00 - Individual Work Plan

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Individual work and development plan Date: 2017

Mid-point PAT

Function / position / location

Planning period

Corrective or capitalising actions (if required from mid-point review)

Ref. What Who When Indicator

Individual work plan / performance agreement Review

Ref. What Who When Indicator PAT

Individual development plan
Outlook on possible medium-term development (2 to 4 years)

Individual development actions for next 12 months (until next PAT) including LEAD competences if applicable Review
Ref. What When Indicator PAT

Additional Comments:

Supervisor: Date: Co-worker: Date:

Definition for colour rating:

Tasks / Objectives Development

Not achieved / Agreed objective has not been achieved or was stopped due to certain Development action has not been implemented or was stopped due to certain
stopped reasons. reasons.

Partially achieved Performs main tasks partly. Development action has been partially implemented.
Improvement is necessary and desired No perceivable change in behaviour / skill after development action.

Fully achieved Performs as agreed Agreed development action has been implemented.
Development is visible.

Exceeded Employee clearly exceeds expectations Employee achieved major step in personal/professional development.
Results of development steps are clearly visible in behaviour and performance.

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