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New Skills Treasure Hunter: A model with this skill adds +1

to any rolls for Foraging, Plumbing the Depths,

diving in the Sludge Sea and/or cashing in Loot
‘Chaos Renegade Warbands – the Eye of Terror’ the
counters in its possession at the end of a
blended game introduces two new skill categories to scenario.
those already presented in Necromunda. These new
categories, Adventuring and Forbidden, are meant to Xenos Lore: This warrior has an affinity for alien
more fully flesh out character models in the broader technology. This skill is required for any model to
galaxy of the Wahammer 40,000 setting. This brings wield a xenos weapon or otherwise utilize xenos
the number of skill catagories that models can equipment of any kind.
upgrade to nine total.
Note that unlike in Necromunda proper, when models
in Warbands gain new skills, the player chooses Black Channeling: The model may attempt to use a
second Wyrd power (or even the same power twice)
which new skill is added – they are not randomly in the same turn. In order to do so, the model draws
determined. upon the psychic energies of those around him to fuel
the abominable power needed to invoke such potent
Adventuring warcraft. In order to use this skill to use a second
Wyrd power in the same turn, at least one other living
Bounty Hunter: A model with this skill is registered model, friend or foe, must be within 6” of the model.
with the Imperium of Man as a bounty hunter, and is The living model cannot be a daemon, zombie or any
familiar with the ins and outs of that sub-culture. A other warp creature and line of sight is not required.
model with this skill may collect income from Assuming at least one such model is present, the
captured Outlaws as detailed on page 171 under the model with this skill may use the second Wyrd power
Bounty rules. In order to do so, the model must have following the standard rules on pages 229-230.
access to the Imperium or Imperial space (i.e. be a
part of reaver warband). All living models, friend or foe, within 6” of the
model when he invokes the second Wyrd power,
Note that the bounty collected by a model as detailed automatically suffer a flesh wound.
on page 171 must be halved, as the model takes his
cut before turning over any excess cash to the Malefic Potency: A model with this skill may use a
warband. more potent version of any major Wyrd/Dark Arts
power it knows when attempting to invoke such a
Contacts: This model has a knack for quickly power. To do so, the player must decide which
finding and contacting the key players in any sector’s version of the power is being attempted before the
trade structure. A model with this skill adds +1 to Leadership test is made. Once decided, the model
any income rolls made when working a Ship must apply +2 to the dice roll for the test (rolls of 12
territory. In addition, when he visits the Trading or more in this way result in a Perils of the Warp
Post, he may reroll one die of the D66 when attack). If successful, the more potent version of the
determining what rare items are offered to him (only power is used (see the details below):
for one item offered to him per visit to the Trading
Post). Pyromaniac
Molten Man: The Pyro affects everyone within 1 ½”,
not just base-to base.
Haggle: The model knows all the tricks of Spontaneous Combustion: The range is increased to 24”
bargaining and haggling. He may deduct 2D6 and the target must add +1 to its Leadership roll.
Thrones from the price of any single item on each Fireball: The increased blast uses the 2” circular
template and counts as a 5 Strength hit with a –3 save
visit to the Trading Post (down to a minimum of 1).
Wall of Flame: The range is increased to 36” and the
Psyi-Trained: A model with this skill adds +3 to length of the wall is increased to 24”.
any roll it is required to make on the Perils of the Flame Blast: The Strength of the attack is increased to
Strength 5 with a –3 save modifier.
Warp table (page. 229). Melta: The range is increased to 36”.

Mind Control: The range is increased to 36” and the
target must add +1 to its Leadership roll.
Terrify: The two closest targets are affected.
Invisibility: No change.
Unlike most skills, the Dark Arts may be taken more
Mental Assault: The range is increased to 36” and the
target must add +1 to its Leadership roll. than once by a model – each time generating a new
Hallucinations: No change. randomly determined Wyrd power from the Dark
Mental Strength: The Telepath may choose two Arts – Wyrd table.
characteristics to be increased.

Telekinetic Unhallowed: A model with this skill may apply

Assail: either a –1 or +1 modifier to any die roll it must make
during a battle (player’s choice) as long as that roll is
related in some way to the warp (using a Wyrd
Master Sorcerer: The model gains a +2 bonus to power, saving against a Wyrd power, rolling on
its Leadership (to a limit of 10) whenever it tests to Perils of the Warp table, etc. Note that the player
use a Wyrd power. must declare the modifier BEFORE rolling the die,
and that this modifier only applies to rolls the
Prophecy: The model is trained in the arcane arts of model’s player must make pertaining to the model
prognostication. But even for those with the proper itself – it has no effect on rolls that the other player
knowledge and the ability to perform the dark ritual, makes in regards to the model!
the future is murky and ever-changing – and
breaching the veil to peer into the unknown is fraught Witchcraft: The model has delved into the secrets
with danger. A model with this skill may attempt to of warp-craft and magic, and may use Wyrd powers
use it once before each battle. To do so, the model despite not being a psyker. Unlike most skills, a
must make a Leadership test just as if it were model may take this skill multiple times. The first
attempting to use a Wyrd power (see pages 229-230). time Witchcraft is taken, the player rolls two times on
If this test succeeds, the model’s warband gains 1D3 the Wyrd Minor Power table (see pages 234-235) and
rerolls that may be used for any purpose during the selects one power (whichever result he wishes for the
battle (all results of a reroll stand). If the test fails, model) – this is the sorcery the model’s researches
the model gains no insight into the immediate future. and/or daemonic pacts have revealed this time. Each
Note that the model is subject to possible Perils of time the model chooses this skill again, the player is
the Warp as described on pages 229-230, the affects allowed to roll one extra time on the Wyrd Minor
of which occur on the player’s first turn of the battle. Power table before selecting the power for the model
– i.e. the second time this skill is chosen the player
The Dark Arts (requires the model possess both the rolls three times, the third time it is selected he rolls
Witchcraft skill and a Proscribed Text): Through four times and so on (only one Wyrd power is chosen
study of the blasphemous and the consultation of each time, however, unless 61-65 ‘Multiple Minor
forbidden works, the model has gained access to the Powers’ is rolled).
foulest sorceries. A model that takes this skill, gains
one randomly determined Wyrd power from the Dark
Arts – Wyrd table.
The Dark Arts -- Wyrd Powers
Die Roll Result
Blood Boil
The Sorcerer has the ability to reach into the bodies of those around him with his mind,
accelerating their pulse and pushing their blood pressure to lethal levels.

The Sorcerer may attempt to use this power instead of attacking in the Shooting phase, and may
do so even if engaged in close combat. If the power works, place the 2” template over the
Sorcerer so that the hole in the center directly covers the base of the model. Any model, friend or
foe, fully under the template is hit automatically (the Sorcerer is excluded), while those partially
under the template are hit on a 4+. Models hit by the Blood Boil effect take a Strength 3 hit and
are pinned. Armor saves are not allowed.

2. Curse
This power functions exactly as the Spirit Lore power of the same name described on page 204.

3. Howl of the Beast

With a pychic howl, the Sorcerer is able to summon the lesser creatures that lurk in the shadows to
serve him.

The Sorcerer may use this power before the start of a battle, and if successful, the it takes effect on
turn 1. If the power is successful, the Sorcerer’s player rolls once on the Treacherous Conditions –
Swarms table found on page 223 to see what creatures answer his summons. Regardless of the
creatures that appear, only the Sorcerer’s enemies are affected by them – the Sorcerer’s warband is
immune to the affects of the summoned Swarms. Note that since these creatures are summoned
via warpcraft, Ratskin Renegades are NOT immune to their affects as they are naturally occurring
Treacherous Conditions. The reverse is also true – the Sorcerer’s warband has no immunities to
naturally occuring Swarms, even if they are the same kind as those summoned by the Sorcerer.
4. Spirit Walk
This power functions exactly as the Spirit Lore power of the same name described on page 204.

5. Wake the Dead

The Sorcerer can employ the diabolic power of necromancy to rouse the dead to do his bidding.

The Sorcerer may use this power before the start of a battle, and if successful, the player may add
1D6 plague zombies to his warband for the duration of this battle only (if the Sorcerer suffers a
Perils of the Warp attack, it takes place on turn 1).

6. Whispered Lure
The Sorcerer is practiced in daemonology and knows the true names of several daemonic beasts.
Through the use of unholy rituals, the Sorcerer is able to rend the veil that seperates real space and
the warp, summoning to him a slavering daemonic beast to enact his will.

The Sorcerer may use this power before the start of a battle, and if successful, the player may add
his choice of daemonic beast (Flesh Hound, 2 Fiends, Flamer or Beast; see pages 271-272 for
details) to his warband. Note that if the Sorcerer or the warband is pledged to a particular Chaos
god, then the daemonic beast summoned MUST be the appropriate beast of that god.

Whispered Lure is a difficult and dangerous sorcery, for the daemons of the warp are capricious
and unheeding to the whims of mortals. Sorcerer’s who attempt this Wyrd power add a +1
modifier to the Leadership roll (rolls of 12 or more in this way result in a Perils of the Warp
attack). If the Sorcerer suffers a Perils of the Warp attack when using this Wyrd power, do not
roll on the table as normal. Instead, the daemon is still summoned, but deploys in the center of the
board and is controlled by the Arbitrator (or the opposing player, if no Arbitrator is at hand).

An unbound daemonic beast moves in each player’s turns. Carry out its move and attacks before
moving any other models. The unbound beast will first move to attack the original summoning
Sorcerer. Once the summoner is out of action, the beast attacks the nearest living model and so on
until the battle ends or it itself is put out of action.

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