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STEP B The Promise of Christian Salvation

Key Understanding Learning Point

B2 Jesus gave the Eucharist so his followers could B2.1 Retells the incidents from the Last
draw closer to him supper

Catholic Teaching Focus for this lesson

Holy Communion augments our union with Christ. The principal fruit of receiving the Eucharist in Holy
Communion is an intimate union with Christ Jesus. - Catechism 1391

In year two students learnt to draw on the power of Jesus, his followers have to keep drawing closer to
him. Jesus gave them the Eucharist for this purpose.
Those who receive Jesus often in Holy Communion during the Eucharist, draw closer to him than they
could in any other way. As they do so, he helps them to:
love others when this is difficult
do what is right more often.

The focus for this lesson is to recall the miracle of the last supper.

Prior Knowledge

In prior lessons students have been identifying was in which Jesus taught trust in God as the creator.
Students will now understand that Jesus told his followers to trust God because God uses divine power to
provide what people really need.

In year two students, students would have completed lessons where they retell the central incidents from
the story of the last supper.

Catering for Learner Diversity

Extension students who finish their Last Supper arts activity early are able to complete a news article. The article
will have to include a detailed explanation of what occurred during the Last Supper.
Engagement the task is visual so all students are able to participate in the activity.
Special Considerations for students who are unable to write their response, EA or teacher will write down what
they have said and students will then trace or re write their response.

Evidence of Learning for Assessment and Reporting

Students work samples will be used for assessment of their understanding of the events and significance of the Last
supper. Through the art work which will represent the events. The students passage will represent students
understand of the significance and importance of the Last Supper.

Religious Capabilities Spiritual Capabilities

Faith Prudence Justice
To trust
To worship god and Charity To wonder To relate and Fortitude Temperance
& become become and become becoming
reverant hope-filled awe- filled loving
by God
General Capabilities

Literacy Critical and

Creative thinking
Reading Personal Intercultural
prayers & Numeracy ICT Explaining the Ethical Behaviour
Competency Understanding
written importance of
sentences the last supper

LESSON PROCEDURE - STEP B The Promise of Christian Salvation

Lesson Objectives state how the students will demonstrate their understanding of the learning point and the
skills they will use in doing this
1. Students will recall the events of the last supper
2. Students will identify the significance and importance of the Last Supper

Integration with other Learning Areas Classroom management practices

The Arts students will be creating an visual arts Demonstrate reverence and explain to students the
pieces representing what they see as important in the importance of being reverent when completing the
Last Supper Godly Play
English students will write sentences explaining why Instrumental music playing while students are writing
the last supper is so important. their verses, silent work when creating images.
Behaviour management:
- Warning, 1, 2, 3
- Positive reinforcement of good behaviours

Timing Steps of the Lesson Resources

Introduction outline how you will introduce the learning point
5 mins
Have students sitting in a circle on the mat. Prompt students to recall
central incidents from the last supper through asking the following
- Who was at the last supper?
- What happened at the last supper?
- What did Jesus turn the wine into?
- What did Jesus turn the bread into?
Once discussion has covered all the necessary points and students have
demonstrated sound prior understanding, explain that for the rest of the
lesson we will be looking at Godly Play of the last supper.

Body- outline your teaching of the learning point and the activities that
will provide further learning

Demonstrate the story of the Last supper using the Godly play script and Godly Play Kit
kit. Spending time explaining each aspect and telling the story from the
10 mins heart. Once the story has finished discuss the following wonder
questions with the students:
- I wonder what part of the story we could leave out the and story
would be the same?
- I wonder where you can see yourself in the story?
- I wonder why this is such an important story?
- I wonder why Jesus changed the wine and bread?

Explain to students the importance of the Last Supper. How it enables us

as Catholics to draw closer to God each time we receive the Holy
Communion of Jesus blood and flesh.

For the rest of the lessons students will spend time reflecting on the Last Supper Sheets
events of the last supper through an arts activity. Students will be on students desks
10 mins drawing with material of their choice (pencils, crayons, watercolours) the Pencils & Textas
Last Supper and accompanying their imagine with a short response to Instrumental Music
the question I wonder why the last supper is so important to Catholics?
Students will be drawing the last supper so they can represent what they
see as the most important elements in the story, it can be of Jesus with
the bread and wine or all of the disciples and Jesus it is up the students
to decide.

While students are creating their images, rove the classroom having
discussions with each student. Asking them what they will write to
answer their question and why they have drawn what they drew.

As students begin to finish display their work on the board.

Bring students to the mat to conclude the lesson. Ask them the question
again what is so important about the Last Supper? Allow two or three
5 mins students to answer, including appropriate wait time so students who
arent always first to put their hands up have time to think.

Once students have all answered explain again that people have special
meals to celebrate special events such as birthdays, Christmas and
Easter. Jesus and his disciples gathered together one last time to
celebrate a special meal to give thanks and while they were sharing this
meal Jesus performed the miracle of changing the bread and wine into
his body and blood. Allowing everyone from this time on to be drawn
closer to God and be able to thank him for everything when we receive
the Eucharist each week during Mass.

Conclude the lesson with the following students will recall words and actions as
they are completed. (Sharing Jesus Special Meal - Resource Sheet 4A):
Printed copy to read
to students
1. Lets step into a Scripture story take a large step to the
2. This is the story of Jesus open imaginary book
3. who shared a special meal mime eating from a bowl
4. with his close friends. hug yourself
5. There was a very big festival both arms make a large circle

6. in a city called Jerusalem. outline a city skyline with fingers
7. Jesus and his close friends point to various students
8. were there to celebrate the festival dance on the spot
9. Jesus said to two of his friends, hold up two fingers
10. Go into the city. point to the distance
11. You will meet a man handshake
12. carrying a jar of water. mime carrying a heavy pot
13. Follow this man walk with fingers
14. to the house put fingers together to form a house outline
15. and set the table for the special meal. set out bowls
16. Jesus two friends point to students
17. went into the city. point to distance
18. They met the man shake hands
19. carrying the jar of water. mime carry a heavy pot
20. They followed him to the house walk with fingers
21. and set the table for the special meal. set out bowls
22. When it was evening, twinkling fingers in the air
23. Jesus came to the house knock on a door
24. with his twelve friends. point to students
25. They all sat at the table mime pulling out a chair and sitting
26. and began the meal. eat from a bowl
27. While they were eating continue to mime eating
28. Jesus took a piece of bread tear off a piece of bread
29. and said: This is my Body gesture to your body
30. and shared the bread with his friends. tear off bread and
offer it to others
31. Then Jesus took the cup of wine hold up cup
32. gave thanks to God and said This is my Blood hold cup
33. and shared the cup with his friends. offer to others
34. He said to them, Do this in memory of me. hand over heart
35. After the meal was over pat stomach
36. they all sang a song to God. arms out wide, open and close
37. Then they left the room. open and close door
38. And this is the story arms out wide
39. Of Jesus special meal eating from bowl
40. with his friends point to students
41. called the Last Supper. close imaginary book
42. Lets step out of the story and back into the classroom. take
a large step to the right
Last Supper Art Activity

Godly Play Kit

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