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Links to Key Competencies:

By being an Active Participator and a Problem-Solver

Links to the Science Curriculum

Properties and Changes of Matter
Observe, describe and compare physical and chemical properties of
common materials and changes that occur when materials are mixed,
heated or cooled.

Room 13 have had a great term of experimenting with colour. Earlier in

the term, we joined together with Room 14 and we looked at a science
experiment involving milk, food colouring and dishwashing liquid. First we
put milk in the bottom of an ice cream container and then we added food
colouring for the 3 primary colours in different corners. As soon as we
added dishwashing liquid in the middle of the container, all of the
children were able to observe the chemical reaction that was taking place
and the ice cream container became a swirling mass of colour. All of the
children were amazed! Great discussions were had and lots of Oooohs
and Aaaahs could be heard!

Our second experiment with Room 14 was the Colour Tasting experiment.
All of the children had to predict what they thought different coloured
liquids were through using their eyes and their smell before they got to
taste the liquid. There was lots of excitement and it was neat to hear all
of the different discussions and predictions for what the children
thought the different liquids might be.

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