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Roll no.:______ Enrollment No.

HJD Institute of Technical Education & Research, Kera
Mid Semester Examination - March2017
Civil Engineering Department
Semester: 6th DE Subject: Construction Quality Control and Monitoring (3360602)
Date: 13/04/2017 Time: 2:00 AM TO 3:30 PM Total Marks: 30
1. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. Attempt all questions.

Q-1 Attempt Any Three Questions (Two Marks Each) (06)

1. List out Concepts of TQM.

2. Enlist parts of NBC.
3. What is ISO 9000 Series?
4. Enlist goals of green building.
5. State Trapezoidal and Simpson rule for the calculation of area.
Q-2 (A). Explain driving forces for TQM. (03)
(A) Write short note on TQM models. (03)

(B). Define most probable error, 95 % error and maximum error. (03)
(C). Explain the terms calibration and least count. (03)

(D). Find relative precision in case of 10 measurements of a line, given below: 45.853m, (04)
45.856m,45.851m, 45.852m, 45.853m, 45.854m, 45.853m, 45.852m, 45.856m, 45.851m.
(D) The following perpendicular offsets were taken from chain line to a curved boundary (04)
at an interval of 10m.

0m, 7.26m, 5.83m, 6.45m, 7.2m, 8.18m, 8.0m, 0m.

Using Simpson's rule, calculate the area.

(A). List out the changes incorporated in NBC-2005. (03)

(A). Write short note on Life Cycle Assessment of Building. (03)

(B). Explain the methods to check the quality of bricks at site. (04)
(B). Give at least 12 points of quality system requirement of ISO 9001. (04)

(C). Give benefits of becoming ISO 9000 company certification. (04)

(C). Explain: Energy efficiency for building.


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