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size <10-3 10-3 <x<10-1 >10-1

type Real solution Gel(colloids) suspensions

treatment Biologic, Physical, Decantation
chemical(precipitation, chemical(particles or turbidity
oxidation) become large)
Table of components of water
4 sources of raw water
1) Rain water Effects on water of T increase
Saturated oxygen and nitrogen
Oxygen solubility decrease
Contain no dissolved salt
Chemical kinetics increase
Contamination in industrialized areas
pH results from
2) Surface water Industrial waste
Upstream part Domestic rejections
Downstream part(important) Anthropogenic releases into
High bacterial contamination water, atmosphere and soil
High organic and inorganic
(resulting from the influence of
human beings on
Color index can be high
nature <anthropogenic
3) underground water
High hardness (Mg2+ Ca2+)
High concentration of iron and Buffer power:
The more the amount of phosphate
Turbidity is low
increases, the more water is buffered.
4) sea water
(PH remains constant).
Temperature is a characteristic of natural
waters easy to measure. suspended matter
It is a parameter affecting aquatic Decanting materials
ecosystems Filterable materials
Physically: solubility of oxygen Turbidity measurement using
Chemically: kinetics turbidimeter - Best method.
Origin: industrial waste Clogging index
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Materials in solution: organic and inorganic. 2 3
Dissolution of CO2 : { 3
A global conductivity measure is taken and
3 2
then a specific measurement.
3 gases that dissolve in water: Presence of calcium 2+
Oxygen, nitrogen and CO2.
Ionic conductivity: it is the most accurate
1) Carbon dioxide:
for measuring the saltiness of water using
2 + 2 2 3 (Carbonic acid). the conductimeter.
There is also another method which is the
Consumption of CO2:
evaporation with a residue salt obtained
(3 )2 3 + 2 3 at the end.
This is the calcium carbonate equilibrium Carbonic equilibrium (TA, TAC):
which is necessary. TA: alkaline titrate
TAC: complete alkaline titrate Hardness
If 3 the hardness since it Hardness:
precipitates out of the can induce : Temporary: relationship with carbonate
CO2 intensity consumption. and bicarbonate.
Precipitation of calcium carbonate. Permanent: no relation with carbonate
Decrease of: and bicarbonate.
TA: alkaline titrate
Carbo-carbonic equilibrium
TH :Hardness= (Mg 2+ , Ca2+ )
(3 )2 3 + 2 3
2) Oxygen: To maintain (3 )2 in solution it must
It is a sensitive parameter in organic be in equilibrium with an amount of free
pollution. CO2 called equilibrating CO2
If the quantity of O2 is large then the
water is good. (CO2 equilibrant).
free CO2=equilibrium CO2
There is pollution (bacteria come to Water with calco-carbon equilibrium
consume it)
2 > 2
3) Nitrogen:
A consumption of calcium carbonate
Dissolved salts:
Whatever the water, it contains 6 2 < 2
Ionization of water 3 + + Precipitation of calcium carbonate

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iron and magnesium: Carbon:50% It does not take off. The
1) Non-toxic and to remove water amount of phosphorus can be
2) They give a royal color decreased to limit eutrophication.
3) Are not major pollutants
Nitrate(NO3) is a necessary mineral
3+ 2+
example of the couples / pollutant to remove it.
cycle of nitrogen:
3+ + 1 2+
1) fixation of N2
Oxidation reaction 2) ammonification:
oxidation (loss e) + reduction (gain e) 4+
The oxidizing power of a
3) Nitrification:
permanganate solution in an acid
4+ 2 3
medium decreases linearly with PH
4) Denitrification: is a microbial facilitated
Oxidation potential effect of process of nitrate reduction that may
oxidation [H+] and PH ultimately produce molecular nitrogen (N2)
through a series of intermediate gaseous
Activity of electrons: nitrogen oxide products.
as = [+ ]
3 2 2
We define "the activity of the electrons" in
a solution = [ ] Mercury:
It is very toxic
For a reducing solution: It is dark
The activity of the electrons is very great. It gives in the water several products
The value of PE is low. Water is very good as methyl of mercury (3 + )
Ex: natural water of rivers. because 99% are in the
Oxidizing medium:
The activity of the electrons is low the value 3 + ( ) It is the
of PE is large. most toxic because its body elimination is
very small and it has a large half-life.
Case of non-natural water
2 3 Organic materials:
Origin and analysis of organic materials:
Eutrophication is a form of water
pollution, occurs when excessive fertilizers 1) Oxidizability of KMnO4 and UV
run into lakes and rivers. absorbance:
Nitrogen especially organic nitrogen Hot chemical oxidation in an alkaline
Phosphor or acid medium

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UV absorbance at 254 nm; Simple Toxic organic pollutants:
method, interference of turbidity, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides
iron, depends too much MO (organic solubility of water (ppm)
Strong(>100ppm) low(<1ppm)
2) Measure DBO (Biological oxygen
demand) Half life time is long

Principle: DBO5 Ex: DDT: dichloro-diethyl-trichloro-ethane

Biodegradation for 5 days
3) Measure DCO (chemical oxygen
Principle: oxidation by concentrated
2 7 2
Incidences of MO on the water consumed:
If BOD5 is very large:
color/ taste/odor
Biological treatment by bacteria
Reactivity of MO with chlorine translates
If DBO5 is too small: TOX formation:
Chemical treatment (DCO large) 1) Dichloro-bromo-methane
2 4 2) chloroform
+ 2 2 7 2 3) Dibromo-chloro-methane
(2 4 ) 4) Bromoform
4) Organic Nitrogen 5) THM(trihalo-methanes)
5) Total organic Carbon(COT) Represent 30% of tox
A consequence of the formation of
Dissolved organic carbon(COD)
organ chloric derivatives
COT= 90% COD 10% COP Tastes and odors
CODB: Biodegradable it is the small bio Qualified by chlorine
removable. The organic matter (MO) is consumers
measured by the decay of COD after 28 1) Chlorophenols
days in preset of a suspension of bacteria 2) Cetone chlores
or a fixed biomass. (5-7 days) 3) Haloforms
Refractory organic carbon (COR): Is the 4) Main chlorinated by-products
bio-refer COD = 5) Responsible for these tastes.
It is important to quantify them.

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O3 (molecular ozone)
OH (radical action)
Ozonation sub-products
Toxic: bromates
Low toxicity {

Biofilm of the network:
Water distribution
1. Dissolved MO
2. Ammoniacal nitrogen(inorganic)
It has several factors giving:
Residual disinfectant concentration
A content of CODB < 0.3 mg/l is necessary to limit the development of biofilm and to
distribute an unchlorinated water.

Good disinfection depends on the product C & T (C: Residual concentration of oxidant, T:
Contact time)
C decreases Contact time is greater
Total residual chlorine:
free chlorine (Cl2/ HCL/ ClO-)
Combined chlorine(NH2Cl/NHCl2/NCl3)
Some of the chlorine reacts with NH3 to give NH4+, one the NH3 runs out. The residual
chlorine is obtained
2NH3+3Cl2 -> N2 +3HCl
The form of free chlorine is more effective than that of combined chlorine
The point corresponding to this total degradation of the ammonium is called the point of
Monochloramine (NH2Cl): excess chlorine leads to its formation
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Its characteristics is its extreme stability over time, which compensates its weak
disinfecting power, stability;
Appreciable from the tropical countries where the water temperature can
sometimes exceed 30C
Chlorine dioxide:
can replace chlorine
Its conjugate reducer is ClO2-
Disadvantages: toxicity of chloride and chlorate ions has a restriction in the use of chlorine
dioxide for the treatment of drinking water.
Ozone: 3O2->2O3
Very powerful oxidant exhibits great reactivity
2 types of oxidation:
direct molecular oxidation(O3)
Free radical oxidation( )

its low lifetime in water is the major obstacle in the protection of water in the network
Its ability to convert much of the refractory carbon into biodegradable carbon
(Refractory resistant to treatment) (biodegradable capable of being decomposed)
Disadvantages of UV disinfection
Lack of permanence of disinfectant action
Intense absorption of radiation by turbid or colored water

Advantages of UV:
High germicidal power and of the same order as free chlorine

Pesticides are not eliminated by chlorine or ozone, which requires an advanced and
combined oxidation method which favors the formation of radicals. (O3/H2O2 O3/UV)

Advantage of the system O3/H2O2

Good production efficiency of

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for surface water generally contains a large variety of pollutants, the simplest processing
unit will include 2 stages:
Clarification treatment: liquid-solution separation step:
o coagulation: destabilization of MES
o Flocculation: Materials transformed into larger flakes
o Decanting
o Filtration with sand.
Final disinfection: inhibition of microorganisms by chlorination
Storage and distribution.

Processes and regulations: The case of surface waters of fairly good quality or in the
presence of certain specific micro pollutants. The drinking water treatment unit
Screening: stops the floating body if the water is pumped from a reverse
Peroxidation (O3, ClO2):
o elimination of tastes and odors and of the organic micro pollution
o Degradation of THM and TOX precursors
o Clarification
Coagulation, flocculation, decantation, sand filtration.
Advanced intermediate oxidation Ozonation.
Eliminates almost all organic matter by increasing the biodegradability before the AGC
o Eliminates specific micro pollution (pesticides).
o Final disinfection
o inhibition of micro- organisms.

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