Glories To Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Part 2

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Glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Part 2


Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana

Early Bengal School

Aug 24, 2011 CANADA (SUN) Reprise of a 2007 series: an

encyclopedia of 42 prayers in glorification of Lord Caitanya, written
by His parishad associates.
Caitanya dasa
Song 1 (Dhanasi-raga)
1. (Refrain) dekha dekha aparupa gauranga bilasa
puna giri-dharana puraba nilakrama
nabadwipe karila prakasa
2. suddha-bhakti gobardhana puja kara jagaj-jana
e-i bidhi dila kali majhe
srabanadi naba anga kalpa-taru-maya anga
panca-rasa phale taha saje
3. pulaka ankura sobha asru jana-mano-lobha
manda bayu bepathu sundara
nijendriya upacare puja se-i giri-bare
prema-mani pabe ishta bara
4. dekhiya lokera gati kali-yuga-surapati
kope tanu kampita ha-ila
adharama airabate kumati indrani sathe
sa-sainyete sajiya a-ila
5. kama-megha barishane krodha-bajra-nikshepane
lokera ha-ila bada dara
lobha-moha-sila-ghate matsaryadi khara-bate
dhairya-dharma ude nirantara
6. janiya jibera daya sri-gauranga daya-maya
upaya cintila mane mane
bhakta-bhava saroddhara nije kari angi-kara
bhakti-giri karila dharane
7. tan hara asraye loka pasarila duhkha-soka
kali-bhaya khandila sakale
tabe kali-deba-raja peye parabhaba laja
stuti kare carana-kamale
8. aparadha kshama-iya kahe kichu dina haiya
yata jiba prabhura asraya
yeba taba guna gaya tahe mora nahi daya
e-i satya karinu niscaya
9. prabhu tahe daya kaila dhanya kali nama haila
adhyapi-o ghoshaye samsare
caitanya-dasete bale gobardhana-lila-chale
yuge yuge jibera uddhare

1. (Refrain) Look! Look at Lord Gaura's wonderful pastimes! As in the

past He lifted Govardhana Hill. So again He lifted it in Navadvipa and

2. As the people of the world were worshiping Kali-yuga Lord Gaura

taught them to worship instead the Govardhana Hill of pure devotional
service. That hill has nine parts beginning with the part of hearing the
Lord's glories. On that hill are many kalpa-taru trees whose fruits are the
five rasas.

3. The grass on that hill is the devotees' bodily hairs standing erect in
ecstasy. The streams on that hill are the tears that flow from the
devotees' yearning hearts. The gentle breezes blowing by that hill are
the devotees' trembling in ecstasy. Using their own senses as the
paraphernalia of w orship the people w orshipped that Govardhana Hill of
devotional service. At the end they attained their desired boon the
jewels of ecstatic spiritual love.

4. Seeing what the people of the w orld had done the King Indra of
Kali-yuga trembled with rage. Taking with him the Airavata elephant of
impiety the Queen Indrani of wicked thoughts and the great hosts of his
armies that Indra came to this world.

5. As the clouds of lust showered torrents of rain and the thunderbolts of

anger fell the people of the world became afraid. As hailstones of greed
an illusion fell and a sharp hurricane w ind of envy and other vices blew
the people's peacefulness flew away.

6. Aware of the calamity that had fallen on the people merciful Lord
Gauranga thought and thought trying to find a solution. Deciding that to
life the life of a devotee is the best solution He lifted the Govardhana Hill
of devotional service.

7. When the people took shelter under that hill their suffering and
lamentation fled far away. Their fear of Kali-yuga was broken into pieces.
The embarrassed King Indra of Kali-yuga was defeated and he spoke
many prayers before Lord Krsna's lotus feet.

8. Now humbled he asked forgiveness. He was an individual soul taking

shelter of the Supreme Lord. He said O Lord I praise Your glories. Please
do not punish me. You are the Supreme Truth. This I know for certain."

9. Then Lord Gauranga gave mercy to him. That is why Kali-yuga is

known as a fortunate and glorious time. In this world to this day
Kali-yuga is famous in this way. Caitanya dasa says: Yuga after yuga
manifesting this pastime like the lifting of Govardhana Hill the Lord
delivers the fallen souls.

Devakinandana dasa
Song 1 (Gauri-raga)
1. (Refrain) mari na lo nadiyara majhare o na rupa
son ara gauranga nace ati aparupa
2. alaka tilaka sobhe mukhera paripati
rase dubu dubu kare ranga ankhi duti
3. adhare ishat hasi madhura katha kaya
gribara bhangima dekhi parana kotha raya
4. hiyara dolane dole rangana phulera mala
kata rasa lila jane kata rasa kala
5. candane carcita anga binodiya koca
cancara cikure sobhe gandha-raja campa
6. debakinandana bale suna lo ajuli
tumi ki na jana gora nagara bana-mali

1. (Refrain) Ah! Ah! Wonderful and glorious like gold Lord Gauranga
dances in Nadiya.

2. Tilaka glistens on his forehead. He is plunged and plunged in the

nectar of ecstatic spiritual love. His eyes are now reddish.

3. A gentle smile rests on His lips. His words are sweet. Tilting His neck
He casts a glance. He sighs.

4. His chest sways to and fro. His garland of rangana flow ers sways with
it. How many nectar pastimes does He enjoy? How much of the nectar of
ecstatic spiritual love does He taste?

5. His limbs are anointed with sandal paste. He is graceful and playful. A
campaka flower that is the king of sweet fragrances decorates His curly

6. Devakinandana says: O foolish friend please listen. W hy do you not

accept the truth the truth that Lord Gaura is Krsna Himself, Krsna the
amorous teenage boy who wears a forest-flower garland.

Dina Krsna dasa

Song 1 (Tudi-raga)
1. jaya jaya mahaprabhu jaya gauracandra
jaya jaya bisvambhara karunara sindhu
2. jaya saci-suta jaya pandita nima-i
jaya misra purandara jaya saci ma-i
3. jaya jaya nabadvipa jaya suradhuni
jaya lakshmi bishnupriya prabhura gharani
4. jaya jaya nabadvipa-basi bhakta-gana
jaya jaya nityananda advaita-carana
5. nityananda pada-dvandva sada kari asa
nama-sankirtana gaya dina krishna-dasa

1. Glory glory to Lord Mahaprabhu! Glory to Lord Gauracandra! Glory

glory to Lord Visvambhara who is an ocean of mercy!

2. Glory to Saci's son! Glory to Nimai Pandita! Glory to Purandara Misra!

Glory to Mother Saci!

3. Glory glory to Navadvipa! Glory to the Ganga! Glory to Lakshmipriya

and Vishnupriya the Lord's consorts!

4. Glory glory to devotees who reside in Navadvipa! Glory glory to Lord

Nityananda and Lord Advaita!
5. I always aspire to attain Lord Nityananda's feet. In this way Dina
Krsna-dasa sings a sankirtana of holy names.

Compiled and translated by Sriman Kusakratha das

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