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Reinforced Concrete Element


LB3 Civil Engineering ITS

Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya

Last Edited 2014

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Torsion when encountered in reinforced concrete members, usually

occurs in combination with flexure and transverse shear. Torsion in its
"pure" form (generally associated with metal shafts) is rarely
encountered in reinforced concrete.
The interactive behaviour of torsion with bending moment and
flexural shear in reinforced concrete beams is fairly complex, owing to
the non-homogeneous, nonlinear and composite nature of the material
and the presence of cracks.
For convenience in design, codes prescribe highly simplified design
procedures, which reflect a judicious blend of theoretical
considerations and experimental results.

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Equilibrium and Compatibility Tosion

In equilibrium torsion, the torsion is induced by an eccentric loading
(with respect to the shear centre at any cross-section), and equilibrium
conditions alone suffice in determining the twisting moments.
In compatibility torsion, the torsion is induced by the need for the
member to undergo an angle of twist to maintain deformation
compatibility, and the resulting twisting moment depends on the
torsional stiffness of the member.

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Equilibrium Torsion
This is associated with twisting moments that are developed in a
structural member to maintain static equilibrium with the external
loads, and are independent of the torsional stiffness of the member.

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Compatibility Torsion
This is the name given to the type of torsion induced in a structural
member by rotations (twists) applied at one or more points along the
length of the member. The twisting moments induced are directly
dependent on the torsional stiffness of the member. These moments
are generally statically indeterminate and their analysis necessarily
involves (rotational) compatibility conditions; hence the name
"compatibility torsion".

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Thin Wall Tube Space Struss Analogy
The design of reinforced concrete members for torsion is based on a
thin-walled tube space truss analogy in which the inside or core
concrete of the members is neglected. After torsion has caused a
member to crack, its resistance to torsion is provided almost entirely
by the closed stirrups and the longitudinal reinforcing located near the
member surface. Once cracking occurs, the concrete is assumed to
have negligible torsional strength left. (This is not the case in shear
design, where the concrete is assumed to carry the same amount of
shear as it did before cracking.)

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Figure: thin wall tube analogy
T = 2Ao q = 2Ao t
Rearanging the equation
q = t =
is shear stress, assumed uniform across wall thickness,
Ao area enclosed within the tube centre line.
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figure: space truss analogy

When a concrete beam is subjectedp to a torsional moment causing

principal tension larger than 0.33 fc0 , diagonal cracks is assumed to
occur spiraly around the beam. After cracking, the tube is idealized as
a space truss as shown in Figure above. In this truss, diagonal
members are inclined at an angle . Note that this angle is not
necessarily 45 .

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A basic concept for structural concrete design is that concrete is strong
in compression, while steel is strong in tension. Therefore, in the truss
analogy, truss members that are in tension consist of steel
reinforcement or tension ties.
Truss diagonals and other members that are in compression consist of
concrete compression struts. Forces in the truss members can be
determined from equilibrium conditions. These forces are used to
proportion and detail the reinforcement.

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Figure: wall cracked

Figure above depicts a free body extracted from the front vertical wall
of the truss of Figure above. Shear force V2 is equal to the shear flow q
(force per unit length) times the height of the wall y0 .
Stirrups are designed to yield when the maximum torque is reached.
The number of stirrups intersected is a function of the stirrup spacing s
and the horizontal projection y0 cot of the inclined surface.

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From vertical equilibrium:

At fyv
V2 = cot
As the shear flow (force per unit length) is constant over the height of
the wall,
V2 = qy0 = yo
Substituting for V2 then

2Ao At fyv
T= cot

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A free body diagram for horizontal equilibrium is shown in Figure
above. The vertical shear force Vi in wall "i" is equal to the product of
the shear flow q times the length of the wall yi . Vector Vi can be
resolved into two components: a diagonal component Di with an
inclination equal to the angle of the truss diagonals, and a horizontal
component equal to:
Ni = Vi cot
Force Ni is centered at the midheight of the wall since q is constant
along the side of the element. Top and bottom chords of the free body
(as figure above) are subject to a force Ni /2 each.

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Internally, it is assumed that the longitudinal steel yields when the
maximum torque is reached. Summing the internal and external forces
in the chords of all the space truss walls results in:

Ali fyl = Al fyl = Ni

= Vi cot = qyi cot
= yi cot = cot yi
2Ao 2A0
Where: Al fyl is the yield force in all longutudinal reinforcement
required for torsion.
Rearanging the equation we get:

2Ao Al fyl
2(x0 + y0 ) cot

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Critical Torsion
Torsion can be neglected if the factored torque Tu is less than 41 Tcr ,
where Tcr is the cracking torque.
The cracking
p torque corresponds to a principal tensile stress of
0.33 fc0 .
Prior to cracking, thickness of the tube wall "t" and the area enclosed
by the wall centerline "Ao " are related to the uncracked section
geometry based on the following assumptions:

3Acp 2Acp
t= and Ao =
4Pcp 3

Acp is area enclosed by outside perimeter of concrete cross section,
including the void of hollow cross section.
Pcp is outside perimeter of concrete cross section.
Ao is area within center line of the thin wall tube.
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In a nonprestressed beam loaded with torsion alone, the principal
tensile stress is equal to the torsional shear stress, = . Thus,
p 2Ao t
cracking occurs when reaches 0.33 fc0 , giving the cracking torque
Tcr as: !
p A2cp
Tcr = 0.33 fc0

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Torsional Moment Strength
The design torsional strength should be equal to or greater than the
required torsional strength :

Tn Tu

The nominal torsional moment strength in terms of stirrup yield

strength was derived above.

2Ao Al fyl
2(x0 + y0 ) cot

Ao = 0.85Aoh (this is an assumption for simplicity).

Aoh = area enclosed by centerline of the outermost closed transverse
torsional reinforcement.
= angle of compression diagonal, ranges between 30 and 60 deg. It
is suggested in SNI to use 45 deg for nonprestressed
members and 37.5 deg for prestressed member.
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Defintion of Aoh

The area Aoh is shown in Figure for various cross sections. In an I-, T-,
or L-shaped section, Aoh is taken as that area enclosed by the outermost
legs of interlocking stirrups as shown in Figure. The expression for Ao
given by other expert may be used if greater accuracy is desired.

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Torsional Moment Strength
The size of a cross section is limited for two reasons: first, to reduce
unsightly cracking, and second, to prevent crushing of the surface
concrete due to inclined compressive stresses due to shear and torsion.
The two terms on the left-hand side are the shear stresses due to shear
and torsion. The sum of these stresses
p may not exceed the stress
causing shear cracking plus 0.66 fc0 .
For Solid Section:
u !2
u V 2 Tu Ph


u p
t + + 0.66 fc 11 18
bw d 1.7A2oh bw d

For Hollow Section:

Vu Tu Ph Vc p
+ + 0.66 fc0 11 19
bw d 1.7A2oh bw d

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Minimum Reinforcement
In general, to ensure ductility of reinforced and prestressed concrete
members, minimum reinforcement is specified for flexure (SNI/ACI
10.3) and for shear (SNI/ACI 11.5.5). Similarly, minimum transverse
and longitudinal reinforcement is specified in SNI/ACI 11.5.5
whenever Tu > 14 Tcr . Usually, a member subject to torsion will also be
simultaneously subjected to shear. The minimum area of stirrups for
shear and torsion is computed from :
p bw s bw s
(Av + 2At ) = 0.062 fc0 0.35 11 23
fyt fyt

minimum total area of longitudinal torsional reinforcement

0.42 fc0 Acp At fyt At bw
Al,min = Ph , but 0.175 11 24
fy s fy s fyt

The spacing of transverse torsion reinforcement shall not exceed the

smaller of Ph /8 or 300 mm.
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Design of web reinforcement for combine Torsion and Shear in a
T-Beam Section. T-Beam Section has geometrical dimensions shown in
Figure below.
A factored external shear force acts at he critical section, having a
value Vu = 180 kN. It is subjected to the following torques :
(a). Equilibrium factored external torsional moment Tu = 51.4 kN-m.
(b). Compatibility factored Tu = 7.3 kN-m.
(c). Compatibility factored Tu = 29.9 kN-m
304.8 mm

Bending reinforcement :
As = 2190 mm2
fc0 = 27.6 MPa.
h = 635 mm
fy = 414 MPa.
Design the web reinforcement
needed for this section.
355.6 mm

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(a). Equilibrium Torsion :
Step 1 - Factored torsional moment.
Assume that the flanges are not confined with ties. Given equilirium
torsional moment = 51.5 kN-m. The total torsional moment mus be
provided in the design.
Calculate required Tn , Acp and Pcp :
Tu 51.5
Tn = = = 68.67 kN-m.
Acp = bw h = 355.6 635 = 225806 mm2 .
Pcp = 2(Xo + Yo ) = 2(355.6 + 635) = 1981.2 mm
If the flanges were confined with closed ties.
Acp = bw h + 2(tf bf ) = 355.6 635 + 2(101.6 304.8) = 287741.4mm2 .
Pcp = 2(bw + h) + 2(tf + bf ) = 2(355.6 + 635) + 2(101.6 + 304.8) = 2794
Torsional moment for which torsion can be neglected is :

fc0 A2cp
27.6 287741.42
Tcr = = 0.75 = 8.45 kN-m.
12 Pcp 12 2794
Hence design for full torsion.
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Step 2. Sectional Properties.
Ao = 0.85Aoh , where Aoh is the area enclosed by the center line of the
outermost closed stirrups. Assuming 38.1 mm clear cover and 12.7
mm stirrups.
x1 = 355.6 2(38.1 + 6.35) = 266.7 mm
y1 = 635 2(38.1 + 6.35) = 546.1 mm
Aoh = 266.7 546.1 = 145644.87 mm2
Ao = 0.85 266.7 546.1 = 123798.14 mm2
d = 635(38.1 + 12.7 + 6.35) = 577.85 mm
Ph = 2(x1 + y1) = 2(266.7 + 546.1) = 1625.6 mm
Use = 45 , cot = 1.0

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Step 3. Check adequacy of section.
For the section to be adequate. It should satisfy :
u !2
u V 2 T P


u u h p
t + + 0.66 fc 11 18
bw d 1.7A2oh bw d

1p 0 1
Vc = f c bw d = 27.6 355.6 577.85 = 179.920 kN.
v 6 6
u Vu 2
T u P h
t + =
bw d 1.7A2oh
2  2
51.4(106 ) 1625.6

+ = 2.48 MPa.
355.6 577.85 1.7 145644.872

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Vc p
+ 0.66 fc = 0.75 + 0.66 27.6 = 3.25 MPa.
bw d 355.6 577.85
u !2
u V 2 Tu Ph


u p
t + + 0.66 fc
bw d 1.7A2oh bw d
2.48 MPa 3.25 MPa , section adequate

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Step 4. Torsional Reinforcement
At Tn 68666667
= = = 0.669 mm2 /mm/one leg.
s 2Ao fyt cot 2 123798 414 1
Step 4.pShear Reinforcement

Vc = 2 fc0 bw d = 2 27.6 355.6 577.85 = 179.92 kN
Vu 180
Vn = = = 240 kN.
Vn > Vc , section need reinforcement(stirrup).
Vs = Vn Vc = 240 179.92 = 60.079 kN.
Av Vs 60079
= = = 0.252 mm2 /mm/two leg.
s fyt d 414 577.85
Avt 2At Av
= + = 2(0.669) + 0.252 = 1.59 mm2 /mm/two legs.
s s s
Try 10 mm closed stirrups. Area of two legs = 157.08 mm2 .
s= = 98.79 mm. Use s = 90 mm
Maximum allowable spacing smax = smaller of Ph /8 or 300 mm, where
Ph = 2(x1 + y1 ) = 1625.6 mm. So that Ph /8 = 203 mm > 90 mm.
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Step 5. Control Minimum Reinforcement
p bw s bw s
(Av + 2At ) = 0.062 fc0 0.35 11 23
fyt fyt
0.35bw s 0.35 355.6 90
Avt,min = = = 27.056
fyt 414
Avt > Avt,min Ok.
Step 6. Longitudinal Reinforcement.

At fyt
Al = Ph cot2
s fy
Al = 0.669 1625.6 (1.0) = 1085 mm2
Minimum longitudinal reinforcement.
0.42 fc0 Acp At fyt
Al,min = Ph 11 24
fy s fy

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0.42 27.6 225806 414
Al,min = 0.669 1625.6 = 106.402 mm2
414 414
At bw
s fyt
At 355.6
= 0.175 = 0.15 < 0.669 mm2 /mm/one leg. Ok.
s 414
Assume 1/4 Al goes to top corners and 1/4 Al goes to the bottom of
the stirrups to be added to the flexural bars. The balance, 1/2 Al ,
would thus be distributed equally on the vertical faces of the beam
web cross section at a spacing not to exceed 300 mm c-c.
A 1085
As = l + As = + 2190 = 2462 mm2
4 4
Use 5-D25 longitudinal bars, As = 2454 mm2 at the bottom, 2-D16 at
the top corners of the stirrups, As = 402 mm2 , and 2-D16 at vertical
face of the web.

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2D16 Top

2D16 side 2D16 side

5D25 Bottom

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Home Work

Solve the problem 15.15 and 15.16 of McCormacs book.

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