
around its axis (u) over an angle b, which is pro-
jected onto the transverse plane T as angle c. Its vertebra around the axis u, while its left latenl
masses move forwards and its right lateral masses
final position (l) then lies in the vertical plane P,
recede. This rotation is represented by the dashed
which has simultaneously turned around the veni-
lines passing through the superior articular sur-
cal line passing through o. In this new position
faces of each vertebra.
the segment I is projected to l' in the plane C.
Likewise, in the plane T, this rotation is measured
as the angle at o" between planes S and P. These
proiections represent:
ezz \b
{s arn6ld

Mechanical model of the cervical spine

From a knowledge of the structural ideas already - two axes perpendicular to each other and
presented, and of the fttnctional separation of the to the vertical axis. They represent the two
upper suboccipital and lower segments of the axes of a uniuersal joint corresponding to
cervical spine, we have devised a mechanical the axes of lateral flexion-rotation and
model Gig. 59) that illustrates the various modes flexion-extension at the atlanto-occipital
of action of the joints in the cerwical spine. joint.
The ftrll details are clearly illustrated in Figure 64
For the lower cervical spine between C2 and on page 2J1.
T1, only the composite movements of lateral
flexion-rotation are shown taking place around Globally the suboccipital spine is the equivalent
oblique axes (see p.226;) in accordance with their of an atticulat complex with three axes and
anatomical obliquity and orientation relative to three degrees of freedom, connecting C2 to the
the vertebral bodies, which in this model are not occipital bone, which is shown in this model as a
connected by intervertebral discs. The vertebral horizontal plank containing the three main refer-
bodies themselves limit the movements of lateral ence planes of the head:
flexion-rotation. We lcaue deliberately omitted
tbe mouements of Jlexion-extension in ctrder to . the sagittal plane in light grey
bring out tbose of lateral Jlexion-rotation. . the coronal plane in white
. the transverse plane represented by a grey-
The suboccipital cervical spine has been built tinted plank lying below the other two.
in strict accordance with its mechanical proper-
ties, and it comprises the following: This model allows one to understand how the two
segments of the cervical spine are functionally
. a vertical axis corresponding to the dens complementatlt and how lateral flexion-rigbt
and allowing rotation and some flexion- rotation of tbe loraer segment is clcanged, intct
extension of the elliptical end-plate pure lateral./lexion in the suboccipital segment
representing the atlas, as a result of some by the loss of unwanted components due to a
mechanical play deliberately introduced contralatetal rotation and a small flexion.
between the end-plate and C2
. an articular complex of small range By cuttina out and folding the simplified
corresponding to the atlanto-occipital joint. It mechanical model provided at the end of the
has three orthogonal axes as follows: book (see p.317) the reader will be able to verifi'
- a vettical axis sited in the centre of the these obserwations.
atlas end-plate

Movements of lateral flexion'rotation in

the mechanical model
In this detailed view of the lower cervical its six axes, it will show alateral flexion combined
spine (Fig. 60) each veftebra corresponds func- with a 50" range of rotation (Fig. 61), correspond-
tionally to a postefior arch represented by a small ing to that of the lower cervical spine, as well as
plank lying obliquely downwards and backwards a small component of extension not easily seen in
and supported by a wedge-shaped block. If we these diagrams.
compare Figure 60 and Figure S4 (p. 219), it is
obvious that the role of these wedge-shaped Also worth noting is the shape of the upper
blocks is to reproduce the convefgence of the snrface of C2, which functionally fepresents the
planes of the articular surfaces and thus to repfo- atlanto-axial joint (see Fig. 64, p. 23I):
duce the cervical lordosis. . it is convex antefoposteriody, corresponds to
the superior articular facets of the axis and
The oblique axis of each vertebra is sbotun here allows movements of flexion-extension of the
by a screu, which passes at right angles to the atlas to occllr (not shown here)
corresponding articular surface and provides . its vertical axis juts out and functionally
linkage for the upper vertebra. Thus the upper
repfesents the dens, which allows movements
vertebra can only move relative to the lower ver-
of rotation to take place.
tebra by rotation about this oblique axis (see Fig.
54). If this model is rotated successively around
ss a,!n6ld
uorxell lerelEl
Comparison of the model and the cervical
spine during movements of lateral
f lexion-rotation

An anterior view of the model (Fig. 62) reveals flexion ate alsvays associated with rotation
that the final phase of pure rotation produces a in the cervical spine (as shown by Fick and Weber
lateral flexion of 25" in the lower cerwical spine at the end of the nineteenth century) and, on the
during combined lateral flexion-rotation, i.e. its other hand (as more recently advanced by Penning
stereotypical movement. In a tadiograph taken and Brugger), that movements of lateral flexion
strictly in the midsagittal plane (Fig. 63), this in the lower cervical spine are offset in tbe
lateral flexion can be seen to correspond exactly suboccipital spine to produce pure rotation, and
to a 25" lateral flexion of the axis with respect to inversely that movements of rotation of the lower
the veftical plane. cervical spine are offset in the suboccipital
spine to obtain pure lateral flexion (see Fig. 59,
From these two observations it can be concluded p.225).
that, on the one hand, movements of latetal
c!:, orrrurj
Compensations in the suboccipital spine
A detailed diagtarn of the mechanical model (angle a) and at the atlanto-occipital joint
of the cervical spine (Fie. 64) in the position of (angle b)
pure rotation illustrates the mechanical structure . extension taking place around axis 3 (angle
of the upper cerwical spine and the compensating c) and offsetting the flexion that would occur
mechanisms destined to achieve pure rotation. as a result of pure rotation to the right on
axis 1
From top to bottom the following can be seen: . finally, a small degree of lateral flexion in
. the horizontal plate (A) representing the basi- the opposite direction (angle d) taking
occiput (B) place around axis 4.
. attached to the inferior surface of the basi- Anatomically speaking, the movements occur in
occiput are two props in the coronal plane B, the suboccipital spine with the help of the small
representing the anteroposterior axis (4) of suboccipital muscles (see p. 250), which can be
lateral flexion of the atlanto-occipital joint called the fine-tunefs, since they are strikingly
articulating with the intermediate piece C. similar to the small control rockets that main-
The transverse axis (3) of flexion- tain the orientation of a satellite relative to its
extension at the atlanto-occipital joint passes flxed landmarks.
through this intermediate piece C, which is
supported by the vertical strips D' directly The complementary rotation of the suboccipital
connected to the horizontal plate D. The spine to the right is elicited (see p. 252) by the
latter rotates on plate E around a vertical axis contraction of the obliquus capitis inferior, the
(2), representing the axis of rotation of the right rectus capitis posterior major and the left
atlanto-occipital joint (obscured by C in the obliquus capitis superior, which are also extensor
diagram) muscles. Lateral flexion to the left is achieved by
. the plate E, which is functionally equiualent the left obliquus capitis superior, the left rectlls
to tbe atlas, articulates with the axis vertebra capitis lateralis and the left rectus capitis anterior
F by a vertical piece I representing the dens minor.
and shown here as a partly tightened screw. During pure lateral flexion of the head to the
This arrangement allows both movements of fight (Fig. 59, p.225) t]ne component of countef-
fotation and of flexion-extension on the rotation to the left is produced by contraction of
convex superior surface of the axis F. the obliquus capitis inferior and the two left pos-
The diagram of the model (Fig. 64) also shows the terior recti; the complemerrtary lateral flexion
mechanical elements corresponding anatomically to the right is produced by the two right posterior
to the various components of the suboccipital recti and the right obliquus capitis superior.
spine: Finall.v, the component of extension produced
. the axis vefiebra F with its dens b,v these three muscles is offset by the right longus
capitis, rectus capitis anterior and rectus capitis
corresponding to axis 1
. the atlas E articulating with the dens and the lateralis.
superior surface of the axis vertebfa Thus the mechanical model, which the reader can
. the occipital bone A, ovedying a ftrnctional easily' construct in a simplified vefsion, makes it
complex with three orthogonal axes easier to understand the anatomical and functional
corresponding to those of the atlanto-axial link between the following:
joint, i.e. the axis of rotation (2), the axis of . on the one hand, the lower cervical spine,
flexion-extension (3) and the axis of lateral
which shows its stefeotypical movement of
flexion (4). This is equivalent to a universal
joint. torsion combining latenl flexion, rotation and
extension and is equipped with muscles
\flhen the cerwical spine is in a position of lateral icleally situated for this type of movement, i.e.
flexion-rotation, pure rotation of the occipital long muscles running an oblique course
bone is ensured by three corrective rnove- inf'eriody, laterally and posteriody
ments, which mllst take place in this suboccipital on the other hand, the upper cervical spine,
complex with its three axes and its three degrees made up of an articular complex with three
of freedom: axes and three degrees of freedom and
rotation to the right around axes I and 2 equipped with fine-tuning muscles.
occurring mostly at the atlanto-axial joint
Ranges of movements of the cervical spine
By comparinglateral photographs taken in the a line joining the two tfansYefse pfocesses of the
extreme positions of flexion-extension (Fig. atlas and a line joining the bases of the mastoid
65), it has been established that: processes, it can be deduced that the range of
lateral flexion is about 8" in the suboccipital spine,
. the total range of flexion-extension in the i.e. occurring solely in the atlanto-occipital
lower cervical spine is 100-110" (LCS)
. the total range of flexion-extension for the ioint.
entire cervical spine is 130" (ECS) with The range of rotation is more difficult to evalu-
reference to the plane of the bite ate, especially as regards its various segmental
. by subtraction, the range of flexion-extension components (Fig. 6l). rne total range of rotation
in the suboccipital region is 2O-30" (SOS). on either side varies from 8O'to 9Oo, including 12"
in the atlanto-occipital joint and 12" in the atlanto-
Likewise,antefoposterior views taken in lateral
axial joint.
flexion of the head (Fig. 66) show that the total
range of latetalflexion is about 45".sy drawing
,g a,Nns!::l 99 arn6ld
$s a,rn&!j
.0t I
i lscr
\@ cf
Jf "081
.0e-02 sos
Balancing the head on the cervical spine
The head is perfectly balanced when the gaze gravity. This also explains why the posterior neck
is horizontal (Fig. 68). In this position the plane muscles are always tonically active to prevent
of the bite (PB), shown here as a piece of card- the head from drooping forwards. W-hen the body
board held tightly between the teeth, is also hori- is lying down during sleep the tone of the muscles
zontal, as is the auriculonasal plane (AN), which decreases and the head falls on the chest. The
passes through the superior border of the exter- cerwical spine is not straight but lies concave
nal auditory meatus and the nasal spine. posteriorly, i.e. the cervical lordosis, which
can be deflned by the following:
Globally, the head corresponds to a first-class . the chord subtending the arc (c) and
lever: corresponding to the straight line running
. the fulcrum (O) resides in the occipital from one occipital condyle to the ipsilateral
condyles postero-inferior corner of C7
. the resistance (G) is produced by the weight . the perpendicular (p) joining the chord to
of the head acting through its centre of the postero-inferior corner of C4.
gravity near the sella turcica This perpendicular increases with accentuation
. the effort (E) is provided by the posterior of the cervical curvatufe and equals zero when
neck muscles as they must counterbalance the cervical spine is straight. It can even become
the weight of the head, which tends to tilt negative when during flexion the cervical spine
forward. becomes concave anteriody. On the other hand,
The anterior location of the head's centre of the cbord, is shorter than the full length of the
gravity explains why the posterior neck muscles cervical spine and equals it only when the cervical
are relatiuely more pouerful than the flexor spine is straight. Thus a cervical index could be
muscles of the neck. In fact, the extensors counter-
established along the lines of the Delmas index
(see Chapter 7, p. l4).
act gravi!r, whereas the flexors are helped by
89 arn6!j
Frr.+fF;#! NV
Structure and function of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle
This muscle should be called the sternocleido- The two sternocleidomastoid muscles form a

occipitomastoid muscle, since it comprises four fleshy fusiform mass clearly visible under the skin,
distinct heads (Fig. 69): and their two stemal tendons of origin border
the snprasternal notch, which is always obvious
. a deep head, the cleidomastoid (Cm) regardless of the degree of portliness.
stretching from the medial third of the
clavicle to the mastoid Process Unilateral contraction of the sternocleido-
. the other three heads can be teased out into mastoid (Fig. 70) gives rise to a complex move-
an 'N' shape, but they are in reality very ment with three comPonents:
closely interwoven except in their
inl'eromedial pan near the medial end of the
. contralateral rotation (R) of the head
clavicle, i.e. Sedilot's fossa, where the . ipsilaterallatetal flexion (LF)
cleidomastoid shows through. . extension (E).

These three superficial heads are: This movement raises tlire gaze and directs it to
. the side opposite to that of the contracting muscle.
the cleido-occipital (Co), which overlies the
bulk of the cleidomastoid and is inserted far This position of the head is typical of congenital
back into the superior nuchal line of the
torticollis, which is often due to an abnormally
occipital bone short muscle on one side. We shall discuss in
detail later (p. 260) the effects of concurrent
. the sterno-occipital (So), which is closely bilateral contraction of the muscle, which vary
associated with the sternomastoid and is
according to the state of contfaction of the other
inserted along with the cleido-occipital into neck muscles as follows:
the superior nuchal line
. the sternomastoid (Sm), which arises with
. if tbe ceruical spine is mobile, this bilateral
the sterno-occipital by a common tendon contraction accentuates the cervical
from the superior margin of the manubrium lordosis with extension of the head and
sterni to be insefied into the superior and flexion of the cerwical spine on the thoracic
anterior borders of the mastoid pfocess. spine (see Fig. 99, p. 263;)
. conversely, if tbe ceruical spine is kept rigid
Globally, this muscle forms a wide and always ancl straight by contraction of the prevertebral
cleady visible muscle sheet, stretched over the muscles, then bilateral contraction produces
anterolateral surface of the neck and running an flexion of the cervical sPine on the
oblique course inferiody and anteriody' Its most thoracic spine and forward flexion of the
conspicuous portion lies inferiody and anteriody head (see Fig. 100, p. 263 and Fig. 101, page
and consists of the common tendon of the sterno-
occipital and the sternomastoid.
sg alnllNs
The prevertebral muscles: the longus colli
The longus colli (Fig. 7l) is the deepest of the midline. It is attached to the bodies of T1-T3
pfevertebral muscles and runs on the anterior and of C2-C7.
surface of the cervical spine from the anterior Thus the longus colli, on either side of the midline,
arch of the atlas to C3. Anatomists mention three carpets the whole antefior surface of the cervical
parts: spine. V/hen both muscles contract simultane-
. an oblique descending part (d), attached to ously and symmetrically they straighten the cerui'
the anterior tubercle of the atlas and to the cal curuature and flex the neck. They are also
anterior tubercles of the transverse pfocesses critical in determining the static properties of the
of C3-C6 by three or four tendinous slips cervical spine.
. an oblique ascendingpa;rt (a), attached to
Unilateral contraction produces forward flexion
the bodies of T2 andT3 and to the anterior
and lateral flexion of the cervical spine on
tubercles of the transverse pfocesses of C4-
C7 by three or four tendinous sliPs
the same side.
. the longitudinal part (l), lying deep to the
former two parts and just lateral to the
.., s,{n613
The prevertebral muscles: the longus
capitis, the rectus capitis anterior and
the rectus capitis lateralis
These three muscles belong to the tlpper segment the basi-occiput and the anterior surface of the
of the cervical spine (Fig. 72) and almost com- lateral mass of the atlas up to the anterior tubercle
pletely overlie the upper part (d, a and l) of the of its transverse process. It r-uns obliquely inferi-
longus colli. orly and slightly laterally.

The longus capitis Its simultaneous bilateral contraction flexes the

head on the upper part of the cervical spine, i.e.
As the most median of these three muscles, the at the level of the atlanto-occipital ioint. Its
longus capitis (lc) is in contact with its contra- unilateral contraction produces a triple movement
lateral counterpart and is attached to the inferior combining flexion, rotation andlateralflexion
surface of the basi-occiput in front of the foramen of the head ipsilaterally. These movements occur
magnum. It overlies the upper part of the longus at the atlanto-occipital joint.
colli (d) and arises from the anterior tubercles of
the tfansvefse pfocesses of c3-c6 by discrete The rectus capitis lateralis
tendinous slips.
The rectns capitis lateralis (rl) is the highest of the
It moves the suboccipital cervical spine and the inteftfansverse muscles and is attached above to
upper part of the lower cervical spine.'When both the jugular process of the occipital bone and
muscles contract together they flex the head on below to the anteriof tubercle of the tfansvefse
the cerwical spine and straighten the upper process of the atlas. It lies lateral to the anterior
part of the cervical lordosis. Unilateral contrac- fectlls and ovedies the anterior surface of the
tion produces forward flexion and Latetal atlantooccipital joint.
flexion of the head ipsilaterally.
Its simultaneous bilateral contfaction flexes the
head on the cervical spine; its unilateral contrac-
The rectus capitis anterior
tion produces a slight degree of lateral flexion
The rectus capitis anterior (ra) lies posterior and ipsilaterally. Both these movements take place at
lateral to the longus capitis and extends between the atlanto-occipital joint.
a, air-!6!:{
The prevertebral muscles:
the scalene muscles
The three scalene muscles (Fig. 73) span the The posterior scalene muscle
anterolateral surface of the cerwical spine like true
muscular stays. They connect the transverse The posterior scalene (sp) lies posterior to the
processes of the cerwical vertebrae to the lirst ancl other two. It arises by three tendinous slips from
second ribs. the posteriof tllbercles of the transverse pfocesses
of C4-C6.Its fleshy belly is flattened transversely
The anterior scalene muscle and lies lateraland posterior to the middle scalene,
\,'ith which it is more or less continuous. It is

The anterior scalene (sa) is triangular with its insertecl by a flat tendon into the superior border
apex lying inferiorly and arises by four tendons and the lateral surface of the second rib. The roots
from the anterior tubercles of the tfansvefse pro- of the brachial plexus and the subclavian
cesses of C3-C6. Its fibres converge into a tendon artery run between the anterior and middle
for inser-tion into the scalene tubercle (Lisfranc's scalenes.
tubercle) on the upper surface of the anterior
extremity of the first rib. The general direction of Symmetrical brlateral contraction of the sca-
the muscle is oblique inferiody, anteriorly and lenes flexes the cervical spine on the thoracic
laterally. spine and accentuates the cervical lordosis if
the neck is not kept rigid by the contraction of
the longus colli. On the other hand, if the neck is
The middle scalene muscle held rigid by contraction of the longus colli, sym-
The midclle scalene (sm) lies in contact with the metrical contraction of the scalene can only flex
deep surface ofthe anterior scalene and arises by the cerwical spine on the thoracic spine.
six tendinous slips from the anterior tubercles of
the transverse processes of C2-C7, the lateral Unilateral contraction of the scalenes (see Fig.
edges of the gfooves in the tfansvefse processes 75, p. 245) prodlces lateral flexion and rotation
of C2-C7 and the transverse process of C7 ' of the cervical spine ipsilaterally.

The muscle is flattened anteroposteriody and is The scalenes are also accessoryinspiratorymuscles
triangular with its apex located inferiorly. It runs when they act from their cervical vertebral attach-
obliquely inferiody and latetally to its insertion ments to elevate the first two ribs.
into the first rib just posterior to the groove for
the subclavian artery.
, a.rn,3!:t

Global view of the prevertebral muscles

On a frontal view of the cervical spine (Fig. (ita) and the posterior intertransvefse muscles
71, after Testut) it is possible to localize all the (itp); their only action is to flex the cervical
prevertebral muscles: spine ipsilaterally (Fig. 75) with the help of
the ipsilateral scalene muscles
. the longus colli with its longitudinal fibres
(lcl), its oblique ascending (lca) and its the anterior scalene (sa) is shown in toto on
oblique descending (lcd) fibres the right side with only its tendon included
on the left in order to reveal the middle
. the longus capitis (lc)
scalene (sm)
. the rectus capitis anterior (ra)
the posterior scalene (sp) projects beyond
. the rectus capitis lateralis (d) the middle scalene only in its lower part neat
. the intertransverse muscles split into two its insertion into the second rib.
planes - the anterior intertransvefse muscles
Flexion of the head and of the neck
Flexion of the head on the cerwical spine and digastric muscle (not shown here), which
flexion of the cerwical spine on the thoracic spine link the mandible to the hyoid bone
depend on the anterior muscles of the neck' . the infrahyoid muscles: the thyrohyoid (not
shown here), the sternocleidohyoid (sch), the
In the upper cervical region (Fig. 76) the rectus sternohyoid (not shown here) and omohyoid
capitis anterior and the longus capitis lca produce (oh).
flexion at the atlanto-occipital joint. The longus
Simultaneous contraction of these muscles lowers
colli (lc 1 and lc 2) and longus capitis produce the mandible but, when the mandible is kept
flexion in the lower vertebral joints. More impor-
tant, the longus colli is vital for straightening fixed by simultaneous contraction of tbe muscles
it rigid of mastication, i.e. the masseter (m) and the
the cervical spine and holding (Fig.
temporalis (t) muscles, contraction of the supra-
and infrahyoid muscles produces flexion of the
head on the cervical spine and flexion of the cervi
The anterior neck muscles (Fig. 78) are located
cal spine on the thoracic spine. W-hile simultane-
at a distance from the cervical spine and thus
ously straightening the cervical culvature they
work with a long lever arm; hence their strength
exert a vital influence on the statics of the cerwical
asflexors of tbe bead and of tlce ceruical spine.
spine .
These muscles are:
. the suprahyoid muscles: the mylohyoid
muscle (mh) and the anterior belly of the
d{ arn6tJ
The posterior neck muscles
Before stlrdying the functions of the posterior posterior tubercle of the C3 transverse
neck rnuscles it is essential to have a ftrll grasp process. The other two tendons of insertion
of their distribution with the help of a section attached to the posterior tubercles of the
taken in perspective (Fig. 79), i.e.a postero- transverse processes of Cl and C2 have been
lateral view of the back of the neck from removed and are not shown here.
the right side after resection of the superficial . the levator scapulae (12).
muscles in order to reveal the various planes.
These muscles are tightly moulded onto those of
the deep plane, around which they wrap them-
The muscle planes selves as arouncl a pulley. Thus, when they con-
tract they also produce a significant degree of
The back of the neck consists of four muscle
rotation of the head.
planes superimposed on one another, which are
as follows fiom deep to superficial:
The superficial plane comprises the following:
. the deep plane . mostly the trapezius (15) (almost entirely
. the plane of the semispinalis capitis resected here)
. the plane of the splenius and levator scapulae . the sternocleidomastoid, which belongs
. the supedicial plane. to the back of the neck only in its
postefosllperior par-t. It is shown paftly
The deep plane is directly aclherent to the yerte-
resected to reveal its superficral (I4) heads
brae and their joints and contains the small intrin-
ancl its deep cleidomastoid head (14').
sic muscles of the suboccipital cerwical spine
mnning from the occipital bone to the atlas and In the clepth of this plane the origins of the middle
to the axis (also seen in Figs 80-82, p. 251): and posterior scalenes (13) can be seen through
. the gap between the muscles.
the rectus capitis posterior major (1)
. the rectus capitis posterior minor (2)
. the obliquus capitis inferior (3) and the Global view
obliquus capitis superior (4)
Except fbr the muscles of the deep plane, most of
. the cervical pottion of the the posterior neck muscles are oblique inferiody,
transversospinalis (5) medially and posteriody and so produce at the
. the interspinales (6) same time extension, rotation and latetal
The plane of the semispinalis (partly resected) flexion on the side of their contraction, i.e.
contains the following: exactly the three cornponents of the compos-
ite movement of the lower cervical spine
. the semispinalis capitis (7) (it is in part arouncl the oblique axes previously described.
transparent and allows a view of l-4)
. the longissimus capitis (tt) The superficial plane, on the other hand, com-
. mofe laterally, the longissimus ceryicis, the prises muscles that rLln in a counter direction to
longissimus thoracis and the iliocostalis that of the intermecliate muscles, i.e. obliquely
cervicis (11). inf'eriorly, anterior$ and laterally. These muscles
act not directly on the lower cervical spine but
The plane of the splenius and of the levator on the head and the suboccipital cervical
scapulae (also partly resected) contains the spine, where, like the deeper muscles, they
fbllowing: procluce extension and lateral flexion ipsilaterally
. the splenius muscle divided into two parts, bttl rotatiom contralaterally. They are thus at
i.e. the splenius capitis (9) and the splenius once agonists and antagonists of the deep
cervicis (10). Only one of the three tendons mnscles, to which they are ftinctionally
of the cervicis (10') is shown inserted into the complementary.
The suboccipital muscles
The function of these muscles is underratecl fibres run superiorly, slightly laterally and
because they are not considered to be comple- more directly posteriody than the rectus
mentary to the muscles of the lower cervical capitis posterior major because the posterior
spine. In real life these four muscles arch of the atlas lies deeper than the spinous
are vital in establishing the position of the head process of the axis.
by reinforcing tbe tuanted or eliminating tbe The obliquus capitis inferior (3) is an
unuanterl components in the stereotypical triple elongated, thick and fusiform muscle lying
movement of the lower cervical spine. A review inferior and lateral to the rectlls capitis
of their anatomical arrangement makes it easier to postefior major. It extends from the lower
visualize their direction in space and their func- border of the spinous pfocess of the axis to
tions. Three views of these muscles are needed: the postefior margin of the tfansverse pfocess
. a posterior view (Fig. 80) of the atlas. Its oblique fibres run superiorly,
. alateralview (Fig. 81) laterally and anteriody and thus cross in space
the above-mentioned muscles, particulady the
. a postefolatetal view in pefspective from fectlls capitis postefior minor.
the right side and from below (Fig. 82). The obliquus capitis superior (4) is a short,
These Iigures show the following: flat, triangular muscle lying behind the
. atlanto-occipital joint. It stretches from the
The rectus capitis posterior major (1) is
transverse process of the atlas to the lateral
triangular in shape with its base located
superiody. It extends from the spinous
third of the inferior nuchal line. Its oblique
fibres run superiody and posteriody
process of the axis to the inferior nuchal line
effectively in a sagittal plane, without any
of the occipital bone. It runs an oblique
lateral orientation. It lies parallel to the rectus
collrse superiody and slightly laterally and
capitis minor and perpendicular to the
inferior oblique.
. The rectus capitis posterior minor (2) is
The interspinales (5) lie on either side of
also triangular and flattened but shorter and
the midline between the spinous processes
deeper than the previous muscle and latetal
of the cervical vertebrae below the axis.
to the midline. It extends from the posterior
Thus they are equivalent to the two posterior
tubercle on the arch of the atlas to the medial
rectlrs muscles.
third of the inferior nuchal line. Its oblique
g r*s!*
,8 dri!u!:i
Actions of the suboccipital muscles:
lateral flexion and extension
By its location the obliquus capitis inferior or even a guillotine. The grey-tinted area tepte-
plays an important role in the statics and dynam- scnts the narfowef canal with the compressed
ics of the atlanto-axial joint. A side view (Fig. 83) meclulla oblongata inside.
shows that the muscle pulls back tbe tramsuerse
processes of the atlas, and, as a result, its bilateral Unilateral contraction of the four posterior sub-
symmetrical contraction causes the atlas to rececle occipital muscles (Fig. 87, posterior view) pro-
into extension on the axis; this extension can be duces lateral flexion of the head ipsilaterally at the
measured on oblique radiographs as the angle a atlanto-occipital joint. This angle of lateral flexion
at the level of the lateral masses of the atlas and f can also be measured as the angle between the
angle { at the level of its posterior arch. horizontal line passing through the transverse
processes of the atlas and the oblique line joining
A superior view (Fig. 84) clear$ reveals this the tips of the mastoid processes.
backward displacement b, produced by the sym-
metrical contraction of both inferior oblique The most efflcient of these lateral flexors is
muscles, which act like the arrow in a bow, induc- uncloubtedly the obliquus capitis superior (4),
ing a forward displacement of the axis followed whose contfaction elongates its contralateral
by a backward displacement of the atlas. This collnterpart by a distance e. It acts from the trans-
action reduces the tension in the transverse liga- verse process of the atlas, which is stabilized by
ment, which passively checks the dens and pre- the contraction of the obliquus capitis inferior
vents its posteriof dislocation. (l). The rectus capitis posterior major (1) is
less effi.cient than the superior oblique, while the
Rupture of the transverse ligament (Fig. 85) efhciency of the fecfus capitis posterior minor
can only be of traumatic origin @lack arrow), (2) is minimal as it lies too close to the midline.
since normally the inferior obliques acting in
concert play an important role in maintaining Simultaneous bilateral contraction of the post-
tbe dynatnic integrity of tbe median atlamto- erior suboccipital muscles (Fig. 88, lateralview)
axial joint Figure 86 (a superior view with super- extends the head on the Llpper cerwical spine: this
imposition of the vertebral canal of the atlas and extension is produced at the atlanto-occipital joint
the axis in lighter shade) illustrates the cata- b-v the rectus capitis posterior minor (2) and the
strophic consequences of such an instability in oblicltrus capitis superior 141 and at the atlanto-
the atlanto-axial joint: the spinal cord is com- axial joint by the rectus capitis posterior major (1)
pressed, if not transected, as if by a cigar cuttef and the obliquus capitis inferior (3) Gig. 87).
88 ajn6ld jg erntSld
Rotatory action of the suboccipital
In addition to extension and lateral flexion these over a distance of a and, as a result, it helps
muscles also produce rotation of the head. restore the head to the neutral position. Contrac-
tion of the right inferior oblique (3) rotates the
Figure 89 (inferior view of the upper level heacl to the right at the atlanto-axial joint.
of the suboccipital region, i.e. the atlanto-
occipital joint) shows that contraction of the Figure 91 (a superior view in perspective
obliquus capitis superior (4) rotates the head taken from above and from the right side)
10' contralaterally, i.e. contraction of the left shows that contraction of the oblique capitis
superior oblique rotates the head to the right, as inferior (OCD, which runs diagonally between
shown here. Consequently the right superior the spinous process of the axis and the right trans-
oblique (4') and the right rectus capitis posterior verse pfocess of the atlas, rotates the atlas to the
minor (2) arc passively stretched, and as a result right, while stretching the left rectus capitis major
they restore the head to the neutral (Fig. 90) by a length b; this latter muscle then
position. restores the heacl to the neutral position. The
sagittal plane of symmetry S of the atlas also
(inferior view of the lower level of
Figure 9O rotates 12" relative to the sagittal plane of the axis
the suboccipital region, i.e. the atlantoaxial A when the obliquus capitis inferior contracts.
joint with the outline of the atlas in red) shows
that contraction of the rectus capitis posterior This detailecl account of the actions of the sub-
major (1) ancl the obliquus capitis inferior (3) occipital muscles makes it easier to understand
rotate the head 12' ipsilaterally, i.e. contraction of horv the unwanted components of lateral flexion
the right rectlls capitis posterior major (1) rotates or rotation are eliminated during pure movements
the head to the right at both the atlanto-occipital of the heacl, as already demonstrated with the
and the atlanto-axial joints. Concurrently, the left help of the mechanical model.
rectlls capitis posteriof major is passively stretched
!:6 ain&ld
g6 ain6lC
6E sln6!c
w 7,,
The posterior neck muscles: the first and
fourth planes
The deep plane of the posterior extremities of the spine constitute a lever
system with arms of considerable length.
neck muscles
The deep plane contains the following: The superficial plane of the
. the suboccipital rnuscles (already described)
posterior neck muscles
in the upper cerwical sPine
The superficial plane (Fig. 93) consists of the
. the transversospinalis muscles in the trapezius (2), which arises fanwise from a con-
lower cervical spine. tinuous line passing through the medial third of
These latter muscles are arranged symmetrically the superior nuchal line, the spinous processes of
in the gfooves formed by the spinous processes, the cervical and thoracic ver-tebrae down to T10
the laminae and the tfansverse pfocesses of the and the posterior cervical ligament.
vertebrae from the atlas to the sacrum and consist
of muscular slips overhanging one another like Flom this continuous linear origin the uppermost
tiles on a roof. fibres rr-rn an oblique coufse inferiorly, laterally
and anteriody to be inserted into the lateral third
There are two different accounts of the arratage' of the clavicle, the acromion and the scapular
ment of these muscular sheets (Fig. 92): spine. Thus the contour of the lower part of the
neck corresponds to the curved envelope gener-
. According to Trolard's traditional account ated by the successive fibres of the trapezius. The
(right side, T), the muscle flbres originate trapezius plays an impoftant role in the move-
from the spinous processes and laminae of ments of the shoulder girdle (see Volume 1) but,
C2-C5 and converge onto the transverse when it contfacts from the shoulder girdle as the
process of C5.
hxed point, it acts powerfully on the cerwical
. According to a more recent account by spine and the head as follows:
'Winckler (left side, W) the muscle fibres run
the other way from origin to inseftion.
. Symrnetrical bilatetal corttraction of both
trapezius muscles extends the cerwical spine
These two accounts are two different ways of and the head and exaggerates the cervical
describing the same anatomical fact, depending cufvatufe. V/hen this extension is thwar-tecl
on whether the superior or inferior end is taken by the antagonistic action of the anterior neck
as the origin. Nonetheless, the fibres always run muscles, tbey act as sta.ys to stabilize tbe
an oblique course inferiody, laterally and slightl,v ceruical spine.
anteriofly so that: . Unilateral or asymrnetrical contraction of
. bldiatetal and symmetrical contraction of the trapezius (Fig. 94, dorsal view, showing
the transversospinalis extends the cervical the left trapezius in contraction) produces
spine and accentuates the cervical extension of the head and of the cervical
lordosis; it is the erector muscle of the spine, accentuation of the cervical
cervical spine cufvature, lateral flexion ipsilaterally and
. asymmetrical or unilateral contraction contralateral rotation of the head. The
produces extension, lateral flexion ipsilaterally trapezius is therefore a synergist of tbe
and contralateral rotation of the cerwical ipsilateral sternocleidomastoid. The upper
spine, i.e. movements similar to the head end of the sternocleidomastoid is visible in
movements produced bY the the superomedial corner of the back of the
sternocleidomastoid. Thus tbe neck (Fig. 93,teft side). The external
transuersospinalis is a synergist of the contour of the upper part of the back of the
sternocleidctmastoicl, but it acts segmentally neck corresponds to the curved envelope
along the cervical spine. On the other hand, fbrmecl by the successive flbres of the
the sternocleidomastoid with its similady sternocleidomastoid (1) as they course
oriented fibres acts globally on the cerwical inferiody and twist around its axis.
spine, and its attachments at the two
a6 6*n6x
The posterior neck muscles: the second
The second plane, directly overlying the deepest antagonistic anteriof neck muscles, the longissi-
plane (Fig. 95), comprises the semispinalis cepitis, mus capitis stabilizes the head laterally just like an
semispinalis cerwicis, the longissimus thoracis, the inuertecl stay.
longissimus cerwicis and the upper part of the
iliocostalis. Its unilatetal ot asymmetfical contraction
causes combined extension-lateral flexion
The semispinalis capitis (7), lying just lateral to ipsilaterally (greater than that produced by the
the midline, forms a vertical muscular sheet inter- semispinalis capitis) and ipsilateral rotation of
rupted by a tendinolrs intersection; hence the the head.
name 'digastric of the neck'. It arises from
the tfansverse processes of T1-T1+ and from the The long and thin longissirnus cervicis (11),
spinous processes of C7 and T1. lying lateral to the longissimus capitis, arises from
the apices of the transverse processes of T1-T5
Its thick and rounded fleshy belly, ovedying the and is inserted into the apices of the transverse
transversospinalis, fills the vertebral groove and is processes of C3-C7 .Its most medial Iibres are the
separated from its contralateral counterpart by shortest, running from T5 to C7; its lateral fibres
the ligamentum nuchae. Its convex lateral surface are the longest, running from T5 to C3.
is closely applied to the two splenius muscles (9
and 1O in Fig. 96, p.261). h is inserted into the Bilateral symmetrical contraction of both
squama of the occipital bone lateral to the exter- muscles extends the lower cerwical spine; when
nal occipital crest (the inion) and between the this extension is prevented by their antagonists,
two nuchal lines. the_y act as stays.

Bilateral symmetrical contraction of the semi- Unilateral of asymmetrical contraction pro-

spinalis extends the head and the cerwical column duces extension of the head combined with
and accentuates the cervical lordosis. latetal flexion on the same side.

Its unilateral or asymrnetrical contraction The longissimus thoracis also belongs to the
produces extension combined with a slight posterior neck muscles because its uppermost
degree of lateral flexion of the head ipsi- hbres are insefied into the tfansverse processes of
laterally. the lowest cervical vefiebrae. It is more or less
continuous with the cerwical part of the iliocosta-
The longissirnus capitis (8), lyrng lateral to the lis (11'), which arises from the upper borders of
semispinalis capitis, is long and thin and runs the upper six ribs and is inserted, along with the
obliquely superiorly and slightly laterally. It arises longissimus thoracis, into the posterior tubercles
from the transverse processes of C4-C7 and Tl, of the tfansverse pfocesses of the lowest cer-
and is insefted into the apex and posterior border vical vertebrae. Its actions are similar to those of
of the mastoid process. Its fleshy belly is twisted the longissimus cervicis; moreover, the cervical
on itself, since its lower flbres are inserted the part of the iliocostalis acts as muscttlar stay for
most medially while its uppermost flbres, of cerwi- the lower cerwical spine and elevates the upper
cal origin, are inser.ted the most laterally into the six ribs (see p. 162).
mastoid process.

Its bilateral symrnetr ical conttaction extends

the head; when this extension is checked by the
xrrt!1il "'::
The posterior neck muscles:
the third plane
The third plane (Fig. 96) contains the splenius Unilateral of asymmetrical contraction of the
muscle and the levator scapulae lying deep to the splenius produces combined ipsilateral exten-
trapezius. sion. lateral flexion and rotation, i.e. the move-
ment combination typical of the lower cervical
The splenius (9 and 10), running from the skull column, as described on page 22O.
to the thoracic region, arises from the spinous
processes of C2-C7, the posterior cerwical liga- The levator scapulae (12), lying lateral to the
ment, the spinous pfocesses of T1-Tz+ and the insertion of the splenius ceruicis, arises from the
interspinous ligament. Its fibres run an oblique transverse processes of C7-C4.Its flattened belly
course superiody, laterally and anteriody and wraps itself around that of the splenius but soon
wrap themselves around the muscles of the deep leaves it to run obliquely inferiorly and slightly
plane to be inserted as two distinct bundles: laterally and gain insertion into the scapula.
. the cephalic bundle or the splenius Vhen it acts from a fixed cerwical spine it elevates
capitis (9) is inserted below the the scapula; hence its name (see Volume 1), but
stemocleidomastoid into the lateral half of
when the scapula is kept fixed, it moves the cervi-
the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone
cal spine.
and into the mastoid process; it ovedies
incompletely the two semispinalis muscles,
Bilateral and symmetrical contraction of both
which can be seen through the triangle muscles extends the cervical spine and accentu-
formed by the medial borders of the two
ates the cerwical lordosis. When this extension is
splenius muscles
prevented, they act as stays to stabilize the cervi-
. the cervical bundle or the splenius cal spine laterally.
cervicis (10) is shown on the left in relation
to the splenius capitis and on the right by Its unilateral ol asymmetrical contraction, like
itself to illustrate how its fibres twist upwards that of the splenius, produces combined ipsi
to be inserted into the transverse processes of lateral extension, unilateral rotation and lateral
the atlas. axis ancl C3. flexion, the movement combination typical of the
Symmetric al brTateral contraction of the sple- lower ccruical spine.
nius extends the head and the cerwical spine and
accentuates the cervical curvature.
Extension of the cervical sPine bY
the posterior neck muscles
The posterior neck muscles are all extensors of the shoulder girdle. These muscles ate the
the cervical spine but can be divided into three following:
gfoups on the basis of their orientation. . on tlre one hand, thetrapezius (15 in Fig.
79, p.249;9 in Fig. 93, P. 257)
Group I (Fig. 97) . on the other hand. the sternocleidomastoid
(Fig. 99), which runs diagonally across the
This group comprises all the muscles attached to
cervical spine. As a result, its bilateral and
the transverse pfocesses of the cerwical vefiebrae s-ymmetfical contraction produces a
and running obliquely and posteriody into the combination of three movements: extension
thoracic region: of the head on the cervical spine (10),
. the splenius cervicis (1) flexion of the cerwical spine on the thoracic
. the longissimus cervicis and the cervical spine (9) and extension of the cervical spine
portion of the iliocostalis (2) on itself with accentuation of the cervical
. curvature (11).
the levator scapulae (3).
These muscles extend the cervical spine and Thus the static propefties of the cerwical spine in
accentuate the cervical curvature. rMhen they the sagittal plane (Fig. 100) depend on a constant
contract unilaterally they also produce ipsilateral dynamic equilibrium between the following:
extension. fotation and lateral flexion, i.e. the . on the one hand, extension produced by
movement combination typical of the lower cerwi- the posterior neck muscles, i.e. the
cal column. splenius muscles (S), the longissimus cervicis,
the iliocostalis, the longissimus thoracis (Lt)
Group ll (Fig. 98) and the trapezius (T); all these muscles act
like chords spanning the concavity of the
This group consists of all the muscles that mn cervical lordosis at various levels
obliquely, inferiorly and anteriorly: . on the other hand, the anterior and
. on the one hand, the transversospinalis anterolateral muscles:
muscular group (4), which are intrinsic - the longus capitis (Lc), which flexes the
muscles of the lower cerwical spine cerwical spine and stfaightens the cerwical
. on the other hand, the muscles linking the lordosis, and
occipital bone to the lower cervical spine: the - the scalene muscles (Sc), which flex the
semispinalis (6), the longissirnus capitis cervical spine on the thoracic spine with a
(7) and the splenius capitis (not shown in tendency to accentlrate the cervical lordosis
the diagram) unless they are collnteracted by the longus
. also the suboccipital muscles not included in colli and the supra- and infrahyoid muscles
the diagram (see pp. 250-254). (see Fig. 78, p.2171.

All these muscles extencl the cetwical spine, The simultaneolrs contraction of all these muscle
accentuate the cervical lordosis and extend grotlps maintains the cervical spine rigid in
the heacl on the cerwical spine by virtue of their the intermediate position. Thus they act llke stays
clirect insertions into the occipital bone. located in the sagittal plane and in oblique planes.
They are therefore essential in balancing the

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This group comprises all the muscles that briclge fbr carrying loads while keeping the hands free'
over the cervical spine without any attachments This practice undoubtedly strengthens the struc-
to the vertebrae ancl, as a result, unite the tural components of the cervical spine and
occipital bone and the mastoid process directly to increases the power of the neck muscles'
00t "rn6rj 66 s.!nblj
96 arngrd
Synergism-antagonism of the prevertebral
muscles and the sternocleidomastoid
Figure 99 (p. 263) illustrates perfectly the effects Once the cervical spine is kept rigid, the cervi-
of symmetrical but isolatecl contraction of the cal lordosis straigtrtened (Fig. 103) and exten-
sternocleidomastoid muscles (SCM). They cannot sion of the head on the cervical spine is prevented
by themselves steady the head and the cervical by the anterior suboccipital muscles and the
spine. They need the assistance of synergistic- supra- and infrahyoid muscles, simultaneous
antagonistic muscles that set the stage by flrst contraction of the two stemocleidomastoids
straightening the cervical curvatt-rre (Fig. 101). (Fig. 104) produces flexion of the cervical spine
These muscles are the following: on the thoracic spine. Thus there are multiple
. instances of synergism-antagonism between the
the longus colli (Lc), lying just anterior to
sternocleidomastoids and the prevefi ebral muscles
the vertebral bodies, straightens the cervical
lying immediately anterior to the spine or at a
lordosis because it is located, on its conuexity
distance from it.
. the suboccipital muscles, which flex the
head on the cerwical spine (Fig. 102): the 'When loads are carried on the head all these
longus capitis, the rectus capitis anterior muscles are contfacted simultaneously to achieve
and the rectus capitis lateralis the constant dynamic equilibrium that transforms
. flnally, the supra- and infrahyoid muscles, the head and neck into a single str-ucture, both
which lie anterior to the cerwical spine and rigid and flexible, as it lies on top of the spine.
act at a distance with the help of a long lever This is the triumph of bipedalisml
arm, provided the mandible is pressed against
the maxilla by contraction of the muscles of 'We strongly recommend this exercise to women
mastication. who desire to acquire the gait of a queen.
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The ranges of movements of the cervical
spine taken as a whole
There are many ways of measuring the ranges of Lateral flexion (LF) is measured by the angle
these global movements. For flexion-extension fbrmed by the interclavicular line and the inter-
and lateral flexion they can be measured with ocular line (Fig. 107).
precision on lateral and frontal radiographs, but it
is more difficult to measure the range of rotations Flexion-extension and lateral flexion can be mea-
without the use of the CT scan or the MRI. surecl more precisely with the use of an angle
gauge placed on the head in the sagittal plane for
Surface markings, however, can also be used, and flexion-extension or in the coronal plane for lateral
for flexion-extension (Fig. 105) the reference flexion.
plane is the plane of the bite, which is horizontal
in the neutral position. It can be established by There is also another head movement rarely used
biting on a sheet of cardboard, which then repre- in the west bnt common among Balinese
sents the plane of the bite. The range of extension dancers (Fig. 108), i.e. lateral translation of the
(E) is then given by an angle which is open sup- head (T) without anylateralflexion. Some women
eriody and is formed by the plane of the bite and can perform this movement as a social accom-
the horizontal plane. The range of flexion (F) is plishment; it is considered successfil only if tbe
given by an angle which is open inferiody and is interocular line stays parallel to itself . To under-
formed by the plane of the bite and the horizontal stand this movement it is essential to have a thor-
plane. These ranges have already been defined but ough grasp of the mechanics of the compensatory
afe very variable from one subject to another. movements at the suboccipital joints, which were
discussed at the start of this chapter. The clue to
Rotation of the head and neck (Fig. 106) can this movement is the ability to perform counter-
be measured when the subject sits in a chair with countef-compensations. Thus, start with the lower
the shoulder girdle kept in a strictly steady posi- cerwical spine positioned in right lateral flexion-
tion. The reference plane is then taken as the rotation-extension, and then perform at the sub-
intershoulder line, and rotation is measured as occipital articular complex a counter-rotation to
either the angle R between the reference plane the left, a slight flexion and, above all, a counter-
and the coronal plane passing throllgh the ears or inclination to the left to restore the nasal meridian
by the angle Ril between the midsagittal plane of to the vertical plane. The competition is open!
the head and the midsagittal plane of the body.
the subject lying supine on a hard surface, NB: It is very easy to perform this movement of
more precise measufements can be made with the Balinese dancers on the mechanical model of
the use of the angle gauget placed on the fore- the cervical spine (see p. 319).
head in the tfansverse plane.

I The angle gauge is sparingly Llsed in afticular physiology, and

)'et it mersures the angle formed with the vertical plane, a potentially useful
feature. on the other hand, it is inclucled in the instrument panel of commercial planes, where it mbnitors the lateral iflclination of the
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Relationship of the neuraxis to
the cervical spine
The central nervolls system lies inside the cranium the area of maximal mecbanical actiuity. This
and the vertebral canal. The ceruical spine pro- stresses the significance of the ligaments and bony
tects the lower medulla oblongata as it emerges strllctlrres involved in stabilizing this region.
through the foramen magnum and the spinal cord, The most critical bony structure is the dens. A
which gives off the nerwe roots for the cervical fracture at its base makes the atlas totally unstable
and brachial plexuses. on the axis. which can then tilt backwards or
fomuards with more serious consequences, e.g.
Thus the medulla and the cervical cord are closely anterior dislocation of the atlas on the axis with
related to the highly mobile parts of the cervical compression of the medulla and sudden death.
spine, especially in the suboccipital region, which
is a very special zorre of mechanical transition Another important structufe for the stability of
(Fig. 109, viewed in perspective from the the atlas on the axis is the transvel5s ligament.
front and the right side). In fact, as the medulla Rnpture of this ligament allows anterior dis-
(M) exits through the foramen magnum to become location of the atlas on the axis, while the intact
the spinal cord (SC), it lies between and slightly dens moves backwards to compress and severely
behind the occipital condyles (C and C'), which damage the medulla (see Figs 84-85, p. 253). Rup-
provide the two supports for the head as it tures of the transverse ligament occur more rarely
rests on the cervical spine. Between the occipital than fractures of the dens.
condyles and C3, however, the atlas and the axis
will redistribute onto three columns the weight In the lower cervical spine the zone of maximal
of the head, initially supported by the two condy- activity lies between C5 and C6, where anteriof
lar columns (C and C'). These three columns, dislocations of C5 and C6 occur most frequently
which span the entire spine, are the following: with the inferior ar:ticwlat facets of C5 becom-
. ing hooked onto the superior facets of C6 (Fig.
the main column, formed by the vertebral 111). In this position the cord is crushed between
bodies (1) in front of the spinal cord
the posterior arch of C1 and the posterosuperior
. the two minor latetal columns formed by angle of the body of C6. Thus, depending on the
the articular processes (2 and l) lying on level of the cord lesion, paraplegia or a potentially
either side of the cord. rapidly fatal quadriplegia may result.
The lines of force are split at the level of the
axis, which is a veritable distributor of forces It goes without saying that all these lesions, which
between the head and the atlas on the one hand render the spine very unstable, can be made
and the rest of the cervical spine on the other. tcorse by injudicious handling, especially toben
A lateral view (Fig. 110) shows that the loads injured persons are Picked uP.
supported by each of the occipital condyles (C)
will split into two components: Thus any flexion of the cerwical spine and of the
head on the cervical spine canaggtaYate compres-
. anteromedially, the more important static sion of the medulla or of the cord. Therefore,
cornponent directed towards the veftebral when an injured person is picked up, one of the
bodies QrB) via the body of the axis resclrers must be solely responsible for traction
. posterolaterally, the dynamic component oJ the lcead along tbe axis of tbe spine and catry
directed towards the column of the articular it sligbtly extencled so as to prevent the displace-
processes (A) via the pedicle of the axis and ment of any possible fracture in the suboccipital
the inferior articular process lying below the region or below.
posterior arch of the axis.
This suboccipital region therefore is at once the
pivot, i.e. the most mobile area of tbe spine afld
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Relationship of the cervical nerve roots to
the spine
Having studied the relationship of the cervical Fignre 113 (lateral view of the cervical spine)
spine to the medulla and the spinal cord, we now shows the close relationship between the cervical
turn ollr attention to its relationship to the nerve roots exiting through the intervertebral foramina
foots. and the facet joints posteriody and the unco-
vertebral ioints anteriody (upper paft of
At every level of the cervical spine, the cervical diagram). During the eady onset of cerwical osteo-
nerve roots emerge from the canal through the afihritis (lower part of the diagram), osteophltes
intervertebral forarnina. These roots can be grow not only on the anterior borders of the ver-
damaged by lesions of the spine (Fig. 112). tebral cliscal surfaces (1), but also more promi-
Disc herniation is rare in the cervical region as nently (as obserwed in three-quarrer ndiographs)
the posterolateral escape of the disc (arrow 1) is from the uncovertebral joints (2), whence they
impeded by the presence of the uncinate pro- project into the intervertebral foramina. Likewise,
cesses. Thus, when they occuf, they are more the osteophltes grow posteriorly from the facet
central (arrow 2) than in the lumbar region and joints (3), and the nerve roots can become com-
so tend to compress the spinal cord. pressed between the anterior osteophltes coming
from the uncovertebral joints and the postefiof
Note the location of the vertebral artery (red) osteophyes coming from the facet joints. This
with its venous plexus (blue) in the foramen trans- explains the nerve foot symptoms of cervical
versarium of the transvefse pfocess. osteoarthritis.

Cord compression in the cerwical spine is more

often caused by osteoafihritis of the unco-
vertebral joints (arrow J).
The vertebral artery and the neck
blood vessels
\7e think it is important to define precisely the accommodate the changes in the cluvature
close relationship of tbe uertebral artery to tbe ancl clirection of the spine (it can be damaged
spine ancl to outline in general tems its relation- b-v displacement of any vertebra relative to its
ship to the neck vessels, which supply the brain neighbours)
and tbe face. . then, on its Loay to join its mate, it is in
contact with the dens, from which it is
The head and neck blood vessels arise from separated by the transverse ligament.
the aorlic arch (Fig. 11'4,lateral view): It is worth noting that the formation of the basilar
. on the right side they arise directly from the artery, which will itself divide into two, illlrstrates
brachiocephalic trunk (1), which then divides Occam's principle of parsimony2 since both ver-
into the right subclavian afiery (2) and the tebral arteries could easily have gone through the
right common carotid artery (3) foramen magnum.
. on the left side they arise separately from the
left common carotid artery and the left Moreover (Fig. 114), tlire common carotid artery
(3) ascencls on the anterolateral aspect of the neck
subclavian artery.
ancl clivides into the following:
The vertebralartery (4') arises from the subclavian
artery and traverses the supraclavicular groove on
. the external carotid artery (9), which then
divicles into the superflcial temporal artery
its way to the foramen transversarium of C6.
(10) and the maxillary (11) to supply the
It then ascends (4) in a canal formed by the suc-
cessive vertebral fotatnina tfansvefsaria until
it reaches the atlas (Fig. 115, seen from behind . the internal carotid afiery (7), which ascends
and the right). Just above the transvefse pfocess to the base of the skull and into the cranial
of the atlas (Fig. 116) it changes direction com- cavity, where it forms a U-bend (8) before
pletely and fbrms an arch (6) which skirts the dividing into its terminal cerebral branches'
back of the lateral mass of the atlas, where it lies The important point to bear in mind is that the
in a deep groove. Thus it entefs the ver-tebral basilar aftery anastomoses with the internal caroticl
canal (4) in close contact with the lateral surface afteries at the circle of Willis. Thus vertebral
of the brainstem and of the medulla and mns arteries supply not only the structures in the
superiorly, anteriody and medially to join its posterior fossa, i.e. the cerebellum and the
contralateral counterpaft to form the impoftant brainstem, but also the anterior cerebrum in
basilar artery (5), which lies on the anterior cases of carotid arterial insufficiency.
surface of the brainstem as it passes through the
foramen magnum and enters the posterior fossa. Hence this essential role of the veftebral arteries
unclerscores the importance of safeguarding them
All along its course the uertebral artery is exposed during any manipulations on the cervical spine.
to injury: Tbe uertebral at'tery is kmoutn to haue been
. fifst, im tbe canal formecl by tbe foramina irtjured clut'ing sometulcat uigorous manipula-
transuersaria it must slide freely to be able to tions of tbe ceruical sPine.

. William of Occam was a tamous monk, a scholastic theologian, an English philosophe r and logician, also known 2s 'rhe invincible doctof'
He was born at Ockham. Surre_v. c.l2!0, was excolnnunicatccl in 1330 ancl cliccl of thc plague in Munich in 1349. He introducedthe
of parsimont, or universal economy. i.e. 'The tnlth of a theorv must be blscd on the least number of preconditions' reasons and
This principle is also known as'Occam's razor', since it cuts out all unnecessary pteconditions liom the demonstration during a logical
the retrogracle
Copernicus as a thinker is a clescendant of Occam, in that l're showe cl tlrat the Ptolcmaic s)'stem was too complicated to explain
lnovement of the inner plancts. ancl thus solvecl the problem bv introclucing the heliocentric system. Like Einstein he was sensitive
to the
bclrrn uf demon:ttatirc rcl:unillg,.
-, *,^4".
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The importance of the vertebral pedicle:
its role in the physiology and pathology
of the spine
At all spinal levels the vertebral pedicle plays an This technique is not recommended to novices in
essential mechanical role in uniffing the verte- spinal surgery. Landmarks must lirst be established
bral bodies, which support the spine at rest, and precisely for the selection of the point of inser-
the vertebral atch, which protects the neuraxis tion. ancl then the direction of inserlion must also
and is critical during movements since it gives be dehned according to the spinal level. This
attachment to the muscles. clirection is horizontal in the lumbar region
(Fig. 121) but may sometimes be slightly oblique
The pedicle is a tubular structure consisting medially. Until now the skill and experience of
of a stfong cortex and a rnedullary cavity fllled the surgeon ensured the right orientation of the
with cancellous bone. This relatively short screw, taking into account the proximity of the
cylinder is variably orientated in space depending nerve foots exiting via the intervertebral foramina
on the level of the spine but shares some constant above and below (Fig. 722). Nowadays the use of
features. computers makes the approach more precise
ancl allows the screw to be inserted with greater
It is clearlyvisible in an oblique tadiograph (Fig. safety. Perhaps computer technology will allow
117) as the eye of the'Scottie dog'(cross) but on the inserlion of these scfews elsewhere in the
careful scr-utiny it can also be seen along the full spine, especially in the cervical region (Figs 123-
length of the spine (Fig. 118). Thus each verte- 125), where the pedicles are much thinner and
bra'has two eyes' and one must learn to 'Iook the run in different directions. At present screws can
vertebrae in the eye'. Hence the extremely inge- be inserted only at the level of C2 and C7.
nious idea of Roy-Camille (1970) of inser-ting a
screw into the axis of the pedicle in order to unify The introduction of the pedicule screw consti-
the posterior arch and the vertebral body or to tutes a very impottant step in spinal sufgery,
provide a zotae of solid suppoft in one or more e.g. in the stabilization of fractures, in the place-
vertebrae (Fig. 119). Preoperative radiographs ment of plates and of zones of support for one or
will reveal any possible deviations of the pedicle more vertebrae. This innovative idea is the
and allow the horizontal insertion of a screw from result of a perfect knowledge of anatomy.
the back in the sagittal plane (Fig. 120).
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The Head
The heacl crowns the spine ancl contains ollf most precious ofgan - the brain - our central
computef, which is protected insicle the solicl bonl'cranium. The cranium is attached to
the spine, which contains the spinal cord, a br,rndle of nerve fibres transmitting intbtmation
to and from the entire body. It is ovoid ancl consists of lamellar bones articulating xmorg
themselves at immobile trony sutures.
The face, which is part of the skull, contains two major sensory ofgans, i.e. the e.ves and
the ears, which are fesponsible fol infbrmation about the environment. The closeness of
these senso rc sbortens tbe time needed fot' transfer o.f data to tbe brciln; this is yet another
example of Occam's razor. The mobilitl' of thc cervical spine allows these sensory ofgans
to be propedy oriented in space ancl thus increases their efhciency.
The head contains two portals of entry fbr fbod ancl air:
. The mouth is rightly placed bekttu the nose, which can thus monitor the smell of
food before it is ingested. Food is also monitorecl by the taste buds, which determine
its cbemical nature ancl through intuition or the collective memory of the spccies
reject the ingestion of noxious or toxic substances.
. Tlre tlrose controls, /ilters and tuarms ttp tbe inspired air. The upper airway crrosses
tbe ctigestiue tract at the level of the pllarl'nx and of the larynx. The larynx possesses a
protective valve with an extremcl-v precise mechanism that prevents the intrtlduction
of solid or liquid material into the airwa,vs.
The human larynx (see p. 182 for a clescription of its physiolopX) plays a vital role in pho-
nation, i.e. in moclulating sounds, which are then articttlatecl by the mouth and the tongue.
Thus humans enjoy a comrnunication s)'stem using sound, i.e. language, which allows the
sharing of information and feelings. This oral transfer is supplemented by the use of the
utritten worcl.
The heacl also contains muscles and joints of an unusnal t1pe. The superficial muscles of
the face (studiecl in detail by Duchenne clc Boulogne) do not act on any skeletal structures.
They are the muscles of facial expression ancl provicle a quasi-international second mode
of communication supplementing the oral mocle. These orbicular muscles control facial
orifices: the orbicularis r.tris closes the mouth ancl the orbicularis octtli closes the eyes. On
the crther hand, there is only a dilator ncu'is.
The external acoustic meatl,rs stays open ancl is helped in the gathering of sounds by the
auricle, which cannot be oriented in space as in animals.
There are also bones fbr the transfer of vibrations between the eardrum ancl the internal ear,
i.e. the auditory ossicles of the internal ear (not discr,rssed any firrther here). Further-
more, there are two synovial ioints, i.e. the temporomandibular joints, allowing the
moyements of the manclible, which are esscntial for f'eeding ancl phonation. Finally, there
,Lre tLUo boneless.f oints, which involve the intraorbirrr eyeballs and control the orientation
of the gaze.
In the following pages (see p. 294) we shall deal with the temporomandibular joints and the
mobility of the eyeballs (see p. 306).
The cranium
The cranial skeleton (Fig 1) comprises 22 flat The sphenoid bone (5) is an unpaired
bones,which are derived from the osseous anlagen midline bone, and its body unites the ethmoid
in the 12 cranialsomites but have been profoundly and the occipital. It is the most complex bone
altered to fit their speciflc functions, i.e. forma- of the basicranium and can be compared to a
tion of the cranium and of the face. biplane with the fuselage corresponding to
the body of the sphenoid. In the upper part
The cranium is made up of bony plates, which of the bocly is located tlrre pilot's seat,l
consist of an intermediate layer of spongy bone corresponding to the sella turcica. The two
(the diploe) sandwiched between two very strong lesser wings above arliculate with the frontal
layers of compact bone, i.e. the epict'anial table bone and the two gfeater wings below form
externally and the endocranictl table internally. the floor of the temporal fossa. These two
At the base of the skull these flat bones blend with sets of wings are separated by the superior
more massive bones, which connect it to the face orbital lissures located at the back of the
and the cervical spine. orbit. The bilateral pterygoid processes
The ovoid cranium is made up of six bony correspond to the landing gear of the biplane.
plates: The temporal bone (6) borders the cranium
. The occipital bone (1) lies posteriorly and bilaterally with its squam6l, and the
has a wide squama forming the occiput. It is basicranium with itsplramidal petrous part.
continuous with the basilar process (the basi Each palatine bone (7) articulates with the
occiput), which is perforated by the/oramen pterygoid process of the sphenoid and forms
magnum for the passage of the medulla and pan of the nasal fossa and of the palate.
the spinal cord into the vertebral canal. On Each rygomatic bone (8) contributes to the
each side of the foramen magnum lie its ttuo wall of the orbit and corresponds to the
conclyles, which articulate with the cervical cheekbone.
spine at the level of the atlas. The two nasal bones (9) meet in the midline
. The pafietal bones (2) are two symmetrical to fbrm the nasal bridge.
bony plates forming the superolateral part of Each maxilla (10) forms by itself the bulk of
the cranium and articulating posteriody with the facial skeleton on one side. It encloses
the occipital bone. the maxillary sinus and so is almost hollow.
. The frontal bone (3) is an unpaired, shell- It forms the Jloor of tbe orbit and its lower
like plate across the midline forming the part contains the superior alveolar pfocess
forehead and articulating posteriody with the and the palatine process, which makes up
parietal bones. Anteriody it contains the most of the palate.
supraorbital margins continuous posteriody The mandible (11) is a midline, unpaired,
with the uqqer ualls of tbe orbits. horseshoe-shaped bone with two ascend,ing
These four bones constitute tlire ct"anial uault' rami supporting the condyles or condylar
processes, which contain the mobile
The basicranium is made up anteroposteriody articular surfaces of the temporomandibular
of the following:
foint. It contains the inferior alveolar
. The ethmoid bone (4) is an unpaired pfocess, which is the collnterpart of the
midline bone, which lies behind the central superior alveolar process.
part of the frontal bone and makes up the For the sake of completeness the small bones,
bulk of the nasal fossae. Its upper part i.e. the vomef, the lacrimal bone and the
contains the cribriform plate perforated by inferior concha deserve mention, but they play
olfactory sensory nefves before they join the no strllctufal role in the cranium and are not
two olfactory bulbs. The body of the shown here.
ethmoid contains many air sinuses which
make it lighter, and in the sagittal plane lies Detaile cl description of the se bones and their rela-
its vertical plate separating the ttuo nasal tions can be found in textbooks of descriptive
fossae which harbour the superior and anatomy.
midrlle conclcae.

The pilot corresponds to the pituitary gland, which is the conductor of the endocrine orchestra
IJO^\ s,rqrso]\mlzs eJpuy uo pJsrq s3ur,\\E.r
The cranial sutures
Except for the maxilla and the mandible the are variably oblique. It is tberefore impossible
cranial bones articulate among themselves by for plates to slide obliquely one on tbe otber
sutufes. In the fetus and even in the neonate the (Fig. 8) in a movement of subduction, in keeping
ctanial bones are not united and ate therefore with the theory of tectonic plates proposed by
relatively mobile among themselves, as illus- Wegener (Fig. 9) to explain earthquakes.
trated by the persistence of the anterior fonta-
nelle, which is completely ossified only at 8-18 Figure 1 does not rule out the possibility that the
months after birth. The mobility of the cranial obliquity of the sutures would allow the squa-
bones in the young child is the result of the rapid mous portions of the two temporal bones to glide
grototb of tbe brain, which continues postnatally. laterally as it were in a movement of expansion.
Subsequent bone growth can keep pace with that Tlris theory of cranial bone tectonics remains to
of the brain until adolescence, when the skull be proved in experiments involving antefopost-
reaches its ftill development. erior compression of the head (without using the
tortlrre technique of the Inquisition!) and the use
The bony sutures, which join together the bony of coronal densitometric CT scans before and
plates (Fig. 2), are extremely tuauy, so that, when after compression. Then there will still be the
they are tightly intedocked (Fig. 3), no move- problem of explaining the physiopathology that
ment can take place in the plane of the plate. ,t could result from sutural mobility. Plain logic
comparison with a puzzle (Fig. 4) illustrates very favours the notion of micromovements in these
well the snug flt among the pieces (Fig. 5), pro- sutufes since, if they were absent, these sutures
vided that they stay in the same plane, i.e. resting uoulcl baue disappean"ed during euolution.
on the table. On this basis traditional anatomy
teaches that these sutures are completely The skulls of hominids, in particular among the
imrnobile. pfimates and Homo sapiens, contain a feature
characteristic of the transition to tbe erect
Nowadays this dogma is challenged by certain postut"e. In animals, e.g. the dog (Fig. 10, the
specialists, who try to explain a whole host of skull outlined in blue and the face in red), four-
diseases in terms of sutural motion. On a closer fbotedness ensufes that the cerwical spine is neatly
look it becomes obvious that movements among horizontal and the foramen magnlrm lies infero-
the pieces of the ptzzle can only occur outsicle caudally. Conversely, during evolution, bipedal-
tlce plane (Fig. 6) The cross-section (Fig. 7) shows ism (Fig. lf ) led to an antero-inferior shift of
cleady that any sliding movement is possible only the forarnen magnum in Homo sapiens, i.e. to
at right angles to the plane. a position belou tbe cranium.

As shown in Figure 1 on page 279, most of these

sutlrres are not perpendiculat to the plane but
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The cranium and the face
The skull (Figs 12 and 13) comprises within a species can reject noxious or toxic substances'
single structure the cranium (blue line) contain- Mastication carried out by the mandible allows
ing the brain, our central computer (where the mouth to crush and grind food and mix it
reside our personality and our individuality), and with saliva to make it more digestible.
the face (red line), containing the main sensory
organs (i.e. for sight, taste, smell and hearing), The nose controls,f.lters and u,arn't's up inspired
which provide information about the environ- ait": its role in filtration is essential. Because of the
ment. The proximiry of these sensofs to the brain, placement of the portals of entry and the anterior
which handles the data, sbortens the time of locatictn of tbe lungs and the posterior location
information transfer.It is another example of the of tbe digestiue tract, the upper airways cross
principle of parsimony (Occam's tazot), which the upper digestive tract at the levels of the
states that maximal efflciency is achieved with the pharynx and of the larynx. The larynx pro-
use of a minimum of Parts. vicles an extremely precise mechanism of closure
for the glottis and the epiglottis and acts as a
The mobility of the head, provided by the cervi- protective valve that prevents the introduction
cal spine, allows the sensory ofgans to be of even the smallest amount of solid or liquid
oriented in space and improves their efflciency, material into the airways. In humans the larynx
as does their elevated position secondary to (see p. 182 for an account of its physiology) also
bipedalism. Inside the cranium the cerebellum plays a vital role in phonation by modulating
is an essential link in the coordination and the sounds that are then articulated by the mouth and
flne-tuning of messages coming from the cere- the tongue. Thus human beings enjoy a commu-
bnrm. The cerebrummakes tbe clecisions and the nication system using sound, i.e. language, which
cerebellum allotus tbem to be carried out. allows the sharing of information, commands and
The head also contains two portals of entry
(Fig. 14): the mouth for food and the nose for The head is therefore a remarkable and wonderful
air. example of functional integration. It also contains
ioints (i.e. the temporomandibular joints) and
The mouth is rightly placed below the nose, muscles of an unusual type. These muscles of
which can flrst monitor the smell of food before facial expression provide a second quasi-
it is ingested. Food is then monitored by the taste international system of communication sup-
buds, which determine its chemical natufe plementing the oral form.
through intuition or collective memory of the
The visual field and localization of sounds
The head lies on top of the spine, and its rotation of the ears, which ate separated by tbe cranium.
has a range of close to L80", thus greatly improv- A sound source lying outside the plane of sym-
ing the efficiency of vision and hearing. This rota- metry Gig. 16) is not perceived in the same way
tion allows the head with its sensors to move in by both ears:
the direction of the source of the stimulus uithout . The ear on the side opposite to the source (S)
ha.uing to moue the body, which is not the case perceives a sound sliglctly attenuated by the
with animals without necks, like flsh. presence of the face, which is an obstacle to
be bypassed.
The visual fiefd . This same ear therefore perceives a sotnd out
of pbase with that perceived by the other ear.
In the neutral position (Fig. 15, A) the visual field The path taken by the sound is slightly
has a range of close to 160" (a). The visual fields
longer; hence the pbase difference (d).
of the eyes overlap in front of the head and provide
a sector of stereoscopic vision for the hands to When the head is instinctively tumed towards the
work. If the head turns (tI) to the right (r) or to side where the sound is louder (Fig. 17), the
the left (l), the entire visual field (T) is significantly intensity of the souncl becomes tlce same and tbe
increased to 27O", with only a blind sector of pbase difference d,isappears. At this point
90' (P) posteriorly. Some animals with very long the sound source (S) lies exactly in the plane of
necks like the giraffe can survey the entire fleld symmetry of the head, and the eyes can tele-
of 36O" simply by rotating their necks. metrically (see p. 310) measure the distance to
the source , if it can be identified at all. It is inter-
Sound loca!ization esting that this process of sound localization
works as well at the back as in front of the
The localization of the source of a sound (Figs head, a tremendous advantage for the localization
16 and 17) is the result of the lateral placement of an unexpected threat!
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The facial muscles
The facial muscles are very special and different . Above the eyebrows lies the frontalis (1),
from the other muscles of the locomotor system, which moves the scalp/ortuards.It forms a
which interlink bones, the facial muscles clo not digastric muscle with the occipitalis (1') by
]noue any bones. They are inserted into one of sharing a common tendon inserted into the
the cranial bones only on one side, and even then epicranial aponeuroszs, which supports the
some of tbem baue no direct attacbments to the scalp. The occipitalis moves the scalp
bones. In fact, they are inserted into the deep backtuards.
surface of the dermis and move the skin. Their
function has received special attention from Duch- Around the nostrils
enne de Boulogne. Their flrst and main function
is to control the facial orifices by closing or In addition to small dilator muscles (not shown
opening them, particulady the eyes and the here) there are the nasalis (6), which wrinkles
mouth, and to a lesser degree the nose; the exter- the nose, and the levator labii superioris
nal acoustic meatus is not involved at all. alaeque naris (7).

Their second function is to change facial Around the mouth

expression in order to externalize and expfess
feelings. They do so in accordance with a uni- The orbicularis oris (f 2) is also a sphincter with
versal language, which is understood all over no bony attachments. It closes the mouth.
the wodd and supplements the spoken worcl.
This facial language is almost always accompanied All the other muscles open the mouth as
by a universal set of expressive gestures, follows:
mostly with the hands.
. by elevating the upper lip like the levator
These muscles can be described in detail around
anguli oris (8), which contracts to reveal the
canine tooth
the ot'ifi.ces tbey cc,tntrol, i.e. the eyes, the nose
and the mouth (Figs 18 and 19).
. by pulling it upwards and outwards, i.e.
the zygomaticus minor (9) and the
zygonaticus major (10)
Around the eyes
. by pulling the labial commissures outwatds,
The orbicularis oculi has an orbital part (2) and i.e. the buccinator (77) and the risorius
a palpebral part (3). Contraction of this splcinc- (13), which is inserted into the masseter
teric muscle closes the eyelids. Thus, closing the (11), one of the muscles of mastication like
eyes is an active pfocess: even during sleep the the temporalis (18). They attenuate the lips,
orbicularis maintains enough tonic activity to allowing them to uibrate in the mouthpiece
keep the eyes closed. This tonic activity is lost of the trumpet, which was called buccina
with death: one needs to close the eyes of a dead in post-classical Latin; hence the word
person. In everyday life, the rapid and automatic buccinator (trumpeter in Latin) for the
and unconscious closure of the eyelids, i.e. blink- muscle
ing, is very important in keeping the eyeballs . by depressing the corner of the mouth, i.e '
moist with tears. the depressor anguli oris (14), which is the
. Opening the eyes is also an active process muscle used to show contempt
carried out by the levator palpebrae . by depressing the lower lip, i.e. the
superioris, which lies within the orbit (see depressor labii inferioris (15) involved in
Fig. 52, p.307). kissing
. Between the eyes and at the root of the nose . as for the mentalis (16), it puckers the skin
there are two muscles, the procerus (4) and over the chin, the lirst stage of sorrow before
the cornrgator supercilii (5), which allow the tears.
one to frown and bring the eyebrows closer
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The movements of the lips
Lips are crucial in all stages of feeding, i.e. open- . The zygornaticus maior (Fig. 20) elevates
ing the mouth, taking hold of the food with the and pulls superolaterally the corners of the
lips and then closing the mouth during chewing. mouth, producing a smile with the mouth
lW-hen one gets ready to drink, the lips move closed.
for-ward towards the glass. No animals, except . The buccinator (Fig. 21),lying deep, and the
monkeys, can perform this gesture, and this is risorius, lying superficial, are very strong in
why the higher mammals drink with the tongue pulling outwards the corners of the mouth,
by lapping up the liquid. thus thinning down the lips and allowing
them to uibrate during blowing. This is how
The mouth plays an important part in facial one plays any instrument with a mouthpiece,
expression, e.g. in joy; contentment, contempt, like the trumpet, the hom or the trombone.
hatred, disgust, doubt and refusal. All these feel-
ings and many more are flrst expressed by the
A smile (Fig,. 22) is the result of opening the
mouth halfway, as the zygornatic muscles and
shape of the mouth.
the risorius pull its corners upwards and out-
wards and the depressor labii inferioris and
The mouth also takes part in certain expressions
the mentalis depress the lower lip.
of emotion, as in a kiss or during singing.
Finally (Fig. 23), contraction of the depressor
Rounding the mouth allows the emission of sounds
anguli oris pulls down the corners of the mouth
like whistling. The inability to whistle is a test
to expfess contempt.
for facial paralysis.
These movements are controlled by the following
IJoA\ \.pUxlJtuEl <j l uo pJsEq sSulaElc
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Lip movements (continued)
'illhen the mouth is half open as for a smile (Fig. In the position for pronouncing the French U the
24), opening it wide or almost closing it allows month is maximally closed and rounded, and the
the pronunciation of the vowels A and I respec- muscles that close and widen it are then fully
tively. Sayrng 'cheese' at the time of being photo- contracted.
graphed ensures that the mouth is in the smile
position. In Figure 25 the left eye is shut by contraction of
tlre palpebralpart of the orbicularis oculi, and one
On the other hand, a greater degree of contrac- can imagine that the subject is winking while
tion of the orbicularis oris (Fig. 25) rounds up whistling.
and closes the mouth to allow E or O or even IJ
to be voiced.
{-ro^\ s putsJJuru-J d f uo paspq s3ur,\xJ
IJOr\ S.prrP.rJttrr]'I d 1'uo pJslr(l sSur-\\r-r0
Facial expressions
Here are a few facial expressions chosen from the . Around the eyes
commonest; they will allow readers to test their - no contraction of the orbicularis oculi
recently acquired knowledge of the subject. For - raising of the eyebrows by contraction of
each expression readers can train themselves to the frontalis.
clescribe the various movements involved. The
answers are included in each section.
The smile (Fig. 29)
Disgust (Fig, 26) . Around the mouth
. Around the mouth - elevation of the corners of the mouth by
the zygomaticus major, the zygomaticus
- lowering of the corners of the mouth by minor and the risorius
contraction of the depressor anguli oris
- puckering of the chin by contraction of the - cuding of the lower lip by contraction of
the depressor labii inferioris
. Around the eyes
- relaxation of the orbicularis oris.
. Around the eyes
- panial closure of the eyes by contraction of
the orbicularis oculi - contraction of the orbital and palpebral
parts of the orbicularis oculi
- frowning by contraction of the coffugator
supercilii. - elevation of both alae nasi bY the
contraction of the levatores labii superioris
Weeping (Fig.27) alaeque nasi.
. Around the mouth
Anger (Fig. 30)
- lowering of the corners of the mouth by .
contfaction of the depressor anguli oris Around the mouth
- slight contraction of the orbicularis oris - curling of the upper and lower lips by
contraction of the levator anguli oris and of
- puckering of the chin by contraction of the the depressor anguli oris, respectively
mentalis, but to a lesser degree than during
the expression of disgust. - elevation of each nostril by contraction of
. the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi.
Around the eyes
. On the nose
- no contraction of the orbicularis oculi
- frowning by contraction of the corrugator - contfaction of the nasalis, procerus and
coffugator suPercilii.
. Around the eyes
Fatigue (Fig. 28) - contraction of the orbital part of the
. orbicularis oculi
Around the mouth
- lowering of the cornefs of the mouth by - elevation of the upper eyelid by contraction
of the levator palpebrae superioris
contraction of the depressor anguli oris
- puckering of the chin by the mentalis but - elevation of the eyebrows by contraction of
the frontalis.
to a lesser degree than during the
expression of disgust
- relaxation of the palpebral part of the
orbicularis oris.
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The temporomandibular ioints
The temporomandibular joints receive little atten- . The simplest movement takes place
tion, but they are of vital irnportance, since vertically and includes:
uitltout tbem eating is impossible. They allow - jaw opening (O), which allows food to be
movements of the mandible, which articulates introduced between the two alveolar ridges
with the base of the cranium (Fig. 31) by two - iaw closing (C), which allows the food to
ellipsoid ioints @lack arrow) sited just in front be held and cheued,.
of and below the external acoustic meatus A. . A side-to-side movement (S) to the right or
These mechanically linked joints cannot func-
to the left, which allows the surfaces of the
tion one without the other and are essential for
inferior and superior molars to slide on one
another like a rnillstone for the purpose of
cruncbing and. crusbing food.
The body of the mandible (1) is shaped like a
transversely flattened borseslcoe, and its superior
. A longitudinal anteroposterior
border (2) bears the inferior alveolar process movement, i.e. protrusion (P) and
(3). Its posterior border is continuous with two retraction (R), which can be combined with
ascending rarni (4), which terminate each in a side-to-side movements to produce a circular
condyle (5) supported by a narrow neck (6). grinding movement between the molars.
Anterior to the condyle, the ramus terminates in All these movements have mobile axes and arc
the transversely flattened coronoid pfocess typical of movements taking place around instan-
(7). taneous and changing axes, as is the rule in
Movements of the mandible are complex and are
shown diagrammatically by six arrows:
[ a*n6!*
The structure of the temporomandibular
The temporomandibular ioint (Fig. 32) con- condylar process by gliding inside the joint
sists of two articular surfaces: a superior surface cavity. It is shown here in tlvo positions, i.e.
attached to the inferior surface of the basicranium with the mouth closed (5) and with the
and an inferior surface located on top of the mouth open (6). It is held in check by the
mandibular ramus. upper lamina (7), which is a restraining
ligament running from the tympanic patt of
. The superior articflat surface is the the temporal bone to its posterior border.
mandibular or glenoid fossa concave in
V/hen this ligament is stretched (8), the disc
both directions but particulady anteriody. It is pulled back during mouth closure. The
lies inferior to the external acoustic meatus lateral pterygoid (9) is inserted into the
(A), whose inferior wall is formed by the
neck of the condylaf process and also by an
tympanic part of the temporal bone (1). expansion (10) into the anterior border of the
This fossa is continuous anteriody with the disc, which pulls the disc forwards during
posterior surface (2) of the transvefse foot mouth closure.
of the anteroposteriody convex zygomatic
process (3), which gives rise to the articwlar
. The anterior pan of the articular capsule is
attached to the disc (11), while its posterior
tubercle. The bottom of this fossa is
pan (12) connects the tympanic part of the
traversed from side to side bY the
petrotympanic or Glaserian fossa (4), temporal bone directly to the neck of the
tying betueen tbe tympanic part (T) of tbe condylar process.
temporal bone PosteriorlY and tbe Simplistically one could imagine the convex con-
zygomatic process anterioily. The anterior clylar process rotating in the mandibular fossa
part (the preglaserian part) (2) of the around an axis located in the centre of the fossa,
mandibular fossa is articrrlat and lined by but the reality is quite different.
cartrlage; its posterior Part (the . During mouth opening (Fig. 33) the
retroglaserian part) is non-articular. On the
condylar pfocess moves anteriody on the
other hand, the cartilage lining the anterior
posterior surface of the articular tubercle
paft extends over the surface of the articular
without overshooting its crest Glack arrow).
tubercle, which is also articular. Thus this
articular surface is concave posteriody and
. A lateral view (Fig. 34) of the movement of
convex anteriody. mouth opening shows that its mobile axis O
. lies somewhere below the joint at the level of
The inferior articwlat surface is a cartilage-
the mandibular lingula visible on the inner
coated ovoid surface splayed out transversely,
surface of the famus.
i.e. the condylar process supported by the
neck of the mandible (N). The process is The very unusual functional anatomy of the joint
shown here in two positions: 1) when the explains why it is dfficult to reduce temporo-
mouth is closed (C), it lies within the glenoid manctibular clislocations when the condylar
fossa; 2) when the mouth is open (O), it process has overstepped the crest of the
rests on the most prominent part of the articular tubercle. It can only be brought back
articular tubercle. by strongly pulling down the posterior part
. of the mandible so that its condylar process can
The articular disc is located betuueen tbe
then be pushed back into position; this is achieved
ttuo articular surfaces.It is a supple and
flexible Lriconcave fibrocartilaginous
by placing both thumbs on the patient's most
posterior inferior molars and applying pressure
structure, which is mobile relatiue to tbe tuo
downwards @lue arrow).
surfaces and follows the movements of the
rg ain6ld
The movements of the temporomandibular
In joints with such complex movements the axes put in the mandibular fossa and acts as a pivot
can only be defined by analysing the elementary while the other slides anteriorly on the
movements. This joint has five types of movement anterior surface of the glenoid fossa
taking place around the following axes (Fig. 35): . an oblique axis (u) located in either joint for
. a horizontal axis (xx) for movements
eccentric jaw opening, i.e. jaw opening
involved in opening and closing the mouth combined with lateral movement (Fig. 40).
(Fig. 36) occurring between xx' and 112'; it is This combined movement is the most difficult
not the condyle but the entire mandible that to perform, since it combines opening of the
slides anteriody mouth and a vertical rotation. Excessive
opening of the mouth as during yawning can
. the plane for anteroposterior translation of drag the two condylar processes beyond the
the mandible, i.e. protrusion and retraction edge of the articular tubercle. The condyles
(Fig. 37), whose axis (as we have akeady
become stuck and the dislocation becomes
seen, p. 295) lies very fat down at the level of
pemanent and irreducible, requiring an
the mandibular lingula operative intelvention for reduction.
. an axis for side-to-side sliding movements
when the entire mandible moves (Fig. 38) All these movements can be combined with tan-
gential shearing movements, which are needed to
. an axis for vertical rotation (v) occurring in
cmsh very hard pieces of food.
either joint during lateral movements (Fig.
39); one of the two condylar processes stays
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Muscles of iaw closure
There are three muscles controlling jaw closure, upuards. The fact that some acrobats can remain
with two of them visible onalateralview of the suspendecl by their iaws attests to the power of
skull (Fig. 41): these muscles.
. the temporalis (1), which is a wide, flat, Figure 43 is a posterior view of the mandible,
powerful muscle arising fanwise from the which is slightly asymmetrical ar:'d tilted to the
entire surface of the temporal fossa above the right to display the posterior surface of the man-
zygomatic process; its tendon passes deep to dible, the pterygoid plate (5) and the zygomatic
thle zygomatic process before its insertion into arch (6) with these three muscles:
the coronoid process of the mandible
. . the temPoralis (1) running upwards between
the masseter (2) arising from the inferior
the coronoid process and the temporal fossa
border of the zygomatic arch and inserted
into the lateral surface of the angle of the . the masseter (2) lyinglatenlly and arising
mandible above from the zygomatic process (6)
. the medial pterygoid (3), which arises from . the medial pterygoid (3) lying medially and
the concave medial surface of the pterygoid arising from the pterygoid process (5); it acts
process (5) and is directed obliquely as a muscular'hammock' to elevate the angle
inferiorly and medially to be inserted into the of the mandible.
med,iat surface of the angle of the mandible' Also visible is the lateral pterygoid (4) running
As a result, this third muscle is visible only transversely from the latetal surface of the ptery-
after one half of the opposite mandible has goid process (5) to the neck of the mandibular
been resected. This lateral view of the skull condyle . This muscle does not elevate the mandi-
(FiS. 42) shous the medial surface of the ble but participates in iaw opening (see p. 302).
rigbt ma.ndible.
These two figures show cleady that these three
muscles strongly pult tbe angle of tbe mandible
It dlttut4
The muscles involved in iaw opening
These muscles afe mofe numerous and less pow- . the stylohyoid (6) running from the styloid.
erful than those for jaw closing. It is wotth noting process (s) to the hyoid bone
at the outset that gravity favours jaw opening. as . the digastric muscle, whose posterior belly
happens during sleep or after loss of conscious- (7) arises from the mastoid process (m) and
ness. All but one of tbe muscles are located belou runs inferomedially to end in the intermediate
tbe mandible.The hyoid bone and the thyroid tendon, which passes through its fibrous
cartrTage act as relay stations between the man- loop (8) attached to the lesser horn of the
dible and the superior thoracic inlet, which is hyoid bone; its anterior belly (9) changes
formed by the first ribs on both sides and the direction and runs superomedially to be
manubrium sterni in the middle. attached to the inner surface of the mandible
near the symphysis menti. The anterior belly
These muscles fall into two gfoups: the supra- of the left digastric (9') is also visible in the
hyoid and the infrahyoid muscles (Fie. 44). diagram.
The hyoid bone is attached to the mandible by
The infrahyoid muscles connect the thyro-
two other muscles:
hyoid complex to the sboulder girdle and, tbe
sternum. At the inferior border of the hyoid bone . The geniohyoid (10) arises from the genial
(h) they are the following mediolaterally: tubercle on the inner surface of the mandible
. and is inserled into the hyoid bone.
The thyrohyoid (1) runs vertically from the
hyoid bone to be inserted into the oblique . The mylohyoid (11) is a wide, flat, triangular
line of the thyroid cartilage (t), and it is muscle with the shape of a half paper cone; it
continuous inferiody with the sternothyroid arises from the inner surface of the mandible
(2) running from the margin of the oblique to be inserted into the hyoid bone. The two
line of the thyroid to the manubrium. mylohyoids form the floor of the mouth.
. The sternohyoid (3) extends from its All these suprahyoid muscles lower the mandi-
manubrial origin lateral to the sternothyroid ble when they act frorn the hyoid bone, which
and from the medial extremity of the clavicle is kept fixed by tbe infrabyoid muscles. We have
to its insertion into the hyoid bone. already seen that the suprahyoids are remote
. The omohyoid is a thin digastric muscle flexors of the cervical spine when they act in
arising from the superior border of the concert with the muscles of mastication.
scapula. Its inferior belly (4) is directed
superiorly, medially and laterally to end in the The last muscle concerned with jaw opening is
intermediate tendon at the level of the the lateral pterygoid, visible on a medial view
supraclavicular fossa. From this point onwards of the mandible below the basicranium @ig.
its superior belly (J) changes direction to 45). Its fleshy fibres (12) arise from the external
ascend almost vertically before being inserted surface of the pterygoid process (a) and are
into the inferior border of the hyoid, lateral to inserted into the anterior aspect of the neck of the
the flrst three muscles. condylar process (c). It pulls the cond,ylar neck
anteriorly, and in so doing it" tilts tbe mandible
AII these infrahyoid muscles lower the hyoid around its centre of rotation O, causing the mouth
bone and the thyroid cartrlage and resist the to open. Without this action the condylar process
action of the suprahyoid muscles. tuould remain jammed in the mandibularfossa.
It pulls the artistlar disc anteriody (see
The suprahyoid muscles constitute the upper Fig. 32, p. 297) Thus the lateral pterygoid plays
storey of muscles involved in jaw opening. an essential role in jaw opening.

The hyoid bone is attached posteriorly to the basi-

cranium by the following muscles:
*s a.iils!::!
The role of muscles in mandibular
It is now possible to relate movements of the Gig. 4D is produced by the simultaneous
mandible to the actions of specilic muscles. contraction of the ipsilateral masseter and
tl:;e c o ntr alat e r a I latet al pterygoid.
. Protrusion (Fig. 46D, i.e. forward movement
of the mandible, is produced by the
. Lowering of the mandible and jaw opening
(Fig. 50) are brought about by the
simultaneous contraction of the two lateral
pterygoids. simultaneous contraction of the supra- and
. infrahyoid muscles and of the lateral
Lateral translation without pericondylar pterygoids.
rotation (Big. 47, black arrows) is produced
by contraction of the contralatetallatetal
. Finally, iaw closure (Fig. 51) and occlusion
pterygoid and of the ipsilateral masseter of the teeth afe produced by simultaneous
(not shown in the diagram). bilateral contraction of the muscles of
mastication, i.e. the temporals, the
. Side-to-side movement without lateral
masseters and the medial pterygoids.
translation or pericondylar rotation (Fig.
48) is produced by the ipsilateral masseter During mastication in real life all these elementary
and the contralateral ntedial pterygoid. muscle actions are combined in various propor-
. Side-to-side movement around an oblique tions and stfengths, which change during the
axis at one of the temporomandibular joints performance of the movement.
&g armsld
S& erntif:{
The eyeball: a perfect enarthrosis
Orthopaedic surgeons and physiotherapists do sal joint withttuo axes (one ver-tical and the
not realize that the eyeball is an enarthrosis, a other horizontal) and ttto degrees of freedom.
spberoidal joint like tbe bip or tbe slcoulder. It . The process is more complicated when the
is indeed a perfect enarthrosis (Fig. 52: section gaze is oblique (Fig. 54) either upwards or
of the orbit) with a spherical globe formed by the downwards. Then a tbird. pair of muscles is
pliable but resistant sclera (1), which is flanked recruited, i.e. the two rotator muscles
externally by the fascial sbeatb of tbe eyeball (2) acting in symmetrically opposite fashion
(Tenon's capsule). The interuening episcleral around the polar anteroposterior axis (p),
space or Tenon's space (l) forms a gliding surface, ofthogonal to both the vertical (v) and the
which is spherical, flexible and permanently horizontal (h) axes, as follows:
adaptable and accommodates more than 5O% of
the globe - more than usual in enar-throses. The
- The inferior oblique (io) is the simpler of
the two. It is attached to the lateral surface
fascial sheath of the eyeball is tltick around tbe
of the eyeball, skirts round its equator
equator (2) and becomes progressively tbinner
ancl more flexible (4) towards the poles, particu- from belout and then runs medially to gain
attachment to the inferomedial angle of the
larly the posterior pole (5), which is pierced by
orbit. The left inferior oblique turns the
the optic nerve (6).
eyeball clockwise; the right inferior
oblique turns it anticlockwise. They are
This spherical structure is surrounded by the thus perfect antagonisls and never contract
semi-fluid orbital .fat pacl (7) and is attached to
the walls of the orbit by the clceck ligaments (8)
of the eyeball arising from the sheaths (9) of the - The superior oblique is a more complex
ocular muscles, i.e. the superior fectus (10), the muscle. It is a digastric muscle with its
inferior rectus (11), the inferior oblique (12, intermed.iate tendon being reflected in a
seen in cross-section) and the levator palpebtae fi.brous pulley attached to the superomedial
(13). (The other ocular muscles are not visible in angle of the orbit. Its first belly follows the
this diagram.) It is the best elastic suspension same path as the inferior oblique but in the
system in the borty .It is perfectly protected inside opposite direction; from its attachment to
the bonywall of the orbit (14) by the anteriody the lateral surface of the eyeball it skirts
located lids (15), and it is covered by the conjunc- around its equator from aboue and is
tiva, which is reflected on the eyeball to form the directed medially to reach its pulley. From
conjunctival fornix (16). there the second belly cbanges direction to
gain attachment to the roof of the orbit
This enarthrosis is so perfect that it could be along with the rectus muscles. The lefit
taken as tbe paragon for enarthroses. It com- superior oblique (lso) turns the eyeball
prises three muscle pairs, one for each d,egree anticlockttise and the right superior
of freedom. oblique (rso) turns it clocktuise. They are
thus perfect antagonisls and never contract
. The two pairs of rectus muscles (Fig. 53) are sirnultaneously. On the other hand, they
responsible for horizontal and vertical eye enjoy a crossed synergy with the inferior
movements, as follows: obliques, i.e. the right superior oblique is
- upuard: suPerior rectus (sr) synergistic with the left inferior oblique and
- dotanuard: inferiof rectus (ir) vice versa. Likewise, they are ipsilateral
sid,e-to-side: lateral rectus (lr) for the same
antagonists, i.e. the rigbt superior oblique
- antagonizes tbe rigbt inferior oblique and
direction as the gaze; tnedial rectus (mr)
for the opposite side. similarly on the left.

For ahorizontal or vertical gaze the spheroidal

joint of the eyeball simply behaves like a univer-
c,5 srrrs!l
vl 6 lt I ZIZB E
The ocular muscles in horizontal and
vertical eye movements
Horizontal and vertical movements of the eye- For vertical glances (Fig. 56) the superior and
balls are easy to explain by simply looking at the inferior rectus muscles contfact:
actions of the recti: . for the upward glance both superior recti
rotate the eyeball on its horizontal axis (h)
For horizontal side-to-side glances (Fig. 55) .
the medial and latenl recti contract as
for the downward glance the converse is
tr-ue, with contraction of both inferior recti.
. for glance to the right the right lateral
During these two types of movement the spher-
oidal joint of the eyeball behaves mechanically
rectus and the left medial rectus contract at
the same time to rotate the eyeball on its
like a universal joint, i.e. like a joint with ttuo
vertical axis (v) axes and truo degrees of freeclom. The third
degree of freedom, i.e. rotation of the eyeball on
. fot a glance to the left the converse is true, its polar axis (e) is not utilized, and it is not
with simultaneous contfaction of the left shown.
latenl rectus and right medial rectus.
The ocular muscles in eye convergence
Stereovision (Fig. 57) requires convergence of tension between the two medial recti (mr)
the eyes so that the images received by both eyes until the near point (punctum proximum
are as identical as possible. The nearest point of [PP]) is reached, when convergence is lost. Thus,
convefgence for both eyes is called the punctum within this range, the difference between the hao
proxirnum (PP). images progt'essiuely greater as tbe
object gets closer, and this produces the sensa-
A very distant obiect on the horizon or in the tion of depth in the cerebral cortex.
ska lies beyond the far point or punctum
remotum (PR), which represents the limit for The extremely rapid computation of the instan-
convergence of the eyes. At this point there is no taneous distance of a moving obiect, which
parallax and the images in botb eyes are identi- therefore represents a threat, is carried out in the
cal; tbe sense of deptb disappears and distance brainstem. Let us imagine this process in action
cAn no longer be estimated uith any precision. in tennis players who see the ball coming their
Telemetry (the intuitive measurement of dis- way at great speed and must estimate its speed
tance) therefore depends critically on the degree and predict its trajectory. This is a tribute to our
of convergence of the visual axes of both eyes. marvellous computer but it also explains why
tennis players do not last long in their careers: a
almost parallel, i.e.
For the far point the rays are tennis player must not only imagine the traiectory
tuitbout any parallax. But, if for instance the of the ball but also in a ftactiol of a second
base B (i.e. the interpupillary distance) is determine how to move the arm holding the
doubled, the far point will recede by a factor of racquet and choose a body orientation so as to
two compared with the normal base. Gunmers, intercept the ball and send it back in a direction
particulady in the nauy, used this telemetric unforeseen by the opponent. Once again, what a
principle to evaluate the distance of their target, marvellous performance !
and the width of the gun turfet serwed as a base.
This method is now out of date with the use of In the normal subject, the convergence of the
radat but the principle is still valid. axes of both eyes is controlledperfectly and auto-
matically by the nervolls system and the contrac-
Likewise, stereovision is only possible if both tion of the ocular muscles, in particular the medial
eyes face forwards, which is not the case with and lateral recti. Failure of this mechanism of
most birds, except the birds of prey (like the control leads to strabismus, which is of the inter-
eagle), which can thus locate their prey with great nal type when the axes are too conyergent and of
precision. One can conclude that predators need extemal type when the axes are divergent. This
to baue eyes tlcat face fonuardsl disorder can have a neurological or a muscular
cause, e.g. when the recti are either too short or
V/hat happens within the range of the far too long, as is the case in congenital strabismus,
point? Distance depends on the angle of conver- which can be corrected by surgery on one of the
gence (p) and is estimated as the difference in lateral recti.
;g arm6!s
l1 i
I' t1
f---\ ddo tr-i
lo\ td
The mechanical problem of
the oblique glance
Horizontal and vertical eye movements are easily At this point a corrective counter-rotation occurs
understood, but understanding eye movements (Fig. 611, as is possible in a joint with three
during oblique glances poses a problem, which degrees of freedom, i.e. an enarthrosis. This
can be solved by reverting to the notion of the reflex rotation is produced in this case by con-
universal joint discussed in Volume 1 in relation traction of tlce muscle tlcat surround.s tbe eyeball
to the shoulder (Codman's paradox, p. 18) and from aboue, i.e. tlrre inferior oblique (io), which
tl.le trapezometacarpal joint (rotation into prona- brings back the meridian m to the horizontal posi-
tion of the pillar of the thumb, p. 265). tion so that the br.trizon Loill appear borizontal
in tbe image prouided by tlcis eye.In the model
In the position of rest (Fig. 58), i.e. the eyes (Fig. 65) a third corrective rotation takes place as
looking straight ahead towards the horizon, the line k moves to position k', i.e. back into the hori-
horizontal meridian m of the eyeball is parallel to zontal plane. This corrective conjunct rotation is
the horizon It is represented by the line k in the produced by contraction of the superior oblique
mod,el of tbe uniuersal joint (Fig. 59). (so) and the inferior oblique (io); it is entirely
reflex ancl of central origin and is the result of
'ilihen the eyes are lowered (Fig. 60), the merid- an extremely precise mechanism. The efferent
ian m stays parctllel to the line representing the messages are carried by the oculomotor nefve
horizontal (k) in the model, which performs the (the third cranial nerve) to the inferior oblique
same movement around the axis h (Fig. 61). (io) and by the trochlear nerve (the fourth ctanial
nerve) to the superior oblique (so).
If the eyes, already lowered, are moved to the
right G'ig. 62), the meridian m is no longer hori- This is the same mecbanism that corrects the
zontal and is now tilted, obliquely d'ountaarcl.s pseudoparadox of Codman at the shoulder
and. to tbe left. This change is illustrated by the (see Volume l, P. 19). Likewise, it is the conjunct
model of the universal joint (Fig. 63), where the rotation in the trapezometacarpal joint (a uni-
mobile segment rotates on both axes and under- versal joint) that rotates the thumb into
goes an automatic rotation or conjunct tota- pronation during opposition (see Volume 1,
tion (MacConnail) on its long axis, in accordance p.303).
with the mechanical properties of a universal
joint. As a result, t}ee horizon is no longer
&g ain6lc
The oblique glance: the role of the oblique
muscles and of the trochlear nerve
The importance of the third degree of freedom The usefulness of these two small muscles is now
in the control of the movements of the ocular obvious, although it tends to escape the notice of
muscles is now apparent, making it possible to a novice in anatomy. They coffect automatically
describe these movements during oblique the conjunct rotation produced by the oblique
glances. glance.

-When the glance is oblique upwards (Fig. 66;, The marvellous aspect of this mechanism lies
expressing fear, consternation or despair (as in the fact that tuo d.ifferent muscles inneruated
does the 'tearftil sister', wlr'o looks upuards and by ttuo different nerues act simultaneously and
to the rigbt in the painting Tbe Prod.igal Son by in perfect barmony in order to corfect precisely
J-B Greuze, Louvre Museum), the horizontal planes an unwanted rotational component and thus re-
tilt dor.untuards and to the right (Fig. 6Z). ttris establish the coincidence of horizontal and
obliquely directed component (o) is corrected by vertical planes. Without this correction the two
contraction of the superior oblique on the slightly different images could not be interpreted
right side (so) and the inferior oblique on the in stereovision.
lefit side (io). The coordinated and simultaneous
contraction of these muscles brings back the The trochleaf nerve, the.fourtlc cranial nerl)e,
meridian r to coincide with the horizontal plane was formerly known as the p at h e ti c n e ru e because
for the image provided by each eye. of its role in expressing the pathetic look. It is
purely motor and inneruates a single muscle, tl:re
\7hen the glance is oblique downwards and superior oblique. Patients suffering from a trans-
to the left (Fig. 68), expressing disdain or irony ient virally induced paralysis of this nerve are
(as in the painting Tbe Bohemicr.n by F. Hals, aware that they cannot bring into line both hori-
Louvre Museum), the horizontal planes tilt down- zontal planes, a major impediment in driving. The
wards and to the left (Fig. 69), and the image is inferior oblique is innervated by the oculo-
righted by contraction of the left superior oblique motof nefve (the tbircl cranial nerue), which
(so) and of the right inferior oblique (io). This innerwates all the ocular muscles except the
coordinated and simultaneous contraction of latetal rectus, which is innerwated by a single
these two muscles brings back the meridian r to nerve, the abducens nefve (tbe sixtb cranial
coincide with the horizontal plane for the image nerue).
provided by each eye.

9t0 (
o \
9:t drfiulj
board along the dashed folding lines and on
This moclel is the exact functional equivalent
of the mechanical model described on pages thc back along the clot-dash folding lines so that
224-231of this volume. With some attention ancl you can bentl the first t)'pe of folcl backwards and
patience you can builcl it stafting from the struc-
tures included in Plate 1. To avoid damaging this
book you should use a photocopy of the whole
the second tlpe for-warcls. To make this easicr,
draw the folding lincs on the back of the card-
board. You can mark the ends of these lines by
page, preferably enlarged by 50% to make the task piercing throtrgh the cardboard with the point of
I easier. Then use a sheet of carbon paper (which a compass. Fol piece C, representing the cervical
,lu may be difficult to find since the disappearance of spine, make the obliclue cuts along the clashed
:(, typewriters) in order to transfer carefully the dia- lines on both sides of the cardboard to allow
II grams onto the carclboard. Avoid using Bristol bencling on both sides. To avoid weakening the
boarcl, which is too flimsy, and select a sheet of cardboard you should make the cut on the back
L cardboard that is at least 0.3-0.5 mm thick, e.g' about 1 mm above the ctlt on the front.
o photographic paper usecl for colour printers' This

o carclboarcl must be rigid enough for you to be able

to assemble and use the moclel. If you cannot lind
You must pierce the holes without fail before
assembly, since b1'making them after assembly
carbon paper, use a 38 lead pencil to blacken the ,l.ou are likely to weaken the model. If you do not

o back of the photocopy of the plate. This is equiva- have a punch, -vou mllst try to make the holes as
lent to a carbon paper, and yot-t need only go over neat as possible in orcler to allow easy passage of
rf the clrawings to reproduce them on the cardboard the elastic bancls later. The holes in two corre-
ts underneath. sponcling pieces must coincide exactly.

0 The model consists of six pieces that must be Assembly

.I cut ollt:
o . the head A, with its hinges y (dot-dash line) 1. Assembly of the base

E and z (dashect line), which you mllst
remember to fold in opposite directions (see
Important: Keep thc gltrecl surfaces in place until
the-y are clry; use paper clips or electricians' croco-
later) dile clips.
E . the intermediate piece B, linking the head
to the spinal column and containing a shadecl
. with the tunnel stfap E. Plate 2 shows
I how it can be foldecl into an omega f) after
,lE afea on the front and a corresponding area on cllts are made on both sides of the cardboard
the back fbl gluing (Fie. I).
rI . the cervical spine propef C, which also . Glue its two 'paws' on to the two small
! contains a shaded area to be glued to the
intermediate piece
shaded areas on D so as to fbrm a small
tunnel fbr the flap of F (Fig. II).
,(u . the base of the model D, with its three . With a blade. cut a horizontal slit as
? shaded areas for gluing and two sets of slits marked on F.
',Q (s 1 _s3)
. Make a clrt on the front of the cardboard for
. the tunnel stfap E, with its two areas fbr
'.',o gluing in the back and two dashed lines to be
the central fold (dashecl line) ancl on the back
for the Interal tabs (dot-dash lines) in order to
foldecl in opposite directions fold F like an accorclion (Fig. II).
. the support stfap F, with at one end a . Ghre the shaded 'paur' of F on to the
= shacled tab for gluing on the front and at the
316 large shaded area of the base (Fig. III).
other an unshaded tab.
. When the picces are tightlY glued
together, threacl thc other 'paw' of F into
Cut-out procedure the bridge strap E to comPlete the
construction Of the base (Fig. I\). The base
After cutting out the pieces you must pfepare
is now set Lrp.
the folding lines (indicated by dashed lines)
while following these instructions. First use a 2. Assembly of the cervical sPine
craft knife, a scalpel or a razorblade to cut par-
tially into the cardboard to one-third of its . Fold the central flap in A twice, i.e.
depth. Make the cuts on the front of the card- backwards along z (clotted line) ancl upwards
Jsn uzJ noL uorlrsod qqr ruoJC 'rroll"loJ-rrolxeu :3ur,,tl.o1yo;
WJewlJo luaruaaorrr pcldu$oa.rels sll J JJsqo
rqr Jprrlrur daql 'uorxJg IEreteI roJ aEuFI
dlrealr 1r,,to. nod pue (sauq paqsep) sa8ulq anblyqo leglEes aqt pue uorsurlxa/uoxag .rog a8ulq p1
sll 1? eulds Is4 JeJ Ja,|d.ol aql elroru lsJrg
-uozlroq rqt 'prrrl rqt Jo uorletoJ ;oy a8ulq pr
-Il.ra,r aqt 'r'l 'saEulq aaJql dq patuasa.rda; saxe
'aurds aaJql qtl,t aulds letldlf,)oqns rql ot Surpuods
-eJJoJ IJporu aqt.lo uud raddn aql lo.rtuoc (saul
IeJr,4JJJ eqr JO Slueruf,Aoru snorJEA Jql qll,{d. ]uaru
-pradxa uer no.t 'palsnfpe aJE sJrtffIe eqt eJUO enlq peqsep pue plos) s;aua1q31t eserlJ 1 dno.rg
:Q11puu IA 'sBIC)
'eJnlJruls elognd, eql uo sdno.rE o^al olur IIEJ sJJUalqBp lltsela JsJqJ
pedu4 rre a IIr^d. sluarroduroc le4rnowrae
sll Jo arro uI"q uolldnrqp fiue pve llfrn Isrroll ',firq8p tg Eulrnras
-JurU pa1e.r8a1u1 uu sr aulds IuJI JJJ eqr t?ql ,{q pueq aq} uI uolsual eg} Io4rror uuc nod
suseru srql ')Jru)llJts JIoq^\ aql Jo sJusleq eql aJJq^\ 'asuq aql yo ulS;eru Jqt tE (gS- t S) sJosslJs
JJtle III,^& s,{e]s aql Jo Juo ur aSueqr duu ao.oq pur dq parrald Lpn"tp sl11s eql Jo arro q8no.rqt
s.{els .rzlnrsnru aql dq parpuals Jq ol spJau qJlqa t1 Surssed ,(q pua
reqlo Jqt tE pur saloq paqrund
'aurds IeJTIJJJ Jql sI alqelsrrn id.orl JZrIuaJ ol ,,{pea.rp Jqt Jo JUo Jo dot uo Jperu lou{ e ,{q pua
aruol no,{ spu"q JIls?IJ snorJBA asaql lsnfpe no,{ sy euo lE pJJnJas Jq UEJ pueq Jrls?Ia uy 'alua4ud
.lapou rql pu ssJusnolnJrlJrtr JoJ silBJ uorlurado sIqJ
Jo Jezllqels IErrlBI eql sI 1I 'S sus ur prrnras .rlls"Ie;o
sr pu? /J puE J saloq lE pJ[ou>I sf / JflsEl!{ o
sd1.r1s qll & lI
ez{I1lqets ot paarr nod tq8lerls IJpotu aqr daal o1
Jqt uo ZS sllls ur uorsuel yo aa.lSap tq8r.r aql
1" pJJnJJs sr puB p aloq le pJlloDI sl g JIISEIA . lepou or.ll 6utzlllqBls
'JSEq aql
Jo uo 'sziels JelnJsruu dq palpuals
IS stlls o,ro.1 eql ur uorsuel;o aar8ap lq31.r aqr sr qrrqrr 'aulds IeJIArer eql Jo ,bg1qe1su;
13 pJJnJas sr pu? J JIoq le pJtlou>I sI E lllsEla .
leJrrferr aqt .{yna;rad sltaga.r Irpou aql
:SIXE IEJIilJ Jo llqrqutsul sIqJ 'eprs euo ot puaq ot puel
sll Suole tq81eJts aurds 1zrr,l-reJ eqt daa>1 daqr ilr.^e tI 'aIqrIId a-roru (sauq parrop) ) q sploJ
lsapsnur arral"Js eql o] Surpuodsa.rror '9 pue anbqqo Jql aperrr a,Leq no,{ aluo '.la,ta,r.oq
E sJDseIa qtlrtn au;ds IeJIAJaJ Ja^d.ol JrIl IoJluoJ ilq8re.rls dn puels,ll.ou pFoqs IJporu aHI .
(sau11 a8uero plos) s.raualq8rl rseql 7 dno.rg 'd Jo qJrE rrll repun 1sn[ ur >I eloq
.au1ds aqt aqr q8norqr >lrldqtoor E Jo >lJrtsqJleru z aceld
osIE UEJ no'( arnl:nJls Jql uaqlSuarls o; .
;o ged .raddn aql Jo ,bqlqers eql pue peaq
)ql JO uOrxJU IEJaTEI arurl JrrrEs 3rl1 lE sloJluoJ 'Ct'8rs)
tI '9S lIIs q8norqt sassed tI rrurs -ra8uol ayn11 rsEq aql o] f xg ot rapro uI d Jo lIIs aql otul
E sl 1I
lnq ' Jlts?la J{rI paJnJas sr 7 trlsEIE . tl dlls purf Jo JsEq rql le qrtou aql >Iraql .
'pBeq 'g
lopotu oql lo [lquessy
aql Jo uolxau leJelr-l IoJtuol uer nod 1qs
aql Jo rprs reqllr uo tI uo 3u11nd dg 'SS 'JprJuroJ (,:l pue r;
]IIS Jqt q8no.lqr Surssed J)flE lJ pue J saloq sJIotI Jrll ]Eq] eJns e>leru aJoru arug '(,11 '3rg)
J^oqe puJ qJBs 1e pJilou>I sl Jrlsslg . g 3o ged pJptrlsull eqt Jo JJqJns JJ^a.oI JrIl
'p?aq rrll o1 1r an13 pue spJE^\{JEq I Jo e)Je pJpeqs aql
Jo rroll"loJ sloJtuoJ tI 'lI q uorsual;o aar8ap pyol 'raqta8ol pan13 Lpq31t Jr" rsrqt ueq14N .
rq31r aqt qtl/e q pue ,r srloq t? s1ou1 ,{q 'Cu'3rs)
prxg sl pue ,q aloq q8norql sassed Z rrtsBIA . JprJUroJ (,e pue r) saloq Jqr leq1 a.rns Suuleru
'peaq rql Jo rrolsuelxa/uoFau '9.1o aleguns .raddn Jql uo BaJE papuqs aql
slorluoJ 1I'uolsurl;o aarSap rq31.r eqr ot L sxe rtl.olJq dl;ts aql Jo eJFns eql anlg .
1r, 7S ]IIS eqt le paJnJes sr pu? ,3 JIorI qSno.rqt 'a13uz
sassed 'e ayoq JAoqB paqJelle sr I JrlsEIg . lq81.r pgos E IUroJ ol (eu{ qsup-lop),{ Suop
the suboccipital st'stem, which is equivalent to a Ralinese dancer. i.e. a translational movement
tri-axial s1'novial joint, to impart to the head the on either sicle of its axis of s1'mmetry'. This move-
following corrective movements : ment, which is unnatural, requires colrntef-
compensations that )roll can figure ollt for
rotation in the direction of motion, which
1'ourself .

brings to completion the lateral flexion of the

Your cflirlts to builcl this moclel will be rewarded
lateral flexion in the direction opposite to ancl vou will be able to perform all possible q.pes
that of motion associatecl with rotation on of movetnent ancl compcnsatitlns in the cervical
the side of motion; this results in pure spine.
rotation of the head.
If you hold the base and the head (A) firmly, ,vott Take hean!
will be able to perform the movement of the

z )lr-ld
II I:19 anbtpgrloqlall as!.u!Dl,( ,atrlecl. no.rnol1,
lrbrnu.r:r15 t:1 ;:nbrur:r-:lurorfl ]rp z),r1, sno1 i66I IV I(puede11
,l- L:zz luuv Dltv runJJrs Jql -Jo tuatua^olu JLI] o1 uorlrllJ-r 2L)7.-097.:t
rrJrll puE turol JPrl]-o-rJEs aqt Jo saJejJns JEFrJiuts )qJ l-(6I H IasIalK Lttu[Ar .ttcl) t.ttty tfr"tvcl anbrtnrleuorll e-I lg6I IV lfpuedey
'tJu.rJlul Jqt JJs :s^Jnbuld sJp anbruolJJt E-J ]y' JauaSrd\ g(rlI 88II:lg 3.ut5 lu\of auogl'sar:oj
urTJ)g'JJSUrrdq' uas^also.tds Lrors^sJ-rdruo) ot s.)s^rp 111-r(lJt-rJ.LratLrr Jo rrorlJE)-r JUJ s!(rl ) qJs4H
-8unurqo1 pun 4tuoqrau,trapaltg 0Z61 11 uasneq8ur-p1rag uo1 8:rqlaprag 'rqlsrallrrlN ' 1) a4uapt
suu.1 '1oBrn 'Jlltorls trtalutnpg.'I 6OgZ U seuroql 'U mql .Lap 4lLtDqJan pu.n )uu.ot'Ltl/ .tap q)nqpuoH 9gT A\ e{uaH
sH?d 'uroo .aulorunq alwot0ua,p ?]!D.u 6aI -I llusrl Lz:L Aulztpaw allaLr
tu.y t t .
1D.t t.n s^ t
] )
7Ir-66t(.D69 paw pnN raqJ utntltoY puaSluaoy f [ 1{u qt Z lrT.rr:rrou1: 11 :ap ua8un8a,rJ g rlCI 6 E g I f arpag
'lpnls rrSolou:3tuao: r :aurds .ruqurnl aqt Jo uorlo!{ tS6I SS zuel 3J o Jtntrtsurqllrurarl
ur1n11 'reBuuclg ',r,{\,r\ :JIq?TmAy JrrrFr() LlJrpurJH.p )J^nJlrrpru e1 f11 qrryulag
'4luaqrauta4ualat pun p4snw ralt qrnqrqaT 116I H JessEJls lrrrJl 'rltlg 3,1tr rl,L u.nt1srt.r1s"ta(ng snttuojouv'anbp stc4nut
gzt, plaq8ur-rcI5 -.:ttpuly anbut.a1t stJtpa as p s^tJtsf,q17 sttdttttt.t4 t:tlr!.tpop tLtns tLtolunq
'struoqJ )') '[poq uotunq acil lo f,8oto$aulx ,96I v relpulels J^tJod.toJ snqtl{ottJD ap nas astSolols,tqd I;LI gg Je8JequreH
sued' Jruolll,{ alDuo llttulalul anbt uto1 a tu:t 797.- Ll7.:6r/ 3.ut5' 1tt1o1- auog /' :urcls mqunloJeJoqt uplunq rqt Jo
,:l ,::::,,:r:.
alnlltpuautoLt :aLtlalanq alluo:lqutt,p t^r41v LL6I f e11oqo5 Lrorluto-r Irrtxr :r1t 1o .ipn1s o.\r ur rry
i96 l gC seJnT ,gg uas.ra8a.r5
B- e L: LZ lunql{ oal{ s)JjJrrs-oqruol l1o sJJrBqtuol sasop-ro1.Iacl-Lr1 sl-Ied'uossEl,{ allalnqlpuDLu.
ta a:nar:atsod a-rn:clruol JsorLIUy 096I I Ja8umert\ 'S ep azas -ru.othtral,l ap ata'oytqlor1 t00Z Jt uosslJgH .u lopnog
ItI:(.O7g doquo "ilq) ray srlurlBrn-nqr suorlP) !^r-urcl
'prulrrllpC .ro,p arqLuoN aT gL6I lW e{.{rlg
-rTddy xne.rq?liar seynrrpgd sap anbruroteue apnlA 6/6I 9 lur,ilIes lJuJalul
LI-LQ.OZ rJoqlt) ttt7,1 '3urluld ,tra:rs ayrrpad qu,lr. aurds ruc[unl Jrlt JJs :(ropulr:d s^.unupo:) tr(t) auualpq)na uott aulgtuogS
aqt Jo lrorler.u IEurrlul gg6l ql 1aze11'5lue[Ies 'g agure3-,(og DI (t-ag i:-I 'ullllrlBru.rrFr:ur uBnrJ)3) TIJIJpJIJ{ IJe>J 'ssneg
LryI:8L paw assa"I.J saJrelnJrlnl srJrd
ses;iqdode sal tJ xnEJqJUa.t salnrrpgd i^Jl suep slessr.n sanbrl 'sLrortrp? .rrtlclurl 4ltrratDlu ta ail?,uatg L66l g (ap) tenbsJ
1ur9ru senbnld :ud a-rlrs-oqruol l) J.rruqurol 'TusJop sq:lpJ np )sJLIl 3ra,\\q)ssunEJfl
-u,tso9rs6 0/f)I J aJa"ualnaruoq'1q apue3-,(o11 'g alprue3-,(og 'ir-JAJJTA lI )4tnp:) -ntp''tuoqJo 4ljDuraulx L06I O JerlJsrd u()ssulA tUaI'-Iatl)SIC .\Els^n.I)
'anbtqdntSodol p aittldutsap aun)Lunq alutoiqzF t00Z H eJ?I^noU 'a41Qla9 rdp
4!t.u)qhh' p1t17 dll.Ltolouv rapq)nqpu.ltH II(rI x rlrlg
JUuEsnE-I '?llsJJ,\Frn,l Jp arrn:Jqrl ')Bnou d dluuntl,l r.rl0) uUt:ul)uo)
ap salJ'^nut sap p sltollDlnJluo sap anbtu.tng|,g l(rl v pnou an b 4 s 11.ut a t t.Ltol D Lt D, p sr nor p
y,{q8o,{unzg .g .raqag Lt D.t.t 966 1
IJUJJ]UI JTI] J)S ozr-Lor:v
:(xopamd s,uurupof uo) auuatptpna uou au19ruog} DT (99gL-9a81 tagq() Jaut(, rlrt Jrtrtot()Js-(qchu,is u1 se.rdu la luele sanberlro.rrrs
(upr)rll,ruaqtuu uBruJJ{)) pJequJag qJIJpeIJd
8.roag'uuerualg i^uortEltrJruB s:p ;r3o1or.^.(r1c[ u1 ]:t :lurotuun,I Jlls t6gI HT JnaqeJeJ
nrqcllapepq4 '-ra8rqag 8 E)-I'tuaruaitota ttatunq lo att.tat:l^ sr.nrd rros-sutr{ '3tttt14a4s p
slqJDlt !002 W {nrrusg
aqJ'liuoiDuo pauddn pua;(Sc4otsauty It_6t >IU a1.rng'f4 qrseg rurr1cl1lpc1r1.1 rs^-rJptnlp;,^ g 16 Ur1cfuy g g ricl pr1u1
uopuol ':l8uucI5 -suej7 ttorlotttJit ,1,\olotsr(t1,1 6i(rI ySC (au3o1nog ep) auuaqJn0
'sttpadoqyo Lt! slDlr.ajDurolq puD etLwqrautolg rOOZ CO lnollod 1;961 'enb1s{q.1 JUr)rp?W )p srltsuuy
SIJPd ic1 lrlqsrtclucl )lnurstlj p.rtrDa :tur.rcl -Jo tllo) srJEcI ')J?nlrrg g-I /
'uossuw aLtlDuo1q anilolDuD,p ?1!r2.rJ 9z6l y ,{d.req3 .4 .ra1.r1o4 r^ilt.alualnotLt \^ap an'o1ot:^,1'c1r1 ;ggt vgc (au8olnog ep) auueq)no
{JoI ,ttJN ';:Suuclg r4'r; E - gl:0 I aLt! Drill.tH stq do qjn11; 1
pn1 'srlLnqraruotq .{o s1aluatuapunl 666I I tr rrIpJoN ,N ede{zo i?ay'JllJ-roclior:nbr1r:1s Jp i^uarprLIJEJ sJc4L Ig6I .ly' suu{ec
tJU-rJtul )q] Z6I-98 t:(t)I taruDT Lrolstl.rl
tts :iCtaouota .{o aldnuucl aqJ GrI-OgZ1 '.reqdosopqd Jltsulorlrs <r-rcl lsrp 3o srsou,3rrp trll ut su8rs :lnaucloqu61 y961 f ,{ap.req3
lluE Iuoru rmrsDur?-r{ qslfug) Jo LueilI1{\ (ueq{O lo) rue)Jo lJrrJJluI Jql JJs :uepJtsJ np
I,..E slJud 'rrossEl{ aulou.nq alu.nlqltD,p sDllv ,ooz HlI raDrN soclorcl \j uurJlpruJrllr;rtr uuqutl) orueloJag'ou"pJe3)
(9iS I - I 0! I
azl-rl|:9r. pmt4 doqp6 z7:y arnsso:d lerstp lJ \.)ll \r.lrsJ(l
'.,,,I11 -EJlul J?quml uo iiupn:a1 pJrl^uoJ Jo rJ4Jf, JrlI s96I V uosureqJeN 'saJtJJdxa, p \^asDg gIIJUJaC-SI3Iu:)
ltt at lt.a,tnotu ttp atutoj DuV 9002
suud ')uropl,{ awtiloq1 ap an.b4stltn alluojDuv 6t6I 17 xneJJoW IJ^J}T
srrud 'ul,rly alDtaluD autq)plf, D7 16gI f ,{ere;q 'sl.rrs?(I I lo1r'lu)1u),tnour ilp atluolDltv tg6 t g uF luJag-slelel
uopuo'I 'suuur8uol (tf6t up: 1s1) uqdlapeltq4 '1lorurddr1
,' 'I
,u 's1uto[ latirourLi Z96t ,.f.A seI^O 'H] llarrrrrg 'yW peuo3re;,1 sr.icr11 .ic1 p)sr-\r-r upr rp9 'puaq aq1 lo ltaS.tng 0/6I S Ilauung
l,' rrorullleg 'sul)lllN f stuEllllr( ,l3o1oraut4 uaunq il)-[ IroI ,\)N 'rru?ql $lLtDclraruolq
ll D :stLtaunttolu puo apsn6 696I Af ue1{eruseg '}'tr{ fIpuoJJEW lDpla4sol?trstlhr Z00Z 9 qlJs^Ief ',{\ ulqoJd .d uueuDlrulJg
1JoA .trr)N '.tr8uud5 (p)) srT?^E :otr (e3 g ':^lrno/'pua auo.l $oI .{\ JN's-rroitE JrTqnd
,fit uo4tutt[ pLtD iltu..)jt:)LrD aqj uo satpnjs 996I 1rI{ IIIDUo)rnW -r)nog I yta ',i1toc1 uDlunq aq1 .{rt uts^tuaqJaul puo alnjJn.Lls
''.'.Q1,. ZIZ- 8ug paurcryl srrtpruaur)
-<OZ:I It)JtLLtoJDuD atLI )LuqJDLLt tlDltTrlq aql 6Q.6I gg uueSplJg
rulrrrl.m ;o u:qa8p: pue ,r:leruoeB Jq,L 996M{ ilI"uo)rnry slJc(l't.tus\lllt
.. .:cinqs;o
L6Z_O6Z:S;; a'tnc lutof atto57 / Ju)Luanltotu np at3o1rtr,(qd 1a anbqutngrutctfg ZOOZ S lasslnog
:rungruSr5 slu1o! pur JUoq JO stuJru)-\ol{
is6l vlt [Ieuo)rew r.rorurtlpfJ's Lrl) I llN ]9 srulr]IlrlN',(q d a t3 o [ut ct 4 s a1 a
9ZL)-OZ9:9 i(r1 trta1na,ta..r tto11:unl rtaqJ atttlD sapsnl[ Z96I LI uql"ruseg
'.','!l1,. lJS patrf, 1r r7s7.q sluau::rruldsrp .n:lnrrgt-rr-rtrrr Jo a.lnteu puu srurol suud '.I ld sluaut,1,tiltrtu sdp as,tjDuD.T 0!6I f JaIuJeg
a8urq :'^1uro[ pr,rouis;o sJrueq))tu ur sJrpnls 916M\l 11I"uo)JeW 1
11;g3rrr:cls^'s^rlt()qJ J' )' sJ lu D q ) a ut puD a l np nrl s il a q.I
'\^lLno/' lDtitoLL(S l9(rl t-I,\l peuo3r"W
.ri. -<|Z-QZZ9 lrs paw I qsl.tJ sl-Lttctl 'AO sal^ec 'Hl DauJeg
JIpprs;o aruerqru8rs pue sJJrTJns JrlrJrliu uo tuJruJJelclslp :sluxrf sriud rrossul,{ LtoljD)ilpuolu o7 ap atSolorsitqrJ Z66I I qr-Jazy
ler,rou{s rLIt lo sJlrcrlrrru rrlt uI sarpnlc 916I Vtr{ IIIuo]Jetr{ l9-t9:92 doquo utD aurds uerunq
E.. srrr-0rrr:(tt-t9)!: I)JJJ )rlt Jo uort.)unl pur ruroJ zg6l >I uasnBl) .a uJssilussv
nta4 do11 paw ros waw lrug ,(pnl.^ IerlSolorpur prrt IrrrurT:) z:{6 Srns Lulo[
I :uortrafur lt-rrps-i^uurJ Lg6l d IIeDV 'H IaqJIW-qJo1g 'yf a.r,ra11 azrog/"urun1o-r lrrncls :tc1run1 )LllJO stuJrtrJ'r.ol{ LE6I gO {ooJqIIV
) L8-69:9I loiDutnaqZ[ utl)
sa[ PL1"I.J lsa8' 'sJsEJslp )]$llr-IJu)ii)p (r-9!l:(I)lI dorquy st(q,J f uty tBr,
aurds ;o ,r,3o1orpuo.rna51 Z00Z
U 11e817 'f Dleuortrls '11 qp.reuoal qrl.n rqSlrq .ipoc1 1r.rcleg:-l -mcFunl ur saSuuq3 g!6i so {ooJqIIv
297' 092' 8t7' 9 -aZ srlrsnrx {rrtr rorrrlsod pml 96I uollulor
,Q.z'.)77' ZZ L' I L I'8 slsop.rollr-InlP,\-rnr 96I'16I uolsu)lx)-uoxau
892 Jo sulunlof, t)oz'z6I srurof prxz{1ul1te
,7 pIJLl iturrrrriDq 0lI srsutl)lJt?
tL7-981 '9 Julds IEIL\.Irr ZZI'gII a:nlsocl Jrrr)qlst
olz'aoz SJ^JJU IuJr-\Jr) I lJI -81 s:8e;rpe.r prou-trur:
0/z slooJ )AJJU [Ptrr.\JJ] Zgt sJIJsnu rrllo18rdai,rr
tz xJprrr IPJrrr):) 791 sluaunr8q JlltolSrdJ!?
09I uopuJl Iu-rluJJ Z8I spror rrllofrda,ue
uunba rpne) ZS I'0E t (trrro{ .rs:llsuu.rtotsor) purrs-rJ^supJtolso) ortelnJru?
prlorrJ 99I 7SI '0-(I (pPJll Ilrlso) Jo lutof) :u1so:r srlrdcr orwlnrlur
9lZ sluloI lP'Iqrur,\orut1 962 sJIJJJqnl mlnJrtll:
P)11 IPlldlr.)o-oluElw 967 slurof :qnqntuturoJodruat
LZe 'OZ ttI slulol f,o s)ltscfu:) [3[J Jl]-rq)U)^ Jqttml
gtI Drqaua^ .)rJEroql 0IZ aeJqJuJ^ IEIr^JJJ
tl uJqJUr^ rBqunl g6I srurof ltrxr-otultn
stuloI IJJIT Jo saJr|Jns Jclrlru?
802 l-slx 9rI 'rrl rrq)il)^ JlJllroql
AOZ' gO7. IPIIdIJJo-olullllts 88 eJqJUJ^ JEqrunl
sluroI IrJrrrrJJ.Jo' oI7' 9OZ' 06I Prqatra^ [e)r^,r))
sluf, ruESrI -rPTn s^cfu :) sassaro:d JPlrlJrull
ItI ejclauJ^ trrJtsJorll
c t6 ,-rqJU)-\ -rrqrunl
Z8I aBPITUP) PIo)u:'
0g snsorEuoclsoqllq
0S I fulol JsJJls^UrJlolso:)
882 '982 alJSn[I Jolr]rrrJlllq
uorlu-rrclsa-r aas Surqlua:c1 8IZ '06I JDJqaUJ^ le)r,ur:)
9O7.'rOZ'OOz'961'Z6I'06I srllrr/slxe
99 '89 uollErnu Jo srlP.rq
>lunJt r4uqclarorqx:c1 .OL'962 s^lslp Julll)Iux
717 snralcl lurLllurq 967 apsder Jrlll)ruu
-rorJ4ur 'tlrJrurBq rrqncl aas luatutrSrl llqncl etunr:r
z9 '9E )lr-rrqnl s,J-Inruuog
liOt qltrJtls snlJJ-rJo JtrII JlIllJIl
79 trolll:llltr Jo fuor1;1 (.ulnutloll
091 IulpIU
9LZ slr4ol ssrlruoq
g8z 8ut)ulq 09I lEr)l?l
luluuBrl alunr.rr
9i 'll. IEUPr tll-Ilq
'1y1 '7 ursllupaclrcl 06 saJqu .lllxlJJt:
711 ;rueq .ri11rq
z0I rEqurnl
z0I rsJop snlurssrlEl Io
7.7 ,i,r:gr -nlsr:c1
ZOE'qLZ runrrrPJrrsPq
gf7 tndrlro-rseq 907.'rOZ suaP 1o lulrurllll P:tdr
06 sluJrutsErJ IrrrpJruo-raluP
t9 '02 lurrrnr8ry pulpr-rlr8uol rorrrlutr
I 0g '01 luaurErl pa8-irrolow
slurof prxu-o]uellr oslo aas^ t uorlezlllqEls trT)s
997 :ppad 1g 't17 snsoclprcl snelrnu ql1,n aldno: IlluoltJur! ur
z9z strrJurJ,\oru 9Z UO PJ]JJXJ JJJOJ
96I tuJruJ^oru ll,Ixe-otullltP 9Z or rSPruup
o?.2'roz'7.6I '06I '!r8I srxrl 717 aurds Trlr,ual ur
1uauu311 JEIIIo:Jps slloJssoJalur ars luJrueSrl ItsrxE 0tI'ZZ snsoJqrJ snlnuur
9LZ Jlll'rut 9g uorlEUrIJUr lo )l8ur
!1f salJlsso iroilpnu l/I arecls ptsJp lErrruolrrnl
stulol plldlJJo-olueJle :sturol IErxE-otrrEItE oslD aas 08 '8L 'Zr- rrtJulqds IDux
897' r6I uollllJols^Ip lelxe-oluullu srs,(qclu,G IuJqetJa^ aa.s srso.rquerqdul
,06I ,B8I i^elte
OZ,Z6I ,67'8LZ rotrrlur
1367 .roualsocl gi7 ssero:d -rqoalyr
802 IuJaluloJJlLrB 9OZ'aOZ'697 sluauullll :r1t
ao7.'r07, ror-r)tuu zs IeJ:)rs ')?lu
JurJqruJrr letldl)ro{IUultr sa,3cssed -fu otl:rdsa: aa.r-
toz .IouJls^ocl lllz sJsnurs Jn
I 8OZ lrralel 8Z Jslp leJqJuJ^ lo SurJB?
I s1ulruu311<r1ur11r: t9 JPqlu JPJUTT runll:)runtupll
gtz salJsllu p::qaua,ra;c[ pue t9 ellsrlru snBuoy.rolrnppr
) o0z uortrllo-r 8'I XEIJJJ UOPLIJ] .SJIIITIJY
z0z uorxJll IEJJ]PI zg '0E unlnqPtatrP
7.t7.'Or7. sluatua^Otu tlE JiJ:ru suJJnpq?
q 9rz' zoz uolsu)lxJ-uoIxJlJ
tgz sa1nscle.)
671 rgr.rur Jr)1r-roqtourruopqe
ti Jrunloi\
861 slulo{ le]Idrrro otnrltr 00I sJrJlrpunoq
19 go7'loz :ouatsocl ,i1ner luunuopqu
80Z'V07. i()rJ)tull
x luJrue8rl lerxts-otrrEIlts v
and prevcftebral mlrsclcs 240, 212,264 congcnital torticollis 216
rncl sternocleiclomastoid musclcs 236, 264 c()njoint tellclon l 0u. 1 10
clegrees of tt'ccclom 224, 2)O conjunctival lirrnix 106
clescription 186 conrrs meclnllaris 6. lJll
clislocations 268 coronoicl process 29-1
evolrrti(xr 10 corporx cavcrnosl lJO

fiagilit]- 186 corpus spor] S0

ligamcnts of corl'ugllt()r supcrcilii mrrscle 2u6. 292
kr\\'er cen'ical spine 212 costxl cartilegcs
rtrlrur't iIitrl 1o.1. 20(;. 2ott clesticit\'1a8
lowcr' nlovements 15.i. 156
diskrc'.rtions 21,1 in thoracic spine rro\,cnlcnt I 18
flcxion-extension 214. 2lfl c()stxl lucets l.i:i
lateral flcxion-rotation 218. 220 costochondrxl angles l.i(r
geometric illustrtrtioll 222 c()stoi(l processcs ulJ
mechanicll model 221. 23(l costostcnral ar.rglcs 1i6
comparecl to cervical spine 22u costostcfnlll joirlt movcnrcnts l5i
lateral flexioll-l'otxtion 226. 228 costotrallsversc ioint (lrticulat:io costotr.llls\:efstLria) 1 50, 1 52
1lr()Yements 260. 262 costotransYcrsc lig,tlnents I 50
mechanical moclel 22,1. 228, 230. lll-19 costovertellral lrnglcs I :i(r
assembh costoYcr.tcl)rlll joints I50
ofbase Jl7 cotrghing llJO, lll2
of moclcl .118 countcfl]utartion see utttlet r.lLltation
of spine 3 I 7- l8 cr:rnill bone tect()nics 280
cornparecl to ccnical spinc 228 cranial (oculat') ncnes ll2. -l 1,1
cut-out p1'ocedllre 317 criurirl sutures 2-6. 2U0
instabilitl' 318 r-r'robilitr',/sr-rbcluction 28()
lrtcrrtl llcrion rilt;ltiun 22(t. )2R rrreniel r,eult 2r8
movcments J1,9-l9 crul]iurl 216. 2-t3. 2lJ2
stabilizing -J18-19 crjLrritirrm pllle 27f:i
in oncJeggecl stancling 122 cricr;an tenoicl joint I u'i
relationship to nelv-e roots 270 cf ic()arl'tcl]()id mrtscles I U,l
relxtionsh4) to neurlxis 268 cric()corniculxte ligamcnts 182
and sensory orlaan orientation 2lJ2 cricoid cartilagc 11J2. 1fi:i
suboccipitrl 224 cricotl-n t'oid muscles I82
compensations 228 crucirte liganent 204. 2()6
nlc(llitni(Jl tnorlrl 22 l. 128. -.:.t() crura 160
sllpportil.rg scfe\\-s 27.1
( cr\ i( .ll \!,inc nro\ ( nrcnti lH6. lt3lJ
clinical ;rssessment 266
comparecl to mcchanical moclcl 228 cleatl spacc l-.i
compensatiolls in suboccipital spine 2-10 Lletccation lfi
extension 218, 262,266 l)elmas index 1.1. 2j.i
llexirrn flij. 2 ttt. 2 tl.2 I t. 2 ltr. 2tr(' clens 190. 192, 20.1.2i0
lateral flcxion 210. 242.24a,266 athnto xxial clislocution 19.1
r:rnges J8. 1O. 42.232. 266 atlanto-rxirl movemeilt 19,i. 196
ret'erencc planes 26(r rtlanto occipital rotation 2(X)
fotarion 242.24A in nrechanicll motlel 226
cetrical vertcbme stabilizing suboccipital rcgion 26[3
atlas 188, 190. 192 tlens. apical lig,:rmcnt of 20.i. 20(r
axis 188, lr)0.71)2 clens flcct 192
cl 19i) clcplesscrr anguli oris muscle 2U6. 288, 292
laminae 190 clepressor lebii inlerioris firusclc 2l'i6. 288. 292
peclicles 210 clettusor mrrscle -:8. U0
t1'pical 190, 2.10 rliaphragm l6(). 1(r2. l6ri
cheekboncs 278 .li.q,astric muscle 2.i6. .102
circle o{ Willis 272 of the ncck 258
cleido-occipital muscle 2J6 LLrlilt()f llilrls I ()
328 diploE 2-tl
cleiclomastoicl musclc 236. 2.18
clitoris 72 tlisc hcnri:rtiot-t 1lft, 2-0
coccrx 6. 60,64 clisco-r'crtebral,oint. sclf-still)ilization of 2(r. -J.1

conrmunicati()n 276. 282 cliskrcations

see ctlso phonalion rtlltlro axial joints 9.i. 1 26u
compliance curves 176 cenical spinc ((.5/C.6) 26li
(onl|fc5siorl ftat I tttc< ul \ ( llchrJ( lL) kr$'cr ccrrical spine 2Il
concha, superior, middle and ilrferior 278 pubic svmphvsis 52
( olr(l\lilr Ir'u((:sc\. tttlntlilrtll:tt -l-8. l9 l. 196. 2')R tenlporomlndibulal joints 296
concltles of .iugular proccss .see occipital conc\'les clivir.rc lozenge 82
congenital strabismus 3 10 tlorsal thoracic nruscles I llJ
08 sruadJo BrJseJ deap alqrsuetxeur zLz'zlz EIJDSJa STnTJI PUIiUTJOJ
89 JIJsllIU sPosdolTr 082 '0I uorlnlo^.a ur luJrxJ^or[
86 '8E stuJrut8ll ftqrunlorTr 917 unu8uur ueruuoJ
z9I JIJsllrU srJl?Joqt srPtsoJorlr 0/I rsrq) IIEU
aqz',zoI alJsnru sllBlsoJoIII OSZ' OEZ srlrsnru 8urun1-eug
zL)z' 8 -<z' 8rz' z9I rllsnur slllrrlrr srlBlsororll 9 runuJalur aleuruJel lunlg
89 J[)SnlU SnJBrlr 8I e,\Jeu I'JorueJ
09 uollelnu ur 00I slJusJJ]\suEJt EIJS8J
7E sJJuIns JUInJIJnP z9 '09 uoll?lnu 1o &oaqr sJnaqsr?d
zE'0t sJuoq runr gg sr,tlad asyzg
81 JJusulluoJ I?JaEJ
6Zt, I 882 roJ tset 'sls-(lered Ier)eJ
982 Jo Iorluof,
8II Surualq8rBrts
z8z'9LZ saruuo IeIreJ
g srsopJolJJd.(q
zot ruoq prclq Z6Z' 06Z'8AZ'982'ZAZ'9LZ uotssa;dxa 1eDz3
0/I xEJoqloJplirl SIJJEJ JBInJTUr] OSID aas
9 uopelor lrruJouqr puP 9-C Sla)BJ JEIn)rJnE I?JtruS
8 l?urds 'sdunrl z6I lereJ suep
8Z '92 luaurlradxa s,qcs;rg t7I stersJ Inlsor
99 uOrSUJtxJ-uolxJlJ slaJrJ
69 stutol dn1 rulo[ larzg;o luaruu8q osla aas
1Lz'gtl Jsrp prqJu)^rJlul pr]tsItrrrrl autds :rrceroql
89 lqBP 'sr'rladruraq 0/z stooJ J^JJU puP
eJ nsouPru qJIIrrirJH
08I 9e uolxeu IerJlel uI
797 sur8ro Aosuas pue 717 aurds IJr JaJ
,82' 997' rtz' 8r7 flollr,:tor grl 'rEI s1uauu311 .rulnscler
l8Z uorlzloJ;o a8uu:
96 go tuaueSl prparuoJJluu
o97'992 selJsnru lcau :or:alsod Pue 97 '91 slurol (pasiqdoduS'{z) tarq
992 uolxsu lnoqll,r uollulsullJl Illl)lEI ZgZ'9LZ rrx!
ztz'oez uolxeu l?ralrl
(8z uorxrll
9rz'orz I
z9z uolsuaxJ
ggz tuf,urssJssP lrJrullJ 909 spqr.{a
9Z SluJrUJ^Oru plrJq ZIt '80 '90 lulol IesralIurl se
zlz slassa^ poolq peaq 719 lrunfuo:r a ltJaJJoJ 'uorletoJ
9lz sJJllllls ZIe 'gOE ruopaa.g;o saa.r8ap
,92' Z9Z uo Surl-r.rerPeol 90 sluatt]eSll {r)q)
tz rr^JI sr 90 sII?qJ'{3
ZgZ'9LZ sleuod 'iuua zlt eJuelS anblqo
z9z'rez aulds Plr,uar uo SuDur:Pq 80 leJruJ.{/lEtuozrrorl
p]sJLl 91p acuaS.ra,ruor
uo urud
971 8upp1a.r1s sluarue,roul a,{a
ZZI'gII s8nglsutrl 89I atunlo,/r a,r:esa-r l:olurtdxa
89I uuBelp s,ra8;:gur.H z9I ^JOSSa)le
Z9I 'AgI srlJsnrr l:olr.rrdxa
9l.I aJuslldIIIoJ JrJeJoql
H 99I tusluDqralx
9/I '89I 'r9r'Z9r perroJ
791 .ral1rur Ia-rF 711 .'{pap1a ur
79 rlrsnur slynur8 t9I uolt)pretur al)snru yeururopqe-u8e.rqderp
911 snurxuru snalnfl gll IUllrsEIr TBEITUEJ IplsoJ pue
ZZI rrtnl8 uo11e.r1dxa
zaz'r8I'z8l sl110l3 8lZ )uoq proluql)
962 PssoJ (rElnqputru) plourlS 00I JlJsrlru auurds :olra:a
962 essoJ (ctuedulro:ted) uelJasel.r) 08 uoll)aJa
Z0 alJsnru prtr.{qoruaB o[J sJrpoq JIrlJsJe
89 salJsnru snllarua8 90 aJPds (s,uoua1) le.ralrsrda
Zgz srlro6rda
c ZBI a8eluer JllloFld,
BLZ )IqPlpruurcrda
89I &lredzr J
prgrporu 8/Z JIq4 leluerJopur
90 lleqa-ta
99I luaurlradxa s,>lJtll-rc 86I luro{ IllcllJro-otutsFu
z6z',98z Jlrsnru sllEluoJJ
8/Z ruoq luluorJ
96 sntuqrsl lerqruJ.\ f
892 surp
9I aeJqauel Jo seJnlJe{ uolssardruor tI rBs lErnp
saJnlJe4 tI JalIu 3Jl1p
infrah.voicl muscles 246. 264,3O2, 301 joint of costal hcacl (ffticulatio capitis costae) 150. 152, 156
ingulnal liiament 110 joints. boneless 27(r
ingu:inal rings, cleep/supedicial 110 jngular proccss. cond,vles of see occipital cond-vle:r
and costal cartilage elasticitv 178
diaphragm-abdominal muscle interaction
t61 lqphosis t3, lll3
in elcled1 172 ancl rlrspirati()n I72
forced 168. 176
mecl'ranism 166
inspiratorv capacifi'/reseffe volume 168
in5l)irJron rnusclcs I 5x. 162 t.I)()ltr ()

accessory 162,212 muscles tbr pushing 112

irrtcrrnlcnoitl (:rnilrgc 182 position during 66
interafltenoid muscles. transvcrse 182 labnrm 16
intercostal muscles 158 la<:rinral bonc 278
internal/external 162 lamina(c)
intermastoicl line ,10 ceruical vertebrac 190. 2l )
interosscous ligaments lumbar vcftebrae 88
costoveftebfal joints 150 thoracic vertebrae f.i:i
\;r(roiliac t.txi;tlt trrtgttet ;8. o{). 6 | upper 2!6
intershoulcler line 132 lertebrae l2
interspinalis mlrscles 100, 102. 21a,250 lan'ngeal apperatus lfl2
intclspinalis thoracis muscles 10,1 Ianngcal inlet 182
inrerspinous ligaments lu, 20, 90. 92.201 laryngeal musclcs 182
cen'ical spine 208 laryngeal ncrve. fecurrL'nt l8:i
thoracic spinc 146 lamnx 2i6.282
interspinous line 86, 100 Lasdgue's sign 1.10
intcftransYerse ligaments 20. 90.92, 212 lateral sacrococcvgeal ligamcnts 6.1
irltcrlritns\ cfse mttst lcs 2 t t l.llissiillr.t> dorsi |ttrr:t lr lO{,. l{li, 162
intcrver-tebral discs 12. 18. 20 aponeurosis of I 02
ageing 28 lesions of cerl ical spine 2-0
in axial compression 3.1 levator anguli oris musclc 286, 292
cenical spinc 212 lcvator ani musclc 68. 70, 7u
compressive forces 30 lc\.lt' )r euslil( mtt:r'lqr lix. l(r2
elastic propertics 26 l(\Jt()r t;rhii strprIiuri. ;tlactlttr tt;trir ttltts(le 2H(). 2()2
tlattened ,.s normal 30 lr\ittrrr fJll)chrJ( rnus( lc .lrx)
flcxion-extension 34 levator palpebrae slrperioris mnscle 286, 292
herniation 118, 270 levator scaprrlac muscle 248, 26o, 262
lumbar spine 90, 92 Les'inneck. plane/trianglc ol 82
lumbosacral 96 ligament of facet joint. rmterlor medi.rl 90
lumbosacral, \\.'eightbearing in 120 ligaments
llto\ cnlcnts. clentcllliln {ri of e-veball 306
prelo:rdecl state 26 kxr-er cen'ical spine 212
prolapsed 116 h,rmbar spine 90
mechanism of nerr,-e root compression 13tJ sacroiliac 52. 5.1. 5(r. 5ll
in spondvlolisthesis 96 suboccipital 20.1. 206. 2OfJ
strlrcture 22 see also speci|ic ligdments
related to corcl level 32 ligamcntum llamm 18, 20.92. 1a1. 2O1
thick1ress 32 lumbar spine 90
thofacic vertebrae I 50 thoracic spine 1.16
intrvefiebral foramina 18 liglr.ncnturn nuchae 20.1, 208. 212. 25u
cen'ical vertebrae 210 linea alba 100. l0lJ, 110
clamage to 270 lip ruoYcments 288. 290
thoracic lenebrae I 50 Lislianc's (sc;rlcnc) tubercle 2.12
thoracolumbar vefiebrae 134 longissimus capitis rnusclc 21A, 2i8. 262
intefl'ertebral linkage 20 longissimus ccrlicis muscle 2.1fJ. 258,262
330 intrathoracic pressure 166, 176. 180 lor.rElissimus muscle 100
involuntar)' internal urethml splincter 80 longissimus thoracis t.nrtscle 102, I04, 162.24a,25a
ischial tuberosities 60 krngituclinal ligaments
ischiocavernous muscles 72. 80 antcrior 90, 92. 1 34. 1.76, 2O1. 208. 272
ischium 50 posterior 9(\, 92. 1.16. 2O1, 206,212
in clisc prolapse 1-16
l,rrrgrrr crrpiti: rnrr:tlc 2 r0. I tt. 2 tto. zto2. 261
J lcrngus colli muscle 231J. 241. 216,261
jaw muscles lordosis 8. I 36
of closure 100, 304 lun.rbar spine 86. 102
of opening 302, a}l straightening 116. 118
stutof )garads tapun oqa aas zot Jo roog
z9 luelue olu IsuolleloJ Jo agz'z8z'9lz qlnou
Z9 uollelsuzJl rrndJo 08 '8/ uoqilurrru
z9 '09 JnaqEftc Jo 'rrssBl) 79 'g a8uazol s,sllJl,q)q,{
z9 s,eJrEuuog z6z',agz'ggz alrsll{u slplurru
sarJo)r{l O Lz ' 892 uollJesueJt/uorssa.rdurol
99'o9 Jo sluarua^oru ggz sllnpau
09 uollPlnuJelunoJ pu? 8_Z snuts fue1lxuLu
99'89 Jo srltrq 8/Z PIIIxeix
uorlelnu 9Z ssaJoJd plots?ru
ttt 8Z uoprqrqrur Jelu,!\ ,oe' 16z' 982' z8z uolle)llseu
tz IaAr d.s se t0 'Oot '982'9rz salJsnru rrlassEru
79 uorlrsocl z0 rurJts rmuqnu?ur
tz uoxag IurelEI ,oe'r6a sluerua^otu Jelnqrpu?u
, 962 essol (prouay8) r?lnqrpuEru
'92 snsoJqg snlnuue glln aidnoc pruorlJunJ uI 917 sa1.{puor .lz1nqrpueru
gz uo prurxa eJJoJ ,6z.z8z
,8/z rlqputru
717 eulds IeJr^Jel ur uu
gg1 '77 snsodlnd snalcnu
982'ZAZ'9LZ slplsou/rsou g6 sluJruJ^oru
69 ersuld.rad,(q orlelso.rd rulnpou 96 e8urq IeJJesoqunl
pror purds oqv aas 99 a13uu lur)Bsoqunl
002 uoISJol gg urruuJoJ I?JqJur^
892 aqds IEII ral o1 drqsuorlrlar gg sJrpoq IuJqeuad
7 uorlJalord t6 ur uonatoJ ';a,ro.o17:addn
s]xeJneu gg sassalo.rd (plorsoc) esJO su?Jl
9I uted loor r rJU 88 aJnlJruls
gE1 uorssardruoJ tooJ a^JJrr gg sappad
697 aurld p.rrqr gg e?rmuel
gg7 aueld puo:ras ,OI 9'I
997 saurld qunoJnsrg ,OI -I
977 rouatsod 8g sa)e;lns/sassaco.rd ;u1nr1ue
grz roile)ue 88 allJqaue,\ JEqunl
selJsnru >JJ)u ,6 uorwToJ
992 uo]lelor 0I 'gzr 'ZV'Or'B sr8utr
r8Z uolxrll
9'Z'O'Z 0I ,26 uorxsu IeJatBI
sluJrua^olu {Jeu 8ZI'26 uorsuelxJ-uolxsg
z/z slessa poolq {Jru sluerue,roru aurds -reqrunl
z8 ualr letEu g6 sllurylsl IeJqJue^
z6z'ggz elJsnru srlEsEU gg srrpoq IEJqaue
8/Z esssoJ lEsuu 96 '06 saqrre lurq3ue^
917 a8puqTsauoq pseu 99 sassacord esJalsuzJl
771 uorlrsod Surpuels ur
N gg uorlezrlqPls
9g puaq roualsod
717 s,narrs aprpad
zo'9rz alrsnu pro,{qo1,tur 771 Sutpuels pa88a1-auo ur
y71 auds s,uel)rsnru 96 sluaure8u
90I IEratul 98 ,ld'al pqoF
zot ,o0t lunJl z ssrrDlJrqt {slp
orz'qez P'rqaua'ra'rd t8 uolldlrrsep
0I '80 '90 rElrlro 8II '9II Surualq8te;ls
797 1o sqr8uarls r nElar 8II uollJe slJsnu
977 roualsocl 0I uorsJa^ur
9rz 90I Johru suosd;o uorpe
>llJu zzl'zol'98 '8 slsoprol/3rnl? rnJ
gtz uortErltslrru Jo 98 srsoproi Jeqrunl Jo )r?
,O'ZOe Suruaclo 9OI Jofetu szosd;o uoqru
70'00 rrllsol) IrI-r9,9 aurds;eqrunl
79E lUauaaour,nef gg1 snxald:uquml
982'9L7 VIJ'-J z0I ssltsnru J?qrunl
8I I srsoprol ruqunl Jo Surualq8mrls g srsoproyred.(r1 :eqrunl
tI I {unr.Jo uonelor 00I idorrry Jeqrunl
9I I )Iurul Jo uoFau 761 srso;nauodu :eqrrml
zII '0II 'g0I ll?.^tr IEurruopqs 9I UJITBIJS-oSequnl
,9I'Z9l'00I lEunuopq qel'92I o8tqunl
SJIJSn{U 79 sqazqor;4 3o a8uazol
peh'ic gircllc (peh-is) :i(r-UJ
o engle of inclination 86
obtlrrator internus muscle 68 architecture 52
oblique lilance clestatrilization j2
mechanical problem of 312 external landmarks li2
obliquc mllscles in 314 female 48
trochlear nefve in J1.1 functions 50
oblique muscles (abdominal) and iestation/labour'18
ancl cune of waist 112 intermecliate opening l/+
external 6,1, 100, 710,771. 162 joints, infh.rence of position on 66
internal 78, 100, 770. 171,162 in loldosis l ltl
and tmnk rotation 1l4 male .18
obliciue muscles (of mechanical model 50
inf'er-ior 254, 306, 114 nutation/c(xlntemut:rtion in labour 76
superior 306,171 in one-leggecl stancling 6(r
obliquus capitis muscles ofgans contained .16
inf'erior 2,18, 25O. 252,251 as self:locking s)'stcm i2
mdjor 254 sexual dirnorphism 48
supcrior '24a,2iO. 252. 2i4 shape ,18

Occam s principle of parsimonl' (Occam s nzor) 272, 276 in s]mmetrical crcct position (r(r

242 pclvic inlct 48.52, 11

occipital bone 200, 2O2,210,274 in r.lltation 60
basilar process 204 lrclvic outlet 7.1
fbramen magnum 278 in nutation 60
squana 202. 204,206, 278 pelr.ic wall 6t3

otci;rital (un(l) lr: l()8. 2o2. 2tt6. 2-8 pelvis

occipitalis muscle 286 fulsc 50
occipito-axia1 liial.nents truc 46.50
lateral 20,1 llt lilD(rur o
median 204. 206 volume of llt
occiput 200 see alsct pelvic girclle
ocularmuscles 306, 108, llO penis t'tO
oculomotor nen'e 314 pcriarticlllar ligaments (r,i
olfactoll-bulbs 278 periclural injections, l:rnclmark for 82
omohyoicl rnuscle 2.16, 302 perincd bocll- 80
oneJeggecl standing pcrineal ligament, intermccliate 80
asvnmctrical 124 perincun 46.68
lunbar spine 122 f'emale 72
pelvic girdle 66 functional clisorclers l6
spinal column 4 trauma 72
orbicularis ocrtli muscle 276, 2a6, 292 rnalc 80
orbicularis oris ntuscle 276, 286, 29O srperlicial/clccp planes 72
orbital fat pacl J06 peroneal ncrle. common 138
orbits 278.306 Pctrol) nlll.rlli( ( L,lJ\( riitll ) lur:;t -.1(Xr

osteoarthritis phonation 182, 18.1. 276,282.

cerwical. nelve root svrnptoms of 270 phrenic r.rcrle pals,v 170
and cord compression 270 ph1:iokrgit;rl tlcad sPrttc l-+
spinal/vertebral 30, 90 pilfbrnris muscle (ru
osteophltes 90 pl:rnc of Lew:inncck 82
plane of thc bite J8
P pleural clisorclers 170
pleuris_v 170
pllatine bones 278 pneumothofax l7o
palatine process 278 poliomYelitis 16,1. 180
paraspinal muscles 30 posterior arch ligxmcnt 20
paraYertcbr-al muscles 702 111i
pmxitelian position 12.1
deep lateral 100 prepubic liglment (r,1
in lordosis I l8 pressure. intrathoracic 166. 176. 180
332 posterior 100
pressure sorcs 126
in spondylolisthesis 96 prevertebral muscles 218. 210,212
parietal bones 278 global view 2.i2
pars interarticlllaris 96 .rnd sternocleidomastoicl muscles 264
pectoralis muscles I62 priapism u0
pedicles 12 procems muscle 286. 292
cen-ical vertebracr 270. 212 prolapse
importance of 27,1 inten-ertebral cliscs I J6
lumb:rr vertebrac 88 mechanism of nen-e root conpression 138
suppofting screw-s 274 rrrrrgcrtit:tl organ\ -1. -()
thoracic vefiebrae 144, I5O prone position 126
pelvic diaphragm 68.70
0/I uorleJrdsJr puB ,9 \Irre rrqnd go tpe^ qlr
9ZI 8ut{frpts 9ZI Jo suoplsod'lsaJ
zrl elprlS rrplnoqs 08I '89I srrunlo eNJser
0L urIJ lr,lrua8oJn ,LI '891 serunlo^ l-ro1u:tdsa.r
Og'0/ unauurd 711 sadlr ftole:rdsar
gt elprr8 rr^Iad 791 8ur,no1e-us Suunp
rusrqdJourp lEnxes 7LI ul rruds peap
z9I eIJSnU JOTJJdnS JOrJelSOd SnIEJJJS 99I ur rdollrrE
Z9l'ZOl allsnru JouaJur JorJJlsod sntpJJas 791 sa8essed Lrolerrdsar
z9I aIJSllUr JOIJaIUE SnIBJJaS Z9I 'O9I sal)snlu &o1e.rrdsa.t
Z8Z'9LZ suu8ro &osuas 0/I sseJtsrp lrolz-rrdsa;
eee z9z alJsnu srpurds{uas uorteldsur luollu:rdxa oEo aas
g9z'grz alJsnru snrdeJ srleurdsrurs 99I Su.uous
8/Z EJIJJru EII'S 711 sq8rs
06 stuaruBS[I plurruSas 711 uorssa;ord pue
gEz sssoJ s,lolrprs 611 ,(3o1oqtedors,(qd
9 uol131oJ IsluJouqs pue 711 xesTa8ulo spa;1a
9I EJI1EIJS L)9I'r9I uopurrdsa:
otl 8qqJlarls uo upd 7gI e^f,au pe8ulruy tueJJnJJJ
8I a^JaU JrlUrJS 8OI eurl al"nJJE
8E UIIUUJOJ Jr]urJs 80I 'O0I qlBrqs snl)aJ
9I eSeJSIp S(uUlrrUJJnaqJS 80'90 roPaJur^ouedns
z9z'8rz'rrz'zvz'z9I selrsnlu rurlurs , lt'OIQ'so'90 IErprru/IPralel
epJeqnt (s,ru?4sr.D aueIEJs
zrz 1uqa,{a yo sal)snr[ snl)aJ
79 slua{uu8ll lBrSrlsa ,92' ZSZ' OtZ' 8rZ routLUfioIELU -rolJa1sod
99 '09 uollBlllu uI ,92'rrz 'orz srreJ?wr
7E SaJEFns JPInlUne ,92,9'Z,"Z,O'Z JOIJJIU?
9s la)q ftlnJlrnE alrsnru sprdeo snlra.r
79'Og'9 ururEs t9 urBIJo Jo uopuJl
99 '89 rueue8rl snorJqntorlPs 791 uollu-rrdsar ur
99 '8E luetuE8rl snouldso:rus 8I I srsoprol ur
gg .roualsod 9I I {urur Jo uolxau
,9'O9'85 (en8e ) (PD.E) snoessoralul 0I I '80I 'OOI 'r9 srlrsnul slu[uopqu sn])eJ
gg IepneJ s,2 IrrueJJ JeIIoJ JslnrrpuJ
gE go aueld Jolrrlurl 0gI sluarup8ll eterp?r
8g JOrJalUe
99'r9'ZS stuaue81l JErllorres u
99 8up1e.ra ut
Z9I '09I '90I '0OI aIJsnIu runroqlunl snle.rpunb
99 uolllsod aurdns ur
z8 s{Jeurpuel
tE serBjuns ffInrlu? o
gg 'zE slulof JelilorJus 79 alrsnu qlupnuudd
9 :urds Jo tuau8as pa3-&rloro.rrus z9 uollBlnu;o Lroaqt uorlelsuu.n arnd
79 sluaulPSll Pa8drrocorces 0I unloural runlrund
t9 uorsualxe-uorxJu 61E UnlUrrxord runlcund
,g tulo( paS,trrocorces 991 uorsnyed ftlnJsu^ Lreuouynd
99 uorsuatxe-uorxag ur -{:otuouord prrus 99 Supurts pa38a1auo ur
gE1 snxayd yenes g/ rnoqel ul
z8 eessoJ JEJlus zE uorlEJolsrp
79 .roFalsod:ouadns tsJg 'uJruEJoJ IEJJes 79 srrP,Julls JeInJIUE
g eJnleIJnJ IPJJES 79 '69 srs,(qdru,& rrqnd
98 elSue IrrES 79 snruz-r rrqnd
zE rBIn IrJJes 79 rouadns
t9 .roualsod
s 19 (rlunJJu) JoHeJur
,9 rou4ue
, Lz zr.blur/peT -ta.a.rrs :pruu3-1iog luaute8Jl Jrqnd
z9 uoll?tnu Jo Lroaql tuarua,roru puollslor zE snrueJ I"luozuoq
aBZ'9az Jlrsnru snuoslr zE srs?ls?rp
78I slPPloF PuIu sauoq crqnd
87I luarua oru aurds crle.roql ur ,9 lo l1l1e qrr 'qrru rrqnd
zgl pEaLI Ielsol Jo slurol ]u OOe' g LZ sassa:ro;d pro8l.rard
991 uorlu.rrdsul 3u0np ,00
70 IPpaur
gEz sluJruJ oru ,o'zo|'o\e '962 vJetel
0gI quJo-peeq selJsnru pro8Aald
ZOt rsru 8II srsopJol ur
gEy aurds qt1^\ uorlelnJru? O9I lUBErqdEIp re
(89 elJsnru .ro{eu seosd
signet plate of cricoid 182 spinal lesions 270
sitting positions 12.1 spinal osteoarthritis 30
ischiofemoral/ischiosacral support 126 spinal (vertcbral) canal 12, 75O.21O.272
lumbar spine 126 spinalis muscle 102
thoracolumbar rotation 132 spinous processes l2
skull cervical r.ertcbra 790. 21o. 212
bipedal 280 lumbar vertebra 90
see alsct clanium; heacl thorecic vertebra 111. \46, l5O
'small dog' radiograph 96,271 splcnirrs muscles 212
snoring 166 capitis (cephalic bunclle) 24a, 26O, 262
sound location 28.1 ccr!'icis (cervical bundlc) 21a. 260. 262
speech .seephonation spondvlolisthesis 96. 126
sphenoid bone 278 spondl'losis 96
sphincter urethrovaginalis 72 sprained back 13(r
spinal column 2-45 stereoscopic vision 28'i. Jl0
in bipeds/quadrupeds 2, 10, 280 5lcrn(FU(cipilJl ttttlrclt 2J6
clrrvatlrfes 8 sternocleidohl'oid n.ruscle 2'1(r
classilication 1'1 sternoclei(lomastoid musclcs 162, 248, 262
development l0 ancl prcvertetrral muscles 26'1
and respiration 172 structure,/tlnction 2J6
and sacral facet 56 svnergr' 256
dynamic ,s static 14, 56 sternocostal angles 1,1(r
evolution 2. 10 sternocostalis musclc 1i8
funct:ional t).pe 14 sternohvoid muscle 2.16, 302
functions 2, ,{ steflromastoid muscle 2J6
global view 2 sternothl'roicl muscle 302
interveftebral linkage 20 \tcrnlll irt tlturrcit r|ittt m,rrcntcnt l'18
maior/minor cohimns 12 sternum movements I54, 7i6
musician's spine 124 sthenic posture 118
one-lcgge<l standing 't. 6(t. I 22. I 26 strabismus 310
pillars, anterior/posterior 18, 20 stl'lohloid muscle 302
plasticity 4 styloid process 302
position of sy-mmetry 4 subcl:rvian;rnrtirs )\), 21 2

praxitelian position 126 suboccipital ligaments 2o.1. 206, 208

recumbent positions 126 .rrhote i|itrl mttrclcs 2JO. 25U. )\(\. 264
fesponse to fbrces 3.1 latcrd flexion-extension 252
sacrococcygeal segment 6 rotation 2i1{
sitting positions 721, 726 superflcial transvcrl'slls perinci 72
stabilization supine positions 126
self-stabilization 24, J4 ancl rcspiratron 170
in trunk flexion/straightening 122 rUlrr.rlrlrrid rttttsclc: 2 tts. 26 t..t{)2. .il) |

stays/tighteners 4 supraspinous ligament 20

see also cervicxl spine; lumbar spine; thoracic spine supraspinous ligamcnts 90, 92
spinal column movements surgcr,v. spinal 271
aclion ul ps,,as tn;tior lO6 slltufes see cnnial slrtures
clinical assessmcnt'14
degrees of freedom 38 T
flexion-extension 21, 34
clinical assessment'14 tclemetry J l0
global ranges 38 temporal tuteq', si4)erficial 272
global movements 44 temporal boncs 278. 29(r
lateral flexion 34, 40 temporal fbssa 278
clinical assessment 44 temporalis muscles 216. 286. lo0, 304
mechanical noclel 36 tcrrrprrronmndilrrrlrtr ioint. )-tt. 2-r.. 291
rotation cluring 36 clislocations 296
lurnbar spine !2, 9,i movemcnts 29lJ
rotation, rxral 34.12 structrtre 294)
clinical assessment 44 Tenon's capsule 306
cluring lateral llexion 36 fcnurl : (e|is( ler:ll) \pll(c Jo(i
measurement 42 thoracic compliance 176
permanent 36 thoracic k,vpltosis 8
spinal cord 171, 268, 276 rlr()rJcic rehx.ttion. lr)lill I -()
compression/transection 252, 268, 27 O thoracic spinc 6. 11, 142-8i
end 138 clrn'ature 8. I 18
relatiunship to trnir'al spine 268 clescription 1.{2
see also neuraxis inteneftebral discs 150
spinal furrow 82 in oneJegged standing 122
lumbar furrow 100 rotation. axial l,l8
z6z'gaz'982 sJlrsnu snJlleuoB& Og'8/ JJUJUTtUoJ/sJatJUrqds lzJqteJn
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The Physiolo$y of the Joints
Norv in its sixth edition, The Physiologl' o.f the Joints Volume Three
has been completely revised, incorporatin-q new international
nomenclature. new material and full-colour diagrams and illustrations

New to this edition:

The vertebral artery, fragile and susceptible to damage from
ill-conceived manipulations
The vertebral pedicle - expanded knowledge of this structure
has led to great progress in spinal surgery
The varying positions adopted in daily and professional life
The Perineum - a completely new chapter devoted to all bodily
functions connected with the perineum (urination, defecation, l--'-/

erection, labour and deliverY)
The Temporomandibular Joint
The Facial Muscles
The Movements of the Eyeball.

This book will be a valr-rable text fol metnual therapists, massllge

therapists, physical therapists and osteopaths interestecl in the
biomechanics of the human bod-v.

Dr Adalbert L I(apanclji necc'ls no introduction;

he is inrernationalll' recognized amonl
o rth o p ir e d ic s u r ge o n s a rr d p h-vs i c ir l/tnan u :r I

tl.rerapists. After il long cirreer :rs art orthopaedic

surgeon, is nor'v devoting hirnse lf ftrllv to thc
:: ir,r
revision of the three volumes clf his rvork <f-'
The 1'h1,siolog1' of the Jctirtts. alreirdv publishecl Appropriate for:
in 1 langu:rges. ManualTherapy
Massage Therapy
Physical Therapy

rsBN 928-0-2020-2959 2

ELSFVIER ilil I il ilil I i llll lll lll lll llll
97 807 02029592

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