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October 2008

SAP BI concepts, technology, and best practices Volume 6 | Number 9

Balance-Sheet and Cash-Flow

Planning with SAP NetWeaver BI
by Rajasekhar Gummapadu, Manager, Deloitte Consulting LLP
Balance-sheet and cash-flow planning helps you get your cash picture under control. Learn how to
How to Create a
design a solid, flexible SAP NetWeaver BI data model for balance-sheet planning. Examine the five key
steps required to create balance-sheet planning and cash-flow planning.
10 Generic Retractor
in Integrated Planning

Although global and larger organizations are >> Key Concept Quick Tip

interested in knowing their consolidated short-
Balance-sheet and cash-flow planning Avoid the SID Generation
term and long-term cash positions (based on
using SAP NetWeaver BI Integrated Error While Activating
their operational income statement and capital
Planning enable you to look to your Data in a DSO
planning), its even more important for SAP
NetWeaver BI planning resources to know companys financial future, such as key SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0

financial ratios, accounts payable,
these positions. They need to understand how Improve Query
accounts receivable, sales projections
to implement balance-sheet and cash-flow Performance and
and costs, future earnings, and short-
planning by using SAP NetWeaver BI func- Visibility with BI Statistics
tionality. The main objective of building the term and long-term cash positions.
balance-sheet planning application is to gener- These financial projections arent just
ate a long-term cash-flow plan. You can use for global organizations anymore.
SAP NetWeaver BI Integrated Planning to
implement a global, integrated planning solu-
tion for balance-sheet and cash-flow planning.

Its common to implement income statement planning to monitor operational efficiency and to
project an organizations future earnings. However, in todays global and more competitive
business environment, you also need to know the effect that this operational plan will have on
future balance sheet items and cash flow.

Why would you want to implement balance-sheet and cash-flow planning? For any of a variety
of reasons including: projecting your key financial ratios; estimating your accounts payable and
accounts receivable positions based on sales projections and cost of sales; estimating the inter- search
the online knowledgebase
est income and expenses for the planning period and seeing how they will affect your future
earnings; determining the cash-flow structure to verify the organizations borrowing and paying or

capability; effectively managing your cash; maximizing the returns on your short-term cash
investments; and effectively managing your balance sheet.

These benefits arent free, however. You must meet some business and technical challenges to
achieve this implementation. The biggest challenge is simulating the double-entry system in the

>>continued on page 4
>>continued from cover
planning solution. Transaction processing Use the navigational attributes of reporting flow planning. This item holds the master
in SAP Financial Accounting (FI) and instead of including the InfoObjects in an data for all of the different cash-flow
SAP Strategic Enterprise Management InfoProvider (for example, region details) categories.
Business Consolidation (SAP SEM-BCS)
uses the double-entry method when Include the balance-sheet and cash-flow Planning rates (ZFP_RATE): This is the
posting journal entries. Income statement planning InfoProvider in SAP SEM- key figure that is used to maintain such
planning uses the single-entry concept. BCS to give you multi-provider real- planning rates as interest rates, swap rates,
For example, to increase the expense time reporting with actual data and account determination multipliers
amount, you adjust the amount for any Partition the balance-sheet and cash- In addition to these custom objects, the fol-
expense account without specifying flow planning InfoProvider for faster lowing InfoObjects can be helpful:
whether to pay that expense increase in performance in the planning application. ZPLANYEAR provides the capability to
cash or credit.
plan multiple years; ZROUND lets you
To achieve the functionality you need, you
Another challenge is creating an iterative create scenario capability; and 0VERSION
must create a real-time InfoProvider to
balancing functionality to calculate the enables you to keep track of budget, fore-
host the data for balance-sheet-planning
balance sheet assets and liabilities. Like cast, and prior forecast data.
and cash-flow planning. Depending on
account determination rules that handle your requirements, you might also need to
the double-entry system for credit transac- create some custom InfoObjects, such as The Five Key Steps
tions, cash balancing evens out the assets ZFP_BSML and ZCS_ITEM. Since Now that youre aware of the data model,
and liabilities and then posts the differ- these objects wont be available in the I will go over the five key steps required
ence to the cash account, assuming that all source systems, you must maintain master to create balance-sheet planning and cash-
other transactions are cash. data for them in the SAP NetWeaver BI flow planning:
Other challenges include the assumptions system. The following points further
explain the custom objects used in the Step 1. Integration with SAP SEM-BCS.
used to calculate accounts payable and
model: This step extracts the opening balances for
accounts receivable, a complex payment
SAP SEM-BCS. First, you need to deter-
structure for the interest payment on each Balance sheet manual line items (ZFP_ mine the integration existing between the
debt instrument, and the establishment of BSML): In balance-sheet planning, you balance-sheet planning application and SAP
other calculations, such as interest, divi- need to plan one level below the con- SEM-BCS to get your opening balances. I
dends, and re-classifying short-term solidated item (0CS_ITEM) so you can recommend that you physically move your
payments on long-term debt to current set up multiple lines for each account opening balances to the balance-sheet and
cash-flow planning InfoProvider because
Reference consolidated item (ZCS_
you use them extensively in the functions
The Data Model ITEM): This InfoObject establishes the
that help you enhance performance. To do
account determination rules that map
Since no robust standard content is avail- this, you create a simple copy-planning
income statement accounts to balance
able for balance-sheet and cash-flow function in the Planning Modeler of SAP
sheet accounts
planning, its important to design a solid, NetWeaver BI Integrated Planning.
flexible, SAP NetWeaver BI data model Timing fiscal year/period (ZFP_
for balance-sheet planning. Here are some CTFIP): This is the InfoObject that is Step 2. Account determination rules.
things for you to consider while designing the reference for the fiscal year/period This step finalizes the account determina-
the data model: (0FISCPER). You use it to establish tion rules that map the balance sheet
timing rules for paying accrued interest accounts to the profit and loss accounts. It
Align the data model with the SAP on departmental instruments. also sets up the planning function that cal-
SEM-BCS data model for real-time culates the balance sheet amounts to
reporting Cash-flow item (ZCASHITEM): Cash- simulate the double-entry system. Using the
flow accounts are the solution for cash- account determination rules, you estimate
Include objects such as version (0BCS_
VERSION) and the reporting value
From account To account Rule January
type (0VTYPE) for flexibility in multi-
501010 201020 0.5
ple scenarios and versions of planning
Table 1 Example of an account determination rule

2008 BI EXPERT Reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

October 2008

Figure 1 Balance sheet rules

the balances for the balance sheet accounts.

DATA FITM TYPE 0CS_ITEM. For example, if the fuel expenses (profit
DATA TITM TYPE ZCS_ITEM. and loss account: 501010) are $10,000 for
DATA XITM TYPE 0CS_ITEM. the month of January, half of it ($5,000) is
DATA YITM TYPE ZCS_ITEM. on credit (credit account: 201020), and the
DATA RATE TYPE F. other half ($5,000) is paid in cash, then
DATA AMT TYPE F. the account determination rule is as shown
DATA RREG TYPE ZREGION. This model uses the Balance Sheet Rules
DATA MADJ TYPE ZFP_BSML. input-ready report, as shown in Figure 1,
DATA RMADJ TYPE ZFP_BSML. to maintain the account determination
DATA SLICE TYPE ZSLICE. rules using the InfoObjects, the consoli-
DATA BSDT TYPE ZFP_BSDT. dated item (0CS_ITEM) as To Account,
DATA RFTM TYPE ZCS_ITEM. the reference item (ZCS_ITEM) as From
Account, and the ZFP_RATE key figure
FOREACH FITM,TITM,MADJ. to partially or fully allocate this amount to
XITM = TITM. one or more balance sheet accounts. These
YITM = FITM. rules map the income statement accounts
RATE = {ZPL_RATE, FITM, TITM, 200000,MADJ,#}. to the balance sheet accounts to create
IF RATE <> 0. the double-entry system in the planning
FOREACH RMADJ, SLICE,BSDT,RFTM IN REFDATA. environment for credit and accrued trans-
AMT = AMT + {0CS_TRN_LC, FITM,RFTM,BSDT,RMADJ,SL actions. Using this methodology, you can
ICE}. also allocate the amounts on one balance
ENDFOR. sheet to another balance sheet account (e.
{0CS_TRN_LC, XITM, YITM, 200000,MADJ,1} = AMT* RATE. g., by reducing the depreciation of the
ENDIF. property, plant, and equipment, and in-
AMT = 0. creasing the depreciation reserve section
RATE = 0. by the same amount).
The planning function in Figure 2 reads
the income statement planning informa-
Figure 2 Code for the planning function
tion to create the balance sheet amounts

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based on the account determination rules. Balance your assets and liabilities and functions for accounts receivable,
You create this planning function using post the difference to cash accounts payable, interest, dividends, or
the formula extension functionality in any other specific calculations that your
SAP NetWeaver BI Integrated Planning. Verify whether your minimum cash organization might want to incorporate
In the example in Table 1, the rule func- requirements are met, and then borrow into its balance sheet planning. The
tion reads the profit and loss account if you have a deficit or move cash to formula extension functionality in SAP
information for account 501010, which is investment accounts if you have an NetWeaver BI Integrated Planning is very
$10,000, and multiplies it by 0.5 from the excess flexible, allowing you to create these
rule number for January. Then, the rule kinds of calculations. Figure 4 shows
Calculate your interest expense for
function posts the calculated amount to sample formula code for the calculation of
additional loans or your interest income
balance sheet account 201020. An the accounts receivable amount based on
on any new investments
example of a posted record is shown in sales and the days-sales-outstanding
Table 2. Calculate your retained earnings and assumptions.
adjust your balance-sheet planning
Step 3. Establish cash balancing. This Step 4. Cash-flow rules layout and cal-
step finalizes the planning calculations for culation function. This step finalizes the
Cash balancing is an iterative process. It
interest, dividends, accounts receivable, cash-flow rules layout and the calculation
needs to run multiple times to equalize the
accounts payable, and the cash-balancing functions. Since generating long-term
assets and liabilities on the balance sheet
functions. The basic accounting rule cash-flow planning is the key reason for
for all the planning periods. For some
for the balance sheet is that assets and using a balance-sheet planning applica-
examples of the formula for retained earn-
liabilities must balance. You can set up tion, cash-flow planning requires going
ings calculation, see Figure 3, which was
transaction systems to perform this bal- through the following stages.
created using the formula extension func-
ancing automatically, but during planning,
tionality in SAP NetWeaver BI Integrated
you have to manually estimate the accrued First, you define the relevant master data
balances based on income statement activ- for ZCASHITEM, including its hierar-
ity, assuming that the activity used cash. In addition to the cash-balancing func- chy. ZCASHITEM plays an important
In other words, you need to balance your tions, you also need to define the role in building cash-flow planning
assets and liabilities and then post the dif-
ference to the cash account.
Account Reference account Amount
For example, in the account determination
201020 501010 5000
rule section, the balance of $5,000 paid in
Table 2 Example of posted record with account determination rules function
cash creates the difference between the
assets and the liabilities on the balance
sheet. When the cash-balancing function DATA CSTM TYPE 0CS_ITEM.
executes, it makes the adjustment in the DATA BSML TYPE ZFP_BSML.
cash account.
However, in most complex organizations
its not that simple because cash balances
have many restrictions. For example, if you SUM={0CS_TRN_LC,CSTM,BSML}.
assume that an organization wants to have a
minimum cash balance of $5 million on IF CSTM >= 0000300000 AND CSTM <= 0000899999.
hand at all times and its cash balance goes
below this amount, you need to borrow SUM1=SUM1+SUM.
from credit lines. Conversely, if the
company accumlates excessive cash beyond
$5 million, then the system should invest ENDFOR.
that cash in high interest-yielding sources.
Cash-balancing involves the following
Figure 3 Example formulas for retained earnings calculations

2008 BI EXPERT Reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

October 2008

because it hosts master data for the cash

DATA CSTM TYPE 0CS_ITEM. items required to present cash flow.
Some examples of cash-flow items are
DATA FYP TYPE 0FISCPER. depreciation net profit, property, plant,
DATA MD TYPE F. and equipment.
DATA DSO TYPE F. After you create all of the relevant cash
DATA BSML TYPE ZFP_BSML. items in master data, you establish the
cash-flow hierarchy, which depicts the
organizations cash-flow structure. Look
at the example of hierarchy with master
FOREACH FYP. data in Figure 5. You can create the hier-
archy using transaction RSH1 (edit
hierarchy initial screen) in SAP
IF PER <> 014. NetWeaver BI.

SUM=0. Next, define the cash-flow rules (Figure

6 on the next page). These rules map the
balance sheet accounts to the cash-flow
IF CSTM >= 0000300000 AND CSTM <= 0000303999. items, establishing a relationship be-
tween the two. Therefore, changes in a
AMT = {0CS_TRN_LC,CSTM,FYP,PC,BSDT,BSML}. particular balance sheet item also repre-
sent the cash effect on the cash-flow
item to which it is mapped. These cash-
ENDIF. flow rules are maintained in the system
using the input-ready report shown in
ENDFOR. Figure 6. This report is created using
DSO = {ZPL_RATE,#,FYP,#,100005,#}.
SAP NetWeaver BI Integrated Planning.
Then, you create the planning function
*MESSAGE W001 (/MSG0) WITH SUM FYP MD. to generate the cash-flow amount. This
cash-flow rules function calculates the
{ZFP_BLNLC,0000121100,FYP,#,#,100010} =((SUM/MD)*DSO*-1).
cash amount. You can use the formula
ENDIF. extension function in SAP NetWeaver
BI Integrated Planning to generate the
ENDFOR. cash flow (Figure 7 on the next page).
Figure Accounts receivable calculation This function calculates the change in
the balance sheet account for a particu-
lar fiscal year period and then posts it to
the cash item to which it is mapped.

Next, you need to build the cash-flow

report to present the cash flow. The
cash-flow report is created using
ZCASHITEM and the cash-flow hierar-
chy in BEx Query Designer (Figure 8
on page 9). You can create various ver-
sions of this report to display the cash
flow by year, month, and quarter.

Step 5. Create an integrated applica-

Figure 5 Cash-flow hierarchy on ZCASHITEM InfoObject
tion. The final step is to create an
>>continued on page 9

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Figure Cash-flow rules





IF RATE <> 0.

IF MADJ <> #.




{0CS_TRN_LC, FITM, CITM, 999997,MADJ,1} = AMT* RATE * -1.

AMT = 0.


RATE = 0.


Figure Cash-flow amount calculation planning function

8 2008 BI EXPERT Reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

October 2008

Figure 8 Cash-flow report

>>continued from page 7

integrated application using the input- Figures 1, 6, and 8, you can use various applications. You can integrate these
ready report-planning functions that I standard Web items such as tab pages, drop- applications with SAP NetWeaver Portal
discussed in the earlier steps. SAP down boxes, and button groups in BEx to provide role-based access to the
NetWeaver BI Integrated Planning has Web Application Designer to create the users. It is very important to consider
two ways of putting together the planning Web-based application following the users requirements and skill sets
application: a Microsoft Excel-based the requirements of your user group before you decide which type of appli-
application using BEx Analyzer, or a and business logic. You use the work- cation (Excel- or Web-based) is right
Web application using the BEx Web book functionality in BEx Analyzer to for your balance-sheet and cash-flow
Application Designer. As you saw in create the Excel-based planning planning system. n

Rajasekhar Gummapadu is an SAP practitioner with more than eight years of cross-functional experience, more than half of which
is focused in SAP implementation. He has strong technology and functional experience with SAP ERP solutions in the area of
Business Planning and Simulation (BPS), SAP NetWeaver BI, SAP NetWeaver BI Integrated Planning, Business Consolidation
(SAP SEM-BCS), Business Planning and Consolidation (SAP BPC) and FI/CO. Raj serves as the functional and technical lead in
the area of financial planning and reporting-related implementations. He has successfully completed multiple implementations as
project manager by using his knowledge to bridge the gaps between the business and IT goals. Raj is a qualified Chartered
Accountant (India) and a Certified Public Accountant (USA). You may contact him via email at

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