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Mistakes Made in


Gathered by Shaykh amad ibn Muammad al-jir

Raman 1433

Translated by Markaz al-Abdilah

1- Abandoning Qiym-ul-Layl in Raman in congregation with
the Muslims and performing it individually in his house because
performing it in congregation in Raman specifically is


2- Not complete alt-ul-Qiym behind the Imm until he

finishes Witr, because with his action he is prohibiting himself
from the reward of praying the whole night.

. .

3- The Imm connecting his recitation of the Qurn in the

obligatory prayers so that he is sure of finishing the Qurn;
likewise, his connecting his recitation outside of alh. This is due
to the absence of evidence for that.


4- The follower carrying the musaf in alt-ul-Layl without a

need for that like correcting the Imm, because with that he
loses many Sunan.
. -5

5- Turning out the lights of the masjid or dimming them, seeking


. .
6- Constantly giving exhortations between alt-ut-Tarwh
except if there is a need that requires a warning against a matter,
then there is no problem. As for doing so after alt-ut-Tarwh
has finished then there is nothing to prohibit that.


7- Raising ones voice with crying and unnatural manners so that

he doesnt fall into riy or disturbing the others praying.

. -8

8- Missing the first jamah of alt-ul-Ish so that one can

catch alt-ut-Tarwh in another masjid.


9- Giving more importance to alt-ut-Tarwh than the

obligatory prayers, and not being concerned on performing the
obligatory prayers in congregation.

10- Establishing alt-ut-Tarwh in congregation in the masjids

before the announcement of the entrance of the month because
the Sunnah of praying alt-ul-Qiym in congregation is specific
to Raman.

" : -11
. ."
11- Pursuing certain masjids due to the adth: A man should
pray in the masjid that is close to him and do not pursue certain
masjids . Graded a by al-Albn.

. :

12- Taking photos of alt-ul-Qiym to show the alh of the

Imm, his du, his crying and the abundance of people behind
him. From the corrupt matters contained in this are: busying
those praying with this and opening the door of riy (showing
off) and seeking fame.


13- Using speakers that produce an echo in alh because this

brings with it the addition of one or more letters in the Qurn,
and this is prohibited.


14- Some of the followers intentionality not entering alh until

the Imm makes ruk because that is forsaking the standing and
the recitation of al-Ftiah, and he prohibits himself from much

" : -15
. ."
15- Hiring Qurn reciters for alt-ul-Qiym due to the adth:
Recite the Qurn and do not eat because of it. Do not be
excessive in it nor turn away from it. And do not be extreme in
it. And it was Graded a by al-Albn.

. -16

16- Blindly following some of the Imms who are famous for
reciting because in that there is hypocrisy and unnaturalness of

. -17

17- Entering into alt-ut-Tarwh directly after alt-ul-Ish and

leaving the Sunnahs after Ish.
. -18

18- Raising ones vision to the sky during the du.


19- Excess in raising ones hands in du knowing that the

Prophet never did that except in prayer for rain.

. -20

20- Unnatural rhyming in du.

. -21
21- Raising ones voice with du and saying mn and making
musical arrangements and singing it and making it similar to the

. -22

22- Prolonging the du of Qunt.


23- Violation in the words of the du and its meanings, like

being detailed in what one is asking for, using imaginary
expressions or du for destruction against the common non-

.. : -24

24- The statement of some of the followers when saying mn

to the du: aqqan or idqan or Nashhadu..., and this could
invalidate the alh because it is not from the wordings of alh.

. .

25- Performing alt-ul-Witr resembling alt-ul-Maghrib with

two tashahhuds and one taslm because this is prohibited. As for
performing it resembling Maghrib (three rakat) with one
tashahhud and taslm then this is mentioned in the Sunnah.

And all praise is due to Allh the Lord of all creation.

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