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Journal of Oceanography, Vol. 64, pp.

847 to 857, 2008

In-situ Diurnal Sea Surface Temperature Variations and

Near-Surface Thermal Structure in the Tropical Hot Event
of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
Center for Atmosphere and Oceanic Studies, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University,
Sendai 980-8578, Japan
Japan Agency of Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka 237-0061, Japan

(Received 31 July 2007; in revised form 20 April 2008; accepted 28 April 2008)

Diurnal Sea Surface Temperature (SST) variations and the near-surface thermal struc- Keywords:
ture of the tropical hot event (HE) have been investigated using advanced in-situ equa- In-situ diurnal SST
torial observations with hourly temporal resolution. The information on the HE area variation,
defined by the satellite cloud-free SSTs is used to sample the in-situ observations. The thermal structure,
hot event.
in-situ SSTs sampled for the HE conditions show that a maximum (minimum) SST
has a histogram mode at 30.8 C (29.0C), and frequently appears at 15:00 (07:00)
local time. The amplitude of the diurnal SST variation (DSST) is defined by the dif-
ference between the maximum and minimum SSTs. The mean DSST during HEs is
greater than 0.5 C, and has a maximum of about 0.75C at the HE peak. The time
series of mean DSST gradually increases (rapidly decreases) before (after) the peak.
The satellite SST has a systematic positive bias against the corresponding daytime
SST measured by the Triangle Trans-Ocean buoy Network. This bias is enhanced
under conditions of large in-situ DSST. One-dimensional numerical model simula-
tion suggests that the systematic bias is caused by the sharp vertical temperature
gradient in the surface layer of HE. The near-surface thermal structure is generated
by conditions of high insolation and low wind speed, which is the typical HE condi-

1. Introduction speed can overcome the increase in specific humidity dif-

The air-sea interaction over an area with high sea ference between the sea surface and the near-surface air.
surface temperature (SST) is quite important in the earths Deep convections decrease over the area where SST is
climate system. The high SST increases near-surface air higher than 29.5~30C (Waliser and Graham, 1993;
temperature and makes the atmospheric boundary layer Tompkins, 2001). Ward (2006) showed that failure to
unstable. Previous investigations have shown that the specify the correct interfacial SST led to significant bi-
seasonal, inter-annual and long-term natural climate fluc- ases in the heat fluxes from the ocean. Although the rela-
tuations in the equatorial and mid-latitude regions are tionship between SST and climate systems has been in-
particularly sensitive to the SST distribution in the warm vestigated by many researchers, the effects on the atmos-
tropical oceans (e.g., Lau and Nath, 1994; Webster, 1994). phere of wide-ranging areas with very high SST (> about
Using in-situ observations in the equatorial Pacific, 30C) is still unclear.
Zhang and McPhaden (1995) examined the relationship Taking advantage of advanced remote sensing tech-
between evaporation and very high SST. Their results nology (i.e., the new cloud-free, high-resolution SST
show that evaporation tends to decrease with increasing product of Kawai et al. (2006a)), Qin et al. (2007) (here-
SST when SST > about 28C because the decrease of wind after, QKK) have detected oceanic hot events (HEs here-
after), which are large-scale phenomena with very high
SSTs. After a comprehensive review of prior literature,
including Waliser (1996), QKK recognized the importance
* Corresponding author. E-mail: kamu@ocean.caos.tohoku. of areal coverage and the period during which the very high SST phenomenon persists. The HE is defined by the
CopyrightThe Oceanographic Society of Japan/TERRAPUB/Springer following conditions:

Table 1. HEs and in-situ/satellite SSTs used in this study. The HEs occurring 19962003 are analyzed because of the availability
of satellite solar radiation products (Subsection 2.2). Drifting buoy data are also collected for this period (Subsection 2.1).
The HEs illustrated in Fig. 2 are shaded, which were detected by the TRITON buoys. IO: Indian Ocean, SCS: South China
Sea, WP: Western Pacific, EP: Equatorial Pacific, NAU: North of Australia, MEP: Mid-Equatorial Pacific. The HE informa-
tion is from Qin et al. (2007).

1) SST is greater than a time-dependent threshold radiation and low wind speed, causes the regional SST to
value of about 30C, increase with large satellite-derived DSSTs. It also main-
2) it occurs over an area > 3.0 106 km2, and tains the very high SST in the HE areas for periods longer
3) it persists for more than 10 days. than 10 days. Although the satellite products are statisti-
QKK identified 31 HEs during 19932003 in and around cally validated using in-situ ocean measurements, QKK
the equatorial Indo-Pacific warm pool (some of them, have not examined their appearances in the in-situ SST
examined in this study, are listed in Table 1). The mean observations. Is there a signal in the in-situ diurnal SST
HE period, the mean areal size, and the HE-areal aver- variations in the HE region? Does the well-accepted, one-
aged SST are 24.2 days, 1.57 107 km2 and 0.25C above dimensional process at the air-sea interface (e.g., Kondo
the SST threshold, respectively. The HE areas shift with et al., 1978; Price et al., 1987; Fairall et al., 1996) ex-
the seasons. plain the diurnal SST variations and associated HE for-
QKK also found that the HE area has large diurnal mation?
SST amplitudes (DSSTs), which are derived from satel- One of the purposes of this paper is to examine bulk-
lite solar radiation and satellite wind speed through the skin SST differences and satellite-bulk SST differences
parameterization of Kawai and Kawamura (2005). En- in the HE condition. The importance of the diurnal SST
hanced thermal forcing, which results from high solar variability on air-sea interaction, especially in the equa-

848 H. Kawamura et al.

torial oceans, is now be coming clearly recognized (e.g., 2. Data and Methods
Ward et al., 2004; Kawai and Wada, 2007). The satellite
remote sensing community generally accepts that the di- 2.1 In-situ SST observations and amplitude of diurnal
urnal SST variability has to be treated adequately to im- SST variation
prove the accuracy of the satellite SST (e.g., Hepplewhite, We use SSTs of the global drifting buoy dataset dis-
1989; Donlon and GHTSST-PP Science Team, 2005; tributed by the Marine Environmental Data Service
Notarstefano et al., 2006; Kawai and Wada, 2007). The (MEDS) (
diurnal SST variability enhanced by a clear-sky (strong Home_e.htm). We collected the drifting-buoy SSTs with
insolation) and low wind-speed condition is accompanied depths within 1.5 meter for the period 19962003, for
by a sharp vertical temperature gradient in the ocean sur- which the satellite solar radiation (SSR) product is avail-
face layer, which generates a significant temperature dif- able (Subsection 2.2). Since the SST sampling rate of each
ference between the waters at the seas surface and at a buoy varies within 1060 minutes, we finally re-sampled
few meters depth (e.g., Yokoyama et al., 1995; Soloviev them every hour. We analyzed 25 HEs, listed in Table 1.
and Lukas, 1997; Ward, 2006). While the major opera- The cloud-free daily OI SST data with 0.1 0.1 spatial
tional satellite SST products are tuned against the in-situ resolution (Kawai et al., 2006a) were used for HE detec-
SSTs (bulk SSTs) measured by drifting buoys, the remote tion. Using information of the HE coverage by QKK, the
sensing principle of SST measurements is to detect ther- drifting buoys in their regions are specified and the SST
mal emission from the sea surface (skin SST). Tempera- measurements are sampled. Figure 1(a) shows the loca-
ture differences between the surface and a few meters tions of all the sampled buoy measurements in the HE
depth might be formed systematically in HEs. regions. Figure 1(b) shows an example of the sampled
In the present study, using the information on HEs drifting-buoy SSTs for No. 20 HE. Numbers of the speci-
defined by QKK, we conditionally sampled the in-situ fied drifting buoys for each HE are presented in Table 1.
observations. As mentioned in the previous paragraphs, SST observations of the TRITON mooring array
our contention is that the HE condition enhances the SST ( are
diurnal variations and bulk-skin temperature difference, also used. Ten HEs (shaded gray in Table 1) have been
which may be a reason for a systematic bias between the captured by the TRITON buoys since their deployment.
satellite and bulk SSTs. The in-situ observing system in Their coverage and the locations of TRITON buoys are
the equatorial western Pacific has been considerably im- shown in Fig. 2.
proved in recent years, as represented by the Tropical The amplitude of the in-situ diurnal SST variation
Atmosphere Ocean (TAO)/Triangle Trans-Ocean buoy (in-situ DSST hereafter) is calculated by the daily maxi-
Network (TRITON) surface mooring array. The purpose mum SST (daytime) minus the minimum SST (nighttime)
of the present study is: 1) to investigate the diurnal SST using the in-situ SST time series. They are referred to as
variations and the near-surface thermal structure in HE SSTmax and SSTmin, and their appearance times Tmax and
using the in-situ equatorial observation system; and 2) to Tmin, respectively. For the drifting buoys, in-situ DSSTs
examine their formation mechanism in conjunction with are derived only for cases where the buoy drifts in an
the satellite and in-situ SST measurements in the HE re- area within 0.25 0.25 in a day. The areal size is equiva-
gion. lent to the satellite DSST spatial resolution.
The satellite/in-situ datasets are introduced in Sec-
tion 2. In Section 3 we examine the in-situ DSST and the 2.2 Satellite data
difference between the satellite and in-situ SSTs in the The satellite SST and DSST data used in this study
HE region from various aspects. In Subsection 3.1, tem- are the same as those used by QKK. The cloud-free daily
poral variations of the in-situ DSST are investigated us- OI SST data covers the global oceans within 85N and
ing the overall HE condition defined by QKK. Subsec- 85S with 0.1 0.1 spatial resolution from 1993 to 2003
tion 3.2 shows the results of the satellite SST validation (Kawai et al., 2006a). The OI SST has been produced by
in the HE regions. In order to study the observational merging four kinds of satellite SST data. Since the ma-
evidence obtained in the previous subsections, Subsec- jority of the satellite SSTs are statistically tuned against
tion 3.3 is devoted to examining of snapshot match-ups the drifting buoy SSTs, the OI SST is a good representa-
using a high-resolution satellite infrared SST and buoy- tion of the bulk SST (Kawai et al., 2006a). Concerning
sampled hourly measurements of the air and sea param- its merging principle, the OI SST can be considered as a
eters in the HE regions. On the basis of results reported daily mean bulk SST at a given grid.
in Section 3, the SST and near-surface thermal structure NOAA/NASA AVHRR Pathfinder SST (PFSST
are investigated using a numerical model for further dis- hereafter,
cussion (Section 4). Finally, we give our conclusions/dis- product102.html) is also used to compare with the in-situ
cussions in Section 5. SST in the HE region. We obtained the Pathfinder Best-

In-situ Diurnal SST in the Tropical Hot Event 849

Fig. 2. TRITON buoy locations (dots) and coverage of the ten
HEs captured by them. Numbers on the colored coverage
(a) lines corresponds to the HE numbers in Table 1. The HE
coverage is illustrated by the contour of HE intensity de-
fined by QKK. The TRITON buoy at (0N, 147E; marked
by ) and the TRITON buoy at (0N, 156E; marked by *)
measured the SST time series in No. 23 HE (Fig. 4) and
No. 20 HE (Fig. 8), respectively.

(VISSR) for 19962003. Its validation using the in-situ

ocean observations shows that the bias RMS errors of
the daily SSR is 3.5 23.7 W/m2 (Qin et al., 2006). RMS
error of the daily satellite DSST is around 0.20.3C in
the tropical area (Kawai and Kawamura, 2005).

3. Results

3.1 Appearance of in-situ DSST in the HE region

(b) For the 25 HEs in Table 1, 450 drifting-buoy SST
time series and 69 TRITON-buoy SST time series with
Fig. 1. a) Locations of the sampled drafting buoys in HEs dur-
55 PFSST match-ups are obtained. These numbers for
ing 19962003. b) Example of the collected in-situ SST
locations for No. 20 HE (Table 1). Circle color indicates
each HE are indicated in Table 1. Using the satellite-SST
SST values. HE coverage is illustrated by the contour of information of HE location and period (Table 1), the start
HE intensity defined by QKK. and end days of SST sampling are determined.
Histograms of SST max, SST min, Tmax and Tmin are
shown in Fig. 3. SSTmax has a histogram mode at 30.8C,
and SSTmin a histogram mode at 29C. SST max frequently
SST with quality flag 7, which is the highest quality. The appears at 15:00 Local Time (LT), and SSTmin at 07:00
local time of AVHRR observation recorded in the PFSST LT. These features are quite similar to the results of pre-
data file enables us to examine the difference between vious studies (e.g., Koizumi, 1956; Stommel et al., 1969;
the AVHRR and the in-situ SSTs obtained at closer times. Kawai and Wada, 2007). The large DSST in the HE re-
The reported Root Mean Square (RMS) error of PFSST gion is derived by the daily solar cycle. Since the in-situ
is 0.53C against the drifting buoy SST (Kilpatrik et al., SST observations are sampled for the specific HE condi-
2001). tions, the SSTmax and SST min histograms have significant
Using satellite solar radiation (SSR), satellite wind peaks at around 30C. This demonstrates that the HE areal
speed products, and satellite-based latent heat flux (Kawai information based on the OI SST (QKK) properly cap-
and Kawamura, 2003), daily satellite DSST data at 1-m tures the diurnal SST fluctuation around 30C. This is
depth are produced by a parametric model (Kawai and the step-by-step approach, indicating/confirming no con-
Kawamura, 2005). The long-term SSR products were pro- tradiction among the OI SST-based sampling and the in-
duced from Geostationary Meteorological Satellite situ SST features. The confirmation of the solar heating
(GMS)/Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer mechanism leads us to the model simulation in Section 4,

850 H. Kawamura et al.

(a) (b)

Fig. 3. Histograms of parameters characterizing the diurnal SST variations derived from the TRITON SST and drifting buoy SST
time series in the HE region. a) Maximum (gray) and minimum SST (black). Superimposed lines are histograms smoothed by
boxcar average. b) Appearance times of the maximum SST (gray) and the minimum SST (black). Superimposed lines are
histograms smoothed by boxcar average.

since the simple physics is well implemented in the model

An example of the sampled TRITON SST time se-
ries (black dots) at (0N, 147E) for No. 23 HE (Table 1)
is shown in Fig. 4(b). The location of the TRITON buoy
is indicated in Fig. 2 with a triangle symbol (). Follow-
ing the analyses of QKK, we calculated daily averaged
OI SST in the HE region to investigate the HE temporal (b)
evolution, the time series of which is shown in Fig. 4(a).
QKK mentioned that, during the former period of HE,
the average SST increase is accompanied by intense large
solar radiation, low wind speed and resultant large satel-
lite DSST. It decreases with reducing solar radiation, in-
creasing wind speed and small DSST. In order to analyze (c)
the in-situ DSST statistically, we define HE period rela-
tive to the day with the maximum average SST. In Fig.
4(a), Day-0 is the peak day, and days before (after) are
numbered decreasing (increasing) from Day-0. The newly
defined relative days are indicated in the upper horizon-
tal axes in Figs. 4(a), (b) and (c).
As illustrated in Fig. 4(b), the in-situ DSSTs are de- Fig. 4. a) Time series of No. 23 HE intensity (HE areal aver-
rived from the SST time series. The sampled SST values aged SST) for defining relative days. Peak day is specified
of Fig. 4(b) are higher than the HE-area averaged values by . b) Example of the in-situ SST time series (0N, 147E)
of Fig. 4(a). The buoy measuring the SST time series is in No. 23 HE. Daily Tohoku OI SSTs at the buoy location
located in the central part of No. 23 HE (Fig. 2), which are also plotted (*). Time-dependent threshold is 30.12C,
may be the reason why higher SST values are recorded. indicated by a horizontal line. c) In-situ DSST time series
Figure 4(c) shows the derived in-situ DSST time series derived from the in-situ SST time series in b).
as SSTmax SSTmin over 1 day. The in-situ DSST is higher
during the period before Day-0. In contrast, the in-situ
DSST is not so significant during the later period while have been compared with the corresponding satellite
the daily mean SST decreases. The daily OI SSTs in Fig. DSSTs (Kawai and Kawamura, 2005). Kawai and
4(b) have values between SSTmax and SSTmin on most Kawamura (2003) have proposed the parametric model
days, which agrees with the conclusion of Kawai et al. for generating the satellite DSST. Although the model is
(2006a) that the OI SST is equivalent to the daily mean tuned against the buoy-derived DSSTs obtained from the
SST. wide coverage of the Japanese Geostationary satellite, the
The in-situ DSSTs obtained from TRITON buoys present comparison is for an extreme air-sea condition,

In-situ Diurnal SST in the Tropical Hot Event 851

i.e., HE regions. Figure 5 shows the result of the com- in Fig. 4(c). However, as seen in Fig. 6, the standard de-
parison and demonstrates good agreement between them. viations are quite large, which suggests that the in-situ
The bias is 0.05C and the RMS error is 0.28C, which DSST has large variability. Since the buoys were located
is equivalent to the RMS error (0.20.3C) of the above at a single point within the HE region, they are suscepti-
mentioned analysis by Kawai and Kawamura (2003). ble to local air-sea exchange influences. For the compos-
Using the relative day, we averaged all the in-situ ite analyses in Fig. 6 we used Days defined by the overall
DSSTs for each day. The time series of mean in-situ DSST HE feature, which sometimes does not represent the lo-
is shown in Fig. 6. The HE mean period of 24.2 days cal conditions at buoy locations. Only the mean DSST
(QKK) is presented for Days-10. The mean DSST in HE apparently changes according to QKK, but individual
is higher than 0.5C for the 20 days displayed, and be- DSST variations do not necessarily change as described
comes highest, around 0.75C, on Day-0. It gradually in- by QKK, which leads us to examine 1-D air-sea interac-
creases toward Day-0 with values higher than 0.5C dur- tions using the buoy-sampled air and ocean parameters
ing Days -10 to -0, and quickly decreases toward 0.5C with hourly temporal resolution (Subsection 3.3) and a
around Day-+5. This is consistent with the result of QKK 1-D numerical model (Section 4). In order to examine
(their figure 5) and the appearance of in-situ DSST shown the reliability of appearing mean DSSTs further, the tem-
poral and spatial variability of the local heat fluxes should
be examined, paying attention to the observational char-
acteristics of the buoy and satellite SSTs. This, however,
lies beyond the scope of the present study, and is left for
future work.

3.2 Validation of satellite OI SST in the HE region

As mentioned in the introduction, the HE condition

8 4 2 0

Fig. 5. Validation of the satellite DSST using the in-situ DSST

in the HE region. Numbers on contours show number den- Fig. 6. Composite time series of the in-situ DSST in the HE
sity of the match-ups in a 0.1C 0.1C boxes of the satel- region. Standard deviation for each relative day is given by
lite and in-situ DSSTs. a vertical bar.

(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Validation of the daily OI SST using the hourly in-situ SST. Numbers on contours show number density of the match-ups
in a 0.1C 0.1C boxes of the OI and in-situ SSTs. a) Match-up conditions are satellite SST(t) > satellite SST(t-1) and
satellite DSST > 0.4C. b) Match-up conditions are satellite SST(t) < satellite SST(t-1) and satellite DSST < 0.4C.

852 H. Kawamura et al.




Fig. 8. a) SST time series (gray) of the TRITON buoy at (0N, 156E; marked by * in Fig. 2) in No. 20 HE. Corresponding OI
SST (*) and PFSST () are superimposed. b) Results of numerical simulation (black) at 1-m depth and the TRITON SST
(gray) shown in a). c) Scatter plots of the simulated and in-situ DSSTs for 1233 days in the HE condition. Bias and standard
deviation are 0.036C and 0.24C, respectively. d) Closer views of time series of TRITON SSTs (gray) and simulated SSTs
(black) at 1-m depth, and corresponding OISST (*) and PFSST () on 28 December 1999.

enhances the bulk-skin temperature difference, which may were examined by Kawai et al. (2006a), who showed that
cause a systematic bias between the satellite and in-situ the OI SST does not have a significant bias against the
SSTs. Figure 7 shows the validation of the OI SST in the drifting-buoy SST. How large is the bias in the HE con-
HE regions (Table 1). The daily OI SST is compared with dition? The satellite SST tends to be higher than the in-
the hourly in-situ SST obtained during the same day in situ SST when the SST increases under the HE condition
coordinated universal time (UTC). The merging process of high-insolation/low wind-speed (Fig. 7(a)). The satel-
for the OI SST generation is based on UTC. In Fig. 7(a) lite SST agrees well with or tends to be slightly lower
(7(b)), the match-up condition is that the OI SST increases than the in-situ SST under the opposite condition (Fig.
(decreases) from the value of the previous day and the 7(b)). Almost all of the satellite SSTs merged for the OI
satellite DSST is higher than or equal to (smaller than) SST are tuned statistically against the bulk SST of drift-
0.4C. The attached color bar shows the appearance rate ing buoys (Kawai et al., 2006a). However, Fig. 7 indi-
of match ups within a 0.15C grid since the OI SST nu- cates that, under the special conditions of the HE region,
merical resolution is 0.15C. the OI SST has systematic biases against the in-situ SST
The characteristics of OI SST in the global oceans observed by the drifting and TRITON buoys.

In-situ Diurnal SST in the Tropical Hot Event 853

Table 2. Comparison between the observed difference between PFSST and the TRITON SST and model-simulated differences
between SST and temperatures at 1-m and 1.5-m depths.

Match-up number Mean in-situ DSST Mean difference obs. Mean difference model Mean difference model
with PFSST (C) (C) SST-T(1m) (C) SST-T(1.5m) (C)
DSST > 0.4 30 0.76 0.26 0.19 0.31
DSST > 0.8 11 1.08 0.50 0.35 0.6

Table 3. Characteristics of the one-dimensional ocean mixed layer model (Noh and Kim, 1999) used in the present study.

Computational parameters Present study

Vertical resolution 50 cm
Output interval 3600 s
Atmospheric forcing Wind stress, solar radiation, net longwave radiative,
sensible and evaporative heat fluxes
Model domain 0150 m

3.3 Diurnal SST variation and difference between satel- HE region is again confirmed by the temporally precise
lite and in-situ SSTs in the HE region analyses using the PFSST.
In order to examine the DSST characteristics shown
in Subsection 3.1 and the difference between the satellite 4. Discussion
OI SST and the in-situ SST in Subsection 3.3, we use We use a numerical model to discuss the DSST ap-
PFSST derived from NOAA/AVHRRs and the hourly pearance features, including the systematic bias. A vari-
TRITON buoy SST. Since NOAA 13 and 14 pass the equa- ety of numerical models have been developed for simu-
torial area at around 14:00 LT, we compare PFSST with lating the diurnal SST and upper ocean variations. Ac-
the TRITON in-situ SST at 14:00 LT. The number of cording to Soloviev and Lukas (2006), however, no model
match-ups for each HE is presented in Table 1. An exam- can simulate the diurnal variations perfectly. We selected
ple of the TRITON SST time series (gray dots) at (0N, a one-dimensional ocean mixed layer model developed
156E) and PFSST (black dots), OISST (black stars) in by Noh and Kim (1999) for a simple examination of the
No. 20 HE is shown in Fig. 8(a). The location of this sam- surface layer in the HE condition. The model is a second-
ple is marked by a star symbol (*) in Fig. 2(b). While the order turbulence closure model. A set of equations gov-
cloud-free OI SST appears at the buoy location every day, erning the horizontal velocity, temperature and salinity
PFSST does not due to cloud disturbance of the AVHRR fields is driven by fluxes of heat and wind stress. The
IR measurement. Figure 8(c) is a closer view for one day turbulent kinetic energy flux and the roughness length
(29 December 1999, marked in the time series) depicted scale were modified and the parameterization of stratifi-
in Fig. 8(a). Figures 8(b) and (c) include the numerical cation effects is improved for better simulation of tem-
simulation results, which are discussed in the next sec- perature and turbulence structure of the oceanic bound-
tion. ary layer. The characteristics of the model used are sum-
We obtained 55 match-ups of the PFSST and marized in Table 3.
TRITON SST (Table 1). The mean difference between The SST time series in Fig. 8(a) is simulated using
the PFSST and the in-situ SST is 0.21C. As in Fig. 7, we the numerical model (Fig. 8(b)). All the boundary condi-
use the in-situ DSST for the sampling condition (Table tions governing the model simulation are calculated from
2). When DSST > 0.4C, the reduced match-up number measurements of the TRITON buoy. The TRITON verti-
is 30; the mean DSST is 0.76C and the mean difference cal temperature/salinity profiles for 0 to 150 m depths
is 0.26C. When DSST > 0.8C, the further reduced are also used for the models initial condition. The output
match-up number is 11; the mean DSST is 1.08C and interval of the model simulation is one hour. As seen in
the mean difference is 0.5C. The PFSST is higher than Fig. 8(b), the diurnal SST variations are simulated well,
the TRITON in-situ SST at around 14:00 LT, and the tem- although a low-frequency bias, which might be caused
perature difference depends on the in-situ DSST. The sys- by horizontal water advection, sometimes appears. Since
tematic bias between the satellite and in-situ SSTs in the our interest is in the high-frequency components of diur-

854 H. Kawamura et al.

of TRITON buoy-observed SST using special instruments
to measure near-surface temperatures. Through careful
examination of the high-resolution observations and nu-
merical simulations, they considered that the TRITON
SST measured at 1.5 m depth of the sensor installation
(SST 1.5m) is affected by platform effects (Kawai and
Kawamura, 2000) in calm and clear-sky conditions, and
SST1.5m may be slightly higher than the true value at 1.5m
depth (Kawai et al., 2006b) in the condition DSST >
0.5C. SST1.5m may be the value intermediate between
the water temperature at the surface and 1.5-m depth (Y.
Kawai, 2007, personal communication), which is consist-
ent with our analyses of the difference between PFSST
Fig. 9. Mean vertical temperature profile derived from the nu-
and the TRITON SST in the HE region.
merical simulation for conditions DSST > 0.8C (Table 2).
Summarizing the above discussions, the following
Standard deviation is illustrated by the horizontal bar.
may be inferred. 1) The satellite SST is tuned against the
global buoy SSTs in a variety of air-sea conditions, which
statistically equalizes the skin SST and the bulk SST.
nal SST variations, we ignore the low-frequency compo- 2) The satellite global SST retrieval algorithm treats the
nents. Scatter plots of all the simulated DSST and the skin-SST and the bulk SST similarly. 3) The mean DSST
corresponding in-situ DSST are shown in Fig. 4(c). The during HEs is more than 0.5C, and has a maximum of
number of simulated days is 1233, and the bias and the ~0.75C at the peak of the HE. The mean DSST shows an
standard deviation are 0.036C and 0.24C, respectively. asymmetry around the peak HE, gradually increasing from
The simulation result for one day is illustrated in the day 0.5C before the peak and rapidly decreasing after the
with the matched PFSST in Fig. 8(d). peak. 4) The special condition of HE regularly generates
Twenty-one time series with the 55 PFSST match- the sharp gradient of daytime vertical temperature pro-
ups are simulated, as shown in Figs. 8(b) and (d). The file in the near-surface layer (i.e., the warm layer). The
mean difference between PFSST and the corresponding gradient magnitude increases with increasing DSST.
TRITON SST is 0.21C, as mentioned in the last para- 5) The systematic bias between the satellite- and buoy-
graph of Section 3. The simulated mean temperature dif- measured SSTs in the HE region may be caused by the
ference between the surface and 1-m depth is 0.15C. The difference of temperatures between the surface and the
days of 55 match-ups include a variety of surface flux buoy sensor depth.
conditions, though they were in the HE region. Their
DSSTs also range widely. Using the in-situ DSST condi- 5. Conclusions and Remarks
tions in Table 2, the simulated temperature differences The features governing the appearance of in-situ di-
between the surface and 1m/1.5m depths are calculated, urnal SST variations in the HE region have been investi-
and added in Table 2. The observed mean difference of gated using the drifting buoy and TRITON buoy SSTs
0.26C for DSST > 0.4C lies between the simulated mean and the satellite-based HE information of QKK. The fea-
differences for 1-m (0.19C) and 1.5-m (0.31C) depths. tures and associated near-surface thermal structure are
That (0.5C) for DSST > 0.8C is between those for 1-m simulated by a one-dimensional ocean mixed layer model.
(0.35C) and 1.5-m (0.6C) depths. The systematic bi- The followings conclusions may be drawn.
ases between PFSST and the in-situ SST are well simu- 1) The in-situ SST observations specifically sam-
lated by the one-dimensional numerical model with the pled for the HE conditions defined by the satellite cloud-
TRITON initial/boundary conditions. free SSTs shows that SSTmax has a histogram mode at
The simulated vertical temperature profiles for 30.8C, and SSTmin is 29.0C. SSTmax frequently appears
DSST > 0.8C are averaged, and are shown in Fig. 9 with at 15:00, and SSTmin at 07:00 LT.
the standard deviation. A sharp temperature gradient is 2) The mean in-situ DSST in HE is higher than
formed in the surface layer, which is the reason for the 0.5C, and assures the highest value of around 0.75C at
difference between the temperatures at 1-m and 1.5-m the peak of the HE evolution. It gradually increases to-
depths. The observed mean difference between the PFSST ward the peak, maintaining values higher than 0.5C, and
and the in-situ SST may be attributed to the sharp tem- rapidly decreases toward 0.5C after the peak. These find-
perature gradient. Ward (2006) also reported large tem- ings are consistent with the satellite DSST behavior pre-
perature gradients from in-situ high resolution profiles. sented in QKK. The large standard deviation of in-situ
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In-situ Diurnal SST in the Tropical Hot Event 855

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