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Empower your mental energy

7 ways to develop social confidence Nature&Health The Borneo Post

13 january 2007

1) schedule your social life

2) engage in social reconnaissance (exploration)
3) enter conversations gracefully
4) learn to handle failure
5) manage your emotions
6) defuse disagreements
7) laugh a little

Personality traits by blood types

Type O
A leader
Keep striving to achieve your goals
A trendsetter, loyal, pasionate, and self-confident
Vain, jealous, and overly competitive
Sociable, outgoing person with great creativity and popularity, but you love to be
the centre of attention and appear to be very confident in the public

Type A
A person people
Work well with others and are sensitive, patient, and affectionate
Like harmony, peace, and organisation
Stubborn and find it hard to relax
The most artistic blood group
Can be shy at times, but conscientious, trustworthy, and sensitive

Type B
Straight-forward, rugged individualist who likes to do things on your own
Creative, flexible, adaptable and extremely independent
Independence can sometimes go too far and become a weakness
Strong-minded, goal-oriented
Always start a task and continue it until completed
Individualist, find own way in life

Type AB
A natural entertainer
Cool, controlled, tactful and fair
Be careful, though, you can be blunts sometimes
Become procrastinate when it comes to decision-making
Split personality (shy and outgoing, confident and timid, but generally well liked
by friends and put people at ease
Compatible chart
A is most compatible with A and AB
B is most compatible with B and AB
AB is most compatible with AB, B, A and O
O is most compatible with O, and AB

10 ways to unwind after work

1) leave work at the office

2) wind down your work day early
3) have a front-door catchall
4) sit quietly
5) write it down
6) establish a ritual
7) reduce clutter
8) pipe in music
9) schedule chores judiciously
10) Make your commute enjoyable

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