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Brexit and the Impact

Why we chose Brexit

We'll be doing a documentary about Brexit and how the young people feel about
the decision that was made. The main questions are 'Did older people consider the
young?' And how will young people deal with the circumstance?' Its argued that
the older generation didnt consider the young generation as it will affect them the

Target audience

The documentary will be aimed at the young generation from an age of 14-24. Due
to targeting the younger generation, it will be aired on Youtube because that's
where it's most popular for them.

We are going to use archive footage to
show an understanding as an example. It
will be Presenter led with an introduction
with the presenter alone narrating over
stock footage. We will conduct a practical
example with objects to show what
happened to the exchange rate. One on
one interviews addressing the issue in street
with permission from people.

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