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Inspiring Great Love Around the World

Dharma Master Cheng Yen and Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation
Inspiring Great Love
Around the World
Dharma Master Cheng Yen
and Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation

Introduction • 1
Honorary Publisher
Dharma Master Cheng Yen

Shih De Lin, Shih De Shu, Joseph Chan

Reviewed by
Department of Religious Culture and Humanitarian Aids,
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation

Layout design by
Robin Hsiu Feng Wang

Published by
Foreign Languages Department
Tzu Chi Culture and Communication Foundation
No. 2, Lide Road, Taipei 11259, Taiwan

T +886-2-2898-9000
F +886-2-2898-9977

Printed in Taiwan

First Printing: April 2010

05 Introduction
05 Introduction to Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation
06 The Founding of Tzu Chi

12 Charitable Mission
12 Bringing hope to people in need
17 Transforming suffering by inspiring love
21 Aid work in China
23 International relief

30 Medical Mission
30 Relieving the suffering of the ill
37 Free medical care for the needy
40 Bone marrow donation

42 Educational Mission
42 Comprehensive education system
51 Instilling wholesome values in youths
52 Educational efforts overseas

56 Cultural Mission
56 Pursuing goodness, truth, and beauty
62 Community volunteerism
64 Environmental protection

69 Inspiring Great Love Within

70 Directory of Tzu Chi Offices Worldwide

Introduction • 3
Dharma Master Cheng Yen
Founder of Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation

Introduction to
Buddhist to Foundation
Tzu Chi
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation
II n the world today, one sees many ills. War, pov-
n the world today, one sees many ills. War, poverty,
erty, disease, natural disasters, and environmental
disease, natural disasters, and environmental problems
problems haveconsiderable
created considerable humanThe suffer-
have created human suffering. suffer-
ing. The suffering exists on many levels­­
ing exists on many levels — physical, psychological
and spiritual.and spiritual.
Reflectingonon this, Dharma
this, Dharma Master
Cheng YenYen
world,oneone has
has to
to begin
begin by
transforminghumanhumanheartsheartsandand minds.
minds. TheThe root
root of
of many
many problems
problems lieslies in
in human
human beings’
beings’ selfishness.
selfishness. If
If people
people can
can expand
expandthe thelove
selves and their
and their families
families to thetoentire
the entire
ly, many problems will cease to exist. When Great —
problems will cease to exist. When Great Love
unselfish love that
Love—unselfish loveembraces all humanity
that embraces — is awak-
all humanity—
is ened in all,inpeople
awakened will live
all, people differently,
will and theand
live differently, world
will naturally become a better place.
the world will naturally become a better place.

Introduction •5 1
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, founded by the
Master, is an international non-profit organization
devoted to spreading Great Love through its work
in the fields of charity, medicine, education, and cul-
ture. These comprise Tzu Chi’s Four Missions, and
they have subsequently extended to include Bone
Marrow Donation, International Relief, Environ-
mental Protection, and Community Volunteerism.
Tzu Chi is a volunteer-based organization head-
quartered in Hualien, Taiwan, funded by donations
from the public. Today, more than 40 years since its
founding, Tzu Chi has branches in over 45 coun-
tries, with millions of supporters and tens of thou-
sands of certified volunteers carrying out Tzu Chi’s
missions around the world.
Tzu Chi’s mission is more than just charity, how-
ever. More broadly, Tzu Chi’s goal is to spread the
spirit of selfless Great Love. Like a seed that pro-
duces more seeds, compassionate actions can in-
spire more love, leading to a more peaceful and har-
monious society.

The Founding of Tzu Chi

Tzu Chi was founded in 1966 by Dharma Mas-
ter Cheng Yen, who was then but a young Buddhist
monastic of age 29. At the time, the east coast of
Taiwan, where the Master first settled, was undevel-
oped and impoverished. The Master and her monas-

6 • Introduction
Compassion in action is the underlying spirit of Tzu Chi

tic disciples supported themselves by sewing baby

shoes, making concrete sacks into smaller animal
feed bags, knitting sweaters, and raising their own
One day in 1966, while the Master was visit-
ing a patient at a small local clinic, she saw a pool
of blood on the floor. The Master was told that the
blood was from an aboriginal woman suffering from
labor complications. Her family had carried her from
their mountain village. They had been walking for
eight hours, but when they arrived at the hospital,
they did not have the NT$8,000 (then US$200) re-
quired fee. They could only carry her back untreat-
ed. Hearing this, the Master was overwhelmed with

Introduction • 7
sorrow. She thought to herself: As an impoverished
monastic barely supporting herself, what could she
do to help these poor people?
A short time later, three Catholic nuns visited
the Master, and they had a discussion on the teach-
ings of their respective religions. When the Master
explained that Buddhism teaches love and compas-
sion for all living beings, the nuns commented: Why
have we not seen Buddhists doing good works for

8 • Introduction
Jing Si Abode, the Buddhist monastery founded by Master
Cheng Yen, is the spiritual home of all Tzu Chi members.

society, such as setting up nursing homes, orphan-

ages, and hospitals?
The nuns’ message struck a deep chord with the
Master. Buddhism, she responded, teaches people to
do good deeds without seeking recognition. Howev-
er, she knew in her heart that without organization,
what could be accomplished was very limited. The

Introduction • 9
Master considered: What if her disciples sold one
extra pair of baby shoes per day? What if the thir-
ty housewives that listened to her teachings could
donate NT 50 cents (approximately US 1 cent) per
day? In one year’s time, she calculated, they would
have enough money to have saved that aboriginal
woman. A small concerted effort, she realized, over
time could make an enormous difference!
Thus, the Master founded Tzu Chi. Fashioning
coin banks out of bamboo, she asked her lay fol-
lowers to drop a NT 50 cent coin into the bamboo
bank every day before going to the market. “Why
not simply donate NT$15 each month?” one follow-
er asked. The amount was the same in dollars, the
Master replied, but very different in spirit. The Mas-
ter wanted each person to think of helping others ev-
ery day, not just one day each month.
As word spread and more people participated,
there came to be Tzu Chi commissioners who were
responsible for collecting donations. Commission-
ers traveled to villages to collect the savings in each
of the bamboo banks. On one occasion, a commis-
sioner complained that a particular donor lived so
far away that the cost of the trip was more than the
amount donated. The Master, however, replied that
giving people an opportunity to participate was as
important as the donation itself. By collecting do-
nations from people, the commissioners were in

10 • Introduction
Residents of the Jing Si Abode support their own livelihood
by doing various works. Here beans were put out to dry in
preparation for making instant mix bean drink powders.

fact nurturing seeds of kindness in each donor. This

kindness, not the donation, was the Master’s true
Dharma Master Cheng Yen deeply believes that
all people are capable of the same great compassion
as the Buddha. True compassion, however, is not
just having sympathy for another’s suffering—it is
to reach out to relieve that suffering with concrete
actions. In founding Tzu Chi, the Master wished to
give ordinary citizens the chance to actualize this
compassion, which will bring inner peace and hap-
piness to the individual, and pave the way for world
peace and harmony.

Introduction • 11
Charitable Mission

Bringing hope to people in


T zu Chi began with charitable work. In the be-

ginning years, the Master would personally
visit the poor to learn firsthand of the conditions in
which they lived. From this, she would determine
the family’s greatest need or the root problems un-
derlying their difficulties. Today, many Tzu Chi vol-
unteers conduct Tzu Chi’s charitable work in the
same spirit as the Master on her first visits to the
needy. Tzu Chi strives to provide personalized aid,
based on each case’s individual needs, but underly-
ing each unique act is the giving of love. The Mas-
ter believes that every life is equally precious. When
the poor are shown genuine love and respect, they
can heal their hearts and be empowered.

12 • Charitable Mission
Tzu Chi’s first winter aid distribution in 1969 benefitted
over 40 families, more than 200 people in total.

Fundamental to Tzu Chi’s charitable work is the

mission to inspire love and goodness within each
person—both the receiver and the giver. When peo-
ple’s hearts are filled with love for others, they will
become spiritually rich. Tzu Chi’s mission is to en-
able everyone to become spiritually rich and enjoy
peace and happiness.

Categories of charitable work

Long-term assistance: Regular financial assis-
tance for the poor and ill, after assessment of need.
Tzu Chi volunteers regularly visit poor and ill peo-
ple and their families. Besides financial assistance,
volunteers offer personal care, and help with ev-

Charitable Mission • 13
eryday tasks, like spring cleaning for the elderly
with restricted mobility. As of December 2009, Tzu
Chi has provided long-term assistance to a total of
37,249 households in Taiwan.
Regular support and care: Care to those who
do not need financial assistance but require encour-
agement, support, or guidance. These cases include
elderly people living alone who have no surviving
family, families with a disabled or ill family mem-
ber, and people mourning the death of a close rel-
ative or friend. Tzu Chi volunteers make period-
ic visits to offer emotional support. If professional
counseling is needed, Tzu Chi will help the family
find a trained professional. In 2009 alone, Tzu Chi
volunteers in Taiwan made a total of 113,598 such
home visits.
Care for people living in institutions: Periodic vis-
its to institutions serving people with special needs
(e.g., nursing homes and schools for the disabled) as
well as prisons and juvenile correctional centers. Vol-
unteers offer love and friendship, and organize activi-
ties and programs on inspirational topics.
Short-term crisis aid: Short-term assistance to
people temporarily in hardship due to a natural di-
saster, accident, or sudden misfortune. Volunteers
help these people overcome their immediate dif-
ficulties. Depending on the nature of the need, aid
may include money for basic needs, tuition assis-

14 • Charitable Mission
Tzu Chi volunteers helped clean up the disaster area of
Typhoon Morakot in 2009.

tance for children, medical care, home repairs, or

help with funeral arrangements. Sometimes these
cases become candidates for long-term aid, and are
transferred to Tzu Chi’s long-term assistance pro-
gram. As of December 2009, Tzu Chi has handled a
total of 175,961 cases of short-term crisis aid in Tai-
wan, with 13,851 cases in 2009 alone.
Large-scale disaster relief: Disaster preven-
tion and relief efforts in times of disaster. Example:
When a typhoon warning is issued during Taiwan’s
typhoon season, Tzu Chi volunteers go around the
community to promote disaster preparedness and
visit underprivileged families to help them with
preparations including roof repairs. When the ty-

Charitable Mission • 15
phoon creates a disaster, volunteers go into the af-
fected areas to provide comfort and offer hot meals,
emergency cash, material supplies, and medical
treatments. In the aftermath of a flood or mudslide,
volunteers help with the cleanup efforts. Volunteers
also survey those affected by the disaster to deter-
mine if there is any need for further mid- or long-
term assistance.

Local charitable efforts outside Taiwan

Although Tzu Chi was founded in Taiwan, local
volunteers carry out its charitable mission in other
countries. Some volunteers emigrated from Taiwan;

Tzu Chi volunteers conducted a winter aid distribution in

Chiang Rai Province, Thailand, in 2008.

16 • Charitable Mission
South African Tzu Chi volunteers caring for an AIDS patient.

others are locals who learned of Tzu Chi and were

inspired to spread its mission. Funds for projects are
generally raised locally. Depending on the resourc-
es and local needs, volunteers in each country car-
ry out different works, though with the same under-
lying principle of Great Love for all, regardless of
race, religion, or nationality. There are currently Tzu
Chi volunteers in over 47 countries across the conti-
nents of Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South
America, and Australia.

Transforming suffering by
inspiring love
Suffering takes many forms. It is not only the
poor who suffer; the rich also have suffering. The

Charitable Mission • 17
Master believes that to truly relieve people’s suffer-
ing, one must begin by transforming their hearts.
Inspiring the rich to help the poor: Tzu Chi en-
courages and guides the more fortunate to do good
not only through donations, but also by directly help-
ing people in need. Personally visiting the poor can
be a transformative experience. It can awaken peo-
ple’s compassion, allowing them to discover their
ability to make a difference in another’s life. Feeling
for the suffering of those in need, they will cherish
and care for them with a genuine heart. Seeing them

Tzu Chi volunteers on a global fundraising campaign to

deliver love to survivors of the January 2010 earthquake in

18 • Charitable Mission
relieved of their hardships, a sense of peace and joy
will naturally arise.
Guiding the poor while offering assistance:
While giving aid to people in need, Tzu Chi vol-
unteers not only provide material aid, but also offer
their love, care, and guidance. Poverty often leads
people to develop a low sense of self-worth. Poor
people may even isolate themselves, out of shame.
The volunteers’ goal is to gradually help people to
open their hearts and change their perspective about
life. With love and empathy, volunteers guide the
poor to realize that they are not helpless. The Mas-
ter believes that even the less fortunate can help oth-
ers and that, by helping others—through even a very
small donation or as a volunteer—they too can expe-
rience the benefits of seeing others relieved of their
hardships. Volunteers also help able-bodied lacking
gainful employment to regain their self-confidence,
by arranging for them to acquire new skills they can
use to support themselves.
In summary, Tzu Chi’s charitable mission is
about inspiring love and compassion in both the giv-
er and receiver. Through reaching out to others, the
spirit of love gets passed on, as every act of giving
inspires love in more people. When everyone in so-
ciety, rich and poor alike, is willing to help and care
for others, society will become very peaceful, har-
monious, and stable.

Charitable Mission • 19
Though impoverished, residents of the Dreamland Muzon
village in the Philippines nevertheless donate three
months of savings to help others in need.

20 • Charitable Mission
Aid work in China
The impetus for Tzu Chi’s aid work in Chi-
na was a series of devastating floods in 1991 that
caused massive destruction in the eastern part of the
country. Feeling the suffering of the disaster survi-
vors deeply, the Master made the decision to initiate
a major relief effort. While the political tension be-
tween Taiwan and China brought many challenges
to the relief work, by adhering to political neutrality,
Tzu Chi was eventually able to distribute aid to sur-
vivors and build houses and schools.
Since then, Tzu Chi has continued to carry out
aid work in China, constructing new villages and re-
locating people living in the mountains of Guizhou

Tzu Chi’s winter aid distribution in Guizhou Province.

Charitable Mission • 21
Province where land and climate conditions have
confined generations to poverty. Tzu Chi volunteers
have built water cisterns in drought-stricken Gansu
Province, provided tuition aid to poor children, and
conducted yearly winter aid distributions to help
the rural poor survive harsh winter conditions. Tzu
Chi has continued to provide disaster relief in Chi-
na, including major relief efforts following the Si-
chuan Earthquake of May 2008, where Tzu Chi en-
gaged in short-, mid-, and long-term relief work. As
of December 2009, Tzu Chi has provided aid in 27
provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions
in China.

Tzu Chi volunteers providing hot meals to survivors of the

Sichuan earthquake in 2008.

22 • Charitable Mission
International relief
The Master believes that as part of the human
family, we should feel others’ suffering as our own.
This spirit has led Tzu Chi to conduct disaster relief
in over 68 countries, including Mongolia, Nepal,
Thailand, Cambodia, North Korea, Indonesia, Sri
Lanka, Afghanistan, Iran, Russia, Azerbaijan, Kos-
ovo, Turkey, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Papua New Guinea,
Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Colombia, Peru, the Domin-
ican Republic, Honduras, and El Salvador.
On relief missions, Tzu Chi volunteers pay for
all expenses for the trip personally, and they go
there not only to provide aid but to bring their love
to the people. It is Tzu Chi’s hope that the survivors
can feel the genuine love, warmth, and care from
their fellow human beings. Such care can go a long
way in helping people heal and find the strength to
begin their lives anew. Tzu Chi volunteers hope that
these sincere interactions will inspire disaster sur-
vivors’ love and goodness so that one day, they too
will help others in need.
In 2003, Tzu Chi became a non-governmental
organization associated with the United Nation’s
Department of Public Information.

Tzu Chi’s disaster relief principles

Timeliness: to deliver relief supplies in the short-
est time possible in order to meet urgent needs.

Charitable Mission • 23
Directness: to personally deliver supplies into
the hands of those affected by disaster. Tzu Chi’s
aid team first visits a disaster site to determine sur-
vivors’ specific needs and establish a roster for dis-
tribution. Distributing aid according to the roster is
an important method to ensure that people in need
of aid do receive it.
Priority: to focus aid on the hardest-hit areas and
on those in greatest need. Given limited resources,
concentrating aid enables Tzu Chi to provide more
substantial and effective support.
Respect: to respect the local customs, lifestyle,
religions, and cultural traditions. Tzu Chi mem-
bers regard disaster survivors as a family member
in need and are mindful of distributing aid in a way
that respects their dignity.
Practicality: to offer aid that is truly useful to
disaster survivors. Tzu Chi’s aid team assesses and
determines the most dire needs of a disaster area, so
that every cent of public donation is put into good
use by providing aid that is truly helpful.

From short-term to long-term aid

Following a disaster, Tzu Chi considers the need
for short-, mid-, and long-term aid. In the immediate
aftermath, Tzu Chi volunteers assess the survivors’
situations and depending on the needs and feasibil-
ity, help them settle into temporary homes, such as

24 • Charitable Mission
tents or prefabricated houses, and construct perma-
nent housing and schools to fulfill long-term needs.
Throughout these phases of aid, Tzu Chi volunteers
strive to enable survivors to start life anew with a
stable livelihood.
This type of relief work was employed follow-
ing the 2004 Asian Tsunami. This disaster brought
devastation of unprecedented magnitude to the re-
gion. Tzu Chi promptly was prepared to provide di-
saster relief in the hardest hit areas of Aceh, Indo-
nesia, and Hambantota, Sri Lanka. In the aftermath,
Tzu Chi’s medical and aid teams inspected the dam-
age, carried out relief aid distributions, and provid-
ed free medical treatments. For mid-term needs, Tzu
Chi constructed a tent community. As part of the
long-term relief, Tzu Chi built Great Love Villag-
es in Indonesia (2,700 housing units) and Sri Lanka
(649 housing units), including a school and commu-
nity activity center.
When Cyclone Nargis devastated Myanmar in
2008, Tzu Chi volunteers from Taiwan, Malaysia,
and Thailand went there to provide medical treat-
ment and distribute material aid to disaster survi-
vors. They also delivered rice seeds and fertilizers to
rice farmers. Tzu Chi is currently building schools
for local children. Inspired by Tzu Chi’s humble or-
igins and the selfless spirit of Tzu Chi volunteers,
the locals have started a tradition of setting aside a

Charitable Mission • 25
26 • Charitable Mission
When Sri Lanka was devastated by the 2004 Asian Tsuna-
mi, Tzu Chi built a Great Love Village in Sri Lanka.

Charitable Mission • 27
Following the 2005 Kashmir Earthquake, Tzu Chi sent
medical teams to Pakistan to provide medical care to
quake survivors.

handful of rice daily to help the poorer families in

their communities.

To facilitate and effectively carry out disaster re-
lief work, in 2003, Tzu Chi formed the Tzu Chi In-
ternational Humanitarian Aid Association (TIHAA),
composed of entrepreneurs from various industries.
TIHAA’s role is to provide logistical support in
times of disaster and to research and develop goods
specifically designed for use in disaster situations.
For example, as disaster areas often lack electricity,
TIHAA has developed instant rice and noodles that

28 • Charitable Mission
can be prepared just by adding water. It has also de-
veloped ways to convert recycled PET bottles into
blankets and clothing which can be distributed to di-
saster survivors.

Blankets made out of recycled PET bottles, and bowls for

use in disaster areas are some of the goods developed by

Charitable Mission • 29
Medical Mission

Relieving the suffering of

the ill

I n the early years of Tzu Chi’s charitable work,

as the Master personally visited families in need,
she discovered a link between poverty and illness.
Illness often causes families to fall into poverty. At
the same time, the poor tend to develop serious ill-
nesses because they cannot afford regular medi-
cal treatment for common diseases. Seeing this, the
Master set up a free clinic in Hualien City in 1972.
Twice a week, doctors and nurses came and offered
free medical services to the poor.
Through the free clinic services, the Master
discovered the need for a modern, well-equipped
hospital in the remote eastern Taiwan. Local hos-
pitals were unable to treat the more serious condi-
tions, and patients often suffered from delayed treat-

30 • Medical Mission
ment as they had to be transferred to other areas.
Although building a hospital was an enormous en-
deavor, the Master was resolved upon doing this, for
she believed that every life should be safeguarded,
no matter rich or poor.

Establishing a medical network

Today, Tzu Chi has built a total of six hospitals
in different parts of Taiwan: Hualien, Yuli, Guan-
shan, Dalin, Xindian, and Tanzi. Hualien Tzu Chi
General Hospital is now a tertiary medical center
serving as a referral hospital for eastern Taiwan and
a teaching center in partnership with Tzu Chi Uni-
versity. To better relieve patients’ suffering and save
more lives, the hospitals maintain state-of-the-art
facilities while the medical personnel provide cut-
ting edge treatments with the latest medical research
and technology.
The hospitals are run on a “not-for-profit” mod-
el. With love as their underlying principle, Tzu Chi’s
hospitals provide medical treatments to all people in
need of medical care, but especially to the poor who
cannot pay for treatment. Moreover, Tzu Chi hospi-
tals emphasize humane, patient-centered care.
In addition to building and running hospitals,
Tzu Chi strives to make medical care widely acces-
sible through medical outreach programs conduct-
ed by the staff of Tzu Chi’s hospitals as well as oth-

Medical Mission • 31
32 • Medical Mission
Tzu Chi opened its fifth hospital in Xindian, Taipei County,
in 2005, a milestone in Tzu Chi’s medical mission.

Medical Mission • 33
er medical volunteers in the Tzu Chi International
Medical Association (TIMA).

Creating a medical culture of love and

It is the Master’s belief that to truly relieve the
suffering of the ill, what is needed is not only physi-
cal treatment, but also healing on the emotional and
spiritual level. That is why Tzu Chi’s hospitals em-
phasize both quality medical services and warm care
and love toward patients.
To create a medical culture that emphasizes hu-
manity and reverence for life, Tzu Chi’s hospitals

Tzu Chi volunteers’ care helps create a warm atmosphere

of love and humanity within the hospital.

34 • Medical Mission
Medical staff and volunteers work together to offer holistic
care to patients and family.

give their employees opportunities to do charitable

work with Tzu Chi volunteers or participate in in-
ternational disaster relief missions. New staff mem-
bers attend training camps where they learn about
Tzu Chi’s origins, the humanitarian work of Tzu Chi
around the world, and its founding principles. Staff
members are encouraged to view patients also as
their teachers and to care for patients as they would
their family.
In addition, there are Tzu Chi volunteers serv-
ing in the hospital all year round. Besides assisting
the staff with various tasks, volunteers visit with pa-
tients and their families and serve as a bridge be-
tween the doctors and patients. Their goal is to en-

Medical Mission • 35
able patients and their families to feel at home in
the hospital and to provide them someone they can
turn to for care and support. Volunteers are an inte-
gral part of Tzu Chi’s hospitals, and together with
the medical staff, they form a united team providing
comprehensive whole-person care to patients.

A hospital for the community

Besides providing direct medical care, Tzu Chi
hospitals also serve their surrounding communities
by holding preventative health classes. Tzu Chi hos-
pitals strive to accommodate the needs of the com-
munity. In rural Yuli where most of the residents are
farmers, Yuli Tzu Chi Hospital’s outpatient clin-

Tzu Chi Hospital in Tanzi, Taichung County, holding health

talks for local community residents.

36 • Medical Mission
ic opens its doors at 6 a.m. This way, early-rising
farmers can come see a doctor and still get home in
time to carry out their day’s work. In Guanshan, the
staff at Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital regularly make
house calls to the aboriginal tribes living in the near-
by mountains.
Another unique feature of Tzu Chi hospitals is
the follow-up care provided to impoverished pa-
tients. When low-income or special-case patients
are discharged from the hospital, Tzu Chi volunteers
continue to visit them at home, to offer encourage-
ment and even financial assistance as needed.

Free medical care for the

Tzu Chi has also organized a medical associa-
tion, the Tzu Chi International Medical Association
(TIMA), comprised of volunteering doctors, nurs-
es, medical technicians, and pharmacists from oth-
er hospitals, clinics, and in private practice. TIMA
members conduct medical outreaches with Tzu Chi
volunteers, providing free medical services in re-
mote areas, off-islands, and villages in the moun-
tains, while paying for all transportation expenses
themselves. As the medical care provided is free, it
gives the poor a chance for treatment they otherwise

Medical Mission • 37
could not afford—treatment that often changes their
lives, from the removal of tumors that have plagued
them for years to cataract surgeries that give them
back their eyesight.
Besides serving in a medical capacity, these doc-
tors and nurses are also involved in the non-medical
activities of Tzu Chi, such as helping senior citizens
clean up their houses, renovating rundown houses
of the underprivileged, and distributing aid to disas-
ter survivors. Through these activities, the medical
professionals experience the genuine joy of helping
people in need. Some have remarked that the volun-
teering returns them to their original motivation for
going into the medical profession. Volunteers have

TIMA doctors provided dental care at a learning center in

the Philippines in 2009.

38 • Medical Mission
TIMA members from Singapore and Malaysia held a free
clinic for the poor in Sri Lanka in 2009.

said that seeing firsthand how other, less fortunate

people struggle in life expands their horizons and
opens their hearts.
Today, there are TIMA members in over a dozen
countries around the world. As of 2009, more than
7,000 medical professionals worldwide have joined
TIMA, with chapters in the Philippines, Thailand,
Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia,
the United States, Brazil and Paraguay. The servic-
es TIMA members provide vary by country and lo-
cal needs.

Medical facilities around the world

Overseas Tzu Chi chapters have also set up med-
ical facilities to serve the underprivileged. Free clin-

Medical Mission • 39
ic centers have been established in the United States,
Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
In Malaysia, three dialysis centers have been estab-
lished to provide free treatment to the poor.

Bone marrow donation

Tzu Chi Bone Marrow Registry
In 1992, the case of a Taiwanese student with
leukemia highlighted the need for a marrow donor
registry in Taiwan. Because bone marrow donation
does not harm the donor and can turn around an en-
tire family’s fate by saving the patient’s life, the
Master resolved to establish a marrow donor reg-
As the Taiwanese public had many misconcep-
tions about marrow donation, Tzu Chi volunteers
first had to make a tremendous effort to educate the
public and promote this cause. Volunteers went to
marketplaces, stood on street corners, and even rode
on public buses to spread the word.
Today, Tzu Chi’s bone marrow registry has over
319,000 potential donors registered with its marrow
donor registry. It also participates in the internation-
al database BMDW (Bone Marrow Donor World-
Since its establishment in 1993, Tzu Chi’s bone
marrow registry has helped patients in 27 countries

40 • Medical Mission
receive life-saving bone marrow or stem cell trans-
plants. In 2002, Tzu Chi’s registry developed into
the Tzu Chi Stem Cell Center which operates a mar-
row donor registry, an umbilical cord blood bank, a
recruitment group, and an immunogenetic research

Care for the donors

For Tzu Chi’s marrow registry, there is a care
team of volunteers in Taiwan who offer the donor
support from the time of the match to the comple-
tion of the donation process. Once a match has been
found, the care team begins assisting the potential
donor. Should the potential donor have concerns
about donating or face family opposition, the care
team is there to provide information, support, or as-
sistance with communicating to family members.
The care team also accompanies the donor
throughout the process, giving whatever help is
needed, such as bringing one donor’s children to
and from school and helping him move boxes at his
bookstore after the marrow extraction procedure so
he would not need to overexert himself.
To Tzu Chi, both the lives of the donor and re-
cipient are equally precious.

Medical Mission • 41
Educational Mission

Comprehensive education

A s the Master believes a society without sound

moral values is one in danger of disorder and
instability, she began efforts to emphasize morality
in education. While the first school Tzu Chi estab-
lished was the Tzu Chi Junior College of Nursing
(later upgraded to the Tzu Chi College of Technol-
ogy), which opened in 1989, the Master’s goal was
to establish a comprehensive education system that
would provide sound education from kindergarten
to graduate studies. Nurturing good values and char-
acter must begin when children are still young, the
Master believed.
In 2000, the Master’s goal was realized. Today,
Tzu Chi’s comprehensive education system in Tai-
wan includes several preschools and kindergartens,

42 • Educational Mission
two primary and secondary schools, the Tzu Chi
College of Technology, and Tzu Chi University of-
fering undergraduate and graduate studies with four
colleges of medicine, life science, humanities and
social sciences, and education and communication.
The mission of these schools is to nurture the next
generation into compassionate and responsible peo-
ple who will contribute their talents and skills for
the greater good of society.

Nurturing people of character and

The Master believes that every person has basic
goodness, but as children’s minds are easily influ-

At Tzu Chi’s elementary schools, students learn to respect

their teachers.

Educational Mission • 43
enced, they need to be carefully nurtured and guid-
ed. When still young, children need to learn funda-
mental values; when they reach secondary school,
they need guidance to develop their sense of con-
science and be steered toward the right direction in
life. Then, when they acquire professional knowl-

44 • Educational Mission
The Tzu Chi College of Technology in a spectacular set-
ting, between the mountains and the sea.

edge and skills at vocational school or university,

they can use their talents to benefit people instead
of being motivated by personal gain, self-interest,
or profit.

Educational Mission • 45
Daily life and experiential learning
Correct values begin with right conduct in daily
life. Students at Tzu Chi’s schools are taught good
habits from a young age, such as eating etiquette,
proper attire and respectful behavior. In addition,
they also learn life skills by taking part in serving
food, washing dishes, tidying the classroom, taking
out the garbage, and weeding the campus. These ac-
tivities instill in students the sense of being respon-
sible for and taking good care of their living envi-
ronment. Students also participate in recycling work
through which they learn the need to cherish re-
sources and not be wasteful.

Students at Tzu Chi’s elementary school learn to develop

good living habits.

46 • Educational Mission
Educational Mission • 47
At Tzu Chi’s schools, students learn about life
through experiential learning. For example, starting
from the kindergarten level, students visit orphanag-
es, hospitals, and homes of the less fortunate. Dur-
ing these visits, students are guided to understand
the hardships and difficulties of others, learn empa-
thy and respect for others, appreciate the precious-
ness of life, and develop a sense of gratitude. Such
activities are a part of the education at every level.
The spirit of service is also an important compo-
nent of Tzu Chi’s education. Students regularly par-
ticipate in volunteer work in the community, such as
street or beach cleanups. Students also volunteer at
Tzu Chi’s hospitals. Besides expanding the students’
horizons, these opportunities nurture in the students
a sense of contributing for the good of others.

A physical environment for learning

The learning at Tzu Chi’s schools is not only
in the classroom or through activities, but through
the impact of the physical environment as well. The
campus is designed with open space and greenery,
and classrooms are built in a way that allows chil-
dren to see outside the building and feel integrated
with their surroundings. The color of the buildings
was specially chosen to produce a tranquil atmo-
sphere that helps settle children’s minds, allowing
them to learn more effectively.

48 • Educational Mission
Tzu Chi moms and dads
As role models are important in children’s
growth and development, Tzu Chi’s secondary
schools, college of technology, and university have
a special mentorship program where Tzu Chi volun-
teers “adopt” students and care for them as if they
were their own children. From them, the students
learn important life values, from how to take care
of themselves in daily life to how to get along with
others and conduct themselves in various situations.
Serving as counselors and friends, these Tzu Chi
moms and dads help students develop good charac-
ter and grow as a person.

Tzu Chi moms and dads provide care and guidance to stu-
dents of Tzu Chi’s schools, playing the roles of mentor,
counselor, and friend.

Educational Mission • 49
Silent Mentor program
Tzu Chi’s emphasis on instilling humanity is
highlighted by Tzu Chi University’s Silent Mentor
program. “Silent mentors” are body donors—peo-
ple who have donated their bodies to Tzu Chi Uni-
versity’s medical college for use in medical training,
such as anatomy class or advanced surgical simula-
tion training. The program arranges for students to
meet the donors’ families and learn about the do-
nors’ lives. Because of this, the bodies the students
study on are no longer just bodies. They become
real people to the students, and these donors’ spirit
of selfless love inspires the students to become bet-
ter, more humane doctors.

At Tzu Chi University, medical students have the opportu-

nity to hone their medical skills through hands-on simula-
tion surgery.

50 • Educational Mission
Nurturing good teachers
Tzu Chi’s education is founded upon the prin-
ciple of love. The Master therefore guides teach-
ers to regard students as their own children, lov-
ing them while exercising wisdom and firmness in
steering them to develop good character. Teachers
also lead students by setting good examples in their
daily life.

Instilling wholesome values

in youths
Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth Association
Recognizing the importance of instilling good
values and strong character in youths, Tzu Chi has
established a Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth Association.
Through learning to help others and interacting with
people from different backgrounds, these youths,
known as “Tzu Chings,” learn about life’s value and
As of 2009, Tzu Ching chapters have been es-
tablished in 81 colleges and universities in Taiwan.
There are also Tzu Chings in the United States, Can-
ada, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia,
New Zealand, Japan, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Sin-
gapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

Educational Mission • 51
Caring for elderly people in a home visit, Tzu Chings not
only provide warmth to others, but also nurture compas-
sion in themselves.

Tzu Chi Teachers’ Association

Tzu Chi Teachers’ Association is comprised of
teachers and others in the field of education who
wish to learn Tzu Chi’s values and incorporate them
into their teaching. Through the association’s activi-
ties, members learn to teach in a compassionate and
patient way, never giving up on any student. The
goal is not only to help students learn but also to
nurture their good character.

Educational efforts overseas

Formal schools based on Tzu Chi’s education-
al values have also been established abroad. As of
December 2009, there are nine Tzu Chi preschools

52 • Educational Mission
and kindergartens (in the United States, Malaysia,
and Indonesia), two Tzu Chi primary and secondary
schools (in Indonesia and Thailand), and one Tzu
Chi vocational school (in Indonesia).
Tzu Chi chapters in the United States, Cana-
da, Australia, and Malaysia also conduct weekend
schools, called Tzu Chi Academy in some countries.
These schools teach the Chinese language and in-
still the spirit of humanity through programs on Jing
Si Aphorisms (aphorisms by the Master), flower ar-
rangement, tea ceremony, recycling, and communi-
ty service activities.

In the U.S., children from Tzu Chi Great Love Preschool

and Kindergarten visit a senior home to give care to senior

Educational Mission • 53
Projects of hope
Given the important role of education,
Tzu Chi dedicates considerable resourc-
es to building and rebuilding schools. Af-
ter the September 21, 1999 earthquake in
Taiwan, Tzu Chi launched Project Hope
and rebuilt 51 schools so students would
not be deprived of a good education after
the disaster. In the Iranian city of Bam,
Tzu Chi rebuilt five schools for local
children after they were destroyed by an
earthquake in 2003.
Tzu Chi has also built schools in im-
poverished areas in South Africa and Chi-
na. As of December 2009, Tzu Chi has
constructed 173 schools in 14 countries.

Tzu Chi volunteers with students of Fatemieh

Girls High School, one of the five schools that
Tzu Chi helped build in Iran following the 2003
Bam Earthquake.

54 • Educational Mission
Educational Mission • 55
Cultural Mission

Pursuing goodness, truth

and beauty

T he Master founded Tzu Chi upon the deep con-

viction that every human being has inherent
goodness and purity—and that this is human beings’
true nature. The noble and good qualities of this true
nature are represented by the Chinese term, renwen
人文, which the Master describes as the core value
of Tzu Chi’s culture.
The aim of Tzu Chi’s cultural mission is to pro-
mote these wholesome values in society through
cultural activities. When such wholesome values
prevail in a society, there will be peace, harmony,
and stability.
Tzu Chi’s cultural mission encompasses differ-
ent forms of media and mass communication, all
dedicated to spreading the ideals of goodness, truth,

56 • Cultural Mission
At Jing Si Books and Café, one can find a variety of prod-
ucts from Jing Si Publications.

and beauty. In addition, the cultural mission includes

local activities which strive to foster a healthy, cohe-
sive community.

Working in the field of mass communi-

Tzu Chi’s first venture in the field of culture
was a biweekly newsletter in 1967 that reported
Tzu Chi’s charitable works so donors could know
how their donations were being used. The biweek-
ly newsletter later evolved into the Tzu Chi Monthly
magazine, providing in-depth coverage of Tzu Chi’s
works along with inspiring real-life stories. In addi-
tion, Tzu Chi publishes Rhythms Monthly magazine
and periodicals in English and Japanese. Branching
out into the field of broadcasting, Tzu Chi began pro-
ducing its own radio program in 1985. In 1998, Tzu

Cultural Mission • 57
Tzu Chi Humanitarian Center is the hub for Tzu Chi’s cul-
tural mission.

58 • Cultural Mission
Chi launched its own cable television station, Da Ai
TV (Da Ai means “Great Love” in Chinese), which
can be accessed in most countries worldwide.
Given the power of the media to reach a large
audience, Tzu Chi is using this vehicle to inspire
change for the good of the world. While there are
many problems in the world, Tzu Chi strives to of-
fer a different perspective and solution by delivering
stories that highlight the good that can and are be-
ing done in society. In its news programs, Tzu Chi’s
Da Ai TV educates the public and guides them to a
more informed perspective on important issues.
Tzu Chi also publishes books and produces CDs,
DVDs, and other multimedia materials through its
affiliated publishing divisions, as well as through
the Jing Si Abode’s publication company, Jing Si
Publications. Jing Si Books and Café have also been
established in Taiwan and around the world.
In 2005, Tzu Chi Humanitarian Center was
opened in Taipei, bringing all of Tzu Chi’s media di-
visions together in one building—Da Ai TV, Da Ai
Radio, Chinese and foreign language publications,
Rhythms Monthly, and Jing Si Publications.
Outside of Taiwan, Tzu Chi branches worldwide
publish their own local Tzu Chi periodicals. In 2007,
Tzu Chi Indonesia established DAAI TV Indonesia,
which now airs in Jakarta, Medan, and Surabaya.

Cultural Mission • 59
Jing Si Halls
The Jing Si Hall is a place where the gener-
al public can come and learn about Tzu Chi’s spirit
and ideals. The first Jing Si Hall was built in Hual-
ien, Taiwan, to serve as a spiritual base for Tzu Chi
volunteers worldwide. The hall consists of exhi-
bition rooms displaying works carried out by Tzu
Chi’s Four Missions, an international conference
hall, sutra lecture hall and other facilities.

60 • Cultural Mission
Jing Si Hall symbolizes Tzu Chi’s spirit and values.

Since then, Jing Si Halls have also been built in

other parts of Taiwan and in other countries. Like
a contemporary temple, Jing Si Halls are spiritual
centers where Tzu Chi volunteers gather for spiritu-
al cultivation and hold activities for the local com-
munity. As such, Jing Si Halls are important anchors
for Tzu Chi volunteers to promote Tzu Chi ideals at
the community level.

Cultural Mission • 61
Community volunteerism
Building healthy communities
Working at the community level is core to Tzu
Chi’s efforts to build a peaceful and harmonious so-
ciety. The Master believes that the family and local
community are the building blocks of society. When
they are healthy, society will be peaceful and sta-
ble. To this end, Tzu Chi volunteers coordinate ac-
tivities in the community that promote family val-
ues and wholesome principles. Activities include
inspirational talks, parent-child activities, book
clubs, neighborhood or beach cleanups, recycling
programs, health checkups for the elderly, and bone
marrow drives. These activities provide a chance
for family members and neighbors to bond and offer

Community volunteers organize prayer sessions to bring

local communities closer together.

62 • Cultural Mission
Tzu Chi’s parent-child camps help foster family bonding.

them means to contribute to their communities. In

so doing, it fosters a greater sense of community.

Ordinary citizens with a sense of mission

It is through Tzu Chi’s community works that
many people have been motivated to serve as volun-
teers. With Tzu Chi members themselves organized
by neighborhood, the network of Tzu Chi members
in each community makes it possible for Tzu Chi to
mobilize quickly when disaster strikes. For exam-
ple, when a major earthquake struck Taiwan on Sep-
tember 21, 1999, at 1:47 a.m., local Tzu Chi volun-
teers were on the scene within an hour to support
the rescue workers and care for the disaster survi-
vors. Within two hours, Tzu Chi had established a
disaster relief center for coordinating Tzu Chi’s re-
lief efforts, and by 5:30 a.m., Tzu Chi volunteers

Cultural Mission • 63
were already mobilized to provide breakfast for res-
cue workers and survivors.
Very often, Tzu Chi volunteers are disaster vic-
tims themselves. Nevertheless, having built up a
sense of mission toward helping the community,
these volunteers readily set aside their own personal
affairs to plunge into disaster relief efforts. Feeling
the pain of others as their own, Tzu Chi volunteers
are essentially on 24-hour standby, always ready to
serve. Serving others has become a part of their life
It is these Tzu Chi volunteers who are the main
force behind all of Tzu Chi’s missions. While pro-
fessionals run the institutions, such as the hospitals
or schools, the volunteers provide the foundation.
In disaster sites, they are seen distributing aid to the
needy. In the hospitals, they dedicate themselves
to providing comfort for the patients. In schools,
they serve as mentors to students. In their neighbor-
hoods, they design and implement community ac-
tivities to promote spirituality. They highlight the
unique grassroots, volunteer-based nature of Tzu
Chi—seeking to transform society from its base.

Environmental protection
Today, our planet faces climate change which is
threatening the welfare of all living on Earth. Sci-
entists have confirmed that human activities are the

64 • Cultural Mission
Kids from Tzu Chi Kindergarten have a share in protecting
the Earth too!

root cause of global warming. What is required, the

Master emphasizes, is a major shift in thinking and
change in the modern consumerist lifestyle.
In an effort to address this problem, Tzu Chi has
initiated community-based recycling programs. The
aim, however, is not only to reduce garbage and re-
cover resources, but to enable people to develop
environmental consciousness. In doing recycling
work, people see with their own eyes the conse-

Cultural Mission • 65
quences of a consumerist lifestyle. The experience
makes them reflect, and they start living differently.
Conserving resources and cherishing Mother Earth
gradually become a way of life. Tzu Chi also orga-
nizes other community activities to engage people
in environmental protection work and promote en-
vironmental awareness.

One person can make a difference

Tzu Chi’s recycling efforts started in 1990, when
in a public speech, the Master encouraged the audi-
ence to sort out recyclables with the hands they were
applauding her with. Hearing this, a young woman

Community residents joyfully sort out recyclables at a Tzu

Chi recycling station.

66 • Cultural Mission
began asking her neighbors to sort out recyclables
from their garbage, which she would collect from
them. Her example inspired others to follow suit. In-
dividuals across Taiwan started to collect and sort
out recyclables, and encourage their neighbors to do
the same.
Today, there are over 79,000 Tzu Chi recycling
volunteers worldwide, with over 4,500 Tzu Chi re-
cycling stations in Taiwan alone. Getting the entire
community involved in recycling and aware of envi-
ronmental issues is the goal of these volunteers.
In 16 countries, local Tzu Chi volunteers are
spearheading similar efforts.
Meanwhile, earnings from recycling go toward
good causes. In Taiwan, recycling earnings fund
Tzu Chi’s Da Ai TV. In Malaysia, they provide free
dialysis treatment for the poor at Tzu Chi’s dialysis
centers. In China, they enable poor students to re-
ceive an education through tuition aid.

Green living
To promote environmental consciousness, Tzu
Chi organizes beach cleanups, tree-planting, and
talks on simple living, recycling, and other environ-
mental issues. Because a meat diet has negative im-
pact on the environment, Tzu Chi volunteers also
promote vegetarianism and hold vegetarian culinary

Cultural Mission • 67
Using reusable bowls, chopsticks and cups is one way to
promote environmentalism.

Besides promoting environmentalism, Tzu Chi

volunteers practice it themselves. For group events,
Tzu Chi volunteers strive to reduce carbon emis-
sions by arranging for public transportation, rent-
ing coach buses, carpooling, and group cycling or
walking when the venue is close by. In addition, dis-
posables are not used at activities. Tzu Chi volun-
teers instead use reusable bowls, chopsticks, and
cups which they always carry with them when eat-
ing out.
Tzu Chi also incorporates green concepts into its
construction projects, such as rainwater catchment
systems and solar panels. Buildings are designed to

68 • Cultural Mission
maximize natural air ventilation and lighting to re-
duce electricity use. Instead of nonpermeable con-
crete pavements, the ground is paved with inter-
locking bricks laid on gravel so rainwater can be
returned to the earth.

Inspiring Great Love Within

Tzu Chi is an organization that strives to trans-
form society through its Four Missions by trans-
forming people and inspiring Great Love. What
Tzu Chi has accomplished in a little over four de-
cades highlights the human capacity for Great Love.
Tzu Chi has shown that remarkable things can be
accomplished when people’s inner Great Love is
awakened and put into action.
It all begins with a seed—one person with Great
Love. The Master reminds us that each of us can be
that seed.

Cultural Mission • 69

Directory of Tzu Chi Offices


Main Office Tel: 55-11-55394091

Tel: 886-3-8266779/80 Fax: 55-11-55391683

Fax: 886-3-8267776
Tzu Chi Humanitarian Tel/Fax: 673-3340850
Tel: 886-2-28989000 CANADA
Fax: 886-2-28989977 Edmonton

Tel/Fax: 1-780-4639788
Tel/Fax: 54-11-48661440 Montreal
Fax: 1-514-8442079
Brisbane Toronto
Tel: 61-7-32727938 Tel: 1-905-9471182
Fax: 61-7-32727283 Fax: 1-905-9474655

Gold Coast Vancouver

Tel: 61-7-55717706 Tel: 1-604-2667699
Fax: 61-7-55717703 Fax: 1-604-2667659


Tel: 61-3-98971667 Tel: 1-809-5300972
Fax: 61-3-98974288

Perth Tel: 1-503-22757616

Tel/Fax: 61-8-92278228 Fax: 1-503-22757615

Tel: 61-2-98747666 Tel: 33-1-64663356
Fax: 61-2-98747611 Fax: 33-1-64772690

70 Directory
• Directory
Tel: 49-40-56195828 Tel: 60-6-2810818
Fax: 49-40-4112673 Fax: 60-2-2812796


Tel: 44-208-5568111 Tel: 60-4-2281013
Fax: 44-208-5569333 Fax: 60-4-2261013

Tel: 502-22327648 Tel/Fax: 60-4-7339620
Fax: 502-23675872


Tel: 852-28937166 Tijuana
Fax: 852-28937478 Tel/Fax: 1-619-4263228

Tel: 62-21-6016332 Tel: 1-760-7688998
Fax: 62-21-6016334 Fax: 1-760-7686631

Tel: 81-3-32035651 Tel: 31-629-577511
Fax: 81-3-32035674
JORDAN Tel: 64-9-2716976
Tel/Fax: 962-6-5817305 Fax: 64-9-2724639
Tel: 266-22327025 Tel: 595-21-221621
Fax: 266-22321877 Fax: 595-21-310588
Tel: 60-5-2551013 Tel: 63-2-7142288
Fax: 60-5-2421013 Fax: 63-2-7141188

Kuala Lumpur SINGAPORE

Tel: 60-3-78809048 Tel: 65-65829958
Fax: 60-3-78808158 Fax: 65-65829952

• 71 65


Cape Town Tel: 1-512-4910358
Tel: 27-21-9137082 Fax: 1-512-9261373
Fax: 27-21-9137507
Durban Tel: 1-617-7620569
Tel: 27-31-7009476

Fax: 1-617-7620568
Fax: 27-31-7009477
Johannesburg Tel: 1-562-9266609
Tel: 27-11-7826830 Fax: 1-562-9267669
Fax: 27-11-7821261
Ladysmith Tel: 1-630-9636601

Tel: 27-36-6310750 Fax: 1-630-9609360

Fax: 27-36-6312831
THAILAND Tel/Fax: 1-216-4311212
Tel: 66-2-6421888
Fax: 66-2-6421890 Columbus
Tel: 1-614-457-9215
TURKEY Fax: 1-614-457-9217

Tel: 90-212-6609825
Fax: 90-212-6609683 Dallas
Tel: 1-972-6808869
UNITED STATES Fax: 1-972-6807732
Headquarters: San Dimas
Tel: 1-909-4477799 Detroit
Fax: 1-909-4477948 Tel/Fax: 1-248-6892019


Tel: 1-817-2612029 Tel: 1-808-7378885
Fax: 1-817-2771592 Fax: 1-808-7378889

Atlanta Indianapolis
Tel: 1-770-9868669 Tel: 1-317-6633244
Fax: 1-770-9867466 Fax: 1-317-6633261

72 Directory
66 • Directory
Kansas Pittsburgh
Tel: 1-913-6311069 Tel: 1-412-5318343
Fax: 1-913-7584225 Fax: 1-412-5318341

Long Island San Diego

Tel: 1-516-8736888 Tel: 1-858-5460578
Fax: 1-516-7460626 Fax: 1-858-5460573

San Francisco
Madison Tel: 1-415-6820566
Tel: 1-608-2687692 Fax: 1-415-6820567
Miami Savannah, Georgia
Tel: 1-954-8304370 Tel: 1-912-5988006
Fax: 1-317-6459907 Fax: 1-912-5988002

New Jersey West L.A.

Tel: 1-973-8578666 Tel: 1-310-4735188
Fax: 1-973-8579555 Fax: 1-310-4779518

New York
Tel: 1-425-8227678
Tel: 1-718-4604590 Fax: 1-425-8226169
Fax: 1-718-4602068
St. Louis
San Jose Tel: 1-636-2965522
Tel: 1-408-4576969 Fax: 1-314-5763669
Fax: 1-408-9438420
Northwest L.A. Tel: 1-713-9818966
Tel: 1-818-7277689 Fax: 1-713-9819008
Fax: 1-818-7279272
Washington DC
Orlando Tel: 1-703-7078606
Tel/Fax: 1-407-2921146 Fax: 1-703-7078607

Tel: 1-480-8386556 Tel: 84-8-8475061
Fax: 1-480-7777665 Fax: 84-8-8452585

• 73 67
To better the world, we must begin by
transforming the hearts and minds of
humanity. When the goodness in every
human being is awakened, world peace shall
be possible.

- Dharma Master Cheng Yen

Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation

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