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Lesson Plan

Step I: Project Information:

Teachers name and Robin Bellamy. Very comfortable with technology ()

background (e.g.,
technology comfort level)
Grade level 4th
Subject area Math
# of students and student 24. Many students with behavioral issues.
Any students with special 2 students who receive accommodations for math.
needs? Describe
Technology Accessibility Teacher computer with internet access
(Whats available in Projector with projection screen
school and classroom?) Smart Board
Student computer lab with internet access
Available laptop carts for rent
Barrier(s) to technology There is limited availability of chromebook laptop carts for
access if any students to use
Lesson/Unit topic Multiply and divide multiples of 10, 100, and 1000
Length of the lesson/unit Approx. 1 week
How the lesson/unit was It was taught with the use of dry erase & white boards.
taught before?
Common Student Adding correct amounts of 0s for number once they were
mistakes/struggle finished with the problem
Teachers needs/ Looking for a more hands on and efficient route.
changes for the
STEP II. Analyze the Learning Objectives

Standard 4.C.3
Find whole number quotients and remainders with up to four
digit dividends and one digit divisors, using strategies based on
place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship
between multiplication and division. Describe the strategy and
explain the reasoning.

The teacher wants a lesson specified on multiplying and dividing multiples of 10, 100, and 1000.
This applies to this standard since these multiples fit the role of the Quotients that span up to
four digits, and the divisors will also be single-digit.
a. Learning Objectives

After this class,

Objective 1: Students will be able to multiply and divide numbers that are multiples of 10,
100, and 1000 using one-digit divisors using strategies based on place value 80% of the

Objective 2: Students will be able to identify the reasoning behind the strategies to
multiply and divide multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 using one-digit divisors.

STEP III. Outline of Instructional Tasks

Instructional Tasks Learning

(with estimated class time) Objectives

1 Watch a video about multiples of 10,100,1000. This #1, #2

introduces the standard to the students. 3 min)
2 Play a computer game designed to teach students about #2
multiples of 10,100,1000.
tiples/catchthestarsF10.htm (10 min)

3 Do board races on the smart board exercises to help #1

students improve their skills with multiples (10 mins)

4 Rewatch the video so they fully understand the standard and #1, #2
take a quiz over multiples of 10,100,1000 (23 min)

Reflection Question:
1. How do these activities meet the learning objectives?
Task #1:This video will introduce the concept of multiplying and dividing multiples of
10, 100, and 1000, an let them begin to understand the content through a video that they may
enjoy viewing rather than just introducing the content through a lecture. The video allows
reasoning toward the methods used to multiply and divide these numbers, which will satisfy
objective 2. This video will also provide practice for this content, working the students up to
completing objective 1. This provides an effective hook for the lesson.
Task #2: Students will play a computer game that was made to help teach students
about multiples of 10,100,1000s in a fun way. This will engage students and grab their attention
so they will be interested in the standard we are trying to teach. It meets learning objective 2
because students will be doing hands on activities that will show them if they are doing it
correctly or not. They will identify problems of multiples and solve them.
Task #3: The board races are a way to assess student performance on the content
through practicing with an active classroom activity. Because the student is practicing on their
performance for multiplying and dividing multiples of 10, 100, and 1000, this satisfies objective
Task#4: Re-watching the video will provide more understanding on the topic at hand,
allowing students to further identify the reasoning behind the methods of multiplying and dividing
multiples of 10, 10, and 1000, which satisfies objective 2. The quiz will evaluate student
performance, allowing the teacher to evaluate how close the students are to achieving objective
1. We will use the digital resource Kahoot to create the quiz.

2. Which learning objective(s) was(were) not strongly addressed by the instructional

Both learning objectives are addressed very strongly, as both of the objectives
coincide with each other on a general basis. Seeing how most of the tasks are based on raw
assessment of a students understanding of the content, objective 1 is addressed slightly more
than objective 2.
STEP IV. Search Options

Task Technology Option Description

(teachers or students) (and specific Link, if

Watch a video Youtube video link: This video is short and basic intro about
about multiples multiples of 10,100,1000. This technology
of 10,100,1000 m/watch?v=jb8mFpA1YI option is a quick video to help get
8 students thinking about multiples. The
video helps support the task by just
introducing the topic of multiples to
students. The other tasks provided will
further help students learn.

Powtoon: The students watch a powtoon made by us describing multiples of 10, 100, and
my-powtoons/#/ 1000s. This new innovative digital tool is
creative and easy for the students to
follow along and pay attention to.

Youtube video link: This video focuses only on dividing multiples of 10, 100, 1000. To fully utilize
watch?v=R2dZZxfAYsg this video it is good to also show this
video along with a multiplying video.

Using the Smart Smartboard: The smartboard is just like using a

board,play a computer http://exchange.smarttech. chalkboard but makes the overall
game that involves com/details.html?id=3b2ef experience more fun.This game can be
multiplying and 28c-e709-4ff0-8925- played through the smartboard and be
dividing multiples of 2c65832642a0 customized to the specific standard of
10, 100, and 1000, and 10,100, and 1000s the students are trying
take a poll concerning to learn.
understanding of the
Website Link: This game is super fun and makes the
http://www.sheppardsoftwa learning interactive through a easy game. The game gives you a number and you
estars/multiples/catchthest must think how to either multiply or divide
arsF10.htm to get that answer. You must think using
your head and quickly so you do not sink.

This website is helpful for both the

https://www.polleverywher teacher and students. The teacher makes a poll asking how comfortable students
response-system are with multiples of 10,100,1000. The
students access this and can comfortably
answer without feeling pressured. The
teacher receives instant feedback.

Rewatch the Youtube video: This video is a song about multiples of

video, talk about 10,100,1000. Its very catchy and helpful
the importance of watch?v=20aHQOG__8M to stick into students minds the
multiples and importance of multiples.
take a quiz This website is a online quiz website.

brary?folder=580feb94cac Creating a quiz that shows students their
1a003001889a2 results instantly so the students know if
they are learning the standard or not. It is
a short quiz so the students can vaguely
know if they need to study more before
the big test.

This website has videos, and easy step by step problems to help students really
/multiples-of-10.html understand multiples.

Reflection Questions:
Which task was the most difficult one to address with appropriate technology options? And
I think all of the tasks are easily addressed because we hit all the criteria that is needed
to be learned. We have set up computer times for students to follow through with these activities
because the classroom does not have enough for all the students.

STEP V. Selected Options

1. TASK:1 Watch a video about multiples of 10,100,1000
For task #1, why is/are this/these technology options) the best choice?
The screencast would provide an efficient mode of content that students will enjoy and
be excited about, giving them more incentive to learn the content in the video, and making it
easier for students to focus on the content as opposed to listening to a lecture.

2. TASK:2 Using the Smartboard,play a computer game that involves multiplying and
dividing multiples of 10, 100, and 1000, and take a poll concerning student understanding
of the content
For task #2, why is/are this/these technology options) the best choice?
The Britannica game enhances the content in a way that the students find fun and will
better enjoy than plain worksheets. This will help the students focus better on the task at hand,
allowing them to better understand the content. Finally, the Poll Everywhere application is a
very efficient way to check the classrooms understanding of the content, allowing more time to
continue on with practicing the content while having a clear understanding of just how many
students understand the content.

3. TASK:3 Rewatch the video, talk about the importance of multiples and take a quiz
For task #3, why is/are this/these technology options) the best choice?
The song on multiples is yet again another fun way to teach the content, allowing a
better understanding of the content. The online quiz website is a great way to efficiently
evaluate student understanding of the content as receiving an instant score and allowing the
student to see exactly where they went wrong will quickly help the student know what he/she
needs to work on. The final mathtube website is a great resource for students to use at home to
practice on whatever skills they lack an understanding of.

4. Were there any considerations from Step 1 (e.g., teachers comfort level, student grade
level, subject area, students with special needs, student misconceptions/struggles, technology
accessibility) that you did not address in your choices? Please describe.
As stated, there are two students in the class who receive accommodations for math.
Acknowledging this, these student may need ample amounts of one-on-one time when it comes
to math. This lesson is really focused on activities centered around the entire class. This may
make it more difficult for the students with accommodations to learn the content, and teachers
aids standing by to answer their personal questions while videos play or while the game is being
played may be required.


Mrs. Bellamy,
Below is the instructional tasks and the artifacts that coincide. For the lesson
covering multiples of 10,100, and 1000s we have come up with the following
instructional tasks:
1. Watch a video about multiples of 10,100,1000 3 min)
2. Using the Smart board or use some type of interactive tool that provides instant
feedback. Website link to game: (20 mins)
3. Rewatch the video, talk about the importance of multiples and take a quiz (23 mins)

The artifacts we suggest to use and that we can provide to you are as follows:

Artifact 1: Screencast video

Description: We record a screencast video talking about multiples of 10s 100s and
1000s to help teach the students about the importance of the zero. The video includes
examples of problems that will be in the future quiz. Towards the end of the screencast
we check understanding by asking a few questions to see if all students have been fully
understanding the concept being taught to them.
Artifact 2: Poll asking students how comfortable they are with multiples of 10 100
Description: This poll, consisting of questions asking if students understand the
content, will be anonymous so students do not feel pressure to lie. This poll will consist
of a few questions basically asking if the students feel comfortable so far with multiples.
The students will take the poll after they have done board races and played the
multiples game. If the response of the poll is that the majority of students still need help
with multiples, further explanation of multiples of 10,100, and 1000s may be required. If
the overall poll response is positive, and all students feel comfortable with multiples a
quiz over multiples will follow. If preferred, we can send you a link for the students to fill
out an electronic poll that you can monitor for more real-time and quick responses.

Artifact 3: Quiz over Multiples of 10 100 1000

Description: A quiz containing 15 questions will be given. We will use Kahoot to create
the quiz. The students will take the quiz by using the computers. They will be quizzed
over content that involves multiplying and dividing multiples of 10, 100, and 1000.
Questions may be directly taken from examples from the game they played as well as
from the Youtube video. Original questions the students have not seen in the game or
video may be also included in the quiz, if preferred. This will help the teacher know who
1. Paid attention during the lesson 2. Who understood the most material and 3. Who
took away the most from the whole experience.

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