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RAGKER FOLIO Start Here: This 2 page spread contains the UU RC OR et eu ce fe VU e 8-15 oa Sec eee ne OT ue eer na ton Nees Cae aed Nera out and Your characteristics are used to calculate many game values but are rarely used directly. Whenever you attempt a task that might OE emt oe ee! called your dice pool, and are based on your rank in that skill Secs a ace ae arene Pars ack eon eet nna the back of the Rulebook ESE E Weyl Success ¥ symbols are canceled by Failure Y sym. bols; if there are any Success 3 symbols left, the check Bier Triumph ¢p symbols countas Success % symbols and may also be spent to trigger a powerful positive consequence Advantage 49 symbols indicate a positive side effect or Cece eee ee ee earns Fallure ¥ symbols cancel Success 3% symbols. If there are enough Failure ¥ symbols to cancel all the Success eae ty a a) Despair ®% symbols count as Fallure Y symbols (they cancel Success 3 symbols) and may also be spent to eu tae Tes Threat @ symbols indicate a negative side effect or con- sequence, even on a successful check. They cancel and are canceled by Advantage € symbols. »@uvueqg5@ fam Pca Ofhoty Changs Boost Stack far De de Died Die diel DieO ® @ HARACTER NAME : LOWHHRICK WOOKIEE HIRED. GUN La) OF°8 ee PooL o 0000 oo oo oo oo 004% oo oe k oo Leadership (Pr) oo Mechanics tint) oo bomtatan (Wil COMBAT SKILLS nd) Ena nen When you are wounded, you deal +1 dan based exacts such atacks instead | wean | seu. a ‘in zal eye oh or OOO. 1 firs tee ord Hertar Pita | argedustt | Mediu ‘ict tical iury on a it for CAH Fists Brak Engaged cl ny ono ht or OAD | Gear, queen, & OTHER ENS 2 Stimpacts, Comink ere B Your Soak score reduces incoming damage and can prevent Renee re Rn | Picea eae cd Ce ee Le nag ‘Wounds exceeds your Wound Threshold, you are knocked out PO Cee Mea ec hms Roce Eee CO eee eee nc SO ee ny ue enced ‘on your turn. Strain comes and goes more quickly than wounds. If your Strain ever exceeds your Strain Threshold, you pass out. @ Vou may suter Critical Injuries during your adventures, ether when you're knocked out by exceeding your wound threshold Ce ene ree tec nen ames ters symbols. if there are enough Failure ¥ symbols to cance all the eae ase Ts Is count as Failure Y symbols (they oe ees ee eee er) ees sequence, even on a successful check. They cancel and are canceled by Sons cae cet ON en Cun SLE aed RO aa EES nA ere] rr enc Somnus ee Perey You can suffer 2 strain to perform a second maneuver. You cannot perform more than 2. maneuvers on your tur. See eee Dae Suey CHARACTER NAME : LOWHHRICK < \ my ses WOOKIEE cer HIRED GUN eT eS . . - besed ataks. When au ere Ctcaly ured, you deal +2 damege wth eid ed fog SEF ages tent ——_a——— CAREER? RANK. __omCe Poot Ls o [wean [saree an) {sus trogaton et) Abies (84 Charm Coece i Cams th coal) Crcnaton Deceit i Desepine Wi Aone Leatestio Meche nt) Medinet Neste ercptin (Cn Pict) Emenee (Br) (GEAR, EQUIPMENT, & OTHER ITEMS: Siudiggry Cid Stzah Sreewise Cin Suniel | votre wan CoMar skis Era Guerry 8) ele (59 Ranged - Ug Ranga Hawi HIRED GUN: TALENT TREE @ Career Skils: Athletics, Discipline, Leadership, Pilot, Resilience, Vigilance, Brawl, Gunnery, Melee, Ranged - Light, Ranged - Heavy ea ce Cet Telefe) You will occasionally receive experience from the GM as you continue to play, which can be spent to Improve your character. You may spend these Cr ee Se ego eee eR sae Ce Ty S| Dee eee eee ‘and non-career skills. Each skil has five ranks of traning available, nee eres Ce a ee ed rank, For example, training a career skill from Rank 0 (untrained) to Fee a eae eT et a ee eee ets Ce ean eee cL ts etna ey a au as COCs See er Neca eC as Se eee oe ee aes See eC enone Le ae FO re CU ene eee Oe aCe ee etry Acquiring Talents @ Talents are acquired from your career talent tree, This talent tree pro: Re aad eee eee special rules and restrictions. Your talent tree has four columns and three rows. The cost of each ee ee nee a Ce ee ee Ley choices cost 10 experience points each, and the third and final row’s| Seon aE eet ROC ee en eee eRe gy that link some talent choices with others. When purchasing talents, you may only purchase talents you.are eligible for. You are ellgble to Select any talents in the fist, topmost rov, plus any talents that are Ree Rou or ss already acquired. Each entry on the talent tree may only be acquired Ce a eee eee es cause several of the talents may be learned repeatedly. When you learn a talent for the second—or later—time, you gain an additional ene sy Suess Tiumph Advantage lure Despair Threat ack Force Die ee ee Lay vict

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