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Ms. McAuley and Mrs.

Patchogue-Medford High School
Emails: ,

Welcome back to school! We hope that you will find this class fun, exciting and
challenging. Please read over the procedures and rules, sign and have your parents sign
and return the bottom portion only of the next page.

Classroom Procedures:
1. Be on time! Be seated and ready to work at the bell. Always look at the front
board for the days aim, do now and homework assignment.
2. Passes: Dont bother me about going to the bathroom. If you are in an emergency
situation go, if not, then go in between periods on your own time.
3. Be prepared: Have something to write with and your science notebook and dont
tell me its in your locker, thats not being prepared.
4. Homework: 3 - 4 nights per week Monday through Thursday. Every assignment
is checked and graded. You have to the end of the week to turn in a late
assignment for a partial grade; otherwise it is a permanent zero.
5. Behavior: On your best all the time. Improper behavior is not tolerated, ever. You
must respect each other, my belongings, personal space, and the belongings of the
school. This also includes lab equipment, desks and anything else in this room.
6. Notebooks: You need a three ring loose leaf binder and a folder specifically for
science only.
7. Tests and quizzes: Tests are announced at least five school days in advance.
Quizzes will be once a week (minimum), some announced and some surprise.
8. Labs: All labs must be completed and scored 65 or better in order to take the
regents in June (you need 40 labs to take the regents exam).
9. Extra help: Monday-Thursday after school, if you need help, ask! If I feel you
need extra help I will assign it to you and communicate with your parents. I am
here to help you be successful, please take advantage of it!
10. Dismissal: You must be seated and all work stations cleaned up. You will have to
clean up your area when we do labs and activities. If you do not, we will not do
the group work that you will enjoy. It is a privilege.
11. No food- combing hair, putting on make up or eating in class. You may have
bottled water but you are responsible for recycling your containers. If you bring
food back from the lunchroom in between periods when you are not supposed to
be there, you will be sent to the referral room and will receive a zero for the days
lab. There is no food or drink during lab periods, ever.
12. New York State Regents: all labs must be completed and scored 65 or better in
order to be able to take the regents in June. The regents exam is your final exam
and it counts 20% of the final grade for the entire class.
13. Student responsibility: YOU are responsible for any missed work. If you are
absent for a quiz or a test, you must come to extra help to make it up. Only
excused absences will be eligible to make up work.
14. Student Grading System:
1. Tests 40%
2. Quizzes 25%
3. Labs 25%
4. Homework 10%
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Keep these guidelines in your notebook as the
front page. Sign below and have your parents sign and include their email. Complete and
hand in Monday.

I have read and understand the classroom procedures and grading system for Ms.
McAuley and Mrs. Gonzalezs Regents Earth Science class.

Students Name (please print): _______________________________________________

Students Signature: _______________________________________________________

Parent/guardians name (please print):________________________________________

Parent/guardians signature:________________________________________________

Parent/guardians email address:____________________________________________

Parent/guardians phone: Home:_______________________________________


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