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EuropeanJournal of

Eur J Appl Physiol (1987) 56:253-259 Applied

and Occupationa[ Physiology
9 Springer Verlag 1987

Breakdown of high-energy phosphate compounds and lactate

accumulation during short supramaximal exercise
J. Hirvonen 1, S. Rehunen 2, H. Rusko 1, and M. Hiirk6nen 2
Department of Biology of Physical Activity, University of Jyv~iskylii, SF-40100 Jyv~iskyl~i
Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Helsinki, SF-00290 Helsinki, Finland

Summary. Muscle ATP, creatine phosphate and Introduction

lactate, and blood pH and lactate were measured
in 7 male sprinters before and after running 40, In energy metabolism the converter of chemical
60, 80 and 100 m at maximal speed. The sprinters energy to mechanical work in the muscles is ATP,
were divided into two groups, group 1 being but this is in such limited supply that during mus-
sprinters who achieved a higher maximal speed cular work it needs continuously to be resynthe-
(10.07+0.13 m - s -1) than group 2 (9.75_+0.10 sized. During heavy work the need for energy ex-
m 9s - 1), and who also maintained the speed for a ceeds the supply from aerobic sources and energy
longer time. The breakdown of high-energy phos- must then be produced from anaerobic sources by
phate stores was significantly greater for group 1 the breakdown of creatine phosphate and anae-
than for group 2 for all distances other than robic glycolysis. In muscular work the breakdown
100 m; the breakdown of creatine phosphate for of creatine phosphate is a very rapid process, and
group 1 was almost the same for 4 0 m as for any A D P produced is at once rephosphorylated to
100 m. Muscle and blood lactate began to accu- ATP.
mulate during the 40 m exercise. The accumula- Previous studies have shown that the speed of
tion of blood lactate was linear (0.55_+0.02 creatine phosphate breakdown depends on the in-
m m o l . s - 1.1 - 1) for all distances, and there were tensity of the muscle work involved (Bergstr6m
no differences between the groups. With 100 m 1967). Karlsson (1971) reported that in muscular
sprints the end-levels of blood and muscle lactate work at 100% Vo . . . . in which exhaustion oc-
were not high enough and the change in blood p H curred in 2 to 9 minutes, creatine phosphate stores
was not great enough for one to accept that lac- were reduced to very low levels in 2 to 3 min.
tate accumulation is responsible for the decrease Other studies have shown that during maximal
in running speed over this distance. voluntary dynamic or static muscular effort, crea-
We concluded that 1) in short-term maximal tine phosphate stores are depleted in 20 s (Berg-
exercise, performance depends on the capacity str6m et al. 1971; Keul et al. 1972). According to
for using high-energy phosphates at the beginning the theoretical calculations of Margaria et al.
of the exercise, and 2) the decrease in running (1966); Newsholme (1980), and Mader et al.
speed begins when the high-energy phosphate (1983), creatine phosphate stores could be de-
stores are depleted and most of the energy must pleted in maximal sprinting in 5--7 s. It seems
then be produced by glycolysis. therefore that there is a difference between theory
and practice. This is possibly due to the fact that
Key words: Adenosine triphosphate -- Lactate -- in earlier studies the exercises were too light to
Muscle metabolism -- pH -- Phosphocreatine -- cause maximal breakdown of creatine phos-
Short-term exercise phate.
The aim of this study was to investigate the
breakdown of ATP and creatine phosphate during
short-term maximal exercise in vivo and to try to
Of]print requests to: J. Hirvonen, Finnish Sports Institute, SF- find a metabolic explanation for muscular fatigue
19120 Vierum~iki, Finland in supramaximal muscle work.
254 J. Hirvonen et al.: High-energy phosphates and lactate during short-term exercises

Table 1. Anthropometrical data and records of the test subjects

Subject Age Height Weight Fat Fast-twitch Record for 100 m

no. a (years) (era) (kg) (%) (%) (year made)

1. 26 179 69 8.3 52 10.68 (1982)

2. 25 186 76 11.3 59 10.97 (1983)
3. 23 179 78 11.2 56 10.79 (1983)
4. 26 179 72 10.1 66 10.94 (1982)
5. 39 178 74 12.3 58 10.99 (1983)
6. 33 187 80 7.6 65 10.90 (1982)
7. 20 172 72 10.5 64 10.94 (1981)

Mean 27 180 74 10.2 60 10.89

+ SEM 3 2 1 0.6 2 0.94

a Subjects nos. 1--3 formed group 1 and nos. 4--7 group 2

Materials and methods Samples were taken at rest (on the first day only), 5 min after
the warm-up about 30 s before the run and then immediately
after the run, and 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 rain later to find the highest
Subjects level of lactate (Fig. 1). The blood was collected into EDTA-
containing tubes (1.4 rag. ml-~), frozen immediately and
Seven male sprinters, average age 27 years, volunteered for the stored at - 75 ~ C until analysed.
study. All were at the national top level of sprinters in Finland Capillary blood for the measurement of acid-base balance
and specialized in the 100 m distance (Table 1). They were div- was collected at rest, 5 rain after the warm-up about 30 s be-
ided into two groups on the basis of their running results dur- fore the run and then immediately after each run. The capil-
ing the study. The three fastest formed group 1 and the other lary tubes were placed immediately into an ice-bath, and the
four, group 2. determinations were made within 1 h by a P H M 72 Mk 2 Digi-
tal Acid-base Analyzer (Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark).
Test protocol Muscle biopsies were taken after local anaesthesia (lido-
caine) of the skin, through a small incision (1--2 mm) with a
All the sprinters ran distances of 40, 60, 80 and 100 m, two biopsy needle (Tru-Cut | Travenol Laboratories Inc., Illinois,
runs being made on one day and two the following day. Before USA). They were taken from the lateral portion of the quadri-
each run they had a thorough warm-up for nearly one hour. ceps femoris at rest (on the first day only), 5 rain after the
After five min rest and sample-taking, they then ran one of the warm-up bout 30 s before the run and then immediately after
four distances selected at random. There was a rest of 2 h be- each run. The latter samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen
fore the warm-up preceding the second run. The same proto- within 10 s after the run. The weight of the biopsy samples
col was repeated on the following day (Fig. 1). varied from 3 to 10 mg. Staining for the identification of slow-
All four runs were with maximal effort as in competitions. twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibres was as described by Re-
The speed of the sprinters was determined by photocells h u n e n and H~rkOnen (1980).
placed at ten-metre intervals. The speed curve was calculated Perchloric acid extracts were obtained for the measure-
from the mean times. Conditions were constant throughout the ment of muscle and blood lactate and for the determination of
study and all runs were indoors. A mattress was placed at the muscle ATP, creatine phosphate and creatine; the parameters
end of the track for the sprinters to fall onto at full speed so were determined fluorometrically with a Transcon 102 FN (El-
that blood and muscle samples could be taken immediately omit, Transcon Instruments, Ltd, Helsinki, Finland) by nico-
after each run. tinamide adenine dinucleotide-linked enzymatic methods, all
according to Nfiveri et al. (1978).
The substrates and enzymes were purchased from Boeh-
Sample-takin9 and analyses ringer M a n n h e i m G m b H (Munich, FRG) and the Sigma
Chemical Company (St. Louis, Missouri, USA), and dithio-
Venous blood samples for the measurement of blood lactate threitol (DTT) came from Calbiochem (Lucerne, Switzerland).
were taken from the cubital vein with the subjects recumbent. All other reagents were of analytical grade and were obtained

BLOOD ~ ; I~;;II i liilll

; m m Fig. 1. Test protocol followed during two consecu-
~o 1~o ~;o ~o
TIME (MIN) tive days

Table 2. Selected m e t a b o l i c p a r a m e t e r s in b l o o d a n d m u s c l e o f t h e s p r i n t e r s b e f o r e a n d after different r u n n i n g distances. A b b r e v i a t i o n s : B-lactate (blood-lactate); c B - p H

(capillary b l o o d p H ) ; M - A T P ( m u s c l e A T P ) ; M - c r e a t i n e p h o s p h a t e ( m u s c l e creatine p h o s p h a t e ) . Values e x p r e s s e d as m e a n s +- S E M . * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.02; *** p < 0.01 for
significance o f d i f f e r e n c e s f r o m t h e p r e - e x e r c i s e v a l u e s or b e t w e e n g r o u p s 1 a n d 2 (z)

40 m 60 m 80 m 100 m ~z

Before After Before After Before After Before After

(mmol l)
Group 1 1.5 _ 0 . 1 4.5 +-0.2** 1.7 +-0.1 5.9 -t-0.4"** 1.5 +-0.2 6.8~+-0.4 *** 1.6 +-0.3 8.3 + 0 . 6 * * *
Group 2 1.6 +-0.2 4.4 +-0.4*** 2.0 +-0.3 5.5 +-0.7*** 1.8 +-0.5 7.8 +-0.7*** 2.4 +-0.8 8.0 ___0.8***
Group 1 7.44+0.02 7.36+-0.02* 7.42-t-0.02 7.31+-0.01"* 7.41__.0.01 7.28+-0.01"** 7.42+-0.01 7.24+0.01"**
Group 2 7.42+0.01 7.33+-0.01"* 7.41+0.01 7.32+-0.02** 7.41___0.01 7.26+-0.01"** 7.41+-0.01 7.24___0.01"** O
Lactate a c c u m u l a t i o n
( m m o l s - 1 x I - 1)
Group 1 0.56 +- 0,02 0.57 +- 0,05 0.56 + 0.05 0.59+_0.03
Group 2 0.49 +- 0.08 0.52 _ 0.03 0.62 + 0.05 0.52 +- 0.07 cp
M - A T P (retool x kg - i;
wet weight)
Group 1 5.4 + 0 . 3 3.5 _+0,6 5.5 +-0,2 3.2 + 0 . 0 " * * 5.4 + 0 . 1 3.3 +-0.2*** 5.2 +-0.2 3.7 + 0 . 4
Group 2 5.3 +-0.3 5.0 +-0,5 4.9 +-0,5 4.2 5.8 +-0.3 5.0 _+0.4 z 5.1 3.7 _ 0 . 1 " *
M-creatine phosphate
( m m o l x kg - J ;
wet weight)
Group 1 10.3 + 0 . 1 3.8 ___0.4* 10.8 + 0 , 6 4.1 + 0 . 8 * * * 10.3 ___0.4 2.5 +-0.3*** 9.1 +-0.6 2.6 _+0.4**
Group2 12.0 +-1.7 6.5 +-0.9** 10.3 +-1,0 5 3 +-0.6*** 12.3 + 1 . 1 5.4 _+0.5 *** Z~Z 11.8 +-1.8 4.4 __+0.1" ~
256 J. Hirvonen et al.: High-energy phosphates and lactate during short-term exercises

from E. Merck (Darmstadt, FRG) or BDH Chemicals Ltd 40 m and 100 m was not significant. Muscle total
(Poole, GB). creatine was 29.1+2.4 m m o l . kg -~ on the first
day at rest, and the mean after all warm-up peri-
Statisticalanalyses ods was 24.5+2.1 mmol 9 kg -1. After 40 m the
creatine concentration was 23.3 _ 1.9
Statistical analyses were by the matched-pair t test (Richterich m m o l - k g -~, after 60m, 22.8+2.1 m m o l . kg -~,
1968) or the Mann-Whitney U test (Siegel 1956).
80m, 23.1+1.4 m m o l . k g -~ and after 100m
22.4 + 2.2 mmol 9 k g - ~.
ATP did not decrease significantly after the
runs (Fig. 2).
Changes in runnin9 speed, blood and muscle
lactate, blood pH, and muscle A TP, creatine Differences in metabolism with reference to
phosphate and creatine in the different runnin 9 performance capacity
The maximal running speed was 10.07+0.13
Running speed was highest from 40 to 60 m m . s -~ for group 1 and 9.75+0.10 m - s -~ for
(Fig. 2), the highest value being 9.89 +0.22 m- s --1 group 2. After 100 m the speed for group 1 was
( m e a n + S E M ) at 50m. At 8 0 m speed had de- 5.7% lower than maximal, and that for group 2,
creased significantly from that at 50 m (p < 0.001). 10.8% slower (Fig. 4). The speed of lactate accu-
Muscle and blood lactate levels began to increase mulation did not differ between the groups (Table
as soon as running began (Fig. 2). The correlation 2).
coefficient between the highest recovery of blood For the 40 m and 60 m distances postexercise
and muscle lactate was 0.60 ( n = 2 6 ; p<0.001). ATP and creatine phosphate concentrations
The speed of accumulation was constant for all tended to be lower for group 1 than for group 2.
distances (0.55 + 0.02 mmol 9s-~, Table 2), as cal- After 80 m the difference between the groups was
culated from peak blood lactate values (Fig. 3). statistically significant for both concentrations
Blood p H decreased as lactate increased (Fig. 2), (p<0.05 and <0.01) and after 100 m for creatine
and the decrease was also linear from the start of phosphate (p < 0.02, Table 2).
running. Muscle creatine phosphate was 21.7 + 0.8 Significant differences between the groups
mmol 9k g - ' on the first day at rest, and the mean were found in the use of high-energy phosphate
after all warm-up periods was 10.9+0.4 (2 x AATP + Acreatine phosphate). After 40 m
mmol- kg -~ (p<0.001) (Fig. 2). After 40 m the group 1 sprinters had only 50.9+7.8% of their
creatine phosphate concentration was 5.6+0.8 phosphate pool left, whereas group 2 still had
retool, kg -~, significantly lower than the prerun 73.2+4.8% (p<0.05) (Fig. 4). At 60 m and 80 m
value (p<0.001). The decrease tended to be the differences between the groups were still sig-
greater with distance, but the difference between nificant (p < 0.02 for both distances), but at 100 m

P" _.111 (...........

1~ 2~ ", ~ _ .~ ~_ ~:s speed

g 9t-~8 I-
Z35- L
"~ 71-'~ 14 P

' ~ //' l a c t a t ~
E -o
"~4~ 8 F Fig. 2. Changes in running speed, blood lactate,
I-~ 3 6 ~- . . . . . . . . . . . 75~
capillary blood pH and muscle ATP and crea-
tine phosphate (CP) for the different running
g 2F~ 41- distances (n=7). The values are expressed as
Z20 ~ 1L:~ 2L it
means and the vertical bars denote SEM. The
ol o 210 I I 810 i
warm-up 0 40 60 100 m
SEMs for pH are so small that they lie inside the
distance of running symbols
J. Hirvonen el: al.: High-energy phosphates and lactate during short-term exercises 257

8 -
B-- Before running T
A - After running

6 -


~_ 4

,'r 2

~-- 1 Fig. 3. Accumulation of blood lactate

compared with muscle lactate (columns)
for the different running distances (n = 7).
Time 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 (rain) 0246810 0 2 4 6 810 0246810 The values are expressed as means and
40 rn 60 m 80 m 100 m the vertical bars denote SEM

~o muscle work lasting for 11 s was depleted after

,.6 . ~ 10.50 5.5 s. We also found that the sprinters of higher
~ 10.00 ~ i ~ performance capacity used about 100% of the
o~ 9.50[ _re_. . . . -~2~_~
creatine phosphate in this same time. Relatively
ff~a 9.o0ii "Z
small changes have been reported in the ATP con-
centration in fatigued muscle (Wilkie 1981) and
80 this was also seen in our study; ATP never fell
o._ 50 below about 60% of the prerun level. It seems
therefore that in supramaximal sprinting most of
,c_ 40
c_ "6 the creatine phosphate store is used during the
E Om 20 *-- g r o u p 1
first few seconds of exercise in the acceleration
c.- g r o u p 2
phase, and that the capacity to do muscle work
40 m 60 rn 80 m 100 m is related to the ability to use the high-energy
Fig. 4. The use of high-energy phosphates in running different phosphate pool; the sprinters of higher running
distances. Group 1 (n = 3) consists of the three fastest runners ability depleted their high-energy phosphates
and group 2 (n =4) the others. The 100% values are calculated more effectively in the beginning of the 100 m run
from the values of ATP multiplied by two and from the values than those of lower running ability. It can be sug-
of creatine phosphate (see Table 2). The values are expressed
as means and the vertical bars denote SEM
gested that, with the help of more chemical energy
from the high-energy phosphate pool, the better
sprinters were able to produce more "mechanical
work" and thus run faster. Better running ability
no differences were seen (group 1 52.4_+4.7%, could also be due in part to greater efficiency in
group 2 54.0+4.5%). the working muscles, i. e. better running technique
and better utilization of the elastic properties of
the muscles.
Discussion The great reduction in the concentration of
creatine phosphate seen after the warm-up period
The use of high-energy phosphates during is confusing. It could partly be due to the physical
maximal sprinting exercise involved, since the warm-up was thor-
ough and included sprints from 20 to 60 m. How-
The main purpose of the present study was to ex- ever, the time from the end of warm-up to sample-
amine the utilization of high-energy phosphates taking was only 4--5 min, which is too short for
during supramaximal exercise. We found that the complete breakdown of creatine phosphate
about 88% of the creatine phosphate expended in after maximal sprinting. This is supported by the
258 J. Hirvonen et al.: High-energy phosphates and lactate during short-term exercises

results of our previous study (Rehunen et al. muscle fatigue during anaerobic muscle work is
1982), where breakdown was still incomplete caused by the accumulation of hydrogen ions
5 min after maximal exhaustive exercise. Earlier (H+), which inhibit glycolytic energy production
Harris et al. (1976) have reported the half-time of at the level of phosphofructokinase (Sahlin et al.
the fast component of creatine phosphate recov- 1981; Nassar-Gentina et al. 1981; Sahlin et al.
ery to be 21--22 s, the half-time for the slow com- 1983). In athletic performance it takes at least 40 s
ponent being over 170 s. Our exercise was, howev- of heavy work to reach maximal lactic acidosis
er, maximal, which was not the case in their study (Kindermann and Keul 1977) and because of the
and in other earlier studies. low level of lactic acidosis seen in the 100 m run it
The influence of warm-up bouts on the low is obvious that this cannot be the primary reason
values of creatine phosphate may not be the only for muscle fatigue and the decrease in running
explanation. The reduction could also be partly speed.
explained by the fact that the blood flow is higher The energy production rate from high-energy
in working muscle, thus making fresh muscle phosphate stores is much higher than that from
samples heavier than those taken at rest (Rehunen glycolysis (Mar6chal 1981). Therefore, when crea-
et al. 1982; Sabina et al. 1983). In this study the fine phosphate stores are depleted to certain level
influence of increased blood flow was calculated the total energy production in the form of ATP is
by measurement of total creatine; this showed noticeably reduced (Hultman et al. 1981). The
that the effect of increased blood flow was about critical level of creatine phosphate is reached
15% due to the warm-up and about 20% due to the when the enzyme creatine kinase is no longer sa-
runs. turated with the substrate, creatine phosphate.
According to the results of this study the critical
level seems to be reached after 50 m running.
Glycolytic energy production After this, ATP production does not cover the de-
mand for muscle contraction, thereby causing a
The rate of lactate production was about the same decrease in running speed.
for all running distances, suggesting that the
power of glycolytic energy production is constant
from the start to the end of an exercise, at least in Conclusions
one of up to 11 s in duration. Lactate production
rate does not seem to depend on performance ca- 1. In supramaximal voluntary muscular work,
pacity in trained athletes, and thus glycolytic creatine phosphate stores are depleted after 5
power can be exluded from the metabolic factors to 7 s. If the work continues, the role of glyco-
explaining differences in performance capacity. lysis becomes increasingly more important in
The results suggest that in the beginning of a energy production.
maximal 100m run (acceleration phase) both 2. The metabolic explanation of the fatigue which
high-energy phosphate stores and glycolytic en- appears after 5 to 7 s in maximal muscle work
ergy production are used maximally to produce may be that the energy production rate is re-
energy in the form of ATP for the contractile ma- duced due to lack of energy supply from the
chinery. During the middle part of the run (maxi- high-energy phosphate stores.
mal speed phase) the contribution of the high en- 3. Sprinting performance correlates with the de-
ergy phosphate stores is reduced and at the end of pletion of high-energy phosphate stores in
the run (deceleration phase) glycolysis is the main muscle.
anaerobic energy source. 4. Lactate accumulation is constant throughout
the work, at least up to 11 s, reflecting glyco-
lyric energy production power in supramaxi-
Muscle fatigue real exercise.
Acknowledgements. This study was supported by grants from
In maximal bicycle ergometer tests and when run- the Finnish Olympic Committee.
ning up stairs a reduction in power output occurs
about six to seven seconds after the start (Mar-
garia et al. 1966; Ikuta and Ikai 1972). In 100 m References
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form of a decrease in maximal sprinting speed Bergstr6m J (1967) Local changes of ATP and phosphorylcrea-
(Murase et al. 1976). It has been suggested that tine in human muscle tissue in connection with exercise.
J. Hirvonen et al.: High-energy phosphates and lactate during short-term exercises 259

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