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US Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW Tel-: (0044) 1635 817 363, Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 ‘e-malt: http: / © Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley 2002 Design and tlustration © Express Publishing, 2002 ‘All tights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a setrieval system, or transmitted in any form, oF by any ‘means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior ‘wiitten permission of the publishers. First published 2002 ISBN 1-84325-568-5, Acknowledgements ‘Authors! Acknowledgements We would like to thank al the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skls to producing this book. ‘Thanks are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief, Stephanie Smith and Mictael Sadler (senior editors); ‘Andrew Wight (editorial assistant), Brian O'Neil (senior production controller) and the Express Publishing design team, Warehouse (recording producer) and Emily Newton, Kevin Harris, Caniel Parker, Erica Thompson and Timothy Forster for their support and patience. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the ‘manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book ‘The authors and publishers wish to thank the folowing who have kindly given permission for the use of copyright material “Rhythm & ves’, by Usa Melton, © New Scientist, REI Ltd, 3/6/ 2000, for the article on p. 71; Extract from ‘The me ‘Machine, by H.G. Wels, Reprinted ty permission of A.P Watt Ltd on behalf ofthe Executors ofthe Estate of HG. Wells, on 1.95; Extracts from "Diet Tos", © Woman's Own, on p. 117; “Over Twist by Charles Dickens, Retold by Deborah Tempest. website:, on p. 127; Special thanks to Worldbook, Inc Colour Mustrations: Nathan, Chris ‘Music Compositions & Arrangement by Pstiolotronics While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements atthe first opportunity. ~ Upstream INTERMEDIATE Student's Book Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley Express Publishing Contents Self-Assessment Module 2 (pp. 66-69) ‘UNIT 1 dwellings dwellings & appliances; household - In Search of the Perfect My Home is my chores; colours & rooms; home Horne (multiple choice) Castle (pp. 6-19) safety = The Charming Past: Blamey Castle - Dunnottar Castle 3 3 oonr2 fife events. facial features; feelings; stages in| - A Dream Come True EEE white theres ite, life; family relationships; work (Gapped text) there's hope ~~ Extract from Jock & Jil | op. 2033) Setsssesment Module (op. 3437) unr trae weather; pes of hls & + Getting away omit a ‘Travel Broadens holidays; holiday equipment; holiday resorts; (multiple matching) the Mind Soa Roky cubis wavcers tps; |» Specter Netw (pp. 38-51) festivals. White Cliffs of Dover - fy efockes 3 2 one ‘environment; planet Earth; environmental ~The Answer f Blowing in 2 UB carthispearer | energy problems; conservation; eneray the Wind (gapped text) than Gold crisis; preservation of animals & ~ The Little Land (poem) (pp. 52-65) plants unis health; health problems; daily routines; = Can you feel the rhythm? Early to Bed... | daily routines stress & relaxation; describing (multiple choice) (pp. 70-83) feelings, character adjectives ~ Natural Hot: Rotorua ‘Ainsworth Het Springs 38 unc technology: technology at home; electrical = No Mote Secrets (matching 3 fh pettersate than | crime appliances; types of offence: headings to paragraphs) Sorry (pp. 64-97) descriptions of abjects + Extract from The Time Machine Sell-Assessment Module 3 (pp. 98-101) uNT7 shopping: shops & department stores; ~ Picking the Perfect Present Penny Wise, advertising dothes; products; creat cards; (multiple matching) Pound Foolish shopping complaints; oiine = Inthe Market for a Bargain: (pp. 102-115) shopping Portebeio Road Market - Hi Queena Meet 3 UNIT 8 food, ‘types of food; recipes; kitchen ~ How to burn fat all day 3 | Youarewnat — | healthy eating: Utensil; ways of cooking; places to | lang (gapped text) you Eat eating habits eat; diners’ complaints + Extract from Ofver vist wp. 116-129) SetfAssessment Module 4 (pp. 130-133) UNIT sports & entertainment | types of sports; qualities; places & | - Daredevil shaun (multiple Every Man to his equipment; free-time activites; choice) Taste types of entertainment; the + Trophy Hunters: Wimbledon - | Gp 134167) paralympics The Super Bow 3 2 [own the media; the news; naturaliman-made ~ E-books the books of the Speadthe News | disasters disasters; newspapers; TV Guide; future? (gapped text) (bp. 148-161) anews report = an opinion essay ~ describe clothes for a feshion magazine = an article describing a vst to a place quantifiers (some, any, no, (@) lite, 2) few); countable? ‘uncountable nouns: reported Speech (special introductory vet) Phiasal verbs: MAKE, PUT Conditionals Type 2 & 3; TF statements, multiple matching; multiple choice note-taking; VF ‘give advice; compare junk food to ‘ome cooked food; accepting’ ‘efusing invitations; doing your shopping; ordering a meaVfast food give opinions; guess content; talk = aredpe ~ an assessment report + instructions for a magic trick TURN wishes: would rather statements; matching | about hobbies, asking for + aletter to the editor Porasal verbs: RUN, SEE SET | speakers to permission & polite requests: statements taking a phone message: inviting 2 friend to a sporting event future perfect, nkers & ‘multiple matching; | compare types of films; express | - anews report ‘antifiers(eitherieither, | note-taking preferences; tak about disasters; | - a formal transactional letter ‘though, both, al, none) ‘gossip; making arrangements; Prasl verbs: STAND, TAKE, making excuses People & Homes UNIT 1» My Home is my Castle Units 1-2 Before you start ... How long have you been studying English? Why are you studying? + dwellings stages in life + home appliances © life events * household chores ‘+ types of families + rooms ‘+ facial features = colours + feelings © + home safety + working lives ios + make houessafefor = ‘break chicken bing = describe a rooma * cny house + ome + request services + opessymaty SYS eagcncice crete) * an advertisement for * describe people Poul refiner er Scie ter ea Cea tee gallo baci ‘+a description of a ms pees + anarative «preset tenses + vets of equeney '* prepositions of place © linkers: © state verbs + past tenses used tonwould Lead-in The title above is taken from an English proverb. ‘What do you think it means? i ‘a, Which of the houses in the pictures: hha: ive storeys and a house on top; a fibreglass ¢ brick walls; a thatched roof; a chimney; a rock ‘on the roof; wooden stairs up to the front door; stone ‘walls; a pitched roof; a tiled roof? is: built underground; a castle; built on stilts? 'b, Use the adijectives to describe each house. Give reasons. ‘economical * impractical » cold + spacious * cramped ‘ity * comfortable © attractive * eccentric House Ais economical to maintain because it doesn't cost very ‘much toheat and cool, (Glisten and match the houses to the countries. five-storey building Suffolk, England terraced house Zimbabwe hut on sts Portugal rock house Headington, England 4. Describe the houses A-D. Think about: ‘= type of house * location * special features + general description ‘The house in picture A is a hut on stilts. Itis located in Zimbabwe. It has got a thatched roof and wooden stairs up to the front door. ‘Itscramped but it's probably quite airy. €. Which house would yourwouldn't you like to live in? Give reasons. {td lke to tivein the hut on stilts becouse it looks very attractive to me. | wouén ike tolvein the rock house because it must get very cold. How would you like to live in a castle, a house or even underground? This might not be unusual as you think. It seems that these days mo and more people want to live somewhere special a ‘out of the ordinary, and if they can’t buy what th ‘want they are quite prepared to build it fre scratch, For Jobn Mew and his wife Josephine their hon teally is their castle. They have built their op English castle in the Sussex countryside, Tl building is brand new with all the luxuries you wou ‘expect from a house that cost more than £350,000) build, However, when you first see it from ¢ outside it would be easy to think that you are look at an ancient monument. The building has a lot! the features of a traditional castle, including a kee @ moat and a drawbridge. “My choice of house somewhat eccentric and building it was very ha work, but we've got the perfect place to live,” Me says. Although some would say that the buildi impractical and may be cold in HatsbiBritish winter he certainly fas got a unique and spiciOus home. Ifyou don’t look carefully, you might not even s the home that Jonathan Ridley-Jones and Shane Ridd built at alll That's because the house is converted underground water tank. The only thit that can be seen from the surface is a door leadi into the hillside. “We've never wanted to live in ‘ordinary house,” Shanon says. “Living below grou _means that our home is quiet and very cosy ~ none ‘the usual draughts. It doesn’t damage the loc surroundings and has very low fuel bills. Some our friends find it dark and feel shut in when th first visit, but they soon get used to ‘an underground home doesn’t appeal to you, 35 ow about living in the tree tops? Dan Garner, a ¢ surgeon from Gloucestershire, certainly thinks that this is the way to go up in the world. When our family became short of space at home our solution was to build a luxury tree house in the 40 garden. The trce house is built into a spruce tree six 3 fretres above the ground. It has one main room, a tedroom and a balcony running around two sides.” Gamer is so happy with this practical extension to his home that he thinks he can convince! more 45 poople of the benefits of living in the trees. Hee wants {o tetiup) his own enterprise making more of the dehue tree dwellings, saying, “Tree houses are alry, 4 secure and comfortable and the only disadvantage is that they might not be suitable for people who 50 suffer from hay fever or a fear of heights!” Even people who live in more ordinary settings climes can’t Hesist} doing something to make ple ofthis is Bill Heines’ house in Headington, 55 Gxlordshire. Until one moming in 1986, his house fooked much fike all the others in his street, when suddenly overnight a 7.5 m long fibreglass shark geeared to have crashed through the roof. The siark was a sculpture by local artist John Buckley. 60 ‘A first some people complained that it might be ous or that it spoilt the look of the jo0d, but engineers checked that the Jpture was safe and the ‘Headington shark’ has a well-known and popular landmark. It 65 that no matter where you live, you can always o something to make sure your house says Something about who you are. Reading Wo acs ock’at tbe) idea of what i¢ is about. title of the Look atthe firs part ofthe question, article. What yan nd the pare ct he wove he quetion do you think refers to. Go through the choices and choose itis about? "the angwer that best fe Kep in mind that Where might the formation maybe repfrared Event a You thnk you know the correct answer, eae yah check tthe ters reser words Cheek your answer expect to find in it. ‘against che tex. b. Read the article and answer the questions. Beplan the words in bold, then suggest synonyms for the highlighted words, More and more people build their own home A so that they can five underground. B_ 0 that they can have exactly the home they want. C because it is cheaper than buying @ new house. D because they want ll the modern lnuries you find in anew home. John and Josephine Mew ‘A. know that their choice of home is unusual. found that creating their dream home was easy C_wanted to live ike people would have in traditional castles converted an ancient building into a modern home. ‘What do Jonathan Ridley-Jones and Shanon Ridd say about thelr home? A It’sjust an ordinary house. B_ They always wanted to ive underground. C It doesn’t harm the environment. They don’t pay anything for heating and lighting, Why did Dan build a tree house in his garden? ‘A Hewants to persuade people to buy one, B_ His family wanted to lve in a tree house. He builds them fora living D His family needed more room. The ‘Headington shark’ A. was created by Bill Hines. crashed into the roof of Bil Heines' house one night. C_ was immeditely popular with everyone inthe town, D_ was buit without any warning. Follow-up ‘List the advantages and disadvantages of Mews, Ridd's and Gamer's dwellings, then talk about ‘them. 'b. What would your ideal house be? Describe it giving reasons, ‘Myideal house would bea costle. It would be made of. Vocabulary Practice Dwellings and Appliances 7 Which of these items are in your house? In which room? ‘refrigerator + vacuum deaner * electric heater ‘washing machine « microwave » humidifier 5. a. Go through the table and look up the words you don't know in your dictionary. (GP Listen and underline the words that best + air conditioner « hairdyer » dishwasher « cooker describe Ann's house. Circle the ones which best describe John’s house. ee sere celina roe ee b. Match the columns. Which ofthese have tional, madern, apartment fat, (eri eens paint in joes? detached, terraced house, cottage, vila, ee ne Smaz 2/3 storey building, castle builtin system - central hal village, iy, centrally cated residental fited dlezing area, close to the shops, inthe suburbs, on double wardrobes Locamone the outskins,isclated inthe country entrance fitchen a private parking srl tiny spacious large, huge, average, securty heating sz famiysized, ¥/2-bedroomed a There cre builtin wardrobes in curhouse. cheap, low-priced, overpriced,expensve, | Wehaven' get.. Com -on0mical ecco & @) complete the dialogue, then listen and Cenen, ‘cosy, comfortable, secure, luxurious, well- check, Dacron ined, ful furished ary nis cold | A: Hello! B: Good morning. I'm calling about the house advertised for ent in Paddington. Use the words to describe Ann's and John’s fs Onyes? ees mricgeeibe ous Tonze, Bt I WORdeF 9) canner 3 ‘Ann vesina traditional cottage inthe county The cottages. sive me a bit more information, please AS OF COUE, 2) een 6% Read the advertisements, then, in ait, ls the special Tike to know? features of each property under the headings: B: Fist ofall, 3). nent Inside - Outside ‘exactly where the house is situated? anacoene eee = e wr id the lounge and dining room ~ are 1 FOR RENT re ing ro che a oD [A] | raaaineton: re att de er ‘i: Yes, but they joined by a sliding lass door fireplaces Tring, built gh shared fences 8: And do all the bedrooms have fitted central De grge Frome garden Tagan public ‘wardrobes? en ‘and pool: oe tet, $430 per mom A: No, only the two largest bedrooms. ie abe et sc T88 One last questo. Is the garage lorge enough wae eT a a A; Oh, definitely. Inside: large lounge/dining room .. B:_Itsounds perfect. 4) . a. 2 Vcould see it? B A: 8) smsnmnnnnnnnan 6 O°OCk this evening? B: That's fine —see you then, FOR SALE £399,986 Golders Greeo, London: ‘A superb first-floor 2-bedroomed fat. Fully-furnshed witha larg balcony, double gazing tnd airconditioning Fully-equipped kitchen and modern security system, Minutes from tube station4 Full details at ‘tetany Properties: 020 8731,6889 Peres are aaa ee greeting "Se, greeting - ak for information agtee to Ge information aéyack your questions (e.g. exact b, What features are there irside/outsde your house? _} answer the questions se laction - special features) ‘agree on a viewing we ob arange 2 viewing b. In pairs, take roles and act out dialogues about each of the advertisements in Ex. 6. 9 Usetthe prompts and the Tinkers to make up sentences for each house, as in the examples. * both « 3s well as + also» besides ‘whereas + but ‘although + however a + ctiveway * chimney * garage + poo! * garden + attic + patio * fence B Y © balcony % » air conditioning © security system x ©cellar Y» fireplace ¥ © builtin wardrobes, X © central heating X © fitted kitchen’ ES SSN SND RNAS SSO Bath house Aand B have got a driveway. House Ahas gota chimney, but house Bhasnt got one House Ahas gota divewoy os well oso garage. Besides having a garage, house & hos gota driveway. Writing Project ', Look at the pictures A and 8 and write an advertisement for each house. Say ifit is for rentésale, what kind of house it is, how much it costs, what special features it has got and give a telephone number for contact. Use the advertisements in Ex. 6a as models to help you. Household Chores 40 2 Match the verbs to the nouns. wash the beds dst the carpets make the clothes iron ‘the dishes vacuum ‘the windows lean the floors mop the lawn mow the furniture Which of these household chores do you do? How often? Which do you like/not mind/hate doing? {sometimes wash the dishes inthe evenings. bb. Which of these verbs can be changed to do+ ing form of the verb? Make up sentences about ‘your family using these phrases. Mum always does the ironing on Soturday. Colours & Rooms 1G) Usten and cirde the words that are mentioned in connection with each colour. L competitive, romantic, active, excited } conservative, talkative, adventurous yellow sy, reliable, cheerful, generous, impatient, creative we calm, confident, stressed, relaxed, ? green telaxed, peaceful, refreshed, depressed } WHILE cheerful, isolated, withdrawn @ Listen again. What colour would you paint these rooms? Why? ‘+a dining room * a child's bedroom *aplay area alliving room © a classroom | would paint a dining roam orange because it stimulates the oppette. 12 Use the prepositions and the words in thelist to describe the living room. ‘in front of «next to behind + opposite + on ‘between * above + in the middle of fireplace « candesticks « carpet « paintings » sofa ‘armchair + cushions « plant + gless coffee table window +lamp ‘Theres 0 glass cofee table in front ofthe soa. Present tenses ~—g Grammar Reference 13 entity the tenses in bold, then match them to their use. 1. The Earth revolves round the Sun. 2. The train leaves at 5:30. 3. John is looking for a new house. 4 She can’t play. She has broken her leg. 5 Hes abways biting his nails. 6 7 8 have been trying to call you for an hour. He is flying to Madrid tomorrow. W's getting colder and colder. 22 action which started in the past and continues up to the present with emphasis on duration b lawof nature © expressing iitation action happening around the time of speaking eresutvconsequence ofa past activity in the present {fixed arrangement in the future 9. timetable hh gtadual development State verbs ‘We do not normally use believe, forget, hate, know, like, love, need, prefer, realise, remember, suppose, understand, want, appear in continuous tenses. {believe you. NOT Feebeliing pou. ‘The verbs think, taste, see, look, smell, feel and have ‘ean have continuous tenses, but there isa difference in meaning, 1 think he Is desperate. (= I believe) BUT Ym thinking about ‘moving house. (= fm considering) 114, Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense, then identify their use. 1 She v-- (move) house next week. 2. Carl and Mary ate looking for a new house. The landlodd ... - {evict) them from their flat. 3 (yourwait) a long time? 4 They - (convert) the old mil into 2 beautiful new home at the moment. 5. Water se {freeze) at 0° C, 6 Her fight (arrive) tonight at 7pm. 7 (youlsign) the contract for the house next week? 8 The Earth .... .- (become) warmer ‘and warmer 9 The bus .. (come) every ten minutes. 10 Jack and Maggie "(stl search) forthe perfect house. 11. Bob can't move house now because he . «= (Sign) a two-year contract. 15; Fillin the correct tense of the verb in brackets. TR ane/stilithink) of renting the house? 8: Yes, why? ‘A: Well, some people (think) that it is haunted. 2 Mark . -- (taste) the curry to see if we need to add any more spices. B: | don't think we do. I. Ataste) delicious ass 3 & Why er = (youssmel) the mf? only bought tis merringt B: Wali . »- (Smne off to mel 416 ® elk about British homes, using adverbs of frequency, as in the example. 15% 50% 25% «swing pool astomedtar Bitish homes always have running woter. Theres ohwoys running woterin British homes. You con always find running vraterin British homes. b. In pairs draw a similar chart about homes in ‘your country, then present it in class. 17. 'n pairs, talk about: + what you dofdon’t do in your fee time + what you are doing this weekend + what you have done so far today 418 How much have you changed since you were five years old? Make up sentences, asin the example. Wegrown my hairfong. 19 I" pairs, act out dialogues, asin the example. + sleep outdoors « visita caste * be ina tree house ‘= stay at a campsite « redecorate your own bedroom “stay in a house with its own swimming pool * have a power cut at your home * move house ‘A: Have youever slept outdoors? B: No, havent Have you ever vstedacostle? A Yes have. Beall? When was that? ‘A; Twoyearsago. Haveyouever.? et ry to 22 20 Use the prompts to act out ilogues, as in the example. 1 exhausted - work/garden 21 Make up sentences about * plantflowers (/) + prune/bushes (/) + waterfiawn (x) __ Youlookerhousted. What have you been doing? B: fvebeen working inthe © garden, ‘A: What have you done? Well, ve planted some fowersand pruned the but havent ‘watered thelawn yet. tired — do/homework * finishMaths (7) “stitelcoposition (7) sstudyhest ed - organise party “+ send ouvinwitations (/) * bookcaterers /) * bookband (x) yourself, using present tenses ‘and the time adverbs in the list. ‘yet «stil « aleady + for “Since « atthe moment + every day * now ‘next Saturday | haven't done my hemeworkyet Use the prompts to write sentences, asin the example, Use resent perfect or present perfect continues. 1 ‘Ann can't get into the house. (losesher key) ‘Ann cant getinto the house. She haslost her key. ‘Tom's sunbumt.(sitfin the ssurvall morning) My eyes hurt. (watch TV/ hours) Joho passed his Maths exam. Gtudyrhard) Nick has lest 2 lot of weight. (be on a diet) ‘Amy looks so happy! (buy/ new house) 23 24 Cirde the correct tense. 1. Him afraid | can't make it tonight. |... o'dock. A see B amsecing C haveseen D_havebeen seeing Q THe RIM eine at 7:30. ‘A hasbeen starting B hasstarted C isstarting starts the estate agent at 7 3 He .- to find a clearing woman for @ month now. ‘A hasbeen tying —-B tries © is trying D_ hastried 4 LOOK! YOU sn coffee all over my desk! A have been spting © were sping B have spilt D spill 5 He ._ the property section of the newspaper every day, but he still hasn't found anything, A esbeenreating 8 isreadng —C_haveread D read Prepositions “Se Appendix 1 a. Fillin the correct preposition, then explain the phrases. 11 Anmhas been absent .nneneus WOtK fOr two weeks, 2. Ithhas taken Mark a long time to become accustomed .. the Australian climate. 3. They accused him... stealing the car. 4 Weneed to agree . atime to meet, 5. He apologised Mary being late lastnight. 6 Emma has applied Leeds University enn & Place On the History course. 7 Some people don't apPIOVE ...u.n.senenne the councits plan to build 3 ‘new shopping centre in town. 8 The old man was begging -v.rnonnnen (00d, 9 Doyoubelieve.. vu Magic? 10 Rob has been busy the redecorating all week. Chain Story. Read the beginning of the story, then, one after the ‘other, continue the story using the phrases in bold from Ex. 24a. John Smith worked os. an office ‘manager He was very good at his jb, but unfortunately he ‘wasnt abletogoto work becouse he ‘wos very Hewes absent from workfor three ‘weeks 25 Fillin the correct prepositions, Then choose any five phrases and rmake up sentences using them. the ordinary; 2 . space; 9an OXEMBION wren 10 to comince people sth; 11 the benefits sth; 12 suitable 110 suffer fever; 14 fear. Phrasal Verbs Appendix 2 heights 26 2. Replace the words in bold with the appropriate phrasal verb formed with break or ‘bring, 1. My computer_hes stopped ‘working. (= broken down) 2 My fevourite band have just ‘released their new album. 3. Schools finish for the summer holidays tomorrow. 4 She was ralsed by her grandma. 5 The buts entered by force and stole all our valuables. 6 A fre began suddenly on the second floor ofthe building 7 Visiting my old neighbourhood always makes me recall memories of fariy holidays. 8 The two counties ended diplomatic relations with each other two years ago. Competition Game nH 'b. Choose one of the phrasal verbs in Ex. 26a and draw a picture about itn tears, show your picture to the dlass. The team which guesses the phrasal verb first gets one point. Continue the game tuntil al of you have shown your pictures. The team with the most points is the winner. Word Formation eT T eae 27 Fillin the correct WO Read the tte of the word derived from ‘ext to get an Idea what the the word in bold. text ls about Read the text once ‘ell. For each gap decide what the missing 1s (eg noun, verb, adverb ex) You may need ‘write the word inthe plural or with anes ‘meaning, Think of possible prefixes and Flin the gaps. Check the spelling. Read the ‘completed text to check It STA eed Your Homes Can you tffagine anything worsé than returning home to find that burglars have broken into your house? 0) Unfortunately, this happens to about 1 lion people in Britain 1) However, if you want better 2) .unmumemnn against burglars there are several things you can do. To improve 3) ssnennnnsnny h€CK all the locks on your doors and windows. The 4)... of lighting all around the house will make sure a burglar i 5) . to hide in the shadows. An alarm system is another good 6) ‘measure you can take, Starting 2 7)... - algo a very 8 way to prevent crime in your area, Since most 9) . . take place when people are away on holiday, this is when your neighbours’ help is most 10) ~ Ask them to collect your mail, open and close your Cirtains every day, switch your lights on and off and even mow your lawn to make your house look occupied. FORTUNI ANNUAL PROTECT SECURT INSTAL ABLE PREVENT watch group is NEIGHBOUF EFFECT BURGLAR VALUE 12 < si s ‘ i ig negative ad the UNE UAL. ECT URE TALL ‘BLE ENT Error Correction \ ra Idioms & Fixed Phrases of ete see 28 Read the text below and a ee reineeenl 3O Fillin the correct colours). Then look carefully at each line. text once quickly.then read ie sentence by” explain the expressions in bold, Ifthe line is correct, puta sentence. Look for mistakes with articles, tid V). _aailarymodel verbs, prepositions, pronouns, Ifittas aword that _-_=*- ®tparadve forms ete.The extra words are ite TOME: not just unnecessary. Mark your should not be there, write Sa etteat eee this word on the lines, as in the examples. An Unusual Home Why woulda basketball playerto have an exact copy of @ picte ship in bis backyard? The basketball player is LA _ ers ‘stat, Kobe Bryant, who he has created an adventure wonderland in his California home. There are ‘of tropical gardens around the house, complete 0 1 Sophie goes tothe cinema once 00 1 2 3 1waterfals, and the pirate ship Is none of these. The 4 5 6 a 8 9 ina v= MOON, She doesn't lke it much. 2 Jack fell down the stairs and he 5 svn BO nnn OVER, 3. Angela definitely has ip it not only fits in with the garden, but also gives fingers - everything in her "tothe home a fur-patk theme. garden grows really well "The house is aver 16,000 square feet in the size, with ten A HES a BI orn = he tedrooms and over twelve bathrooms. A huge guest 8 encrwmnne hasn't got much experience in house stands next to a theatre and a billiards room. EVEN IF 9 ennwewnnemnne this kind of work 5. They knew that if she found out the truth it would hurt her feelings so they told her a litle ra lie. 6 She doesn't want to say anything until she has seen the facts in. 10 d the guests need something else to look at, apart from the rest of the decor, there are so beautiful ceilings which fave to been carefully hand-painted. These give Kobe's house a casual but elegant look. Kobe didn't want to buy aready-buitt home, so that he had this one specially built _Torhim~ at a cost of about $13.5 milion! Key-word Transformations 311 Underline the correct word, then 29 Complete the second \\ Read the whole eioet ie Pisses sentence using the word sentence, then lok at a ve. He is a inbald,Youcan use two _thekey worry wo werk ot wit Cepia ap a vores Sac kit ‘the question is testing (passive, indirect ‘out and about/around. ‘to five words including ech, part of speech, et). Complete the 2. After the argument they both the word given. Don't sentences without changing the word did their best to clean/clear the change the word given. ivan Check tat you have wean ar ye eee 3 can't find my keys anywhere — ; ae they seem to have vanished 1 Te never seen such a tiny house i into thin/delcat air GOES tHE cerns nine $66 4. Matis very determined to buy the cottage. He won't 2. Wt’s2long time since he last visited us. ecotiahe os ea fF HE orn 8 fg time. Be ana 3. WS ayeor since he started working here resort here, but the owners of Bee HE nn . ne BEBE NOME those beach nant Stones 4 His new book will be on the market next March. refused/denied to play ball. out His new book .. vovee Nxt March, 6 They knew they would have to 5. Two men forced their way into Says flat last night. ere 2 caecum naed berg broke Two men last night. eiey rented to buy the hoes ” 7 a at a price they could afford. 13 Listening & Speaking skills 32 ¢))You will hear aw ee ® Uisten again and mark the sentences as true people ‘understand what the speakers or false (F). talking about haven common. Read the lise AF and problems undertine the words you have to listen 1 Marsha Ward i @ weiter and a parent. they are fect force to mach each pair 2 1,000 children in Britain have accidents tegen See Atma their houses. fatan ea he whole pare before you 3. Young children have mare accidents Listen and match decide, Ulsan again aed check than older children. the problems (A-F) your answers. 4 The bathroom is the most dangerous to the speakers (15). room inthe house. ‘There is one extra problem which you do not need touse. 355, Look at the pictures and in pairs talk about: the dangers children face at home A badly fitting window speaker 7 cae “Sell how to make our houses sfeforchiran © air conditioner doesn’t work Speaker 3 (] Use the prompts below to help you. | D leaking roof Speaker 4 =] | E not enough space Speaker 5 [J | F driveway needs tepaiing 33 Look at the pictures. Compare and contrast them. You can use the expressions below to help you. Both pictures show Picture A... but picture. Picture A... in addition, Picture B, on the other hand, Although/While picture A. picture B ‘+ Which house would you tke to vein? Gv 12380", * electrical socketsshot stoves ~ safety covers «« How is your house similar * chemicals/cleaning products/medicine - locked +ojdifferent from the ones cupboards sn the pictures? + cupboards & drawers ~ safety catches on ‘© What problems might you © swimming pools — guard rails face in each ype of house? ® staircases safety gates “Think about: noise, © knives/irons — keep out of reach distance from: Electrical sockets are very dangerous because children can spoce eating ee. be electrocuted. Safety covers should be put on, 3G G_)tisten to an estate agent talking toa client on 34.) You are going to hear a woman talking about the phone and complete the form, then talk about home safety. Which of these words do you the house, what context? Listen and ‘Main Requirement: big garden ‘headache * fling » burning + drowning Se * choking * toothache « poisoning + scalding es ‘cutting * electrocution * indigestion When built 19300 | wouldrtexpect tohear the word headache, Parking: large double —i ‘would expect tohear the word falling. Namba of become: Ta ‘Fallin down the stirs isa common household accident.” pore ot a eoor xtra features: [BT 37 Your friend, who's got a family of four, has inherited £10,000 and she s thinking ‘of making some improvements to her house. In alts, decide which would be the best and why. & Ithinkshe should adda second bathroom. Yes shes got aig family soanother bathroom would be very useful. Deciding on a house 38(@) Usten to the dialogue. Where does it take place? b. Complete the dialogue, then use the prompts to act out similar dialogues. A: How do you 1) z it, then? B: Wel, it's nicely decorated and the garden is lovely, but the kitchen i very 2)... ‘A: That's true, But itis 3)... And there are only two bedrooms. Mmmm, yes. But we can use the 4) bedroom, : | think it will uit our needs. And it's not so expensive, ether ‘A: Okay, then, Let’ tll the estate agent that we are definitely 5). .-- equipped. . as another * nice area (+) © four-bedroomed (+) + a long way from the shops () + abus stop nearby (+) « no central heating () + log fire +) + well maintained (4) « garden (¥) «no garage () * park on the street (+) no fence () « modem security system (+) Requesting services 39) listen to the dialogue. Who's worried? Now match the exchanges. (TB) Brown & Sons. How can help a Wellit doesn’t lock properly you? Hello, My name's Ann (ZO tetio, ms smith, what cant Smith. do for you? © 21, Market Street. at's wrong with it? Ie got a problern with my FEIN send someone to look att front door, right away. Thank you, that would be (1) mitat is your adress, please? reat. b. Use the prompts to make up similar dialogues. A 8 name of company full name ‘ask for problem describe the problem suggest sending sb thank ask for adress <2 sive address Expressing sympathy AO G, Usten and say what each dialogue is about. Read the exchanges and Uundedine the phrases that express sympathy. 1A: I'mafraid that the plumber won't be able to come today, He's had a car accident. B: How avfull Will he be all Fight? 2. Oh, no. I ocked myself out! B: That's too bad. 3. A: The Smiths are going to be evicted. I'm sorry to hear that. b. Use the phrases to make up dialogues expressing sympathy in the following situations. + How teribieawfulsadi ‘That’ terrible/awfula pity’a shameftoo bad! = You must be very worried upset. ‘= I'm (eally) sorry about that to hear that, fire in the basement an aunt fell down the stairs Not getting the flat you wanted 2 friene’s daughter burnt her hand on the cooker. awn Intonation 41 ©isten, then, read out the ‘exchanges in pairs, +A: [have to move out! That's a shame. My fat was broken into last night fm sorry to hear that. {can't afford the rent You must be very worried ze (My antique table is ruined, How sad! PP Pb 15 How does the title relate to the pictures? . Im what context do you expect to find the | following words in the texts? Blamey Castle + tourist attraction * in ruins + battlements + wellkept grounds interesting historical site Dunnotar Castle * cliffs + exciting past + the Scottish Crown Jewels * the strongest fortresses + lodgings * stables « storehouses * popular with birdwatchers Blarney Costleisa famous tourist attraction 4 ® Brarney Castle Fight kilometres north ofthe city of Cork you will find Blarney Castle, home of the famous Blarney Stone. This stone is traditionally believed to BAS sihoewer kisses it the gift of eloquent speech. Built 5 in 1446 by Dermot McCarthy, King of Munster, flarney Castle has a rich history. Itis believed that @ past king of Munster sent 4,000 men to help Robert the Bruce win the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314, His reward was said to be half of the Stone of Scone, { 40 which was renamed the Blamey Stone. Blarney Castle today is 2 very popular tourist attraction although most of it is in ruins. Many features remain, though, like the tower and the arrow spiral staircases. Visitors who wish (0 Kiss 45 the stone must cmb up a very narrow winding staircase to the top of the battlements, then fie on their back and lean slightly aver the edge of the tower to reach the stone. Visitors can also enjoy 2 walk. through the beautiful, well-kept, grounds, 20 where they will find the Rock Close, This is @ mysterious place with ancient stones and trees that wore used by the druids. Blamey Castle is a very interesting historical site ‘and definitely well worth a visit. It is one place you 25. must not miss if you get the chance to go to Southern Ireland. best e sea. t form gets s WO. garden door anda Se re wo 5 fully iveinadetoched house. Its got.. talk to Discuss & Write * $008 AQ @. Read the rubric and undertine the key wwords.Then, answer the questions. Your fiend wants to move to your area andiis « looking for ahouse to rent. He/She has asked you tohelp. Write a letter to your friend describing a house you have seen and giving further details. 1. What type of uniting is it? 2 Who is sending the letter? What is the relationship between you and the recipient of the letter? 3 What style is appropriate? Justify 4 What information do you need to indude? 55 What opening and dosing eriarks can you use? {By Uiten tothe conversation you had with an ™ estate agent and complete the table. 2). downstairs: bathroom; living room; old dining room; large kitchen =} 50 ams Use your notes to ask and answer questions, as in the example, then talk about the house. ‘A: Whereis the house located? B: Itislocated.. Use the information in Ex. 49b to answer the questions in the plan, Then write your letter. You can use the letter in Ex. 47a as a model. am” Dear (your friend's first name) Introduction (ora opening remarks Main Body (Suggest topic sentences) (ara 2) Where exoctlys the house? How much isthe rent? (Para 3) What the exterior tke? (material, garden, a) (Para 4) What is the interior like? How many floors/ ooms/furniture? Conclusion (Para 5) What should you do next: give phone number? ook i? ‘losing remarks Yours, ‘your first name 51 Explain the sentences below in your own words FOMOUS go. * Aman travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns horne to find it. George Moore (Irish author/poet) Strength of character may be learned at work, but beauty of characteris leamed at home. Henry Drummond (1851-1897) (Scottish naturalist) 19 Lead-in 41% Which of the following life events match the pictures (1-4)? What other life events can you think of? ‘ engagement * moving house * having a baby ‘referent » graduation » wedding b, In pairs, use the adjectives below to talk about some important events in your life. «sad «happy « scared «thriled« exited ‘+ wored * disappointed « pleased «initated Mnever forget my ist doy ot schoo. fl ver scored ‘wossohappy ot my ssters wedding Shelooked gorgent Sey inher white des. twos unforgettable! 3 Look atthe chart and see what American adut ‘consider to be the top ten stressful life events a. V ‘Then make up sentences, asin the examples B i fi 73% Divorce = 'b. In pairs, think of words related to each life 63% Death inthe far a d i a eases cere aaa The manin picture lis moving house. Heis carrying alorge Ee Narione) ‘box. Hefooks hoppy. 45% Retirement Seventh iy perce Americans corse 39% Bringing up chilcren Gcetotethem 2 3 Lies andimateh he people tothe eves. How ging ele pa 136% Changing jobs ° P h h A 1 Shtythreepecet gy, ' 9 p c Marta losing your job 26% Starungfeaving school] Amaiconscomsiderode steve moving house nae inthefoniye 1 work Lave having abby Pipe ieaiech oe thesecond mosses Tory ee 20% Mowng howe eentih — b, Which are the three most stressful life events for you? Give reasons. “Then, two years tater, Ty whose fay dosed rim 1 Use tabard argh i FeOvE FRouokt thatthe plan 10 invent 2 ae te ayers Ove PP ase 25 vo presets HH seme oe eeSN NS SE ovement it ears tater they wes 2 istered his i nigh be ising Read the it of invention wih sng sentences Cross ut he one ued nthe patent office 27°, Gxample Remember thereis one extra sertece. ‘because they hd Searefiting the sentences into the gaps. March the vrever seen topic of the missing sentence with the topic of che anything The it sentence before andafter each gp Look for cues such ‘before, they. a5 reference words (he, there, it etc) ortinking words Teguise tis before crater ech pp. Check at th sercerce revion asa You chooke fs grammatically and makes sere, Read the completed texto see fit te rakes sere, rrame “adephone inventions, sto is ena. OTS TIS yee i who had lost her hee Reading 2 What do you know about Alexander Graham ‘Bell? What did he invent? When? Did he come from a big family? Read the article and find out. , Choose from sentences, (A-D, the one that best fits each gap (1-7) to complete the text. There is. ‘one extra sentence you do not need to use. ‘A. Professor Henry realised immediately that Alexander had made an amazng discovery and encouraged bir to continue with his experiments. B At that time he had another student who greatly BANLE Hair: wavy, Stages in Life ~ on om 8 (@) Usten and fillin the average ages for people in eo Cheeks: roy ‘the USA, then make up sentences, asin the Eyebrows: arched, example. : EVENT AGE —— a Eyelashes: thich ‘0 to colegofunwversity leave home — oo = get mari eee Mouth: wide, Speal chine Plnted, Dyahowe ee e retire a ‘Arerzon usualy start dlementor schol ttheagectfnn. SP 22 ———__ eee 'b, Make a similar table for your country. How does 11 Ciisten to these sounds and match them to how pee colny eet Kom the USA7 ‘You would feel Then, make up sentences, as in the Study the agra and in pais, think of two evarple. events typical of each stage. sien waiog wrtated dogs barking ws nervous waves splashing scared message notification eager thunder crashing relred Whenever | hear asiren wailing, fee! nervous, Asien wailing makes me feel nervous. ‘These symbols, or emoticons, are used in e-mails and chat rooms to suggest feelings. Study them and O1 12 212 1319 20+ 40+ 60+ ‘then use the symbols to respond to the comments. Ababy learns to craw. ‘Atodderleams towalk. Feelings Q & Wiite the adjectives on the correct line. ‘tered * bored delighted * worted ‘impatient * calm annoyed + cheerful » sad += depressed » ecstatic furious + miserable «pleased * nervous + relaxed » frustrated ample. _ je _= ct? & nul oO SEP conpouteterer te ets. rato te | ae 2 Guess whal? | got engoged! . Choose one adjective from each colurn. When 3 He's in hospital, He's very ill was the last time you fet ike this? What had ‘They won 3-O! happened to cause this feeling? ) 2 5 Pe applied! to Ladin University: Thelet time fet annoyed wes when thetrin was te. ree a a 6 1 dtON'T GET THE J0B. asinthe = Ustening 413 Fillin be and/or fee. Then use the colocatons to = 40. Giisten and write how each speaker fet. Why did ake serene Sout Youre — ech specker feel that wey? 1 w-€orwinced 6 expressive —— 2 cn eshausted 7 casyging = 2 Besos oe fgHen = 4 9 need 5 On eapansible the ogect ve He eles convinced tha she dnt Ike him, 23 Cele a 24 16 Past tenses “Se Grammar Reference 2 Identify the tenses in bold, then match them to thelr use. She left university si years ago. He was waiting for the bus when the accident happened. He had just finished his report whon his boss asked to see him. ‘She had been working as a clerk fortwo years before she got promoted. happened before another past action with emphasis on continuation happened at a specific time in the past happened before another past action ‘was in progress at a certain time inthe past ange 'b. Underline the time adverbs used with each tense. What other adverbs can you think of which can be used with these tenses? ‘Make up three sentences using them. ‘Match the prompts from each column to make sentences. eC Cc been the ights went off. fora house ones ‘wo yeors now. thes: nce pe they found whet they were a oking fr. ‘Ann was laying the table. she got marned. ‘three times Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense. Justify your answers. YOUN nnn (rea) his arm vile... (paint) the wal. 2. Sandra finally sso (pass) the exam, She cen — ~~ (study) really hard for months. 3A: HOW 1ONG won snnsenneen cae (Maryfwork) here before she . revs (HEE)? B: More than twenty years a a sn (walk) home lastnight, ' bump) into Sally 5 Thesun.... 7 .(hine) and the birds... snes (SING) 25 WE — (erive) towards the vilage. 6 = (finish) the main course and (wait) for dessert when ssn 109). 7 9% 10 (yourwork) late last night?” PWS, aCtUaly Nansen (noveave) until 1 pen She penn so (Wisit) France before but she OMY renner @) to Parislast month, (yousee) Jamie at the party last night? B: No, by the time . (get) there, he (alreadyfeave) (walk) home when she senvnnse GhAN) het ‘mobile phone ring 47. Underline the comect words. 1 When she entered het flat she had found/found that someone hhad brokervbroke in. He had been civing/was driving home whenfafter he crashed into a tree. When Laura arrivedsnad arrives at the restaurant, Tony had ‘gone/had been gone home. Whenvwhile | watked into the room, they had justiyet fished ther dinner. ‘ter they had been lving/ived there sinceffor two years they decided to buid an extension to theirhouse. He didn’t shaverhadn’t been shaving this moring because he hadn't hadididert have time. Whilesafter te graduated from university, he joined/was joining the amy, She had been watching! watched TV whensince Tor came hore. He wes havingfhed a bath when the lights had gonefwent out, ‘She had neverfever been to ‘South America beforesafter. Gar Het Het how Use {night?* Game Kw (& Uisten to Sam and Sarah and tick (/) the things that they used to do when they were children and cross (x) the things that they Look at the cartoons, then in eee rccnaa teams try to explain what to do. Then make up sentences, as in the example. happened to each of the people play with computers [lock ther doors using past tenses. Each correct have therr own private do lots of chores sentence gets 1 point. The team telephone ines have early nights with the most points isthe play outdoors, ‘wear a uniform to school winner. play with their fiends in the [=] go to school six days a week street [Ei vist ther grandparents in the a @ Ti oo ishing schoo! holidays [go swimming the ves Sam and Sarah didn't use to ploy with computers. a Moy 18 P asa Talk about what you used to do during your childhood. helo the later vile he weg 19. Swat tom rames. Which sentence refers tothe past? pining th well ond broke som. & Theymettenyecrsago. _& Theyhovebeenogtersine then ae i. Put the vers in brackets nto the pst simple or the presentperfect. Used to /Would “BE a ea maar conwarkerrene | “2 nterestig fe. He was bor in 1945 fn Manchester and he wa the youngest fsx children From the mornent he could read he was a Studytheesamples in which )-nover wihou 2 book inhi fans, He wat an avid render of the sentences (V6) can you throughout his schooldays. and he soon 2) wane (Show) is aoe eee opaedeor tnt for writing toa In fe, is tesehers 3) (50) =e him exe assignments jus tobe able to read more of his wrk, [ASter fe 4) nun) school he went to Manchest Temaiomaddgopognabtas | | Usvenic: 8 the te he gee hs BA,he ad ready pubsed Neti poste, number of short stories. and his first novel vas almost fished. Bicass ei urvcsorearen ‘Over the nox few years he 5) (rite) non-stop and each toststote lof his books was more success dan the ast. Despce beng 30 busy his work, Alox stil 6) (Bind) time for romance. He met Fiona, while he was at university and they were married In 1971. They have children. He 7) neeenrnnnennnnensnanen (laysfbe) a devoted husband and 1 Lused to come here wher Iwas (| father. NOT: He weuldvein York asa young. ‘Alex Morton 8) (vite) over twenty books 50 far 2 Jack's parents used to Ihe in and his mame 8) sees (be) on the bestseller fist more Canada. times than he can remember. However the pinnacle of his career was when he 3 Louise used to ave FIO) emeemnmnnnnnnen (Wi) the Booker Prize for Fiction in 1995. Since then, motorbike but | think she has a4) AIG 11) umnwnennsnnenane (Contin) tO write and many of his Books carrow 12) ern (Bnd) int fis. 4 Caroline used to play tennis ee Soy nag et He wea ‘© Talk about one of your older relatives. You can talk about hisfher: 5 When they were younger, they + childhood + education » work «family (eg. martiagochldren) sed to 90 for lang walks inthe + achievements later years pen maee) ‘My grandfather is called Homy. He was born in Brighton in 1920. When he left Sessa used gto) make, school he joined the local fire brigade. He got married when he was twenty-six. He Poss fr eect. ‘ond hiswite Ada had seven chien. He says that his family wes his most important ‘chievementn fe My grandfther retired thee years og. Since then, he and ry grandmother havespent ther time traveling and gardening, 5 Grammar in use Prepositions “e- Appendix 1 20 2 Undertine the conect 26 preposition, then explain the phrases in bold. 1 Julie is capable offor doing it on her own. 2. You can depend to/on Simon. He's very retable. 3. He shouldn't comment onto that when he doesn’t know all of the fats. 4) te was very unfair that Paul was dismissed from/othis ob. 5 The criminal has been charged forhvith burglary. 6 They're always complaining off about something, 7 Children are very curious for/ ‘about the world they vein 8 Julian is very senious and dedicated to/at his work 9 She is finding it cificult to ‘concentrate on/tober studies. 10 Sally is amazing. | don't know ‘how she copes with/at her job, ‘and her kids at the same time. b. Fil in the correct preposition. ‘Then choose ary three phrases and make up sentences using them, Venn fa 210 be involved : sth; 3 tomove... Beston; 4 to spend time and ‘money sth; 5 awaste tie; 6 an expert ann. Sth Phrasal Verbs Topendic2 211 & Fillinthe conect particle and explain the phrasal verbs. + cut 62) + up with « into + across * round * away # on off » down with 1. The fans got completely carried when their team scored inthe last minute 2 Nell was reading the newspaper when NE AME cece a arte about an old friend of his. 3 When Lucys unde died she came nnn. lt of money. ° 4 Sue asked Rick and Claire to €OMe «noun for Ginner tonight. 5 Danny cartled his speCCh san BOF 23 Fe 6 Jason is Going 10 CAM won ons the business after his father retires Bs 7 The author has a new novel COMIN sw one DOME We. the 8 lizhascome {an excellent solution to our probes ar 9 Doctors will carry more tests to find out what the problems fits 10 John iil; he has conte. . duckenpox. va onl we b. Look up other meanings of come out and come (around in your dictionary. Then make up sentences using these meanings. Word Formation 22 Fillin the correct word derived from the word in bold. Although the 0) majarityol people say that they work, for the money, the V) jenronmenrnne Teward istit actually the only thing that they think about. 2D. rescarch has shown that people consider many different factors to be of 3) when they make their 4) survey of students showed that after 5) . they would be looktng for jobs that allowed them to balance their 6) lives with their work lives, A worldwide Its not just the younger generation who think like this cither. There has even been an increase in the number of middleaged 7) who are moving away from highly-paid executive positions into less. 8) snsmmnons jObS. They are looking for something, which is more 9). vn. and gives them more leisure time. All this has meant that 10). veilseg tht chey need ‘wages if they are going to keep their workers happy ‘and motivated! din your rings. Open Cloze 23 Read the text AW Read th tie ofthe Feed tania we le srry of what Sead youare gl to rnd Read ee text the word cn uc fog te greg end ‘the twain. ay attention tothe words fits each _beforeafter each gap:These wil help you decide what (gap. Use word i missing Mising words can be adverts erties only ONE odsl'auliry vers corfutons prepostors WORD in Pronouns.phrasal verbs ee: The word that you SSecmuntbegareacely covet ae each Gap, sense in context When you hve filed inthe 8 7 pred the toxcagain to se it roles see. importa f riporacs In Western Europe and the family life Obhas changed cover the lst forty years. rber of feries that depend. 1 ents going out to work, of where 2) vas ; rrasing the children alone, is much greater than it To be, Aso, mary more people move avy ir families 4)... rate char most people still thit e tone ail cs one cf he most sknificant parts Wes. | Arecent American survey showed that 8) ple think that spending time 9)....... important 10). .. earning a high salary or 1a challenging job. The majonty of young people Yess money i they had mere time to 12) thar loved ones. Ole people aso commented that had worked 13)...... should have 14) P the pica family does follow the ode today, Ris stil a ital part of ur tes. Key-word Transformations 24 Complete the sentences using the words in bold ‘You must use between two and five words, induding the word given. 1) Heretad w poyoot fieyona, for He five years row. 2 How tong ist since you moved here? 290 HOW ren 25 26 3 Webaver't had a holiday for years ages Its. _ a holiday, 4 Wehaven't been out since last summer. time The... nn: WAS ast SUMIMOK, 5 After hours of discussion, they finally succeeded in ‘reaching an agreement. managed They after hours of discussion, 6 She wasn't involved in the argument at al nothing She had “the argument ta. Idioms & Fixed Phrases ‘Underline the correct word, then try to explain the ‘idioms. 1 Let's put on some music. It's as silent/quiet as the grave inhave. 2. Hes got food poisoning and he's been a5 sick a a dog/cat all week. 3. Don't wory about Maggi; she's as tough as okt shoextboots. 4. The Martin children are not at al ake, Ther as ferent as chalk and cheese 5 rook after Jo anytime. Realy, she's as good as stherigal 6 Ben can't wait to get started on the project. He's: as keen as ketchuprnustod Circe the correct word, then explain the expressions in bold. 1 Things ae going very wel at work atthe morers, I think a promotion might even be on the ....... A books B cards C letters D papers 2. Chris does lots of work for charity He's abways doing something for a good Aaim —B exampe C case 3. Youhave to make it... toher exactly how you fea Acasy —B straight C dean D dear 4 Helen is 2 lve gf, but she aba has her head ‘She never notices what's ging on D reason B sts C douds air 5. tt was only a stly argument, but they were both getting Very nn. under the collar. Alot Bred Cheated D wan 27 $i 28 istening & Spea' 27 @) You will hear five people talking about the mast important thing in thelr vs. Listen and match the speakers to the statements, There is one statement which does not match any of the speakers. A Wehavea great relationship. Speaker 1 Financial security is very important Speaker 2 [~] tome. Speaker 3 =] © Nothing sas Important as your Speaker 4 Dealt. Speaker 5 =} ‘Theyre like my fail My family is everything to me. My career is ny life Lsten again and write one reason why each person feels this way. Sho Look at the survey results and the visual prompts, ‘Then, in pats, discuss the following: ‘Which of these things do you consider to be important in your life? Whyfwty not? Ae some things just as important as other things? ‘Which ones? Give reasons, ‘A Ithink fori tei therost important thing in my ite ‘because my family help and supportme. Belly think iendships are the most importentthing ‘because Ishere everything with my friends. ete 29 @ tstenand mare the A fate 32 sentences T (true) ‘statements or F (false). seks been nll . 1 Radelgasplnyetauerton ““emecmtekgeerd from her parents, . “with similar words in. 2 Her parents spot her — escipe 3 Sheneverfedsionely ... 4. She sometimes wishes she had abothe 5 She doesm want to share things with anyone, 6 Shelikes having herown foom 7 Shethiks thet ends canbe asgood asters. b. In pairs talk about your family. How big is your family? What does each « (Describe the pictures. Then, in pairs, express your ‘member of your farily look lke? Which Farily ‘member do you admire most? Who is your favourite relative? Why? How often do you see your relatives? opinions about: + the advantages and disacventages of each type of family * theproblemsthe clildren in exch ‘ype of family right have + how each family compares to your own EXPRESSING OPINIONS: Picture A shows .., Whereas 1 think. I Delleve ‘ry opinion .., tt seems to me Fi AGREEING DISAGREEING You're right/That’s tue/ | Do you (realy) think so? P quite agiee with you. | No, rm afraid I can't agrt wath you. A Picture A shows a large farvily There are the parents and ‘three children; two girls and o boy. They look European ct 4 “American. What do you think? B Ithinkycuteright.Theylookveryhoppy. @e 31 C,)You'll hear five people talking about a past In amone> experience. Decide which of the statements (A-F) matches what the speaker says. There isone extra 34 (, statement which you do not need to use. | simply dicr’t want to doit. Speaker 1 (7) twas an unforgettable experience. Speaker 2 [F] . te never been so afraid Speaker? te was the best day of my lie Speaker¢ . wes realy excited speckers | didn’t know what was going on. y) irk 0? d can't agree 32. Look at the pictures and identify what they show. Which of these bring back memories of your early childhood? Talk about your memories. ane IMnever forget my fist fancy dress party. Iwas dressed @saconboy.ftwas.. Spreading the news. 33 @, listen and identify which extracts give good/bad news. b. Read the exchanges and practise the intonation. Then, use the prompts to act out similar dialogues. = Your sister has got engaged. ‘Your brother has been promoted, Your friend wes in acer accident. You passed your exer. ‘You got your dhiving licence. Your friend lost his job, 1. A: Ive got something to tell you. Im afraid | failed my driving test. B: That's apity. You must be really disappointed, 2. A Have you heard? | won a trip to Florida, B: Wowl Congratulations! You must be thilled! 3. & Guess whatl I've got a new jobt B: That’ brilant! You must be very happy. 4 A. Fm afraid t've just heard something terrible. ‘Simon crashed tis motorbike. 8: Ohno! How awful! Intonation (contrastive stress) 34. (listen, mark the stressed words, then repeat. ‘+ A. Did you make a chocolate cake? B: No, Imade a fruitcake. A: Doyyou want three boxes of chocolates? B. No, Iwant two boxes. A. Did you ask Mr Johnson? B: No, Lasked Miss Johnson. Describing people 355 ©) Usten to the dialogue. Who does Simon want to meet? Match the columns to forma dialogue. Then, in pairs act out similar dialogues for the people in the pictures, [ET] Thsisa great party, 1 No problem, Let's gover and Fred, Yes. 1am, but who's 2 that over there? The gi with the long. blonde hat Do you want to meet her? Thanks. Ae you having a 00d time? [1% pease, that 4 whe? ‘would be oreat. Introducing people 3G (8, listen to the cialogue. where does it take place? bead the dialogue. Then use the expressions in the box to introduce: + your new fiend to your parents + your hushandife to your employer + two business associates to each other ‘A: Miss Lane, I'd like to introduce you to a colleague of rine. B: Cortainl. ‘A: Miss Lane, ths s my colleague, Mr Kent. Mr Kent this s Miss Lane. B: How do you do? It is a pleasure to meet you Mir Kent, : Itisa pleasure to meet you too, Miss Lane. INTRODUCTIONS. Formal Inforral Way rintroduce This. | would lke you to meet. Come and meet. | would lke to introduce you to. | Hi, how are you? How do you do? Hi there! tis a pleasure to meet you. Pleased to meet you. 29 Jack /\y Jill “Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania, the ee Mou sce Aan cc gs Haus and fay ved fo “Massachusetts, where she tved for most of her fife, Her father was a eae, and he encouraged Louisa to koep a diary. She started to write atthe aBe 36. Alcott wsed her diary (0 help her write about her own life and experiences. One of her most famous books is Litle Women, ‘which is based on the life of hee family. She wrote Jack and Jil: 1A Village Sion in 1880. Alcott has been called the ‘novelist of ‘childien’ for her abilily to reflect the teenage point of view. “Tack and Jill tells the story of life in rural New England at the turn of the century. It tells of how the friendship between the two main characters is tested by a terrible “accident, With the help oftheir friends and family, they ‘put their bad luck behind them and get on with their tives. al (37 Read the title and the author’ biography. What do you think the novel is about? How could Alcott’ own experiences have helped her write the novel? Look at the picture. What time of year sit? What are the children doing? 38 2 Read the extract and match the characters with their descriptions, then make up sentences about them. Finally explain the words in bold. rank minor 2 white teeth, golden hair EL hutle B00 bb shor tgs, ound face EL ea Devin € tall en sparkle in his eye Bex lack eyes, red cheeks | ED € sweet-faced, rosy cheeks | . Which ofthe characters is: serious: ever: good-natured: populor Protective; patent? Underline the words/phrases/sentences wich “Sy imply the character. © Which ofthe characters can you see in the pictures? Describe them. ‘4. Match the highlighted words to their synonyms in the ist, * boy «serious # smarter « guy « gathered « playful » generously * first-rate * protected « shy 3 2 This chapter i called The Catastrophe, What catastrophe do you think might happen? In pais, predict what you think is going to happen next. I think tere is going to bea fight between Joe and Jock. ) Listen and check if your guesses were correct. Project You have decided to enter the Louisa May Akott drawing competition. Read the extract again, then choose a scene to draw for the competition. “Clear the lullat” was the general ery on a. bright December afternoon, when all the boys and girls of Harmony Village were out enjoying the first good snow of the season. Up and down three long coasts they went as fast as legs and sleds could carry them. One smooth path lediimo the meadow, and here the lite Folk GOBgREGAtCa: there was a group of lads and lasses sitting or leaning on @ fence to rest after an exciting race, and, as they reposed, they amused themselves with eriticiving their mates. “Here comes Frank Minot, looking as SOl@Hifi as a jndge," cried one, as tll fllow of siteen spun by, with a sct]ook about the mouth and a keen sparkle of the eyes, {xed on the distant goal with a do-or-die expression. “Here's Molly Loo and Little Boo,” sang ovt another; and down came a girl with flying hair, carrying a small boy tehind her, so fat that his short leps stuck out from the sides, and his sound face looked over her shoulder like full moon, “There's Gus Burton; doesn't he go it?” and such a very long hoy whizzed by, that it looked almost as if his heels were at the top of the hill when his head was at the totiom! “Hurrah for Ed Devin!” and a general shout greeted a sweet-faced Mid with a laugh on his lips, a fine colour on tisbrown cheek, and a gay word for every git! he passed. “Laura and Lotty keep to the safe coast into the eadow, and Molly Loo is the only gil that dares to try thistong one to the pond. I wouldn't for the world; the ice ‘anit be strong yet, though its cold enough to freeze one’s ‘se off.” said a timid damsel, who sat hugging a post and screaming whenever a iiSGhiev@Us lad shook the fence. “No, she isn’t. Here’s Jack and Jill going like fury.” “Clear the track for jolly Jack" sang the boys, who had ‘tiymes and nicknames for nearly everyone, Down came a gay red sled, bearing a boy who seemed all smile and sunshine, so white were his teeth, so golden ‘was his hair, 50 bright and happy his whole air. Behind him clung a girl, with black eyes and Ina, checks as red as her hood, and a face full of LiteraturGorner The Catastrophe Chapter 1 fun and sparkle, as she waved Jack's bhie tippet like a ‘banner with one hand, and held on with the other. “Fill goes wherever Jack does, and he lets her, He's such 2 good-natured él, he can't say No.” “To agit,” slyly added one of the boys, who had wished to borrow the red Sed, and had been politely refused because Jill wanted “He's the nicest boy in the worl, for he never gets sad,” sai the timid young lady, recalling the many times Jack had Shielded her from the terrors which beset her path to school, in the shape of cows, dogs, and boys who rade faces and called her Fraidcat. “He doesn't dare to get mad with il, for she'd take his head off in two minvtesif he did,” growled Joe Flint. “She wouldn’tt She's a deart You needn't sniff at her because she is poor. She's ever so much HGH than you are, o she wouldn't always be at the head of your class, cold Joe,” cried the girls, standing by their friend with a unanimity which proved wht a favourite she was. Joe subsided with as scomful a curl to his nose as its chilly state permitted, and Merry Grant introduced @ subject of general interest by asking abruptly, “Who is going to the candy-scrape tonight?” “All of us, Frank invited the whole set, and we shall have a fiplOp time. We always do at the Minots’,” eried ‘Sue, the tifiid tembler, “Tack said there was a barrel of molasses inthe house, ‘0 there would be enough for all to cat and some to carry away. They know how to do things HAUSORHEIY™ and the speaker licked his lips, as if already tasting the feast in store for him. ‘Mrs Minot is a mother worth having,” said Molly Loo, coming up with Boo on the sled; and she knew what i was to need # mother, for she had none, and tried to care for (he litte brother with nraternal love and patience. “She is just as sweet as she can be!” dectared Merry, enthusiastically. 55 ‘To write a story we first decide ‘on the type of story, the plot and the main characters. Our story can be a comedy, a spy story, a thrill, an adventure story, 2 detective story, 2 fairytale etc. Introduction Im the frst paragraph, we wnte when and where the event happened, who the people m the story were and what happened fist. Mail Body In the main body paragraphs, we describe the events in the order they happened. One of the events should be the dimax event. We can use 50, because, and, ako etc to join our sentences or ideas. Conclusion In the last paragraph, we write what happened in the end and how the people in the story felt. We can use a variety of adjectives or adverbs to make ‘our story mote interesting, We normally use past tenses in stories. Analysing a Rubric AQ Read the rubric and answer the questions. . ENTER NOW AND HAVE YOUR STORY PRINTED IN TEENS! What is your most unforgettable ctildhood experience? Seng in your story (120-180 words) for your chance to win 2 twoweek all ‘expenses paid trip to Disneyland, Paris. Runnetsup wil receive @ one- year subscription to TEENS! Closing date: 10th December. Results amounced: 17th February. 11 Where would you see this announcement published? 2 What is the announcement about? 3. Who are you going to write about? 4 What could your story be about? 32 Analysing a Model Text 411 @ Read the story and fill inthe linkers. What tenses has the writer e used? = by the time * while » then * but = assoonas + as b. Which scene does the picture show? What happened before/after J? Who do you think the writer is? Pee Whenever | look at that photograph, takes me back to those early years when every new experience was so important thet it was almost unbearable. It was towards the end of the school th year ~ my first year at primary school ~ thet it happened. | had been looking forward to that day with such eagerness. 432 {can stil remember the shouts of the spectators. as! went our ‘onto the sports field with my classmates. Earlier that week I had ‘qualifed for the finals of the 100 metres. Now, looking around, de ‘was determined to win, F 1) nmol was walking across to the stare, | began to feel more and more nervous. looked at the bustling crowd of spectators, and | saw my proud parents waving we enthusiastically My heart was pounding fst 2). lined th Lup with the other eager competitors. I felt so excited that my a whole body was shaking. | braced myself, took some deep breaths of and waited for the signal. 3) the starting pistol sounded cr and sec off down the track. the | could hear the crowd shouting excitedly 4) weinmmunne the Noise we ‘scomed very far away. | sprinted as fast as 1 could, not looking 2 “anything except the fishing line. 5) I crossed th b lie | was so exhausted | could hardly breathe. 6) q hheard the resule announced, | realized | had wont Oyerjoyed, | collapsed on the soft grass with a broad grin on my face. "Well done!" said the Headmaster later, as he presented me ms wane veers carried mc atopy ana 44 8 Sears Ibeforefatter nporeane the school Thad been tol sounded + looking at crossed the” eyed | reed me py and Sequence of events ‘© Read the story again and put the events in the «correct order. a Heset off. b Therunness lined up for the race. He finished the race. oe d_ He was presented with a certificate. 5 e He walked to the start. The result was announced. 9 He went very fast bh The starting pistol sounded. 1 He collapsed on the grass. = j He entered the sports field a: Descriptive Techniques 2. Fillinthe acjectives from the story. In pars, think of synonyms for each adjective. Brera 98S 6 ener CARS Pistol Tine writer used. Can you think of other adverbs used with these verbs? Write them down, then make up sentences using them, & The writer used his senses to describe the event. Read the story and find examples. the shouts ofthe spectators 43 a Use the acjectives and adverbs inthe ist to ‘make the paragraph more interesting «deafening + heavy * winding * brillant * gloomy * huge + suddenly + luckily « nenvously + loudly » slowiy We were driving along the road through the forest. on the way to my grandmother's house. The rain made it Affcult to see where we were going. There was a flash f lightning followed by a crash of thunder. A tree ‘rashed into the 02d in front of us. My father stopped the @r in time. We all looked at each other. What were we going to do now? 'b. Underline the words and phrases that use the senses to make the story interesting. Beginnings/Endings A, Read the beginning ofthe story in Ex. 41 again. What does the writer say about the placertime his story took place? people involved? event? ‘To starvend a story you can: ‘+ Use direct speech. (0.9. “Humy up Jim shouted, as heron down the stairs, "We are going tobe ater) + Ask @ rhetorical question. (eg. Hove you ever wondered whatit would be ikea escape focacay?) + Refer to feelingsoods. (e., twas a triht clear ‘Sunday fterncon, and Iwas excited by the thought of the adventure oheod) «Use our senses to begin a story. (.9. The sun wos shining bright, and the biedls were singing as Jim pulledon alight jacket and ran cut ofthe house) 55, What techniques has the writer used to starvend bis story? In pairs, rewrite the frst and last paragraph using different techniques. Discuss & Write AG 2 You have read the rubric in Ex. 40 and you have decided to enter the competition. Plan your ‘own story by answering the questions below. a Introduction (Para 1) Where were you? When did it happen? What hoppened? Main Body : (Paras 2-4) What exectly happened? (Us the events in hronelogial order.) ‘Wher wes the climax event? Conclusion (Para 5) What wos the outcome? Now did you fel? . White your story. Check you have: + made your beginning interesting by applying one ofthe techniques mentioned + used a variety of adjectives and adverbs + put the events in the correct chronclogeal order + ended your story by using one ofthe techniques mentioned + gvenit a sitable ttle 47 Explain the sentences below in your own words. Famous yest, ‘+ Itakes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ‘cecammings (US pei) ‘+ Lye your beliefs and you can turn the world around. HD Thoreou (US poet) 33 Vocabulary & Grammar the missing word. 1 Afrobroke. last right 2 Theyre ted. They afl morning. in the school cafeteria been painting 3 1 good time, Jim? 4 Bilis rinetgen, so he's stillin his 5 Whenhe reached 65 he... 6 Ohno! haven't finished ry homework 7 8 from work. He usually. «the lawn on Sundays. Peter Was washing the GME nennne ERE phone ang. _- Janet thinking of moving to aly? 10 We. las a teenager 11 Jason was accused thetest. 12. id you know that John was dismissed. bis job? 43 don't know how she copes ran 8 fll time job and a family 14 goto the theatre orce na ; 15. Sarah vas desing the atic when she come sven er Qrandmother's iver necldoce. 16 Because ofa childhood ines she ther hearing. Now she can't hear at al 17 My wallet has disappeared into 1B Reading my old dares abways oe itt back memories of my childhood. 19. im afraid | just don't approve kind of behaviour! 20 The fans got really carried when Beckham scored a goat : (omens) Girde the correct iter. 1. They couldn't find what they wanted, so they had tobuild it from... Abegin B scrape Cscratch D first 2 Her Jeaped when she heard the news. Ahead Bheat Crind stomach 3 Sheis vermpretty, with rosy and big eyes. Arce Bmouth Cface — Dcheeks 4 My new flat has centrale, SOUS really Warm, A heating B system wardrobe D parking Jane became sre rnnne 38 She Was waiting for Tom. totum up. ‘A easy-going impatient 8 exhausted D depressed 6 Listen! A siren is. Aberking @ wailing crashing D splashing 7 Ann has got fizzy har and a... chin, Awide — B pointed Crooked D spiky 8 Billhas got a wide and wankles.. A forehead B bud = Cchin. =D face .-- the fu, so he won't be 9 Jim has come able to come. ‘A down with 8 up with Con with 0 in with 10. He gives private lessons fora smal 7 Afee — B money C payment D receipt (10 marks) Use of English Complete the second sentence using the word ia bold. You can use two to five words induding the word given. Don't change the word given. 1 It’ a month since he started working here. 5 Re tic w 1 2 3 4 5 Cc 6 «& been He. - a ronth a 2. How longisit since you went to Russia? 7« 290 HOW cesenannensnne nes 0 RUSSEP 3 Their new album will be on the market ner month, Cn 2 A next month 4: She succeeded in passing her exams. managed She B 5 They haven't baen cut for months. ages ts 4 Fill in the correct word derived from the word # e bord 1 im seems to have J problems INANE u ee inher eatythities. arrag 8 * 3 They decided to have a system installed. stu 4 Hewes. tofind a & Soon 3 he asked for hel. A 5 After he started looking for 3 job. GRADUA (Smart) iting for Tom, ) 1 (Simarks) 1 the word in 5 Read the sentences, if a sentence is correct put a tick V). Ft has a word which should not be there, write this word on the line. “The Smiths’ house, which itis in the suburbs, ‘as broken into the lst night. The owners ‘were at the theatre at the time to celebrating. . their tenth wedding anniversary. Surprisingly ... the alarm didn’t go off although it was on, a (marks) Communication 6 Complete the dialogue. A; Hi Ben, it's Janet. 1) 7 B: Ohh, Janet. I'm fine. How 2).. =) ‘A: I'm okay. Look, are you busy on Saturday night? B: No, as a matter of fact, tim not. ‘A: tim having a party at my house, Would 3). B: love to.4).. ‘As Anytime after 8. B: Sounds great. 5), (on Saturday, then, A: Ube there. 7 Complete the exchanges. She's got short fai hair and green eyes. Mr Smith, this is Mrs James. itis a pleasure to a: svmmansennth past OF ce? B: Its on Apple Street, five minutes from the tube station Hello, Me Smith, Yes. 've got a problem with the roof. you? Pa : please? : 21 Blueberry Street (Smarts) Listening 2. Youwill hear five people talking about their dtildhood homes. What do you think they will talk about? (by listen and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A) Use the letters only once. ‘There is one extra letter which you do not need touse Self-Assessment Madu Memories of unusual houses Hand-made furnishings Large but almost ernpty Built for another purpose Expensive fittings everywhere ‘An escape from city life Speaking (prioritising) Leo has decided to go on a ten-day tour of Portugal. Look at the visual prompts, then, in pairs, decide what he needs to take with him and what hhe doesn't, giving reasons. You can also suggest ‘other things he can take with him. : 5 4, er, ye << Useful phrases Inviting speaker: ‘= What do you think? ‘Isn't that right? ‘= Don't you agree? Agrecing/bisagreeing: += couldn't agree more, 11 thirk you're wrong. + Yes, you're ight. * don't agree. ‘Arno Sewell (1820-1878) wrote only one novel ching her etme, @ bock describing the life ofa beautiful, black hose, lack Beauty, Sewell was very concemed about animals and ‘sed the book to write about the tebe treatment of horses in England at the te. The book is written from the point of view of the hotse, which helps us to understand the iniuence that ‘gecd and bad treatment had onthe horses inthe story. Black Beauty had a great effect on the treatrent of animals and changed the way that people thought about hoses ° 2 Black Beauty spent his early years in a picturesque, green field vith his rather and some other young colts. When it wa ime forhim tobe trained to serve men, he was gently and patently broken in by his master. He leamed to weer 2 saddle and bide, and cay 2 human quietly on his back fr Block Beaty learnt about the vey horses can sue because of men very eary in life. He witnessed 2 hunting expedition in ‘which a horse was pushes too hard and fast by an inexperienced ‘and overconfident ride. The consequences were tragic. The rider took a fll that kiled him and the fhe horse broke hs eg and was then shat. 2 At his next home, one of the horses with whom he shared a stable, had the reputation of being wid and aggresshe. This horse, Ginger, si this was because she had been texted very badly at a young age. Ginger was taken away from her mothe, not long after bith, and was tained to work, In a very rough manne, by man who dd not ere for horses. Although Fer new master ond tis employes were vey kind, she could not hap bring susie of men. 3 ‘Block Beauty's kind owner was forced to move abroad for the ‘sake of hs wife’ health, This marked the beginning ofa sting of owners with different personalities. Some were well intentioned but allowed their grooms full control of theie Reading wi 410 You are gcing to read a brief summary ofthe book “Black Beauty*, Choose the most suitable heading from the ist. (AH) for each part (1-6) of the artide. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. There is an 414 use ‘example at the beginning (0). out BLACK BEAUTY ive! ‘THE LIFE OF A HORSE IN NINETEENTH CENTURY ENGLAND animals, Unfortunately, n Black Beauty's case, this often prowl to be harmful. He was often either neglected or misused int CT Jo Fortunately, after some tie Black Beauty was bought by Jen Barker, a kind cab owner. There, he was treated very wall Although being a cab horse wes very hard work, Black Beauty Mz ahways did his best because he enoyed pleasing his masta rm Black Buty was very wel cared fr. He wes chen good cod et, a warm stable to seep in and lats of kind words. Bld re Beauty leamed many tings from bis new own, such a the axantages of not being greedy and of bing far and kind toa creatures. Block Beauty spent a couple of very happy yea, thor. Co & Por “Ths pleasant life came toa sudden end when Jey was fre to sell his horses, ter several other overs, Black Beauty Wa sold to Nechdas Skinner. He had to work every doy wth nore insufficient food anc poor accoredation. Although he wa sta cab horse, it was a diferent worl. Black Beauty's er res would swear at him and whip him, Eventual, Beauty became very il fom al this hard work and tal tueatment. His owner wanted to have him kiled when he cul 1no longer do the ob. Lucky, a vet convinced Slane to afot Blak Beeuty to rest and recover, and then sel him, so that would make a bigger profit. The cance agreed to have th horse’ life spared, but nly for the sake of money { eS ‘AMter spending years on London's streets, Bock Beauty's net home was pleasant fer, with a caring master. After uss hirn back to good heath, the farmer decided that Black Beau reded tobe in a place more appropriate than a farm. He so Black Beauty to two kind young sisters, who Ived ona peas county estate with a lage, green meadow. Here the weary bi content horse finaly found the rest and peace of mind that i so desired and deserved. ‘A cul and greedy onner 4 1221 ‘ Unable to trust Time to take it easy A gentle teacher In the wrong hands ard but sausying work Life asa cart horse ‘A etal accident zratmoneD (15 marks s often proved misused nought by eery ned very well k. Black Beauty ng his master, n good food to d words. Black ct, uch as the: ‘and kind to all ny happy years = ery was forced) ack Beauty was: ay with no rest, though he wes Zeauty/s various ventualy, Black work and bed ‘when he could ner to allow him, so that he 2d to have the Whiting a first-person narrative Use the notes to write a short story entitled "A Day Out to Remennber" (120-180 words). Use the notes as well as your own ideas. am Introduction (Para oneafternoon lost summer ~ friend came to _yaur home ~ invitation — @ bike ride Main Body (Para 2) made sandwiches — st off —early moring = aunty lanes ~ open fields ~ nice weather (ara) field stop fr lneh~ plete ~ bul rom ot ws = Heft plnic— ron avoy — bul ote sandwiches = we watched from o distance Conclusion (Para 4) hours later ~ bock home — felt hoppy tired very hungry @omans) (otat= 100 marks) 42. Look at the picture, What could Jimmy be dreaming about? b. What are your dreams? What do you think you should do to make them come true? =nt Module Sing Along! G Uisten and filtin. Then, listen again and sing. Jineny worked in an ofce From eight O'Clock 1) ose His job was satistying BUtRE2) sone four ae A TURNING Po T ‘He was waiting for 2 sign ‘And he knew there'd ‘come atime ‘When 2 turning point would change his life ‘And bring a chance for him to shine Jimeny had an old guitar People BD nnn CO NOE him play ‘And he knew he could be a Ihe could only find 25)... f He wes weiting fra sign e ‘When Jimmy played at a party His dream 6) venwen Became eal An. sone Producer heard hin ‘And offered him a 8) He was waiting for a sign Jimeny made a record ewent straight 109) see He'd found the life he wanted He'd found his 10)... He'd been waiting for a sign .. Progress Update How do you rate your progress? Tick (7) the box. that applies to you. Planet Earth UNIT 3) Travel Broadens the Mind L = oe te UNITS) Earth is Dear er than Gold Units 3-4 a OC ee ‘What would your ideal house be? Describe it. ‘Which has the most important evert in your life been? Talk about it RCo eee ae + weather + planet Earth ‘+ holidaysiholiday ‘+ environmental problems destinations. = conservation + holiday troubles ‘+ endangered species «travelers tips, + the Tundra, + festivals ‘+ weekend activities CE a ea eee reservation. © get © rent a vehicle: robles «Fetter of complaint + make suggestions ‘+a short attic about eae ‘a natural area in your + show hesitation art + asembformal ya Traysacteal eter + future tenses a short atte about = conditionals Types 0 global warring at + ashort poem + the definite article = anessay providing + comparisons solutions to problems + t00-enough + ing formvinfitive Lead-in 41 & Howis the ttl related to the pictures? in which 38 continent is each place in the pictures? What do ‘you know about these places? Have you ever Visited thern? Which would you like to vist? why? 1. Which of the following do you think you can do in each place? You can add your ow ideas. pee paeeciassretncet cick eines ives EE oa aftr walk white, beaches See iu see spectaaiarfals. ovo * take leisurely stiols 107 ‘= buy handmade souvenirs yep anes 2 3e¢,pecele i traditional dress mire interesting architecture ‘nussia you can vst galeries, museums, ancient cas cand historical ses You can ako. Listen and match the people to the type of holiday. Which ofthe places in the pictures each person going to? cat py holiday Sonya a Suhr holiday Rick 9 holiday Moka ind hey (G))Usten again and write down what each peso is going to do, then make up sentences, asin the example Carls going on c cultural tour of Russa, Hels goingtov the Hermitage Museum. & Where do you like spending your holidays by the sea? on an stand’? Why? Which country ‘would you most ike to visit? Why? Read the ‘questions carefully and Lundertine the key words. Sean the texts for the information you need. As youre reading. urdertine parts of the text ‘wich are related to the questions. When you finish reading, go back to the questions ‘and try fo answer them one by one referring co the texts. Keepin mind ‘that some Information ray be rephrased. Reading 2. Look at the {subheadings of the artilé, im which country ate these places situated? ‘Whet information do you expect to read? b. Ask questions about the hotels, using the Key words: situated? shops? countryside? sea? modern? room service? axtvitis? facilities? Read the artide and answer the ‘questions 1-13. Write A,B, Cor D. ich places): ‘Snot a hotel? [oo] axe perfect fr a hunury break? TEL] Offers the chance to wsit a farnous pesson’s home? i zenot fr from shops? “q Je0 ‘fers the chance to eat outdoors? PT) Issuable for fitness fanatics? E a es? co ‘5notin the countryside? bo asbul move than 100 years 2907 | el) £3] 4. Read the article again and explain the words in bold, ‘Then, give a synonym for the highlighted words. Can you find ary words in the text Similar to your language? € Which place would you like tostay at? Why? Getting awa g how it all ‘A Radisson SAS Portman Hotel, London For those who enjoy the finer things in life, a break at the Radisson SAS Portman Hotel will be right up your street. This deluxe four-star hotel is just a minute's walk away from Marble Arch snd a stone's throw from the ‘Stylish boutiques of Oxford Street. After spending a day shopping and sightseeing in London's irendiestarca, you can relaxin your room, watch cable TV and enjoy something from the extensive room service menu. At this hotel, you will also be in the ideal place to visit the many sights of London such as Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament. You must also be sure to allow yourself the time to enjoy the leisure facili of the hotel itself. The hotel has a fully equipped gym and two fantastic restaurants where you can Saimiplé gourmet cuisine. B Langley Castle Hotel, Northombertand For a touch of medieval magic why not take the time to visit Langley Castle ‘Hotel. Set in its own ten-acre woodland this fabulous castle hotel dates back to 1350, All guest rooms have got private facilities and are huxurious. Some have special features such as four-poster beds, stained glass windows and. ‘window seats, The hotels the perfect base from which to explore Hadian’s ‘Wall and the Northumberland countryside, as well as the Scottish orders and the Lake Distict. At night, relaxin the hotel lounge in front of the roaring log fire or dinin style in the award-winning restaurant. During ‘your stay, ou can go hot-air ballooning or try your hand at archery. You ‘can even have a picnic especially prepared for you by the hotel’s chefs. ‘However you choose to spend your time, you will never forget your stay. C The Metropole Hotel, Cornwall ‘This Victorian Hotel, Sittiatedlifi one of the most scenic areas of the British Isles, stands on a hilltop with an ainiazinigiview out over Padstow ‘Harbour. Walk along the waterfront or one of the area's many unspoiled beaches. Try some fabulous seafood - the local speciality. Wander ‘through Padstow’s narrow streets and buy some handmade souvenirs from one of the many colourful shops. This is an area with a fascinating history. Take a short trip to Tintagel where you can visit the ruins, claimed to be those of the legendary King Arthur's castle. You can end the day ‘with a swim in the hoteTs heated outdoor pool. The Metropole Hoteb ix ideal for those who want to @#pEHGHEE the mystery of Cornwall. D Old Oxenhope Hall Cottage, West Yorkshire ‘Pali of English Literature should not miss the opportunity to spend a few days at Old Oxenhope Hall Cottage. This attractive 17th century building is just five minutes from the village of Haworth, where the famous Bronté sisters lived, Their house, Haworth Parsonage, is open to the public and is ‘well worth a visit, The moors, where they would WHR for hours, are perfect for those who enjoy walking. The cottage itself is fully self- contained and has been restored to a high standard of comfort. It is furnished with all the modern conveniences, and will certainly SpSe2It6) history overs and aspiring writers lik, Follow-up a. Read the article again, choose one hotel and make notes under the ‘headings below. Then, use your notes to talk about it. ‘name * location * description « faites + things to seito . Make notes under the same headings for a place you have stayed on ‘holiday. Then use your notes to write a short article about it. You ‘an use the article in Ex. 3 a model. $39) Se Vocabulary Practice Weather 55 (Q;) Usten to the weather forecast and fillin the gaps, then talk about the weather in these places. Havana: hot, dry, Hong Kong: rainy season, hot, temperature high thirties Vic Ze | (Cape Town: Wet, nny Geneva warm, dr,» temperature below freezing temperature 18°C. * JnHlavaraits hot dry and sunny. The emperotueisin the high tides : b tmagine you are a weather reporter. Report tomorrows weather, “@srowy — sunny th ny © doudy efeoay 35°C tolling hot, 30°C hot: 25°C warm, 15°C col, 10°C chil: 59 co, 58C fering cold ‘Athens 215°C istanbul 4 10°C Moscow $M 4°C Barcelona © 17°C Kiev lb Bec Prague a 59C Budapest BICC Macnd © 20°C Singapore KG 33°C cheago@2°C lan 17°C Warsow $5 126 ‘twill be cool and rainy in Athens with otemperotue of 15°C Holidays os 6 pairs discuss which of the items below you would ‘pack if you were going to each ofthe places in Ex Sa. © umbrella boots gloves rucksack > paar money belt n first aid kit. edit card auidebook” Ni cater SURSCTEEN faptop computer prniste phone camera hairdryer raincoat ‘Ac Itt vsited Cope Town, Iwould defintely take my boots becouse itis coldand wetthere AQ — & Icouldht agree more Arcincoatis absolute. _ temperature 35°C 7 What type of holiday suits you best? Do the qua find out. sheppine, D. Pack up and ge home. 3° You're staying in an old family house for your summer holiday. How do you thank them? ‘A. Irvte them on an adventure weekend. « Invite them to your house for slong weekend. CC Irwite them for a weekend out on the town, 1D Invite them toa health spa. 4. A friend suggests a trip to a country you' never visited before. What do you ask hin about first? A. the national parks B the beaches © thenigette 1D the best restaurants 5. What's your ideal spring break ‘A Walking over the rugzed Yorkshire moors, B_ Wandering along the beach inTatit © Astopover in NewYork oy, DA lwwurious Mediterranean cruise. Now check. your answers Mostly A), you erioy ‘and ido open 3 ‘Spaces. You would be happiest out hiking in rocky. tmounfain, canoeing across doop blio lakes & F ‘camping under the Stars in the middle of a green forest ost B's you enjoy nt pastes. You wouste 10 ‘2 teppiat somewhere were you can eax A sched ‘urfan eso or ancy, beach ee You need do nating ut he bade and rex Bort pct xy. ‘Mostly’, you want 1 be wn people. You wad be happiest na busting Gy cone where you cat {your days shopping in elegant bouts your evenings sampling the nonstop righ ‘re’s wendist ht ono Most DY6, you appreciate comfon and ues Glamorous tesone, upscale heels ard fitfet ‘isos Wore reat wih YU mind Yur hoes ‘te re te when you Want 10 experience a Ie fe things in. Guess the noun which goes with the adjectives, then use them to describe the place you spent your holidays last year. ean, sandy, dirty, seduded be @.¢ A trendy, expensive, second-hand, souvencs ‘arrow, busy, winding, cobbled s_— fxr, family five-star, Victorian delicious, local, gourmet ¢_ rocky, snowmeapped m__ tc tropical, desert —_ Last year went too tropical sand in the Conbbean. ft was great spent most of my days on the sandy beaches. 9 (@ Usten and match the speakers tothe places, hotel Speaker 1 hostel Speaker 2 raven Speaker 3 crise iner Speaker 4 Some tottshoe gat osvinmingpelendo gym Holiday Troubles 0(@) Listen to the speakers and underline the problems they had wile on holiday. What other Unpleasant holiday experiences can you think of? travel sickness, foght day, ost langage, engine trouble | ‘yre, ran out of gas, power cu, fat battery b. Talk about one of your bad holiday experiences, ‘Say where you were, when t hoppened, then descibe what happened to youn detail Writing Imagine that you are Tim. Write alter of ‘complaint to the Manager of The Milton Hotel. Indude these points: « exact dates of stay ‘* complaints + action expected to be taken Traveller's Tips 411 Join the items from the two columns with in case (0rs0 that to form sentences, as in the examples. |e Be careful in conded areas or at night incase there cre pickpockets or muggers about. 20 Let your fomniy know your travel plans so that they can _getin touch with you in anemergency. b. Inppairs, think of other travellers tips and write ‘them down giving @ reason, Festivals 12. % Match the festivals with the events. Then make ‘up sentences, as in the example. ‘The Holi Festival takes place in india. The Indian people celebrate tby throwing dye filed water bombs. 'b. In pais, alk about a festival in your country. Say when it takes place and how you celebrate it. Al 42 Future tenses “SS Grammar Reference 13 ook at the question, then read sentences 1t0.4. Which suggests: a future action already arranged? anintention/plan? an uncertainty/possiblity? 2 prediction based on evidence? _ What are your holiday plans for the summere 1. The weather is getting hotter and hotter. t'm ‘ing to spend the summer on my yacht 2. Fm touring Malta 1 don't know yet. think 1 go to Rio. 4 rm working all summer but Im going to spend a few days in Majorca in September. {In pairs discuss your plans for your next holiday. Talk about: + = destination 14 + means of transport ‘*peopletagowith —_* length of stay * place to stay + things to do ‘A: Ateyoudoing anything on your nex holiday? Yes Imuisting fend in Edinburgh That willbe nce. anybody going with you? Ithink my brother wilcome but hes not sure yt. ete Read the sentences below. Which expresses: 2 request, a promise, a hope, a fear, an offer? Which tense is used in all of these sentences? & & & 15 > 1m afta he wil be fred if he keeps coming late to work, 2. Midefintel cal you tomorrow. 3. Wilyou help me withthe suitcases? 4 rl translate it ifyou lke; I speak a ite afion 5. | hope she won't be late. We haven't got much time today. . Think of another sentence for each use. The present simple tense can also be used to talk about future events with time words, such as after, while, before, 2s scon as, unti, unless, when etc. e.g, fmgoing tomeet some riends after! finish work, Cole as soon as you know what you oe going todo. Compare: {iphone you when lam ready, time word) Do you know when he'tbe back? (question word) 1G Putthe verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1 Jenny is going to finish her essay before she esenmuenennn (et) her friends. 2 When . = (Gamvticish) work tonight? 3 Hell pay us back When he nvr (oe0 2 jo. 1 4 We're not going out now. We're going to Unt Sandee - (ee 5 Assoon ashe... ssn (AM Ba 2 Ulta Fir to call you, 3 17 Fillin the correct future form of the verbs in 4 brackets. Cc 1A Are you doing anything ths afterncon? | ; ven a (0) tobe for lunch if you're interested. 20 fill B: Oh that sounds good. 1 a in town this MOFING. Fen FT you after (ni r ny shopping, 21 2A tne nee (GO) 40 the bakers ( you need anything? 31 B: Yes, please alaf of bread t BOK Toe ses (get You a 3 A We. (90) to the park of B: Are you crazy? Look at the clouds. i me (rain). You " (ed soaked. ak ‘dean the house today? B: Yes of course. ae A Jane up from the station at three otclock rr : (hep) you a soar Qe {geu back ( 41 Put the verbs in brackets into the corect terse. pe yrs How do you feel about holidays in space? Pare FAR FROM EARTH - Bo you want a holiday that is really out of this world? about booking tickets for two weeks in outer 1) cemnnnmne—--- (be) a dream of science-fiction Myou scientists are predicting that soon 2) enewenerv ne (BECOME) real posi. seems a. j)——_ (alsolrealise) ‘Come is plenty of mone/to be made from taking tourists bs orbit. The race i on to build a cheap and reable s ‘spacecraft to carry passengers and freight. Once they. ape A) mnarmeens (be) in space, these tourists os B)occnennnnnnan (need) somewhere to sty A ei Jppanese compary 6) Od (alreadylmake) plans to build the first space hotel. They co Say that they 7) ernnnnewnnn (be) ready to accept! ree first guests in as lice 2s five years. The guests 8)... (pay) more than £40,000 and many 9) xe—mmnas from space sickness, but this isrit expected to pur off » = (look for) the utimate: oli. 19 Write two sentences about your: 1 plans for next year oing to wert, ‘Next year |am going to Portugal for (arcive) yobs. (come) back, 2 ambitions 3 predictions about the future of thewoid ‘i aA 4 hopesears for the future Conditionals Types “Be = Oand1 Grammar Reference o)to Marcos | 96) Fillin the correct tense, then say what type of te. ‘ontitional each sentence is (meet 1 She wil miss the tain unless She oon (finish) (come) now. 2. HF you mic red and blue pant, you ... (920) purple Bye . there are ary tickets et. 4. Ifyou wear that coat, you... 5. Hell go to university unless he ‘bis exams. 6 you... baker's. Do get) you one. he park later 21% Use thwhento make up sentences, as in the example. you take tain in stop VseeTom youneed/ help he/work overtime sou lose/ passport ‘ste/havetice ume Ayoutakethe tran, you willget there mare quickly. Competition Game # b. Chainstory:n teams continue the story using winner. {Tom wins the competition money cocete yourself. (come) to the concert if (be) t00 hot. om (ail) w-- (pour) oil on water, it oats type 1 conditionals. Each correct sentence wins a point. The team with the most points is the Team ASI: IfTom wins the competition, het win lots of Team: 1f Tor wins fos of money het buy a sports 2. Use the diagram to make up sentences about val defintely GEEED =< GEE = =. ‘Mdefritly goto Pi this spring, 1M probably visit the fel Tower ~Lcould stayin oS starhotel~lmayvist the touve.~imight hire acon 1. Use the prompts to make sentences about yourself, If find a well paid job, | may ‘get good job Al get my university degree, | might buy a house If become famous, | could have dhldren If get some time off wort, | will probably] be on TV ‘get mernied, | ‘wil definitely go to New York |flfind a well paid job, I will probably buy a house. The Definite Article Grammer Reference 23 Flin the where necessary, justifying your answers. Where might you find a text like this? y . cacy, Holiday. 7. Souh Araico + DeeStintations vtich hos sometting to offer to ‘every vistor. There ore opicel beoches where 3)... land meets 4)... Caribbean Sea and 5)... Alloric Oceon, To 6). 00st there ore 7}... snow-capped pecks of 8). Andes Moertcins ond in 9) south there is 10).———-- Amaxoren riefores. Most tourists come ino WY) county by 12). cir, Fanding i913) nine copoly, 14) mun Coracos. While you ore there, 15) —nunu Plaza Bolivar with is architecture from 16) neve Wth century is well worth o Wish 08 5 TO) acennnoe Busy 18) nnn Porgy Cent Most people, however, come to seo 19)... nota wonders on cffer. Two of 20)... fovourite destinations ore climb 26)... Peo Bolivor, 27) mourtcin oF toko © boot hip dong ‘Caroo River 10 ocho Falls. ill be 30)... experience of Grammar in use Prepositions “Be When he read the artide, he found that the most exciting pat co ‘appendix 1 Deen CU annie P r 5. I's cold today, so make sure you do your coat. Fill in the correct prepositions, then explain the phrases in 1 could really do... 8 Up of coffee right now. bold, ‘Sooner or later we wil have to do On the day of the sale, crowds . | of people gathered before the Multiple Choice Cloze * shop opened, all eager ~ a bargain. Read the text and circle the answer idea of what tho ext ha ‘Anne has really put a lot of A.B,CorD, which best fits each the text once to ge the |ffOFt enone Planing this 92) (1-15) There is an example at holiday. So she hopes she will the beginning (0). havea realy good time. nommmret or se SOURNEY eee tats om TO THE LOST CITY The whole dass was realy The fourhour rl journey to enthusiastic . vw the trip to. Ficchu is nothing 0)short of spectaculat Disney Bars either 1) nai OF the tracks you} Ae yous Famia6 son. this see steep mountains toveting partof town? As the outnes of the 2) San Francisco is famous ; oom out of the mist, its magnificent Golden Gate ne oe Bridge. ‘Allof our agents are experienced all aspects ofthe business Let's speak to Jeff. He's an OPE ne ONG Aa, ‘Sides ofthe runs, you willbe 10. B)vnruen Staight down Fillin the correct preposition, different river valleys. You an ‘then choose any five of the Phrases and make up the ste to cimb toa gap 8) sentences using them. ‘Gate of the Sun’. 9) 1 to date back. exhausting, the astonishing scenery 10)... 2todine .. ‘unforgettable experience. Even though the Incas let 11) 3 situated shat ae al eee ee ae Stostand. % have been one of the hornes ofthe royal 13). Sip enn @ place: 6 ideal Sea galGERYoraban Gur aes Fal hos, tx tape 15) enone Worth the effort, pubic, ‘robe tated @ stor side, B bank previous past Phrasal Verbs “3S asp Appendix 2 picture, sight Fill in the correct particle, and ‘on From ‘explain the phrasal verbs. watch view vic ne 1 Toon avays cus oad park on his way home. When 2 fon 6 ying to cut. vee he AOU OF Sat inte food he eats every day, ae 3 She forgot to pay the bill, and now her phone's been cut ‘tour 1 fairly a{pERLE LET aH g i e200000090000000 naanannannannanan Error Correction Y7_ Read the text below and look carefully at each line. If the line is correct, put a tick (/). fit has aveonly card ‘a word that should not be there, write this ‘word on the line, as in the examples. wes. | Up Up and Away! On October th, 1 am going to the Intemational “ aloon Fiesta which will get on underway "in Albuquerque, New Mico, tis a colourful festival _tch it started in 1972 with just 15 balloons. Now it has been grown into one which attracts more than 1,000 balloons from countries as far away from 2 Brazl, South Afica, Turkey and more. More ‘than 800,000 people they come to this spectacular event in every year. | am going to volunteer as a member of for one of the ground crews. We wil meet before dawn in the morning and inflate the hot air balloons. When the sun has rises, the taloons will be released s0 to float into the crystal dear morning sky. The fiesta also includes in the Intemational Gas Balloon Race, several night ballooning events and other activities such as an arts and crafts fait, the fireworks, parties and ‘nuch mere, | know I will have a great time. Key-Word Transformations 28 Complete the second sentence using the word in bold, You must use between two and five words, induding the word given 1. Weare grateful for al your help in the matter, appreciate We really. o the matter, 2. He will never use thet travel agent again. fast Ws the. 7 © other es that travel agent 0 ad 3. Meavemy mobte phone ons that you can call me D hd case Heaven mote phone on D view : D Fer 4 yu dont leave immediate, you'll miss your fight D see unless YOUU OU FB nn D who ; : : ight amy. 2 ron | 5 tet tg dower iq tea the see soon Mh have afot shower = ae to the hotel. D much ober 6 You reed wait for me. Fl bea tong tine D fomiy ee aoa forme. ibe a long tine D cute 29 30 Idioms & Fixed Phrases 2. Fillin the words from the list. Then try to-explain the ‘phrases in bold. ‘foot + time « suitcase move + line * weather 41 This new job in sales means that I have to live out of @ vo _ for rronths. 2 rOp YOU 2 een soon as I get there and lt know whats going on 31 cant wait to put my sess Up and forget about work. 4° Come ont if you don't get 2 : on, well miss the train 5 Ive been feeling a bit under the owl week 6 We arrived inthe nick of = The show was about to start as we sat down, b. Are there similar idioms in your language? What are they? Underline the correct word and then explain the phrases. 1 Thats whet we fie about Phoebe. She's wilng to lend an earfeye and give her advice. 2 Ws early dayshimes yet. Pete hhas not yet made his decison, 3 I can't believe you're going on 2 ruse this summer; it must be costing the fortune/eartht 4. You have to see that new fim at the Rialto; 1 was on the comer/edge of my seatuntil the very end. 5 We're finding it really oifficutt to make ends meet/ogether sance Jason lost his job at the factory, 45 Neen ee ee EEE EEE Listening & Speaking skills Read each sentence ‘earelulyTry to think of what information is missing 06.0 31 C)uistento the WW fora hholiday in Wales and name,a number etc. Usten and sare | fill in the missing tare area ron eee ears ree words. ust | information. Do not mada inthe sentence nd ake tuse more than three "sense. isten again andfilIn the words in each gap. other answers. Check what you have writen. ee a ———) even is) ‘The hotel was buitt in the = ra ssrowdonia s 2 good place 0 901 ee yercise In the hotel's 6 a 'b. Talk about your most exciting weekend. Who were you with? What did you do? What made it 9? 33.) You will hear a conversation between two fidends talking about a recent trp to Brazil For questions 1-6, decide which of the following | choices A, B or C is the best answer, i 1. Why did Dave go to Ric? A On abusiness tip. B Togo to the beach. + € Toepetience Carnival ‘Willams is having problems with his insurance compary. | MrSorwillgotocout, ff 2. What was the first place he went? A To the beach, B Tothe hotel. C To the Carnival 3. What does Dave say about the dancers? 1 A They were tless B They were tiring, 1 C They were tired. 4 How ong does Carnival lst? A to hours 8 10days, © 5 days e 5 What does Dave say about the nightie? A Ws aninteresting mix. B He did't go out much C_ The nightclubs were great. 6 What is lanet going to do? ‘ A Toke some photos B Look at some photos. staurent | ional inthe C Get sorne photos developed. Sf UES “th, SPECIAL OFFER - , pa 3 3G, You have just come back from a trip. Tell a friend B before yours now on 0180 2278954, wx ee Sano go G10 TES ~ + why you went there me hk the BQ a Look at the pictures and, in pairs, . ssi eap yet ed and where . iscuss the points listed. ‘© what you did during your stay on ge pCTIVITIES ‘A: Sowbyeldyou decideto go there? & i, 8 Wel badbeen creaming of. etc . pomeeaites | 35 C You are going to listen to twornews items ‘+ how young people ‘questions 1-6, decide which of the sentences ae lowit + sports for pleasure true, which are false and which are not mentioné aay + alone or with fiends Mack each statement a TuefFae/Doessy 8 in ticking the appropriate box. Brians {think we | We coud Would you vas wen if Sor claims he had no choice Intor —— _ a a : . {6 You had a bad experience while you were on or holiday. Now you are back, relate: ihe '* what the problem was, A Jost + where you were and what you were doing '* who helped you and how the problem was stl 8 Oneofthe worst eperiences had wos Iwas ala friend of Invitations - Accepting and Refusing 37 (@) listen to the dialogues and write A (accepted), R (refused) or WS(not sure) for each one. 1 2 Bisnm — 4 A: Ob hi Steve. How are you? B: Fine. L6ten, 'm meeting George and Mary for lunch in an hour, Would you like to join us? A: Thanks, fd love to but I'm working this afternoon. 2 A HiMattl B: Oh, hiAnn. I haven't seen you for ages. ‘A: know, have you got time for 2 coffee? B: That's a great idea A: Shall we go to that new restaurant for dinner tonight? 8: No, Id rather not. I'm not keen on Chinese food. 4A; heard that there's a really good film on at the ‘Odeon. Why don't we go? B: I:don’t know. Ive got to finish this report. Fi let you know how''m getting on later. bb. Inpairs act out similar dialogues using the prompts. ‘and the phrases in the bax. go tothe theatre have dinner at an expensive restaurant. spend the weekend in Cornvall Inviting Acceptiny/Retusing Letsshal we. dove to... but Whydon'twelyou...'m afraid I can't. Howivhat about .. I suppose so. Ithink we should... (rot fancy, (p01) keen on, (pot) Te Wie could. {don’t really feel up tot. Vie you lke to... Fd love to. Iwas wondering if... That would be great ‘Another time perhaps. 'm not sure can. Intonation (short answers) 38 G Usten and repeat. 4 Theplane willbeon 8: {hope rot. time, A: Has Beth cancelled B: | hope so. the milk? A Jesh s coming with BI don't think so. 1, iso't he? ‘A: Has Tim been there B I think so. before? A BVicly coming too? «BI suppose so. b. {mn pairs act out similar dialogues. Mind the intonation. Cancelling a hotel reservation 39 G, tsten tothe dialogue. Who are the speakers? . Read and match the exchanges. A 8 [D1 Good afternoon. The aI thought so. That's Palace Hotel, ow can! not a problem. help you? Yes, that’s right, [2 sst a minute, please. ‘very sorry but can you Ah,yes Youreserveda cancel, please? double room for two ‘Hello. I made a rights. reservation with you [Li centainy, although you about two weeks do realise the deposit ago. My names you paid is non ‘Vanessa Bryce. refundabie? Use the prompts to act out similar dialogues. Azar Airines/2 montts agofTina Charles! 2 seats/10 am flight to Madrid/22nd August Monsieur's Bist weeks ago/tableBarry Whiter table for GNew Year's Eve Renting a vehicle AD G, Listen to the dialogue. Where does this conversation take place? 2. Read the dialogue and change the questions in bold into indirect questions as appropriate. Good morning. How can I help you? Hello. I'd like to hire 2 car for the weekend, please Certainly. What type of car would you lke? A small hatchback, please, How much is it going tocost? ‘Well, including the insurance, it wil cost £100. That’ fine. May I see your driving licence, please? Of course, Here you are. Now, if you wall sign the contract here, Ml get the keys. Use the prompts to act out similar dialogues. 411 @ Look at the pictures. What do these places have in common? Where do you think they are? 'b. In what context might you find these words in the texts? Text A: + stunning views * chalk» coastine + shipwrecks » sategic location ~ “+ shipping lanes Text B: + slopes « spectacular scenery + wild game « indian tribes * railroad route + snow-capped peaks i The Whit its of Dover ofr stunning views ofthe y English Channel, AQ 2 Read the texts and write A or Bfor each question. ‘Which natural feature(s. “contains the remains of ancient animals? thas been used to guard the country? allows you to see another country? is made up of several different ranges? allows you to see local wildlife? . contains tunnels? made it difficult for travellers to move west? Mouauns . Which text may be from an encydopaedia? a tourist brochure? 43 Exphin the words in bold. Then, match the synonyms below to the highlighted words, ‘visit pioneers * because of * sight * passes © section * obstructed AA, Read the texts again and in pairs, talk about the Similarities and differences of these places. Then say which place you would like to visit and why. Writing Project \Wiite a short article about one of the most interesting natural areas in your country for your school magazine. Write about: its location size historical details ‘what you can dovsee there recommendation mm ' ‘ 4 3, \When crossing the English Channel rom ‘continental Europe to Dover, England, the first sight you see isthe famous Write Cis of Dover. They are almost 70 milion years old and have beenin existence since dinosaurs were roaming the earth. Their characteristic white ‘colour is due tothe fact that they are made of chalk. They are believed to grow 15 metres every milion years and are naw around 250 ‘metres bigh. [Due to their strategic location they have been used to help defend the coast from Invasion throughout England's history. During the time of Napoleon, tunnels were dug into the citfs so that soldiers could attack the invading French armies. These tunnels were ‘used as recently as World War Il. There are many shipwrecks to be found in the bays and ‘along the beaches below the cls because the ‘sea is exceptionally rough along this Sete of the coast. ‘What's more, there is plenty to see and do inthe surrounding area. You can visit one of Dover's many spectacular heritage castes or ‘even the Roman fort at nearby Richborough, ‘The White Cis themselves are an excellent place for hiking, and offer stunning views of ‘one of the world's busiest shipping lanes. On ‘aclear day, you can even ‘see the French ‘coasting. A visit 10 England would not Culture: ip The Rockies ‘The Rocky Mountains are the largest mountain system in North America. The Rocky Mountain chain extends for more than 4,800 km through the United States and Canada. Visitors to the Rockies enjoy sparkling lakes, snow-capped peaks and cther spectacular scenery. The region is also famous for its ski resorts and wild game. Some US and Canadian national parks can be found there. Several rivers such 4s, the Colorado, the Missouri the Arkansas and others begin in the Rockies. Chief ranges of the Rockies include the Southern Rockies, the Middle Rockies, the Northern Rockies, the Canadian Rockies, the Selwyn and Mackenzie ‘mountains and the Brooks Range. Plant and Animal life: Forests of pifon pines cover the lower slopes of the Southern Rockies. Inthe higher areas ofthe Rockies firs, pines and spruces can be found. Mountain goats, elk, bears, deer, mountain lions, squirrels and other animals History: The Rockies were formed over 65 million years ago.The sides of the ‘mountains contain fossils of animals which once lived in the sea as well as rocks that were formed in the hot interior of the earth, Many Indian tribes used to live there when Europeans first arrived in North ‘America. The first Europeans to reach the Rockies were Sparish explorers, who ‘established a colony near what is now Santa Fe, New Mexico, i ‘The Rockies hampered transportation during the 1800s when explorers and + settlers were moving westward. The first railroad route through them ‘was builtin the Wyorning Basin in 1868. Today, Interstate Highway 60 runs 7 Teele late lare|| Writing a semi-fc le rete es: , some kind of written input. Ths input may be a letter, | an aderteent, 20 fovtaion, notes, et, OF 2 ‘combination of these. ‘When we write a transactional letter, we have to: Read the rubric carefull, underlining the key wordsiphrases. = Choose a writing style depending on who we are ‘writing to (nforral, semi-formal or formal) = Coverall the points in the rubric in fll sentences. ‘We should use our own words. Analysing the Rubric 15, Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. ‘You are a teacher and you are taking a group of students ona sing trip to France. You have made a ‘pretiminary booking atthe hotel and now the assistant manager has contacted you for more detail Read part ofthe letter and the notes you have made, then write a letter answering his questions. a stages ates rete 2eachers (emake) * Heboys-8 gis First of al, you have booked from the 16th t0 the 30th January. Can you confiem ‘these dates, please? Also, I would lke 10 know it YOU have the final numbers of boys and girs so we! ‘am assign the rooms to you. Secondly, I will need to know if any of your students have any special needs. Finally, could you let me know your fight details so Ian make arrangements aren ao ae, Ra moe : a gen ec oes aie ‘e Can she arrange ski lift posses 6th 10-200 Seat l ee — | 1 Who are you writing to? 2 What style will you use to write this letter? Why? 3 Which of the following pieces of information Seat youndaein youre? ‘© date of arrival * time of arrival « duration of stay = fight nan umber of todos See eon rene 4 What questions would you ask? 50 Analysing a Model Text 488 AG a Read the letter and coss out the inappropriate 1 phases in bold. Justify your choices. 2 Dear Maria, : B> Tank you fo your eter 1) Her’s what you needi 4 ‘know/| have the intormation ae taro ‘you requested and | also have. a B>Fisty, 2) te dates stay a they areswe havent charg {he dates. We shall be coming from the 16th January to fe W 30th. Also, 3) here are our Might detaits/our light details af Re 8 Iclows, we wil ave on fight BA 257 at 10:20am. 4) Qn 49 Barly will consist of/There will be twenty students in toul F. ‘weve boys and eight its. Tate wl so be to ats, ya Y and another temale teacher, 5) With ‘fegard to/And the spect xecuirements, there wil be tour vegetarians in our party, B20 canyon mec tiny om ne L ice is sti it ab nce available? Finally, 7) would it Fiala a organise our sk it passes F 4 hope this covers everyting. 8) 1 am lookin Seeing you soon/ can't wall to see you. pea E 9) Yours truly/tove fram, S Jennies Tayler 5 6 'b. Look at the notes. Have the exact words been Di Used in the letter? Have all the points been included? What is the topic of each paragraph? SO. Style Match the informal sentences to the semi-formal ‘ones ofthe same meaning. Then, identify the type ‘ofletter each pair came fom accepting /refusng an invitation, thank-you letter asking for/ giving {formation apologking glving advice. INFORMAL STYLE [11 Thanks a lot for lending me your motorbike. [200 you have a free room in the begining May? [BID rd love to come to your school play Ror FET Sony for not being able to make it ast Satur TO [5D I think you should book soon, [ET ) rm 20 years old. rm at university this year. SEML-FORMAL STYLE 2 Iwould be happy to attend the school pay bb tt were you, lwould make the bookings 2s soon possible (¢ Thank you very much for the use of your vehie Irma twenty-year-old unnersity student. € I'd ke to apatogtse for not managing to meet at last Saturday's conference. = Lwould ike to know if you have any vacanoss| catty May. 47 Ruder (rr : 48, Rewaite the following sentences in semiformal style. Look at your notes. Then, in pairs, ask and. answer questions, as in the example. rppropriate 1. Axe there any fights to Portugal on 2nd Api? 2 We weren't very pleased with our cabin 4 When wll hey onive at Howthor Park? 3. I'm sory the children were so no’sy during their & OnéthSeptembec sit tothe museum. ‘A: When willthayleove ete you need to 4 Can you tell me what time | should get to the 11 aso have a station? dd. Rewrite the questions the teacher is going to 5 Let me krow what time the people wil get here. askina semi-formal style. ver't changed i January to the Indirect Questions 551 Which of the following are openingand which are It details are | AQ Rewrite these direct questions as indirect questions, dosing remarks? Which are appropriate for this 20am. 4) Our ‘asin the example. Use the phrases below to help you. etter ee 11 Lam wating to confirm the arrangements for our on ae ‘Could you (tell melt me know) schoo isi to Hawthorn Park oe | would like to know ittvhether .. 2. Call me if you want to know anything else. av would be grateful it 3 Please do not hesitate to contact me should you jm mo it the I would appreciate tif. require any further information. Tord 4 You asked me t deta fu asked me to give you some detain weitng, Wit passes in 1 Can we hire a car at the hotel? Could youtel me f we can hirea cor atthe hotel? 2. Answer the questions in the plan, then write your ae gp costar letter (120-180 word). You do not need to include Ratner any addresses, Use the letter in Ex. 46 as a model, 4 Does the hote! have facies for young children? 5 What time wil the plane ative? J 6 Will somebody meet us atthe airport? air words been Discuss & Write beet oh? | 5Q) ® Read the rubric and underine th key words! Introduction Tite phrases. How well does the person who is going Dear (+ recipies full name.) towrite the letter know the tedpient? What (Para 1) Why ae yom wring the eter? 2 How can'you start the leter oan ase ecard geen? tify the area teacher taking agroup of studerts on aschooL Nall jrroing | uD Yotowhat tiger cnmotn he Wl aja gig? giving ( cerve where you plan to stay Now the Acuity Leader {ara} What questions do you wont 10 os? thas sent you a fax asking you to confi the deals you ‘Gezused onthe phone. Read the fax andthe notes you Conclusion (made carefully. Then waite a letter in resporse. (Pera 4) How con you end the letter? rotortike zs sincerely / Yours rl egnning of | Read the fax carefully Then, stent the conversation ee eae eee pbovt the shoal tp and complete the nts.» a fm a 553 Explain the sentences below in your own words. tlast Saturday $H mn Park Residential this year ‘Activity Centre Famous. Fro Joe Benson, (Atty Lead) L\ its Tiare Fer Tapbetals, ool play a + Hewho travels west, travels not only with the sun lings as soon Feprdng or recent wep conversion FS tbe 1 but with history. Hal Borland (US journalist) tocanfena few deta wt howe. i + The world isa book, and those who do not travel, your vehude, iia eee Coy a read only 2 page. Sen Agustin Roman pixepe) dent. 2 Hefroptsegume of small resis of wot + Aralling stone gathers no moss. (raion!) ing to meet you Soe of party /narber of roms eae eK patent ETON ey vcncesia are it wvejioet yd ont eae armor vet 2 51 ———__— Re 3 aw Lead-in r = tesa 41 Look at the pictures (1-5) and say as many =i words as you can related to each one, How is = nude the ttierelated to the pictures? salt b. Which of the problems in the pictures exist in sued your country? Use the prompts to make up so the example. You can use your * mont b. Rea ‘= cars * factories © greenhouse gases * smog eS: trees + water » people ead one Thereare mre and mere carson the roads. eo There re rote and more people ving inte cities. 2. @ Look at thelist of where we get our energy from today. Which of these are mostly used in your country? Which of these are renewable ‘and which are non-renewable? wood © coal «water * gas + ol ‘swind * sun {pj Listen and write S (for solar energy), W(for wind. power) and H (for hydropower) next to each Use, Then, make up sentences as in the example. runsmal gadgets s «create electricity for whole ates power sain mis and urs. °° + heat ahd fat aeBics 2 POR +1 power batenes #29 pump water ‘We can use cla energy torun smal gadgets. ar underline wind pow any others inyour co The Answer is Blowing Reading in the Wind Which ofthe words belo Britain is in the middle of a serious energy crisis! We are desperately in * use inthe pcureon p53? need of a new form of energy which will be capable of generating enough i nT” power (0 see the country’s homes, businesses and industries into the fos fuels» gen r twenty-first century. But, that’s not alllf O JE | This is certainly a tall order! EE sumper + Sin power swe i At the moment, more than 90% of Britain's energy needs are met by sruciear power stations 2 € uring fossil fuels or generated in muclear power stations. * agyratve for of eneray ‘Unfortunately, these are not renewable sources of energy, and once they ED sor Lowe ‘ atti: «slim! a Q have that’s it harmful greenhouse gases, which ‘ort a aera ; lobal wa te change. eee eee orice How then can we produce enough energy 10 power an entire country without the environment? What can we use as an alternative, 7 ace me ee reliable form of energy, which will generate as much power as fosi fuels Secor (1a) tras ‘and nuclear energy, but have none ofthe drawbacks{2[_]Wind power! ean ‘Wind power is an alternative enersy source which has been used for BP cca to b ‘many years in countries like Holland and Denmark. [3] _} Strangely ie cee ‘enough, even though itis one of the windiest countries ip Europe, Britain ri hus been slow to take advantage of wind power. The strong winds which ‘A At the moment there SS ahead blow around Britain's cozstline could easily be used to provide us with all Res soni our energy needs. All;we need to do now is set up some wind farms. 2B More importantly though these ‘Wind fanns are actually arrays of electricity-generating wind turbines, Bi pace hich are tal, slim towers with two or throe rotor blades atthe top. The ‘wind turns the blades, which spin a pole [4] There can be as few as one and as many as thousands of wind turbines in a single array. Computers: monitor the wind direction and speed, and can shut down the turbines if aeharnfu to the environment. © Infact, the stronger winds generated at ea rake offre the wind becomes too strong. vind farsa pact aterative. ‘What is more, wind turbines make hardly any noise and they are not D infact, today it's the wore's unpleasant to look at, certainly not as ugly as fastest-growing source of energy. nuclear power stations! Although wind farms do E Tis new ahemative source of ‘take up a lot of space, they are often located on rants unoccupied sites or in areas that can also be used. eps sn ce ne, for farming. Building wind farms at sea is also peng 0b are rentak possible [5] JOffshore wind farms also mean that aap erooive rd sous 3 ouch larger turbines can be buill, without ind to our planet ‘objections from the public. F Well as people are increasingly A single wind turbine can produce enough ‘coming to realise, the answer is electricity to power 375 homes and these wind alavound us. farms are already making a mall but significant, 6 Wind power has been used for ‘Stren [6] hs rer noc BB yecrs to pump wetes: riay well sce wind power supplying Ssitml BR is. covecict wo 0 as 10% of worlds electricity demands and grrerater, where the electricity ‘up to 20% of Britain's total. i, So, why delay? Wind power offers a solution to all our energy problems by being a renewable, clean {Bilan the words in bold, tnd safe soure of energy whichis easy to five and ‘then give synonyms for the work with. Isn't it about time we started building Fighlighted words. Where mote wind farms in Britain and protecting our totkd you read such an arice? emvironment for future generations? . Find words similar in your language. Follow-up fed the artice again and Undeine the advantages of Wind power. Can you think of any others? Is wind power used imyour country? Nee] Tem S iS ) Planet Earth (Aisten and undertine the correct piece of information about the Earth, then tak about it. ‘Gircumference: 40,000/14,000 kim Diameter: 17,260/12,760 km Percentage of surface area covered by oceans: Highest point: Mt Everest 8,848/4,888 m Lowest point: Dead Sea — 800/400 m below sea level 1% 1 70%, The Earths circumferenceis.. Environmental Problems ‘@. Match the headlines to the environmental problems. as on é A ee | Greenhouse gases oe blamed for sanctuary in aoe sudden storms Da Re eR eee Ty Problems, ‘Qverpopulation Lack of resources Global warming '. Which ofthese problems do you think is the ‘most worrying? Who do you think is resporsible for solving these problems? Find headlines from newspapers related to environmental problems and present them to 54 the dass. ‘2, Match the problems to their effects and their 9 solutions, Then in pairs discuss, 2s in the example. Problems. Effects Solutions A. Giobal werming 3 d B Pollution. E C_ Hunting/Overishing D_ Deforestation Effects 1. destruction of the rainforest 2. many animals and fish wiped out 3. change in worlds imate — ocean levels rising — extreme weather conditions 4 very poor air quality cies ~ rivers and lakes full of industrial waste Solutions 1 a. Have stricter laws and harsher punishments for ilegel hunting and fishing b_ Encourage countnes to contol the number of trees that are cut down, ‘¢ Reduce gases emitted from factones. Use public transport instead of cars d_ Reduce use of aerosols. se alternatwe sources of ‘energy. F ‘A: Whatis the effect of global warming? Global warming iscausing a change n the worlds climate. Oceanlevelsarerisingand weareseeing mae ‘entree weether conditions. Weneed todo something beforeitsto0 ate, ‘A: What canwedo? 8: Wecouldreduce the use of ersols We could aso use ternative sources of energy. ete 5 Writing 1. Use ideas from Ex. 7a as well as information from other sources to write a short artide ‘about global warming. State the problem, the 6 write what has caused it. Finally, write what we an do about it ‘Match the colurnns to form compound nouns and explain them, Finally make up sentences using thes. rubbish effect oes ran acd mp ‘greenhouse layer -* ozone path urban mask ode spravd fh rubbish dump: a place where rubbish isleft Therubbish dump on the outskirts oftown san eyesore, and ther Anewer the questionnaire to se f you are stheeample | ~ environmentally are Solutions. 10 a eee ar aks fl When you fea room, you shart for 2 tum off alte ghis? ® leave one ight on? cube of © never Bother totum off the ight? Boyou ss Usepuble Ta” take short showers (less than 10 minutes? b have bats? € takelong showers (more than 10 minutes)? Doyo 2. Wak ode a bike fr shor journeys? b take public transport when you can? 11 € ‘rave everywhere by car? Do you By stperee ol your rsctian ana recy wt ya b recycle some of your rubbish? € never recycle anything? Doyou 2 only use heating and airconditioning when you. really need them? bb ise fheaing ander condoning now and again? © havetheheeting on al winter andthe ar | concioning onal summer? nen you are outside, do you 1 ‘8 always put your litter in a rubbish bin? 'b usually try and find a bin for your litter? | ‘Wel donel oo oem © throw your iter away on the ground wher 12 you can to help our planet. Keep up the ‘good work. {teers lke you know about the problems that are facing our environment and try 10 cdo what you can, There are stil some things that you coUsd do though. ‘Thore ie fat more you cousd oto hola ‘enwrcnment. Wty dort you read Rukhgeceuvenis _any ofthe things mentioned hora? Ever Thai ee a ak ere eenone, Conservation 2 There are many things we can do to conserve ur non-renewable resources. Match the following suggestions (1-6) to the correct headings below. Then make up sentences, as in the example. ‘hitch off the lights when we leave rocmn wear warmer dothes inthe winter Tide 2 biyce Insulate our bouses use fluorescent ight bubs se public transport ounune ‘a. Tose les petrol for transportation we can: a 1b Touse less electriaty side our houses we can: © Touseess coa, gs, petioland ecticty ‘to heat our homes we can: Touselesspetiolfor wansporaton wean rideabicyle. . Can you think of any other ways to reduce consumption of our non-renewable resources? In pairs think of two ways that we can: saveon water, createlesslitter; reduce air pollution. Then, ask and answer, asin the example. ‘Making Suggestions Why don't we We can ... could also It would be 2 good idea to then ‘Av What can wedo to saveon weer? B: Agoodidea would bet take shorter showers. ‘A: Thatstve, wecouldalso.. etc Writing Use ideas from Ex. 10 as well as information from other sources to write your own set of rules on how to save on water. Write at least five rules and pin them up on your dass noticeboard. 56 Comparisons Grammar Reference 413. Underline the comparative and superlative forms in the sentences, How are more and most used? 1) Jenny is taller than Kate, 2. The exam was easier than we expected. 3 This restaurant is more expensive than the one we went to lastnight, 4. The train was going faster end faster 5 The oads in the city are becoming more and more crowded, 6 Hethinks that the ncher he becomes, the happier he willbe. 7. The African elephant isthe biggest land mara 8 London is the busiest city in the UK. 9 Sheis the most beautiful woman know. 10. Tony is more capable than Billy 4.4 Make up as many sentences as possible, as in the ‘@ample. fast noisy * oe dean ee . ” ‘expensive ae ae = notvery + gute wen ve Abicyceis not very fast. cars foster than aby train (the stest ofl Acar is quite fast. A train sve fast, 415 Complete the sentences using the corect forms of ‘the comparative or superlative. 1 Ruth seems MUCH nse vveeufhappy) today than yesterday, doesn't she? 2 Some scientists think that global warring is _— _ (big) problem facing the wor today. 3. Itsbecoming (rare) and : (hard) to find ajob nowadays 4 Steves deft ne nnensenns (9008) player in the team. a (beautiful city Ihave ever visited 6 He feds much . sonnet) since he started that cet. 7. Tim finds history a (interesting) than maths BL WOS OE OF nner - .. (difficult) things he has ever had to do. 9 nnn (€OAY) WOVE, the - -»eee(500n) we'll arrive. 10 I'm sure you can do (good) than that, Try harder. anne 416!" pairs, use the pictures and the prompts to ‘compare life now and in the past. Think about: people; dweling; transportation; work; cies; streets ‘shard/easy * work short/long hours * noisy/quiet ‘*heaithy/unhealthy + slowfast. + exciting/bonng + incomerienticonvenient * safeldangerous People used to... These days... ‘Most people in the astinowadays (The)... used to be . but now. ‘A feusedto behaderinthe past thanitis now. Bcaree These days if sees tobe quite eos 17!" pairs use the prompts to ask and answer questions about the animal fisted, as in the example. [+ elephant » izard + mouse » cobra « centipede » i ‘» many legs * large « tall © smell * fast * slow: ‘oud + poisonous ‘A: Which animal hos go the most egs? BI thinkits the centipede. Which animal Too / Enough Be ‘Gracrmar Reference 18 Complete the sentences using either too or enou? 1 Tom hasn't got . ‘money tomer toa bigger flat. 2 Theriver is. polluted to swim 3 Erica's ld .. to make hero decisions. 4 Do you think that it's bea tan? 5 lemight be 7 late to saves endangered species, 6 Isitwarm... «for you in hee 7 The@aM WAS see dict form 8 The hole in the ozone layer rneans that parts the earth do not get»... protec from ultrawolet radiation. -ing form / Infinitive as Grammar Reference 49 Match the items in the two columns to make complete sentences. Underline and label the ~ing form; the toinfintve form; the infinitive without to form. “© Icant stand people | tojoin an environmental group. 20) What does each group of words take: todaf, inf without to.oF-ing form? Give an example for each. risnow 1 906+ acthity) + ing form rensy 2 verb + preposition +. 3. would lovefitefhate + answer 4 Mafovehhate asin the 5 model verts +... 6 anttstand eb, look forverd to +. Ife goswimming at weekends }{ Putthe verbs in brackets into the corect form, 1 He goes .. ~ ‘moming before work, 2. George isn't here; he must (be) on his way to work. 3. We're still wating for hirn (swim) every one day. 5 isa i fooking forward to (eet you 6 He only ished the essay on time by enn (work) alright 7 Come here. would he. you something. 8 Laure dct want to leave without (Gpeak) to Dan, 9 Weshould endangered species. 10 Hels thinking about (change) jobs (60) more to help 22 23 Fillin the -ing form or to-inf. Then explain the words inbold. 1. He forgot to put (put) out the fre. forget = not remember todo sth) 2 Hiinever forget Italy for the first time. 3. Jamie couldn't stop .. . (think) _about what had happened the night before 4. Somy tm a bit late. | had to stop (bus) petrol on the way over here. 5 Did you remember... ‘ik when you were out? 6 Lremember .. fiend Debbie a the pat. 7 Hewanted ...... Bo'dock train but he was too late. 8 Sandra tied tum a etter but he didn’t answer. (visit) ‘Complete the sentences using to-inf, inf without to ‘or ng form. Josh is tinterested 9 onsen CS Paula's keen on eve gt enoigh eh These days We 2M se She realy hats. Jason can't help «. DO YOU TRE nnn You should Werte looking fd 1 nnn Game w Chain Story. In tums use the words in thelist to make up a story using -ing form ot infinitive forms. CCross out the words used each time so that you Bory BSowiawawne ske + hove ‘manage rind ‘write « threaten ‘hope * must ‘start © finish hate regret ‘avoid » arrange + afford » look forward to want + can't stand © decide Joho likes travelling abroad. Oneday.. 24 25 CCT La Prepositions “— TRppendis 1 a. Fillin the correct preposition, ‘then explain the phrases in bold. 11 Sho was grateful... all the woluntets. theit he. 2 The chemical fector’s over was found guilty dumping barrels of chemicals into the te 3rd YOU Het csnon the Eironmental Weekend Weodfordin lune? 4 Local authoitics are enscus to edt sn AFYONE WhO May have seen the waste being dumped in the park, 5 Have you Ber heard the greenhouse effect? 6 He has alveys been hopeless spenkng in public. b. Fillin the correct prepositions, then choose any five phrases and make up sentences using them, Tin peed nn 2 capable... Btobegenerated .....; Ato contribute .......j 5 to protect Sth nn SB; 6 10 take ab yantage n-th; 7 to provide $B nn B10 BO USE crn APD Phrasal Verbs “SS Appendo Replace the words in bold with the correct phrasal verb formed with fallor get. 4 You can always rely on me for hep. 2 Doyou think that they are gong to escape without punishment for their crane? 3 | really like Alice, she's such a fiendly person. 4 It took Tony a long time to recover from his ness. 5 | cant belive they were deceived by that old tnck 6 The plans for the new sports centre failed to be completed. 7 Hes going to try to finish the first half of that report toright. , 6 Word Formation 26 Fillin the correct word derived from the word in bold. 4 Treasuring the Tundra ‘The tundra is a cold, dry, 0) treeless region with ‘TRE Oi very cold temperature and little rain. One of its. 28 Re ‘most I) .. characteristics is the DISTING onl 2 called permafrost. 3). conditions can support a Wide 4) wnnonenenm Of wildlife. In fact, several groups of Inuit people live there, relying on hunting and fishing for their 3) ‘The animal life includes such species as arctic foxes, reindeer, wolves and seals. In spring, 6) none Howers cover the ground. The snow offers 7)» 10 such plants, allowing them to r temperatures. However, It is 8 for trees and larger plants to live inthis environment. ‘The tundra Irozen layer of ground PERMANEN! -ous these extreme SURPRI extremely fragile, so any changes caused by increasing temperatures and hi » a “© levels will have a 10) effect on the environment. We need to safegusrd this 4 ‘environment for the future, Key-word Transformations 27 Complete the second sentence using the word in bold. You must we : between two and five words including the word given. Idi 29 Met 1 Emmais finding it difficult to manage on the money she earns now ido AFCUTEY EMME sense ; : the: se -~ 9 the money she ears not 2. No one seemed to want to join the theatre group this yar sar interest There seemed to son _ no ovement Create gFOUP tis be 3. She didn’t say goodbye last right. vw without Sheleft.. - 4 5 7 last ng er 4 lan has managed to give up smoking, 7 succeeded lan oF ad ee 5. Richard's 18, sohe can vote. p ol Richard E Dr an 6 Its too cold for us to go to the park today. not Ws. 30 fillin the correct animal from the list, then explain the phrases in 10 goto the park today. bold. In pats, think of other 7 The tickets for the concert were more expensive than I had expected. Iegones wlth andes as The tickets forthe concert were had expected. Open Cloze 28 Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE WORD in each gap, SURFRIY | SOWING THE SEEDS FOR SURVIVAL apt ‘When people mention endengered species the 0) fist mind ate probably whales, pandas w people would think of plans, but, in ny Were ae far mote threatened species of plants Of the threatened mammals, fsh, birds and insects One of the 5) . .» threats to the sunival of many ants 1s industralsation. This causes pollstion and acid. rain, 8 .- destroy forests and harm many species of plant Another threat 5 man! Many products that man US85 7)... 4 ffam plants. For instance, many plants &) collected ffom the Amazon and are used to make medicines. Other plants, =) vu @$ mahogany trees, are valued 10) . | ther timer and are very popular building matenas. There ae even Honts that 11) become desirable collectors’ items, Luck, 12) ‘and more people are becoming aware 13) the ‘problem and change ts on the way. 14) . are now a number of ‘rgansations that are working to protect endangered plants a5 15) as ‘animal species and preserve all living things for the future. You must use Idioms & Fixed Phrases in his 9) Match the phrases in bold tothe definitions Have you got any similar Stomach before he soe is ie earns now. idioms! phrases in your language? How do they compare with those in wea see ese {90 into town to vst Mark, reese bok right 2 wel kil two * citdse » busy and active * be kind with one stone and do some + not show raitude for * admire © remain calm shopping on the wey homme. became dappointed + not move 3 [don’t want to tel Liz the truth bout I suppose its time to take 1 I really take my hat off to those ecowartiors. At least they are at By te hares standing up for what they believe in, and get it over with, He's exhausted, he's been on the go all day. alii src tavoent eaters 1fy0u just hol stil fora inut, | can exten everything to you. those were just ‘She may seem strict but underneath she has a heart of gold raat | dort know wry she was having a go at Steve. It wasr't his fui. fg) Pace tae’ dan) mente te Envionmentalss must't lose heart even when it seems lke some rvowiA col hajstoud oncteie people are ignoring them. 's share of the 7. rem happy to help her out but | don't want to be taken for granted, Martin kept his head and didn’t panic despite the chaos around him, 59 Listening & Speaking Skills 31 C)uisten to the people taking about problems on 60 their island and write S (for Sandra), B (for Bill) or J ‘for Janet). Which speaker: ide hear a warning thinks the factory otses air pollution expected a warning bales that everyone is responsible saw somebody littering ‘mentions a new building project is worried about wildlife suggests doing something 322 Look atthe pictures and describe them. Then, in pairs, discuss the problems faced by Sandra's. island. Use the prompts below, as well as any ideas of your own, to suggest possible solutions, as in the example, fit ters to factory chimneys plant more trees vate to the government fine people viho drop liter Improve public transport {Useful language for making suggestions | [a goed dea would be: Why den'twe We should COUN! HW oy theo Perhaps we should. think .. ‘A: One of the problems which the stand faces is air pollution, B: ‘couldnt agree more. You know factory owners ited filters tothe factory chimneys, then there wouldnt beso ‘much or pollution. 33 6) You will hear part of a radio talk about 36 lx ‘endangered species. For questions (1-6), complete rec the notes which summarise what the speaker s2y5. for 1. John Mekentie s an [__ activist. | 2 John is working to raise ‘about the problem of our endangered specs. 3 ve wewpingout the [> of many animal. 4 Werneed to be more careful about the we buy. 5. ifwelock after the more anirrals will sunive. 6 We should report people who [and] anumals to the potce Look at the pictures and answer the questions. ‘What dangers do these animals face? How isthe ttle related to the pictures? ‘What can we do to protect animals? What do you think this quotation implies: “TH ore | know people, the more I ike animals"? A | b. Givea one-minute monologue suggesting way to protect animals. | & 35 (You will hear five people talking about reo B ideas, Match the speakers tothe sentences. These ’ awNe ‘one sentence which does not match any of the speakers. & A. This will save ves seater B Teaching the pubic about Speaker 21 recycling Specter Providing work and helping the Speaker 4 a environment. Speakers Things can be wed more than once. . Reasons why we should all recycle. ‘This helps cut down eneray use. amo = 36 Look at the poster. n pairs, talk about what we can recycle and how. Then, explain why it for everyone to recyde. als tothe police the questions. 4 ry ‘A: Firstof all wecan recycle newspapers and magazines. B. Yes, wecanput them intothe recycling bins nour neighbourhood. Then, they can be used to make recycled pope. Offering solutions to problerns 377, Listen to the dialogue. What is the problem? be, Read the dialogue and filin the missing phrases. “Let's + Have you thought about stares? “can't believe «know » That's great idea vas? q ay a how much, sion implies: “Th ji an traffic there is on the roads these days. tke annals”? B 2) It took me two hours to rive into the city centre today. You know, I've just had a brant idea. 3) : — starting a car pool? a = a a ‘We would save money and help reduce the ammount of traffic at the seme time! 5 _ start right anay. Who is going to drive tomorow? suggesting ways igabout recycling entences. There is ch anyof the speaker 14 Speaker 2 [J speaker 3 speaker 4] Use the prompts to act out similar dialogues. 1 ter everywhere/start a dear-up campaign/pick up Speaker 5 E] Ittercleen up neighbourhood ce + concrete everywherfstart a ree planting Je ” “Through that forest can pass Til asin alooking ss, Humming fy and daisy tree ‘And my tiny sel see, Painted very clear and reat (On therain-poo at my feet Should a leaflet come to land Diiting near to where! stand, Straight board that tiny boat Rourd the rai-pool seat lot. Alte thought creatures sit (On the grassy coasts oft Lite things with lovely eyes ‘See me sling with surprise. Some are cad in armour green — (These had sure to batle been!) ~ ‘Some are pied with evry hue, Black and crimson, gold and blue; ‘Somme have wings and swift are gone; ~ ut they all ook kindly on, ‘When my eyes once again ‘Open, and see al things i High bare wall, great bare flor, ‘Great big knobs on drawer and door; Great big people perched on chars, Stitching tucks and mending tears, Each a hill that | canid cmb, ‘Ard talking nonsense al the time — dear me, ‘That could be ‘Asailoron the rai poo! sea, ‘Aclimber in the clover tree, ‘And just come back asleopy-head, Late at right to go to bed, 63 . ‘tip Essays providing solutions to problems are pieces of weiting in which we present a problem and its causes, then discuss cur suggestions as wel as their expected results. Introduction In the first paragraph, we present the problem and its catses. ‘Main Body ln the second, third and fourth paragraphs, we write ‘our suggestions and their expected results. We write ‘each suggestion and its results in separate paragraphs We should link our ideas using appropriate linking words. Conclusion Inthe last paragraph we summarise our opinion, Such essays are normaly written in semi-format or formal style, depending on who is going to read them and ‘where it's going to be published. They are usualy found as articles in megazines, newspapers, ete. To make our piece of writing more interesting to the reader, we can use certain techniques to start or end it such as: ‘addressing the reader directly. f you want to help theemironment, thee are lt of things thot youcan do. ‘using a quotation (a sentencesphrase from a book, 2 play, etd). Don't forget to mention the name of the person who said / wrote it. = 05 American anthropologist Margaret Mecd soi "We have ncashere ese togo..thisisalwehave.” + using a rhetorical question (a question that makes a statement rather than expecting an answer). |sitimportont protect endangered species? USEFUL VOCABULARY “To make suggestions: would help if be a good idea if; ‘A/ Another useful suggestion would be to. ‘The situation could be improved if / by ..: Steps / Measures should be taken in order to solve / deal with “To present results and consequences: Inthis way ..j This would ..; Then ..; If. , the result would be ..: The effect / consequence / result of .. would be 64 Analysing the Rubric }5 Read the rubric and underfine the key words. Then. answer the questions. ‘A local newspaper has asked its readers to write articles entitled "How can we make our planet a sefer place for animals?” to be published in the 3 newspaper. 11 Whois going to read your piece of writing? 2. What problems do animals face cowadays? Think about thee habitats, who hunts them and why, the A477 Re ‘fects of envronmentalproblems such 25 verous fos w of pation etc te 3 Cenyou think of any weys to help anievals? AM p or Analysing a Model Text 2 ‘a, What words can you think of related to the tile Bal of the article? s 'b. Read the artide and put the paragraphs in the he correct order then answer the questions. sar CAs fre ~ ce pi he! ‘at 4g How can we make our ser planet a safer place for animals? Gt Qa [AL Janother solution is to promote education ‘endangered species. If people are aware of & problem, then they will buy fewer products made‘ @ ‘materials such as ivory or fur. [5 In conclusion, ther are mary ways to make our ‘a better place for animals. We all need to do . ‘we can, AS Malcolm Bradbury said “If you're not b Of the solution, you're part of the problem,” E [EL 5 our planet a safe place for animels? Unfortunately a doesn’ seem Ike it. Thousands of species have ; cetinct end many more are now endangered. We: ‘to. do something fast before it s too late for them. Id- [DL Fisstly, measures need to be taken to protect way, wildlife. The destruction of threatened polly habitats should be illegal, with long prison for people who break these laws. This would Tor animals and the evrormens they lve in [ELyFinaly, we should creete more national parks a 4 Reac conservation areas, This would allow animals to lve write breed safely in their natural habitats As 2 result ‘numbers would increase and species would not de 1 Undetne the topic sentences in each of paragraphs in the main bedy. What Sentences does the vite ge? 2. What ae the iter suggestions? Wich i words has he used to inteduce each one? results does he expect? 3 How does the writer start and end the a 2 rhetorical question? a quotation? aes s reader diecly? Suggest another beginig b ending to the article. on? addressing her becinning ©: Beginnings — Endings 7 Read the extracts below. Which are beginnings? Which are endings? Which writing technique has ‘been used in each? ‘What would you lke to learn about in school? In ry ‘opinion schools should focus on pracuca skis as well ‘as on academic subjects. Allin allt think that banning cars from the aity centre ' excellent idea. It will make shopping safer and heather for pedestrians a5 well 25 reducing traffic jams. What mére could the people of ths city want? CAs Thoms Jeferson sad, “Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press.” However, nowadays. with Early to Bed ... coer ‘When was the last time you went on holiday? Talk aboutit. ‘What can you do to protect the environment? + daily routines health problems & symptoms stress & relaxation feelings character adjectives ways to relax eee ee express preferences describe your feelings describe a person's character make deductions speculating Give advice make an ‘appointment ‘express your loss of temper describe symptoms modal verbs (must, ‘ought to, need, rmostn't, have to, should, could, would, may, ight) past & perfect modals dauses of reason question tags the passwe relatives telatne defining — non-defining clauses technology & lasure time technology at home computers Phrasal verbs + ove + 9 = hold = keep + alettertoa friend ‘about a health problem you had © aset of school rules ‘= ashort article about a famous health spot =a for and against essay = aninventor’s short biography © anewspaper article adiary entry = anopinion essay 3. The ttle is from a well-known proverb. Can you complete it? What does it mean? b, Describe the pictures on this page. What do you think their daly routines are? What time do you usually wake up? Do you wake up on your awn, or do you need an alarm clock? Do you often have late rights, of do you always 190 to bed early? Do you have a strict daly routine? What do you usually do every day? 2. Tick (/) the points below which you feel describe you, then talk about yourself using _adverbs of frequency. clumsy, often have accidents often feel tired ‘etl more often than other people suffer ftom indigestion/heedaches etc have health problems (eg, heart problem, muscular pains etc) hhave a reguer sleep pattem hhawe meals at the same times every dey Jom not usuely clumsy Idonttoten have acces. b. How do you feel ¥ about your lifestyle? What would your ike — e>gunergs => 35 onep . “Routine! 15 usually || som at Snape tr ova, Sriane wong beng ow oey Can you of nineto vers. We Ivo in what Ie fas becoming & 24- hour society, where everything is open all hours. You can buy ‘eat, sleep, work and play. It plays an important pert in our physical and psychological ‘Curselves of much neaded rest but we also run the risk of seriously damaging our health. Reading (ng when wo a avcko naval ier cols ccult around our bodies aed cas fore {YoU groceries at migrigh, Book your holy onthe Intrnot at 3 fam, and do business One atthe crack of dawn. Belore you ol) the 2+nour revolution, however, take a minito 0 listen to what your ature intended. ‘nan area of our brains called the hypoth, we have a ‘body clock’ rhythm © fm Czntels cur bods tural tytn ts us when she ight Hew. Hoe 12 . 3 well-being, Wis, tn fact, what makes US fick and It coniols may tne 14 synehronises all these Ike a conductor wi un orchestra, regulates tampa and t batngs in althe diferent instruments on time to make music rather than random noise, i try © ignore our body clocks, or even 10 Such them aif for @ whe, we not only deprive) gnosing your body clock and changing your body's natural rhythms can not only make you ‘orampl, heart dleease, fatigue, ulcers, muscular pain, and frequent viral infections can a result from trying to outamart our body clocks. Ateting our patiems of sleeping and walang ‘dramaticaly affects our immune system, While we sleep the body's repalr mechanisms are at ‘damage. Our digestive system is affect, t00 ~ igh levels of glucose and fat remain in the body is trying to tell you ~ that a round-the-clock lifestyle is not what, things including our hormones, tempereture, Immune functions and slertness, It depressed, anxious and accident prone, it can lead to much more serious heath probloms. For ‘OU bloodstream for longer periods of ime and this can lead to heart disease. @, What Is the man Untortunately, we were not designed to be members of a 24-hour society. We below ooking at? can't ignere lions of years of evolution and slay Up alright and sleep ll Gay. How do you think ‘We function best with a regular pattern of sleep and wakefulness that is in he feels? ity? tune with our natural envionment, Nature's cues are what Keep our body clocks ticking rhythmically and everything working. in , Isitimportant to have a harmony. So, next time you think a dally routine is boring, standard daly routine? and predictable, remember tht routine may wel ‘save your fe inthe lang run. Why/Why not? Read the text to find out. 5 According to the text, we should ¢ Read the text again and choose the correct ‘A. do things when our body tells us to ‘answer, A, B, Cor D, for questions 1-6. organise our body dock according to a strict schedule What does tin tne 12 refer to? use the natural envionment to work ou regular A our bodys natural chythms routine B the hypothalamus D havea boring, slow-pace fete. cur bodys boloial clock 6 According to the text, ouF body lock D ourbrain ‘an be changed without harm. What does the word tickin ine 14 mean? determines when we should do things. one> A check helps us to fight sleep, B motware isa bonng routine, © select D function d._Explain the words/phrases in bold. Which words. Inwhat way is our body dock like the in the text do you think come from another ‘conductor of an orchestra? language? Are there any words in the text that ‘A The hypothalamus controls our actions. sehen in your ena B tmakes al the bodys functions work together at the right time, © The body clock is very precise. D We have aspecel program lfwe change our sleep 1 wl get an infection B will stur our immune system © wil get heort disease D get igh levels of dangerous cells Follow-up Why hos the writer written this article? Are there ‘any points in the article you disagree with? is there ‘any information you did not know before reading the artide? Compare answers with your partner. 71 Vocabulary Practice kat the table and match the problems to theli-symptoms and causes Common Cause a can't sleep ‘not geting enough sleep 2 Dod, pat stomach i FE ect taro uses Steg bo mich ents ‘high temperature, nausea, dizziness overtired bacteria under the skin ‘a painful muscle contraction fu ‘eating too much ar too quickly Gifficulty breathing, wheezing cramp doing too much exercise ‘can't stop yawning acne ‘stress, anxiety rum nose, ae ye, snsing reastcke | ansteqyopoten pos and red lumps on the face and neck ‘an alergy to dust or animals b. In pairs, use the table to talk about health Prema kegs ss Ree age a areas problems have you experienced? Passa ee ine i Ty) Sires Seer] Cana nete ie Se eee ees Dien ieee ee a SOE Ds Lie pA deen trem Jn pairs, aet out dialogues, 2s in the example 6% Match the words in column & to those in eo VERE eet] cs eC / might give you each prodlem. _ a B r You should rake an aspirin, Prefer “ ‘i Tir fond off enon Dy Med. ut telaxing/fasc 7 White a letter to friend about a health problem Cet en a tate Pee eee East] Ali B Re t Tr Stress and Relaxation B Look atthe lst below and rank the stressful situations from 1 to 9, where 1is the least stressful and 9 the most stressful. Compare your lst to your partner's and talk about the situations. Describing Feelings 10 2 Study the table, then choose words from the list and make up pairs of sentences, asin the examples inthe table. PresentPast Partiiples ‘We use-ed participles to describe how we feelfelt: elt satisfied when passed te est. [3 beng stuck in a traffic jam [BI] doing the housework [EL] waiting in a queve for along time sin being late for schoolwork We use -ing participles to say what an experience twas [eT] missing the bustain to schoolwork ke: Passing he et was setidying ‘ [ZT walking home alone at night [51 govng to the dentist (BD taking an exam 17} not being able to step at night + satisfied » disappointed = thvilled » ted s embarrassed + fightened + exited + annoyed « fascinated * confused » worried ‘A: Tome, going to the dentists the most stressful station. relaxed «bored * pleased + relieved cant stand dil! What about you? 8: Wel just ate being stuckin wij. rely get stressed when Ihave stand vat forages. (8) Usten and say how each speaker sounds, using Words from the fist above. Aw 8 c. 2 Look at the pictures. Which would you do to thelp you relax when you are stressed? You can 411 Tak about two things- one pleasant and one ‘add your ovm ideas, ‘unpleasant ~ that happened to you, Say what happened and how you felt about it, as in the ‘examples. ‘hen my dog went missing! felt very worried. When my dog came home again! fet relieved. Character Adjectives ‘& Match the character adjectives to the NEGATIVE definitions. [1D )socable. a want things tobe perfect [sentimental b lke going to parties [EL conservative ¢ show pitylove et [ED pertectionist d con be trusted {preter plying tennis to oingtote gym [ED Jarrooant hate changemnew ideas fgrather wotch TVehan pay computer games. TL Jeonfident cant wait fortong b, In paits, discuss what you prefer doing to relax. [ZL moody gmake sensible decisions i* : [ELI relcble be sure of your abilities prectcal 4 change feelings frequently 1 Impatient 1 don't ike hateldetestean't stand = Ym not very fond off interested ivkeen on . ind... abitrather boring’ tinng ete Kind painting quite relaxing. Really? not very fond of drawing but lenioy paying sauh, ‘being with fends. with people Fvejust met. think you'e better than others 'b. Which of the adjectives above best describe youtyour friends? Give reasons. Use adjectives of your own as well {think quit sociable becouse like going to parties and ‘would’ sy tm shy, becouse Ident feel uncomfortable 73 Obligation, Prohibitior 16 S Be sores: one suggest another : Suggestion, Necessity ~ Z rrnmar Reference salen fl 41 Read the sentences and match the verbs/modals in a bold to their meanings. Which express: obfigation? ' prohibition? suggestion? necessity? lock of necessity? [1 Surgeons must wear masks during an operation. (ZZ You ought to have an annual check-up. (1 You must dean your teeth every day, [2D] You need to step for at east 7 hours aright. [51 You mustn't smoke in here. [61] You don't have to drive me to the station, [ZIG] You sould be nde to your mothe Whiting Project 3 [BLT hn the UK you have to be 17 to get a driving 5 fe ets ‘a , do while at school. 2 IRwould be @ ood idea todo this. b Thisisarule. Yat ate not allowed to do ths: tis forbidden, 4. tis important that you do ths. € Isnt necessary, but you can if you want to f This isnecessary gt would be a good idea not to do this fh This is very important; itis essential 17 Permission, Request, Ability, Possibility “Be Match the modals in bold to the functions below. * possiblity + lack of ability « permission ‘request * ability © lack of permission ‘Grammar Reference: 14. a Use the prompts and make up three sentences each about doctors and nurses. 1 Couldwould you help me with my homework? id * 2. You can'timustn't/may not smoke in here. ‘ 3 You can/may borrow my dictonary. fmustimustnt | listen to thar patients. 4. He can ply the pana aL Eoppgierto: yee atunierty. 4 5 He could/mayimight have the fu Ma \1Sef™ don't have to d0 shift work. i 6 Lean speak French, NOES houiey vt thelr patients at home 21 whi MBsiouary | Detreationt. 1 Undarine the correct modal, then explain its use, unc 4 be kind to patients. { a ought tc! ejay werking with people. 1 Could/Would tbe OK if et eaty today? ae ought motto wor ong tous i 2. He won'tkan't se without hs lasses i: reed to” explain trestments to ther 3. No, you would notmay not borow my ca ec don't need to patients. I 4 She int inside; she mighticon bein the garden - ——— 5 You willmay go home ifyou aren't feeling wel 22 Loot Doctors should listen to their patients sent 5 oa Past & Perfect Modals shou b. White three sentences about patients using the Gaming asin verbs listen tll and visit. A 19 Match the modals in bold to their meaning. A 415 Expand these signs into full sentences in as many ‘ possible. where might you see each sign? — ENTER! ‘Smoking is forbidden. om coc eating! talking! ie mite find ts oe ‘sign ina public place. 74 [IL | shoutd have phoned my mum on her bit [ZI You needn't have bough a ticket, because [3 He ought not to have shouted at his neigt [Jim drove me to work, s0 | didn't have to: [EL te couldn'twwasn't able to play football [ED he didrrt need to go to the say had an extra one. his teg healed. because his wife had already done the: 20 1 plaints use. y today? asses. ow my Car. nthe garden vt feeling well 10 We He didn't doit, because it became unnecessary. He did it but it was the wrong thing to do. He didn't have the ability to doit He didn't doit, although it was necessary, He didn't dost, because it wesn't necessary. He did it although it wasn't necessary. couldin't) have, ought (not) to have, needn't ‘have, shouldn't} have or didn't need to. 1. We took our time because We bbe there unt 11 o'dock. ZY nny a ‘gone to see'a doctor if you were feting soil said that to Jule. He really upset her, didn’t he? 4. | was busy last Saturday, 0. so 90Ne 10 his party even if Pd wanted to. 5 You ‘come t0 pick me up there are plenty of taxis. 6 He artived by now, because he left at least an hour ago. because we got there with plenty of time to spare. 8 youhad sprained your ankle, YOU wn. ; walked here VOU nnn son et Paul know wat we were doing ~ he was wating fo Us. ow take an exam atthe ond of the course Making Deductions zs Grammar Reference Which of the sentences express certainty’ uncertainty? Present Past Hemust betired. He must have been at work He might be tired. He might have been at work. Hecan'tbetwed. He can't have been at work. Look at the pictures. Write sentences using must, could, shouldn't, ought, cont, etc, asin the examples. Henstbe svessed Heshouldnt workso ord Hemay havegot aparking ticket. ‘Heoughttoreax. Hisworkcant begoing verywell ete Game # In teams, think of three sentences about the following situations, using appropriate modal. Each correct set of sentences gets @ point. The tearn ‘with the most points is the winner. Suggested situations ‘A. your fiendis in bed with a bad cold B your friend's upset because she has put on weight your brother has failed his exam D_ your unde has been fred from his job TeamASI: Youshouldt goto schook S2: Yououghttoseeadoctor ete Question Tags “Be ‘Grammar Reference 23 Lookat the examples and undertine the question tags. Which asks for confirmation’? Which asks for information? How are they formed? FALUINGIRISING INTONATION He isn't in today, 1s ba? (sure of the answer) ‘She left yesterday, didn’t she? (not sure of the answer) bi. Filln the corect question tags. 1) They bought some flowers... 2 He hasn't called yet, .. 3. Ann looks tired, 4 Stoptaking, 5 Let’shave dinner together, 6 7 8 9 0 He will keep our secret, ‘You booked the tickets, . ‘We are going out tonight, Dad wall be on time, .. ‘She won't forget, Prepositions “3 “Appendix \ 24 a Underline the correct preposition, then explain the phrases. 1. Look! That dress is identical ta/with the one Jane wes wearing lastnight. 2 I think he is jealous for/o! Sally because of all the ‘money she's malang these days. 3. We offered to help her but she insisted forfon doing the whole thing herse 4 James thinks it's an excellent plan but F'm not $0 keen ont the idea 5 Everyone has been very kind to/ef me since the accident, 75 Grammar in use 76 25 6 7 8 b ‘That book made a realy strong Impression witkvon Emma, She ‘ant stop talking about it Come to the fair ~ everyone is welcome to join info the fun, In recent years there has been a large increase offn the number of prople wio take no regular exercise. Fillin the correct preposition, then choose five phrases and make sentences using them, the crack of dawn: 2 to play a part sth 3 w= fact; 4 t0 deprive sb Sth; § to run the risk 1 Sth; 6 to ead BH; 7 vss AME: Bo be sens AUN sen SURG ens aeTMOnY, 10. the long run Phrasal Verbs" Appendix 2 Fill in the correct partides, then ‘explain the phrasal verbs. 1 Ive seen this film before. Don't worry, though - | won't give the ending, The fire was giving ... alot of heat. The car wes running fine this ‘morning but on the way home ‘the engine suddenly gave... It was obvious that they would lose, but they stil wouldn't give He sod he woud do t= can't beliove he went .. tis word. | fee really today; | hope Fm ot GOING on fo. Erica left abit suddenly, maybe you should go .. s her and check she's OK. The dog Went wre svnnes himn ‘when he tried to open the gate. Im afraid there won't be enough F004 10 90 enrnrrn Multiple Choice Cloze E 2G Read the text and decide which answer—A, 8, CorD —best fits each 27 Re space (1-15) There is an example atthe beginning (0) tn 2 w ex ‘Outs are nocturnal creatures. They're wide 0) awoke at right and they sleep during the day. 1 {148 1) vmunwew: IKO bliss to you, then, lke about 20 percent of the popuiation 2) wrsnom find themselves most active at around 9 pm, you ‘may fall into the same category 3) _our feathered a, ‘riond. Night owls often have iffcully waking up in the moming, and like to be up late at night. 4) . of anirnal live ton ‘behaviour indicate that Being a night ow! may actually be heart ¢ 5) snnnun IMO SOMO people's gones. This would explain regular 8) cennvan th0S0 lateto-bed, lateto-ise people find it so Frepetat dificult to change thelr behaviour. — ‘The trouble for night ows is that they just 7) nur f0 be at places such as work and school fat 8) nena. CaM. _ This is when the alarm clock becomes the night Gwi's most only be important survival tool. Experts 8) . of food night ov to beat their dependence 10) . carboby pasta it makes the pro doses. | especial cattohy ‘Piece br ho time. Key 28 Com at 0A aware 8 wakeful ©aate dae ; 1 A sounds 8 hears € listens D looks 2A when B_ whose © which D wo By 3 A ike Bas © wath D for 4A Research —-«BExaminations. © Enquiries, © Stu 5 A constructed 8 built © erected =D mate 6 A why B when © how D whee oa 7 A ought B have © must D shoul in 8 A t00 B_ enough © from D away . 9A tel B speak € inform say 10 A in Bon Ct D fo 4H WA tuth B honesty © real D reason tn 12 A used B_ expected © ordinary =D natu 13 A while B throughout. §=—Cthrough © drag or 14 A Abo B Even c vet D As ;, 15 A slows B_ moves © goes D falls Error Correction ; q 6 You mustn't reveal the secret to anybody. 27 Read the text below and look carefully at each away You aren't alowed to line. f the line fs correct, put a tick (/). fit =e has a word that should not be there, vite this word on the line, asin the examples. fits each, to anybody, Idioms & Fixed Phrases 299 Fillin the words from the lst then explain the phrases in bod. Eat to Relax tke ‘ mouth + finger » stomach me ‘tooth + chest © bones we all know that eating of healthy foods helps us to 1) Martin loves chocolate and poo longer and to ward off the danger of strokes or bscuits—he's cell gota sweet ty be disease. A healthy lifestyle, which includes and _ lain lar exercise and a diet with lots of fruit and it so bles, not only keeps the doctor away but also eee memes is 1s to feel good, Being in good health is an CY “ Sa tant way for to reduce stress, but this is not the 3. There's something wrong with eal. ‘ benefit of eating propery In particular, the types thea a it cart at oy i, food that we eat Influence on our moods. Eating con what tis. foods like broads, cereas, rice and 4 Surgeons needa havea W causes te poditon of serotonin, which ewe tc Us feel calm, Fruit and vegetables also set off the sight of blood and injures the production of this chemical, but in too smaller doses. Milk, cheese and the yoghurt can also help, ialy when they eaten together with “The next time you feel stressed, try alittle Upset them, 5 I'm sure something is going to ‘90 wrong today. I can feel it in bread and a glass of milk and youl feel relaxed in US a tine. 6 | did't say that. Please don't put words Into mr. Key-word Transformations 128, Complete the second sentence using the word in bold. You can use 3O Underline the correct word then ‘wo to five words, including the word given. explain the phrases. 1. twas wrong of him not to tell us as soon as he found out. 1 At the start of the meeting the D alert SHOUIE HE vsnncrnennnnemsemnnnerene ee boss told a few jokes to break D looks 2s son a5 he found out. the kefpoce. P\wee) 2. Anna didn’t go to hospital: it was only a minor injury. 2 She's really funny, she can do/ ph ee, have ANA nna . make impressions ofall sorts of ee “to hospital it wes only minor injury. famous people. le wine 3 It isn't necessary to make an appointment ~ come in any time 3 He seid that he would think D soul tomorrow marning. about but i fact he had no yea need You — plarvintention of going. ata {an appointment — come in ay time tomorrow morning 4 Debbie has itchy feetboots — D fo 4. His speech had an effect on everyone who was there. she never stays in one place for D reason Impression His speech... . ‘moe than 2 year or two before D naturel so cn everyone who was there, she gos traveling again. © owing! 5 Patients must be accompanied by a nutse when they leave the ward. 5 | think the professor has really ee allowed Patients... ——— knocked hit the jackpot with his ay fo the ward unless accompanied by 2 nurse latest invention. 77 Reelin: mae) king skills 31 C)Youare going to listen to four people talking about how they have improved their quality of life. Match the statements which best summarise their ideas (A-E) to the speakers (1-4). There is one ‘statement which you do not need to use. A Bewith fiends, Speaker! [] B Get back to nature. pau Be satisfied with les. a ae D. Focuson the family Speaker3 E Help those in need. Speakers 32_ Look at the table and the pictures, then, in pair, talkabout” * + ifferent ways to relax; ‘pros & cons of active and passive relaxation HOOPLE RELAX Survey results for 500 teenagers TE WAV. ns ‘what the listening textis (2% play computer garnes ) bee ae Sent eu OS ‘A: Watching TVs a form is erates mee meagen oe date ‘mark your answers Listen again you con sit quietly... ers ess "ou wil hear five short dialogues about people's 33 Oe iceman 1 What happened to the git? A She crashed her bicyde. B. She crashed her car. She crashed her mother's cr. 2. What is wrong with the man? A. He has got food poisoning, B Hels allergic to seafood, © Heate too much. 3. What has the man been doing? A fighting B. dressing his children jogging 78 4 What is the doctor's advice? A. Toexerdse more. B Toewerdse less © Todo some weightlifting 5 How did the woman hurt her hand? A. She burnt it B. She trapped it in the kitchen door. © The manhurt it. Speculating BA a Look at the pictures. Who: isin a hurry? has a splitting headache? hes had an accident? b. What do you think caused each problem? Jack night have been playing fotball. He could have tripped andfalen down. Hermust beinpoin, etc Giving Advice What advice would you give each person? Use ‘the phrases below, as well as your own ideas, Jack - You should be more care 35 G, Youare going to hear someone giving advice a how to reduce stress. Listen and say where you might hear this dialogue. How do the speakess sound? Why? (G,) Listen again and write Yes or No for each statement (1-7). “The woman i suffering frorn stress. She often goes out with her frends. 4 ‘She thinks her wotkis causing her stress. ‘The man suggests that she find anctherjob. 3B “The wornan can work Fewer hours. Themen siggessshe akesome redicne. 3G Your friend i feefing stressed out and wants to rake some changes to his/her lifestyle. 1+ suggest ways to change hisher fest err help reduce stress ‘* eject his/her reasons for not being able to follow your advice, and suggest alternatives + expessyour hope that everthing wal work ow = Steoco x L 37@ Pr

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