12 Year A Slave

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Good historic movie!

Title: 12 years a slave

Realease: 2013

Director: Steve Mqcueen

Runtime: 2 t 14 m

Main actors: Chiwetel Eijfor was the main character and played Solomon Northup/ platt.

Its about a free afro american who has a family of three, who went out too play his
violin. Then the guys who hired him to played the violin sold him. And then after that he
was a slave for 12 years. And had different slave owners.

I did not like the way of the colloring of the movie because it was blurry and dark collors.

i liked the way they filmed the maincharacter althought they had many unecesery long
boring cuts.

i like how they showed how brutall it was for all the slaves but maybe some cutseens
was a bit too much

The main character was a verry good actor because he seeme like it was so real.

Iliked the story and how it was made into a movie so long after.

In the end i think that might be one of the best true story movies ive seen.

il give it 8/10

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