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The Report of Field Working Practise

STKIP Banten 2013 Location at
SMK MANGGALA Ciledug was agreement and signature by :
1. Guidance Teacher
2. Guidance Lecture
3. Headmoster SMK MANGGALA Ciledug
4. Manager STKIP Banten Pokjar Kreo Kab. Tangerang

Legalized by :
Headmaster of SMK Guidance Teacher

Budi Priyono, SE, M.Pd Budi Priyono, SE, M.Pd

Approved by :
Manager STKIP Banten Guidance Lecture
Kampus Kreo Kab. Tangerang

Ir. A. Y. Syauki, MBAT Reynita Andriani, SPd, MM


Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin, all the blessing of Allah SWT. The most gracefull
and mercifull. The writer has finally completed writing the report of filed Working
This report was constitute of description implementation Field Working Practise
(FWP) that have purpose to introduce to the collegian about theories that gave with
the implementation in the field, does the theory true or false. And more important
from this process have hope can make professional educator and have competence in
their education field.
This field working Practise report cant be done well without helping all parties.
Because of that the writer would like to expres sincerely gratitute and deepest feeling
to :
1. Ir. Ahmad Yanuar Syauki, MBAT, as the Head of STKIP Banten
2. Reynita Andriani, Spd,MM as a supervisor
3. Budi Priyono, SE, Mpd as the Headmaster of SMK MANGGALA
4. Asnilah, S.Pd as a guidance teacher
5. Lectures of Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Banten
6. Staff and employee of STKIP Banten
7. Staff and employee of SMK MANGGALA
8. Our beloved parents and friends of STKIP Banten
9. Our friends at SMK MANGGALA Ciledug.

For the helped to us, we hope can a good retrun form Allah SWT, we realize
that this report still out from Perfection, thats why we need critic and sugestion to get
perfect in the future.
Tangerang, October 2013

REPORT TEITLE SHEET ............................................................................ i
APPROVED SHEET ..................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMET ................................................................................ iii
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. iv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1
A. Short Story School of SMP Islam Al Ikhlas ...................................... 1
B. Vision and Mission of School ............................................................ 1
C. Curriculum ......................................................................................... 1
D. Medium and Facilities ....................................................................... 2
E. Identity of School .............................................................................. 2
F. Organization Structure and Personal School ..................................... 4
G. Source of Donation ............................................................................ 5
H. Total of teacher, Staff and Students ................................................... 5
TEACHER ANDEMPLOYEES AT SCHOOL ............................................. 10
A. Description Duties ............................................................................. 10
A.1. Headmaster ................................................................................ 10
A.2. Vice Principal ............................................................................ 12
A.3. Teacher ....................................................................................... 13
A.4. Homeroom Teacher ................................................................... 14
A.5. Guidance and Counseling Teacher ............................................ 14
A.6. School Librarian ........................................................................ 15
A.7. Manager Administration ............................................................ 15
A.8. Medium Engineer ...................................................................... 16
B. Description of Teaching Learning Activity ....................................... 17
B.1. Intracurricular Activity .............................................................. 17
B.2. Extracurricular Activity ............................................................. 17

B.3. Problems and Solution ............................................................... 18
A. Experiment Activity ........................................................................... 19
B. Teaching Practice Activity ................................................................. 21
C. Test Practice Teaching Activity ......................................................... 22
D. Problems and Solution ....................................................................... 22
CHAPTER IV TEACHERS ACTIVITIES .................................................. 24
I. Planing Teachers Activities Graph ................................................... 24
II. Description Real Teachers Activities ................................................ 24
CHAPTER V CLOSING ............................................................................... 27
A. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 27
B. Suggestion ......................................................................................... 27



A. Short History of SMK Manggala

SMK Manggala built in the first time at January 15 th 1987. With laying of
cornerstone by. Mr. H. Soehardjadi, with purpose
- To follow and participate to develop human being as totality especially in
education field.
- To transform the character members of a religious community high quality,
have high knowledge, free thinking respectful to the great unity of god.
- Opening the working field.

B. Vision and Mission

To be the best in intellectual, achievement, have ability and have a good

- Giving the best serve to educated the students
- To create human resource of perfect that take charge in science and
- Increase dedication, loyality and teachers competence.
- Prepare the capable students, smart and religious.

C. Curriculum
Education foundation SMK Manggala is using Curriculum National Education
Department. So there is balance to achievement science technology (IPTEK)
with belief and piety (IMTAQ).
D. Medium and Facilities
- Permanent building

- Mosque
- Laboratorium
- Sport medium
- Scholarship
- Antoonomous examination

E. Identity of school
Name of school : SMK Manggala
Province : Banten
Autonomy Area : Tangerang
Village : Karang Tengah, Ciledug
Street and Number : Jl. H. Ilyas No. 63
Telephone : 021 730 6920
021 730 7250
Area : Urban of fairs
Status of School : Private
Year of Built : 1987
Teaching Learning Activity : Morning
Building of School : Own Property

F. Organization Structure and Personal School


Suhardjimah, M.Pd Budi Priyono, SE, M.Pd


Yasandrina, SH, M.SI Novila. K, S.Pd Dedi Setiawan Yudha Nuriawan, S.Sos

Ahmad Saltuth, S.Pd


Rica Irvani, S.Pd Arif Rahman, S.Kom

Endang Sri. L, S.Pd Bimantya Nugraha, S.Psi



G. Source of Donation
SMK Manggala in teaching and learning process donated in some source, such
1. Monthly Payment (SPP)

2. Donation of Helping Operational School (BDS)
3. Poor Student Helping (BSM)

H. Total of Teacher, Staff and Students


1 BUDI PRIYONO, SE.M.Pd L Sukoharjo, 02-03-1970 2010 Kepala Sekolah

2 NOVILIA KARLINA, MJ.S.Pd P Tangerang, 20-11-1982 2008 Waka. Kurikulum
3 YUSANDRINA. K, SH P Jakarta, 26-03-1977 2008 Waka. Kesiswaan
4 DEDI SETIAWAN, SE L Surabaya, 26-11-1969 1999 Waka. Humas
5 YUDHA NURIAWAN, S.Sos L Tangerang, 28-07-1979 2008 Waka. Sar Pras
6 RICA IRVANI, S.Pd P Payakumbuh, 31-03-1977 2008 Kejur AP & JB
7 ARIEF RAHMAN, S.Kom L Tangerang, 10-01-1981 2010 Kajur MM & TKJ
8 ASNILAH, S.Pd P Tangerang, 23-10-1975 2002 Guru Kelas
9 LISA FITRIANI ISHAK, ST. MT P Jakarta, 26-08-1979 2009 Guru Kelas
10 ENDANG SRI LESTARI, S.Pd P Purbalingga, 07-04-1968 1996 Guru Kelas
11 AMAN, S.Pd L Kuningan, 05-07-1970 2005 Guru Kelas
12 RAHMA SRIIMAWATI, S.Pd P Surakarta, 16-09-1966 1999 Guru Kelas
13 ARITA KUSUMAWATI, A.Md P Jakarta, 16-09-1968 1999 Guru Kelas
14 UDIN, MM L Tangerang, 02-03-1972 1999 Guru Kelas
15 IMAM SUGOTO L Kutoarjo, 23-01-1956 2002 Guru Kelas
16 SURATA, S.Kom L Gunung Kidul, 02-12-1971 2002 Guru Kelas
17 KARMIN, S.Pd L Gunung Kidul, 09-08-1965 2003 Guru Kelas
18 M. ROHMAN, S.Ag L Sukabumi, 15-04-1972 2003 Guru Kelas
19 AHMAD SALTUTH, S.Pd L Tangerang, 13-11-1985 2004 Guru Kelas
20 HAERUDIN L Jakarta, 11-06-1971 2005 Guru Kelas
21 HENI SUSWITA, S.Ag P Tangerang, 24-06-1975 2008 Guru Kelas
22 PONIJAH, S.Pd P Bantul, 10-03-1966 2008 Guru Kelas
23 Dra. EMATIYAH P Serang, 05-05-1965 2008 Guru Kelas
24 SARIYATUN, A.Md P Jakarta, 01-01-1980 2008 Guru Kelas
25 HERLAMBANG, S.Pd L Jakarta, 23-07-1986 2009 Guru Kelas
26 BAMBANG L Kediri, 16-08-1951 2010 Guru Kelas
27 TAUFIK HIDAYAT L Jakarta, 13-03-1976 2010 Guru Kelas
28 M. YUSUF PRIYADI, S.Kom L Jakarta, 30-05-1986 2010 Guru Kelas
29 REZA YULIANA EKA PUTRA L Tangerang, 16-07-1984 2011 Guru Kelas
30 ALWANI, S.Pd L Tangerang, 02-04-1987 2011 Guru Kelas
31 ETI NURDIANTI, S.Pd P Tangerang, 04-01-1988 2011 Guru Kelas
32 N. ENDANG M, SE,M.Pd P Jakarta, 11-12-1972 2011 Guru Kelas
33 IRMA ROSITA, S.Pd P Jakarta, 16-03-1988 2012 Guru Kelas
34 AZIZ SYAHRUL, S.Pd L Tangerang, 04-09-1971 2012 Guru Kelas
35 BIMANTYA ARYA. N, S.Psi L Jakarta, 23-12-1987 2013 Guru Kelas
36 CANDRA PUSPITA RINI, S.Pd P Jakarta, 22-03-1989 2013 Guru Kelas
37 MARIFA, S.Kom P Tangerang, 20-05-1981 2013 Guru Kelas
38 DEDE SUMIATI P Tangerang, 08-12-1970 2005 TU. Keuangan
39 RIZKA HANA FISTIANA P Jakarta, 15-03-1988 2006 TU. Administrasi
40 MAMY WULANDARI P Jakarta,10-01-1989 2009 TU. Administrasi
41 DZUHDI GUNAWAN L Tangerang, 02-02-1971 2012 Kebersihan
42 MURSALIH L Tangerang, 12-01-1982 2012 Kebersihan

43 NORMAN L Tangerang, 01-09-1983 2005 Kebersihan

There are data of students of follow

Class X AP 1 40 Students
Class X AP 2 39 Students
Data of Students Xlass X AP 1
NO NIS NAMA Kelahiran Tgl. Lahir Agama Alamat
1 10130003 Achmad Aldiansyah Tangerang 15 Mei 1997 Laki-Laki Islam
2 10130006 Ade Dimas Lutfi. A Tangerang 27 Juni 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
3 10130008 Agung Maulana Jakarta 10 Juli 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
4 10130010 Ahmad Farhan Aditia. N Tangerang 04 Mar 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
5 10130023 Aprilia Wulandari Cianjur 29 April 1997 Perempuan Islam
6 10130172 Arifin Estu Utomo Tangerang 02 Mar 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
7 10130027 Astrid Yuli Puspitasari Tangerang 31 Juli 1998 Perempuan Islam
8 10130028 Ayu Sagita Depok 15 Des 1997 Perempuan Islam
9 10130030 Bagas Kara Tangerang 30 Mei 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
10 10130035 Cahaya Khaerany. A Jakarta 01 Juni 1998 Perempuan Islam
11 10130176 Dani Arifin Laki-Laki Islam
12 10130038 Dani Setiawan Wonosobo 04 Jan 1997 Laki-Laki Islam
13 10130039 Danu Eka Paksi. W D R Jakarta 01 Juli 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
14 10130048 Dina Mariana Jakarta 01 Mar 1998 Perempuan Islam
15 10130049 Dina Pamelana Tangerang 31 Jan 1998 Perempuan Islam
16 10130051 Dita Aditianti Tangerang 05 Des 1998 Perempuan Islam
17 10130052 Dwi Arianti Tangerang 03 Sep 1997 Perempuan Islam
18 10130061 Esa Aldy Pradipta Jakarta 01 Juli 1997 Laki-Laki Islam
19 10130063 Evi Novita Sari Tangerang 01 Nov 1997 Perempuan Islam
20 10130065 Fahmi Firmansyah Jakarta 24 Nov 1997 Laki-Laki Islam
21 10130067 Fitria Ramadhany Tangerang 19 Jan 1999 Perempuan Islam
22 10130070 Hamzah Syaifuddin Jakarta 31 Mei 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
23 10130073 Ilham Junior Tangerang 03 Juni 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
24 10130087 Laraswati Tangerang 18 Juni 1998 Perempuan Islam
25 10130090 Lis Ramadani Wonogiri 18 Jan 1998 Perempuan Islam
26 10130096 Muhamad Nurcholis Tangerang 27 Sep 1997 Laki-Laki Islam
27 10130099 Monica Ariyanti Jakarta 04 Juni 1998 Perempuan Islam
28 10130101 Muhamad G Wibowo Jakarta 09 Agust 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
29 10130112 Nadia Hasanah Tangerang 01 Jan 1999 Perempuan Islam
30 10130117 Nur Fadilah Mustafid Tangerang 25 Feb 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
31 10130119 Nurmalasari Bogor 24 Mei 1999 Perempuan Islam
32 10130122 Rifca Subekti Jakarta 16 Juli 1998 Perempuan Islam
33 10130124 Raka Sumahandika Jakarta 26 Okt 1997 Laki-Laki Islam
34 10130125 Rama Adhi Saputro Jakarta 26 Maret 1999 Laki-Laki Islam
35 10130126 Reni Afita Sari Tangerang 25 April 1997 Perempuan Islam
36 10130141 Royansen Cuaca Tangerang 24 Agus 1997 Laki-Laki Katholik
37 10130154 Sri Rejeki Mei Setiawati Brebes 03 Mei 1998 Perempuan Islam
38 10130156 Syahdu Risky Yanto Tangerang 17 Des 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
39 10130160 Tri Astuti Wonogiri 05 Jan 1998 Perempuan Islam
40 10130162 Vicky Kurniawan Bontang 23 Juli 1997 Laki-Laki Islam

Data of Students Xlass X AP 2

NO NIS NAMA Kelahiran Tgl. Lahir Jenis Agama Alamat

1 10130022 Afriyadi Tangerang 14 April 1997 Laki-Laki Islam
2 10130024 Arif Hidayat Tangerang 17 April 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
3 10130026 Astrid Widia Maharani Tangerang 18 Agust 1998 Perempuan Islam
4 10130032 Berlian Darmawansyah Jakarta 15 Nov 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
5 10130033 Bima Triyantomo Tangerang 27 Sept 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
6 10130034 Bunga Prasetyo Puteri Jakarta 15 Nov 1998 Perempuan Islam
7 10130036 Cyndy Fatikasari Tangerang 03 Agust 1998 Perempuan Islam
8 10130046 Devinda Ramadhani Tangerang 30 Des 1997 Perempuan Islam
9 10130040 Dedi Tangerang 28 Nov 1997 Laki-Laki Islam
10 10130042 Della Safira Tangerang 10 Des 1998 Perempuan Islam
11 10130043 Desifiana Puter. R Jakarta 22 Des 1998 Perempuan Islam
12 10130044 Desta Ardwiyanti. L Jakarta 07 Des 1998 Perempuan Islam
13 10130045 Devi Trisnawati Dewi Jakarta 21 April 1997 Perempuan Islam
14 10130053 Dwiki Winata Jakarta 18 Des 1997 Laki-Laki Islam
15 10130056 Eka Sri Sulistianingsih Purbalingga 29 Okt 1998 Perempuan Islam
16 10130066 Fathur Rohman Tangerang 09 Juli 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
17 10130068 Frendi Setiawan Lamongan 30 Nov 1997 Laki-Laki Islam
18 10130072 Ibrahim Nur Firdaus Jakarta 20 Maret 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
19 10130075 Inesia Pratiwi Tangerang 08 Jan 1998 Perempuan Islam
20 10130081 Jan Kristian Jakarta 25 Jan 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
21 10130083 Karina Afrilla Jakarta 21 April 1998 Perempuan Islam
22 10130089 Lianti Tangerang 05 Okt 1998 Perempuan Islam
23 10130091 Lita Nur Fitria Jakarta 21 Okt 1998 Perempuan Islam
24 10130094 Melinda Yustika Tangerang 31 Jan 1999 Perempuan Islam
25 10130129 Merri Hera Setia Tangerang 08 Nov 1997 Perempuan Islam
26 10130102 Muhammad Naofal. A Jakarta 19 Maret 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
27 10130103 M. Varouq Al Addinah Tangerang 30 Maret 1997 Laki-Laki Islam
28 10130105 Muhammad Aldi. W Tangerang 25 Des 1997 Laki-Laki Islam
29 10130110 Muhammad Thamrin Jakarta 18 Sept 1998 Laki-Laki Islam
30 10130115 Novia Sari Ramadanti Tangerang 31 Des 1997 Perempuan Islam
31 10130120 Nurmalasari Jakarta 08 Juni 1998 Perempuan Islam
32 10130130 Reza Cahaya Putra Jakarta 14 Sept 1996 Laki-Laki Islam
33 10130135 Rina Sulistiani Jakarta 14 Nov 1997 Perempuan Islam
34 10130136 Risma Yanti Jakarta 04 Agust 1997 Perempuan Islam
35 10130142 Sabrina Rachmaningtiyas Tangerang 18 Jan 1998 Perempuan Islam
36 10130143 Saeruroh Tegal 30 Feb 1998 Perempuan Islam
37 10130145 Sheppy Aditiya Tangerang 03 Des 1997 Laki-Laki Islam
38 10130150 Siti Alfiani Sari Tangerang 13 Nov 1998 Perempuan Islam
39 10130164 Vivi Susanty Jakarta 12 Maret 1998 Perempuan Islam


The head master has a function and duties as educator, manager,
administrator and supervisor, leader/inovator, motivator.
a. The Head Master as educator
The head school as educator has duties to do teaching and learning
process with effectively and efficient.

b. The Head Master as manager, has duties :

1. To arrange the planning
2. To organize activity
3. To give direction of the activity
4. To coordinate of the activity
5. To do the survey lance
6. To do evaluation of the activity
7. To make policy formulation
8. To organize the meeting
9. To take decision
10. To arrange teaching and learning process
11. To arrange the administration, management,
students, man power, infrastructure tools, financial IRAPBS
12. To arrange Organization of Intra School (OSIS)
13. To arrange school relationship between society and institute

c. The Head Master as Administration

Have duties to organize administration :
l. Planning 9. Office 17. Completely useful

2. To organize 10. Financial 18. Medium
3. Instruction 11. Library 19. Ware house
4. Coordinating 12. Laboratory 20. 7K
5. Surveilance 13. Skill/art room
6. Curriculum 14. Guidance conseling
7. Students 15. UKS
8. Management 16. OS1S

d. The Headmaster as Supervisor

The Headmaster as Supervisor has duties to organize/to take care of
supervision about :
1. Teaching and learning process
2. Quidance and conseling activity
3. Extra curricular activity
4. Management activity
5. Cooperation with the society and institute connected activity
6. Medium and infrastructure
7. OSIS activity
8. 7K activity (safety, cleanliness, discipline, beautifulness,
relativeness, healthy and shady)

e. The Headmaster as leader

1. Can trusted, honest and responsible
2. Understanding about teachers condition, employee and students
3. Have perspective and understand mission of school
4. Can take decision internal and external school problem
5. Can make, find and have a choice about new idea

f. The Headmaster as Inovator

1. Doing reinformation in sector

a. TLA (Teaching and Learning Activity)
b. QC (Quldance and Conseling)
c. Extracurricular
d. Supplying
2. Doing establishment to the teacher and employee
3. Doing reformation in digging human resource in the commite of
school and society
g. The Headmaster as Motivator
1. Arrange the office room that conductive to work
2. Arrange the office room that conductive to teaching and learning
3. Arrange laboratory room that conductive to do practical work
4. Arrange the library room that conductive to study
5. Arrange the yard/arround the school that cool and arrangement
6. Create work relationship in harmony to each teachers and
7. Create work relationship in harmony between school and society
8. Apply reward principle and punishment, in doing his duty, the
Headmaster can delegation to Vice Principal.


Vice Principal can help the Headmaster in activities like :

1. Arrange the planning, make programe activity and doing the program
2. Organize
3. Give direction
4. Coordinate

5. Surveilance
6. Scoring
7. Identification and collecting data
8. Arrangement the report
Vice Principal has duties to help the Headmaster in material such as :

a. Curriculum
1. Arrange and clarify calendar of education
2. Arrange teacher division of labor and lesson schedule
3. Arrange compiling teaching program, (unit programe lesson, and
preparation of teaching, clarify, and adjustment curriculum
4. Arrange the implementation of curriculum activity and extra
5. Arrange the implementation of program criteria scoring promotion
of class, criteria of graduated and progress report students learning,
also divider school report card and STTB
6. Arrange the implementation remedial programe and teaching
7. Arrange the benefit of invironment as studying resource
8. Arrange development MGMPP and coordinator subject of school
9. Arrange student mutation
10. Doing supervision administration and academic
11. Arrange the report
b. Student activity
1. Arrange programe and quidance, conseling activity
2. Arrange and coordinate 7K activity
3. Arrange and establisment OSIS activity programe such as : Scout,
Red Cross Tennager (RCT), tennager scientific group, healty school
effort, Safety School Patrol (SSP), Paskibra activity
4. Arrange Pesantren Kilat programe

5. Arrange and organize School Student Model election
6. Organize Cerdas Cermat, achievement sport
7. Select candidate to sugestion get scholarship

c. Medium Infrastructure
1. Planning medium infrastructure needed to support teaching and
learning process
2. Planning supplying programe
3. Arrange the benefit of medium infrastructure
4. Manage treatment, repair and filling up
5. Arrange nail down or up
6. Arrange the report

d. Relationship with society

1. Arrange and develop relationship to the commitee of school and
part/role the commitee of school
2. Organize social devotion, go on the field trip
3. Organize creation education exhibition at school (educate sparkle)

A.3 Teacher

Teacher has responsible to the headmaster and has duties on doing

teaching and learning process as effective and eficien. Duties and
responsible as a teacher such as :
a. Make medium of teaching programe
b. Doing instruction activity

c. Doing score process of study activity, daily test, semester test, national
d. Doing analysis daily test product.
e. Arrange and programe remedial and enrichment activity
f. Filling student score list
g. Doing quidance activity (current knowledge) to another teacher in
teaching learnig process
h. Make medium or tools of learning
i. Make something grow and expand appreciation of art attitude
j. Follow development activity and curriculum societies
k. Doing kinds of duties in school
l. Make development teaching programe in her/his responsibelity
m. Make note about advance of student studying product
n. Fill and examine of attendent student list before start teaching
o. Arrange cleanliness of classroom and practical room
p. Collect and count credit score to advancement in rank

A.4 Homeroom Teacher

Homeroom teacher is helping the Headmaster in the activity such as :
a. Class management
b. Implementation of class administration such as :
1. The sketch of student sit
2. Present student board
3. Lesson student lis
4. List of picket in strike class
5. Attend student list
6. Studying activity book/class book
7. Regulations of student
c. Arrangement to make monthly student statistic

d. Filling up of collecting list student score
e. Production special note about student
f. Documentation of student mutation
g. Filling up of report score book studying product
h. Division of report score -book studying product

A.5 Guidance and Counseling Teacher

Guidance and Counseling Teacher is helping the Headmaster in activities
such as :

a. Arrangement programe and implementation of quidance and

b. Coordinate with homeroom teacher to solve problems that student
facing about difficulties of study
c. Giving service and quidance to the student in order to more
achievement in activity of study
d. Giving advice and opinion/judgement to student to get description
continue education and work of field that appropriate
e. Giving score in quidance and counseling activity
f. Arrange statistic of scoring quidance and counseling g. Doing analysis
activity of study examination
g. Arrange and doing follow up programe of quidance and counseling
h. Arrange report of quidance and counseling activity

A.6 School Librarian

School librarian is help the Headmaster in activities such as :
a. Planning the supply books/documents material/medium of electronic
b. Handling management of librarian services
c. Arrangement of librarian development

d. Save guarding/maintenance and repairing books/documents
material/medium of electronic
e. Giving services to students, teachers and other educational expert also
f. Saving library books./medium of electronic
g. Arrange librarian regulation
h. Arrange report librarian activity as regularly

A.7 Manager Administration

Manager administration school has duties to do the administration of

school and responsible to the Headmaster in activities such as :

a. Arrangement the programe of administration school

b. Management of financial school
c. Take care of man power administration and student
d. Construction and developing carrer of employee administration school
e. Arrangement administration school equinpment
f. Arrangement and data presentation/statistic of school
g. Coordination and implementation of 7K
h. Arrangement the report implementation take care of administration
activity as regularly
A.8 Medium Engineer

Medium Engineer is helping the Headmaster in activities such as :

a. Planning of supply media tools

b. Arrangement schedule and regulation of using media
c. Arrangement the program of media engineer activity
d. Arrangement of saving, maintenance and repair of media tools

e. Stock taking and administration of media tools
f. Arrangement of advantages report of media tools

Technique Service in Garden Field (Gardener)

1. Suggestion of gardening tools

2. Planning of distribution, kinds and maintenance of plants
3. Cutting the grass
4. Clear of wild grass
5. Take care and trim the plants
6. Cultivate the plants
7. Destroy the plants diasese and planting sickness
8. Take care of leanliness and beautiful of plants also the shady
9. Take care of plants and infrastructure (fence, canal)
10. Take care and repairing of gardening tools
11. Throw the gardening garbage and school environment to the rabbish place

Technique Services in Security Field

1. Filling up the book of note event

2. Deliver / giving direction to the school guest
3. Safety of ceremony implementation, teaching dan learning, national
examination and meeting
4. Safety of the cleanliness post quard
5. Take care of composure and secure the school day and night
6. Take care of night quard tools
7. Giving report if something happen as quickly as possible

B.1 Intracurricular Activity

Intracurricular is activity that have characteristic of obligatory to

follow by all students in school that have consequences to decrease report
book valuation student in teaching learning process if that a student isn't
follow the activity (because lazy).

The purpose of implementation that activity beside to increase and

training of mental and student skill also to increase harmony condition
relationship between the teacher and student, until in the PPL
implementation they aren't shy and strange to practice participant, that
effect to the target will achieve in this PPL can be satisfied.
B.2 Extracurricular Activity

Extracurricular activity is the activity who is doing by all the students

that characteristic isn't compose (choice). This activity usually is doing out
of lesson time that have purpose to create alumnus who have good
competence in kinds of field activity in the future becomes human that
ready to jump and aplication all of the knowledge and skill to arround
society (environment). This classification activity are
1. Dancing
2. Pramuka
3. Paskibra
4. Marawis
5. Futsal
6. Basket Ball
7. Volley Ball

B.3 Problems and Solution

Intracurricular and extracurricular activity that ' implementation got
some problem, especially to the student himself/herself. However, there are
some problems, so the student unwilling to follow this activity and cause
feeling bore to the students themself.

Solution to handle the problems are :

1. Doing the activity as regularly

2. To implementation the activity to the student environment
3. Giving creative and inovation in all activity to the students
4. Giving punishment to the student (if needed) who isn't involve to phisic
5. Sometimes doing the activity out of the student invironment
6. Surveilance student activity actively
7. Giving training to the students as propotional
8. Responsibility and own's feeling (possess feeling)



A. Experiment Activity
Formulation program and the plan of PPL activity has meaning to make
PPL activity more have direction and have good program and doing well as the

1. Preparation
To prepare the activities was doing by collegian consists of three kinds of
activities :
a. Micro Teaching, is teaching practice (simulation) with some students
and have limition time.
b. Coordinate to the school about the place of PPL implementation.
c. PPL provisioning, collegian has provision about kinds of educational
knowledge, ethics and administration what related to the assigment
about relationship with PPL.
2. Observation and Orientation
Observation and orientation are the first activity that collegian have nto do
in the school place of practice. This observation and orientation include all
aspect, whether phisical aspect also non phisical are doing by the party who
have competence in his/her field.

This observation and orientation are expected to collegian whose doing PPL
can familiar to the environment first, because suitable with the collegian
grogram that collegian must in location of PPL since August 31st until
September 33th 2013 so, the collegian is hoping familiar first with the
condition and institute of school that their will use as place of practice.

There is the collegian who done the PPL in SMK Manggala Sariyatun Nim.
102 0202 0002 CB.

The activity are doing since in SMK Manggala include.

a. Guidance Practice
Guidance practice was done in early PPL implementation, after the
collegian observated and program arrangement. Teacher and guidance
lecture gave advisor step by step as tight, start from arrangement,
preparation until teaching practice implementation.

b. Individual Practice
Stand alone practice was doing after we feeling enough in practice teaching
implementation guiding to the collegian duty to stand alone practice.
Guidance teacher gave assignment to practitioner and about the
implementation was totally gave to the collegian practitioner.

c. The Activity in School

The activity in school were include school management studying media,
management administration of school, library, and other activity that
support of develop competence and duties a teacher.

To determine early activity that we'll doing by each collegian of PPL was to
make sure that the activity can doing well as the hope. There are things that
should planning by the collegian before doing the practice are :
1. Arrange the Teaching Schedule
Teaching schedule is needed by the PPl collegian to effectiveness
teaching activity that will do by each collegian in order that PPL
programe doing well.

2. Arrange the Schedule Activity Out from Teaching Time

This is needed by collegian in order that each collegian to have a lot of
experience about the activities that exist in that school especially
teacher activity out from teaching time, example the collegian
followed reading Yasin and dhuha pray together every Friday, the
collegian helped administration of the Headmaster, teacher
administration and students administration, handle conseling to the
students etc.

B. Teaching Practice Activity
Teaching Practice activity is the activity that should doing by the collegian
of PPI, at the last they have to make report about teaching practice activity to
the pointed school.

Each of practitioner was doing teaching in each class with the different
material and continue by teaching programe in that school with available with
the syllabus and lesson plan. Teaching practice consist of guidance teaching
practice and individual teaching practice, there are :
a. Guidance teaching practice
Guidance teaching practice is teaching practice that seek in order that
collegian is candidate of teacher to apply teaching capability as totally and
integration to the teacher guidance and conselor lecture.

The implementation of guidance teaching practice in SMK Manggala

was on August 31st until September 28th 2013 by one practitioner in one class
with one teacher as guidance. After finished teaching process doing by
collegian, the guidance teacher gave suggestion even the less that need to be
attention also the excellent that need to defense. And if the collegian Laced a
problem, conselor have to gave suggestion to solved the problem.

b. Individual teaching practice

Individual teaching practice is the exercise of teaching who was doing
by the collegian as totally for kinds of lesson without guidance from the
teacher or guidance lecture. it was do as if the collegian act as teacher's class
as trully until each problem they faced totally practitioner responsiblity.

In the implementation of teaching practice, some of students felt

strange. Its happen because the students found new `things in their studying
process. They disposed clumsy in teaching process even found there were
shy adaptation with their environment, until the student was free studyin g

(leluasa) and their aren't depress by the collegians present who practice
teaching in their class, so the collegian had succed to control situation of

In PPL implementation, the collegian have to prepare the tools of

teaching and have to master the material to presentation in the
implementation of teaching practice. And the more important is studying
media with inovatively and creative that available to the material it will

C. Test Practice Teaching Activity

Practice teaching activity PPL collegian in SMP Islam A1 Ikhlas Cipadu
was ending with test practice teaching with the schdule whose gave by STKIP
Banten. Test practice teaching was doing to know or to measure the capability
of collegians in the implementation of PPL especially in teaching capabilities.

To evaluate teaching capability of collegian, aspect that teacher evaluation

and guidance lecture include aspect :
1. Preparation of teaching (Lesson Plan) enclose.
2. The implementation of teaching learning process (TLP)
The implementation of test practice teaching was doing differently starting
by day, date and field of study.

Methodology of teaching that used was varieties. By speech method, ask and

answer, discussion and gave assignment. While the steps of learning that used
are :

1. First activities include are : apperseption, motivate the students, learning by

collegian in vocabulary by flash card.

2. Main activities include are : delivered the material of study, guide the
students to studied, gave facilitation to the students and solved the problem
what their faced.
3. Final activities include are : gave conclution whose doing by students with
guidance teacher; gave the next assign ent, etc.

D. Problems and Solution

Beside collegians got a lot of experience and knowledge since caildifate
(PPh), collegians also faced some problems such as :

1. In individual teaching practice, we have problems with students because

some of them don't have LKS books and dictionary.
2. Some of the students don't have motivation to study (lazy) To handle those
problems since we candifate (PPL) aro :
1. We using teaching method which center the students as leamer, so the
students can study as totally.
2. We using discussion method to handle students whose don't have LKS
books and dictionary, and learned vocabulary before we started study.
3. To handle the students whose lazy, we gave them motivation and sing a



I. Planning Teachers Activities Graph


Items I
Permitted letter
1 to SMK

2 Manggala and
met the
Counseling to
the Guidance
Teacher about
the losson plan
PPL activities
4 in SMK
Finish PPL and
parting time in


II. Description Real Teachers Activities


1 31 August 2013 X AP 2AP2 - Introduction myself
- Give motivation about how important were learning
- Explain about greeting
- Some students demonstrated about greeting in front of
the class
2 5 Sept 2013 X AP 2AP2 - Explain about apologizing expressions
- Explain about simple present tense and personal
- Doing exercise
- Homework task 1 and task 2 page 13
3 7 Sept 2013 - Study about the adjective showing noun (colour,
quality, size, etc)
- Study about the adjective showing physical (physical
appearance, charectiristic)
- Doing exercise
4 12 Sept 2013 - Explain about singular and plural noun
- Give exercise task 1 and task 2
- Make Correction
5 14 Sept 2013 - Explain about cardinal and ordinal numbers
- Give exercise task 1 page 39
- Make correction
6 19 Sept 2013 - Study about simple past tense
- Make dialogue using the simple past tense (in a group)

- The students demonstrated the dialogue in font of the
7 21 Sept 2013 - Study about simple future tense
- Cive exercise task 2 page 40
- Make Correction
8 26 Sept 2013 - Explain about synonym and antonym
- Doing exercise (the students have to find the synonym
and antonym from the words that the teacher given)
- Make correction
9 28 Sept 2013 - Give writing test to the students about all the lesson
10 3 October 2013 - We say thank you the head mater, teachers and
employees and giving some souvenir


A. Conclusion

Based on Teaching Practice we have done and dates we got from SMP Islam
Al lkhlas Cipadu, we can concluded the things that collegian got after we PPL,
there are :
1. Practice field experience, especially practice teaching gave us a lot of
valuable experience and advantages as a teacher in the future.
2. To master the material as a teacher isn't enough to stabilized succed but must
all competence, there are : pedagogic competence, personality competence
professional competence, and social competence.
3. As many as practitioner doing practice directly to the activity and duties of
teacher in school, so a lot of experience that we got.

B. Suggestion
1. To STKIP Banten
To successful of implementation FPL was responsible of together,
between Practitioner Collegians, the school of PPL, STKIP Banten and other
supported. Because - of that to increase effort the. quality of PPL, its needed
a goal cooperation and harmony - between all component who involved.
2. The School of PPL
a. Connected to increase the quality of PPL, its needed a design / programe
to optimalized the function and character of the collegian to develop and
increase education in SMK Manggala without ignore the main purpose of
that PPL.
b. The facilities or studying media of the school was needed, so can increse
the quality of the school, example : library, lab. Computer. science room,
3. Collegian
a. Raising to master the material and the skills in teaching was needed, until
practice of teaching running well.

b. It needs a lot of training and continue to sharpen of skill.
c. Keep of almamater name and have good personality and glarious.
d. Stand at attention of dicipline in followed all the activity of PPL until
After what we have reach to fulfill our obligation as collegian to arrange
the report, furthermore we hope that the school can coloring life of students
to more competence in knowledge also can implementation in society, we
hope the school more sucessfull in the future.


Subject : English
School : SMK Manggala
Class :X
Semester :I

Unit 1
Competence Standard :
- English Communication on the novice level

Base competence :
- Understanding the expression of social interaction in fulfilling humans needs

Indicator :
- Be able to making and performing dialogue using greeting introducing yourself
and other people, leave taking, thanking expression apologizing expression,
simple present tense, personal and demonstrative pronoun.
- Be able to writing a story or composition to make a correct social interaction.
- Be able to reading the text with correct pronoun citation and understanding the
content of the text.

Allocation time : 4x90 minutes

A. The goal of learning

- Understanding about greeting, introducing yourself and other people, leave
taking, thanking and apologizing expression.
- Understanding about simple present tanse
- Understanding about personal and demonstrative pronoun

B. The Material of Learning

- Greeting, introduction yourself and other people, love taking
- Thanking expression and apologizing expression
- Simple present tense
- Personal and demonstrative pronoun

C. The Methods of Learning
Discussion of group, asking and answer, inquiry and assignment

D. Tools and Material

- Module book
- Other book that relevan

E. Scoring
- Technique : quiz and individual assignment
- Kinds of instrument : question by speaking and writing test

Match the situation in column a with the proper expressions in column B !

1. You greet your teacher at 1 p.m a. Hello, Rena. Nice to see you again
2. Lita meets an old friend b. Thank you for joining us. Good evening
3. A teacher greets her students c. Sorry, I really must go now
4. Someone opens a speech at 7 p.m d. Good afternoon
5. You meet your classmate e. Good morning, class
6. A receptionist welcomes a guests at f. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen
10 a.m g. Good morning
7. You part with a friend after school h. Good night, sweet dream
8. A TV presenter closes her evenings i. How are you to day
program j. Bye see you to morrow
9. You end a conversation with a friend
10. A mommy takes her little son to bed

August 31th 2013

The principle of SMK Manggala Teacher of Study

Budi Priyono, SE, M.Pd Asnilah, S.Pd


Subject : English
School : SMK Manggala
Class :X
Semester :I

Unit 2
Competence Standard :

- English Communication on the novice level

Base competence :
- Describing the characteristic of things, person, time, day, date and year

Indicator :
- Be able to writing a story a composition about how to make a correct social
- Be able to making the knowledge about how to use adjective showing colour,
quality, size, shape, age, origin, material, adjective, showing physical, noun
sowing time, day, date, month, year.
- Be able to increasing the knowledge about how to use adjective showing colours,
quality, size, shape, age, origin, material, adjective, showing physical, noun
sowing time, day, date, month, year. And singular and plural noun.
- Be able to reading text in correct pronoun citation and getting understanding
from the content of the text.

A. The goal of learning

- Understanding adjective showing colour, quality, size, shape, age, origin and
- Understanding adjective showing physical
- Understanding about noun showing time, day, date, month, and year
- Understanding singular and plural noun

B. Learning Material
- Understanding singular and plural noun
- Understanding noun showing time, day, date and year

- Understanding adjective showing colours, quality, size, shape, origin and

C. Learning Methods
Discussion of group, asking and answer, inquiry and assignment

D. Tools and Material

- Modul book
- Other book that relevan

E. Scoring
- Technique : Quiz and individual assignment
- Kinds of Instrument : Question by speaking and writing test

Complete the following dialogue with the correct words in the box creatively!

Rency : Hi. Sarah, something .(1) nice

What are you .(2)?
Sarah : Im making some .(3)
Would you like it?
Rency : No, thanks, Im not feeling .(4) now
I ve eaten fried chicken at school
Can I taste this? It tastes ..(5)
Youre really a good .(6)
Sarah : Thanks a lot

a. Chef c. Soup e. Hungry
b. Cooking d. Smell f. Delicious

August 31th 2013

The principle of SMK Manggala Teacher of Study

Budi Priyono, SE, M.Pd Asnilah, S.Pd

Examination : I
Class :X
Name :
Date :

A. Chose The Correct Answer A,B,C,D!

1. Receptionist : Good morning, madam .?
Guest : I want to reserve two double rooms for two nights, please
a. What to you mean
b. Could you do a favour for me
c. What will you do
d. May I help you

2. Naura : I want to go to the post office, but I dont know where it is.
. Show me the direction, please?
Shofi : with pleasure
a. Did you c. Could you
b. Wold you d. Have you

3. Sarah wants her teacher to correct her work .

Sarah : Excuse me, madam. I have finished my work , . To check it ?
a. Could you please c. Have you
b. Arent you d. May I

4. My brother is 178 cm. he is very

a. High b. Long
b. Tall d. Height

5. Sarah and Shofi me to their party two days a go

a. Inviting c. Was invited
b. Are inviting d. Invited

6. Mr and Mrs Ferry . To the new house last year

a. Moving c. Are moving
b. Moved d. Have moved

7. She goes to school 6.30 a.m

a. At c. On
b. In d. To

8. 276 means
a. Twenty seven c. Two seven six
b. Two hundred and seven six d. Twenty seven six

9. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is

a. Monday c. Thursday
b. Tuesday d. Friday

10. 7 : 30 means
a. It is Seven there c. It is half to seven
b. It is seven thirty d. It is quarter past seven

B. Complete the text below with correct answer in the box!

Mr. Ferry .. (1) hard to day. He works in his office (2) he usually (3) in
his car and he (4) to work in his garden for a white before dinner. Then he
(5) dinner with his family. After dinner they (6) or (7) to the music. They
(8) a picnic once a month.

- Wants - Listen - Drives

- Will Have - Tonight - Read some books
- Have - Gets

C. Arrange these sentences into a good dialogue between Kahanza and Bintany !
Khanza : I have made breakfast today. Do you want some
Khanza : Good morning
Bintany : Thank you. Im not hungry
Bintany : morning. How are you this morning?
Bintany : Thats too bad
Khanza : not well. Ive got a headache

(Lembar Pemantauan Instrumen / Administrasi Guru)

1. Nama Sriyatun
2. Sekolah SMK Manggala
3. Kelas X (sepuluh)
4. Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
5. Semester I (Ganjil)
6. Tahun Pelajaran 2013-2014

1. Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran 1 Sept 2013
2. Kalender Pendidikan 8 Sept 2013
3. Pemetaan Pembelajaran 14 Sept 2013
4. Perhitungan Hari / Jam Belajar Efektif 14 Sept 2013
5. Program Tahunan 14 Sept 2013
6. Program Semester 14 Sept 2013

7. Silabus 14 Sept 2013
8. Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran 14 Sept 2013
9. Pelaksanaan Program 14 Sept 2013
10. Agenda Kegiatan Harian Guru 15 Sept 2013
11. Pelaksanaan Program Semester 15 Sept 2013
12. Daftar Hadir 15 Sept 2013
13. Daftar Nilai 22 Sept 2013
a. Penilaian Proses 22 Sept 2013
b. Penilaian ulangan harian, ulangan 22 Sept 2013
tengah semester
c. UAS / UKK 22 Sept 2013
d. Pelaporan akhir untuk siswa, kepsek 22 Sept 2013
dan orang tua
Analisis hasil ulangan harian
Analisis biutir soal
Bank soal / kisi-kisi
Soal ulangan harian
Soal ulangan tengah semester
Soal ulangan akhir semester / ulangan
kenaikan kelas
Program perbaikan pengayaan 29 Sept 2013
Pelaporan hasil perbaikan 29 Sept 2013

Mengatahui, Tangerang, September 2013

Kepala Sekolah

Budi Priyono, SE, M.Pd Asnilah, S.Pd

A. The criteria of examination
After the collegian gives lesson about simple present tense, greeting,
characteristic of things, etc, the collegian wants to know the students know ledge
and understanding of the lesson. The criteria of examination are :
- The students understand what the teacher has been distributed about the
- The students can memorize a lot of vocabularies
- The students feel enjoyable with the new method of learning
- The students can more practise about the lesson they dont understand.

B. The Students Score

1 Apriyadi 70
2 Arif Hidayat 65
3 Astrid Widia. M 65
4 Berlian 40

5 Bima Triyantomo 85
6 Bunga Prasetyo 80
7 Cindy Fatikasari 70
8 Devinda. R 75
9 Dedi 50
10 Della Safira 55
11 Desifiana Putri 65
12 Desta 70
13 Devi Trisnawati 80
14 Dwiki Winata 56
15 Eka Sri. S 70
16 Fathur Rohman 75
17 Frendi. S 40
18 Ibrahim Nur. F 40
19 Inesia Pratiwi 80
20 Jan Kristian 50
21 Karina Afrilla 75
22 Lianti 75
23 Lita Nur Fitria 70
24 Melinda Yustika 75
25 Merri Hera 75
26 M. Naofal 70
27 M. Farouq 45
28 M. Aldi 50
29 M. Thamrin 50
30 Novia Sari 80
31 Nurmala Sari 75
32 Reza Cahaya 40
33 Rina Sulistiani 75
34 Risma Yanti 80
35 Sabrina 80


Nama : Sriyatun

Jenis Kelamin :K/P

Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Jakarta, 01 Januari 1980

Asal Perguruan Tinggi : STKIP BANTEN

Jurusan / Program Study : English

Akta Mengajar : Tidak mMemiliki

Lama Mengasuh Mapel : 1 Bulan

Mata Pelajaran Tambahan :-

Beban Mengajar / Minggu : 4 x 45 jam

(Penilaian Guru Oleh Atasan / Kepala Sekolah)

No Identias Guru
1. Nama : Sariyatun
2. Sekolah : SMK MANGGALA
3. Jurusan : ENGLISH
4. Akta Mengajar : Tidak memiliki
5. Mata Pelajaran Pokok : ENGLISH
6. Mata Pelajaran Tambahan :-
7. Bagan Mengajar / Minggu : 4 x 45 menit / minggu

1 2 3

1. Ketaatan dalam mennjalankan ajaran agama yang dianut
2. Kedisiplinan dalam menjalankan tugas
3. Keteladanan dalam sikap dan prilaku
4. Kesopanan dan kesantunan dalam bergaul
5. Etos kerja sebagai guru
6. Keterbukaan dalam menerima kritik dan saran
7. Penguasaan bidang studi yang diajarkan
8. Kemampuan dalam pembuatan perencanaan pembelajaran
9. Kemampuan dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran
10. Kemampuan dalam mengevaluasi hasil belajar siswa
11. Kemampuan memanfaatkan sarana belajar
12. Kemampuan melaksanakan program remedial dan pengayaan
13. Pengembangan diri sebagai guru ( misalnya mengikuti
seminar, pelatihan, dll)
14. Keaktifan membimbing peserta didik dalam kegiatan
akademik dan non akademik
15. Kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan lisan dan tulisan
16. Kemampuan bekerja sama
Skor Total
Tangerang, September 2013

Budi Priyono, SE,M.Pd

(Kemampuan Merencanakan Pembelajaran)

No Identias Guru
1. Nama : Sariyatun
2. Sekolah : SMK MANGGALA
3. Kelas / Semester : X / I (ganjil)
4. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
5. Materi Pelajaran :-
6. Waktu : 2 x 45
7. Tanggal : 7,8 September 2013

1 2 3 4

I Perumusan Tujuan Pembelajaran
1 Kejelasan rumusan
2 Kejelasan cakupan rumusan
3 Kesesuaian dengan kompetensi dasar

II Pemilihan dan Pengorganisasian materi ajar

1 Kesesuaian dengan tujuan pembelajaran
2 Kesesuaian dengan karakteristik peserta didik
3 Keruntutan dan sistematika materi
4 Kesesuaian materi dengan alokasi waktu

III Pemilihan Sumber Belajar / Media Pembelajaran

1 Kesesuaian dengan sumber belajar/media pembelajaran
dengan tujuan pembelajaran
2 Kesesuaian dengan sumber belajar/media pembelajaran
dengan materi pembelajaran
3 Kesesuaian dengan sumber belajar/media pembelajaran
dengan peserta didik

IV Metode Pembelajaran
1 Kesesuaian strategi dan metode pembelajaran dnegan
tujuan pembelajaran
2 Kesesuaian strategi dan metode pembelajaran dengan
materi pembelajaran
3 Kesesuaian strategi dan metode pembelajaran dengan
karakteristk peserta didik
4 Kesesuaian strategi dan metode pembelajaran dengan tahap

V Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1 Kesesuaian teknik penilaian dengan tujuan pembelajaran
2 Kejelasan prosedur penilaian
3 Kelengkapan instrument (soal, kunci jawaban/pedoman

Komentar Pengamat :

Mengatahui, Tangerang, September 2013
Kepala Sekolah

Budi Priyono, SE, M.Pd Asnilah, S.Pd


(Kemampuan Melaksanakan Pembelajaran)

No Identias Guru
1. Nama : Sariyatun
2. Sekolah : SMK MANGGALA
3. Semester : Ganjil
4. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
5. Materi Diklat : Greeting / Introduction
6. Waktu : 2 x 45 menit
7. Tanggal : 14, 15 September 2013

1 2 3 4
I Pembelajaran

Menyiapkan ruang, alat pembelajaran
Menyiapkan kesiapan siswa

II Membuka Pembelajaran
Melakukan kegiatan apersepsi
Menyampaikan kompetensi yang akan dicapai dan rencana

III Kegiatan Inti Pembelajaran

A Penguasaan materi pelajaran
Menunjukkan penguasaan materi pembelajaran
Mengaitkan materi dengan pengetahuan lain yang relevan

B Pendekatan/Strategi Pembelajaran
Melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai dengan kompetensi
yang akan dicapai
Menguasai kelas
Melaksanakan pembelajaran bersifat kontekstual
Melaksanakan pembelajaran yang memungkinkan tumbuh
nya kebiasaan positif (nurturant effect)
Melakukan pembelajaran sesuai dnegan alokasi waktu yang
C Pemanfaatan sumber belajar/media pembelajaran
Menunjukan keterampilan dan penggunaan sumber belajar
dan media pembelajaran
Menghasilkan pesan yang menarik
Melibatkan mahasiswa dalam perbuatan dan pemanfaaatan
sumber belajar media pembelajaran

D Pembelajaran yang memicu dan memelihara ketertiban

Memfasilitasi terjadinya partisipasi aktif mahasiswa melalui
interaksi guru, mahasiswa, sumber belajar.
Merespon positif partisipasi siswa
Memfasilitasi terjadinya interaksi guru mahasiswa
Menunjukkan sikap terbuka terhadap respon siswa
Menunjukkan hubungan antar pribadi yang kondusif
Menumbuhkan keceriaan dan antusiasisme siswa dalam

E Kemampuan khusus dalam pembelajaran
Mendemonstrasikan penguasaan materi dalam bentuk fakta,
konsep dan prosedur
Mendemonstrasikan kemampuan menanamkan konsep,
rumus, atau prinsip dengan menggunakan pendekatan yang
sesuai dengan konteks
Mengembangkan kemampuan siswa untuk berfikir kritis,
logis dan analitis
Mengembangkan kemampuan siswa dalam memecahkan
Membantu siswa menemukan konsep, prinsip, dan rumus
Mengembangkan kemampuan siswa dalam menyampaikan
informasi melalui symbol, bilangan, diagram, grafik, tabel
atau model lainnya
Memupuk sikap positif atau apresiasi siswa
Membantu siswa dalam membentuk sikap cermat dan kritis

F Penilaian proses dan hasil belajar

Membantu kemajuan belajar
Melakukan penilaian akhir sesuai dengan kompetensi

G Pengguanaan bahasa
Menggunakan bahasa lisan secara jelas dan lancer
Menggunakan bahasa tulis yang baik dan benar
Menyampaikan pesan dengan gaya yang sesuai

IV Penutup
Melakukan refleksi atau membuat rangkuman dengan
melibatkan siswa
Melaksanakan tindak lanjut dengan memberikan arahan,
atau kegiatan, atau tugas sebagai bahan remidi/pengayaan

Komentar Pengamat :

Mengatahui, Tangerang, September 2013
Kepala Sekolah

Budi Priyono, SE, M.Pd Asnilah, S.Pd


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