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A n essential component of facilitating

learning is understanding learners.

The learning styles, attitudes, and ap-

Marc Romanelli/Getty
proaches of high school students differ
from those of eighteen- to twenty-two-
year-old college students. The styles, atti-

tudes, and approaches of adult learners

differ yet again. How well do college and
university faculty, administrators, and staff
understand these differences? How often
do they take the differences into account

Gen-Xers when designing programs or courses?

Diana Oblinger is the Executive Director of Higher Education for

David Lees/Getty
Microsoft Corporation. She has served as a Senior Fellow for the

EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research (ECAR) as well as Vice-
President and Chief Information Officer for the University of North

Wendy Ashton/Getty

STUDENTS By Diana Oblinger

36 EDUCAUSE r e v i e w  July/August 2003 2003 Diana Oblinger July/August 2003 EDUCAUSE r e v i e w 37

More students attend college part-time than
in previous years; a higher proportion of the emergence of AIDS and the Web. Con-
students are women; and more students are sider some of the other defining experi-
over age twenty-five. ences of Generation X students:

The Chinese government killed pro-

What do we know about todays new Delayed enrollment, and did not enter testers in Tiananmen Square.
students? Perhaps most obviously, we postsecondary education in the same The U.S. stock market crashed.
know that these students have been year that he or she graduated from The Chernobyl nuclear accident
heavily influenced by information tech- high school occurred.
nology. The new student may be a Attend part-time, for all or part of the The Exxon Valdez caused an oil spill.
seventeen-year-old high school student academic year The Challenger space shuttle exploded.
(a Millennial) who uses instant mes- Work full-time, thirty-five hours or The first computer disk was sold.4
saging to contact peers and teachers. The more, while enrolled
new student may be a twenty-six-year- Are financially independent, as defined by But Gen-Xers do not necessarily rep-
old college student (a Gen-X) whose financial aid resent current college and university stu-
expectations of customer service are Have dependents, other than a spouse, dents. A new group is entering higher
radically different from those of previ- including children or others educationa group called the Millennial
ous generations. Or the new student Are single parents, having one or more generation. The Millennials were born in
may be a forty-year-old working mother dependent children or after the year 1982. Millennials exhibit
(a Baby Boomer) who is completing a Lack a high school diploma different characteristics from those of sib-
degree via e-learning so that she can lings just a few years older. Millennials
balance work and family responsibili- Many of these characteristics were not
ties. One of the greatest challenges fac- measured in earlier studies, presumably gravitate toward group activity;
ing American higher education is how because they were relatively rare. The im- identify with their parents values and
to deal with such a variety of new plication is that campus populations feel close to their parents;
students. today are quite different from those in the spend more time doing homework and
days when college and university housework and less time watching TV;
Changes in the Student Population decision-makers were students. believe its cool to be smart;
Current higher education administrators, Not only is the profile of todays stu- are fascinated by new technologies;
as well as many faculty and staff, represent dent body different, but the life experi- are racially and ethnically diverse; and
a different generation from the majority of ences that shaped todays students are often (one in five) have at least one im-
the student population. With an average quite different from those of previous eras. migrant parent.
faculty age of over fifty, many decision- Each generation is defined by its life expe-
makers in higher education graduated in riences, giving rise to different attitudes, When asked about problems facing their
the 1970s.1 The experiences of a 1970s beliefs, and sensitivities. The Depression generation, many Millennials respond
generation of students are likely to be generation experienced World War II and that the biggest one is the poor example
quite different from those of the current the Cold War. Baby Boomers grew up that adults set for kids.5
student body. A comparison of student with the space race, the civil rights move- Along with differences in attitudes,
data from 1970 and 1999 illustrates some ment, Vietnam, and Watergate. Genera- Millennials exhibit distinct learning
of these differences (see Table 1).2 tion X saw the fall of the Berlin Wall and styles. For example, their learning prefer-
It is no surprise that enrollment has ences tend toward teamwork, experien-
increased in the last thirty years. The tial activities, structure, and the use of
Table 1. Student Data in 1970 and 1999
data illustrate that enrollment growth in technology. Their strengths include
two-year institutions has exceeded the 1970 1999 multitasking, goal orientation, positive at-
pace of growth in four-year colleges and Enrollment 7.4 12.7 titudes, and a collaborative style.6
million million
universities. There are other trends
worth noting: more students attend col- Two-year enrollment 31% 44% View of Technology
lege part-time than in previous years; a Attend part-time 28% 39% Some general trends are emerging about
higher proportion of students are Women 42% 56% how learners view technology. Not sur-
women; and more students are over age Older than age prisingly, technology is assumed to be a
twenty-five. twenty-five 28% 39% natural part of the environment. The
The National Center for Education younger the age group, the higher is the
Nontraditional N/A 73%
Statistics (NCES) has reported that three- percentage who use the Internet for
quarters of all undergraduates are non- Have dependents N/A 27% school, work, and leisure. This comfort
traditional.3 Nontraditional students are Employed N/A 80% with technology often leads to a percep-
defined as having one or more of the fol- Source: National Center for Education Statistics, tion that the use of technology in schools
The Condition of Education 2002
lowing characteristics: is inadequate.

38 EDUCAUSE r e v i e w  July/August 2003

In a study of how those age twelve to tive restrictions, older equipment, and/or sales) and the percentage who bank on-
seventeen use the Web, researchers filtering software inhibit their in-school line (43 percent).10
found that 94 percent use the Internet for use of technology. Their greatest use of When asked about the impact of the
school research and that 78 percent be- technology is outside of school.8 Internet on their college experience, 79
lieve the Internet helps them with A few years their senior, todays col- percent said the Internet has had a posi-
schoolwork. Among teens, instant mes- lege and university students were born in tive influence: 60 percent believe the In-
saging and e-mail seem to be natural the years immediately following the in- ternet has improved their relationships
communication and socialization mech- troduction of the PC. Among this group, with classmates; 56 percent believe it has
anisms: 70 percent use instant messaging 20 percent began using computers be- improved their relationships with profes-
to keep in touch; 41 percent use e-mail tween the ages of five and eight. Virtually sors. Contrary to fears expressed by some
and instant messaging to contact teachers all students were using computers by the in academia, students are not using e-
or schoolmates about classwork. An even time they were sixteen to eighteen years mail as their sole mode of communica-
higher percentage (81 percent) use e-mail of age.9 Another measure of the ubiquity tion. Only 19 percent communicate with
to stay in touch with friends and relatives. of technology to current college and uni- professors more by e-mail than face-to-
In fact, a slight majority (56 percent) pre- versity students is the percentage who face. However, 55 percent use e-mail to
fer the Internet to the telephone.7 own computers. In a recent survey, 84 arrange face-to-face meetings. They also
Perhaps because of the contrast be- percent reported owning their own com- tend to use e-mail to clarify information:
tween their comfort with technology and puter, with 25 percent owning more than 75 percent use e-mail for explanation of
the technology comfort level of teachers, one computer. Twenty-eight percent assignments. Even more (89 percent)
many students find the use of technology own a notebook computer. And in 2003, have received class announcements via e-
in schools to be disappointing. Students more students plan to buy a notebook (47 mail. In addition, students report that the
consider themselves more Internet-savvy percent) than a desktop (43 percent). Stu- Internet allows them to express ideas that
than their teachers. They indicate that dents spend an average of eleven hours they would not have voiced in class. Fi-
their teachers use of technology is unin- per week online. Other indicators of nally, 73 percent of students say they are
spiring. Students report seeing better their comfort with technology include more likely to conduct research by using
ways to use technology than do their the percentage who make online pur- the Internet than by going to the library.11
teachers. They also state that administra- chases (54 percent, with $1.6 billion in When students were asked, two-thirds

July/August 2003 EDUCAUSE r e v i e w 39

indicated that they know how to find valid Reality is no longer real. Those things that work, and chatting on the phone. Multi-
information from the Web. However, they appear real over the Internet may not tasking may also be a response to infor-
added that they realize the Web does not be. Digital images may have been al- mation overload.
meet all their information needs.12 tered. E-mail sent from someones ad- Typing is preferred to handwriting. Stu-
One way to describe these trends is the dress may not have come from that dents prefer typing to handwriting.
emergence of an information-age mind- person. And the content may or may Many admit their handwriting is atro-
set. The attitudesand aptitudesof stu- not be accurate. cious. Penmanship has been super-
dents who have grown up with technol- Doing is more important than knowing. seded by keyboarding skills.
ogy (or who have spent significant Knowledge is no longer perceived to Staying connected is essential. Students stay
amounts of time with it) appear to differ be the ultimate goal, particularly in in touch, via multiple devices, as they
from those of students who rarely use light of the fact that the half-life of in- move throughout the day. Cell phones,
technology. Jason Frand has described formation is so short. Results and ac- PDAs, and computers ensure they re-
ten attributes of an information-age tions are considered more important main connected anyplace and anytime.
mindset: than the accumulation of facts. As the network becomes more ubiqui-
Learning more closely resembles Nintendo tous, increasing numbers of students
Computers arent technology. Students than logic. Nintendo symbolizes a trial- participate in real-time dialogues from
have never known life without com- and-error approach to solving prob- anywhere using a variety of devices.
puters and the Internet. To them the lems; losing is the fastest way to master- There is zero tolerance for delays. Having
computer is not a technologyit is an ing a game because losing represents grown up in a customer-service cul-
assumed part of life. learning. This contrasts with previous ture, todays students have a strong de-
The Internet is better than TV. In recent generations more logical, rule-based mand for immediacy and little toler-
years, the number of hours spent approach to solving problems. ance for delays. They expect that
watching TV has declined, being sup- Multitasking is a way of life. Students services will be available 24x7 in a va-
planted by time online. Reasons for appear to be quite comfortable when riety of modes (Web, phone, in per-
the change include interactivity and engaged in multiple activities simulta- son) and that responses will be quick.
the increased use of the Internet for neously, such as listening to music, Consumer and creator are blurring. In a
socializing. sending instant messages, doing home- file-sharing, cut-and-paste world, the

40 EDUCAUSE r e v i e w  July/August 2003

For todays learners, customer service is an
expectation, not an exception. Yet it is rare Web site (
that students and institutions have the same misc/expect/) as well as in print material
expectations for service. provided to entering students. Whether
provided by the registrar, counseling ser-
vice, academic support, or library, each
distinctions between creator, owner, topics from admission to graduation. For service is accompanied by a standard as
and consumer of information are fad- example, an online chat tool allows staff well as a contact persons e-mail address
ing. The operative assumption is often to respond to Web-based queries in real and phone number. This practice helps
that if something is digital, it is every- time. Prompt responses make a differ- set expectations for students as well as for
ones property.13 ence in the decision-making process of staff. How well units meet service expec-
prospective students.14 tations is measured, as is also the level of
Implications At many institutions, financial aid is a student satisfaction.16
What do the differing learning prefer- chronic source of dissatisfaction for stu- Adult learners bring customer-service
ences and views of technology of the new dents. Confusion over the process, com- expectations to the institutions they at-
students mean for colleges and universi- plicated paperwork, and data-entry er- tend. In many cases, customer service is
ties? There might be few implications if rors cause delays and even rejections. more than a preferenceit is a prerequi-
students were passive consumers and did Compliance with federal guidelines fur- site to retention and effective learning.
not use their purchasing power. How- ther complicates the situation. To provide One reason often cited by adult learners
ever, there are many indications that better service, the University of Phoenix, for abandoning their studies is the lack of
students actively compare programs, with 152,000 students and more than 120 timely support. As an institution focused
evaluate institutions based on the charac- campuses, created the Financial Aid Pa- on serving adult learners, Rio Salado Col-
teristics they consider to be important, perless Project (FAPP). Prospective stu- lege has adapted its approach to ensure
and make choices. Beyond the tuition dents can complete an online applica- that learners have the services they need.
provided by students, many institutions tion, then link to the Free Application for A beep-a-tutor program, available seven
actively seek out the right individuals to Federal Student Aid Web site to obtain a days a week, guarantees students that tu-
be part of their student body in the belief federal financial aid application, includ- tors will respond to their question within
that the caliber of the student body in part ing a master promissory note. A student one hour. With beepers, the tutors receive
determines the quality of the institution. may then file the application online with questions no matter where they are.
As a result, colleges and universities may the lender of his or her choice. If the Two other Rio Salado programs focus
find that understandingand meeting the lender participates in the universitys on being sure the right person responds to
expectations ofthe new students is im- FAPP project, the lenders system com- queries. Online students often seek help
portant to their competitiveness. municates with the FAPP computers at from instructors when they encounter
A number of current programs exem- the university and pulls data from the stu- problems, whether these are related to
plify a good match between expectations dents application for enrollment. The technical issues or to the subject matter. To
and services. A few examples will illus- lender uses the information to complete ensure that instructors are not deluged
trate some of the options available to the students master promissory note, with technical questionsand to ensure
those institutions that seek to modify eliminating the need to rekey data and that students get the best responsesRio
their programs to address the needs of the ensuring that data is consistent across the Salado created a technical help desk.
new students. two applications. The university then re- Staffed by noninstructional personnel, the
trieves the completed master promissory help desk is specifically tasked to help stu-
Elimination of Delays note, enabling the university to validate dents resolve technical issues.
In a 24x7, customer-service culture, de- the information and process the applica- Also, because instructors cannot be
lays cause dissatisfaction and disengage- tion. The student is informed almost im- online at all times, Rio Salado has an in-
ment. Institutions are finding ways to mediately that his or her application is structional help desk staffed by generalist
eliminate delays in processes that range complete and has been received for pro- faculty who answer questions about the
from admission to academic support. cessing. The time to fill in and process an logistics of a course at times when the
The University of North Carolina at application has also been cut by several class instructor is not available. The in-
Greensboro utilizes online personal as- days, so students get faster responses to structional help desk personnel, avail-
sistants, automated e-mail responses, dy- their applications.15 able seven days a week, also provide e-
namically created Web portals, and cus- learning orientations to students and
tomized Web-mail to provide instant Customer Service serve as a liaison between the instructor
responses to students. Through their For todays learners, customer service is and the student. By reducing the number
Virtual Information Station (http:// an expectation, not an exception. Yet it is of non-learning-related inquiries, this, students can get an- rare that students and institutions have service assists students who need imme-
swers to a range of questions that often the same expectations for service. diate answers and also maximizes the
begin with How do I . . . ? Where do I . . . ? At Athabasca University, service ex- amount of time an instructor can spend
or When do I . . . ? The Web site covers pectations are clearly spelled out on a on activities directly related to learning.17

42 EDUCAUSE r e v i e w  July/August 2003

The aging infrastructure and the lecture
tradition of colleges and universities may not Staying Connected
meet the expectations of students raised on Many students carry multiple electronic
the Internet and interactive games devices and use various communication
protocols to be sure they are always con-
nected to friends, events, and informa-
Experiential, Interactive, that one allowed slavery and the other tion. If they are at home or in the dorm,
and Authentic Learning was free. Utilizing census data, agricul- instant messaging dominates. On campus
The aging infrastructure and the lecture tural records, newspaper articles, church or around town, they use their cell
tradition of colleges and universities may records, and letters from soldiers and phones.
not meet the expectations of students their families, the site allows individuals Drexel University has developed the
raised on the Internet and interactive to explore authentic information via capability to allow users to stay con-
games. Several programs address this multiple paths. Students report the expe- nected no matter which device(s) they
problem. rience to be highly engaging and more ef- choose to connect withBlackberries,
Laboratories represent a traditional fective for learning than being told about Web phones, PDAs, laptops, or other de-
approach to providing learners with ex- history. In fact, according to Google, the vices. The program, DrexelOne Mobile,
periential, interactive, and authentic site is the most heavily trafficked Civil enables students to retrieve personalized
learning. However, many institutions feel War site on the Web, attracting students information from virtually any Web-
that they do not offer enough laboratory from other institutions as well as millions enabled handheld device. Users who
experiences due to expense pressures, of informal learners.19 have registered their mobile devices may
safety concerns, and lack of space. While Simulations can be used to help learn- choose to have relevant personal an-
not diminishing the importance of ers visualize complex systems as well as to nouncements pushed out to them auto-
hands-on labs, online laboratories enable turn text or numbers into more readily matically, without having to browse to
learners to have rich learning experi- comprehended forms. A simulation can find the information. For example, stu-
ences without some of the limitations of magnify an environment (e.g., the inside of dents can get grades as soon as they are
traditional labs. At MIT, a microelectron- a cell), making it easier for learners to un- posted, learn about last-minute class-
ics laboratory, called WebLab, enables the derstand the environment. In other cases, room changes, get updates to their
characterization of microelectronic de- events can be slowed down (e.g., a chemi- schedules, and find out about holds
vices at any time of day or night, allowing cal reaction taking place), sped up (e.g., the placed on their records (e.g., for late tu-
students substantial flexibility. A remote moving of tectonic plates), or re-created to ition payments). The advantage is that in-
instrument (in this case, the Agilent 4155B help learners visualize a process. The Co- formation reaches users when and where
Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer) is lumbia Center for New Media Teaching they need it, rather than requiring users
accessed by students via an application and Learning and the School of Public to wait until they are at their desks. And
that uses the circuit language of electrical Health have developed a simulation in the university can send news to the entire
engineering to specify the measurements which students can become epidemiolo- campus community quickly and easily.
to be performed. Students can program gists in the town of Epiville. The students The headline news service is updated
the instrument and collect data through gather facts from newscasts, interviews, every ten minutes with the latest sports,
the Web, download it to their computers, and Web sites to deal with outbreaks of entertainment, and general news. In ad-
and then complete the analysis and labo- disease ( dition, users have access to a searchable
ratory reports. Students can remotely se- lstprojectbrowse.aspx?ord=378). university phone directory that operates
lect the device to be characterized and Game systems, such as Nintendo, were phonetically so that users dont need to
specify the variables to be measured. Be- a common part of growing up for the ma- know correct spellings of names.21
cause of the design, the lab is available jority of todays college and university
24x7. In an estimate of its capacity, students. A number of attributes of Conclusion
WebLab can handle more than 2,000 games make them good educational envi- A growing body of evidence reveals that
users per week and more than 15,000 ex- ronments. Games often involve problem- todays college and university students
periments per week. In fact, excess lab ca- solving and decision-making. They pro- have developed new attitudes and apti-
pacity is being made available to students vide rapid feedback and can adjust the tudes as a result of their environment. Al-
in Sweden and Singapore.18 level of difficulty to the expertise of the though these characteristics may provide
Likewise, rather than telling students player. Speed and a sense of urgency can great advantages in areas such as their
the conclusions of history, a University of contribute to learner motivation. For ex- ability to use information technology and
Virginia interactive Web site, The Valley ample, games such as Gettysburg let users to work collaboratively, they may also cre-
of the Shadow (http://jefferson.village. re-create military engagements using dif- ate an imbalance between students ex-, allows students ferent assumptions. Would the battle pectations of the learning environment
to draw their own conclusions about the have gone differently if General Lee had and what they find in colleges and univer-
Civil War through original records taken been there? Users can ask questions, ex- sities today. As a result, institutions may
from two similar counties in Virginia and plore situations, and create unique sce- find it valuable to ask how well they know
Pennsylvaniasimilar except for the fact narios to explore history.20 and understand their new students.

44 EDUCAUSE r e v i e w  July/August 2003

How are learners views represented in
institutional decisions about courses,
curricula, programs, and services? Does
the institution have a mechanism that
balances students preferences with the
opinions of faculty and administrators?
Where can IT be used most effectively?
Beyond balancing the interests of stu-
dents and institutions, colleges and uni-
versities should also consider other im-
plications of the new students and
their learning styles:

Is instant messaging a fad, or should it

be incorporated into how institutions
work with current and prospective
Do the educational resources pro-
vided (e.g., textbooks, reference mate-
rials) fit the needs and preferences of
todays learners? Will linear content
give way to simulations, games, and
Does the current definition of any-
time, anywhere equate to students
expectations that any device (laptop,
PDA, cell phone) will be able to access
the Web at any time and from any
Do students desires for group learn-
ing and activities imply rethinking the
configuration and use of space in
classrooms, libraries, student unions,
and residence halls?

Colleges and universities are finding a

variety of ways to meet students expec-
tations for service, immediacy, interactiv-
ity, and group activities. There is no sin-
gle formula, particularly since students
often span broad ranges of ages, learning
styles, and communication preferences.
Though each institution will find its own
answers, a common set of principles may
emerge that will help guide decisions
and directions. The first step will almost
undoubtedly be to better understand the
new learnersBoomers, Gen-Xers,
Millennials, and those still to come. e

1. According to the National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES), 35.5 percent of faculty were
under forty-five years of age in 1998. NCES,
Teaching Undergraduates in U.S. Postsecondary
Institutions: Fall 1998, August 2002, <http://> (accessed
April 22, 2003).
2. 1999 is the most recent year for which data is

July/August 2003 EDUCAUSE r e v i e w 45

available. The source for Table 1 is National Cen-
ter for Education Statistics (NCES), The Condi-
tion of Education 2002, June 2002, <http://
2002025> (accessed April 22, 2003).
3. NCES, The Condition of Education 2002.
4. Arthur Levine and Jeanette S. Cureton, When Hope
and Fear Collide: A Portrait of Todays College Student
(San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998).
5. Neil Howe and Bill Strauss, Millennials Rising: The
Next Great Generation (New York: Vintage Books,
6. Claire Raines, Managing Millennials, 2002,
millenials.htm> (accessed April 22, 2003).
7. Amanda Lenhart, Maya Simon, Mike Graziano,
The Internet and Education: Findings of the Pew
Internet and American Life Project, September
2001, <
pdfs/PIP_Schools_Report.pdf> (accessed April
22, 2003).
8. Douglas Levin and Sousan Arafeh, The Digital
Disconnect: The Widening Gap between Inter-
net-Savvy Students and Their Schools, August
2002, <
pdfs/PIP_Schools_Internet_Report.pdf> (ac-
cessed April 22, 2003).
9. Steve Jones, The Internet Goes to College: How
Students Are Living in the Future with Todays
Technology, September 2002, <http://www> (ac-
cessed April 22, 2003).
10. For statistics on computer ownership and time
spent online, see the Student Monitor Web site:
11. Jones, The Internet Goes to College.
12. Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), How
Academic Librarians Can Influence Students
Web-Based Information Choices, June 2002,
OCLC White Paper on the Information Habits of
College Students, <
pdf/printondemand/informationhabits.pdf> (ac-
cessed April 22, 2003).
13. Jason Frand, The Information Age Mindset:
Changes in Students and Implications for Higher
Education, EDUCAUSE Review 35, no. 5 (Septem-
ber/October 2000): 1524.
14. Jim Black, Associate Provost for Enrollment Ser-
vices, University of North Carolina, Greensboro,
e-mail, April 4, 2003.
15. Robert A. Carroll, Chief Information Officer, Uni-
versity of Phoenix, e-mail, May 1, 2003.
16. Dominique Abrioux, President, Athabasca Uni-
versity, e-mail, April 4, 2003.
17. Carol Scarafiotti, Dean of Instruction, Rio Salado
College, e-mail, April 5, 2003.
18. J. A. del Alamo, J. Hardison, G. Mishuris, L.
Brooks, C. McLean, V. Chan, and L. Hui, Educa-
tional Experiments with an Online Microelec-
tronics Characterization Laboratory, 2002,
pdf> (accessed April 22, 2003).
19. Edward Ayers, Dean, Arts and Sciences, Univer-
sity of Virginia, e-mail, April 4, 2003.
20. J. C. Herz, Gaming the System: What Higher
Education Can Learn from Multiplayer Online
Worlds, in Maureen Devlin, Richard Larson, and
Joel Meyerson, eds., The Internet and the University:
Forum 2001 (Boulder, Colo.: EDUCAUSE, 2002)
ffpiu019.pdf> (accessed April 22, 2003).
21. Drexel University Deploys Mobile Web Portal
Based on Microsoft .NET Technology, March 6,
2003, Microsoft Higher Education Web site:
DrexelUniversity> (accessed May 6, 2003).

July/August 2003 EDUCAUSE r e v i e w 47

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