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List the kind of technology that you have used before in the classroom

Using technology to enhance learning is an incredibly exciting idea, and as an area of

education is growing fast. Technology and education are pretty intertwined these days and nearly
every teacher has a few favourite tech tools that make doing his or her job and connecting with
students a little bit easier and more fun for all involved. The following technological tools are what I
have used in the classroom. Each tool provides me with a method in which they can actively engage
my students in the learning process.

1. Computer/ laptop in the classroom/ computer lab

2. Software: (PowerPoint, Word, Access, Excel, Publisher, Paint)
3. Internet (Youtube, Teachers Pay Teachers, Pinterest, Educational Blogs, Slideshare)
4. DVD Player/ Recorder
5. LCD Projector
6. Educational Software/ CD Courseware

Tell us the strenghts and weaknesses of the technology you have used

Strenghts of the technology I have uses

COMMUNICATING: technology tools allows students to communicate with each other through email,
chat rooms, discussion boards, etc., to share information efficiently. This allows for an extensive
community of learners all working towards a specific goal.

MOTIVATING STUDENTS: Many students find school tedious and technology gains the attention of
youth leading to a higher degree of motivation. When students daily activities are so repetitive,
technology recaptures their interest and pulls them back into learning in a more interesting manner.

ACCESSING INFORMATION: Previously, students had to venture to libraries and sort through books to
search for information. Now, through technology, they can gather all needed knowledge instantly;
with the internet, students can accumulate more information quickly and efficiently while teachers
can incorporate more into their lesson plans.

Weaknesses of the technology I have used

1. Lack of Support : While technology can be a great addition to the classroom, it also can be a
source of frustration for both the teacher and the student. Unless the teacher is well trained
in technology and can support the hardware in the classroom, a technology expert will be
needed to troubleshoot problems. If schools cannot support the purchased technology, it
essentially renders it useless in times of crisis or disrepair. Additionally, technology often
needs frequent maintenance to keep it in good condition for use.

2. Lack of students concentration/ Distraction for students: Lack of students concentration,

when the technology used isnt related to the class. The technology in the classroom can also
be a distraction for students, that decentralizes its attention to social networks and others.
Also the technology does not allow students interact and relate with their peers, making it
not can realize a group learning process.
3. Computer Lab Constraint: In several schools, one computer is available in their class or they
have a room that is specially designed to accommodate students and access to ICT. This
room, by cons, must be booked by teachers to have access. This constraint does not help in
the evolution of information technology and communication. The costs of purchasing new
technologies, can be a constraint against the use of it.

What kind of technological tools you plan to use in the future and give reasons

I would love to use below technological tools in the future. It would be fun for the kids, plus it fits
directly to thetechnology they are using in their daily lives.

1. Smart Board

An interactive whiteboard, SMART Board allows teachers to write class notes digitally, so they can
be saved for students to access later.The Smart Board could be used for various activities throughout
the day. I can demonstrate concepts, show videos, do web searches as a class, displays worksheets to
work on together, anything!

2. Cloud Computing/ Chromebook/ Frog VLE

Students may just need and an electronic device to access all their homework and all other learning
resources in the Cloud. Means that no more lugging heavy textbooks to school. Cloud computing
seeks to virtualize the classroom. For example, the concept of cloud-based virtual learning
environment (VLE) will allows students to acces learning content and particpitate in discussions in
3. Edmodo

Edmodo is a free social learning platform for students. It is very different to Facebook that it's
completely controlled by the teacher and specifically designed for educational purposes. This social,
Facebook-styled platform, allows me to continue classroom discussions outside of the classroom,
check for student understanding, and get students excited about coming to class to learn.

It has a shared timeline as a homepage where students can interact with me and I can allow my
students to interact with one another. Both teachers and students have a library where they can
store documents and share them with others if they want to. I can set assignments, students can
hand in their assignments and I could give feedback on the work all within Edmodo. Two particularly
useful functions are the quizzes and polls, and there's also a built-in grade book that houses teacher-
assessed grades and quiz results for each student.


1. Findlater, S. (2014) The Guardian: Five top technology tools for the English classroom.
2. Gross, J. (2013). Education: 7 tech tools now available in the classroom, for better or worse.
4. Introdcution to Technology in Schools, Fall (2008): Teacher Interview

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