CH 12 Outline

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12: The Second War For Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism (1812-1824)
I.On to Canada Over Land and Lakes
A.Americans invade Canada by land and failed, then by sea and were more successful
B.Map 12.1 Battle in the War of 1812: Bad strategies, British and Canadians takeover
for Michilimackinack
C.Isaac Brock: British general, general mud general confusion
D.American navy was way better than the army
E.Olvier Hazard Perry: naval officer, captured British fleet in the Great Lakes
a.We have met the enemy and they are ours
b.Slogans effect New life for Americans
II.Washington Burned and New Orleans Defended
A.1814- 4,000 militia men from Britain in Chesapeake Bay
a.The Bladensburg Races
b.set fire to the capitol and White House and other buildings
B.The Star Spangled Banner- written by Francis Scott Key, he was inspired by
watching a British Ship bombardment
C.Andrew Jackson defeated Indians at the battle of Horshoe Bend and became
commander of a force against british
a.his force was composed of sailors, pirates, regulars, French and militia from
Loisiana and Kentucky
b.They had a great victory against the British on Jan 8, 1815.
c.Brititsh lost over 2,000 in 30 minutes while americans only lost 70.
D.Battle of New Orleans: Jackson led a battle that occurred when British troops
attacked U.S. soldiers in New Orleans on January 8, 1815;established Nationalism
III.The Treaty of Ghent
A.American peacemakers go to Ghent in 1814, because of machinery.
a.leader of the peacemakers, John Quincy Adams son of John Adams
b.Americans reject British terms about buffer states control
B.Congress of Vienna- british gathering to redraw boundaries on map of europe after
napoleon's defeat;1814-1815
C.Treaty of Ghent: Dec 24, 1814: Ended the War of 1812. Territory captured in the war
was returned to the original owner. Determined the disputed Canada/U.S. border.
a.war ended as a virtual draw
b.Warhawks inceserity proven by treaty
IV.Federalist Grievances and the Hartford Convention
A.Blue Lights Federalists New Englanders helping British by flashing lights to American
boats that attempted to escape
B.Hartfrod Convention: men from states near Massachusetts that met in secret for 3
weeks to discuss grievances and pardon for their wrong actions.
C.People in convention fought for: to impose embargo act, abolish 3/5 law, limit
presidency to 1 term, and prohibit presidents from the same state in fear of a dynasty.
D.Map 12.2 Presidential election of 1812 by electoral vote by state: reflects federalists
loss and end of power.
V.The Second War For American Independence
A.America respected, war of 1812 show how it would stand for its beliefs
B.Rush Bagot Agreement: nor Americans nor Britishcould keep ships in the great Lakes
C.US and Canada: longest unfortified boundary
D. Napoleon finally defeated in Waterloo in 1815
VI.Nascent Nationalism
A.Greatest product of war of 1812 was Nationalism
B.Washington Irvin and Fenimore Cooper: first writers of American Textbooks about
American History 1820s
C.North American Review in 1815 celebrated pride to the nation when New Orleans
D.Nationalism uprising also seen in a new Bank of The United States, by congress in
E.More modern capital, more soldiers added to the army, more navy glories.
VII.The American System
A.British attempt to hurt Americans
B.Tariff of 1816-protection for American companies from British because they were
selling their goods cheaper than American factories.
a.20-25% on dutiable imports increased and became conflicting over companies
C.Profitable US economy: Henry Clays plan American System
a.Demanded a strong bank system= easy, abundant credit
b.Demanded a Protective tariff to make eastern manufacturing grow
c.Demanded a network of roads and canals for easier transportation of raw
D.President Madison:Deemed the plan unconstitutional, since he was a democratic
republican he was against using federal money for states improvement
VIII.The So Called Era of Good Feelings
A.Federalist party almost vanishing,Federalists run a presidency candidate for the last
time in 1816.
a.Republicans launch James Monroe as their candidate to maintain the Virginia
b.Federalist candidate destroyed by Republican James Monroe and he became
B.The time of Monroe became known as Era of Good Feelings because the two political
parties were getting along.
C.Era of Good Feelings was a bad name because it actually was a struggling period,
tariff bank and improvements conflict, followed by the rise of slavery conflict.
IX.The Panic of 1819 and The Curse of Hard Times
A.No more good times, in 1819 economic panic
a.Deflation, depression, bankruptcy, bank failure, unemployment, soup kitchen,
b.overspeculation on frontier lands created this
c.first economic problem since president Washington
B.Economic panics effect: created tension tying the political and social world
X.Growing Pains of the West
A.West expansion 13+9 states, through years of 1791-1819
a.continuing westward expansion since colonial times
b.tobacco states hadlandmines so people moved west
c.economic distress of embargo act also affected the movement
d.building of highways, upstream navigation
B.Weak population in West no matter how many settlers were getting there it did not
have power on politics
C.Land Act of 1820, authorized the buying of 80 acres at a minimum of $1.25
D.West got cheap transportation money, used its own banks to compete against Bank of The United States
XI.Slavery and the Sectional Balance
A.1819, tensions between North and South over the control of the west, refected
through tension over Missouri.
a.Missouri to become a slave state
b.Tallmadge Ammendment-No more slaves could be brought in, and children
born there to slaves would be emancipated.
B.Slave-owners in the south got angry, federalists had potential to break Virginia
C.Wealthier North, angered south over threat to sectional balance, Northerners increase
in House of Reps
D.Senate was equal, southerners could expand on slavery
E.Missouri: first state completely separated from Louisiana Purchase, created conflict
with southerners plan
F.Peculiar institution: southern euphemism for slavery
G.Antislavery group in the North, to prevent influence on states that have not yet
chosen a side
XII.The Uneasy Missouri Compromise
A.Henry Clay: compromise over whether Missouri becomes a slave state or not
a.Congress admits Missouri as a slave state in 1820
b.Maine is admitted as free state at same time
c.12 free states and 12 slave states
B.Missouri Compromise, lasted 34 years
a.set it up so that Maine joined as a free state and Missouri joined as a slave
b.Congress made a line across the southern border of Missouri saying except for
Missouri, all states north of that line must be free states
c.Map 12.3 The Missouri Compromise and Slavery 1820-1821, showed
compromise line of 36 30
C.James Monroe re-elected; Virginia Dynasty untouched
XIII.John Marshall and Judicial Nationalism
A.Supreme court reflects the nationalism rising no matter conflicts over slavery
a.John Marshall chief
b.McCulloh v.Maryland: in 1819 Maryland wanted to destroy one branch of the
Bank by putting a tax on it
c.made more potent federal authority, forbid Maryland to put that tax
B.Cohens v.Virginia, cohens guilty for selling illegal lottery tickets
a.Virginia won, as said by state supreme courts
b.Marshall made it possible for the Supreme court to revise the decisions and
Virginia was stated as looser.
C.Gibbons v. Ogden, in 1824
a.NY wanted to give a monopoly of water commerce to NJ
b.interstate commerce was not allowed as reminded by Marshall
XIV.Judicial Dikes Against Democratic Excesses
A.Fletcher v. Peck, 1810 35 million acres given to private investors by Georgia legislature legislature abolished this grant
b.Marshall gave the sate the right to give the private investors acres because
that was the constitutional thing to do
B.Dartmouth College v.Woodward, 1819
a.New Hampshire wanted to take the charter that was given to Dartmouth
b.John Marshall was against New Hampshire
c.Daniel Webster: house and senate; godlike Daniel
XV.Sharing Oregn and Acquiring Florida
A.Foreign policy also reflected the growth of nationalism; President Monroe and John
Quincy Adams
a.Anglo-American Convention of 1818 allow Americans to share fisheries with
Canadians, and adjusted the limits of Louisiana territory
b.Map 12.4 US British Boundary Settlements 1818
c.Orgeon Country joincture for 10 years
B.Spanish Florida-Americans wanted that land
a.West Florida was claimed
b.Revolutions in South America= opportunity for takeover Florida because
Spanish focus was not on Florida
c.Jackson entered Florida, saying he was going to punish Indians
d.captured St.Marks and Pensacola
e.Map 12.5 The Southeast 1810-1819
C.Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819, spain gave up Florida and claims for Oregon in
exchange of Americas claim for Texas
XVI.The Menace of Monarchy in America
A.Elimination of democracy in Europe after Napoleons defeat
B.George Canning: joint declaration proposed by the british foreign secretary
a.Asked Americans to join British in forgetting interest on acquiring land of Latin
b.American minister informed all above him about this plan
XVII.Monroe and His Doctrine
A.Adams believed British were afraid that Americans would takeover all Spanish
territories in Americas, so they threatened British territory in the Caribbean.
B.Monroe Doctrine: 1823 by James Monroe to warn England
a.non-colonization and non-intervention; little immediate effect
b.Colonization era was dead
c.Warning for Britihs to stay away, Americans would not intervene in any foreign
XVIII.Monroes Doctrine Appraised
A.Europeans offended by Monroe Doctrine
B.Governments greatest concern was the military strength because that affected the
Security of the nation
C.Russo-American Treaty Jan 12, 1825. It gave Russian claims on the Pacific Northwest
coast of North America north over what Americans know as the Oregon Country to the
United States.
D.By stating his doctrine he was driving out the Old World from the New World, proved
most importantly the great nationalism that had arose since post war of 1812.
E.Map of 12.6 The West and Northwest, 1818-1824 showed British treaty line, Spanish
Treaty line and Russian Treaty Line

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