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Dakota State University

College of Education


Hannah Bauer
Name: ________________________ 9/4/2017
Date: ___________
8th Grade
Grade Level: ___________________ Time: ___________
Madison Middle School
School: ________________________

Reflection from prior lesson:

Yesterday we talked about diseases that affect not only the person with the disease but also the people
that are close to them. Today we are going to talk about a very serious disease, cancer.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

NPH-H.9-12.7 - Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community

Lesson Objectives:
*Students will be able to come up with ideas on how to express information and opinions about health
*Students will be able to utilize strategies to overcome barriers when communicating information, ideas,
feelings, and opinions about health issues.
Materials Needed:

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction (include time allotment)

getting attention
relating to past experience and/or knowledge
creating a need to know
sharing objective, in general terms

*How many of you know someone that has or has had cancer, please raise your hands?
*Do you notice how many people have their hands up?
2. Content Delivery (include time allotment & instructional methodologies)
*5-10 minutes*
We can see that almost everyone in the room has been affected in some way by cancer. Today we are
going to talk about a new leukemia drug, leukemia is a type of cancer, that could cure leukemia BUT it
costs $649,000. That's a lot of money for a drug that may not even work. I know that talking about cancer
is difficult, which is why I want you all to find ways that you can express your opinions about cancer. One
way 3.youClosure
can do (include
that is by making
time a pamphlet about cancer or a flyer with opinions, facts and ideas.

*Give the students the rest of the class period to work on the project of their choice - 30-45 minutes

B. Assessments Used

Formative assessment.

C. Differentiated Instruction
Give the students a "cheat sheet" with all of the information they need on it.

D. Resources

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