2 MCQ - Grammar & Spelling

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Name Date

Grammar and Spelling

Instructions: Read and answer each question carefully.
Name Date

meet me ___ B. are ___ mother

hour ago. C. was scolded him.
Circle the letter of
A. a A. he
the correct answer. B. an 16. The school B. his
C. the holidays have C. her
1. Priya sang started. The
_______ at the 9. Nurul and children walk 24. Nina _____
concert. Lisa are ___ to their home when it
A. slowly helping ____ homes. started to rain.
B. sweetly mother to do A. loudly A. is walking
C. gracefully some B. happily B. was
homework. C. hungrily walking
2. The boys A. they C. were
are studying in B. them 17. She can walking
their rooms. C. their sing well,
_____ have a _______? 25. Is this
test tomorrow. 10. There is A. is she pencil ______,
A. He ____ water in B. cant she Alice?
B. We the bottle. C. isnt she A. you
C. They A. few B. yours
B. some 18. Please add C. your
3. I gave my C. many a ____ of salt to
teacher a the soup. 26. _____ gave
______ of A. cup you this book?
flowers on B. pinch A. Who
Teachers Day. C. bundle B. Why
A. block C. What
B. bundle 11. I bought
19. There are
C. bouquet this bag. This
many children 27. ____
bag is ____.
_____ in the teacher gave
4. My mother A. my
playground. Lucy ____
is cooking ___ B. me
A. play interesting
the kitchen. C. mine
B. plays book to read.
A. in C. playing A. A , an
B. on 12. Mum
B. The , a
C. by bought apples
20. He ___ the C. The , an
_____ oranges
cup in that
5. Mimi _____ from the fruit
cupboard last 28. Sam ___ in
to school every stall.
night. the swimming
morning. A. and
A. kept pool every day.
A. walk B. or
B. keep A. swim
B. walks C. but
C. keeps B. swam
C. walked C. swims
13. Beng Hock
21. Meng Kee
6. The bird is _____ his
and Nazri ____ 29. I cannot
____ to its nest. fathers car
badminton at see the
A. fly yesterday.
the court now. blackboard
B. flew A. wash
A. is playing ____ a tall boy
C. flying B. washes
B. are playing is sitting in
C. washed
C. were front of me.
7. Susila is playing A. or
the ____ among 14. Please ____ B. and
all her some coffee in 22. There is a C. because
classmates. my cup. ___ of cows
A. tall A. pour grazing in the 30. Nurul is
B. taller B. pours field. _____ than her
C. tallest C. pouring A. herd brother.
B. flock A. lazy
8. He was 15. Adnan and C. pride B. lazier
late. He Yusof ____ my C. laziest
promised to brothers. 23. David is
A. is sad because
31. The boy ate B. are 48. Her writing 55. The farmer
his food ______. C. was is ____ than has a _____ of
A. hungry mine. sheep.
B. hunger A. best A. flock
C. hungrily B. good B. troop
40. That ____ of C. better C. brood
32. My mother grapes is mine.
is ___ teacher A. crate 49. Mollys
and my father B. comb mother scolded 56.
is __ engineer. C. bunch her ___
A. a , a because she
B. a , an 41. ______ were did not clean
C. the , the they crying? her room.
A. Who A. noisily
33. Anita is B. Why B. angrily
__________ C. How C. happily
Rani. 57.
A. fast 42. This book 50. You ____
B. the fastest isnt yours, tell your
C. faster than ______? teacher that
A. is it you forgot to
34. You ____ B. isnt it bring your
not swim in a C. was it book.
mining pool. A. could 58.
A. will 43. Are the B. would
B. must children in the C. should
C. could garden? Yes,
35. I ____ my A. they do
homework B. they are 51. We are
every evening. C. they were helping ___ The aeroplane
A. do mother to bake is flying ____
B. did 44. The road is a cake. that building.
C. does slippery so A. us A. in
Mother drives B. our B on
36. The bird _____. C. ours C. over
was_______ in A. carefully
the cage until B. recklessly 52. The girl is 59.
last night. C. dangerousl hungry _____
A. kept y she did not
B. keep take breakfast.
C. keeps 45. I bought A. but
two ____ of B. and
37. Anjali and bread this C. because The cat jumped
Rahul ______ morning. ____ the
their mother a A. tins 53. The table is window.
Mothers Day B. loaves _____ than the A. at
gift last week. C. packets cupboard. B. on
A. give A. expensive C through
B. gave 46. She was B. more
C. giving absent for ____ expensive 60.
days. C. the most
38. Suzy A. much expensive
bought ____ B. a little
new bicycle C. several
yesterday. 54. You like ice
A. a 47. She is the cream, ______?
B. an smartest ___ A. is it Dad usually
C. the her five friends B. do you parks his car
A. for C. dont you ___ of our
39. Whales ____ B. among house.
mammals. C. against A beside
A. is B. in front
C. at the back 66. The two 74. Sarah has A. letutce
_______ always a new B. lettcue
61. eat dinner _________. C lettuce
together. A
A famliies 82. My
B families handkerchief grandfather is
C famileis B wearing a pair
of ______.
67. Malik and handkercheif A. spectacels
There are some Chee Seng ___ C B spectacles
birds sitting with their left C. spacetecals
___ the roof. hand. handkerchife
A at A write 83. Paul is a
B on B wreit _______
C above C wriet 75. The road is monitor.
_______ after A. responcible
68. We cant go the rain. B responsible
swimming in A. slipe C.
this _____. It is ry
62. going to rain. B. slipi ressponsible
A waether ry
B wethear C. slip
C weather pery
84. The
69. Janes 76. Her sister __________ uses
father is a is __________. a net to catch
Lily put the
______ A. attractive fish.
ball ____ a box.
A mecanich B. atractive A. fishreman
A in
B mechanic C. acttraktive B. feshirman
B at
C michanic C fisherman
C on
77. The boys
70. The ______ _____ every 85. During the
has a very long day. _____, the
neck. A. quarel children sing
A geraffi B. quarrel the National
B giraeff C. quarrell Anthem.
C giraffe A. asembly
78. My sisters B. assembly
Sujata is 71. Maria is son is my C. assimbly
running ____ a wearing a _________.
narrow road. beautiful A. nephew 86. Carla and
A along ______. B. newpew her brother
B across A bloues C. nepehw went to visit
C between B blouse their ________.
C bloeus 79. Mother is A
cutting the
64. The _____ is cloth with a grandparents
ringing but 72. My best pair of ____. B
nobody friend is also A. scisorss
answers. my _______. B. scissor gradparents
A telepheno A neighbour C. scissors C
B telephnoe B nieghbour
C telephone C neihgbuor 80. My father grandparends
gave my
65. The three 73. I ate two mother a ____ 87. My mother
____ are in Su _______ this of flowers. bought the
Yins pencil morning. A. bouqeut meat from the
case. A sandwechis B. bouquet ______.
A brushes B sandwihces C. boquet A buhtcer
B breshus C sandwiches B butcher
C brushse 81. Doris feeds C bucther
her rabbit with
88. The B cucumber
____________ is C cucumbur
a local fruit.
A mangosteen 97. My aunt
B mengaosten ties a _____
C mengosteen around her
89. The doctor A sracf
gave my B scraft
brother some C scarf
_____ for his
fever. 98. A waiter
A mediceni works in a
B medecini _________.
C medicine A restaunart
B restoran
90. Derek is C restaurant
wearing a thick
_______. 99. Jamals
A sweeter grandfather is
B sweater a _____ farmer.
C swetaer A poulltry
B poultry
91. Fionas C pourtry
dress is very
__________. 100.
A expeensiv The referee
B expensive blows the _____
C expesnive to start the
92. My sister A. whistle
likes to eat B. whislte
____________. C. whistel
A chocolate
B cocolhate
C chacolate

93. There are

ten _____ on
Geethas cake.
A candels
B cadnles
C candles

94. My friend is
buying a pen
from the ______
A stationery
B stetionary
C sattionery

95. The man

carried the bag
on his _______.
A shuodrel
B shoulder
C sholuder

96. ___________
can be aaten
A cucember

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