PBL 2 Neuro

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Hemiparesis alternans: paralysis or weakness of the arm muscles and limbs

of the contralateral side to lesions in the brainstem and ipsilateral

brain-mediated muscle paralysis, following paralysis of the muscles
innervated by the nerves located below the lesion on the contralateral side

Typica hemiparese weakness of the limbs in tandem with cranial nerve

weakness. Hemiparese tipica is a hemiparesis that occurs on the
contralateral side of the cranial nerve and the ipsilateral side of its

None 1 = Even to supra-orbital pressure
To pain 2 = Pain from sternum/limb/supra-orbital pressure
To speech 3 = Non-specific response, not necessarily to command
Spontaneous 4 = Eyes open, not necessarily aware

None 1 = To any pain; limbs remain flaccid
Extension 2 = Shoulder adducted and shoulder and forearm internally rotated
Flexor response 3 = Withdrawal response or assumption of hemiplegic posture
Withdrawal 4 = Arm withdraws to pain, shoulder abducts
Localizes pain 5 = Arm attempts to remove supra-orbital/chest pressure
Obeys commands 6 = Follows simple commands

None 1 = No verbalization of any type
Incomprehensible 2 = Moans/groans, no speech
Inappropri ate 3 = Intelligible, no sustained sentences
Confused 4 = Converses but confused, disoriented
Oriented 5 = Converses and oriented

Radiology to calculate the volume of bleeding and extent of bleeding. On

the CT brain scan results are experienced. Bleeding selected slices that
are located in the center Bleeding (the most widespread slice of bleeding).
For intraparensimal bleeding then on the slice This measured the maximum
length of the alleged image As bleeding and defined as Variable.
While its maximum width is defined as variable B. C is Its depth,
where C is derived from the sum Slice that contained the blood image
multiplied by The distance between the slices at the time of image capture
by CT Scan. To know the extent of bleeding in the slice Then variable A is
multiplied by variable B. As for the calculation of volume, results
Multiplication between A and B multiplied by C. For Get volume in cm3 then
result The end of the multiplication is divided 2. To calculate Wide
bleeding on each slice Used the formula:

L= A X B

L = Area of bleeding (cm)
A = Length (cm)
B = Width (cm

While to calculate the volume Bleeding, the first thing to do is search

Slice that has the largest bleeding area and Defined as L max. The equation
Used to calculate the volume of bleeding
V= Lmax X C/2

v = Volume
Lmax = Bigest bleeding area
C = Height of bleeding

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