Lesson Plan One: A - Wondering at The Creator

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LESSON PLAN ONE A - Wondering at the Creator

Teaching Focus for the Lesson Key Understanding/Learning Point

Wondering at God who created peoples bodies different A1. Wondering at our bodies which are different

A1.1 Expresses wonder at the differences in peoples bodies

Timing Steps of the Lesson Resources

9.00 am Introduction

Students will make their way to the mat promptly ready to start the lesson
The teacher will explain to the students that every human person is in some way different to another
The teacher will ask the students to look at the person next to them, the teacher will ask if the
person they are looking at is different to them
The teacher will explain that although we are all physically different, we also have different abilities
than one another
The teacher will ask the students to turn to the person next to them for a think, pair, share activity
Students will need to discuss in pairs what differences they have from each other, physically and
mentally, the teacher will then ask students to report back what they discussed with their partner to
the whole class

Strategies for Learning and Teaching

9.10 am
The teacher will read the children book Whoever You Are by Mem Fox to the class Whoever You Are by Mem Fox
The teacher will explain that this childrens book shows how different everyone looks and how their
lives may be quite different but inside, they are all alike
The teacher will explain that Whoever You Are urges us to accept our differences, to recognise our
similarities, and most importantly to rejoice in both
The teacher will place the students in groups of three and will provide the students with one set of
Activity Sheets 1-6 per group:
- Physical Appearance
- Sensing Senses
- Different Bodies for Different Ages
- Different Countries Different Races
- Physical Abilities
As a class, students will discuss the wonder questions on the activity sheets
9.30 am The students will then write a wonder poem in the form of a prayer containing their own wonder

9.45 am The teacher will ask the students to bring their wonder poems to the mat with them
The teacher will ask if anyone would like to share their wonder poem with the class

The teacher will explain that we all have wonder questions about our bodies and why they are
different but as we read in Mem Foxs Whoever You Are, we all have the same heart and we were all
created by God

The teacher will collect the students wonder poems to display in the classroom
9.55 am Students will return to their desks and wait quietly for further instructions

Catering for Learner Diversity Evidence of Learning for Assessment and Reporting

Students at educational risk will be seated together at a table so the Collection of the students wonder poems to mark spelling and grammar errors
teacher is able to monitor their work The teacher will also keep an observational checklist that will be used while the students are
Students will vision impairment will be seated at the front of the working, indicating whether the students is understanding the content, showing difficulty and
classroom so they are able to copy the information from the whiteboard other observations
The teacher will wear the mini microphone for students with hearing
impairment General Capabilities

Personal and Social competence
Critical and creative thinking

Religious Capabilities

To search for God and become mystified by God
To trust and become hope-filled by God
To respect all people and become tolerant of others beliefs

Spiritual Capabilities

To wonder and become awe-filled
To relate and become loving

LESSON PLAN TWO B - The Promise of Christian Salvation
Key Understanding/Learning Point
Teaching Focus for the Lesson
The promise of Christian Salvation B2. Jesus draws members of Gods family close to him through the Eucharist
B2.2 Reports how the world would be different if people drew closer to Jesus by
receiving him in Holy Communion

Timing Steps of the Lesson Resources

10.00 am Students will make their way to the mat promptly ready to start the lesson
The teacher will ask the students if every human being lives as God wants
The teacher will ask the students how we can live more like God (through receiving Jesus in Holy
The teacher will explain to the students that through receiving Holy Communion we draw closer to
The teacher will ask the students how the world would be different if everyone drew closer to Jesus
through Holy Communion
Strategies for Learning and Teaching

10.05 am The teacher will Airplay the YouTube video Sophia SketchPad: The Eucharist which describes the YouTube video Sophia SketchPad: The Eucharist
Eucharist and explains the connection between Original Sin, Christs death and Resurrection and how
the Eucharist is important in growing closer to Jesus
10.10 am The teacher will ask the students how Adam and Eve lost their connection with God and how this
made people turn away from God (By turning to Satan and eating the fruit from the forbidden tree)
The teacher will ask the students what we receive through Holy Communion that helps us to not sin
The teacher will explain that through receiving the Eucharist we are drawing closer to Jesus and to
God by rejecting sin and becoming more like God
10.15 am Students will log in to the class Padlet using their iPads
Students will need to write two ways the world could be different if people drew closer to Jesus by
receiving him in Holy Communion and two examples of how people find it hard to live the way God
Students will need to make sure their name is written on their Padlet entry


10.30 am The teacher will ask the students to place their iPads away in their desks
The teacher will open the Padlet on his/her own iPad or laptop and will read some of the responses
of the students out loud
The teacher will discuss some of the responses and will discuss how the Eucharist helps us to draw
closer to Jesus and God
10.40 am Students will return to their desks and wait quietly for further instructions

Catering for Learner Diversity Evidence of Learning for Assessment and Reporting

The teacher will sit with the students at educational risk to help them The teacher will be able to review whether the students have entered the required amount of
write a response on the class Padlet information into their Padlet entry and whether these responses are correct
Students will vision impairment will be seated at the front of the The teacher will also keep an observational checklist that will be used while the students are
classroom so they are able to copy the information from the whiteboard working, indicating whether the students is understanding the content, showing difficulty and
The teacher will wear the mini microphone for students with hearing other observations
General Capabilities

Personal and Social competence
Critical and creative thinking
ICT competence

Religious Capabilities

To search for God and become mystified by God
To trust and become hope-filled by God
To repent and become redeemed by God
To follow and become a missionary discipline of Jesus

Spiritual Capabilities

To wonder and become awe-filled
To relate and become loving
To yearn and become good
To meditate and become peaceful
To enjoy life and become happy

LESSON PLAN THREE C Christian Response
Key Understanding/Learning Point

Teaching Focus for the Lesson
C2. Gods family celebrates the Eucharist
Christian Response C2.3 States:
the words of the priest at the Consecration
the words said before receiving Holy Communion

Timing Steps of the Lesson Resources

1.30 pm
Students will make their way to the mat promptly ready to start the lesson
The teacher will perform a Godly Play about the Last Supper Godly Play about The Last Supper materials
Once performing the Godly Play the teacher will ask the students a series of questions
- I wonder why we have special meals together
- I wonder if youve ever seen something like this happen in the church
- I wonder how Jesus was feeling at the Last Supper
- I wonder if you had heard the words This is my body, this is my blood before this
The teacher will explain that these questions are wonder questions and do not need to be answered
out loud unless the student wishes to
1.45 pm The teacher will carefully pack the story materials into the storage box and place it on the shelf, it is
important for the students to be watching so they know how to pack the materials away and where
to find them

Strategies for Learning and Teaching

The teacher will ask the students if the words Jesus spoke at the Last Supper are spoken by the priest
at church
1.50 pm The teacher will invite the Parish Priest to speak to the students about the actions, symbols and
words used during the Consecration
The teacher will ask the students if this is similar to what we witnessed in our Godly Play about the
Last Supper
The teacher will explain that before we receive Holy Communion, Catholics repeat the words from
Luke 7:1-10 in the Bible that are as follows:
Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word, and I shall be healed.
2.00 pm The teacher will write the words of the priest at Consecration and the words said before receiving
Holy Communion on the whiteboard for the students to write into their religion workbooks
The teacher will explain to the students that the words we speak before receiving Holy Communion
is a prayer
The teacher will ask the students to turn to the person next to them and practice saying this prayer
to each other


2.15 pm The teacher will ask the students to say goodbye to the Parish Priest and thank you for taking the
time to show them the actions, symbols and words used during the Consecration
The teacher will ask the students to place their religion workbooks into the middle of their desks for
The teacher will ask the students to pray together the prayer before receiving Holy Communion
2.20 pm Students will return to their desks and wait quietly for further instructions

Catering for Learner Diversity Evidence of Learning for Assessment and Reporting

Students will vision impairment will be seated at the front of the Collection of the students religion workbooks to ensure they copied the information from the
classroom so they are able to copy the information from the whiteboard whiteboard correctly with no spelling or grammar errors
The teacher will wear the mini microphone for students with hearing The teacher will also keep an observational checklist that will be used while the students are
impairment working, indicating whether the students is understanding the content, showing difficulty and
other observations

General Capabilities

Personal and Social competence
Critical and creative thinking

Religious Capabilities

To search for God and become mystified by God
To trust and become hope-filled by God
To follow and become a missionary disciple of Jesus
To repent and become redeemed by God

Spiritual Capabilities

To wonder and become awe-filled
To relate and become loving
To meditate and become peaceful

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