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Diversity of Informed Beliefs Essay

Beaver, Dawn

Instructor: Evin Fox

EDUC 204: Families, Communities, and Culture



Every child is a different kind of flower, and together, they make this world a

beautiful garden. Throughout my personal journey to become an elementary teacher,

this famous quote by an unknown author has taken on a very profound meaning to me.

Physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually each child is a unique individual.

Though there are some common needs and characteristics that children of each stage and

development share, no two are exactly the same. A good teacher has the knowledge of

individual differences and will try to plan a lesson that will reflect and respond to the

individual needs of every child. This will help ensure that each child has the opportunity

to blossom and grow.

Students Ability to Learn

Every child can learn, but outside influences can directly impact his or her ability.

The childs family, extended family and/or caregivers have the initial influence on

his/her learning development. Unfortunately some of these initial influences can have

negative impact on the childs ability to learn such as low income, cultural minorities,

abuse, neglect and maltreatment. These children suffer from these negative

consequences and it can lead to learning disabilities. Other negative influences that can

impact a childs ability to learn are disabilities, impairments or handicaps. The

students ability to learn in these cases have been impacted, but not lost. All students can

learn if teachers can assess the right learning style of their students and adapt their

classroom methods to best fit each students learning style.


Teachers Expectations

I believe teacher expectations can affect the performance of the children they

teach. It is important for teachers to have expectations for their students and to let the

students know exactly what those expectations are. Every student should have goals that

are challenging but within their reach. Teachers that use guidance and positive

reinforcement for students inspire them to reach the desired expectations. Research

"clearly establishes that teacher expectations do play a significant role in determining

how well and how much students learn" (Bamburg, 1994, p.133). Students need to

experience success in order to stay motivated also. As the student accomplish the

challenging work and it is acknowledged by the teacher, the student will want to have

that great feeling of accomplishment over and over again and will achieve at high levels.

It is very important for the teacher to keep stereotypes out of the determining

factors for his or her expectations. The factors including race, ethnicity, income level or

past academic performances when considered in expectations will negatively affect his or

her students. These actions will contribute to increasing the achievement gaps that

already exist.

Students Social Ecology Theory

Proverbs 22:6 states Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is

old, he will not depart from it (Berns, 2010, p. 33). Students socialization involves

goals, methods and outcomes. It helps the student develop self-regulation that will

empower him or her to set and reach goals. Major influences on this process are the

family, the school, peer groups, mass media, and the community. Since the family plays

such an important role in this process and begins exposure to values and morals, it is

important for teachers to involve them in their students learning.

A teacher can also assist in her or his students social development through

involvement in the community. By involving students in community activities they will

learn the importance of belonging and developing friendships. Also through the use of

positive media a teacher can enrich the students social development by learning through

an outside source that they can apply to their personal behavior. For example, by

strengthening ones social development, the cognitive development is directly

strengthened. Teachers can incorporate important social learning lesson into the

curriculum and instill values some of the students may be lacking, The student will be

motivated to act and use these learned values to make a decisions that will have a positive

outcome like reaching his/her learning expectations. (Berns, 2010, p. 69)

Cultural Diversity Instruction

Teachers have a responsibility to all their students to ensure that they all have an

equal opportunity to achieve the best of their ability. If instruction reflects the cultural

practices and values of only one group of students, then the other students are denied an

equal opportunity to learn. It is imperative that the teacher expose students to many

different cultures to achieve cultural pluralism. By doing this, students will gain an

understanding and appreciation for their community and its diversity. Incorporating

bilingual and multicultural education in learning situations helps bring understanding to

students who may not be of this country, but are working to use their own language and

cultural knowledge to facilitate learning the new culture. Through discussion, interviews

and parent conferences the teacher can learn more information about the students

backgrounds and they can incorporate them into a theme or unit of instruction. The

teacher can maximize this information by also incorporating all the diverse cultures in

their surrounding community. Students that are exposed and experience more diversity in

their surroundings are more likely to treat others well and have a better chance of getting

along because they have an understanding or connection with why the other student may

be different from them.

Curriculum for All Learners

Learner directed curriculum gives the teacher an outline for instruction that can

be altered or adjusted throughout the year to meet students interest. By being flexible

the teacher is allowing curiosity to inspire learning amongst her students. By asking

students to participate in class discussions a teacher can evaluate her students and use part

of Pigets theory to evaluate if the students current experience regarding a subject will

require the class to create an assimilation or accommodation for concepts that will be

covered. The teacher can then ensure the students are achieving an equilibrium using

both assimilation and accommodation in experiencing new or additional concepts

I believe children learn successfully when they pursue their own interest and with

the guidance from a supportive teacher. Teachers can further assist the students by

incorporating positive reinforcements and rewards. This positive reinforcement will keep

the students motivated to keep perusing their interest. With both the guidance and

reinforcement, the teacher gives the student direction and motivation toward a goal.


As teachers evaluate their students physically, emotionally, socially and

intellectually they will discover each child is a unique individual. I believe a good

teacher will take his or her knowledge of individual differences and help every child no

matter their ability, develop the opportunity to blossom and grow.



Berns, Roberta M. (2010). Child, Family, School, Community: Socialization and Support

(9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Bamburg, Jerry. (1994). Raising Expectations To Improve Student Learning. Oak Brook,

Illinois: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.

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