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Idioms and phrases

Idioms and phrases form an essential part of any language. They add power, meaning ,crispness
to our everyday expressions, conversations, and writings. It enhance the beauty of language.
Idioms and phrases do not have ornamental value but more than that, they are tools which can
be used to get the desired impact.

So from today I am going to start daily dose of idioms and phrases which will absolutely add
value and power to our expression.

Sr no Idioms and phrases Meaning

1. Cry for the moon Ask for the impossible thing.
2. Be in a tight corner In a very difficult situation.
3. Cock and bull story A hard to believe made up story.
4. Cat and dog life A life full of quarrels or unhappy life.
5. Like a cat on hot bricks Very nervous .

Idioms are usually comprised of very few words but encompassed in them very deep meaning.
So one is when at dearth for words, idioms can easily come to the rescue. We can put forth our
thoughts more effectively and in a impressive manner using them.

Sr no Idioms and phrases Meaning

1. Having a card up your sleeve Have a secret plan in reserve
2. Tell against To prove adverse or to go against
3. Alive and kicking Active and healthy
4. To burn ones fingure To loose on account of foolish behavior
5. To feel at sea To Feel confusion or unsure

Sr Idioms and Meaning

no phrases
1. Behind ones In the absence of
2. To call a spade To calling something as it is
a spade
3. To break the To break the silence

4. To bell the cat A daring action

5. A cat and dog A life full of quarrels
6. A cold fish A person devoid of emotions
7. To cross the To take decisive steps
8. Double Deceiving
9. To die hard Change with very great
10. To eat humble To apologise in humble
pie manner

Sr no Idioms and phrases Meaning

1. To fight a losing battle Struggle without hope of success
2. A deadlock A position when no progress can be made
3. A daredevil A person who doesnt care of any consequences
4. Once in a blue moon Very rarely
5. At a premium Hard to obtain or difficult to get

Sr no Idioms and phrases Meaning

1. To build castle in the air Make imaginary schemes
2. To call someone names To abuse someone
3. To turn the table To reverse the situation
4. To kill two birds with one stone To achieve two results with one effort
5. A snake in the grass A hidden enemy
Sr no Idioms and phrases Meaning
1. Sitting on the fence Hesitate between two decision
2. A burning question An important topic
3. Hard and fast rules Rigid rules
4. To make up ones mind To decide
5. To pull ones leg To tease someone

Sr Idioms and phrases Meaning

1. To plough a lonely To work without help or
furrow support
2. Bring to light Disclose
3. The bottom line The final criteria

4. Rain like cat and dog Heavy rain

5. A hard nut to crack Very difficult problem

Sr no. Idioms and phrases Meaning

1. At the eleventh hours At the last moment
2. To pull a long face To look sad
3. To get better of someone To take advantage of someone
4. Donkeys years A Very long time
5. Pass away To die

Sr. no Idioms and Phrases Meaning

1. Like a fish out of water In a strange situation
2. Smell a rat Something suspect fowl
3. Burn the midnight oil Work or study hard
4. Under his thumb Under his control
5. Read between the lines Understand hidden meanings
Sr no. Idioms and phrases Meaning
1. The long and short The main point
2. Tooth and nail With all ones power
3. Spread like wild fire Spread quickly
4. Hit the nail on the head Do or say exact thing
5. To make pig of oneself To over eat

Sr no Idioms and phrases Meaning

1. Between the devil and deep blue sea Between the two dangers
2. To turn a deaf ear To ignore
3. To play the game To act honestly
4. To die in harness Work until the last day of life
5. Lock, stock, and barrel completely

Sr no. Idioms and phrases Meaning

1. to keep ones finger crossed To hope fervently

2. To rub shoulders To come into close contact

3. To talk through ones hat To talk ignorantly

4. Gain ground Become popular

5. Make off with To run away with Idioms and phrases Meaning

1. In high spirits Very happy
2. A closed shave A narrow escape
3. At arms length To keep At a distance
4. An apple of discord A cause of quarrel
5. Above board Honest and open

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