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LESSON PLAN ONE A - Wondering at the Creator

Key Understanding: A2 Wondering at the Creator of the ability to choose what is right.
Learning Point: A2.1 States wonder questions about God, the Creator of the ability to choose what is right.
Aspect of Human Person and Salvation Topic for this lesson: ways of approaching God from creation have twofold point of departure: the
physical world and the human person. Catechism 1147, 31. This statement from the Catechism means that in order to connect with God we must wonder
through his creation of the physical earth and the human person. It is through experiences of life that we become closer to God. Connecting with God
requires individuals to wonder and to do this we must stop, look, listen, feel and smell to appreciate the gift of life and develop a deeper understanding for
Prior Knowledge:
Ability to wonder about God and his creations.
Importance of celebrating the Bible.
Understanding of how to live just as Jesus did.
Ability to recognise how Christians are called by Jesus to love God
Ability to wonder at what the forces in the universe can teach about the power of God.
Learning Objectives:
1. Express wonder questions.
2. Construct a wonder poem using technological devices.
3. Meditate/reflect on Gods creations.
Timing Steps of the Lesson Resources

- Supply students with a post-it note. Instruct students to write what they know Cardboard and post-it notes

about wondering. Once finished students will stick note on Wonder Wall and are
minutes to be seated on the mat.
- The teacher will introduce the concept of the lesson, wonder, by unwrapping the Gold wrapped gift labelled by God which containing
wonder card.
present situated in the middle of the circle. In this present will include a card that
reads: It is important to remember that God gifted all people with the ability to Childrens literature book: I Wonder By Annaka
Harris, John A. Rowe (illustations).
wonder in order to discover God through his creation.
- Introduce students to the book I Wonder by Annaka Harris & John A. Rowe.
1. Showcase the cover of the book Classroom pop sticks
2. Resort to classroom pop sticks to source wonder questions associated with
the text.
3. Teacher to reflect their own wonder questions, for example:
- I wonder if what we will find.
- I wonder who will be in the story.
- I wonder how the story will finish.
- Read aloud the blurb of the book to students.
- Revisit students concept of wonder based on the book, take samples of new
questions through students putting up their hand to volunteer their answers.
- Read the book aloud, incorporating expression when required and make links from
the texts to the imagery.
- After concluding the book, emphasise to students that wonder occurs throughout
your entire life despite what age you are and through wondering we can connect
and be close to God through his wonderful creations.

Strategies for Learning and Teaching

- Instruct students to close their eyes, take three slow deep breaths and relax.
30 minutes
- Ensuring their eyes are still closed, ask students to think about something they have always
wondered about. Teachers responds with, for example:
I wonder how the ice in Antarctica is able to float despite how many polar bears and
penguins establish their home amongst it, I wonder if penguins feels soft and I wonder how
polar bears communicate to one another without verbally talking.
- Allow for a further minute of silence to enable students to extend on their thoughts.
- Students are required to construct a poem using Word, based their selected topic, ensuring Technological devices (iPads, laptops)

the emphasis of I wonder questions/statements. Students are encouraged to support their

poem with copyright free images and appropriate design.
- Students are to upload their wonder poem to Google Docs (teacher needs to establish class Access to internet connection.
Google Docs and ensure privacy settings are activated)

10 Conclusion
- As a class, reflect on the Wonder Wall. Ask students if they are comfortable with
their wonder statement being shared with the whole class.
- Select 4 5 post-it notes to share. Provide positive responses and lastly reinforce
that God gifted all people with the ability to wonder in order to discover God
through his creation.
- Instruct students to find their own space around the classroom to lie down. Lights
should be dimmed or off. Using this link play the first three minutes of
meditating music. Students can use this time to reflect and continue to wonder
about Gods creation.
- Finally, set students a challenge to ask their parents/guardians/grandparents/
siblings etc. what they wonder about.

Catering for Learner Diversity Evidence of Learning for Assessment and Reporting
Extension: For students who require further extension, they are Diagnostic: Students will be diagnostically assess through the their pre ideas of
required to make their poem rhyme. Then students are required to wonder presented on their post-it notes.
showcase their poem on PowerPoint with voiceover. Formative: A formative assessment of students progress will be conducted visually
as teacher paces the room and browses over students shoulders as they construct
Engagement: their wonder poem.
- In their table groups students will use the see 3 before me Summative: The final assessment is addressed once students have uploaded their
technique to cater for any concerns they have whilst using poem to Google Docs and is marked using a criteria checklist.
the technological devices.
- Ensure book is read with expression and emphasise
important sections.

Special Considerations:
- Enlarge the I Wonder by Annaka Harris, John A. Rowe book into A3
size to cater for students with visual impairments.

General Capabilities Religious Capabilities

Literacy: construction of poems and questions/statements
- The Religious Capability of Prudence (right choices) is explored through students
showcased on the wonder wall.
ability to construct wonder questions about themselves, God and the world around
Information and communication technology (ICT): Use of Word them.
application, Google and Google Docs.
-The Religious Capability of Temperance (moderation) is addressed during
meditation. Students are able to take time to reflect and connect with their emotions
regarding their feelings towards the world.
Critical and Creative thinking: Through wonder thoughts, creation
of wonder poem and ability to navigate effectively on technological

Personal and social capability: Ability to understand their own

working style, regulate emotions and work effectively in whole class
Integration with other Learning Areas Classroom management practices

English: Use a range of software including word processing - Use of a bell to attain students attention immediately if required.

programs with fluency to construct, edit and publish written text, - See 3 before me buddy system approach.
- Traffic light system for behaviour especially when using ICT equipment.
and select, edit and place visual, print and audio
- Music and dimmed/off lights for quiet reflection time.
elements (ACELY1707). English can be explored through creating
- Seating plan.
poems and transferring the information onto word, attaching
appropriate images and publishing on Google Docs.
Digital Technologies: Work independently, or collaboratively
when required, to plan, develop and communicate ideas
and information for solutions

LESSON PLAN TWO B - The Promise of Christian Salvation

Key Understanding: B2 Jesus came as Saviour
Learning Point: B2.1 States ways in which society would be different if people turned to Jesus as Saviour
Aspect of Human Person and Salvation Topic for this lesson: The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.
Catechism 430,394. In order to fully understand Jesus Christ and the power he attains, individuals need to turn to him to be released from human
weaknesses and failings, to be healed and forgiven for sin. Most importantly, people should turn to God as the divine power of the Kingdom restores
individuals and places them at the heart and soul of God initial intention of human beings prior to original sin.
Prior Knowledge:
- Changes of human states as ages progresses.
- Different ways of showing love (helping at home, laughing, hugging ect.)
- Participating in Parish Lenten.
- Bible stories of Jesus using his body to relate with God and others (Luke 22:19-20; Matthew 19:13-15).
Learning Objectives:
1. Participate in Godly Play.
2. Create a role-play using scenarios in groups of 4.
3. Comment on Padlet how society would improve if people turned to God.
Timing Steps of the Lesson Resources

minutes - Instruct students to be seated in a circle on that mat.
Godly Play Kit.
- Inform students of the precious Godly Play kit and how important it is to treat it
reverently. The Godly Play Kit that will be explored in this lesson is The Officials
Daughter and the Woman Who Touched Jesus Cloak (Mark 5.21-43; Luke 8.40-56).
- Lay out the green ordinary time cloth and assemble the props in preparation for the
story. Have the script on hand however by memory is preferred.
- Once the play has concluded pose focus questions to students. These consist of:
1. What did you like about the story?
2. What part of the story could have been taken out and the message still
remained the same?
3. Where do you see yourself in this story?
4. How does turning to God positively impact individuals?

Strategies for Learning and Teaching

25 - In groups of 4, students will be given a scenario. These scenarios could be:

minutes 1. You and your friend have gone to the shops. On arrival home you notice that
your friend has chocolate however had no money to purchase anything from the
shops, what do you do?
2. A group of girls make a nasty remark to you on your way home from school,
what do you do?
3. You havent completed your homework that is due today, your friend offers for
you to copy theirs, what do you do?

- Students are to construct a role pay within 15 minutes to present to their class,
showcasing their scenario. All group members should contribute equally.
Bell to regain attention.
- Ring the bell to inform students they have 5 minutes left.

10 Conclusion Technological devices (iPads, laptop, etc.)

minutes - On Padlet, students are required to post one thing they think would improve in
Access to internet connection.
society if individuals turned to God.

Catering for Learner Diversity Evidence of Learning for Assessment and Reporting
Extension: For further extension students can design their own
Diagnostic: To conduct diagnostic assessment, teacher is able to gage students
scenario that showcases the role of decision making (right choices)
understanding through their responses and contribution to the focus questions in the
and present to the class.
Godly Play Session.
Engagement: Allow students to be actively involved in the Godly
Play. Provide students with roles and allow them to sample what its Formative: Formative assessment is conducted visually (mental notes) through the
like to talk and act to the class before they present their scenarios. performances. Teacher is able to gage an understanding of students thought process
in situations where the right choices are required.
Special Considerations:
- Students may not feel comfortable performing in front of their Summative: Finally students can be assessed based on their responses on Padlet.
class. Allow students to record their play on a technological
device and play through an interactive whiteboard.
- Ensure groups are fairly designed (girl to boy ratio, balance
of personalities, etc.).

General Capabilities Religious Capabilities

- The Religious Capability of Justice (right relationships) is explored through
Literacy: Students display their literacy ability through responding to
reflecting on the way we interact and relate with one another. During group work
Padlet. Students should be achieving a high level of grammar,
students are able to develop to necessary skills to work cooperatively with other
punctuation and sentence structure.
individuals, valuing their opinions, thoughts and beliefs.
- The Religious Capability of Fortitude (inner strength) can be seen through the
Critical and creative thinking: Students become critical and
scenario role plays where students are required to be resilient in order to overcome
creative thinkers when they transfer text into real life scenarios.
Students analyse their scenario and then link appropriate actions to
-The Religious Capability of Temperance (moderation) is addressed through
bring the play to life. Students are also being critical and creative
students developing a strong sense of self-discipline and being in control of their
thinkers when responding to focus questions in the Godly Play.
emotions despite the situation they may be in.

Personal and social capability: Effectively work in group situations

whilst absorbing feedback and constructive criticism. Students are
able to make responsible decisions and regulate emotions even in
challenging situations.
Integration with other Learning Areas Classroom management practices
- Use of a bell to attain students attention immediately.
Information, communication technologies (ICT): Use of Padlet
- See 3 before me buddy system approach.
and camera if students require special considerations.
- Traffic light system for behaviour.
Arts (Drama): Role-play. Rehearsal processes (giving and receiving
feedback; working together) to improve drama to engage an
intended audience (ACADRM037)

LESSON PLAN THREE B Christian Response

Key Understanding: C3 Christians are called to make choices that care for life.
Learning Point: C3.1 Defines way of living the Fifth Commandment.
Aspect of Human Person and Salvation Topic for this lesson: Jesus calls his followers to be like God (Matthew 5:48). To be so, they must care for
human life as God cares for human life. Not only is it important to care for others and ensure their lives arent endangered, it is essential to take time to
care for yourself to preserve the best quality of life for yourself and those around you.
Prior Knowledge:
- Ways in which you can care for family and show love by doing good for them.
- Sharing how you feel when others forgive you.
- Sharing stories about forgiveness
- Wondering at God about the power of love and forgiveness.
- Praying the Lords Prayer (Our Father)
- Carrying out actions of self denial and helping others during Lent.

Learning Objectives:
1. Students will identify ways in which individuals can live the Fifth Commandment.
2. Display their understanding of the Fifth Commandment though visual art.
3. Justify there reasoning for their creation and make links to their written text.

Timing Steps of the Lesson Resources

minutes - The Fifth Commandment, You shall not kill, may be a sensitive topic for student and
therefore is important to inform students of the upcoming content and are
encouraged to speak up if they do not feel comfortable. Whiteboard and whiteboard markers.
- Formulate a whole class discussion on the Fifth Commandment.
- On the whiteboard draw an image of a cartoon person. Construct a mind map that
1. Importance of human life.
2. Consequences of committing the Fifth Commandment.
3. Ways we can live the Fifth Commandment.
Strategies for Learning and Teaching

30 30 Canvas
- Using a canvas, students are to design their perception of the Fifth Commandment. Watercolour paints
- Students are to utilise watercolour paints (mix colours), crayons and watercolour Watercolour pencils
- Once completed, students are to write a 200-word summary that explains the
context of their image. Students are to glue this information to the back of their

10 Conclusion
minutes - In small groups (table groups), students are to share their artwork with their peers.
Students should express why they drew their piece and how it links to the Fifth
- Students are required to source positive or constructive feedback from their peers
and use as a director for the next visual art piece of work.
- Students are to place their artwork on the drying rack for further assessment.
Catering for Learner Diversity Evidence of Learning for Assessment and Reporting
Extension: Students who require further extension can construct a
Diagnostic: Through whole class discussion, teacher can make mental notes of
storyboard that represents the 10 Commandments.
students understanding and the importance and being true to the Fifth Commandment.

Engagement: EA assistant will actively assist students who require

Formative: By tracking students progress on visual walks around the classroom.
help in the art production.
Formative assessment can also be conducted by posing questions on students and
assess through their responses.
Special Considerations:
- For students who struggle with fine motor skills, adapt the
Summative: Final assessment is conducted based on students art design and their
activity to enable students to showcase their work using
supporting text. Through their critical and creative thinking artwork, students are truly
technology. Students can research copyright free images
able to showcase their thoughts of the Fifth Commandment and how is can be
from Goggle and construct a picture collage.
expressed through daily life.
- Being mindful of students cultural backgrounds and
appropriate language when talking about death and killing.

General Capabilities Religious Capabilities

Literacy: Written description of their artwork attached to the back of
their canvas. Students need to ensure correct grammar, punctuation Justice (right relationships): This lesson reflects the Religious Capability of Justice
and sentence structure. as students are formulating the ability to seek positive relationships with all individuals
and find harmony within themselves, with others and God and his creations.
Critical and creative thinking: By taking a concept and expressing
their ideas through artwork. Students are constantly creating
especially through the mixture of colours and the ability to create
their own unique design.

Personal and social capability: Able to work independently to

express their ideas and then code switch to group work where
students are respectful of others.
Integration with other Learning Areas Classroom management practices
English: written description of artwork. - Use of a bell to attain students attention immediately if required.
- See 3 before me buddy system approach.
Visual Arts: construction of artwork on canvas. - Traffic light system for behaviour.

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