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N. Baptiste, R.P.

Chapuis / Engineering Geology 184 (2015) 111118 115

by the K2 value. For very high K3 values, the limit value (asymptote) of
Ktest is equal to: less aerated water
(after 48 h)
ln r 3o =r 3i ln r 3o =r 2o

K 1 (m/s), numerical method

K test K2 : 6
ln r =r ln r 20 =r2i
xo xi
Kx 1.E-03

If the screen is not pervious enough but the lter pack is pervious
enough then K1 is much smaller than K2 and K3, and the Ktest value is
limited by the K1 value. At the limit, for very high K3 values, the limit
value (asymptote) of Ktest is equal to: 1.E-04

ln r 3o =r 3i ln r 3o =r 2o
K test K1 : 7 aerated water
ln r =r ln r 10 =r1i
xo xi (fresh water)
1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02
For these special cases, Eqs. (6) and (7) give the maximum Ktest value
that can be obtained with a screen and a lter pack. Most often, the K 1 (m/s), Thiem's equation
general Eq. (5) must be used to compare Ktest with K3, and obtain by
how much the eld test in the MW under evaluates the aquifer K3 value. Fig. 3. Correlation between K1 values obtained either numerically or using Eq. (1) for
unclogged screens in a water tank.
4.2. Numerical method

Contrary to Eq. (5), which applies only for an ideal geometry and The previous values were obtained with a screen in clean water. In
constant-head tests, the numerical method can study any geometry, eld conditions, the screen slots are partially blocked or clogged by
for example a screen partially penetrating an aquifer. To study how K1 solid particles. To assess the performance of pumping well screens
alone inuences Ktest, a few constant-head tests were simulated. The after full development the clogging factor is usually taken as 50%
K1 value was that obtained using steady-state pumping tests in a (Todd and Mays, 2005): this is a theoretical value. For MWs, the devel-
water tank. The numerical models used these K1 values and a range of opment process is much less severe than for pumping wells, and as a
K3 values to quantify their impact on Ktest. The lter soils were those result the clogging factor exceeds 50%. Harich (2009) found clogging
available in the Montreal area. Filters in other areas are quite similar. factors of 75% for slots of 0.51 mm (0.020 in.) and 85% for slots of
The hydraulic conductivity K2 of lter soils was obtained using the 0.25 mm (0.010 in.). The sizes of screen pores, between the solids
predictive model of Chapuis (2004, 2012a) for sand and gravel, using trapped either against or inside the slots, also decreased, which dimin-
the lter GSDC and porosity. ished the K1 value.
The numerical results were compared to the analytical solution for As a result, the eld K1 value of a screen in a soil is lower than that in
constant-head permeability tests using fully penetrating MWs. In the Fig. 3 (screen in water). For example, Singh and Shakya (1989) per-
eld, most often variable-head tests or slug tests are performed in par- formed tests with two screens (OAs of 2.6 and 5.2%) installed in gravelly
tially penetrating MWs. The case of a variable-head test is not solved sand. The K1 values with soil were much smaller than those in water:
analytically in this paper. It is numerically examined in Section 5.2.3. they were reduced by 86 and 70% respectively. More clogging would
have been found with sand containing traces of silt.
5. Results The reduction of K1 may be proportional to or lower than the OA re-
duction by slot clogging, which is a major cause of skin effects for
5.1. Equivalent K1 for the screen pumping wells and MWs (Barrash et al., 2006). Using numerical models,
these authors have found eld K1 values in the 105 to 106 m/s range,
In the water tank, a few tests were made just after lling it, or the day about 1 or 2 orders of magnitude below the values obtained in a water
after: these tests created many tiny air bubbles in the screen slots. Other tank (Figure 5). This is a signicant reduction.
tests were made after letting the water rest for at least two days: these
tests created less air bubbles. The air content in water inuenced the K1 5.2. Inuence of K1 and K2 during a eld test
value, which was markedly lower in recent water than in old water.
With less aired water, the head losses were too small for 3 of the 6 5.2.1. No lter pack around the screen
screens to be precisely measured. Fig. 3 compares the K1 values obtained When there is no lter pack, the obtained Ktest value depends up on
using Eq. (1) with those obtained using the numerical model. The the tested soil K3 value and the screen K1 value. Fig. 4 shows the analyt-
two methods gave similar results. The K1 value was between about ical (solid lines) and numerical results (symbols) for constant-head
5 10 5 and 1.5 104 m/s for the small slots in aired (recent) tests. The results are very close, the numerical results being slightly
water, and 2.5 103 m/s for large slots and deaired water, but in the below the theoretical ones for an ideal geometry. The screen yields a
eld, the water in the screen and lter pack is not deaired. Ktest value lower than the real K3 value when K1 is smaller than K3.
Having more tiny air bubbles decreases K1 by about one order of Each curve in Fig. 4 has three parts: (1) when K3 is much smaller than
magnitude. In all cases, the screen 0.006d, with an open area OA K1, Ktest equals K3; (2) when K3 becomes slightly higher than K1, then
of 0.57%, had the smallest K1 value. The other screens, routinely used Ktest is smaller than K3; and (3) when K3 becomes much higher than
for soils, with OA in the 14% range, have similar K1 values of about K1, then Ktest reaches an asymptote, the screen measuring capacity, as
1 10 4 m/s. Therefore, the most often used screens for soils have if there was no soil around the screen but only water. As a result, the
an equivalent K1 similar to that of sand. These values can be compared highest measuring capacity of 2-in.-PVC screens would be the ideal
to those obtained for turbulent ow in screens. Singh and Shakya values for unclogged screens (US) in a water tank, thus between 103
(1989) used non-linear head loss equations: for OA in the 1.75.2% and 5 102 m/s. However, since the MW slots are partially clogged
range, they found K1 values similar to ours for laminar ow. (CS) and have a clogged K1 value 10100 times lower than the

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