RCE Shear Design

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Reinforced Concrete Element

Shear and Diagonal Tension

LB3 Civil Engineering ITS

Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya

Last Edited 2014

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The objective of todays reinforced concrete designer is to produce

ductile members that provide warning of impending failure. To
achieve this goal, the code provides design shear values that have
larger safety factors against shear failures than do those provided for
bending failures.
Shear failures occur suddenly with little or no advance warning.
Therefore, beams are designed to fail in bending under loads that are
appreciably smaller than those that would cause shear failures. As a
result, those members will fail ductilely. They may crack and sag a
great deal if overloaded, but they will not fall apart, as they might if
shear failures were possible.

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Crack Category and Failure Modes
Three modes of failure of reinforced concrete structures:
1. Flexural Failure.
2. Diagonal Tension (web shear) Failure.
3. Shear Compression Failure.

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1. Flexural Failure.

Cracks are mainly vertical in the middle third of the beam span and
perpendicular to the lines of principal stress. These cracks result from
a very small shear stress v and a dominant flexural stress f . A few very
fine vertical cracks start to develop in the mid-span area at about 50%
if the failure load in flexure. As the external loads increases, additional
cracks develop in the central region of the span, and the initial cracks
widen and extend deeper toward the neutral axis and beyond.

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2. Diagonal Tension (Web Shear) Failure.

This failure precipitates if the strength of the beam in diagonal tension

is lower than its strength in flexure. The shear span/depth ratio is
intermediate magnitude, with ratio a/d varying between 2.5 and 5.5.
Cracking starts with the development of a few fine vertical flexural
cracks at midspan. Followed by the destruction of the bond between
the reinforcing steel and the surrounding concrete at the support. As
they stabilized, one of the diagonal cracks widen into a principal
diagonal tension crack and extends to the top compression.

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3. Shear Compression Failures.

Occur on beams with small shear span/depth ratio a/d, of magnitude

1 to 2.5 for the case of concentrated loading and less than 5.0 for
distributed . Loading. A few fine flexural cracks start to develop at
mid-span and stop propagating as destruction of the bond occurs
between the longitudinal bars and the surrounding concrete at the
support region. An inclined crack steeper than in diagonal tension case
suddenly develops and proceeds to propagate toward the neutral axis.
The rate of its progress is reduced with crushing of the concrete in the
top compression fibers and a redistribution of stress in top region.
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Shear Reinforcement Main Function

Basically the shear reinforcement has four main function :

1. Carries a portion of external factored shear force Vn .
2. Restricts the growth of the diagonal cracks.
3. Holds the longitudinal main reinforcing bars in place so that they
can provide dowel capacity needed to carry the flexural load.
4. Provide some confinement on the concrete in the compression
zone if the stirrups are in the form of closed ties.

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Web Steel Truss Planar Analogy

(a) Failure Patern (b) Concrete simulated Strut.

(c) Planar Truss Analogy

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Web Concrete Resistance

Since 1963, from many laboratory test. Code accept the relation ship:
Vu d p
Vc = 0.16 fc + 17w bw d 0.29 fc0 bw d 11.5(

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Web Steel Resistance

If Vc , the nominal shear resistance of the plain web concrete, is less

than the nominal total vertical shearing force Vu / = Vn , web
reinforcement has to be provided to carry the difference in the two
values; hence :
Vs = Vn Vc
The nominal resisting shear Vc can be calculated from Eq. 11.5 (SNI, and Vs can be determined from equilibrium analysis of the
bar forces in the analogous triangular truss cell (from figure.c).

Vc = Ts sin = Cc sin

Ts is the force resultant of all web stirrups, n is number of spaccing s. If

s1 = ns is the bottom tension chord.

s1 = jd(cot + cot )

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Assuming than moment arm jd d, stirrup for per unit length:
Ts Ts Vs 1
= =
s1 ns sin d(cot + cot )
if Av is area of one incline stirrup.

Ts = nAv fyt

where fyt is yield strength of transverse reinforcement.

Vs ns
nAv =
d sin (cot + cot )fyt

Assumed diagonal compression angle = 45 , equation become:

Av fyt d
Vs = [sin (1 + cot )]
Av fyt d
Vs = (sin + cos )
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If vertical stirrups are used, angle = 90 , giving

Av fyt d
Vs =
Av fy d Av fyt d
s= =
(Vu /) Vc Vu Vc

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Limitation of size and spacing of stirrups

In order for every potential diagonal crack to be resisted by a vertical

stirrups , maximum spacing limitations are to be applied as follows for
vertical stirrups:
1. Vn Vc > 13 fc0 bw d : smax = d/4 300 mm.

2. Vn Vc 13 fc0 bw d : smax = d/2 600 mm.


3. Vn Vc 23 fc0 bw d : enlarge section.


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SNI/ACI Shear strength provided by concrete - For members subject to shear and flexure only,

Vc = 0.17 fc0 bw d 11 3 - For members subject to axial compression,

Nu p
Vc = 0.17 1 + fc0 bw d 11 4
14Ag - For members subject to shear and flexure only (detail),

Vu d p
Vc = 0.16 fc + 17w bw d 0.29 fc0 bw d 11 5

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Critical Sections For Shear Design

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Design Procedures for Shear
Design of cross section subjected to shear shall be based on:
Vn Vu
where Vu the factored shear force at the section,
Vn - the nominal shear strenght,
Vn = Vc + Vs
Vc - the nominal shear strenght provided by concrete,
Vs - the nominal shear strenght provided by shear reinforcement
Av fyt d
Vs =
s p
Vc = 0.17 fc0 bw d or
Vu d p Vu d
Vc = 0.16 fc + 17w bw d 0.29 fc0 bw d, and 1
Mu Mu
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Shear conditions and cases

Vs = Vu / Vc > 32 fc0 bw d, = enlarge section.

Vu 21 Vc , = No shear reinforcement is required.
2 Vc < Vu < Vc , = Minimum shear reinforcement required.
Vc < Vu < (Vc + Vs,min ) = minimum shear reinforcement,
smax d/2 or 600mm. Vs,min = 16 fc bw d
(Vc + Vs,min ) < Vu < (Vc +p Vs0 ) = stirrup are required,
smax d/2 or 600mm. Vs0 = 13 fc0 bw d.
(Vc + Vs0 ) < Vu < (Vc + Vs,max ) = stirrup are required,
smax d/4 or 300mm.
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The Figure shows the elevation and cross section of a simply

supported T-beam. This beam supports a uniformly distributed
service (unfactored) dead load of 20 kN/m, including its own weight,
and a uniformly distributed service live load of 24 kN/m. Design
vertical stirrups for this beam. The concrete strength is 25 MPa, the
yield strength of the flexural reinforcement is 420 MPa,and the yield
strength of the stirrups is 300 MPa.

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Critical section at d = 610 mm from
the face of support.
Vu at d = 610 mm.
416 64 y
= y = 309 kN.
5 5 0.61
Vn = = y + 64 = 309 + 64 = 373

1 p 1
Vc = fc0 bw d = 1 25 300 610 103 = 152.5 kN.
6 6
Check for section dimensions:
Vs = Vn Vc = 373 152.5 = 220.5 kN.
2p 0 2
Vs,max = fc bw d = 25300610 103 = 610 kN. > Vs
3 3
section is large enough.

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Find the maximum stirrups spacing:
1p 0 d
If Vs < Vs0 = f bw d then smax or smax 600 mm.
3 c 2
1p 0 1
Vs0 = fc bw d = 25 300 610 103 = 305 kN. > Vs
3 3
d 610
smax = 600 mm, or smax = = 305 control.
2 2
Try minimum shear reinforcement:
1 p 0 bw s 1 bw s
Av,min = fc but not less than Av,min = control.
16 fyt 3 fyt
Use double-leg stirrups 10 mm, Av = 2 78.5 = 157.1 mm2 .
3Av fyt 3 157.1 300
s= = = 471.4 mm.> smax = 305, take
bw 300
s = smax = 305 mm.
Av fyt d 157.1 300 610
Vs,210 = = 103 = 94.26 kN. < Vs n.g
305 305
Minimum shear reinforcement is not enough.

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Compute the stirrups spacing required to resist the shear forces:
Av Vs Av fyt d 157.1 300 610
= s= = = 130.4 mm.
s fyt d Vs 220.5 103
Take double-leg stirrups 10@125 mm. < smax = 305 mm.
to s1 = 2s 
Changing "s"  = 250 mm for other region.
Av Vs Vu Av fyt d
= = = + Vc
s fyt d fyt d s

Vu 157.1 300 610

= + 152.5 = 267.5 kN.
416 64 267.5 64
= x = 2.1 m.
5 5x

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Home Work

Solve Problem 8.24 and 8.25 of Jack C. McCormacs book.

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