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General Knowledge
Published bv :
109, Prakash Mahal, Ansari Road,
Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110 002
Ph. : 2325-7092, 2325-7964


Compiled by :
S.No. Subject Page No.
B. ACTION WORDS fcbUlcHcb 95-113
1. Colours 114
2. Days, Months and Seasons RH, H^.kjci h HIH 114

3. Time 114
4. Animals cp -^Ft 115

5. Birds, Worms, Insects and Reptiles MU^, 4-tcbl^ l|cj dlol v^cl) HIH 116

6. Cries of Birds, Animals and Insects M f M , vilMcWf CUMI c f l ^ - H c h l ^ 3J|c||.\if 117

7. Young ones of Animals VJIMCIVI cp cpsff cp ^TR 117
8. Sounds fc|fH?l c j ^ l d?| 118
9. Dwelling and Places PiclKI l^cj cf)| 118
10. Schools & Colleges ^ci H ^ l R l ^ l l d ^ ^ 122
11. Subjects ^ ( M HH 122

12. Sports & Games ^ e f ciaTf 123

13. Eatables and Cereals v i l H M dSMI -HlvrlH ^ 124
14. Spices 125
15. Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables 4>cH kjcj ^RsHiji 126
16. Plants, Trees and Their Parts iflfc), cjJH v H ^ 'H\*\ 127

17. Parts of the Body 128

18. Ailments and Body Conditions yixpu daji 129

19. Relations 130

20. Clothes and Wearing Apparel 131

21. Ornaments and Jewels 132
22. Musical Instruments ciia^ 133
23. Household Articles i n MRCIN w ^ s f t CR^ 133
24. Minerals 135

25. Places, Buildings and Their Parts >WIH, ' W H ^cj vJH^ HMI 135

26. Stationery 137

27. Tools aftjHN 138

28. Warfare 139

29. In the Hospital Rlfcb^lcHAI i) *l*<s|ptld yiccj 140

30. Profession and Occupations M kjcj o q c ) ^ ! ^ ci4 141

31. Police Department 1

<jfcH>H fcJ'-HI- 1 ^ <HHptld 143

32. Jubilee Table 144

aeroplane A machine which flies in
acorn The nut which grows on an
(3*rtt#T) the sky. ^TW;
( ) oak tree. If you plant an acorn
m \ it will take a long time to fsRHI
grow into a tree. ^cJcT "^T
Wf l

alligator An animal which lives in

( QTh'V< ) rivers and looks like a croco-
dile. -erfswri

abcdefghijklmn j
: opqrstuvwxyz [
alphabet The letters which are used to
C^tfifiR:) write words.These letters go
in a special order. 3uiHi<ni I

acrobat An acrobat does clever tricks

(^te) at the circus. ^Ml'Kl

alsatian A large dog which looks a bit

( Qh^h ) like a wolf. ftranft ^rar I
Adder a poisonous snake. "^MT ^TPT;
ant A very small insect. Hundreds
. of ants live together, "^flzt

ambulance A special kind of car which

(Qhs^c-kh) takes people to hospital
when they are ill or hurt,
t f ^ ^-SMeff ^ STFRfM^t
cTTcft "HT^t I

antelope An animal which looks

(Q^chIm) like a deer, f f r q ^TT "q^j i

anchor A heavy piece of iron on a long

(^m) chain, it keeps a boat still. cFR I

ape A large animal like a monkey with-

(irq) out a tail. W T T ^ ; " f s f a f f a I

ankle Part of your body which

(^PcT) joins your foot and leg.

apple A round fruit which

(qufef) people like to eat. TRf I

apron A piece of cloth which you

anorak A jacket with a hood to keep (tjth) wear over your clothes to keep
(QnY^ch) you warm and dry. ^ fcrc them clean, ^ r g f ^ W Wt
% fcro; W t I
aquarium A glass tank to keep fish in.
(arMtsm) You can watch the fish swim-
ming around. I
artist A person who paints and draws
(OTf&re) pictures. bCllbK; f^r^TR I

arm The part of your body between

(srrf) your hand and shoulder, ^pfl I

astronaut A person who flies in a

Ofc^Nfe) spacecraft. SRrfts} w f t

armchair A chair with sides. You rest

(ot^^r) your arms on the sides.
^c^R^ff I

astronomer A person who studies the

( ^ m ) stars. TsPTtel I

army |_ots 0 f soldiers. ifal; ^nR

(srnfl) "

arrow A stick with a point at one end A sharp tool with a handle You
(^ft) and feathers at the other. I (wO chop wood with an axe. j ^ i s l I

baker A person who bakes and sells
bread and cakes. -imii

ball An object which is round. You

(fra) often use a ball to play a game.
baby A very young child. A baby
ifc; 7TtcTF.
(^ft) cannot walk. T ^ I r^fT.

badge Something you wear to

show that you belong to a
if r 5
certain school or club.
ballet A ballet dancer dances in
dancer the ballet. A ballet is dancing
which tells a story. "^R

badger A black and white animal which

(sTvsr) lives in a hole in the ground. A balloon A bag filled with air. Some
badger is very shy. f t e "q^; balloons are small, others are
f^sj. large. "^pTRI.

bag Something used to hold things.

(%ti) A bag can be made of plastic,
banana A long yellow fruit with a
paper or material. sfcfT;
(crrt) thick skin.

band A group of people who play musi-
cal instruments together. ^

barn A large building on a farm,

(cjpf) Farmers keep things like hay and
animals in a barn. <sifcri$M; <*>ldK.

bandage A thin piece of material used basin A round bowl for holding liquids.
(t^5r) for covering a wound. A cTWFT;
bandage is usually white, ^ t s

basket Something to hold things. A

(eiiR^e) basket is made from strips of
plaited wood, z t ^ f t ; ^ f d ^ l .
barbecue A party outside where food
(dWdc^) is cooked on a fire. "RTCT "^F^

bat A piece of wood used to hit a ball.

Cv bat A small animal that flies at night. A

barber person who cuts hair. bat looks like a mouse with wings.

bee A brown and yellow striped insect,
(ifl) A bee collects honey.

beetle (ffcci) An insect with four

wings. The front wings
are hard and shiny,
bath A big container which you can fill
(cnaj) with water and sit in. You can
wash yourself all over in a bath.
'T^T^ ^T ; ^FTFT.

bell A bell is hollow. Inside is a ball

(iter) which hits the side and rings when
shaken, w t ; W l .

bear A large animal with thick fur. A

belt A long thin piece of material. You
(fcrc) bear can be black, brown or
wear it round your waist, "^zt;
white. Tfe; ehH<K.

beard The hair which

(flani) man's chin. ^ t .
bicycle A machine with two wheels
(eii^cbcH) that you ride, ^ hIWi "^t
binoculars These are like two telescopes
joined together. You look
through them to see things
bed Something you sleep on. Beds which are far away. ^Mfa.
(^g) are usually soft and comfortable.

biscuit a small crunchy cake, fafchd.

boat A small ship. A boat floats on

ftte) water. HR; f ^ c f t .

black T h e darkest colour of all. "^MT;

S R ^ K H ^ ; ^tTCTT ijF.

bone One of the hard white parts of the

(cf^r) body of a person or an animal.
blackberry A small juicy fruit. Black- ^ST.
(cctcpiff[) berries can grow wild, ^ l e f t

bonfire a fire in the garden.

blackbird A black bird with a yellow

(^cpcf^) beak. ^facT.

book Pages joined for you to read.


blackboard A black surface. You can

(^cpefr^) write on it with chalk.
W W .

blue A colour. The sky is blue

when the sun shines. boot A shoe which covers your ankle,
nten FT. ft?) ^
bow A curved stick with string. It shoots
(eft) arrows.
bread A food made from flour,
(is) ^ e l M
bow (eft) A kind of knot. You tie your
oelaces with a bow.
^rt ffte. brick ( t o ) A piece of clay which is
made into a block and
baked. Bricks are used for
building, f z .

box A container with straight sides. A

(cfnpn) box is made of cardboard, metal
or wood, - h ^ ; "^zt.

bride A woman on her wedding day.


A person who fights with his
fists, t i ^ i t f .
- 4 > o
bridegroom A man on his wedding
(di^ijH) day. " ^ T ; Wi.

boy A male child. A boy becomes a

( # g ) . man.

bridge A bridge crosses a road, river

(to) or railway. It takes you over to
the other side. "Jcf;

broomA brush with a long handle.

branch The part of a tree which grows You sweep away the dust on
(fTpei) out from the trunk. ^Teft; the floor with a broom. W f ^
bucket (erfcfcz) A container for holding
water. A bucket always
has a handle.

bus A very large car which carries

bud A leaf or a flower before it opens.
(era) people. -MldMId =FT "HT^FT; T?T.
(to) ^eft;

budgerigar (ensrfrfR) A small brightly

coloured pet bird.

blutcRer He sells meat, ^ n f ; *TRT

(f^R) ^TefT.

bull The male of any kind of large ani-

(^cf) mal, usually cattle. ^Hfe; ^ T .
butter Soft yellow food made from
(ere*) cream. h<=ksm.

bulldozer A big machine which moves buttercup A bright yellow wild flower,
(gesture) lots of earth and rubbish. (sr^r-epq) W in %

butterfly (sre^w^)
An insect with large
coloured wings. A butterfly
grows from a caterpillar.
bungalow A house with no upstairs. All
(cPTcft) the rooms of a bungalow button A small round object.
are on the ground, "ST37 A button fastens your
^TeTT. clothes together, ^ r ,
^rq^f "qr wft WfT.
camel (3>*r?f) A large animal which lives
in the hot dry desert. It
carries water in one or two
humps on its back. I f e ;
^PlWH =FT ^tftst.

cabbage A green vegetable which we canary (tfafl) A small yellow bird which
(fofca) eat. ^ M ; WT t M . sings. People often keep
a canary as a pet.

candle (%^ct) A round piece of wax

with string through the
middle. The string burns
and makes a light.
cage A box or a room made from bars.
(%ut) Animals and birds can be kept in
a cage. fq^TCT.

canoe A small boat

fel+KI ^ft.
cake A sweet food which is made from
flour, butter, sugar and eggs. A
cake is baked in an oven. 37IZI,
3TCT3T, W I , ofit rHdlch< ^FTFTT

car a motor with four wheels.

calf A young cow or . WfT. (cRR)
caravan a house on wheels. ^ cello A musical instrument like a big
(ftcft) violin. c i n R h "^Fn.
n\ '

carrot A long orange vegetable. A car- centipede An insect with lots of legs.
(^s) grows in the ground. "TFJR.

chain Rings which are joined together.

castle A big stone building. Castles

(t^ra) were built long ago.

chair A seat for one person to sit on. A

: * * chair has four legs and a back to
lean against, f ^ f f .
A small furry pet.

caterpillar A small creature

which changes
into a butterfly.
A food which is made from milk.
^tei, f f i w .

cherry A small round fruit. A cher-

ry has a stone in the mid-
A big hole in a cliff or in a hill. dle. tJtef "Htef cTTcT W .
chips Small pieces of potato which are
(flro) fried. cT^fir^z^t.

chess A game for two people played chocolate A brown sweet made from
with chessmen, w b r (trrp^e) cocoa. ^rtert ^r ^ f t ffcrsrf.

chicken (ffoR) A young hen. choir A group of people who sing

"grffwr^EfT; ^pn. (M^f) together. TTFT^f ^ q ^ T ^ u ^ d l ^FI

I n M

church A building where people go to

rfni (xnf) sing hymns and pray. pR^II^R;

chimney A pipe to let the smoke out of

(fxprft) a house. It is on the roof.
Pn+dH ^T T i m

clarinet A musical instrument which you

chimpanzee a clever ape. 3 q ^ r
(cf^e) blow.
^ (ftTRFyft) oHHI^bl.
claw A sharp hard nail on the foot of an
(cfc^j) animal or bird. coat Something you wear over other
(cpfc) clothes, ^ f % TWfi M T
"feefT f3TT W f l ^Tfl.

cobweb A thin silky net made by a spi-

(cbTdcId der. The spider catches insects
in a cobweb.

cliff A high steep rock usually near coconut A very large nut which grows
(top) thesea.^f^FTft^^ft^SR (>lcfrHe) on some palm trees. -iiR<m

clock (cRTfcp) A machine with hands and

a face to tell you the time.
comb A comb has teeth for tidying your
(cpm) hair, ^ f t ; W

comic A paper book with lots of small

(cfiTftcfi) pictures, f ^ f w f t "qf^T
^ i t a .

clown A funny man at the circus. A

(cfcii^n) clown has a painted face. cook a person who cooks food. WTT
HUteHI; " t M f ^ r i . (gnp) "SRpt M I ; stTcr^f.
cork A thing to put in the top of bottles
(cBTcfj) to stop the liquid running out. ^cTef
=Ft ^TS ^T eFFT.

corn The seeds of plants like wheat, cowboy A man who looks after cattle on
(cjrpf) barley and oats. Corn is made into (cMvdetfij) a ranch. ^ T W I ; ^
food. 3FT; wu.

cowslip a smalfwTfd yellow flower.

cot A small bed with sides. A baby
(C^MR-chm) i j r ^ T ^ z t tu
(we) sleeps in a cot. # 1 ; 3TT hktmi.

crab An animal which lives in the sea. It

has a hard shell and ten legs.

cottage A small house in the country.

(cPT^T) ^ n ; m.

cracker You pull this and it goes bang.

cow The animal which gives us milk. A small present is inside. <*>hm

W I t.
crow (ml) A large black bird. " ^ T ; W T .

crown (tPTvj^) Something worn on the

head by kings and
^queens. A crown is often
made of gold.

crane A machine which lifts very heavy

(jfa) things, m l ' crcgsrf ^ "sbt^ ^

cube A shape which has six sides all

(cpqer) the same size. mi=t->i<
f^TT37f ^r ^TRT f ^ wrr). '
{crocodile A large fierce animal which
(tbUYiiijd) ' i v e s i n t h e water and on the
land. T p r r q ^ ; t j f e i l H .

cuckoo A bird which makes a noise

which sounds like its name.
crocus A flower which comes out in the
(ufarn) spring. c f ^ T 3 "fec^ WcTT

cucumber A long green vegetable.


croquet A game played by knocking

(stfcfr) balls through hoops. T3=F "SRFTC
^tT faRTO d+kl ^t % ^t
cup A container with a handle. We drink
(cpq) liquid from a cup. WcTI.
^ ^ n r r ^ n t.

dentist A person who looks after your
(W&z) teeth, ^cf R=iRticeh.
dagger A kind of knife used for fighting.

IT ]

desk A kind of table. You sit at a desk to

(t*cf>) read and write.

daisy A small white wild flower. It is fers&f.

(t^r) yellow in the middle. JJdlk

harp pointed piece of metal

with feathers at one end.
wter cik. dial The face of a watch or clock. ^Tft
(^pra) ^T ^ f ^ w t r s N F ferel ^ f.

dice Small cubes with numbers on

each side. You use dice in many
games. TTCTT; ^ M ; Rffq ^ M ;

deer A wild animal. A deer has horns dictionary This book is a dictionary. It
(feR) and is very shy. " f t , (Rscrcufl) tells you what words mean.

20 YK-'^Ffa;
"g^RT f^RT^T
3Tsf t ^ ^ f.
dinosaur A very large animal which dog An animal which is kept as a pet.
(^t^^tr) lived thousands of years ago. Csfo) t ^ M ^ -
t^Ft MTT MtMcK
^ TJff

doll A toy which looks like a baby or a

dishwasher A machine which does the (^ra) child. Tjf^n. - ^ % ^t
(ferranrrc) washing up. ^ T T ^ t TFFTf fctfhl.

dolphin An animal which lives in the

(3Tfc*jR) sea. Dolphins are very clever.
diver A person who swims under the
(^ifcR) water. Divers wear special suits.

doctor A person who helps to make you donkey An animal which looks like a
(^nre*) better when you are ill. M ^ R T ; small horse. A donkey has long
%T; "dfrprf ^T f c I R ^ F f M I ears. W .
dragonfly A large insect, usually <
door A door opens and shuts and (^HikHi^) bright colour. TO
(sft) allows you go into a room or build-
ing. q<qif1l;

dress Something worn by women
iftTW; feT^TRT; x r f t m
dove a bird which is like a pigeon. ^Ksdl;
^cTC % MRclK ^FT.

1 2 3 U. 5 6
7 8 9 10 1132
dozen This is another way of saying " You use a drill to make holes.
(wi) twelve. ^HF ^TT t j ^ c ^ t . (%0 ^ ^TT 3#3TR.

drum A musical instrument which y o i

(^r) beat with a stick. "^cT; WSI.

dragon A make-believe animal. Many

(%tr) stories have been written about
dragons. W W ^ffa; duck bird which can swim.
3 3?ft R + d d l f . (to)

' ' ' V M - -
earthworm A large worm which lives in
(siafcpf) the earth.

eagle A large bird which eats small

(^ra) animals. W ;
easel A frame made of wood to stand a
(l^yTcT) picture or a blackboard on.
cRan; w r q ^ w r ^ r erarat ^

ear You have two ears, one on each

(iSR) side of your head. We hear with
our ears. ^FTFT. easter egg An egg made from choco-
(tf^^T) late. ^ft-fRT c%R-qr
*fe w ^ q f ^ n ^TTcfT t
^ n ^ Z ^ ^FfcTT t ) .
egg (tttt) Some animals lay eggs.
x ^ ^ N B a b i e s of these animals are
f /hatched from eggs. sf^T.

0 -Wo \ -I,
w - * - P.' 6
' O is " o
earth The top of the ground. We put
(3Rf) plants in the earth, ^^cft; IfPTfr; eight The number between seven and
(qe) nine. W sfk ^ % ^ t TTMT.
3TT3. 23
elbow The part where your arm bends
(TTcrt) in the middle. <=hl^-fl.
envelope A folded piece of paper. You
(^HcJdM) put a letter in an envelope.

elephant The largest land animal in

(qcT.Tfr^) world. An elephant has a long
nose called a trunk. FMf. excavator A big machine which digs,
(xrcmc^t) ^ ^ft


eleven The number between ten and

(jvm) twelve. ^RF % =Ft
eye The part of your body you see
IRiPTT : TqRf.
(OT^) with.

eyelid The piece of skin which covers

(3n^fers) your eye. "q^RF.

eyelash The hairs along the edge of

(wijbt) your eyelids. Eyelashes help to
emu A large bird which cannot fly. Emusis keep dust out of your eyes.
(spjj live in Australia. STH^fcFTT ^ r ^FT
FT "TcT^it % ofTeT.
^ ^
fence A kind of wall usually made of
("to?) wood. cfTST; "s^T.

fern A green plant which has feather-

(to) like leaves. qf^ff ^mi

face j h e f r o n t p a r t 0 f y 0 ur head.

ferret A little animal used to catch rab-

(Tfcfte) bits. ^ t^eira "^n^.

fan ( t o ) A machine which blows hot and

cold air. W I .

ferry A boat which carries people and

(%ff) cars across water. ^ftTT; "TT^; f ^ c f t .

field A piece of land with things grow-

farmer A person who looks after a farm.
{itez) ing in it. ^fcT; WTTF.
(TJipft) farHM; l M oncJT.

fingers The five things on the end of

feather A lot of fine threads. Birds have
(ftotf) your hand. FfT ^ t
fto^l feathers. W
fire Something which burns and gives
( M ) out warmth. 3TFT;
A coloured piece of cloth
fixed to a stick. fTST;

fire engine A large motor car which car-

( W R Tjfnjn) ries water to put out fires.
flamingo A bird with a long neck and
(T^Tt) long legs. You often see a
flamingo standing in water at
the zoo. TRFH "q^it.

flower ( w w < ) The part of a plant which

holds the seeds. A flower
fireman A man who rides in a fire is usually a bright colour.
(w#i) engine and puts out fires. 3TFT

fly A small insect with two wings.

fish A creature which lives in water. We
(fan) eat some fish. ^RWft; TTfPT.

fisherman A person who catches fish. foal a young pony, ^frf ^TT ^ ^T psrr.

The number between four and
(TpT^cj) six. ^TR W. % cfft WTT: foot The part of your body you stand
qfa. (ige) on. qfo;
fossil (wRhch) The shape of a plant or ani-
mal which lived a long time
ago. These shapes can still
be seen in rocks. ^RJ
football A leather or plastic ball used in T M % m oft wfa %
(^rieiTd) the game of football. "fc ^ ^ "STHfft f

footprint The mark made by your foot

Ogefite) when you walk on something
soft like sand. ^ f^RT.
fountain Water which shoots into the
(mivj-ci) air. W T ; ^R^tRl.

four The number between three and

OPft) / r7 iI tifive. ""tN % cfff

4 '

forehead The part of your face between

Oitata) your eyes and your hair. "RM;

fork An instrument for picking up food.

QHTWt ^ J ^ f e . fox A small wild animal with a big
(t^Tcr?) bushy tail, effort.

frog A creature which can in

fort A strong building. Soldiers used to
(nil*) live in a fort. ^te. water and jump on land. te.
gate A gate is like a door but you see it
(Tfe) Outside. A gate can be made of
wood or iron. ^TMT.

ghost A ghost is supposed to be a dead

spirit. No one knows if
ghosts are real. ^fcT; f^T.

garage a place to keep cars,

giraffe An animal with a very long neck.

(ftRPP) faw.

garage A place where you get petrol.

(frf^si) TTteT a f l f t oflt cM ^

g> rl A female child. cQ ^ T .


garden The land round a house. You

(nr^r) grow flowers and vegetables in glass Glass is hard and breaks easily,
a garden. ^TPT; (^crra) You can see through glass.

glasses We wear glasses when we
('eiiRivjt) _ cannot see very well. i _ / v> . v n L I X

Glasses are sometimes

gnome A little make-believe man who
^called spectacles. WTT;
lives underground. #=TT.

_ ider (joH^sw) An aeroplane without goal A wooden frame with a net. You
(Titer) kick a football into a goal,
an engine. "f^FTT " ^ R ^T I w t .

globe A round shape like a ball which

(Teita) shows you all the countries of the
world. Titor fcrcr "qr ^ ^ ft
*rt ^ n t . goat An animal with horns. A goat gives
(Tfte) milk.

goldfish Fish which are gold in colour.

glove A covering for the hand. Gloves
OiWfogi) ^fr^; tq "q^rt.
On^) keep our hands warm. <vklHI.

glue Something which is used to stick

(Tcjj things together. TT^T; f ^ w ^ ^T goose A bird which looks like a big
(tjtt) white duck. 29
gooseberry A small green berry which
(Tpplft) you can eat. sfi^fT.
grasshopper A small insect which
(TTprr"?m) jumps. Pd-^si.

green The colour of grass. FTT; ITT TT.


gorilla A very large ape. WTTJ^; "SflT guinea pig A small animal kept as a
('ftRedl) (Tpft RTT) pet. ^ %TT W f ^ t w s f t M

guitar A musical instrument with strings.

grape A sweet juicy fruit. You make (flrcrc). tec.
(tq) wine from grapes. 3PJT.

grapefruit A bitter fruit like a large yel-

low orange. WtZT -<=i =hld<i; gull a sea bird. T T ^ M ^ T T .
^Tt. (ner)

grass a green plant. WT;

gun A weapon used for shooting.

handkerchief A small piece of cloth
(I^TcpT^to) you use to blow your

handle Part of anything you hold in

your hand. A knife has a handle
^j) fPtfnd so has a door.

hair Thin threads which grow on your

.to) ^ M f e head. Some animals
hair a over their
V j T * ^bodies. handlebars The part of a bicycle you
C^cHnI) hold onto when riding.

hammer a tool for hitting nails, f te

hanger A bent piece of wire with a
(W) hook. You hang up your clothes
on a hanger. Tsfzt ^T eT^ft
"sfT cfTt ^faT "TC grrt
d i + l ^ ^Tct f .

hamster A small animal like a big

(tare*) mouse. We keep hamsters as
pets. ^ ^ W^^hcr.

hare a wild animal like a rabbit. W I

CN) % TTft^R 3 TForf^cT

hand Part of your body at the end of

(fcss) your arm. FTC; W .

handcuffs Two metal rings which lock

(l^swtm) your hands together. Police-
men use handcuffs on harp A musical instrument with strings
r f i prisoners. (mi) A harp has the shape of a triangle

hat Something you wear on your head.
heel The back part of your foot. "Q^t.
(%e) 2rq.

head All the parts of your body above

your neck. f^R.

helicopter An aircraft which can fly

(Mlw^) straight up and come straight
down. f^FTP ^ fft %
headlight The lights on the front of a car w tt sm TS ^racn t
) or motor cycle, f ^ f t cT?n ft -^cR t.
% 3TO W] ^FT WTWeTT^.
helmet A kind of strong hat worn
heart Your heart is inside your body. It by soldiers, policemen
^ pumps blood. You can and firemen. People who
L ^ T ) hear your heart beating. ride on motorbikes have
mm/ i^T; te to wear a crash helmet.
eiWdlM; far ^Fl ^STT t l
^TcTT Zfa.

hedge A kind of fence made from small
bushes. flTfe^i ^T tTf.

hedgehog A small animal which is very -hen ' a female bird. "g^Tf.
32 (ttm) Prickly. W t ; ^ M ^T
hive A small house made of wood.
Bees live in a hive. "R^hRksmi '3FI

heron A bird with long legs which likes hoe A garden tool for digging out
CM standing in water. weeds.

herring A small fish found in the sea.

^ W f t ^Ist Weft.

holly A tree with prickly leaves. Some

holly trees have red berries. ^H^T
i t ^ e b ^ k fnst.

mountain. ^ ^ T ; W f ^ ;

hook A curved piece of metal. You hang

(fcp) things on a hook. ^feT.

hoop A circle of wood or plastic. You

(^q) jump through a hoop or roll it

hippopotamus A very large animal s ^ n g the ground. ^ TO;

(OMcw-i) which lives near a river.

^ f w f srteT.

( HEFT P I T A U 1 " .
1 J

horn Pointed bones which grow on the
heads of some animals. "#T.
hospital A place you go to when you
(aR^ed) are ill. 3-iwdld; fafeoHM'M.

horn A musical instrument like a big

(#f) trumpet. You blow a horn to make
a sound, ^f 1 ^ c j ^ l

house A building where people live.


horse A friendly animal. You can ride on

a horse. ^TteT;

horseshoe A piece of metal which is

fixed to the bottom of a hut A small building made from wood.
horse's hoof. "^TTeT.

hose A long narrow pipe made of rub-

(im) ber or plastic. Water goes through
a hose. T^T; ^ hyena A fierce animal which looks a bit
^t ^ Wf TTPTt ^Ff "Qcfr TfPT ^ (^TT) like a wolf. c r l ^ ^ m .
^Fft W W: % W T STTcft t .
igloo Eskimos used to live in igloos. An
(^i) igloo is made from large pieces of
hard snow. m J H h I ^ .

insect A small creature with six legs.

(3-Atixi) Ants and flies are insects,

iceberg A very large lump of ice float-

(OTifwf) ing in the sea. f a n femsU

iron Something which is made of

(srwR) metal with a flat part under-
neath. You make an iron hot and
rub it over clothes to smooth
ice cream A soft frozen food. Ice cream
them. M ^pft ^ftrt.
is made from milk and sugar.

ice skate A special kind of shoe with a

sharp metal piece fixed to
the bottom. ^ "^R f ^ d ^ island A piece of land which has sea
c f M ^cTT. all round it. i f a ; ZPJ.

icicle A thin long piece of ice which

(aijR-icbd) hangs from a roof in very cold ivy A green plant with shiny leaves,
weather, d<i+d1 (srrfft) Ivy climbs up walls. R u W ^ t WT

jam A very sweet food which is made
by boiling soft fruit and sugar
together. "fC^T; sixTR; t M

jacket a short coat.


jay A bird with blue, brown and pink

feathers, il<ncbu<3 ^aft.

jack-in-the-box A toy which looks like a

(^cp-^i-^-cffcm) box. When you open
the lid a doll pops out. jeans Trousers made from blue cotton
ftfsTCT 3 f^TT 37T material. ^ ^
T^TOK^T fedk.

jack knife ( ^ p ^ i p ) A large pocket knife

^Sj^N which has many different
blades. "^T
^MT ^RfT.

jeep A very strong kind of motor car. A

(wfa) jeep will go over very rough roads.
jaguar A fierce wild animal which looks
TTRjt; Fc^T W T ^
(u|Jc|W) something like a leopard. 3W5|T -J^RT ^frl f.

jigsaw puzzle A picture which has been
(fvFraTTiylcT) cut up into small pieces.
These pieces are then
jelly A wobbly kind of food made from fixed together. %
(vitcft) fruit juice and sugar. 'gi^T; Tfrst Z ^ f oFt 3 W T

jellyfish A sea animal with a soft body.
^cflfogi) It looks like an umbrella. jockey A person who rides on a race
"^Icn^fKt TOeft. (weft) horse. ^T ^ f a T ^ W K .

jug A container for liquids. A jug

has a handle and a special
place for the liquid to come
out of the top. =fF

3 faehMI 3fR ^ m t.

iersey Something you wear on the top

(!#) part of your body. A jersey is
often made from wool.
^ f t "gJcff.

jewel A special stone which is worth a

lot of money. A diamond is a
jewel, TFf. jungle A very thick forest found in hot
(yFTct) countries. "^FM; ^T.
key Something you use to open a lock,
(eft) A key is made of metal. ^rat;
^ j f t ; cTToTl".
- Iu ^

A hole in which you put a key
to unlock a door. "^TRt cTHPt ^FT

kangaroo An animal which lives in

(Vre) Australia. A kangaroo hops kid A baby goat. ^ R t ^T W^H.
on its back legs. STR^f^TT

s r c ^ % wte crm % r|

% sfcft ftcft t.
kilt A skirt with lots of pleats. People
(face) who live in Scotland sometimes
wear kilts. fwlTPTf

kennel a house for a dog. ^frff %

kettle A metal container used for boiling

water. A kettle always has a han- king A man who rules a country. A king
dle. (fcfrrr) is a very important man.
TRT; ^T; M J ; ^ T .

knee The middle part leg which
m bends. ^ T T .

kingfisher A bird with bright blue feath-

ers. A kingfisher lives near a
river, -cmle) W I ^ M I W f ;
knife A sharp piece of metal joined to a
(ht?^) handle. You cut things with a
knife, ^ f l ^ ; sfft.
kipper A herring which has been dried
(ftjOR) in smoke. ^ 3 RpiTf w!" HsSdl

kitchen The place in a house where

knight A soldier who lived a long time
(fctjrR) you do the cooking. TFTf
W O ago. ^ f t ;

knot It is made by tying two pieces of

(^fte) string together, "nfe.
kite A kind of toy which goes up into
(<pt&) the air on a long piece of string.

knuckle The part of your finger which

kitten (ftse^) A baby cat. M ^T ^rai. (wcO bends, i f t ; ^FT ^ffe.
pmp A light in the street.
ftalRT, ^^TcTltWT.

A special kind of string you use to

fasten shoes. ^ ^ F f cfiT "tftcFT.

lantern A lantern is made from metal

ladder A set. of steps made from two with glass sides. You usually put
(cW) long planks of wood with small a candle in a lantern to give you
ieces between them. A light. dldcH; eb^lel.
dder can be made of
metal. You climb up a
7/ ladder. ^ M ;

lark A small bird which sings as it flies

ladle A big spoon>n wnicn
which looks liKe a
I O O K S like (oTPfc) in the sky. ^ cfT^T "q^ft; cT^T.
(pTSci) cup on the end of a long handle.

lasso A rope with a loop on the end. You

catch horses and cattle with a
lasso, ^ s f f eft ej5T "q^j.

A baby s h e e p . ' ^ r T ; eFi
lemon a yellow very sour fruit, i f ^

lawnmower A machine used for cutting

(cfH^ER) grass. W ^iz^f #1.

leaf It is green and g r ows on plants

and trees, w t ;
leopard A fierce animal which looks like
(cfcni) a large cat. tgsfT.

letter A message which is written down

on paper and then put in an enve-
lope. M m TR^T;

leap frog A game in which one person letter A mark that stands for a sound we
(^ta tptt) jumps over another. ^ (ctef) say. Words are made from letters.
t w c f ^ f f^T Rsldl^l % TT

H=hdr) f .

lettuce A plant with big green leaves,

leg We have two legs. We walk with (crfcm) You eat lettuce without cooking
them. They are joined to our body. it. ^ t cTCF ^T -qffaT; ^

lifeboat A special fast boat which res-
(cfT^p e f e ) cues people in the sea. w N h
TO ^ T ; T r g ^ 3 ^ f ^ w f ^Ft
W^fi ^ cfft m
lizard A small animal with four legs and
(fcfMri) a long tail.

lobster A small sea animal with a hard

(cfiw?) shell and five pairs of legs.
The front legs have sharp
claws. "Q^R "G^R FT

lighthouse A tall tower with a big flash-

ing light. A lighthouse helps
ships to know where they
are in the dark. WT log A round piece of wood which has
(hhMH (efFi) ^FT cjp^T
been cut from a tree, dob-si

lollipop A large sweet on the end of a

(chTc^nn) stick. "Q^r ^ "spsff ^ pHdii

lion A large wild animal found in Africa

(eTRR) and other countries. fw.

luggage All the cases and bags you

litter bin A container in which to put (crftra) take with you when you go
(fcT^fim) your rubbish. away, ^ f t ^FT UPTFT.

marbles Small, pretty balls made of
glass. 3?%; ^ r % t I Q ^ ^

net ( t ^ t e ) A piece of metal which

can pull other pieces of
metal to it.

marionette A puppet which you move

with strings. fleT^-fcT^ ^ f t

magnifying glass A glass which can

'eTR?) make things look
much bigger than
they really are. ft17!
mask Something you wear over your
face to hide it or protect it. =t->iJitf;
^ n f e ^ anfc ^T-goffer.

magpie A black and white bird which is

(Vn^) very noisy. "J^ffcft W
^ cTTT i ^ f ^TToTT ^TtfWT

fffltrtiir- mast A tall pole on the deck of a boat. It

(mrs) holds the sail up. t t ^ , %
mallet A wooden hammer, (n^sl ^T i f eFMT f31T c ^ T t z i f^RT ^
(^rfcTC) W f ^fal W t.

map A drawing which shows you how . . , x . ,

. , mat Apiece
r of thick material you put on
(tm) to find your way to somewhere. /jSl _, , r
t h e floor
TO - ^

match A thin piece of wood with a spe-
cial tip. This tip makes fire when
you strike it against something.
"Tlf^RT; R i l W d l i

mermaid A make-believe sea fairy with

(wr^) the tail of a fish. *idH<l; "RcFf

mattress A very thick pad which goes

on a bed. "H^I.

merry-go-round A large wooden plat-

(^fr-Tft-xn^u^) form with wooden
animals on it. A
merry-go-round is
sometimes called a
maze A place with lots of paths all roundabout. W I ^
(ifri) crossing each other. You can get
lost in a maze. ^cT-^^TT.


meat Parts of an animal used for food, An instrument which makes sound louder.
(ife) IHcK"f FT TTRT; 3TfcTR ffaf ^ ^lefT

medal A piece of metal like a coin. You

are given a medal
(Tt^cT) W7~i you
i do something brave. ^ T ^ ;
WTT ; faw.

melon A large microscope An instrument which you

(^pr) juicy fruit. (HIs^WIM) use to look at very small
things. ^ T O f ^RT.
milk A white liquid food. ^T.

monkey A small animal which can

(Tfcft) climb trees and swing from
mink A small animal with soft fur. The branch to branch. A monkey
(fiftp) fur of a mink is very valuable. can be very clever. TFK.

moon It looks like a large bright light in

the sky at night. The moon
minnow seems to change its shape each
A very small fish. ^ ^TT cITcTM
im) night. ^jrr.
TJcF Wtzt

mirror A piece of glass with silver paint-

(ftr?) ed on the back. You can see mop A sponge on a long handle. You
yourself in a mirror, ^ f r l ; snf^TT; (Tfm) clean the floor with a mop.
Htm. "sft WF % W
3MT t .

mitten A covering for the hand. A mitten

(ft*0 like a glove but with one
for all the fingers and
one place for the thumb. IT^T
^RTHT; ftraS snff
f^FTT "STTcTT t .

mosaic Lots of little pieces of glass or

mole A small animal which lives under (Htyl^cb) stone put together to make a
(ifta) the ground. picture. ^ M ; TW; t M % jpFTff
^ F t f ^ ^FTFTT;
mountain A very high rocky hill,
mosque A place where Muslims (HIvfc^H)
worship. TTfcsR.

mouse A small animal with a long tail.

mosquito a small flying insect.


mouth The opening in your face where

("RT^ar) you put your food and drink.
motor boat A boat that is run by a
motor. TTO^ 3 W f wft

mug A big cup which usually has

(tft) straight sides. ^ W ^ f ^HT

motor cycle Something which looks

(?Ttcr? like a large heavy bicycle. mushroom A small plant. When it is
It is run by a motor. (Hi>hH) growing in the ground it
"^fef^ w f t ^rrrT HlSfaxrl. looks like an umbrella.

net Material which has lots of holes in.
You use a net to catch fish. "RWft

nail A small thin piece of metal with a net Net can be made with wire. You
flat top Jftpd a point at the other use this to make a fence or a cage.
encU^fT; HNMM; sfcteT-W^ cfit ^ HFTf 3
tW^Tt^cf ^ F f cTTeTT ^IM.

nettle A weed Which stings you if you

(^tecT) touch the leaves. <fd<K "qfxPff cTTT
neck The part of the body which joins
(^tp) the chest to the head. fJ^T; W .

necklace A piece of jewellery worn newspaper Large printed sheets of

(^cbelVH) round the neck. ^ ^T f K . ("i^m) paper which tell you what
has happened. *WMK TO.

nectarine A sweet juicy fruit which

Q looks like a peach.

*I4-K1I<3: TffteTT W f .
A thin piece of metal with a
newt A small creature with a long tail. It
sharp point at one end and a can live on land and in water.
hole at the other.
CT?JT 3 T f -^Run f .

nest A place where birds lay their eggs,

ost birds build their own nests. nib The point of a pen. The ink comes
(ftw) through the nib when you write.
^ R ^t - j ^ f ^TFT TT feRrn

note book A book of paper which you
(^tefcp) write in. ^ F f t ; |jfw=bl.

nightgown Something girls wear when

(Hij<midH) y 9 t 0 bed- ^ ^

nun A woman who lives in a convent

nine The number between eight and and prays to God a lot of the time.
ten. 3Tf3 ^ T % sft^T "^ff W H : ^ ^PTTftH TT3 i f T P R
w t i

ninepins A game where you try to

(HI^HRvH) knock over wooden sticks
with a ball, t ^ i^TT ftrctf
^ ^r ^ ^f fwn ^TCTT nurse A person who looks after sick
people. sR^lRphl; Wft;
noose A circle of rope made by tying a
slip knot. When you pull
the long end of the rope nut The seed of a tree, ^ m w f ;
the loop gets smaller. ^qRt; HlRild 3nf^ ^ f ^T
T^^tftf^J. nut A piece of metal which you screw
(rcl^svon to the end of a bolt.

nutcrackers Something you use to

(Hethcjj^) break the hard shell of a
nut so that you can eat the
inside. TlftaT; ^ I S W ^

nose Part of your face you breathe
(^ftyT) through. You have two holes in
your nose. These are called nos-
trils. H m nuthatch A small pretty bird which likes
(^rclti) to eat nuts. M W l ^ ^icll
octagon A shape with eight sides.
(3Tf^H) 3TB ofMt 3TT^T.

octopus A sea creature which has eight

(wfcf^m) arms, srra ^Trf ^TT

oak A large tree which lives for a very

(3Ttcf>) long time. WcJcT ^T i f o omelette A food which is made by beat-
ing eggs and frying them. 3Toi


A pole with a flat end. You use two
oars to row a boat. ""TcRR.
The lowest number. ^fHf ^ t
WTT: Voa.

onion (3T^T!r) A round vegetable which

grows under the ground.
An onion has a very
oboe strong smell. "^TM.
A musical instrument. WTlf;

orange Orange is a colour. It is also a

(aftfita) fruit. TRTCT; w f t i j ] .

_ry A building with special

(arayTEfeff) telescopes inside for
watching stars. f ^ J W f l ; orchard A place where lots of fruit trees
W Ic^TTR ^ ^ f t ^rffcT grow, "q^f ^T fFT.

cfi^ =FT M l .
otter A fish-eating animal which lives
orchestra Lots of people playing musi-
(afte*) near a river. It is not easy to see
cal instruments.
an otter. ^ faciM.

orchid (arrcffcg) Brightly coloured flow-

ers. Large ones grow in
hot countries or in a hot
greenhouse in colder
countries. Small orchids outboard motor A motor which goes
grow wild. ^ (aivjedU on the outside of a
TJjeflf cfMT boat. TO % ^WT eFlt
1 m i t iqta; P r .

oven The part of a cooker where you

(3frcR) put food in to bake. PMdl ^ t ^
3TSM ^efT.
organ A big musical instrument with
black and white notes like a
piano, f w f t

overalls Something you wear on top

(artcROT?^) of your clothes to keep them
clean. ^ T T ; <rHl 3TT^ ^
=blsll} % chKl'K mfa

osprey a sea eagle. Tnj^f ^ffa.

o w l A
ostrich A very large bird which cannot bird which usually flies at night,
(OTR^t) fly. An ostrich has long legs and (reei) Owls catch and eat small ani-
can run very fast. -

pail Another name for a bucket. ^Te^t;

paddle A long thin piece of wood with a

(%5ct) flat piece at each end. You use paint A liquid you paint on something to
a paddle to make a canoe go (^e) make it a different colour. FI;
along in the water. "^P^

palm A tree which grows in hot coun-

paddock A small field. *IH<=|0' ^T W51; (wr) tries. cfTf ^T cfTf

padlock A lock which is movable.

<r1cich^ ^TcTT rTTcTT.
palm The inside surface of your hand.

page One side of a piece of paper in a pancake A food you make with
(^3f) ^ ^ ^ .book. W . ' eggs, flour and milk. A pan-
cake is very thin, fapl; ^telT.

panda (^st) A small animal with red-

dish-brown fur. A giant
panda is a large black and
white animal which lives in
Hill China. "CRJ.
pagoda a Chinese temple. WTH;
(MSI) 3TTf^ % ^ -qf^.
pane A thin piece of glass which goes
in a window frame. Rsl4<=bl Wit

park A large garden usually in a town,

(irrfc) People and children can walk and
play in a park. "3UFT; ^TfcFT; prfar.

panther [An animal like 1 parrot A bird with bright feathers.

People sometimes keep parrots
as pets because you can teach
paper clip A piece of bent metal which
them to talk. cffcTT.
("taR'foem) fixes sheets of paper
together. W l tj^t TfTr
W t T?^ % tcTQ; ?IR, ^TRJ Tf
krlirUcb ^ t ^Fft M

--- x - ( ^ i ^ j d ) A large round piece

of cloth with strings
attached to the edge. You
use a parachute when you
have to fall a long way in
the sky. f ^ l f W T t
STCT t w r ^ L ^ t ^
passenger A person who rides in a car,
(M^H ) bus, train or aeroplane, ^rrat;

parasole An umbrella which shades

patchwork Lots of little pieces of mate-
you from the sun. "Sfei M i l .
rial sewn together to make a
pretty cover. f ^ r - f ^ M 3TFFR
CTTT "?rff w f ^ r f % ^ F f f 3

parcel Something wrapped up in paper path A road which you walk on. Cars
(wfa) and tied with string or sticky (TJW) and bicycles do not ride on a oath,
tape. ^ e T ; TO1; Wf.

paw j h e soft foot of an animal. ^T
W Hl^-Kk W .

pea A vegetable which looks like a 1 it

(iff) tie green ball. Lots of peas grow
together in a green case called a
pod. iTO.
pelican A large water bird. A pelican
(^fofcfR) has a big pouch underneath its
beak. h^Ri^T TlFf WfT T5T T T ^

peach A sweet juicy fruit with a big seed

(Tfrer) in the middle.

pen Something which writes in ink.

(faf) ^ftsFft; W l .

pencil A thin piece of wood with lead

Qjpwn the middle. You write and
pear The juicy fruit of the pear tree. with a pencil. You can rub it
if you wish.

pebble Small round stones. You can

(ifacl) find lots of pebbles on a beach.
""TcSR; "5fcT "S^neT 3 f^RT
Wi ^ f i r t j f t "q?SR.

peg A piece of wood or plastic with a

(fa) metal spring. You hang the washing
p with pegs, g^f p "^T

M i w , sncj^T
^nfe^^ifWi. pendulum A heavy weight found in
(fa?om) some big clocks. A pendu-
Pekingese lum swings backwards and
forwards and makes the
A small dog with very short legs. clock keep time, ^ s t ^T
^QlNH W f f WIT ^ "^T ^uTT. WR.

petro The liquid u s e d i n cars to make
(^teO the engine go. "^Jfcf Tlf^R ^cT ^

penguin A bird which lives in the FFf ^ ^TeTFTT ^ n 1

(trf^cR) Antarctic. A penguin can swim
but it cannot fly. ^ f e t "^t

petticoat Something which can be worn

(^tete) under a dress. WTT.
pennant A long thin flag which is
(faRe) pointed at one end. cTWf w f t

p l
J^a}nt A bird whicFT lives in woods.
Some people shoot pheasants
perch A wooden bar in a cage for a bird and eat them. W I c [ Tffff
(TTCJ) to sit on. " F ^ f t 3 # f f % ^FiT

photograph A picture made by a

OleliUfr) camera. t^f;
perfume A sweet smelling liquid made
(TRT^) from the petals of flowers,

periscope An instrument used in sub-

(^RWln) marines. A periscope lets
you see what is happening
on the top of the water.
W?ff ^ft ^fq ^t
^ f t ^ N k f ^ r e r m^wiil 3

photographer A person who takes
(Wttt^r) pictures with a camera.
petal Part of a flower. "f^T
Something you eat made with pas-
try on the outside and fruit or meat
in the middle. ^Pn.

pianist A person who plays a piano.

(ti^Re) fosfFtr pig An animal which is kept on a farm,
- ' ^ (ftm) When we eat pig we call it pork.

pigeon A bird which can be wild or tame.

("PtaR) / - ^ P i g e o n s are clever and can
nd their way home from a
long way away.

piano A musical instrument. You hit the

(i^ft) black and white keys to make the
sound. "S^FR ^TT ^FTI.

pike A rather fierce fish found in

piccolo A musical instrument like a
(TT^P) rivers. "^Teft Weft.
small flute. A piccolo
makes a very high sound. pill A small ball which is medicine. A
("fteT) small enough to swallow.
n / ^rft i M ; ^cnf fdr+^i.

picture A drawing, painting or photo-

(fti^) graph. Sometimes you hang a pillar A wooden or stone post which
picture on the wall. t^TJT; ci'wk. ("ftcrc) helps to hold up a building.

pink A colour made from red and white,
(ficp) TJcTRt cTSTT ^T

pipe A hollow tube that liquids run

pillar box A bright red box in the street to
(^i) through, ^ f t .
(ftcR encRT) post your letters in. ^-tffeBT.
pipe You can put tobac-
On^q) co in a pipe
smoke it.

pillow A bag^-filled with sofTrrlSterial.

You put your head on a pillow
when you sleep. ftKSHl.

pirate A person who used to rob

(TTi^reO treasure from a ship at sea. You
read about pirates in story
books. ^ g ^ t g^TT;

pistol A small gun. f ^ f t e f .

pilot A person who flies an aero-
(m^cHc;) plane. f ^ T H "^TMcF. pitchfork A fork with a long handle and
only two spikes. You lift
pin A small thin piece of metal like a
hay with a pitchfork.
(for) nail. f*H; ^ M P r
^TT w ^T cffe.

pineapple A large fruit which grows in

(W^ra) J p t countries. It has a very
thick skin. 3RHRT. pizza A flat cake of dough with a tasty
(ftyn) topping. It comes from Italy.
i^TFf ^JR (TM M ) .
plum A soft juicy fruit with a stone in the
plank A thick flat piece of wood. <rPKJT middle. a f l ^ ^ s l K I "TI
-^rST Tflzj e T ^ t oFT ^rgn.

plaster A piece of material with sticky

(kHi*ri>0 ends. You put plaster
on a cut to stop it from
getting dirty. ^ T f ^ t

plumber A person who fixes water

pipes. cTTFf ^TT ^fer ^

pocket A small bag fixed to your coat,

(wfce) trousers or dress. You can keep
your money in a pocket.
platform Part of the floor which is high-
er than the rest. You can also
see a platform at a railway sta-
tion. It is always higher than
the railway lines. ^ ^ K i ;
"S^R cFT ^ c R T ; ^TT ^T
% "^T^ ^ ^ f t WT ^ T ^
Wft f.

plug A piece of rubber or plastic you

(WT) put in the hole in the sink to stop
water from running away.
polar bear e white bear.
^ f ^ n Wen t . (TTteTC "^TC)

plug All electric machines have a plug

on the end of the flex. This joins
it to the electricity
supply. ^T ^
TJP "mf wrai ^ WT^l f ^
pole A long round stick. W ^ l WTT ^ f a
^ffl^S % 3 WTRt f . (tfcr) f^T ^ ^T ^ t. y
polecat A small animal like a weasel.

poppy A bright red flower which grows

(Tfnft) wild, ^i'ldl ""TteT "feT.

police People who see that other peo- porcupine An animal like a giant rat
(TTri^TH) ple do not break the law. (MK^MI^H) covered with long prickles.
TT^ ^ r a w *K*>Kl Wt.

porpoise A sea animal like a small

(wra) whale.
polo A game played by people sitting
B ^ n porthole A window in a ship. Portholes
("cftoTt) on horses and hitting a ball with a
^ ^ ^ C ^ ^ f ) are usually round. TftHt ^ F^T
stick. "tftoTt TOf ^TT TteT, ^ft ^ "<R

postcard ( M l ^ i i ) A small piece of card.

write a message on a post-
card and send it in the post.
i^RT "CR T m fa<sl=b<
^rer ^ r t ^RT wm t .

poodle A small dog with curly hair.

postman A person who delivers our letters.
Oj^e?) ^ R T ^ ^RTf ^MT ^TrTT.
58 ?
- y - \
;j Q Q J

projector A machine which is used to

(tftvto^) show films. ^ ""TC f ^ r Rtell}
post office A place to buy
stamps and to post parcels.

^RT w r c f t mtecf f .
A container used to hold liquid. You
make tea in a tea pot. ^cfa.

potato A vegetable which grows in the

ground. Most people like to eat
propeller A blade which goes round
potatoes 3TRJ.
(Mew) and round very fast to make
an aeroplane or ship go for-
ward. ^ i f

prince The son of a king or queen,

(ffan) <M$HK.
puddle A small pool of water.
(TTSeT) cTTeM.

princess The daughter of a king or

(flRta) queen. <M$Hlfl.

puffin A bird which has a beak like a

prison A building where people who do parrot. Puffins live near the sea.
(ton) wrong things are locked up. ^fcT; TOf l e f l ^ f^TT^
iTffa cTcM ^ f t ftcft t.
f^TT WcTT t .
pump A machine which pushes air or
(q^r) liquid into a container. You use a
pump to put air into your bicycle pyjamas A jacket and trousers people
tyre. ^T^ft ^ i T l i t o 3 (mj^mm) wear in bed. ^ft 3
WfT IJKMWI; "q^T qKcffa

pupil The black part of your eye.

(^sjftol) offi W i l Wl.

pylon A big metal tower which holds

(Mi^cilH) up electric cables. "f^cT ^ITCT ^ f
puppet A doll moved by string ^T^Ft w n "^ten ^TRJ ^TI "st^n.
(Trffc) your hand. "^H^cTcft.

puppy A young dog.


pyramid A solid building which looks like

four triangles meeting at a point
on the top. ^ S F f i R '^cF^; cf^
purple A colour made with red and blue,
IFFRcT f ^ T ^ ^ fagsi ^ f t ^ f t
(tpfa) "SWt VT; WcT cTSTT ^ f FT trow.
f cT^TT ^ R t W1 f^fclT ^cTT f .

purse A small bag to put your money in.

python (TTT^ft) A very big snake. 3RTR

queen A woman who rules a country.
(cftfR) Tpft.
quads Four children born to the same
(cwI^h) mother at the same time, tj^t Tf
W , ^ t fTTcTT ^ ^ p r f ^
i .

A pen made from a feather. W

(fora) ctf cfJcTTT.

quarry A place where stone is dug out

fttfffi) of the earth. Tfdt W T ; jftfe

m ^ i

quay A place where ships are tied to the quilt A warm cover to go on
(eft) land, "^nrf ""R ^Tirra 37T ^ f (force) bed. " M i
cTSTT ^ct f.
racket A bat with strings. You play ten-
nis with a racket. ^TT ^UPHcH

radiator A radiator is made of metal. It

Of^cN) usually has hot water inside.
is keeps a room warm. ^ T t

rabbit A small animal with long ears.

Some rabbits are tame and live
in hutches but most of them are

radishes Small red vegetables which

(^fMirur) you eat raw in a salad. TJeft.

raccoon A small wild animal. A raccoon

(Tap?) has a long bushy tail with
black rings. cTTT tfq^TC t ^

iTI % ^sF siR f f t f .

raft Bits of wood fixed together to
(>nwe) make a flat kind of boat. %
^sT igt TO.

race track A path where a race is run. rain Drops of water which fall out of the
(^t) clouds. cT^f; ^ ^ t ^ f ^
^fT^Tf 3 -pTCTt f .
rattle snake A poisonous snake. When
rainbow A band of beautiful colours
CtecTTtoJ) it shakes its tail it rattles.
O^rat) sometimes seen in the sky.
"QcF x ^ f l d l P^cbl ^
^FTcfr t.

rake A garden tool with a long handle

and metal teeth. % f t , "<#31, W

raven A big black bird with very shiny

(^cn) feathers. "^TcTI

razor Something very sharp used to

( W ) shave hair off your skin.

A male sheep. ^R

recorder A musical instrument which

(RchT-^0 you blow.
raspberry A small soft red fruit. W R t .

rat An animal which looks like a large rectangle A shape with four sides.
(^ra) 3TR<T; ^ STT^FCT 3TFT%
(fe) mouse. "^T.

A colour. Your lips are red. ^TM; cTTeT
rattle Atoy for a baby. fFfpT;
(feci) 3M5T3?T#t
rhinoceros A very large wild animal
(wrtftr^O with thick skin.

rhubarb A plant with thick red stalks. We

refrigerator TTcupbo J?! ""WMichis made cook the stalks and eat them.
(^fitiui^) cold by electricity or gas. The We do not eat the
cold helps to keep -P leaves.
.T53 food fresh. M V q f t =Ft
^ WcfFf w t TRTH
ribbon A narrow piece of silk or velvet.
Girls sometimes wear ribbon in
their hair. "tffclT.

reindeer A kind of deer with~^kry large

horns. Reindeer live in cold
countries. W f t P T T ; fiftq.

ribs j h e bones in your ches H^RTI-M!


rice The hard seeds of a plant which

grows in hot countries. When you
cook rice it goes soft.
reins Leather straps used to guide a
horse. cTTFf; ':cn:rl 'SR ^jff

3TRTT f .
ring A piece of metal in the shape of a
(fto) circle. You wear a ring on your
finger. # J 3 t ; "gf^T.
(RclTccN) A kind of pistol. f ^ f r c T ; W^TT.
river Water which flows down f r o m t r rocking chair A chair which goes back-
(ftcR) hills into the sea. ^TT. (TffctrrT ^ n ) wards and forwards when
you sit in it. Ijyl^ ^Teft

road A hard path made for cars and lor-

(Tte) ries. TT^TT.

rocking horse A toy horse which goes

robin /\ sma|| bird with a red breast. cTTeT (TrfcfcTf I^Rf) backwards and for-
(Tff^T) ^ cfTcft M ^ T T . wards when you sit on
it. ^ F *

rod A thin piece of wood. It

(Tfe) usually has very thin string
rock A very large stone. "SsjcT ftMPTT on one end for fishing.

rock candy A thin stick of sweet.


roller skates Special boots which have

(^cR^^^sn) wheels on them, ^ f i b r %

roof ( w ) The covering on top of a building.

The roof of a house is often
rocket A machine which is shot up into made of tiles, m ^ W.
(Tff^cr) space. sRTfer 3 ^ ^tt - m .
rubber Soft material you use to rub out
drawings or writing which are
wrong. W f .
root The part of any plant which grows
under the ground. ; ^ ^TT "^f =FT
HFT wfa 3 WcTT t .

rubber band A piece of very thin rubber

rope very thick string. THTT. (YSR eT^) joined together to make a
m circle. A rubber band
stretches. F>T

ruby A red jewel. crTM ^ " > # 1 .

rose A flower which has a lovely smell.

rudder A piece of wood or metal on the

(to) back of a boat. A rudder moves
to make the boat go different
ways. ^ F j f "JTT TI^ ^ MdcfK.

roundabout Something you see at the

kJ<S||Ni>c) fair. You sit on it and go
round and round. sJefT.

rug A small piece of carpet, sometimes

OR) called a mat. =hldlH.

rowing boat A boat which needs oars

to move it along. TTOK ^ft rung A step on a ladder. "TT % w f
(YtFT ^rfs)
66 W f W T 3 W r t i ^Tcft TO. (*T)
sand Tiny grains of rock. You see lots of
(m sand at the seaside and in deserts.

sandwich Two pieces of bread and but-

ter with some tasty food in
between, "gol^f f t ^ t ^ ^t

"RRT WTT f t

a large bag made of cloth, ^tn.

W sausage Meat minced up and put into thin
(^ftftra) skins. W ^ ^ R T (RRT^r W i t
^ET^ ^f ^RcR; FTFTT ^TTcn %).

saw A metal blade with sharp

teeth down one side and a
handle on the end. You
cut wood with a saw. 3TTTt;
saddle A leather seat which goes on the
jfara) back of a horse. A rider sits in
the saddle, ^ t i RT WW* ^ ^ r e t ;

saxophone musical instrument you

blow. "qtcfcT cfrr cira ^ WR TNF
"RR% TT 33TR 3TMi5f ^RcIT I .

sail A piece of strong

(-^j) material fixed to the
mast of a boat. The
sail catches the wind
and makes the boat
move. RM; ^ ^FPTfT
scarecrow Something which is put into
a field to frighten the birds. It
usually looks like a person
salmon A big fish which has pink flesh, but it is not. RfSTCt ^ ^ P f =FI
(WTR) ^ t % JJdl41 TT % "RRT "^Tcfl" H^t "JcTcTT.

scarf A long thin piece of material you
screwdriver You use this to put screws
(^PTC)) wear round your neck to keep
into wood.
you warm. ^ T f l ;

scroll A foil of papeP f37T WFT;

school A place where you go to learn.
(rafter) ftnstf % t ^ .

scrubbing 7C"Erush without a handle,

brush "TTR^r ^ T7!^
( w f ^ T ?r?i)

\ '

schooner a large sailing ship. ^ "R^Jcff

WTT fT35T ^ t f cfMT *1d4)d.
scythe A tool which has a long blade.
scissors These are like two knives fixed
together You cut material
(TFT^) YOU cut long grass with a scythe.
tf^TT; ^TT.
and paper with scissors.

scorpion A creature like a big spider. A

(WRfrjR scorpion has a long tail
and it can sting you. f ^ J .

screw A thin piece of metal like a nail

but it has grooves in it.
seagull A bird you see by the sea.
(^Ticr) ^rgsft^ffa.

seat Something you sit on. f ^ f f .
seahorse A little sea animal which
no legs and a curly tail, ^ i w f

seat belt A strong piece of material

which is fixed to the side of a
car. You fix it round you to
keep you safe. TO; ^

^TC ^ ^feft M
seal A large sea animal. A seal can live
(#cT) on land. HtScfl.

seaweed A plant which grows in the

sea. Seaweed is very slippery.
^t 3 f f t f cTSTT
ft fft t.

seed The part of a plant from which new

plants grow.

searchlight A very big torch which can

cn^s) shine high in the sky.

seashell The hard covering of oysters

and other sea animals. Sea
shells can be found by seesaw A long piece of wood put over a
the sea. It is what is block of wood. You can go up and
left after the animal down on a seesaw. d<sd
died. ^F ^cril fa^-ii
13M cT^T 3 3miR WW ftffl t
cM WR-il^r tlrf f.
semicircle Half a circle. artf^rT.

shampoo A liquid soap you use to

(fjrjjJ wash your hair. M ^T^
"^T cRcT "cr^Tsf.

sentry A soldier standing on guard.

shark A large sea fish with sharp teeth,
(rmfc) Some sharks can eat people. ^

seven The number between six and eight.

0&R) WIT : m shawl A piece of material worn round
(Tira) your shoulders to keep you
warm. ^n<ni.

shears Very large scissors for cutting

grass. INI.
sewing machine A machine which sews
(RTtfT TjVPn) things together. It is
much quicker than
sewing by hand. f^Tlf

shed A wooden hut. W ^FT t ^ t H'fcldl

"RM ifRFT.

shadow A dark patch on the ground

(ft^t) made when a person or object
gets in the way of the light. sheep An animal which gives us wool.
^RTT; W i t
sheet A large piece of material used on
(tfte) a bed. ^ n ^ ; ' W T ^ R ' f W T ^ ^ T s^fe^

ship A large boat, ^gsft


sheikh An arab chief. ^Rf; ^T

Otos) TjfmT.

shirt A piece of clothing you wear on the

top part of your body. ^HI.^I.
shelf A piece of wood fixed to a wall.
(im) You put books and ornaments on
a shelf. 3TcTTRt ^T T<!F WTT; TTPTR

shellfish A sea animal which has a

(ftcf shell. An oyster is a shellfish.
Tfpft 3 -^Teft "WI-TflH. shoe Something you wear on your feet.
(il) ^TT.

, \Ht>
shepherd A person ^ h T l o o k s after
sheep. 'l-^R^I; STT^ft ^ff
w WsMldl W T t .
shield Aflat piece of metal, wood or plastic
which you hold in front of yourself
to stop things hurting you.
^lef; ^ oTSlf 3 shop A place you go to when you want
STN^t TT ^TIcTT t . to buy something.

shrew A little animal with fur like velvet.
A shrew is very shy.
shorts TrousFf^wnTch come above
(?TF&?) Y O U R knee. ' S F A T ^ft "EJ^ff ^
W "TFTT ^TTcH t .

shrimp A small sea animal. F J ^ t

^ % t.
A container which has a
bottom with lots of holes in
shoulder The part o f y o u r body where it. If you put earth in a sieve
your arm joins your body. and shake it all the earth
falls through the holes and
the stones stay in the
sieve. tfd-il; ^ e n l

shovel A tool which is like a spade, only

bigger. WT^T; fen.

signpost Writing on a piece of wood

(TTT^T 1 ^) or metal which tells you
where to go. H i ' f ^ * W T .

shower a little bit of rain, ^ [ m ; ITft.

silkworm A caterpillar that makes a thin
(ftrecPcrf) silk thread. ^FT FT ^ftel.


shower A spray of water from above.

(?TTCR) You can wash yourself in a silo A tall tower used to keep animal
shower. t ^ K cFT FIR. (Tn^cTt) food in. Tlrft; f i t ""TTHeT, 3HR,
72 ^RI 37Tf^ qR m
skirt A piece of clothing worn by girls
and women. ^BT ^TtftRPf
wmt ^ 3 w frm t .

sink A place in the kitchen where you

(facp) wash the dirty dishes.
krllfkh Sflfc 3 "SFTT THt^R ^T ^
The bone in your head.
^T3ft "3FTFF
^t ^TTcfr t. c"T"

SIX The number which comes before

(fftcw) seven and after five. cT^TT W

skyscraper A very tall building.
(tmiiSm) "fTRcT.
skeleton All the bones in your body.

sledge Something you sit on and slide

skis Two long pieces of wood. You (Tota) down a hill when it is covered
fasten your boots to skis when with snow. ^ "SR^T f^FTT
you want to slide down the snow.
cT^ft % ^ oT^ cT^ f^H ""R 3TN

skipping rope A rope with a handle at

each end. You turn the sledge hammer A very heavy hammer
rope to skip. f ^ T ^ t which will break a rock.

^RZFf W W d^ t
sleeping A warm bag^yStTsleep in smoke A kind of dirty cloud which
bag when you go camping.
(^P) comes from a fire.
( ^ [ f r l tq) "SMI "51M

A small garden creature which

has a shell on its back. "srfaT.

l - W V - <I\XV' H^L k j
slide A long piece of smooth metal
(TcTT^) you can slide down. First you
have to climb a ladder.
3f?Tcn fstf'z IcTTf^ 3 WU f ^ R R l

cT^^fjRT snake A long thin creature with no legs.

(Fto?) Not all snakes are dangerous.
iM'grcr #7; ^f.


sling A piece of material you tie round

(f^Fl) your arm and neck if you have
broken your arm. ^ T "ret
snorkel A tube which you use if you want
cfrt F^ST ""R ^ sffi^ ^
(>HicfeeO to swim underwater. One end
ff*ft "^TTcft '
goes in your mouth and the
other stays above the water. "^Ht
% IfflcF ^ cflcft
I^RT^T WT % W ^
3 WIT ^IcTT t CTTT ^RT W % ^ R
slipper A soft shoe worn in the house.

s u
' 9 A large snail without a shell.
snout The nose of a pig. ^t

74 (Hi^e) =FT f 377 m

* 0

snow Frozen rain. WIT; ^ ^ t ^rf

6 ,
soldier A man in the army.

snowman A man made out of snow.

The bottom part of your foot or

your shoe. cTcTT; % ^T cTeT^T.

snowplough A machine which can

(FTtTcira) P u s h l o t s o f snow off the
road. i z i ^ ^T
sombrero A big hat'worn by people in
(wRttf) Mexico. ^ t^rft efft rgt
soap Something you use with water
(^flq) when you want to get yourself
clean. W p .

sock Clothing you wear on your feet.

sofa A long seat which is soft to sit on. spacecraft A machine which can go up
( ^ h TfJTqE) into space. ST^rfej
spade A tool for digging the garden.

spine The bones in your back. The

(W^T) spine is made of lots of little
bones joined together, i t e ^

spaghetti Long thin pieces of white

food made from flour, eggs
and water. t f ^ f t r ^ cTSTT
3 W^t -gf&R ftpf
W=R7sTRt f .

spinning wheel A big wheel which is

(RMR'I ^tcT) driven by the foot to
sparrow A little brown and white bird spin wool. "sngf.
(^fl) often seen in gardens.

spear A long handle with a sharp piece

(^f3R) of metal at one end. A spear is
used to hurt people and ani-

spire The pointed top of a church

( W E R ) . f ^ f a r f : ^ f ctft ^rtet -Jn

speedometer An instrument in a car

which tells you how fast
you are going. 'iTd^m^
^ T ; W f f ^ t TfcT
springboard The piece of wood hang-
(ffcrowti) ing over the edge of a
spider An insect with eight legs. It swimming pool. You jump
catches flies in a web. or dive off the spring-
board. cKulc1ld 3 ^ ^

^ F f k R WSU.
sprinkler Something used to w&ter gaY-
( f W ^ a) dens. ^TRt fe^c^ WTT.

spur A piece of sharp metal which is stadium Rows and rows of seats built
(TPTC) worn by cowboys on their boots. round a big space. People
Spurs are used to make the horse watch sports in a stadium.
30 faster. ^ J ^ N k
srajorr TT^.

stag a male deer. w f w

square A shape with four equal straight
(wfo) sides. C|J|Uk sn^fcT.


-fi^sr- stage A platform where people act.

squirrel A small grey or red animal with tW^^TCTM.
a long bushy tail. A squirrel
lives in trees. PicisO.

stagecoach A large coach which was

pulled by several horses.
Stagecoaches used to
carry passengers.
MI4H114I t ^ r f f ^ ^frt ^
^TTT ^rrf^RTt ^ t ^ ^
^ ^ % ^FFf STIcft
stable (T^efcT) A house for a horse. fsSTIeT.
stem The thin green part of a plant.
(^T) The flower grows on top of the
stairs The steps in a building for getting stem. =FT cRT.
up or down to the next floor.
stick A long thin piece of wood,
(ftep) ^ff w f t
star A bright light we see in the sky at
night. cTRT; taKT.

starfish A flat sea animal with five

(^rcfon) arms.This makes it look like a
star, tan W l .

stomach This is like a big bag in your

v H f V ("^T^) body. The food you eat goes
^ into your stomach, "fc.

stone A small piece of rock.

station The place where trains stop to

pick up people and to let people stone The hard seed inside some fruit.
off the train. V l ' l l ^ l % ^

n^rr f.

steak a thick slice of lean meat. TOT ^TT

stool A little seat with no back. <n<*>s1
(^a) ^ t t?NTi
stopwatch A special watch which has
( WNc)|T) ) a button to press when you
want it to stop. You use a
stopwatch to time races. strawberry A sweet red fruit

stream a small river. ^ I s t

stork A bird with a long neck and long^

(Ttffr) legs. F I W ; zffi, ^ M f
stretcher A kind of bed you can carry.
cTlT W f ^TcTT
injured people are carried to
A long thin piece of leather or cloth. an ambulance on a stretcher.
You use a strap to hold "fPTt a m i ' 'qTC^ oqfe ^
things together. "*TT ^HI-dRd ^ t cTlt

% ^FT t.
string Thick thread used for tying up
(ft^r) parcels. W i t wft.
straw A long tube of paper or
(itf) plastic. You suck a drink
through a straw. W f ^ ^

straw Dry yellow stalks from corn

(^0 3 ?; W-

submarine A boat which goes under-

(wi^I) water. H1ll

^I \
The sun shines in the sky and
gives us light and heat. ^ f .

sweet a food made from sugar, fasif;

sunflower A bright yellow flower.

(TH Mh>cHici>f) Sunflowers can grow taller
than a man. ^Fspjot ^T

swing A seat hanging from chains or

(fapr) ropes. You sit on the seat and
sunglasses Dark glasses which shade move backwards and forwards.
our e
(*H'diR-M) y e s f r o m the sun.
3 W1H 3FT W .

sword A long sharp blade with a handle

(tfri) at one end. A sword is used for
surfboard A long flat board you use to ride fighting. cid=)K.
on the waves. W R T ""K
w t m

swordfish A fish which looks as though

swan A large water bird with a long
) it has a sword on the end of
(#i) neck and webbed feet, t ^ - its nose. d<n^K ^ ^Teft
tank A very heavy car made from spe-
cial metal. There are guns in a

table A piece of furniture with a flat top

(t^cf) and four legs.

tanker A ship which can carry oil or other

tadpole A very young frog or toad, (pm) liquids. cRcT w J % ^nfc ^
(tsqtcf) ^ ^ ^

tap You turn a tap to make water run

out. ^ToT.
tail which
(to.) sticks out at the back.

tape recorder A machine which can

( t q Rchfi'O record sound on to plas-
tambourine A small kind of drum tic tape. This machine
(t^T) which rattles when you can also play the sound
shake it. ^ w t ; back. 3TFTFT "HT^ cf^FT

tart A small piece of pastry with jam or

fruit in the middle. ^t
tangerine A small
ten The number between nine and
("^T) eleven.

taxi A car that you have to pay to ride

(tcRfl) in. ^ ^K.

tent A house made out of material and

kept up with poles. cP^

teeth The hard bones in your mouth.

([sj) You can bite food with your teeth.
^ 3TfSfcFT ^tcf.

tentacle A long bendy arm. An octopus

has eight tentacles. FTm^i;
telephone An instrument you speak
fsrrr t t e % m M ^T qFT
into. It carries your voice
*Ft STTfc ^ SiTRcfT
through electric wires
to someone far away.

telescope Something which makes

'tfcTWfa) objects far away look much

tepee A Red Indian tent which goes up

television An instrument which is able
to a point. cT^.
to bring pictures and sound
through the air from
a long way away.
You can see these
pictures when you
test tube A thin glass container which
switch on.
is open at one end. Hsn<ril.

thermometer An instrument used for
(anrMfe?) finding out what your
temperature is when you
are ill. dlHHIM=b

throne A special kind of seat for kings

(sfa) and queens. TR Hh^I-HH.

thermos A container which keeps things

(apfa) hot. ciTWIFft ^cfa; ^ ^cfa

thrush A bird which sings. It has a

thimble A small metal or plastic cover
(Ri) speckled breast. ^Tft^T; W \ w f t
("farmer) which protects the top of your
finger when you are sewing.
3 M ^t ^fT krllfw^ ^ t

3 qf^m t.
thumb The short thick finger you have
on each hand.

ticket A small piece of paper you get

thistle A plant which is prickly. ^T (fefoe) when you pay to ride on a bus or
(fsmel) IHTT.

thorn A sharp point which grows on

some plants and trees, ^rfel;

tie A strip of material which you wear

three The number between two and round your neck under the collar of
(sft) four, ^t sfk ^TK % ^ M I : your shirt. ^ 3 ^fepf ^loft
torn torn A drum which you beat with
your hands. ^FTT^T; 1 W ; ^ T
^vCf ^fer ^ WWII
W I t.'

tongs A tool used to pick up things.

(^TvH) twi.

tiger A fierce animal like a big striped

cat. ^rfal.

tongue A thick piece of flesh inside your

toad An animal like a frog. A toad lives
(cPl) mouth. Your tongue moves when
on the land most of the time.
you talk and eat.
TT fiTerm-^RTr Tfretf wn

toast Bread which you have cooked so

(efts) it is golden brown on both sides.
SFTRf cfct 3TFT ipr ^ tzt. tooth One of your teeth.

toothbrush A small brush for scrub-

toes The parts of your body on the end bing your teeth. ^fcT M
("styi) of your feet. %
tooth paste A special paste for clean-
ing your teeth. You put the
toothpaste on your tooth-
brush. ^fcT WTi " ^ f % f^Pt
tomato W "nt^fT ^ s f t ^ s^T "qr
A red juicy vegetable. Z W I . WTT ^ TRtn f^TT ^TIcTT t .
torch light you can carry about and towel A cloth for drying yourself when
(*W) switch on and off. ^t ^TI (erasic?) you have washed. dlRi^ii.

toreador tower a tall building, ^ r t ^JKcT; TTftR;

A man who fights bulls. "Ffa %

tortoise An animal which walks very

slowly. It has a thick shell on its
tractor A farm vehicle with big back
back. cFtfsn.
wheels. A tractor can pull heavy
things. 3 "Spgw f f i ^TcTT
W t ; pRX.

toucan A bird with bright feathers and a trailer Something on wheels which can
(^R) very big beak. cTRt sfa (s^rc) be pulled by a car or lorry. ^rfT TI

ZToft W T "SRT ^TTcft t .
trapeze A short bar hung between two
ropes. You swing on a trapeze.

train A lot of carriages pulled by an

(t *) engine. \cPTT5t.
tray A flat piece of wood, plastic or
(t) metal. You carry plates and cups
on a tray. mcj sts-m e T ^ t
^FT STTofl".

tramp A person with no home who

(Ifr) walks from place to place. ^FT
"^t cTeTRT 3 cTRt ^ c T W ^ ^

tree A large plant with a trunk and

($) leaves, "fe;

trench a long narrow ditch. ^FFT $

^en^ % fcTo; . ^ ^ ^
trampoline A piece of strong material
(t^Tc^R) stretched over a metal frame.
You can jump up and down triangle A shape with three sides.
on a trampoline. i^T %PT

trap Something you catch things in. tricycle A cycle with three wheels.
(gsRi^d) finf^rr -Hi^d.
trumpet a musical instrument. <pt; ^ M T

triplets Three children born to the

same mother at the same
time. "STO % ^lef

trunk The main part of a tree. ^T

tripod Three metal legs joined at one <**) CRT.

(fljifu) end. You can put a camera on a
tripod. fcHlf; ^Tf
^ r "5ft % ^FT 3TRTI t .

T-shirt A
n o shirt
c o l l a rwith short sleeves and
- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

trombone A musical instrument.


tuba A very big musical instrument.

trousers A piece of clothing which
(^rayrtf) covers your legs. Mdeji. .

tugboat A small strong boat which can

trout A fish which lives in rivers. f^iefte) PuN other boats. 3PT ^ f f ^
"SITcft RIcf. 0_
- v >

tunnel A passage built under the

(^ra) ground. "yr>T; ^ t T .

tusks Long pointed teeth that some

animals have at the sides of
their mouths. Ffsft =FT R+CHI
turban A long scarf you wind round and
(^T) round your head. "TT^; WfiT.

twig a very small branch of a tree. <JST

turkey A large bird we often eat at twins Two children who are born at the
(^cff) Christmas, s f r ^ t Wl "q^r (f^n) same time to the same mother.
T^^cJT " ^ T ; "Q^" TTIT ^

turnip A white round hard vegetable

OsPfa) which grows under the ground.
WFT. two The number between one and
("?) three.

turtle A turtle has a shell. It lives on

land and in water. Trg^t typewriter A machine which prints let-
(^ti^T^) ters when you press the
keys. z ^ T w .
V ^ /

vacuum cleaner A machine which

picks up dirt from the
floor, sj^r ^t

umbrella Something you hold over

(sntcn) your head to keep off the rain.

van A car with no windows at the back,

(to) A van can be large or small. ^ F t f f
W t

underpass A road which goes under a

(a-^MhH) bridge or another road. "J^T
% TJjinft W f t ^ P F .

vase A container for flowers.


unicorn A pretend animal that looks

(<jPitbM) something like a horse with a
horn sticking out of the middle
of its head. ftR % sfto 3 "QcF vertebra One of the small bones in
"flf7! cfMT cbfcrMd "^frS! (cr^sf) your back, f t e ^ =FT
vest A piece of your clothing you wear
(faz) next to your skin. sff^TH.

violin A musical instrument with

(<jTqicR) Strings. W T t .
A coat without sleeves. ^FKJ^; f^RT sfT^^T

waiter A man who serves food in a

restaurant. Tf "^R
-qri^ w t ^cF.

volcano A mountain with a hole in the

(JlHcbHl) top. Sometimes hot ash comes
out of the hole, ^ i c i i ^ l .
waitress A woman who serves food in
a restaurant. ^Whm-4 3 ^ R

vulture A large bird which eats dead wall Something built of bricks or
(WtR) animals. (<rra) stones. Houses have walls. cffaR.
wallet A small case for holding your
(cnfacT) money. rg3TT; ^ f t .

warehouse A very large building. All

kinds of things are kept in a
warehouse before they go
to the shops. WFTkm.
wallpaper Paper with a pattern on it
(cfict ^fa^) used to cover walls. ^faTC ^TC
wfi tMMdl W R .
walnut A nut with a hard shell, s m f e . (cTlf^FT

A machine for washing clothes, ^

wasp An insect which can sting you.

(cTFFqr) cft^ri;

walrus An animal which looks like a O J

(cffeRTt) seal but it is larger. A walrus has waste paper A basket kept in a house
basket or office. You throw your
two tusks, w ^ ^mf ^ m t ^rgsft
(frrefrre *nR-che) rubbish in this basket.
^tei. -

wand A thin stick used by a magician.

-eft watch Something you wear to tell you

wardrobe A large cupboard to keep waterfall Lots of water falling from a

(cn^) your clothes in. ^ f t w t ^ t (cn^wra) high place. W l .
wheel A circle made of wood or metal.
Cars have four wheels. They go
weasel A small animal with a long round and make the car
(<fmor) neck. A weasel eats snakes move. Tf^TT.
and rabbits. ^HHcK
^ff ^ffq cTTT W T f t T H M t.

weather-cock Two pieces of metal in wh

'P A strap with a handle.
cpTcf>) the shape of a cross. A
CD ^ T x weather-cock blows
jfvjft w round in the wind and
^J^T shows you which way
w nc
jT ' * i s blowing.
f^TT ^MT
whiskers "rich grow on a
man's face. ^

whiskers Hairs which grow out of the

e of a cat's or a dog's
face. fTcf ^TT f M t ^ t i f ^ .

whistle Something you blow to make a

(f^ra) high sound, f f ^ .

wig Hair which you put on over your

whale A large animal which lives in the (ftr) own hair, -i<*>cnl nel.
(^0 sea. slfcT r| 37R5H Tp^ft.

A kind of grain. Flour is made wigwam

from wheat, ^ff. (fofrr) A kind of tent, M ^ti
willow A tree which has branches
(fcTeft) which bend over. ^RT "3FI " f e witch A woman who is supposed to be
(ft*?) magic, ^ l ^ i w l .

J t I
windmill A machine which is worked by wizard A man who is supposed to be
the wind. TO w t . (fer^) magic.

window A hole in the wall of a building,

(fcfel) Glass covers the hole . Rsi-s^l wolf A wild animal which looks like a
dog. fen.

wing The part of the body of birds and

woodpecker A bird which uses its
(fcR) insects which moves. The wings
(fg^O beak to make a hole in a
are used for flying. "TO.

worm A long thin animal with a soft

(^nf) body and no legs. f ^ T ; "^ftel.

wishbone A bone in the front of a

wren A very small wf cfTeft
(ffcrefa) chicken. ^ 3TFt ^ t ^ f t .
m M^n. 93
yellow A colour. Daffodils are yellow,
(^rt) ""TtcTT iTT.

yo-yo A toy which spins up and down
(iftift) on a string. ^f ^T^
clTcTr f W h l .

x-ray A photograph which shows

(ttcpk-^) what the inside of your body
looks like, "mft % ^T "Q^RT-

xylophone A row of thin pieces of wood

(vdijciUfrH) which make a sound when
zebra A wild animal with black and
you hit them. <n=b1 % "js^rf
(Titer) white stripes. Zebras come from
fRT; ehlKdi^l ( ^<rlcKJl 3
Africa, a r s t a


zip Something which fastens two bits

(fvN) of material together. sfcfT "9T
f ^ F f smcTT =FT ^qoh<u|.

yacht A boat with sails. cfcT "^ref^ W f t

zoo A place where wild animals are

(vsjj kept so that people can look at
yak An animal like an ox with long them. fafeW; "SFTt ^ W l c W ; w i t
hair. fcISRT ^T cT^ ^Teff ^TeTT ^JH.
acting ^ J H
bouncing ^jeRT
( W O Jf (dM'RHl)

baking ^TT

brushing -pf ^TT ^FTT


balancing ^felcT ^TTT


building -qcR ftrjfur


batting G^M!
burning STFT^T^RT

blowing ^ TITRT
Carving e r ^ s t "TT Tc^R t r ^HT chopping
( * T )


cleaning ^p^
(cRfrf^hi) /^Gfj*;

climbing ^ TTO^T CR^T

chasing Tfter c r ^ / (creiisR'i)

combing crashing cpt z^n; ^RT
(cptfinT) (frfcm)




dancing ^ cf^ dressing
^FT tlf^L (tffrr)

digging ^ j f ^RT
drinking ift^tfsRTT

diving (^T^m) %fiwipn

drawing w m
T - M U I ft 1

eating ^HT filming ^r-pci^ui

emptying ^^fj- ^ ^ fsPTT

falling j f t frRTTT
fishing q ^ f t H^Hl

floating Tjpft xpr ^ ^ ^

fighting ^ ^

flying z^fi

hitting ^ ^rtfr ^ ^ t f^TT
galloping ^ i t f w ^ ^ ^ f e w

hoeing ^ ^ ^
hanging ^R^pn


helping ^ i ^ n ^ n
hopping i ^ i f t ^ ^

3HlRriJH ^ T T ,

hiding f ^ f ^

icing ^Ht^tw^nfc


ironing (3tT?#Fr)

w, ^ f t s^'ll ^ ' I' ^

W ^ f ^ t fsRI

jumping ^ ^ wffny

kicking efRT 3 tir^ ^ t^n
(ftifal) knitting ^T ^TFf

kissing r3pR

kneeling ^ff % ^
(^m) O o knocking <^dMi WW2RT
0 o o
laughing listening

lying ( c ^ O
m n ^ r
lickin "^t f ^ t T
g W^T

loading ^ ^ T

mending TT^T^XT ^TTT

marching ^ ^TT; ^ 3 W ftelFR

m i l k i n g (PiIWi'i) ^f



to \

melting pMMdHI
moving eft fg^T

packing ^ ^ picking ^ -Q^ cfrir^LgT ^ N R T

paddling ^

playing ^ ^
NlFT) /

painting ij]

ploughing ^ ^ ^ ^
( ^ N ^ T ) TM^RT

polishing ^TTHT ^Tf ^FT^FTT praying
(MiTeiRi'l) (*pT)

pumping Tpo}-^^

posting x ^ - x r f z ^ i i f xj^ s ^ f i eft f ^ r


pushing ^ ^ T zu q%eHT

pouring x ^ ^ ^ T w f

queuing ( ^ J ^ t ) "STfcTSTI cfR^ "p; i f e 3 ^TT "qfw W1HI

racing 3 ^ ^ ^ c ^


raining ^rf ^n
^ f f ""R % \V

rolling (^ftm) ^WTT

1 I t

reading x ^ j -q^
( # 1 )

rowing ( ^ 1 ) ^TT &

rescuing p ^ T T c^rt ^ 3 ^p^

sailing ^ ^ ^FHT

sawing ( ^ F T )

3TRT ^

shivering (RmRji) ^ f $ - s f M ^ t t^Tf


'shooting t M ^IHT

skating M
shopping m^ifl
fasfSr) HFZTT ((


singing Tjpcpr
J M E l l _ _ _ _

sliding ^TFf "qi ftbUet} f^T


sitting ^
(fofibT) flF^T

smelling iff ^T ^FTT




swimming (farfcn) t n ^ t ; ftorr

snowing ( ^ r i ) fenmd


swinging ^Fn/
(Rsff^PT) jfyZ


touching ^ f ^
gf 3 WIT fqf^n

thro wing ^ to

typing z ^ l ^TRT

winding ^ snfc 3 ^TMt WTRT

walking ^ ^pn

wrapping T^FM 3 R ^ T
(Wn) f**"V-^v^V

(cfrftPT) o

writing (^fcri)
watching KTH^

( ^ F T )

watering "3TRTt #TT



weighing "^FR "^TT

^ r oft
^RT^T iNk
"SRI ^

Azure Orange ^raft
Black (e^fcp) chiHi
Blue (ce^) -Tldl Purple (^ntcT) el'i-fl
Brown (sii^h) ^ Rosy(^) ijoneft
Dusky xylciTi Red (^5) ^ra
Grey(^t) ^ Saffron ( w h r ) itmf^n
Golden (^iWh) yn^i Scarlet ( ^ K ^ d ) did
Green (ifR) l^r Violet (cim^d)
Lemon (eWR) ?icH tfldi Vermilion (ciffioH)
Maroon (i}*H) ^urt^ White (c^i^e)
Mauve (#?) ydi^ Yellow (^fat)


1. DAYS June(^) ^
Monday July(^eii4)
Tuesday ( e ^ ^ ) j-hmcin August ( 3 f l W ) ST^Rd
Wednesday (^-v)-^) ^stcn September (ip&zR) ftRF^R
Thursday (aref%) October (sftcfetcR)
Friday ( i b i ^ ) yjshciK
November ( ^ P ^ r ) w^rc
Saturday ("ftd^t) ttRrtr
December (f^^Hv)
Sunday ( t r ^ ) ^Tctr
Autumn (affe^r) Md^-d
January vHHci^
Spring (fern) ew-iti
February (%R3fft)
Summer ( w )
March (irr^) ttt^
April (3tRTc^) Rainy season (^-rflyH) NHid

May("fl) Winter (Rl-xi'i)

Second (^Rh-^) Night (Hi^d)
Minute ( 1 ^ ) Mid-night WTCTft
Hour(3TTcR) XIU5T Week hhi*
Day(t) Fortnight (ihT^Hi^d) q^cii^i
Dawn(^H) vliNlchlcH, TJTTd
Month (tfst)
Morning (nTPi'i) ura:
Forenoon (^Ty-jn) cian Quarter )
Half year (fro ar^cri
Noon (^T) ^tf? Year(^3R) cpf
After-noon (snw^-^i) ^rq?? ^ Decade (Rsi-d) ^crf

Dusk(^-cb) TTEin Century ( ^ f l ) tfl (yidifl)
Evening (s^Phi) TTFt Millennium (R^Pwh) cui

> Qi 4) /
Antelope (^<h1m) Kid (firs)
Ass (^a) Titn Kangaroo ( ^ r s )
Ape (Tyq) Lamb (efa)
Ant-eater Lion (eTT*H) Rii
Bear frs Leopard (ett^)
Bitch (for) Monkey ("R^t)
Buffalo (iWt) Mouse (Trravfr) W
Bull ( f a ) Mule (^zjci)
Boar Mare (*T*rc) ^rfi
Cow (<pj\) ^TRJ
Mole ("tfra)
Cat (fcE) fipff
Musk-rat ( i w - ^ ) smfraR^r
Colt (cbW)
Mongoose (HH'JI)
Calf ( w )
Ox (affcRi) ^cjefl
Camel vfe
Pig ( f i r )
Dog (^ft) frn
Porcupine (mo^Mi^n) 1J3R
Deer f^HJ]
Pony (tfnft)
Donkey ^mr
Panther ^flcTI
Puppy (^off) ftc^TT
Fox (^TERT) dlni) Rabbit

Fawn (tJjR) Rhinoceros ^iTSl

Frog ( M l ) Rat fte)

Giraffe (fircro) Ram (^T)

Goat (Tfts) Stag (I^T) wi^fWi
Horse (^rtf) xfrsi Spaniel (^Pi^d)
Hippopotamus Sire MvHHch ^Ffte
Sheep (Vffq)
Hare (%3R) is! >i h VI Squirrel (^rihci)
Hound (Fra^s) Rlcbl^ <frTT Swine ( w ^ t )
Hind Tail (tor)
Hoof (^p) w Tiger
Hyena (^isHi) Wolf (f?P)
Jackal ( ^ p m ) R-WK Yak (^ra)
Kitten ( f t ^ ) fapfl cfcl cj-cc||
Zebra (TifcRT)

Bat (He) W K Bee ( f l )
Beak(frcp) T&rfa Beetle ( t o ) 'J^ell
Cuckoo cPtJTcT B u g (R)
Cock(cPTcp) yrf Butterfly (cR^r t f ^ )
Cygnet (fim^e) FH cPT ^WI Body-lice ^iftcR
Crow(tPt) Boa (ften) 3KJR?
Chicken (f*njR) C r o c o d i l e (fptcpter^ci)
Crane (?R) Cobra ( ^ C R T ) cPTcTT 7TR
C o n c h (cpfa)
Duck ( ^ P )
Crab (%ej) itnp^T
Cricket (fipifre)
Drake (^pp) eftT (^R)
C o c o o n (<bl<&H)
Duckling ( ^ O H I ) cTfRg-gFi crsn ^7R "cm <pt3TT
Earth w o r m (arafa^)
Eagle ( t 7 ^ )
Egg (-^T) 3TSI Fish (%?T)
Feather (T^T) Fire-fly ( w r w ^ ) Weft
Goose (T|VH) Frog ( T P F F )
Hen ( ^ r ) Fly ( w ^ ) RcRff
Heron "cTTTcTT Flea
Hawk ( # p ) Fangs
Kite (<PT?e) G r a s s h o p p e r (UTO#R) fefT
Lark Hood { f s ) TJR
Magpie ("<HT^) Honey-bee ( F f t ^ t ) TiJ^tRsfl
Nest(^e) Knaur(^i^j)
Nightingale ( H I ^ ' I C I ) L o u s e (cTFTfT) t
Leech ( # x j ) uffcp
Ostrich (anfr^O
LoCUSt (dlcM-d)
Parrot tfren
Lizard (fcHvii) ffrqcpcft
Partridge (^nf^i) i?m
M o s q u i t o (wHctflel)
Pea-hen Oft^r)
Pigeon ( f t ^ R ) tpfcTC Oyster (afl^y-e^) "#7
Peacock Poison ( W H O H )
Pheasant Snail "ErfETT
Quail (tcra) cr^r Spider ( w ^ s ? )
Raven (^3R)
Shark ( T T T )
S w a l l o w (TCTTCTI) H6I-SI 'cfttOT
Scorpion ( ^ R f t s n ) "fcRJ
Sparrow (^fct) Silk-worm tPT ^TfT
Stork f ^ Snake (^<P) ^TTT
Vulture (cioxR) Tadpole ( ^ n l d ) ^fep cpT cT5n
Wing (for) Turtle ( z ^ i ) <PT53TT
Weaver-bird (%Rcpg) Termite (c^Hi^d) ^RcP
Wood-pecker Wasp (cfRq) cTctal, frs

Ape (Tjq) ePJ* gibber, Rhr Nightingale |cifei warble
Ass (^ft) w bray, t (Hispid)
Bear (%5R) growl, iJMd Cock (c^icp) yrf crow sPt
Bee (ft) "R^RcRfr hum, i r Cow (Wv3) ^rra low eft
Bird TTlft chirp, Crow (sPt) caw
Bull (fci) Tfrs bellow, teft Dog(^TR) frn bark
Camel (%rh) grunt, Tfe Dove ( ^ f ) WW coo ^
Cat mew, ^ Duck Ostp) cTOT quack c j ^
Cattle ( t o ) TRJ low, eft Eagle (^Ref) "Erra scream ^a?fR
Jackal ("wTcpToi) 'Tk-s! howl, In4><H Elephant (TJHJP^) trumpet ^f&re
Fly (ifcHisO R<Nsh buzz or hum, ens^friR Parrot tfRTT talk dte
Fox (r?Tcrt) eftR^t yelp, ^tcR Peacock ( ^ ^ W ) tfrc scream
Frog (TPtT) iideb croak, tfito Pigeon W^TR coo ^
Goose (^Jp?) chd^ cackle, ^bcbcH Pig ( f i r ) grunt
Goat (ife) elch^ bleat, ^ t e Puppy (tptft) yelp 3CR
Hawk ( f f e ) scream, Serpent (WFTS) hiss ^
Hen (^r) cackle,
Sheep (Vta) bleat
Horse (^Rt) tfrsr neigh, 3
Snake TRR hiss f^e
Owl (arre^O ^ hoot,
Sparrow mm chirp or twitter
Ox (arfrrr) tc! low, bellow, cit, teft
^ 7T f^cic;*
Kitten ( t t o ) foeftdT mew ^
Squirrel (*SPW<H) RIH*^ squeak
Lamb (eta) ^RHI bleat ^ f e
Swan ("*3h) Cackle
Lark (etr^) cTcTT "R^t sing fttR
Tiger (dT^K) ?R growl or roar
Lion (cTRR) RT? roar t R
yivici 'JIT
Mouse ("RFTH) w squeak <w><5tcb
Vulture (<JCTER) Pr^ scream "raStR
Monkey ("Reft) gibber or chatter
Wolf (pp) item howl fFJcl


Ass ("^r) foal wtcf Dog ("str) frn puppy R^t ("ft^l)
Bear(tare) cub cFk( Duck (Ifcp) eM<l duckling -dchfclR
Cat ) kitten foeR Frog (p>hT) tdch tadpole
Cow(^rrg) calf/heifer Goat(Tfm) kid fcfrg
Deer (-feTR) ft^m fawn R>tR FOX (TftcRT) cflRit cub cfKf

<11 Z>
Goose (TJH) chd^H gosling ^fRrfchr Sheep ^ lamb
Hare (%?) leveret mra? Swan ( W R ) cygnet R-ni-k
Hen (pi) chicken faefR.^gpn Tiger (drfrR) ^tcTi cub cfR
Horse (?Rf) ^Wt COlt Wolf (fe^) irfom cub ^
Lion (eTRH) ^R cub epg Sow ( # ) tttct^stcpiglet foTete

Beating of drum cJlol eft <H|c||\j) Knocking of a door ^cjijil ft
Blowing of bugle fojcf eft 3)|c||vH
Booming of gun dlM m d-ejeb eft JKvH Pattering of rain or hail
Chattering of teeth ^TRTt % eMcfcs!^ eft MdMril^e
STRIuT Rattling of wheels itf^ft3ncTTMT
Clapping of hands eUfcH'Ul eft M^'Ml^d Reporting of an explosion RlW^cleb cp
Crackling of fire-wood debtee ^ eft eft STRTTyf
Ringing of bell eft dHdHl^d
Clanging of arms ffaniRt eft WRT?5 Rustling of leaves
Clanking of hooves kfl^ cb dlMl eft ^ N N Splash of water eft
Cracking of a whip efc!-S eft yn^ilfc;
Creaking of shoes vjjril eft tKH*l?ic: Stamping of feet "q^cp^ ancriMf
Din of a crowd ehl eftdl^cH Whistling of wind
Exploding of bomb dHl eb ft^ci eft Thundering of lightning RVJ)<MI "qi efReT ^t
Flapping of wings R3t eft l|s!l|>.!!|*ci Ticking of clock or watch efi? (^chfScb cP^I
Hissing of steam THT % lefRtf "treTR ^r Tinkling of bell ^ ^ f t ^
Plehd^ eft atlcll.vH Banging of a door cJVcJI.^ ift
Jingling of coins Rlsbf eft ^-KsH


(A) Persons Homes

Convict (cpPcick;) 3PRTSJt prison (fiJjiR) ^Tcl, cPRFTR

King (lefTr) TTTHT palace ( ^ R i )
Knight ( ^ s ) mansion TRcPlft ^cH (Yrai eft fct^l)
Lunatic (efffep) asylum (sRrrfcm) MMIeKslHI

Monk ("Rep) RdclKfl monastery (4H*d?l)
Officer (affftRR) bungalow (ehrat) cTRdT
Nun (^R) convent ( w N t o ) "R3

Parson (RRfa) parsonage (MK^VJI) MMRai)' WT SRSTR

Peasant (^FS) cottage ( W ^ R ) "J?
Person (R^T) ^TfrR house (^re^r)
Prisoner (tPTiFR) cellar)
Soldier (^ICTSR) barrack

(B) Creatures Homes

Dog (^!R) kennel (ctRd) ^rfTER, c j j ^ l l d l

Horse (#tf) sfngr stable 3R?TRd, y ^ ^ l d
Mouse (TTT^H) hole (ltd) t^fd
Spider (w^s?) web (era)
Pig ( f t r ) sty(^)
FOX(VTCRT) burrow ( ^ r ) " J R R , "RTC

Lion (eff?R) den ("&R) ypi, Tffe

Owl (3R3Td) tree hollow (^1
Wolf(fdP) lair (eR) jrr, "RT?
Hen (%R) coop(^q) ^^gt^T, cFT WT?

(A) Games Where played

Badminton, Tennis, Volley-ball courts

^dfandH, tf^RT, "EIT^cfra
Cricket pitch ft^i
Gymnastics (RH*HR<icb)djiiiiHi*M<Hi gymnasium
Racing ( ^ F I ) track
Wrestling (fcafePT) arena arfFn
Boxing (iif^i-iR) ring #R
Foot-ball (^ddid) H?de)ld field R?fds
Hockey (?Tc[) ffeft field RStes
Horse-race (IRJ race-course
Swimming (R^IPHR) pool TJeT
Judo (TSJ^T) eT^r vHIMI^ field m a t i ^ W ^ s
(B) Things Where stored
Aeroplane ( ^ c R ) WITH aerodrome (^f^R) 3ffl
Fruit tree Wf cjST orchard WT
Grape (Tfa) 3PJ? vineyard (cii^Ani) 3PJ? vJSJR
Motor-car w?) "Rt^ cPR garage ile^n-s} ctR^f ^Pl ^SJR
Cloth (cfcffai) cCTfl wardrobe ^PTt "Eft 3teRTfl
Grain (ifa) 3Rra granary ("ifaft) 3RM *P5R
Curios (^jfoito) ^PdT eft ftem -ER^ museum
Passenger luggage ^cfet TR ^ t cloakroom (cfdtcp^R) 3RR^t "7TRR "ER
at railway station tPT TTRR
Dead Body (^s^rffl) TR 7T?R cemetery (ftfad^) ^ftlR^R

(C) Creatures Where kept

Birds cage ftfercT

Birds and animals Tiafl ^an XHRCR zoo (v^) RlRWI -er
Wild or strong animals XiR^IXHRcR menagerie (SMVHR)
Kids (fossr) nursery (^Rfft) Ri^iidi

(D) Things Where kept

Picture ( F T I R ) cRi?R art gallery ^PdT^tef

Play theatre ( t a r ^ ) w r a , ^midi
Film ('frcq) rMRlol cinema-hall ("fcFtar i?Td) ftFmT IR
Rubbish (7ftf?r) filth depot ("PfrceilM)
Water for the "?T!R fcltj TTF?! water-works,
supply of a town f^RRTJl water-reservoirs ^diyw
(cJTS^ ^jRCTR)
Weapons or Ammunition 3R5I-7R3 arsenal (31k4h<h) TOPTR
( ^ R "5T Q^PlSMH)
Young plants(?rn ^areri) nursery (^^ffT) tffyyiidi
Wares (t^n) ftifft ^ j ^ r r a godown

(E) Things Where made

Beer (Starc) xjft ^ft m r a brewery (^Jfff) TRra ^ft

Brick (f?ra>) kiln (fo^T) CPT ^
Flour mill ("PTCT) ^rf^^ft^ft
^RffcrRT ^Rcjtj factory
Manufactured Goods t
PmfRld cR^j workshop (CI&SMN) ct>K<s)Ml uTFf^ cR^tj cRT^
Articles (3TTfep^f) xm^l | cl TRTIR ^ft XiTT^ |
cPT WTR tannery (t^rfr) ^ft c R ^ cRT^f cpT
Leather goods cbK<slHI
\ <f20>
Paper WTyf mill ( f t d ) <t>K<tS)MI
Bread ($rs) bakery (tcpff)
Films studio ( ^ i i l )
Food vgraxRisJ, ifK^H kitchen ( f ^ R ) YThfER
Iron goods (OT^R^T^) efrt WT WRH smithy (ftqsft)
Money ("T^t) R, "gST mint (fare) rich^M
Ships (-ftTO) dockyard (^tovri)
Trgtfl uT^iuff ^
Cloth (-Efcffsj) mill (ftef)
Medicine ( A^IRH) afrafa pharmacy ( f i W ) chK^HI

(F) Place Purpose

Creche (tPrr) Day nursery for children when their

parents are at work.
Primary/Nursery school PTajt^cP "f^reiTera A school where
(mfRfl/^ft T^eT) young children are taught.
Middle school "fTTEJfftcP R^JMiJ Where middle classes are taught.

High School ( F l ^ r ^ t ) A school for studies upto Matric.

College (cblfdvH) H^lfasUlcHAI An institution for studies in
higher education.
University (^flciRj^) Highest institution for higher studies of
all subjects.
Dispensary ( f ^ r a f r ) 3flW?RI A small medical unit for treatment of
Nursing Home (^Tf^T "^tr) Rl&oHMil Hospital specially for intensive care.
Lodge (cffrr) iJlBwT cfitfcTRFl A place where visitors from o u t -
CR d f ^ l cPT stations stay.
House (^RScT/cfrf^n fTvJTi) WHNKH Where students stay during their studies
or training period,
Club (cRTO) w t e ht A place of various types of recreations
HHIVVHH and amusements like dancing,
music playing etc.
Airport ( w ^ ) A cleared and levelled place where aircraft
can take off and land.
Bus stop (^ra 6R? ^cfT^ cpj Where buses stop to take and drop
Railway Station Where trains stop to take and drop

X <121>
Primary School fcraTeRJ Middle School ^ d ) TT]t3jftcP Rlilldil
(MI^H^I College ( c f t ^ ) H^ifct^llcHil
Higher Secondary XTEERR TTiarftcP Student ( ) "Prensfl
School (iTJR Tfcfr^sfl f^el) "fcreiTera Professor (TfrtRR)
Admission (Q-dftsu) Headmaster TOHTEZJNcP
Teacher (-RR) 3 M M , fllSRP Library ( d i ^ ) ^-dchlcHiJ
Lecturer Tnran
Playground (T^rrm^)
Principal (fMPra) TJIMMl4
Competition (c)Pm[^h) UlrliflPldl
Office (affftRT) cblilicHiJ
Expulsion (^cKHMcyn) P)M>KHH
Sports ( w ^ )
Promotion (mt?R) Mcflsllci, M'lfcl
Discipline (RSRHRHH) 3FJ?TRR
Attendance "^TRarflf
Prospectus (TRttra^) fctcRUJ J^Rdcbl
Degree fTTT TFfM ^
Distinction (teRticren)
Certificate UHIUIMtI Identity Card

Inspection Rrftsm

English (sj'ifayi) Physics (%fvTcRi)
Sanskrit (7r<ft) "*r<Jk! Home Science
Urdu ,3$ (ifa TnlarRf)
Geography (xsrRnft) ^j^tTd Economics(^Ffrf^fcRi) 3Taf97R5I
Mathematics (%rirfoRr) Political Science Ti^nfrfc? 7TR5I
Geometry ^ s t Tiftra
Science (Tn^JTRi) ftsTH
Philosophy ( t ^ t w f t ) YTR^
Chemistry ( i p f r f ^ ) w h ?tr5j
Agriculture (TJISW^R) cpfttcfsTH
Sociology (^Mrsfteft^l) w r a -fcnrn
Botany cH-wfa TTR^
Civics (-Rrftcra) hmiR* ?iR5i
Anatomy ?I?R "fasTH
Psychology ( a i ^ u M I ) HHlfosiH
Horticulture (^lf5ch<H^>i) vrerH tcfen
Commerce (cpTjr}) ciiftii^
Medical Science RlRbcUl ftlTH
Hindi ( t ^ t ) fMt
Punjabi ( w r f t ) (^r^Pef

History (Hreft) ^iro Language ( O N R ) "HT^TT

Arithmetic (arftajirfecp) ahfnrtrto Linguistic (faPciR-dcb)

Algebra ftiffqfara Palmistry (^nft^t)

Hockey (FRft) ^fcft cPT^f Stick ( t o ) ?T*ft elfST
Goal Keeper (^fra ^ft^R) "Rtef Spinner (t^RR) ^ t ^ vJWIel^ cTTefT
Penalty Corner Runs
f^re filler
Fourer (WR?)
Cricket ( - R f ^ ) Ifh^he WT ^ c t
Wicket ftfer
Bowler ("^R)
Innings Riff cpj >i-yciicHi
Sixer (%CRR) TOT
Stump ( ^ q ) ffifft ^ dMchHI
Football (^ddld)
L.B.W. (Tle?.^.^^.) faRbdf % 3fPt
Basket Ball (*iR%d rieT) 'stcpfl "rfer
%% ulT^ RTen
Captain cRTH
Bully ( ^ t ) ?Tcft ^sTdURwr cJRRT
Volley Ball ( ^ *rra) ?T9Jt ^oTT cITefT
Short Corner ( ^ ^fiTfr)
^fc m ^ e l
Batsman (t^fnto) iT^ilXH
Base Ball (Rr w ) cRf WToT

Tennis (tf^Rf) 3?R ^fc cpl "^ef Badminton (tsflteR)

Billiards (f^rcnfef) T?cf> PcPR cpj Table Tennis ^ T TR cfT#


Polo (^fTefT) "SM TR ^Ef^cfR Croquet (tft%s) "dcP^T eft 3?R

XHta cTTeTT ^teJ ^dT ^fTcn ^cT

Shooting (^f^ 7 !) Golf ( t o )

Rowing (^rfr) Swimming (M$rn) ^Fft
Wrestling (^rrfern) Boxing (etfcN^i) gifeenrft
Chess (*Rr) Horse racing (fM^ftPT)
Bridge Athletics (^af^fcra) afR ^ <t> ^sfd
cfm wi ^tcj Ura
Carrom Board
Playing Card (^TfR cim CFT ^sld
High Jump (ft^ w q )
Tug of war ('sr 3rfa> ^ r )
Long Jump (cffa eFftf^
Race (^T)
Ring Throw (t^i 2fl)

A r r o w - r o o t (^1*id) 4RI*>d L u n c h (era) ^roi? w t ^ f t t
Biscuit (RlR^d) Loaf(efa>) xnci^
Bran ( i t h ) clW* Loaf s u g a r (eTtw?jfR) ytir
Barley (TRet) vtf Maize (i>3) TO^
Break-fast (d<b 4>i*d) HISMI, chelc|| Mutton (^hr) to^^i^
Buck-wheat ( t o i t d ) iffajl Milk (ftcsp) ^sj
Beaten paddy ( i t d ^ i i t ) Mid-day meal ^ itd) f^TcmifcH
Butter (*[d?) Millet (lietd) "utfR TFJRT
Broth (snar) >t>m, yilydi Meat ( i t d ) TTRI

Beef ( i t o ) TRJ cf>T "TRJ Minced Meat ( f i F * g i t d ) ^tar

Bread (#g) Mustard ( T T ^ i )

(sfrfen -hifedi) sth

Bacon (|cjr) WT TRT Oat (srld) ^
Comfit O ^ f e s ) $H!Alit ciHI Oryza sativa
Coffee (#rq?t) Oil (3folel) ^cl
Cake (ct>cp) Pigeon pea ( f i ^ H i t ) SRIR

Corn-ear (^Pii-'fjR) Pea ( i t )

Cheese ( i t o ) piR Pulse (Pe*l) ^Tel
Condensed Milk Puffed rice ( w t t ^ t ) "grg^r
(Het>) Pickle ( t e c * ) araR
Castor seed Phaseolies m u g o
Chapati ( ^ m i t )
Curry (wft) Poppy ( i r f t ) TfTRT
Cluster bean iR) cfR Porridge ( i t f ^ r ) ^Rn
Cream (tfa) Pork (itcfj) ^J3RcFTTTR[
Curd (<?r) Pearl Millet (Pef tield)
Clarified butter it Rice ( ^ e ) ^Tcid
Sugar (T^R) itit
Food (TJTg) ituH Sweets ft^
Flour (4xHlv3>0 OTdT S y r u p (ftrcq) ^t^
Field pea ( i f e i t ) iteT Supper ( W ) TRT "QFTI
Fine flour ( w i ^ t i h i ^ ) Sago ( w i t ) *Hij{Hi
Feast (ift^d) "^Tcfcl Sauce ( w ) rretft
Grain (tFt) 3RTvH Sesame ("^Riit) 1cTcT
Gum acacia (tth 3t^%?ji) ite Sugar c a n d y ("9Jtr ^ 1 ) liit
Great millet ( i d field) TSJR Semolina ^
Gram (um) ^tFTT S o u p (^35) ?tRn
Gruel (Tjsra) <=; (OHAJ I Treacle ( ^ e f ) "J?,^
Honey ( f i t ) Tea (3t) w
Ice-cream (3TT^ra?ta) Vinegar ( f t ^ R )
Ice (3rr^fr) Vegetables (iftr*reyi) Trfferai
Jam (vta) Wheat ( i t d ) if

(i) ttit
Kidney bean (ffcsit i R ) x!MHI Wine (cjT^f) trtc
Lentil ( ^ d e f ) TRJ? Whey

Asafoetida 3FT Galnut (JiidHd)
Alum ( w ? ) Hemp WT
Aniseed ("^Mns) Hog p l u m s (WT W f l ) 3MdT
Arsenic (3RfRnP) "TrRg^T Linseed (fcR # 3 ) 3td#
Bamboo C a m p h o r cTRH Land c a l t r o p ^
Liquorice ( I ^ R T ^ )
Aflatoon (3W>di<H) Tra Mace ("fRr) vHTft^t
Aloe (Tf^)
Myrobalan ( H i ^ d d H )
Alkali Tf^RSR
Acid (tyfrps) 3Fd
Musk (tr^p) cb*^
Menthol ("tfafrd)
Barilla ( - ^ m ) iTeSRSR
Nutmeg ("RS^n) uTRPPd
Bitumen (RI^H) RldlJTld
Nigella ( m d i ) cbciMl
Borax ( ' ^ F f f )
Nux v o m i c a (^r^rt ^frftcm) cpTdl

Belladona (%cTT#RT) -H^MII
Basil Oats (sfcri)

Black Pepper (seto ^ ^ r ) ^cR?! O r i g a n u m (aflfl^m) Rlcblcbl^
Betel-nut OSted^e) ^gmft Pellitory (Afteft)
Catechu cfnSJT Pepper root ( ^ r ^ e ) ft^Td TJd
Cardamom (crn^q) Parsley ( w ^ ) s^mtgr,
Carbonate of Soda ^Rrrft, 3)vj)ciiiiH
O l e f i n 3TFP fffeT) Poppy seed ('qTnft ^fns)
Cinnamon (RHH'H) Pistil ( f t f t e d )
Coriander seed iiRrar R h u b a r b (^TT^)
Rock salt (^TcP
Cocaine (cptcfH) cblcftn ^TTcP

Cubeb (cFjira)
Sandal ( ^ r a )
Cassia ^vHMId
Caraway ($RTct)
Soap-nut (-rfimd) ?T31

Saffron cfRR
Cloves ("cFefRyT) offa
Saltpetre (Wc^te?)

Cumin seed (CKJTHH ^Rl
Chirata ("Rrrtt) Senna ( # n )
Datura ( ^ d ^ i ) Turmeric (z^rf^p) Fc^T
Dry Ginger f^R) Tamarind (nR-si)

Fenugreek seed Vinegar ("RT^R) ftR^PT
Ginger ( t ^ R ) ar^cjj Zedoary (yKgterft) STTWT Fc^t
1. FLOWERS Guava ("33MT)
Cobra flower (cpteRT t j ^ i f r ) Gravia asiatica TpTcrm
Chrysanthemum (f^faJrm)
Creeper (ffr^R) eRTI Grape (Tfa)
Daisy ( ^ l ) JJcH^K Ground-nut (Trras-'TC)
Jasmine (^-h^h) Loquat dWie
Knop ("RN) cluft Lichi (cftft)
Lotus (cft^T) c^ra Lilac (fefelcb) ftchl^H
Lily (feRft) Mulberry ( H d ^ )
Marigold ( A f l ' i W ) "ft^I
Magnolia (i^rfrrar) ^FTT
Amaranthus ("tTTTFsiTf)
Motia (Tfrf^nn) TfrfrRiT
Narcissus (HiRfmi) Brinjal (Hh3TcT) fin

Oleander (arffcnf^) Bitter gourd (Hre?"^)

P a n d a n u s (M^H>H) Bean
Prickly pear (filched ^TIR) Colocasia (^CTWRWI)
Rose ("^TH) Citron (RH^IH ) 'IcHId
Sunflower Coriander ( c h l R ^ )
C a u l i f l o w e r (WC^ITOTCR)
Touch-me-not ("ew^rre) Tgcfft^
Carrot ( W )
2. FRUITS it^R
Charantis (WR^B)
Apple (^lof)
Melon (^TeR) ^g^vn
Apricot (^JlcbV)
Musk-melon (TT^-'fc^) ^FR^T
Almond (OTTS) eTT^TR
Mosambi )
Berry (itfl) iR
Malta ("TTcSi) "TTeST
Betel-nut ( f f ^ - ^ s ) "grrfl
Mango arm
Banana (CRHT) cfn^T
Orange (3ft^r) t r r t , ^n^ft
Beet root
Olive (attfera)
Black berry
Pomegranate (tMtT^) 3FFR, CI | F^-H
Plum ( ^ R )
Pyrus malus Siercr) d^iliNI
Pear (^fare)
Custard apple ( ^ e i ^Tcf)
Pine apple (mi^hQmo) 3HHRT
Pistachio ffR^T
Coconut (cblcblHri) HlR^d
Papaya (^mn) ^ftcTT
Fig ( f a r )
" " \
Sour c h e r r y (^rre #51) ^rfl^rft Lady's-finger ( ^ t f?irrR)
Sapodilla ("Mfeen) Lime (^tt^t) f^l
Sugarcane wi Lettuce (cte^n)
Sole(#cl) 3TT^5R1 Mushroom (TT^TCT)
Water-melon (^n^^TcH) Mint
Water-nut (ciid>M<i) R-iyi^i O n i o n (STPRR)
Yam (^IM) ^TTO^ Potato ( ^ M ) anci
C u c u m b e r (^CF^?) P u m p k i n (qwjRhH)
Cabbage ) ^ Pea (ift)
Chilli (f%Rfi) Red p u m p k i n (^g #cTTO>d
Gourd Radish
Ginger ("fefcrc) Spinach (R^HM) WfcP
Garlic (^TTfcfe) h^h Turnip (^Pfrq) yicHvHH
Jack-fruit ( ^ c p ^ ) che^d Tamarind (SnR-d) ^Tcfl
Luffa (ejq>T) ffemT^^ftft Tomato ( ^ r e f )


Acacia (atchRniii) Blossom (CHWH)
Bamboo (tp^) Fruit ( ^ e ) qJef
Banyan (erf^RR) sK'M Fibre ( T P T ^ R )
Birch (er^f) Graft ( M ) cpeR
Cactus (%-cfe^i) G u m (jm)
Cotton ( w s r ) chMKH Groundnut (iiM^ne) TffPFcft
Chilli (Unffl) J u i c e (V^H) Tft
Cypress (^rr^to) Jute ( v ^ )
Fir(TR) Leaf(3to) TOT
Oak (3fTcp) eld, elcjd Pollen grain (^fr^R t R ) W T ^PT
Palm ( t t r ) cTTS Pollen tube ("qteR ^ r ) W I
Pine ( t t ^ ) Pulp (tr?q) ^T
Polyalthia (Mldiiifcerar) Pistil (ftffeci)
Shisham (tftem) yTiym Root ( ^ s )
Sandal (-H^ci) Root-stalk ( n z
Teak (Sm) <HMIc|H Sprout
Bark (cn3>) f^Tel Stamen (T&TR)

Branch (wra) -did Skin (I^JR) ffrc^PT

Bulb (elcj) ^FEf Stone ( ^ r )
Bud (ire) Seed
Coir (ebi^) Stem ( ^ q )
Margosa (hu'iVhi) T h o r n (afft) cpfeT
Bo-Tree (efr-#) ^Md Wood ( f s ) cms

Abdomen ( ^ T f R ) Finger (ftR?) ?Taj ^ ^Igcft
Arm w? Foot ( i f s ) ^
Anus (^TH) Forehead (i^ktss) c^ne
Artery (sn^ft) Phalange ( ^ r a )
Armpit ( a t f t f k ) gff Pore (^frc) 7R
Brain ( 3 r ) f^TFT Palm (TJR)
Bile (efT^et) ftxT Pulse (trar) ^
Belly ( i r # ) ^te(wft) Penis ( ^ r e ) fcm
Back-bone ^ ^ [ f f f
Ring-finger ( t ^ r f ^ R ) aniftcbi
Breast ^ ( ^ f t ^ ) Rib (for)
Beard (fao^) ^ f
Shoulder ( s i W y ) ^Ftn
Back (tcp)
Bone (fR)
SnOUt (Wlvid) SJR
Blood (
Skull (-*EjieO ^rfl
Buttock (^rsHfi)
Cartilage Stomach ( w w ) Tfcrft^
Chest ( g ^ r eft) Sole (#c7) ^Teicn
Embryo Spleen ( ^ t o )
Face (^RT) Skin (fcjR)
Fist Saliva (*MI$C||) ^T?
Gullet (Ti^e) "PFTef Lip (fcR)
Gum (im) Lung (eR) tFv^i
Hand (t^s) Lock (effcp) cfTcff^cTg
Heart (fl) feci Muscle (TpRra) ggT, rkh^Ti
Heel (fler) Moustache TJE
Hair ^rra Middle-finger ("Prgcilq^R) ^Ri^i
Intestine ( i ^ e r ^ r ) ^ Mouth (ttt^st)
Index finger ( t ^ R i ffiR?) Neck (^fcp) tt^i
Jaw (Tiff) uH-dl Navel ^
Joint ("c^Rte) THtf Nose
Knee Nipple (f^PTef) ^np
Kidney ( f W f t ) Nostril ( H I R < H ) ^apn
Lap Nail (^ei) . ^tt^t
Liver (f^re) Palate ( M e ) CTT^

(arr^) wet
Little finger (feTSc! fffnR) Temple ( t ^ r a ) CFT^I
Collar-bone (ctfeR Thigh
Cheeks (^torr) "TTeT
Chin ( f t o )
Trachea (tf^rai) WFF^t
Dens Serotinous araH^g
Throat ifn
Tooth (^aj) ^tcf
Eye (3rn?)
Tongue ( ^ i ) T^R
Ear-drum ( t ^ ^ ? ) chulqen
Eye-lid (an^fcns) wrcp Thumb (aw) tf'jBT
Eye-lash (3TTf^T) Trunk (t<J>)
Ear ( t ^ )
ElbOW (TJe^f)
Waist (iRs)
Vein (^R)

Whiskers (fcRcjRf)

Eye-ball affa TjcTcft

Eye brow (an^ ft) Wrist (fore) ^k^

Abortion (^isin)
Griping R^rs
Ague Giddiness ( f t ^ m )
A c i d i t y (TjfafeSO Hunchbacked (sMd^)
A s t h m a (3TWTT) Hurt(^)
Acne ( t ^ ) H u n g e r (l^rc) gnTSJ
Albino (^feRt) H i c c u p (f^sre)
^ cfPfT
Anaemia (T^raij
Anorexia (trt^frt) Hoarseness
Bronchitis Headache 3TRT
Beri-Beri (ilff-tft) "Efff Hepatitis (^rfeTr)
B o i l (wracT) Itch TTeJT^^TT
B a l d ('^Tog) TMT I n d i g e s t i o n ( ^ i ^ y n ) ftR cpl ^
Blind 3RJ!
Itches ( ^ m )
Bile Inflammation (SH^SH) ^ R
B r e a t h (star) Insomnia ^ ^ 3?RI
Influenza ( ^ f ^ v n )
Bleeding (^Tf^r) cpT eT^TT
J a u n d i c e (xSrf^T)
L e a n (<?R) ^icn
C o r y z a (chlRvHi)
L e u c o r r h o e a (f^chlRiii)
Cataract ^frfcRITfsF?
Lame (eR)
Constipation cfmiT
Lunacy (c^Wf) WTePR
Cancer Leprosy (^iMf) cPTg

Chill Measles
C h o l e r a (cbTVwi) M u m p s (^qwrrt)
Consumption sra Mad WTd
D i a r r h o e a (^toRUT) arf^rrN Mole W
Dropsy (^tff) Malaria (^RAII)
Dandruff ( t ^ F ) Nausea ^ t R^cHI
Diabetes (^RttSta) Obesity ^ cf^n
Dislocation (f^^dl^vn) "^fTf cpj vJd-HI O n e - e y e d (cR-3TT^) tPRT
Dumb (^r) TJfTT O t t o r r h o e a (an^rfcm) cPR WF^T
Dysentery ( ^ i ^ t ) P i m p l e (f^RTd)
D i p h t h e r i a (fessfrfcin) P h l e g m (^vR) WR
Dengue (^Jj Prickly Heat
Debility (tfafMt) ^Mtff P a i n (^R) ^
E c z e m a (WrtaT) Wi P n e u m o n i a (ffrf^nn) fWrfror
Epitaxis ("^fcRro) P i l e s (m^cvi)
P a r a l y s i s (^mi^R-m)
Ring Worm
(mi^R<ji) cPT
Fainting ( M R ) -km
Fever ( ^ r ) TrtR S h o r t - s i g h t ( t t t Tnrfe)
Fistula (f^^cHi) S m a l l p o x (ttfTef-'qRFfl)
Stool ft^T/^ff
Gland (^te) S p r a i n ("RR)

\ <129) y
Sun-stroke (TR-^<J>) c^oRRT Tuberculosis d^lftcb
Scabies (^Mtvi) ^vHc^l
Stomach-ache Tracoma ( )
Ae ^ Tonsil (eiR-iet)
Stone ( ^ R ) Typhoid ( e r ^ n ^ ) ^MtgRi
Sore ("#?) qarff Ulcer ( 3 T ? * R ) WT5T
Swelling (>&|RHR) Urine
Sweat R#RT Vomit (^fifte) "EJvRT
Typhus ( ^ T ^ R ) "spran^R W o u n d (^g)
Tumour ( e ^ R ) Yawning (#fRR)

Aunt (3TF5) gsn, ^ M l , Maternal uncle "RRT
Adopted daughter (*)e4o1 ofcP^l)
Maternal aunt "RTRt
Adopted-son (x^^ifes'm) ( ^ f c T 3TT5)
Bride-groom ( W T ^ - T J R ) Mistress
Bride (sfT^g) Mother ("R^) R?
Brother (w^?) Mother's sister m
Client (cMisjrf) ("R^rf ftree?)
Concubine ( c h u ^ ^ H ) Mother-in-law
Customer (cM-ei-R) (T^-IR-cft)
Daughter (^te?) Nephew ( ^ p j j R^rti, Rrar
Own (atR)
Niece (^ra)

Patient ( M e )
Disciple ( f e w r a ) Mi
Pupil (^ftef)
Father ( T P R Y ) ffcn
Preceptor ( t M ^ ) YfTf
Friend ( f t ^ )
Pleader ( ^ f r s r )
Relative (fojfeg)
Step-son (^r-tr)
Grand-father (TTfe-WR?) ^RT Step-father ( ^ q - R ^ )
Grand-mother (TTrg-TR?) "f^RR
Step-mother (~>q - r ^ )
Grand-son ^RTI Step-brother (-^q-fRR)
Guest (%e) Step-sister ( ^ - f t R e * ) clFR
Heir (&JR) Step-daughter ( ^ q ^re?)
Husband Son (tr)
Landlord vPfkR Sister (ftrcsr?) MT
Lover (H^R) Mt Son-in-law
Mamma (^trt) 3FRT Sister-in-law
Maternal grand-father RR7 (Rrfe^-^T-cTi) Weft, RP?I, "RR,
Maternal grand-mother "RTfl Uncle (atcPei)
Wife (cfTfTj>) irrar
Reft y
\ <130)
Tiring-woman Shirting (?TfSq) cfq ^j^rsi
Socks (WcRT)
Tiring-room Stays
Satin TO Stripped Mule ^rfw
Scarf (wpfr)
Shawl (fira)
Saree ("*tt?I) Tape ( t q )
Towel (zract)
Serge "TfTuT
Tunic (e^Pich)
Sheet (tfte)
Thread ( ^ s ) yTqi
Shirt (TT)
Silk Turban q ^ , fnqn

Stockings (^IRMMI; Uniform

Sleeve Velvet (ifc^s) H^sRd
Suiting (^qfi* !) wi <f>q*n Veil ( t d )


Anklet (^cFcte) qT^ra Medal ( t ^ i ) dHJll
Armlet (srrfcte) eUvjJe)^ Necklace ( ^ c R T )
Bracelet civqq Nose-ring ( % j r f r q )
Belt Nose pin ( i f a ftq) iich chi chid, cfR
TfFft 3 cRFl
Opal (3Ttqd)
Brooch (^q)
Pearl ( q ^ )
ydvHRsid "PR
Pebble (x^d) family
Cat's eye 3n|)
Ring ( # n )
Chain ( * R ) Tlct^teft
Ruby ( ^ t ) TTfura
Clip (f!>dq)
Sapphire ( w r r )
Coral (cj^Rcf)
Diamond (itrpts) fm
Stud (^es) ch^vH cbl driH
Ear Ring crrc^t
Emerald Tiara (-fe3TRT)
Gold (TjtcS) ^fRT Topaz (cTfqfijf)

Girdle ( ^ r i ^ ) Turquoise ( d ^ i ^ ) ftwlvHI

Head Locket ( t z Wreath (%>?) TTen
Jewellery uMljNId Wristlet (fcRnte) cfrsi
Locket ( o f r ^ ) ddcJH Zircon ( ( N ^ H )
Alpaca (3)<HMchi) ^ ip - ^ f -ft ^ T ZR^T Garters (^rr^rf) ftfiro
Banian (CIPKJH) dfHillH Gloves O'efM) ew^
Belt ( M ) Gauze ( w ) ^ncl
Blanket ( v f o z ) Gown (^TRR) ^TRT

Bodice 3TPRT
Hat (%e) eta
Border (#?) RhHKI
Handkerchief ^Rra
Brocade (irt%^) RhR-aicj
Half Pant wfom
B r o a d Cloth (sfrgMraj) eRR
Hem (IN) iRvSt
Brassiere (irxAzr?)
Jacket (T^Pe)
Breeches (tftftjsr) MlilvHIHI
Jersey ^Rff
Brace ( M ) ftf^RT
Jamper ( W R ) T^RR
Button (em) eRR
Calico (fcftraft) K n i c k e r (ftcfR)

Cashmira (cpnfRr) Lace (eRi)

Chester Osfte?) eRfl cpte Laces (effttui)

Cap(M) ewl Lappet (etfe) ftraR

Canvas ftRftxf Light c o l o u r (Hi^e^eR) f ^ t r
Chintz tfte L o i n Cloth (HffR ^ a r )
Clothes (cFefr^a) L i n i n g (HisjPm) 3r?r
Coat (<tfie) CPR
Linsey W o o l s e y (toRT^-gcnSt) ^ r i t ^ ^
Crepe (ilR) ciiylct) chqgl
L o o p (cJT) tp^i
L o n g Cloth (cTR ^

Chemise (Trftei)
Mattress ( ^ h ) ^
Cloth ( M m )
M u s l i n (TRffcR) HcHHd
Cloak (MTcP) *fRT
Collar (^PTeR) WeR
Muffler (WcT?)
Darn ("SFf)
Neck-tie (-WeiiO eTi
Damask (^PRR) XflR^TPft
Napkin (^taftn) 3r"TC5t
Deep c o l o u r (^fa <PeR) TT
Drill ( 1 M ) Oil Cloth (atfcra c^m) ^fRXHRT

Flannel (lkhi^h) i^cHlcftH Overcoat (artawle) epsj^Pte

Frock (wfcp) Petticoat (^Sfcpte)

\ <T3i>
Bag Pipe ( t q w O Gourd flute qcp) fR
Banjo (t^fi) tfcfi Harp ^Fi
Bell ( t d ) Harmonium (itRqtfroq) wrtft^q
Bugle (ejjttcT) R'Jd Jew's harp (-^5TfTtf) ^ f t
Cymbal (Rhhh) Piano ("fqarpfT) f^Fft
Clarion (c^Rah) Sarod TRte
Clarinet' yijHI^ Tabor (teR)
Drumet Tambourine ( t ^ f R i ^ )
Drum (^q) did, H'll-sSI Tom Tom (^rq^q) ^tcnp
Flute ( q ^ ) elT-y^l Violin (cfRf^R) ^Twt, "ifcTT
Guitar (fq^R) RMK Lute (ejp) "Rrtr
Gong (Tffq) WT Whistle

Almirah (QdffcKi) s^mrfl Chimney ftq^
Ash ("^97) Comb (^ftq) cfTETI
Attache Case Curtain
Axe ( ^ R T ) Casket (cwR<be) Ri'lKtJIH
Ash-tray t) R-wi^ci eft "TO w l Cooking gas ( ^ q % r )
cf>T qra Candle stick yiHicjiH
Basket (<ji>kb<) Canister ^TRR
Bedsheet (irsVik) Censor ("^RR)
Blanket ( ^ f f r ? ) Churn (^rf)
Bowl (erre^) Chisel ( f e r a )
Bobbin (cnftR) 3R5T Chandelier (W^sfcPR) WFJH, 3TF5
Brush (sRT) Cup (cpq)
Bucket (qfo^) efTc^l Cushion
Balance (teTRi) Cabinet (%f!r^) TOf eft 3idqT$
Bed (*g) Dish (f%rn) "Rcmfl
Bed-stead (irg-^feg) Door-mat ( ^ R ^ ) MliJclM
B o x (WRRT) Drawers ( I T S R ^
Bolster (ciid*^) ^TteJ dRhill Electric stove
Bottle (^fen) cfRToT, VlWf
Broom (^q) Electricity ( W ^ f M )
Button ( c j ^ ) cTS^T Fan TOT
Candle (%fcgci) Tfrn^i Fire Place ( W R ^ )
Carpet ( C F R ^ ) Fork (iftcfc) cpfcTT
Cauldron (<ftd^H) Funnel (qRd)
Chest File (tpT^cf)
Chair Flour Mill (lmm>{ "f^ra) 3TTcT eft

/ Frying Pan ( T P T | R ^ R ) Pastry Board ^0011
Flower-vase ( W R ^ ) Pestle ( M h )
Fuel (R^cf) fiR Phial (tpRef) TfMr, efr^r
Grate ( t e ) Pitcher (fRSR)
Hubble Rubble w Pillow ( I M l ) ETST

(fRel-TRet) Pillow Case (1Mt M r )

Hammer faM Plate (^re) tMi^p
Hand-pump (|rg-RR) RRf Pen ( M )
Iron plate (3TR7R^te) wr Pincers ( f M t f ) W l
Iron (3TR7R) Pot (RTe)
ICe-bOX effcRl) M^GP^RR RTJRT Probe ( M i ) MR
Jar (vHR) Quilt ( f t ^ e )
Jug (wr) Rope (^tR)
Key Oft) Sack (tR>) Ml, Mt
Knife (RiftP) Screw Driver ( ^ ^ i ^ R ) MRRT
Kettle ( t o ) Shovel (?Tcra) Mrt
Kerosene Oil "ftftRRM Soap ( # r ) TTTfR
(MrftR sfcra) Sauce-pan ( # # R )
Ladle (#Scf) Swing (foR)
Saucer ("WRR)
Lock (cftcp)
Spitoon (foreR) tftcpcJM
Lamp (cRr) eR}
Stool ( ^ e l ) f?TRT|
Lid (fere)
Looking Glass
VMr, arrtRT Sieve (#R)
(ejRb'l TefRT)
Sickle (ftRPef) ci^
Mat ( M )
wer^ Soap-case ( # r M i ) TRfR^nft
Mallet ( M e )
Safe fMrfl
Mortar ^ c f , aft^ft ^
Stove (';feta)
Match box (T^RTTO) f^TRTcTTf f%fRT
Spade WS1
Stick ( t o ) T^fl
Mackintosh (SlfWlvi) MraRl
Spoon (T^T)
Mirror (f*R?) VMl
Newspaper ( ^ r t m ) TRTETR "cp5f
Tooth Brush ^Rff RR f?T
Needle ( t e ? ) Tray ( t ) ajTcft
Nut-cracker (Re M r ) MRT Tap (%R) ReT
Oil (sftoH) M Table ( t ^ ) M

(<jr mi^)
Paper (M?) RRRvR Tongs ( e K i ) fERer
Pastry Roller YteR) Mr Tooth-Powder ^rTRyR
Palanquin MMcfl Tumbler (eRcR) Wff
Picture ("teR) <rM Wire ( w ) cTR
Pan ( * i ) cRTen, RJeT^f Wick ( f M )

V <m> /
Antimony ^TRT Lead (trs)
Arsenic (srtfte) irfiun Marble (^n^d)
B r o n z e (sfFyT) csrar Mercury xfRT
Bitumen (f%TR) ftraKSta M i c a ("TT^cpT) 31TO
Cinnabar Rr^j? Muscovite

Copper Sulphate cjf^rar Mine Ort^t)

( W R I T E S ) Natron flu^l-islK

C h a r c o a l (WR ^ r a ) Orpiment ( s n f ^ )
OT^I 357 ^RTcTT
Copper (cftxR) P l a s t i c c l a y (MiR-ecj, g ^ r )
Coal qRST? <F( cftiJcil R O C k O i l (TRP SfRJd) iflcH tlsClfcHil^HI
R e d o c h r e ( ^ s srfaR) ^Ro
Cornelian (cptifeRH)
Shale (?Td)
Flint (ftxfe) W T O TOR ylrv
Silver ( f ^ R ) WRl
Fuller's earth 3ral) ^eldl^ foft
Steatite (^ter^e)
G r e y t i n (Tt f s q ) YFT1
Steel (^ta) Iridic!
G r e y C o p p e r (Tt w r ) ^Yf crNT
Sulphur ( w j r )
G o l d (TfTeS)
Tin (ft*) TFTI
Iron o r e ( 3 t r r ^ 3tR) eftfl
Touch-stone cIRM
Iron (3nw!) CTTFT Vermilion (crPtsr) RH^
Kerosene oil tqfr cPI^f White-lead {wtz^s) "M^cJI
(^JRHTH arwcT)
Y e l l o w O c h r e (tefr stfeR)


1. BUILDINGS Inn (i*t)
Aviary (T^RRT^) Ice-factory (an^n Ixji^RT
Barrack (tro) Laboratory ( ^ e f l ) YWFRTIdT
B o o k i n g o f f i c e ( f f ^ T affftRi) Lunatic asylum

Building (f^fc^T) mq (c^fcrcR-amifcm)

Bungalow (CFIHI) TOI Library (HTftfi)

Church (rtf) fTR^TI ^R Magazine (^i.JftH)

Cloister (cfcnw>0 Mosque

Cottage ) STfanfl' Museum (^fvRm) -j-in^Mii

C o l l e g e (CPT^TOT) H^lRlsUlelAJ Orphanage (afrfc^H)

F a c t o r y (%Efeff) cpR^RT Octroi post

Fort (n&i) "f^dT O f f i c e (affftRT)

Gymnasium (tuFRSnm) P a l a c e (tTeRT) w

Hospital (^IR-Mdd) SRCRTTcl Picture h o u s e ( f t i R ^ n )

House Post office 3fff^e) "STcpER

X School (^r) 1MTCW Hearth (?af) apMf
Slaughter-house (Mte^ fra^i) RRR^TRT Kitchen (1Mh) Mrf^R
Temple (tRcf) Lattice (^fM) M t
University fMIMiera Lime ("Mr) ^TT
Urinal (^RHCH) Latrine ( ^ M ) eft
Zoo (j*) Niche (fM) STTcTf
2. THEIR PARTS Platform
Attic (^fM) sreifr
Ante Chamber (M MR) Mrfr
Peg (M) ^P
Arch (3rrEf)
Beam (Mi)
Plaster ) RcR?R
Portico (MllSch)) cR^Ml
Bathroom (RiaRR)
Peep-hole (MM=0 MRRI
Bar (RR) WS
Room (wr)
Bracket (tIM) RMRTI
Rafter (%Re?) ?I?M
Courtyard (RMtrri) 3TFR
Railing ("M*T)
Corbel (<*>lM)
Roof ( w )
Cement (Mfc) Mfc

Cornice ( M M ) MR RR ^TTvH Sitting room (%feR wr)


Chimney (fMft) SJ3RcF?T
Door ( M ) ci^clMI
Shed (MO
Door-frame ("M Mae
Store-room (?M
Drain (M) ^Mt
Stair ( M j r )
Dais (^sum) w
Storey (?Mr)
Door-sill ( M 1 M ) Threshold (s^Ms) ^cftvH

Dome (Mr) Tile (er?ci) QRM

Floor (MR) tM
Terrace (Mr) M^f^r

Foundation (ifcivUsn) Mr
Underground cell cf^WRT

Fountain ( w ^ i ) (sre^rrMs M )

Granary (Mff) Ventilator (MtcM) Mtr^TR

Gutter ("Re?) M^HIcHI
Verandah (M^sr) RTpfRTf
Gallery (Mft) MTRRT Window (fM) Rsl^cft

X <136) /
Almirah (^crf^Ri) 3TeRT?! Ink-pot ( t ^ - q f t )
Blank-paper (*3icp ^ m ) Ink-pad ( t ^

Blotting-paper -H^dl Ledger (cW?)

xltre) Magazine (#q>#R) qftcm

Bench Ira Map (%q)

Bodkin Nib(ft^)

C o r k ("EPT) Paper cPRvH

Card (gn^) Packing-paper (^tf^q-^tq?)

Copying pencil Pen (^R) ^PcR

(wftrfn Paper-cutter ( ^ m cbMlvH

Call-bell (cpra t d ) Pin ( f t * ) 3TTc7ft*

Compass XRcFR Pin-cushion ( f t * <pR) STlcfftq cRft ^

Clip (fcfOT) Punch (xra) cPY^ eft ThSRft

Crayon (tP^R) Pencil (xfRrd)

Carbon-paper ^r) ^PRuT Paper-weight iprq^^rra

Counterfoil (cbivi>e>< ) 3TTS?r T ^ k , ^JTTsn Protractor ( t f f c f ^ ) ^rr^T

Drawing-pin ft*) ^ifqft* Ruler ^ficR
Divider ( f t g r ? ^ ) qcpR Receipt book (fttfte <^P)
Dictionary Register

Daily-paper Aq?) ^ftcp q?t Rubber-stamp ( w * ^ q ) "^^ftftlR

Eraser ( ? ^ R ) TcTS Slate fete

Easy-chair 3TRR gRft Seal ( # c f )

Exercise-book Tracing Cloth ( t ^ R ^ f m ) ft^t^pq^i

(WROT^f^) Tape(tq) xftrTT

File ( w f e i ) Tag ( t q ) cftcHcJK ^tft

Glue Tracing paper 3TTO cpRvH

Gum ( * q ) Writing Pad ( ^ f t q ^ ) eft q f i

Holder Waste-paper-basket Ttr eft^fepff

Ink ( f ^ ) ^nfr (ER5 xPR cl^fche)

/ T O O L S \
Axe (Mh) jfc-Sli), M l Needle point
Awl (AM) tjan
Auger ( M R ) "ERRT Oar ^ T , MdclK
Axis (^HHNH) Oil-mill ( M r a l M )
Anvil ( M F M ) 1MTt
(TJpFT fM?)
Pruning shear
Anchor ( M f R ) cM
Balance ( M n )

(^cire; Mr)
Plough share ePT W
Bar-share (RR M R ) qMf
Bellows (MLYI) sjfMl Plumb line ( w eTT^r)
Bead plane ( M M r ) Plough
Bagging hook ( M r r ^ )
Razor ( M ? ) "^RRT
Blow-pipe ( M M * 0
Rebate Plane ( f t M M r )
Cone ( M i )
Rasp(trt) Mn, M l Mi
Clamp ( M R )
eft Pi All, fy
Rudder (^5?)
S m o o t h i n g plane Mister
Colter ( M e ? )
Cleat ( M T E )
Sickle ( f M c i ) ^l-vTl
Chisel Ml
Scissors (RH.VJKI)
Drill ( f M )
Sugar mill (Y^RIM)
Dibble (fMra) ?TTcf
Fishing rod ( f q M r M )
Screw-driver ( ^ ^ i f g ? ) MRRI
Stock and dies rtMII
Fast ( w e ) iMtRRTCTf
Syringe ("RrfM) MraM
Gauge ( M ) T f M Cpl T R
Saw (-tfi) aM
Hammer (t*R) faMl, f a M
Spade ( M s ) ^RTeT, TpicTfl, MRT
Hand saw ( M # ) ^ETeM eft M l
Screw (?*)
Jack-plane ( " M M r )
Spanner ( M R ) M M eft M l
Lever (<fore)
MrMi^s Trying plane (^ifR M l )
Loom (ep)
Lathe ( M I ) Try square ("5T? ?M3R) ^gfMi
t elMt eft Mt
Tooling plane Mi M
Lancet ( # M )
Mortar ( M ? )
Wcl O
Trowel (era^O rMI
Mallet ( M O Vice (rti??) M , fyIcHvH!

\ <138) y
Army (srpff) ^Ri Combatants ( )
Armaments (3rmf#CTr) Demolization ^ q q
Ammunition (i^Pujh) (^HICHI^H)
A t o m b o m b (^eq #}) SFjqq Defence Ministry
Aggression (art?H) (f^fRT ftPi*-^)
Auxiliary force Destroyer
Defence Service ^en qpfaifl
Atomic Warfare
(SRTfiRP Expedition ( W T M ? R ) arfqqR, q^aTR
A r m o u r (armre) cf^ra Enemy ( ^ n f l )
Attack (aftcp) 3HfhH l Explosive-Bomb RT% ^r q ^ "^iTen qq
Anti-aircraft gun
WfPTTC^H) Fortification ftcfR^t
cll^H cfrq
Battle field Field Marshal ^RT qq qtIR arftqqft
Battle-ship (t^ef %q)
Fighter cTglf cqgqR
(eN^I^'d) cR aTTtPRTTT Guerilla ( ^ f ^ T )
Blockade (^cfrct^s) HlcbN-41 Gas-mask
Belligerent Nation eTS^ cfTcTT
Gun-powder ( t r qra^?) q R ^
Land-force (3rs-q>Rf) iteci
Battle ( ^ c f )
Mutiny ( ^ f t ^ t ) faTr?
Blood shed (^ns f r s )
Machine-gun (qyTH'H)
Bomb ("#?) qq
qTc^i cfrq
Brute force q^ntf) ^Mf
Navy ( ^ f )
Bullet (fete)
Cartridge ( c b w ^ )
Operation (siTm^m) ^ "qfcl
Prisoners-of-War ^pfq^t
Cavalry (%qef?[) tj-sw-wu itfi
Cannon-ball ^Ttq cPT^tefT
Provisions (TftfeRH) qtviR WT?fr
Recruitment ( R s ^ ' d )
Campaign ( ^ R )
Seize ( # 3 ) ERT
Strategy ( ^ e ^ ) fifqfora

Conscription ^HNfcl Submarine (fiqqfR) MH^-^I

Troops (^RI) "^RT
Civil-war (fafc^qR) Treaty

Cannon (%qq) Torpedo boat

Cease-fire (^flra w r ) ( z T ^ t cte)

\ fcRR
<139) y
Hospital (^iR^dd) fMMmera Bandage ( t f M ) RM R? RMt
Clinic (f^Pich) Ul^^d oMlTcTO Bottle (MCT)
Doctor ( M e ? ) RjRboHcb Wheel Chair M?) Rfltff RTcft
Nurse ( M ) ?tfMf Rft w Orthopaedic (anstf^fM) MPFI MTTR

RR^T RTcft RR><HI Physician ([^RHRWH) HrfMFfR)

Operation Theatre yicilRhiJI RR RfR?T

Specialist ( ? M f M e ) M w

E.C.G. ( ^ . M M )
Children Ward R M R R R>!H

Bleeding ( M f M ) RJRT
Fracture ( M r ? )
eRraiRI, MtTTeTR
Medicines (AteR-m-i) MrfSr
Dispensary ( f M r M l )
Pill eM Mft
Maternity Home v5T5R "ER
Blood Pressure ?RTTRTR

(rMMI M )
Urine Test TJR M s r n

Mft M TJR> uFT? ?f

Cotton (R5feR)
Blood Test ("Serstre)
Stretcher (?M?)
Compounder (RTRRVJU^?) ^ M ^ t M RToTF
^ M f TRR? ?ainwRd
Patient Ward ( M r c M ) M f l R>1
Emergency Ward
Plaster ( w * e ? ) RH?d?
(fR?Mt M )
Ladies Ward ( ^ M r M ) ftMf RRR*ST
Surgery (?rM^)

Dead Body, Corpse Surgeon (?M?)

crm 1Mh?TR)

^ TTRR? eft ?f?R

Injection (MR?TR) Mr Ophthalmic (3RRM*TR*) 3TR3 faRFT
Mixture (M?TR?) 3TR fRSPR X-ray ( W K * )
(MR?) 1MR
Temperature dlMRH W
Stool Test t?e) e#[RRMT<R O.P.D. (art M M )
Sputum Test (?*?jeR t?e) RcTRR MR Unconscious
Ambulance ( M g M ) M f RT?R (3TRMTTI?I)
Dose ( M F )
Antibiotic ( M M ^ t f M ) cftdlUj ^n
Thermometer ( M f M ? )
RRRTRR5 Stethoscope M k eft yrsRR ^gR^
Syrup ( M R )
eM ?M RR
M c i fMra eRT MRI v M RTen M
Syringe ( f a l M ) RlRboHI^MftRM Capsule (MRJ?T)

7IR RR RvR?l
ri# MnMi
M l IRR>
Anaesthetist (M?afrMe) Postmortem Room
Anaesthesia Analeptic ( ^ M f M ? ) M M % RTR dlchd
Anaesthetize (arMsreTM) GA RRRT Disease ( f e M i )

\ <T40)
Actor (^fe?) RRcfi Mr Contractor (R>Mie?)
Advocate (i?MrM) Mta Cook (cpfi) ??fr?RT
Agriculturist cfRc Clerk (Mcp) fofM

Mrpr cPT? Ml WelfT

Constable ( M f M )

Artist (anMe) Chauffeur ( M P ? )
Astrologer (SRMM?) Carpentry ( w M e f t )
Auctioneer ( a f i M M ? ) Carrier (%ftq?)

Accountant (areMee) Conductor (RreRe?) clinch
fMraRft M-sdiclH
Author ( M r ) Coachman ( M M F )
Auditor ( M M ? ) Compounder ( p r o ) MrfETRM RlefT

fMWR Cobbler (Mra?) MFT


Artisan (3ttMr)
Agent ( M e ) MtIMT ePHFH
Blacksmith (CCWR-HSJ) Compositor (rMhM?) M 3 3TSR TifrM cTRTT
Baker ( M ? ) "fMpe, ^ R e f - M l Computer Operator
M t Rrari hi-MI^ cb^jd^ WPFRP
(lERTCCp? 3lMe?)
Bakery ( M M
RMR5T cbK<slHI
Carpenter (cprM?)
Cashier (%fM?)
Brokerage (Mrt^t) ^cMr
Cleaner ( M M ) MR ? M cncn
Banker ( M ? ) -HI^cJJK
Carder ( r M ? ) gfMT

Book-binder (ftp rt^s?) IM^ttmI
Coolie ^HKcii^cb
Bookman (^JMT) fMra
Doctor ( M R ? ) M?e?
Butler (Ren?)
Draughtsman Rcf?TRMl
Boat-man ( M M ) "RMT?
Beggar ( M ? ) (^I^H^H)
Blacksmith ( M p f M i ) Darner ( M ? )
Bake ( M ) Dentist ( ^ i M ) MffRR^rae?
Broker ( M r ) ^erra Dramatist ( ^ R i M e ) HldcpcPN
Butcher (f^rc) Draper (M?) WPiT
Barber (wrr?) M Dancer ( ^ r r ) ^TTM cflefl
Bankrupt (M?<e) MMrt Dyer ( ^ r ? ) ?TRTTUI, EFMT

Book-seller (^pMr) fMcTT Druggist U R i w ) ^MM^RTen

Boutique ( f M ) M M r % ^rra Driver ( ^ R ? )
Drummer ( ^ r )
M ^ M c&!?STR
Betel-seller (M^MR) trMI
^TR Ml R5T ?TR
Enameller (M^CR)
Beauty Parlour (egSnflM Editor ( M e ? )

Brazier ( M r ? ) M i Examiner ( t ^ t M r ? ) MsicP
Confectioner (rrM?r?) "Engineer (MrfM?)
Chemist ( M R S ) (1Mr^R)
3TMl W Fisherman
M ^ l cfTen Farmer ( w h )

/ Grocer (#TR) wff Photographer ( W m m ) ^ t ^rraT
Gate keeper siKMId Prose-writer ('sfrMRTfs^) iract^P
Groom ( i p ) "W^fr Poet (trftre)
Gardener (^i^R) Publisher (uRd^us Uchiyich
Green-grocer (fHrfnrR) Principal (fy'R-md) TjyMNIil
Goldsmith ('iWR-Haj) ^TR Retailer (ftt^R) ^qmiff
Glazier (^rfvRR) VfRTT cTTT^ cITcTr Sculptor (-i-chc^ev) TTcSR^I^ cT
Hawker (FfaR) cTTC^T Shoe-maker ("St-"*^) Tfr^rt
inspector (^me^)
Stamp-vendor ^ qTefT
( ^ q ir^r)
Sanitary Inspector
Juggler (^FICR) iT^Tfr
Lawyer (cfaR) "^raster
Sailor ("fT^R)
Landlord W-fftJR
Shop keeper ( w r a ^ ) ^PFRR
Milk-man (fac^iM) ^JT iTET^t cflcn
Milk-maid cRf^ cfTeft
Stamp maker(7M%cjr?) Tens frtF? ^rrai
Messenger (^Rr^R) ^rf^?] cn?cp
Sweeper (^^fm)
Mid-wife (firs mpft) ^
CAINI^ Surgeon ( ^ f a )
Tanner (t^R) ^PTR
Miner (th^R) ^nRitR^^ncn
Tailor (tcR)

Mason (^Rr) TT01
Magician Tenant ( t ^ s ) ftRTt^R
Musician (^Riah) TMY^CPN Tin-man cTTdT
Novelist (HNRH^) Treasurer(t^R?)
Teacher (TSR) 3TSZJTCcf>
Oil man (strih ^R)
Nurse (^rtf)
Trader cymi^!
Peon Tutor (^ff?) ER TR ^Tefl
Porter (^M^) Turner cPTR cfR^f cfrar
Priest (tfr^e) ^tftcT T.T.E. tcTfepS WtSTcP
Perfumer (WFjfR) Watchman (<JNH)
Pedlar (^TScR) M t cJToTT Washerman (^teR^R) ytfl
Painter ^RTTXiT Wholesale dealer artcp CAINI^I
Postman (^Re^r) ^iRhill, M-jIclinch ()d*ld ^feR)
Pilot (Mi^de) cliyiJH *TTeTcf> Writer eftacfi
Potter ( T O ) ^fR Watch-maker ti^^ivH
Physician (fMurf^RR) Water-carrier
Pleader ^fc^tH Waiter (cfs^) t^i
Proprietor ( T r t w ^ ) Hlldcfc Weaver ( % r )

\ (?42)
I.G. (sn^.^t.) H^iPi^sre* Dogs Squad (^FT
(Inspector General of Police) Warrant (c|fc)
(fTPfcfe? yR^et 31TO "jfcTO) Robbery (^rafl)
S.P (t^.Tff.) ^ro^ar^ Dacoity
(Superintendent of Police) Pick-pocket (ft^-qTfe)
Murder (TR^)
S.H.O. (TRI. art.) arr^R
(Station House Officer)

Challan (*IMH)
Sub-Inspector (^ra-^ckiv) "ot s i f ^ r
Security (RHcNjR<?i)
Assistant Sub-Inspector ^cJelclK
(arftrefe w - w f t ^ )
Investigation (^t^Mtr)
C.I.D. (#.3TT|.^.)
Kotwal (cbldciid) 2JFRR
Armed Police (an^g ^fcra) (Criminal Investigation

Flying Squad (MxHi^i Department)

Control Room ( ^ t e i "Pfwi cpf (ftbf^McH s H ^ ^ I H Rsm<9fd)

Theft (dme) "Eftff Tear Gas (n?%r)

Thief Smuggling (wifctn) tftfl TTTcf HFTT ^t
Smuggler (wTerc) vjTFTT, ^ p f l

Beat Constable On Bail (3TR %cf) vHHIHd

Under Police Custody
Stabbing O&fthi) MIl'ih!
D.I.G. (^.3TT ^q-^Tftfrar^
(Deputy Inspector General) C.B.I.
(Central Bureau of f^wm
D.S.P. ( ^ . t r t ^ . ) 'gfera
(Deputy Superintendent
("tf^H 31TO
of Police)
Firing TfTc^t *]<HHI
(fet^i T r g ^ ^ s "gfcTO)
Remand ("Rw^s) ^wdiw % fen?
Police Station ( ^ t o t & t r ) 8JHT
SRTcRl ^ ^f^R?
Constable (<KI^IH)
Traffic Police ( t f ^ ^ m ) fl^RRT^' ^5RT
Gang (%r)

1 Year Anniversary ( ^ r c f f i ) clinch w r ^ l
25 Years Silver Jubilee vjpicft)
50 Years Golden Jubilee ( ' i W h vipicft)
60 Years Diamond Jubilee

1 One 1st First
2 Two 2nd Second
3 Three 3rd Third
4 Four 4th Fourth
5 Five 5th Fifth
6 Six 6th Sixth
7 Seven 7th Seventh
8 Eight 8th Eighth
9 Nine 9th Ninth
10 Ten 10th Tenth
11 Eleven 11th Eleventh
12 Twelve 12th Twelfth
13 Thirteen 13th Thirteenth
14 Fourteen 14th Fourteenth
15 Fifteen 15th Fifteenth
16 Sixteen 16th Sixteenth
17 Seventeen 17th Seventeenth
18 Eighteen 18th Eighteenth
19 Nineteen 19th Nineteenth
20 Twenty 20th Twentieth
21 Twenty-one 21st Twenty-first
22 Twenty-two 22nd Twenty-second
30 Thirty 30th Thirtieth
40 Forty 40th Fortieth
50 Fifty 50th Fiftieth
60 Sixty 60th Sixtieth
70 Seventy 70th Seventieth
80 Eighty 80th Eightieth
90 Ninety 90th Ninetieth
100 One/a Hundred 100th Hundredth
101 A Hundred and one 101st Hundred-and-first
200 Two Hundred 200th Two Hundredth
1,000 One/a Thousand 1,000th Thousandth
2,000 Two Thousand 2,000th Two Thousandth

. 1,000,000 One/ a Million 1,000,000th Millionth
/ One 1
In this system, we put a comma
Ten 10 between the 3rd and 4th digits from
Hundred 100 the right,afterwards, the numbers are
Thousand 1,000 placed in groups of 2, called periods,
Ten Thousand 10,000 and a comma is put after each period.
Lakh 1,00,000
Ten Lakh 10,00,000 47,72,23,60,01,22,895
Crore 1,00,00,000 Forty seven neel seventy two kharab
Ten Crore 10,00,00,000 twenty three arab sixty crore one lakh
Arab 1,00,00,00,000 twenty two thousand eight hundred
Ten Arab 10,00,00,00,000 and ninety five.
Kharab 1,00,00,00,00,000 Infinity
Ten Kharab 10,00,00,00,00,000 A number that is too big to count.
Neel 1,00,00,00,00,00,000 An infinite quantity is endless and
Ten Neel 10,00,00,00,00,00,000 cannot be measured. An infinitesimal
Infinite 10,00,00,00,00,00,000000 object is too small to be measured.


One 1 In this system, the numbers are placed in
Ten 10 groups of 3, called periods, and a comma is
Hundred 100 put after each period from the right.
Thousand 1,000
Ten Thousand 10,000
Note : In England :1 Billion = Million Millions
Hundred Thousand 100,000
Million 1,000,000 In USA & France : 1 Billion = Thousand Millions
Billion 1,000,000,000
Trillion 1,000,000,000,000 American
British 247,237,600,221,895
247,237,600,221,895 Two hundred forty seven trillion two
Two hundred forty seven billion two hundred thirty seven billion six hundred
hundred thirty seven thousand six
million two hundred twenty one thousand
hundred million two hundred twenty one
eight hundred and ninety five.
thousand eight hundred and ninety five.


(OR) COUNTING NUMBERS Any number which is exactly
NUMBERS All natural numbers divisible by 2 is called an
"EVEN" number. Example :
All the numbers starting from along with ZERO (0)
2,4,6,8,10,14,48,56,120 etc
ONE are called "NATURAL" are called "WHOLE"
Note : If the last figure of a
numbers, (i.e.) numbers, (i.e.)
number is 0,2,4,6 or 8 the
N = {1,2,3,4,5,6 } W = {0,1,2,3,4 } number is EVEN.
Any number which is NOT exactly divisible by 2 is called an "ODD" number.
Example: 1,3,5,7,9,21,125 etc.
.Note : If the last figure of a number is 1,3,5,7 or 9,the number is ODD.

PRIME NUMBERS Squares of Numbers 1-20
Any number which is divisible only by Numbers Squares
1 and by itself is called a "PRIME" 1 1
number. The 25 prime numbers below 2 4
100 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 3 9
31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 4 16
79, 83, 89 and 97 5 25
6 36
Note : 2 is the only even number which 7 49
is prime. 8 64
9 81
(FRACTIONS) 11 121
Any number which is a part of a whole 12 144
13 169
is called a "FRACTION". These 14 196
numbers are written as 15 225
1/2, 2/5, 3/5, 5/6 etc. 1/2 is a part of 1 16 256
17 289
(whole) 18 324
19 361
1/2 a Half Any number obtained by multiplying a
1/3 a Third number twice by itself is the "CUBE"
2/3 Two-thirds of that number.
e.g. 3x3x3 gives 27. Therefore 27 is the
1/4 a Quarter
cube of 3.
3/4 Three-quarters
2/5 Two-fifth Fractional numbers can also be
15 1 /4 Fifteen and a indicated by placing a dot called the
e.g. the fraction 1/4 can be written as
5/6 Five-sixths
1/7 a Seventh 1/2 can be written as 0.50
1/10 a Tenth 3/4 can be written as 0.75
1/20 a Twentieth In English, a point (.) is use instead of a
1/100 a Hundredth comma when writing decimals. We also
say point when speaking the number.
SQUARES OF NUMBERS The stress falls on the last figure :
Any number obtained by multiplying a 15.2 (fifteen point two)
If there is more than one figure after
number once by itself is the the decimal point, we say each
"SQUARE" of the number, separately:
e.g. 4x4 gives 16. Therefore 16 is the 15.25 fifteen point two five
3.142 three point one four two
square of 4.
In numbers less than one, for example
5x5 gives 25. Therefore 25 is the 0.15, we say zero point one five, point
square of 5. one five or, some times in British
English, nought point one five.
d 6>
Roman numerals are not widely used, but used often enough so you should be able to
read or interpret them. Following is a table of Arabic Numerals and their equivalent
Roman Numerals.

Arabic Roman Arabic Roman

Numeral Numeral Numeral Numeral

1 I 50 L

2 II 60 LX

3 III 70 LXX

4 IV 80 LXXX

5 V 90 XC

6 VI 100 C

7 VII 200 CC

8 VIII 300 CCC

9 IX 400 CD

10 X 500 D

11 XI 600 DC

12 XII 700 DCC

13 XIII 800 DCCC

14 XIV 900 CM

15 XV 1,000 M

16 XVI 4,000 MV

17 XVII 5,000 V

18 XVIII 10,000 X

19 XIX 15,000 XV

20 XX 20,000 XX

30 XXX 100,000 C

40 XL 1,000,000 M

\ <H!>
/ The following examples illustrate the use and meaning of Roman Numerals.

1. A Roman Numeral or letter preceding a letter of greater value subtracts from it :

V = 5 IV = 4
L = 50 XL = 40
C = 100 XC = 90

2. A letter preceding a letter of equal of lesser value adds to it.

V= 5 VI = 6
L = 50 LX = 60
C = 100 CXI = 111

3. You will quickly, of course, be able to remember and recognize smaller numbers.
XVI = 16
X (10) + VI (6) = 16
XLIV = 44
XL (40) + IV (4) = 44
XCI = 91
XC (90) + I (1) = 91
For larger number simply examine the numbers and break it down into its elements
and you will readily interpret the number. You will be able to recognize the elements or
parts by applying rules 1 and 2 given above or by looking at the table of Roman
CD (400) + XC (90) + III (3) = 493
MDCLXXV = 1,675
M (1,000) + DC (600) + LXX (70)
+ V (5) = 1,675
DCXCIX = 699

DC (600) + DC (90) + IX (9) = 699

4. A bar over a Roman Numeral multiplies it by 1,000.

MV = 4,000 V = 5,000
XV = 15,000 XX = 20,000

\ <148>
Read from left to right and then from top to bottom to get the desired multiplication.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40

3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60

4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120

7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98 105 112 119 126 133 140

8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 160

9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 144 153 162 171 180

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200

11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132 143 154 165 176 187 198 209 220

12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240

13 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 130 143 156 169 182 195 208 221 234 247 260

14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 196 210 224 238 252 266 280

15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300

16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 256 272 288 304 320

17 34 51 68 85 102 119 136 153 170 187 204 221 238 255 272 289 306 323 340

18 36 54 72 90 108 126 144 162 180 198 216 234 252 270 288 306 324 342 360

19 38 57 76 95 114 133 152 171 190 209 228 247 266 285 304 323 342 361 380

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400

+ 1. plus, addition sign 2. positive 0 circle; circumference
- 1. minus, subtraction sign arc of a circle
2. negative A triangle
x multiplied by square
- divided by; also indicated by 1=1
oblique stroke (8/2) [J parallelogram
or horizontal line
4 radical sign (i.e. square root sign)
= equals; is equal to
5 sum
t is not equal to
f integral
= is identical with; is congruent to
U union
~ difference between; is equivalent to
ft intersection
= ~is approximately equal to
e is a member of; is an element of;
> is greater than
belongs to
< is less than
is contained as subclass within
^ is not greater than
D contains as subclass
< is not less than
{ } set braces
< less than or equal to
0 the empty set.
> greater than or equal to
II absolute value of; modulus of
a is isomorphic to
<i is a normal subgroup of
is to; ratio sign
M mean (population)
: : as used between ratio
00 a standard deviation (population)
* varies as, proportional to mean (sample)
.. therefore standard deviation (sample)

since, because TT ratio of circumference of any

L angle circle to its diameter

L right angle base of natural logarithms

1 is perpendicular to degrees of arc or temperature

II is parallel to ' minutes of arc or time; feet
% per cent " seconds of arc of time; inches

Unit = 1 The time after midnight and before
2 units = 1 pair noon is referred to as Ante-Meridien
12 units = 1 dozen (a.m.) e.g. 3 a.m.
20 units = 1 score The time after noon and before
144 units = 1 gross midnight is referred to as Post-
12 dozen = 1 gross Meridien (p.m.) e.g. 6 p.m.
1723 units or 1 great gross
PAPER MEASURES Number British Indian
24 sheets = 1 quire of the day
20 quires = 1 ream 1. Sunday Ravivar
1 perfect ream = 516 sheets 2. Monday Somvar
10 reams = 1 bale 3. Tuesday Mangalvar
500 sheets = 1 commercial 4. Wednesday Budhvar
5. Thursday Guruvar
MEASURING TIME 6. Friday Shukravar
Time is measured through the 7. Saturday Shanivar
following facts. It takes 365 / 4 days for
the Earth to go once round the Sun. MEASURING YEAR
It takes 24 hours (one day) for the 1. January 31 days

Earth to make one full rotation on its 2. February 28 days

3. March 31 days
4. April 30 days
60 Seconds = 1 Minute
5. May 31 days
60 Minutes = 1 Hour
6. June 30 days
24 Hours = 1 Day
7. July 31 days
7 Days = 1 Week
8. August 31 days
28,29,30 or 31 Days = 1 Month
9. September 30 days
12 Months = 1 Year 10. October 31 days
365 Days = 1 Year 11. November 30 days
366 Days = 1 Leap Year 12. December 31 days
10 Years = 1 Decade
Thirty Days have September,
100 Years = 1 Century
April, June and November,
1000 Years = 10 Centuries
February has twenty-eight alone,
= Millennium And all the rest have thirty-one !
Note : Fortnight means a period of two Except in a leap year, there's the time
weeks. when February's days are twenty-nine.

Thousand Hundred Ten Basic Unit Tenth Hundredth Thousandth
1000 100 10 1 1
100 '1000
Kilo hecto deca Metric deci centi milli
10 Millimetres = 1 Centimetre (cm.)
10 Milligrams (mg) = 1 Centigram
10 Centimetres = 1 Decimetre
10 Centigrams = 1 Decigram 10 Decimetres = 1 Metre
10 Decigrams = 1 Gram (1 m. = 100 cm. = 1000 mm.)
10 Metres = 1 Decametre
(1 g. = 1000 mg)
10 Decametres = 1 Hectometre
10 Grams = 1 Decagram 10 Hectometres = 1 Kilometre
10 Decagrams = 1 Hectogram (1 km. = 1000 m.)
10 Hectograms = 1 Kilogram MEASURES OF CAPACITY
10 Millimetres (ml.) = 1 Centilitre
(1 kg. = 1000 g.)
10 Centilitres = 1 Decilitre
10 Kilograms = 1 Myriogram 10 Decilitres = 1 Litre
10 Myriograms = 1 Quintal ( 1 litre = 1000 ml.)
10 Litres = 1 Decalitre
10 Quintals = 1 Metric Tonne 10 Decalitres = 1 Hectolitre
(1 tonne = 1000 kg.) 10 Hectolitres = 1 Kilolitre

Degree Celsius or Degree Centigrade (C)
An angle of 0 is called
The most widely used unit of temperature.
the Zero angle
There are 100 degrees Celsius between the
Acute Angle
normal freezing point of water (0C) and the
An acute angle is lesser than 90
boiling point of water (100C).
Right Angle
DEGREE FAHRENHEIT (F) An angle of 90 is called
a right angle 90
The unit of temperature Obtuse Angle
There are 180 degrees Fahrenheit between An obtuse angle lies
the freezing point (32F) and the boiling point between 90 and 180
(212F) of water. To convert F to C, subtract Straight Angle
32, multiply by 5, and divide by 9. A straight angle = 2 right angles 180
= 180
KELVIN (K) Reflex Angle
The SI unit of temperature
Absolute zero has a
temperature of 0 K (zero kelvin), and one
r A reflex angle lies between
180 and 360
Complete Angle
kelvin is equivalent to a degree Celsius. The
A complete angle = 4 right angles 360
kelvin scale does not have negative values.
= 360
An international unit of measurement used in science
SI stands for Systeme International, which is French for "international system". The
system of SI units has been agreed for international use, so that scientists around the
world can all record the results of their experiments and make their calculations using
the same units. One example of an SI unit is the metre. This is the SI unit of length, and
equals the distance that light travels in 1/299,792,458 of a second through a vacuum.
Light is used as a standard because it has a constant speed.

Basic SI units Derived SI units
Quantity Unit Symbol Quantity Unit Symbol
Length Metre m Area Square m2
Mass Kilogram kg metre
Time Second s Volume Cubic m3
Electric metre
current Ampere A Frequency Hertz Hz
Temperature Kelvin K Force Newton N
Light Pressure Pascal Pa
intensity Candela cd Energy Joule J
Amount Power Watt W
of substance Mole mol Electric
Basic SI units and derived SI units potential Volt V
The seven basic units have scientific Electrical
standards that define the size of the units resistance Ohm Q
with great precision. The metre and its Electric
standard are given in the entry above on charge Coulomb C
SI units. Other basic units and derived Radioactivity Becquerel Bq
units also have their own entries All derived units are related to the
elsewhere in the dictionary. basic SI units.


Decimal multiple Decimal submultiple
Name Symbol Multiple Name Symbol Multiple
tera T x 1,000,000,000,000 (1012) deci d 10
giga G x 1,000,000,000 (109) centi c h- 100 (10-2)
mega M x 1,000,000 (106) milli m 1,000 (10-3)
kilo k x 1,000 (103) micro 1,000,000(10-6)
hecto h x 100 (102)
nano n 1,000,000,000 (10-9)
deca da x 10
Using multiples and submultiples
pico P 1,000,000,000,000 (10-12)
Multiples and submultiples allow one unit to be
used whatever the amount measured. For Note : kilo means a thousand times
example, 1 kilogram (1 kg) is 1,000 grams, and I hecto means a hundred times
milligram (1 mg) is one-thousandth of a gram. deca means ten times
Large masses are measured in kilograms, and deci means a tenth part of
small masses in milligrams, as shown on the centi means a hundredth part of
fright. milli means a thousandth part of

A/c Account ex. = Example
Adj. 1. Adjective E. & O.E. = Errors and omissions
2. Adjustment excepted
Advertisement Esp. = Especially
Etc. = (etcetera) and the other
Ans. Answer
Feb. = February
Aug. August
Fig. = Figure
a.m. (ante meridiem) before ft. = feet
mid day F. = Fahrenheit
Amt. amount Fem. = Feminine
Apr. April F.o.r. = Free on rail
B. Ed. Bachelor of Education Gen. = General
B.C. Before Christ Gm. = gram
B.A. Bachelor of Arts G.P.O. = General Post Office
B.Com. Bachelor of Commerce H. = Hydrogen
British Broadcasting Hon. = Honourable
h., hr. = hour
H.Q. = headquarters
Capt. Captain
I.A. = Indian Army
C.I.D. Criminal Investigation I.C.U. = Intensive Care Unit
Department I.G. = Inspector General
Co. Company i.e. = (id est) that is
cm. Centimetres int. = interest
Col. Colonel (cjrfo) Jan. = January
C/o Care of junc. = junction
D/- Dated Kc. = kilo cycle
km. = Kilometre
Dec. December
kg. = kilogram
D.I.G. Deputy Inspector General
kl. = kilo litre
Diet. Dictionary = (libra) pound
D. Litt. Doctor of Literature Ltd. = Limited
Do. (ditto) the same as lab. = laboratory
aforesaid Lt. = Lieutenant
Dr. 1. Debtor Lt. Gov. = Lieutenant Governor
2. Doctor Mad. = Madam
D/o Daughter of M.D. = Doctor of Medicine
Dft. Draft Min. = minute
D.S.P. Deputy Superintendent of ml. = Milli-iitre
M.L.A. = Member of legislative
Dis. Discount
Mme. = Madame
D.L.O. Dead Letter Office
M.P. = Member of Parliament
Dpt. Department Mrs. = Mistress
E. East M.B. = Bachelor of Medicine
ECG Electrocardiograph M.B.A. = Master of Business
Ed. Editorial Administration
Estd. Established M/s. = Messrs

X <154>
Master of Arts
= September
= 1. Street
M.O. 1. Money Order 2. Saint
2. Medical Officer S. = South
Mr. Mister Sat. = Saturday
m.p.h. miles per hour sec. = second
N.B. (nota bene) Note well sig. = signature
Neg. Negative sing. = singular
No. (numero) in number Sub. = Subject
Nov. November = Tuberculosis
O. Oxygen = Telegraph
Oct. October = Turnover
Opp. Opposite = Television
Obj. Object = technical
O.K. (Okeh) All correct = telephone
Oz. ounce = transfer
P.C. Post Card
U.S.S.R. = Union of Soviet Socialist
Ph. D. Doctor of Philosophy
premium Republics
P.O. Post Office U.D.C. = Upper Division Clerk
P.T. Physical Training U.P. = Uttar Pradesh
P.T.O. Please turn over U.S.A. = United States of America
p.c. (percent) by the hundred U. = Uranium
plu. plural U.K. = United Kingdom
P.M. 1. Prime Minister Vid. = (vide) see
2. (Post Meridiem) V.P. = Vice-President
Afternoon V.P.P. = Value payable parcel
Pt. Pandit V. = (versus) against
pt. Point viz. = (videlicet) namely
P.W.D. Public Works Department V.I.P. = Very Important Person
Q. Question Wed. = Wednesday
Qty. Quantity W/o = Wife of
qr. quarter W.H.O. = World Health
Re. Rupee Organisation
Retd. Retired = West
R.S.V.P. (Respondez s'il vous
w.f. = wrong fount
plait) reply, if you please
wt. = weight
Rd. Road
Xm. = (X'mas) Christmas
ref. reference
X = numeral for ten
Rs. Rupees
Yr. = Year
S/o Son of
Zn. = Zinc
Secy. Secretary &
= (et.) and
Sec. Secondary

Accept (3Tcj#e) Cattle (%cr?f)
Except (i^cHW) Kettle ( t o )
Access (anf^f) ^ j ; "TFt. Cloth (cfcnar)
Excess (wn^rr) 3Tf?IcjKn; yqRT. Clothes (cfvTt^vi)
A d v i c e (^CII^-H) Cost (WRS)
Advise (T^JT^MI) Cast 'TTecP ip TTT^T; 3rfiFtaT.
Angel (tjsra) Caste ( CPTTS)

Angle (^Tcf) Cheque (^fr) f i t ; tcP ^JldlH cPT 3TT5TI

Check (^P)
Accident ttrsn ^TT; M>tmyf ^ n .
Canvas (IRCRI) ^cj^l 0M-SI.
Canvass (t^Tcra) *M<JM-II cf><HT.
Affect ( s i t e )
Cite ( w e ) w i ^ n ; cpan; 6TOR.
Site (mi?) "?TR; wfii.

wra; MRuiih.
Bed ( t s )
Cord ( w i ) VRft.
Bail ( t a ) MiMHd. Course (c^rf ) MicjiishH; ftrepji-f^.
Bale ^ fte;^.
fTT. Coarse (ctfrtf) ; "EFFEN;-PTR W C P T .

Bridal (sT^Sc?) Die ("STf)

Bridle (iTf^ei) cFTR. Die ( w ) snn.
Brake (tcp) Dye TfRT.
Break (sftf) ot^n; wrrcftm?!. Desert (^H^) "T^Rajef.
Born Dessert % \JtRRT ^TCf vJfFj
Borne (efa) ^ ^ cR^ri.
Bear (I3R) Dear (few?) fiftl
Bear cf^TRf, Deer (^Rre) f^rui.
Beer (^terc) uft ^f TRTEf.
Diary (^raft) RlH^iji fcT^t ijR-dcbl.
Birth (*jaf)
Dose (^m)
Berth (era*)
Doze (^Tyf)
Blow (^cfr)
Draught (^irc) T^s; cug ^Tfcm.
Below (t^cft)
Drought (^rae)
Buy (rr|) ^TtcT c^TT,' ^tSRT .
Elder ( " ^ f ) ^ST.
By ( ^ i )
Older (3TW?) ^ST; arfsjcp arrg ^TcTT.
Eligible (^feTWeT) ^ r WFf "ZTT1^.
Blew (^o^) Illegible ( ^ r w c f ) 3TPTE.
Beside ( f t ^ s ) Farmer ( w f t ) fcfRTH.
Besides (fiRTT^sxH) Former (xtfrfo)

Farm (tprt) MSfjMleH Mail "STcp.
Form (TfiW) Male ( t a )
Fair (%3R) "gtR; ^ToTT. Not (-qfe)
Fare 'HTST; tffviR. Knot Ote) Tfte.
Floor ( W R ) pj^' rlcT. Naughty
yHK^I; HdUci.
Flour (tfcTTvJ?) an^T; Knotty
JltdcJW; cpfe^.
Feet (T^te) tfc. Nice
Feat xWecbU. Niece
Gate W 0 ; cjyclHI. Our (3TT3?) FTRT.
Gait Ote) "^TTef; "TfrJ. Hour (3TT33R) sfer.
Heal (fter) Practice (trffen)
Heel ( f t a ) <?T<J5 e-RT; tllcl cPT . Practise (frffejH) 3TWTRT.
Here Plan (tcTH)
Hear ( H o r ) Wf. Plane "jf^RT.

Hole ( t t t ) Plain
Whole (^TeT) Tjpt; ^TRjirf. Pale (^T)
Herd ( j i ) Pail ( t a )
Heard ( ^ t ) Popular ( ^ g c R )
Hair (%*rc) "elTcT. Populous (if^geRT) "SRI eRFT
I 13JT; 'q^l ^CT
Hare (%3R) ^grrfm. Pour ( fR) Tj^TeTTtTR "TT^t cRTRI;
Heart fcTcl. 3nfcT cpt vJ^eHI.
Hurt ( j i ) xmra. Pore (*fR) Tttfq.
Idle ( a n ^ t ) tcFR; 3TTcT#; Prescribe (fawr^i) ftm ^PRI ; ftqfojr CFvrt .
Ideal (anf^Rra) Proscribe
Industrial (^gft^ra) Pray (3) Tnafal cfi^n.
Industrious ( ^ s f ^ r o ) Prey (it)
Luxurious j
(<H ^R3TFF) Peace (i?Rf) TTtfcF;
Luxuriant (cPxgWe) Piece (Tfrfl)
Latter (ete*) ; cpT. Pain (iR)
Letter (cte?) ^ f ; 3TSR. Pane (iR)
Lesson (eRR) Price (TfT^f) cflHd; :,Jc3I; ^R; TRl.
Lessen (eR?R) Prize ( w i s )
Lose (cJst) j
^ T T ; Tc|HI . Pair (tore) ufr^T; yjt^t; "J7!^
Loose (c$h) "StcTI. Pare (ifcR) cblriHI; WH cfi^n; W^TT.
Marry Peal (iter)
Merry (^fft) fcran: cj^n. Peel (iter) f&efcbl vidKHI.
Meet Quiet (cfEfrre) TTTd; P^ttcH.
Meat ( # 3 ) ftoRT. Quite ("WT^e)
/ Rain cT^rf. Their ( ^ R )
Reign ( ^ i ) TFFTR; TTvII TTjR<1 . There ( ^ R ) cTFT; ISIR ^R.
Rein (^r) cPTR; w f e R . Tail (tci)
Ring (f?n)
Tale (tei)
Wring ( # r ) Pl^l-SHI "9T "tRt^TT.
Throne (arR)
Route (i^e) wf.
Thrown (?tR)
Root ( ^ e )
Rite (^ife) flfcl, TPT.
Write feRsRT. Team (^fa) cm "^ct

Roll ( ^ i ) WTvT ^rqife-ipl ifTcf tRl. Vale

Role ("tfei) ^^ne^P % W cPT 3ff5RZf. Veil tj^i; l^pl; "^qe.
Sale (^ra) ftsft. Vain (cR)
Sail ("^TeT) Vein ( i R ) RT^r.
See ( # ) Vacation (3%yr) 3TcRPm.
Sea ( # )
Steal (^tcf) 1TRT.
Waste (ifte)
Steel ( ^ o f )
Waist ( i m ) cpTR.
Sing (ftR) "HRT.
Swing ('Rjr) SJcTT.

Whether ( ^ r ) "qft.
Sensible ff^TTH;
Wear (^RR) WRT; SJRT tP^RT.
Sensitive ("#tftfeci) "Ef^mcT; Ticr^Rftef.
Suit ("ge) Ware ( % j r )

Suite ("qe) cfnRt cPT^e. Weak cfHTufR; c^ol.

Soot(^e) chlf^y. Week Ofop)
Sole "cTeTT; cTefcTI. Weigh ( * ) TFTCRT.

Soul OTcRT; Way (if) TRFFT.

Story (^tft) ^PFFft; cpaiT. Wine (cfT^) 7 R R .

Storey (^rfl) Vine ( CTT^T ) eft eRTT ^IT fcT.

Stationary ( ^ n f l )
Wander (cff^) 3 M R T ^ R T .

Stationery (t?r?) Wonder (cte?) T ? R # T T ; 3TTFJRF CFR^TT.

Sun (^JR)
Weight (ite) CFJJR; T R .
Son (TR) irer.
Wait (ire) Tf^fSn ^JR^TT.
Sore (^R)
Soar ("tfR) vT^RT;
eft >irf.

Sour (^rra?) "0IT. Yoke (Tfcp) tlcff eft v^ff (xgft

Alien (TjfeRR) A person residing in a country of which he is not a citizen.
Anarchy (3HT^) 3NMcbdi Absence of Government,
Annual ("^ara) wf^fi Happening every year.
Anonymous (3rT%to) 'j^Rm That does not bear the name of the writer.
Antiseptic (^iiuj^sjcp) ^rcraJ That which counteracts purification.
Aquatic VHCH^n Living in (or near) water.
Atheist (arafRe) HiR-d* One who does not believe in god.
Audience (sfffciHT) srmFm An assembly of listeners.
Autobiography (sff^MfRt-TTTtfr) an^wm The life story of a person written by himself.
Amateur (WzfR) W ^ T H T One who pursues some art or sport as hobby.
Autograph (affst-WP) -gg ^zrfrfi % I ^ T S R To get signature of some important person in his own
hand writing.
Bankrupt (tfcrre) (or Insolvent) teciifdiii One who cannot pay off his debt.
Biography itfra^l The life story of a person.
Brittle (Hren) jpgRi Liable to be easily broken.
Botany (wfc^t) cm-qfa f^rsTH The science of vegetable life.
Barometer (tRffle?) c i i ^ u ^ i i t^tto i f s An instrument for measuring atmospheric
Blonde ( ^ u ^ ) h ^rr^t 3 # A beautiful lady of fair complexion and
golden hair.
Cantonment Temporary quarters made for military men.
Catalogue (4?rfHT'i) ^ M d A list of the names of books.
Century ( ^ g f l ) yidi?i One hundred years.
Colleagues (gMT'XH) ^ - ^ r N n f f Persons working together in the same institution.
Combustible (cb^*<?McH) y^eHsTlcH Liable to catch fire easily.
Contagious warmp A disease communicable by contact.
Credulous (FB^CW-I) CPR m One who believes easily whatever is told.
Democracy w r a ^ Government of the people, by the people, for the people.
Dictionary (ferer^fl) A book which tells what various words mean.
Edible (-qf^ra) ^ ^fpu Fit to be eaten.
Eligible (QRHRHeid) ^fr^J One who is fit to be elected.
Extempore ( i ^ u f w ) d^bicH TTfro A speech made without previous preparation.
Egoist 3Tfcn^I A person who always thinks of himself.
Fastidious (WR^RF^RA) ^ R T S U Hard to please.
Fatal Were* That which causes death.

\ (159) /
/ Fatalist (tftefaree) One who believes in fate.
Fiend (^ft^s) H^RVIN A most wicked and cruel man.
Germicide (^rifar^s) Substance having power to destroy germs.
Honorary ( 3 f F ^ I ) A post for which no salary is paid.
Hospitable (^IMfera) OTfas^cmff One who entertains his guests.
Hades ^rrara Lower world beneath the earth.
Hearse Vehicles to carry corpse (dead body).
Holdall ()d^fd) A canvas bag to hold bedding etc.
Honeymoon ( F F R P ) ^ H K M The first night of a newly married couple.
Hoyden ^d^et) ers^f A very romping girl.
Hydra (T^|T) f r w i An imaginary serpent with many heads.
Hypnotism (fenifevH) wrIf^ fen A science of hypnosis by which a hypnotist can induce an
artificial sleep on others.
Illegal ($dcft<id) srtrtr Contrary to law.
Illegible (^d^f^eid) awd^ii That which cannot be read.
Illiterate One who can neither read nor write.
Immovable That which cannot be moved.
Inaccessible ( f ^ ar^fMlcra) STTR Incapable of being approached.
Inaudible ( ^ affffera) That which cannot be heard.
Incredible ( ^ tbR;id) 3rfSre^rcr%J That which cannot be believed.
Indispensable (snOw-i^-Md) 3iPicji4 That which cannot be dispensed with.
Ineligible ( ^ j f o ^ k H ) 3r*fRf Not fit to be elected or selected.
Infallible (^ibichdd) awpvf A person who cannot make a mistake.
Insatiable (3H<i^Md) did^fi That which cannot be satisfied.
Inseparable (^H^M^d) 3if3m That cannot be separated.
Insoluble (<H<Hlc^d) srgcRiflcf That cannot be dissolved.
Insurmountable ( ^ m f e ^ r a ) That cannot be overcome.
Invincible (^nRnRHeid) ar^ta Incapable of being conquered.
Invisible ar^rai That cannot be seen.
Irrelevant (s^cWd) aFTifci Not to the point.
Irreparable (sjyR^tid) anrtoRi That cannot be repaired.
Irritable (^Riefd) Ri-ssRi^si One who is quick to anger.
Kindergarten ( f e s n T ^ ) f^T^jaff "ept A school for kids.
Kidnap ( f ^ g ^ j ) 3W>iui To carry away a person forcibly.
Library (HT^tff) ^TcPTcTO A place containing books for reading or reference.
Linguist ( f c ^ R e ) One who knows many languages.

\ (160)
/ Maiden speech % G R T fen w w i TWJT A speech made for the first time.
Manuscript ( ^ g f e F e ) mu^leift Papers written by hand.
Mercenary 9Rcfr^q A man working merely for money.
Migratory (^i^ilri^l) WMHPTff That moves from one place to another.
Millennium ( f e r f e m ) "rr^Rn^l Thousand years.
Matinee ^TF? ^ f ^ T T A cinema show which is held in the afternoon.
Manifesto ( ^ - T l W l ) "efrnwr^T^r A written declaration of Government or a political party
Manna (*IHT) ^raraff ^rm Food offered to the Gods.
Matrimonial (t^Fftfera) fen? Concerning marriage.
Nurse yR^iRchi A lady who attends sick person or infants.
Notorious (^Mfara) ^ r m , ^pft Of evil reputation.
Omnipotent "^ferfetTR One who is powerful.
Omnipresent ( s f F W r ^ ) ^fezmrcp One who is present everywhere.
Omniscient ( a i l ^ W ) TferraT One who knows everything.
Opaque (afefi) aiMKcjyfcb A lady who attends sick persons or infants.
Optician ^ n ^Ten One who prescribes glasses.
Optimist 3TI?MT?[ One who takes the bright side of things.
Orphan ( s t r i r ) aRiar A child whose parents are dead.
Oasis (cj^Rh'H) A shady fertile place in the desert.
Orthodox (snafrsfer) *ifdcii<?i A man of traditional beliefs.
Panacea (^hiRwi) ^Hdiui 3fmfSr A remedy for all ills.
Pedestrian One who walks on foot.
Pessimist ( M r f e s ) femraT^f One who takes the dark side of things.
Pickpocket ^fa 3KRT One who steals from the pockets of others.
Popular (Ml^eN) ^nffiter One who is liked by the people.
Postmortem ^rftsn An examination made after death.
Posthumous TRuitTRRi Something done for a person after his death, like being awarded.
Parables (^t^r^a) itfct ^parnj Stories which build moral.
Quorum ^HdH 3ficiyi|ch w i Required minimum number of members to be present in the
meeting to pass a resolution.
Right srfSjcPR Privilege, enjoyed by citizens.
Shrew ("faqj SFFSTOJ^ A peevish woman.
Scholarship (<w>IcnRim) W5f^frf Allowance given to intelligent students.
Sanatorium ( ^ d l R i w ) strT^i 3TTSR A place for invalids and convalescents.
Teetotaller (^Tet^cR) w p ^ ^len One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks.
Tryst TPTO ^sra a place for meeting of two lovers.

\ (161) /
/ Transparent A body through which light can pass.
Turncoat (e4cbte) R-i^id wnTf A person who changes his party or principles easily.
Unavoidable arawwnft That which cannot be avoided.
Unintelligible (sR-g^fciftraci) arato That which cannot be understood.
Universal (^Pfe^d) ftfl^zmft A rule that is applicable to all.
Vegetarian siicbi^ One who lives on vegetables only.
Veteran (cr^TR) One who has long experience.
Voluntary (^Tclttl) few ^t Of one's own free will.
Waterproof ( d l e ^ ) ^ra a f e t o Through which water cannot pass.
Widow ( f e t ) ferai A woman whose husband is dead.
Widower (fetere) fej* A man whose wife is dead.
Zoo (vsjj Hrfemrc A place where birds, animals etc. are kept.

\ (162) /
Height Length
Location (feet) Location (miles)
Everest Nepal/Tibet 29,028 Nile Africa 4,160
K2 Kashmir 28,250 Amazon South America 3,900
Kanchenjunga Sikkim 28,168 Yangtze-Kiang China 3,400
Nanga Parbat Kashmir 26,660 Congo Africa 3,000
Annapurna Nepal 26,504
Mekong S.E. Asia 2,800
Nanda Devi India 25,645
Kamet India/Tibet 25,447 Ob U.S.S.R. 2,700
Communism Peak U.S.S.R 24,590 Lena U.S.S.R. 2,680
Aconcagua Argentina 22,834 Mackenzie Canada 2,635
Mackinlev Alakska 20,320 Hwang Ho China 2,600
Cotopaxi Ecuador 19,344 Niger Africa 2,600
Kilimanjaro Tanzania 19,340 U.S.S.R.
Amur 2,500
Elburz U.S.S.R. 18,481
Parana South America 2,500
Popocatapetl Mexico 17,887
Yenisei U.S.S.R. 2,500
Kenya Kenya 17,068
Ararat Turkey 17,000 Mississippi U.S.A. 2,340
Ruwenzori Uganda/ Volga U.S.S.R. 2,300
Cangolese Colorado U.S.A. 2,000
Republic 16,795 St. Lawrence Canada 2,000
Mont Blanc France 15,771 Yukon Canada 2,000
Brahmaputra Tibet/India 1,800
Waterway Euphrates Turkey/Syria/Iraq 1,700
Location (miles) Tibet/India/Pakistan 1,700
Zambezi Africa 27a Africa 1,600
Storstrom Denmark 2 India 1,560
Tay (Rail) Scotland 2
Upper Sone India 17s FAMOUS VOLCANOES
Godavari India 174 Height
Forth (Rail) Scotland 172
Location (feet)
Salazar, Lisbon Portugal 174
Cotopaxi Ecuador 19,612
Tay (Road) Scotland 174
Mauna Loa Hawaii 13,680
Forth (Road) Scotland 17 8
Erebus Antarctica 12,450
Golden Gate, San
Francisco U.S.A. 17s Etna Sicily 10,958
Hardinge India 1 Ruapehu New Zealand 9,175
Orinoco Venezuela 1 Paricutin Mexico 7,451
Severn England 1 Hekla Iceland 4,892
Victoria Jubilee, Vesuvius Italy 4,190
Montreal Canada 1 Stromboli Italy 3,038
Sydney Harbour Australia 74 Krakatau 2,667

Location (Sq. feet)
Caspian Sea U.S.S.R. 143,550
Superior Canada/U.S.A. 31,800
Victoria Africa 26,800
Aral Sea U.S.S.R. 25,300
Huron Canada/U.S.A. 23,000
Michigan U.S.A. 22,400
Tanganyika Africa 12,700
Great Bear Canada 12,275
Baikal U.S.S.R. 11,780
Nyasa Africa 11,430
Great Slave Canada 10,980
Chad Africa 10,000
Erie Canada/U.S.A. 9,940
Ladoga U.S.S.R. 7,000
Onega U.S.S.R. 3,800
Titicaca Bolivia/Peru 3,200


Tokyo Japan Djakarta Indonesia
Shanghai China Rio de Janeiro Brazil
New York U.S.A. Seoul Korea
London, Leningrad U.S.S.R.
Greater England Chicago U.S.A.
Buenos Aires Argentina Berlin (E & W) Germany
Moscow U.S.S.R. Mexico City Mexico
Peking China Tientsin China
Sao Paulo Brazil Osaka Japan
Mumbai India Kolkata India
Cairo U.A.R. Tehran Iran
New Delhi India Chennai India


Antarctic Arctic Africa Antarctica Asia Australia
Atlantic Indian Europe North America
Pacific South America

X <j64>
Town Country Industries
Baku Russia Petroleum
Bangkok Thailand Shipping
Belfast Ireland Ship-building and Linen Goods
Buenos Aires Argentina Dairy Products
Cadiz Spain Cork
Chicago U.S.A. Gramophone
Detroit U.S.A. Automobiles
Dresden U.S.A. Optical and Photographic Apparatus
Glasgow Scotland Machinery, Textile
Havana Cuba Cigar
Hollywood U.S.A. Films
Johannesburg South Africa Gold mines
Kimberley South Africa Diamond Mining
Leeds England Woollen Goods
Los Angeles U.S.A. Films, Oil
Lyons France Silk
Morocco North Africa Leather
Munich Germany Lenses
New Orleans U.S.A. Cotton
Pittsburgh U.S.A. Iron and Steel
Plymouth England Ship-building
Sheffield England Cutlery
Venice Italy Glass
Vienna Austria Glass
Wellington New Zealand Dairy Products

Town Industries
Ahmedabad Cotton
Aligarh Locks
Alwaye Rare Earths Factory
Ambarnath Machine Tools (Prototype Factory)
(Near Mumbai)
Ankleshwar (Gujarat) Oil
Bangalore Cotton Textiles, Toys, Carpets, Motors,
Aircraft, Indian Telephone
Industries and Machine Tools
Bareilly Resin Industry, Woodwork

X <T65>
Town Industries \
Batanagar Shoes
Bhilai Steel
Bhopal Heavy Electricals
Bokaro Steel Plant
Mumbai Cotton Textile, Cinema
Kolkata Jute Manufacture, Electric Bulbs and Lamps
Chhindwara Lime-stone, Coal
(Madhya Pradesh)
Chittaranjan Locomotives
(West Bengal)
Churk (U.P.) Cement
Delhi D.D.T., Textiles and Housing
Dhariwal Woollen goods
Digboi Petroleum
Durgapur Steel
Ferozabad Glass
Guntur Cotton Manufacture
Gwalior Pottery
Howrah Jute
Jaipur Embroidery, Pottery and Brassware
Jagadhari Paper
Jalahalli Machine Tools Factory and Electronics
Jamshedpur Iron and Steel goods
Jharia Coal
Kanpur Leather, Shoes
Katni Cement
Khetri Copper
Koyali Petro-chemicals
Ludhiana Hosiery
Moradabad Utensils,Calico printing
Mysore Silk
Nangal Fertilizers
Nepanagar Newsprint
Neyveli Lignite
Noonamati Oil refining
Perambur Railway Coaches Factory
(Near Madras)

Town Industries

Pinjore (Haryana) Machine Tools

Pimpri (Pune) Penicillin Factory
Rana Pratap Sagar Atomic Power Plant
Raniganj Coal mining
Rourkela Steel, Fertilizer
Rupnarainpur Cables
(West Bengal)
Sindri Fertilizer
Singareni (Andhra) Coal
Singhbhum Copper
Surat Textiles
Suratgarh Modern Agricultural Farm
Tiruchirapalli Cigar
Titagarh Paper
Trombay Atomic Reactors, Fertilizers
Varanasi Silk Textile
Vishakhapatnam Ship-building


Town River Town River
1. Baghdad Tigris
2. Belgrade Danube 16. Moscow Moskva
3. Berlin Spree 17. New York Hudson
4. Budapest Danube 18. Ottawa St. Lawrence
5. Buenos Aires La Plata
19. Paris Seine
6. Cairo Nile
20. Prague Vitava
7. Dublin Liffey
21. Quebec St. Lawrence
8. Hang Chow Yangtse-Kiang
22. Rangoon Irrawadi
9. Kabul Kabul
23. Rome Tiber
10. Karachi Sindh
24. St. Louis Mississippi
11. Khartoum Nile
12. Lahore Ravi 25. Sydney Darling

13. Lisbon Tag us 26. Tokyo Arakawa

14. London Thames 27. Vienna Danube
15. Madrid Menzaneres 28. Warsaw Vistula

\ CT67) /
Town River Town River
1. Agra Jamuna 13. Jabalpur Narbada
2. Allahabad Confluence of 14. Kanpur Ganges
the Ganges 15. Kotah Chambal
and the Jamuna 16. Leh Indus
& Saraswati 17. Lucknow Gomti
3. Ayodhya Saryu 18. Nasik Godavari
4. Badrinath Alaknanda 19. Pandharpur Bhima
5. Kolkata Hoogly 20. Patna Ganges
6. Cuttack Mahanadi 21. Saikowaghat Brahmaputra
7. Delhi Jamuna 22. Sambalpur Mahanadi
8. Dibrugarh Brahmaputra 23. Srinagar Jhelum
9. Ferozepore Sutluj 24. Srirangapatnam Cauvery
10. Guwahati Brahmaputra 25. Surat Tapti
11. Hardwar Ganges 26. Varanasi Ganges
12. Hyderabad Musi 27. Vijayawada Krishna

Mineral Name of the State
1. Aluminium (qc^ftP^H) (1) Orissa (2) Bihar
(from Bauxite)
2. Asbestos ("^ ciicHi d-^HAi emj) (1) Karnataka (2) Bihar
3. China Clay ftfl) (1) Bihar (2) Kerala
4. Cobalt ('Plere % ttch t f W sjt^) (1) Rajasthan (2) Kerala
5. Coal (cbl^di) (1) West Bengal (2) Bihar
6. Copper (diHi) (1) Bihar (2) Rajasthan
7. Diamond (1) Madhya Pradesh (2) Andhra Pradesh
8. Gold (^PTi) (1) Karnataka (2) Andhra Pradesh
9. Gypsum ( u f ^ i (1) Rajasthan (2) Tamil Nadu
10. Iron (effFf) (1) Bihar (2) Orissa
11. Lead (#^tt) (1) Rajasthan
12. Zinc (uH-di) (1) Rajasthan
13. Limestone ( ^ t 'qRarc) (1) Madhya Pradesh (2) Andhra Pradesh
14. Manganese (^i-Tltf) (1) Madhya Pradesh (2) Andhra Pradesh
15. Marble ( w j m ) (1) Rajasthan
16. Mica (1) Bihar (2) Andhra Pradesh
17. Petroleum (^rfcRFi) (1) Assam (2) Gujarat
18. Red Stone {tmw&R) (1) Rajasthan
19. Silver (^rMt) (1) Karnataka (2) Bihar
20. Tungsten ( ^ ^ t f t n f l t n ^ ) (1) Bihar (2) Maharashtra
21. Thorium ucbu eft tn^) (1) Kerala (2) Rajasthan
22. Uranium (f^isTld ^RjaiI ^i^ch (1) Bihar (2) Kerala

(m) '
Agricultural Product Name of the State

1. Barley ("sft) (a) Punjab (b) U.P.

2. Cinchona (J^H 4>l ^rs) (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Kerala
3. Cashew nut (^Tujj (a) Karnataka (b) Tamil Nadu
4. Coconut & Copra ( f e n ) (a) Kerala (b) Tamil Nadu
5. Coffee (cwfr) (a) Karnataka (b) Kerala
6. Cotton (chMKH) (a) Maharashtra (b) Gujarat
7. Indigo ( f e i ) (a) Bihar (b) Tamil Nadu
8. Jute (Md^H) (a) West Bengal (b) Assam
9. Maize ( T O ) (a) U.P. (b) Bihar
10. Rice (*iicid) (a) West Bengal (b) Andhra Pradesh
11. Sandal Wood (a) Karnataka
12. Sugarcane ( ' H i ) (a) U.P. (b) Bihar
13. Spices {M t-wic}) (a) Kerala (b) Karnataka
14. Tea (a) Assam (b) Kerala
15. Tobacco (a) Maharashtra (b) Tamil Nadu
16. Wheat m j (a) Punjab (b) U.P.


Books Authors

A Stranger in the Mirror Sidney Sheldon

Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy
A Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemingway
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle
Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll
Affluent Society J.K. Galbraith
A Passage to India E.M. Forster
Androcles and the Lion George Bernard Shaw
All Quiet on the Western Front Eric Maria Remarque
A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens
A Week with Gandhi Louis Fischer
Ambassador's Report Chester Bowles
Arms and the Man George Bernard Shaw
Asian Drama Gunnar Myrdal
Antony and Cleopatra William Shakespeare
As You Like It William Shakespeare
August 1914 Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Babbit Sinclair Lewis
Blind Ambitions John Dean
Bitter Sweet Noel Coward
Ben Hur Lewis Wallace
Blind Beauty Boris Pasternak
Candida George Bernard Shaw
Candide Voltaire
Cancer Ward Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Comedy of Errors William Shakespeare
Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky
Caesar and Cleopatra George Bernard Shaw
Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer
Count of Monte Cristo Alexander Dumas
Crisis in India, The Ronald Segal
David Copperfield Charles Dickens
Das Kapital Karl Marx
Doctor's Dilemma George Bernard Shaw
Death of a President William Manchester
Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes
Doctor's Wife Brian Moore
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson
Dr. Zhivago Boris Pasternak
Deserted Village Oliver Goldsmith
Decline and Fall of the Roman Edward Gibbon
Divine Comedy Dante
Education of a Public Man, The Hubert H. Humphrey
Ends and Means Aldous Huxley
Expanding Universe Eddington
Essays of Elia Charles Lamb
Emma Jane Austen
Freedom in Arms A.L. Morton
Freedom at Midnight Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre
Far From the Madding Crowd Thomas Hardy
For Whom the Bell Tolls Ernest Hemingway
Forsyte Saga John Galsworthy
Books Authors

Faust J.W. Von Goethe

Father and Sons Ivan Turgenev
First Circle Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Fenius and Lust Henry Miller
Friends, Not Masters Ayub Khan
Gone with the Wind Margaret Mitchell
Gathering Storm Winston Churchill
Great Illusion Norman Angel
Good Earth Pearl S. Buck
Gulag Archipelago Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Great Expectations Charles Dickens
Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift
Gulistan Sheikh Saadi
Hamlet William Shakespeare
Harry Potter J.R. Rowling
Humboldt's Gift Saul Bellow
Hunchback of Notre Dame Victor Hugo
Inside Asia John Gunther
Inside Africa John Gunther
Idylls of the King Alfred Tennyson
Iliad Homer
Invisible Man H.G. Wells
Ivanhoe Sir Walter Scott
Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte
J.P.- His Biography Allan and Wendy Scarfe
Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling
Jean Christopher Romain Rolland
Julius Caesar William Shakespeare
Kennilworth Sir Walter Scott
Kidnapped Robert Louis Stevenson
Kim Rudyard Kipling
King Lear William Shakespeare
Kipps H.G. Wells
Le Contract Social (Social Contract) J.J. Rousseau
Lady Chatterley's Lover D.H. Lawrence
Lead Kindly Light Vincent Shean
Love Story Eric Segal
Les Miserables Victor Hugo
Books Authors
Lycidas John Milton
Living Room Graham Greene
Lolita V. Nobokov
L' Allegro John Milton
Life of Dr. Johnson James Boswell
Magic Mountain Thomas Mann
Macbeth William Shakespeare
Major Barbara George Bernard Shaw
Man and Superman George Bernard Shaw
Man Eaters of Kumaon Jim Corbett
Man, the Unknown Lewis Carroll
Mother Maxim Gorky
Mother India Katherine Mayo
Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler
Murder in the Cathedral T.S. Eliot
Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare
Much Ado About Nothing William Shakespeare
Mysterious Universe James Jeans
Marriage and Morals Bertrand Russell
Nine Days Wonder John Mansfield
Nemesis Emile Zola
Nineteen Eighty Four George Orwell
Oliver Twist Charles Dickens
Of Human Bondage W. Somerset Maugham
Odyssey Homer
One World Wendell Wilkie
Origin of Species Charles Darwin
Othello William Shakespeare
Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen
Pakistan Crisis David Loshak
Paradise Lost John Milton
Promises to Keep Chester Bowles
Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan
Pygmalion George Bernard Shaw
Peter Pan J.M. Barrie
Prince Machiavelli
Public Persons Walter Lippmann
Pickwick Papers Charles Dickens
Rain King, The Saul Bellow
Rainbow, The Pearl S. Buck
Reprieve Jean Paul Sartre
Rape of the Lock Alexander Pope
Books Authors
Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare
Republic Plato
Rape of Bangladesh Anthony Mascarenhas
Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe
Rubaiyat-i-Omar Khayyam Edward Fitzgerald
Red Star Over China Edgar Snow
Razor's Edge W. Somerset Maugham
Rains Came Louis Bromefield
Sleeping Murder Agatha Christie
Samler's Planet Saul Bellow
Scarlet Pimpernel Baroness Orczy
Story of My Life Moshe Dayan
Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen
Shahnama Firdausi
She Stoops to Conquer Oliver Goldsmith
St. Joan George Bernard Shaw
Sohrab and Rustom Matthew Arnold
Shape of Things to Come H.G. Wells
Spirit of the Age William Hazlitt
Sons and Lovers D.H. Lawrence
Three Musketeers Alexander Dumas
The Other Side of Midnight Sidney Sheldon
Talisman Sir Walter Scott
Tales from Shakespeare Charles Lamb
Tess of D'Urbervilles Thomas Hardy
Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson
The Idiot Fyodor Dostoevsky
Twelfth Night William Shakespeare
The Trumpet Major Thomas Hardy
Thank You, Jeeves P.G. Wodehouse
Triumph J.K. Galbraith
Time Machine H.G. Wells
Tropic of Cancer Henry Miller
Utopia Thomas Moore
Universe Around Us James Jeans
Unto This Last John Ruskin
Ulysses James Joyce
Upturned Soil Mikhail Sholokhov
Vicar of Wakefield Oliver Goldsmith
Victim, The Saul Bellow
War and Peace Leo Tolstoy
Walking on the Water Hugg Cudlipp
Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte
Wealth of Nations Adam Smith
Way of All Flesh Samuel Butler
Waste Land T.S. Eliot
Books Authors
Adhe Adhure Mohan Rakesh
Arthashastra Kautilya
Agni Pariksha Acharya Tulsi
Autobiography of an Unknown Indian Nirad C. Chaudhuri
Ain-i-Akbari Abul Fazal
Asia and Western Dominance K.M. Pannikar
Bhagwat Geeta Maharishi Ved Vyas
Between the Lines Kuldip Naiyar
Ba Mulahaza Hoshiar Narendra Pal Singh
Broken Wing Sarojini Naidu
Coolie Mulk Raj Anand
Chidambara Sumitranandan Pant
Confession of a Lover Mulk Raj Anand
Continent of Circe Nirad C. Chaudhuri
Chinese Betrayal B.N. Mullick
Death of a City Amrita Pritam
Distant Neighbours Kuldip Naiyar
Durgesh Nandini Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Discovery of India J.L. Nehru
Divine Life Swami Sivananda
Gardener Rabindra Nath Tagore
Geet Govinda Jaidev
Glimpses of World History J.L. Nehru
Gora Rabindra Nath Tagore
Gul-e-Naghma Raghupati Sahai Firaq Gorakhpuri
Gana Devata Tara Shanker Bandhopadhyaya
Gitanjali Rabindra Nath Tagore
Godan Prem Chand
Guide R.K. Narayan
Harshacharita Bana Bhatta
Hindu View of Life Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
Himalayan Blunder Brigadier J.P. Dalvi
Hungry Stones Rabindra NathTagore
India after Nehru Kuldip Naiyar
India Divided Rajendra Prasad
India Wins Freedom Abul Kalam Azad
India from Curzon to Nehru Durga Das
and After
I Am Not an Island K.A. Abbas
India, The Critical Years Kuldip Naiyar
India, The Wasted Years 1969-75 Rajinder Puri
I Follow the Mahatma K.M. Munshi
Judgement, The Kuldip Naiyar
Jobs for the Millions V.V. Giri

< r S >
Books Authors
Kamayani Jai Shanker Prasad
Kadambari Bana Bhatta
Life Divine Sri Aurobindo
My Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi
Malati Madhav Bhavabhuti
My Life and Times V.V. Giri
Mahabharata Maharishi Ved Vyas
Meghdoot Kalidas
Mudra Rakshasa Vishakhadutta
Many Worlds K.P.S. Menon
Nisheeth Uma Shanker Joshi
Out of Dust D.F. Karaka
Panchtantra Vishnu Sharma
Prison and Chocolate Cake Nayantara Sehgal
Prison Diary Jaya Prakash Narayan
Post Office Rabindra Nath Tagore
Prem Pachisi Prem Chand
Ramayana Maharishi Balmiki
Ram Charita Manas Tulsidas
Raghuvansa Kalidas
Raj Tarangini Kalhan
Ratnavali Harsh Vardhan
Red Tape and White Cap P.V.R. Rao
Story of My Life Morarji Desai
Sunny Days Sunil Gavaskar
Shakuntala Kalidas
Satyarth Prakash Swami Dayanand
Shri Ramayana Darshanam K.V. Puttappa
Saket Maithili Sharan Gupta
Shahnama Firdausi
Swapna Vasavadatta Bhasa
Two Leaves and a Bud Mulk Raj Anand
Untold Story General B.M. Kaul
Urvashi Ramdhari Singh Dinkar
Uttara Ramcharita Bhavabhuti
Unhappy India Lala Lajpat Rai
Vish Vriksha Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Vande Mataram Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Wall of Glass, The K.A. Abbas
Witness to an Era Frank Moraes
War of Indian Independence Vir Savarkar
Yashodhara Maithili Sharan Gupta
Yesterday and Today K.P.S. Menon
Yayati V.S. Khandekar
Zulfi, My Friend Piloo Mody

(Indian and Foreign)

Place Location and Importance

Abu Simbal Located on the bank of Nile river in Egypt, is known for the
ancient rock-cut temples by Ramesses II.
Adam's Bridge The 17-mile long bridge is only a line of rocks and sand-banks
between Sri Lanka and India.
Agra Located on the bank of the Jamuna in U.P. is known for Taj
Mahal, Fort and Pearl Mosque.
Ajanta & Ellora Located near Aurangabad in Maharashtra state are famous
for the Buddhist cave temples which are ornamented with
sculptures carved with paintings.
Ajmer Located in Rajasthan is a pilgrim centre for Muslims. The
tomb of Khwaja Muin-ud-din Chishti is also located here.
Alexandria A renowned city and sea-port of Egypt, founded by Alexander
the Great^is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The
Pharos of Alexandria-a marble watch town and light house on
the island of Pharos in the harbour of Alexandriais also
located here.
Aliabet Located near Bhavnagar in Gujarat state is the site of the first
offshore oil well in India.
Allahabad Located in Uttar Pradesh is an important place of Hindu
pilgrimage for being the confluence of three rivers the
Ganga, the Jamuna and the Saraswati.
Alwaye Located in Kerala is known for the FACT unit manufacturing
fertilizers and Monazite factory.
Amarnath Located in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and situated at a
height of about 13000 feet is a famous Hindu pilgrim centre.
Amritsar Located in Punjab is known for the Golden Temple and is
remembered for the Jalianwala Bagh Tragedy.
Anand Located in Gujarat State is famous for co-operative milk-dairy,
AMUL butter and milk being the chief products.
Anand Bhawan Situated in Allahabad, residence of Pt. Moti Lai Nehru is now
dedicated to the Indian National Congress.
Aurangabad Located in Maharashtra state is famous for the tomb of
Aurangzeb and his wife.

Avadi Situated in Tamil Nadu is known for the location of
Government-owned heavy vehicles factory.

^ / a c " Location and Importance
Ayodhya It is located near Faizabad in U.P. Rama is the most important
king associated with this place.
Bangalore It is the capital of Karnataka state. Hindustan Aircraft Factory,
Indian Telephone Industries and H.M.T. factories are in this
Barauni Situated in Bihar is known for a big oil refinery in public
Bethlehem It is in Israel and is the birth place of Jesus Christ.
Bhakra It is in Punjab and is known for the Bhakra Dam.
Bhilai Situated in Madhya Pradesh is known for the big steel plant
set up with the assistance of Russia.
Big Ben It is the big clock installed in 1859 on the tower of British
Parliament House building in London.
Bhubaneshwar The capital of Orissa is famous for Linga Raja Temple.
Bokaro Situated in Bihar is known for the Steel Plant.
Bombay High It is India's most promising off-shore oil area in Arabian Sea.
Buland Darwaza It is a gate way of Fatehpur Sikri in Agra and is known for its
height (176 feet).
Cape Kennedy Located in Florida (U.S.A.) is the missile launching centre and
headquarters of NASA.
Capitol, The Located in Washington houses the Senate (The Parliament of
the United States of America).
Chandigarh Joint capital of Punjab and Haryana states.
Chittaranjan Situated in West Bengal is known for the manufacture of
railway locomotives.
Chittorgarh It is situated in Rajasthan and is known for Tower of Victory
which was built by Rana Kumbha.
Dayalbagh It is in Agra and is famous as a religious and cultural seat of
the Hindus who believe in Radha Swami Sect.
Detroit It is a town in U.S.A. which is famous as the biggest car
manufacturing place in the world.
Delhi Old capital of India and is famous for its historical and
religious monuments.
Dhariwal It is in Punjab and is famous for woollen goods.
Digboi It is in Assam and is known for oil fields and oil refinery.
Durgapur Located in West Bengal is famous for the steel plant.
Elephanta It is an island in Bombay harbour and famous for rock-cut
Empire State
Building Located in New York is one of the world's tallest buildings.
Fatehpur Sikri It is a volcano in Italy.
About 35 kms. from Agra in Uttar Pradesh is of tourist impor-
tance. The famous Buland Darwaza is located here.
Place Location and Importance
Ferozabad Situated in Uttar Pradesh is known for the glass bangle
Ghazipur A town in Uttar Pradesh is known for Government opium
Gole Gumbuz Located in Bijapur (Mysore) is the largest dome of the world.
It is known for the world famous Whispering Gallery.
Great Wall of The 1500-mile long fortification in China running from Kansu
China province to Hopeh province was built by the Chinese Emperor
Shih Hawang.
Hague, The It is in Netherlands and is famous for the seat of the
International Court of Justice.
Haldia It is in West Bengal and is famous for oil refinery set up in
collaboration with Romania and France.
Hanging Gardens One of the seven wonders of the world. These were first
of Babylon planted in 603 B.C. by King Nebuchadnezzar and are located
60 miles south of Baghdad.
Havana It is the capital of Cuba and is known for the manufacture of
Jamshedpur An industrial centre situated in Bihar. Iron and steel industries
of the Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. are located here.
Jerusalem A place of pilgrimage for the Christians, Jews and Muslims. Al
Aqsa Mosque and the Wailing Wall are located here.
Jharia Located in Bihar is famous for the coal industry.
Jog Falls They are in Karnataka and are one of the highest waterfalls in
the world.
Kandla A major port in Gujarat and is famous for fertilizers.
Konark Located near Puri in Orissa is known for Black Pagoda and
Sun Temple.
Kremlin It is a large fortified citadel in Moscow. The Secretariat of the
Soviet Government is located here.
Ludhiana A town in Punjab is famous for hosiery, cycle and sewing
machine industries.
Madurai A town in Tamil Nadu is famous for the Meenakshi Temple.
Mahabalipuram It is located near Madras and is famous for the rock-cut
temples. The famous Arjuna Ratha, Draupadi Ratha and
Dharmaraja chariot are also located here.
Mathura It is located near Agra in U.P., is famous for the birth place of
Lord Krishna.
Mecca It is in Saudi Arabia and is known for being the birth place of
Prophet Mohammed, the founder of Islam. It is a place of
pilgrim importance for the Muslims.
Monte Carlo Located in France is known as a gambling centre.
Mount Abu It is in Rajasthan and is famous for Jain Temples.
Nepanagar It is in Madhya Pradesh and is known for the newsprint
factory which is owned by the Government.
Panna Located in Madhya Pradesh is famous for diamond mines

\ <m>
Place Location and Importance \
Perambur Located near Madras in Tamil Nadu is known for Integral
Coach Factory where passenger coaches are manufactured.
Pimpri Located in Maharashtra is known for the penicillin factory.
Pushkar A lake in Rajasthan which is a place of pilgrimage of the
Rajghat Located on the bank of Jamuna in Delhi is the place where
Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation was cremated in
January 1948.
Rishikesh It is near Hardwar in Uttar Pradesh and is known for the
antibiotic factory. Also a place of pilgrimage for Hindus.
Rourkela A town in Orissa is known for steel plant and fertilizer factory.
Sambhar It is a lake in Rajasthan which is famous for salt.
Sanchi Located in Madhya Pradesh is famous for Buddhist Stupas.
Sarnath It is near Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh and is a famous Buddhist
pilgrim centre. Deer Park and Ashoka Pillar are located here.
Shanti Van It is situated in Delhi on the bank of Jamuna. Pt. Jawahar Lai
Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India was cremated here in
May 1964.
Sindri It is an industrial town of Bihar. A fertilizer factory is located
Sriharikota Located in Andhra Pradesh is famous as a satellite launching
Tarapore It is near Mumbai in Maharashtra and is known for India's
atomic power station.
Thumba Located in Chittor in Rajasthan was built by Rana Kumbha
in 1448 to commemorate his victory.
Ujjain An ancient city in Madhya Pradesh is famous for Mahabale-
shwar Temple.
Verrazano : The world's longest bridge (4260 feet) between Staten Island
Narrows Bridge and Brooklyn, New York.
Victoria Memorial : Located in Calcutta was built in memory of Queen Victoria.
Vijay Ghat It is situated in Delhi on the bank of Jamuna. Lai Bahadur
Shastri was cremated here in January 1966.
Visakhapatnam It is a big harbour on the eastern coast of India in Andhra
Pradesh and is famous for the ship building industry and oil
Wall Street Located in New York is U.S.A.'s important stock exchange
White House Official residence of the American President since 1800 A.D.
President John Adams was the first President of America to
live here.
Yellowstone : It is U.S.A.'s oldest and largest national park. The spectacular
falls and impressive canyons of the Yellow-stone River are
the maior attractions here.
Invention Inventor
Aeroplane Wright Brothers
Aniline Dyes Hoffmann
Air-brake (for rail-roads) George Westing-house
Anti-polio Vaccine Jonas E. Salk
Antiseptic Surgery Lord Joseph Lister
Atom Bomb Otto Hahn
Atombreaking up the nucleus of an Rutherford
Atomic Clock Dr. Willard Frank Libby
Atomic Theory Dalton
Atomic Structure Bohr and Rutherford
Automobile Daimler
Barometer Torricelli
Balloon Montgolfier
Beri Bericause of Eijkman
Bicycle Macmillan
Blood Circulation Harvey
Blood Transfusion Land Steiner
Calculating Machine Pascal
Camera Zeiss
Cholera bacillus Robert Koch
Chloroform James Harrison and
James Simpson
Celluloid Parkes
Cinematography Thomas Edison
Cosmic Rays R.A. Millikan
Crescograph J.C. Bose
Crystal Dynamics C.V. Raman
Diesel Oil Engine Rudolf Diesel
Drinker's Chamber Dr. Philip Drinker
Dynamite Alfred Nobel
Dynamo Michael Faraday
Electric Battery Volta
Electric AttractionFundamental, Law of Coulomb
Electric Lamp Edison
Electrical EnergyMeasurements of Joule, James Prescott
Electrical ResistanceLaw of Ohm
Invention Inventor

Electricity Current Volta

ElectronsDiscovery of J.J. Thomson
Electron Theory Bohr
Fick's Law Fick
EvolutionTheory of Charles Darwin
Fountain Pen Waterman
Film and Photographic goods Kodak
Gas Engine Daimler
Gramophone Thomas Edison
GravitationLaws of Newton
Glider George Cayley
Helicopter Igor Ivan Sikorsky 1939
HeredityLaws of Gregor Mendel
Homoeopathy Hahnemann
Hovercraft Cockerell
Hydrogen Cavendish
Hydrophobia Louis Pasteur
Incandescent Bulb Edison
Insulin (as a palliative for diabetes) F. Banting
Intelligence Tests Binet
Iron Lung Dr. Philip Drinker
Jet Propulsion Frank Whittle
Kala-azar Fever U.N. Brahmachari
Laughing Gas Priestley
LeverPrinciple of
(and of Specific Gravity) Archimedes
Life Boat Henry Greathead
Lift (Power Elevator) Otis
Lightning Conductor Benjamin Franklin
Logarithms John Napier
Lenses Zeiss
Machine Gun Dr. Gattling
Magazine of Rifle Mauser
Malaria Parasite Dr. Ronald Ross
Manufacture of Washing Soda Laplanc
/ Invention Inventor
Mechanical Equivalent of Heat Joule
Megaphone Edison
'Montessori' method of teaching children Maria Montessori
Meson Hideki Yukawa
Microphone David Edward Hughes1878
Microscope Janssen (improved by Galileo)
Morse System of Electric Telegraphy Morse
Military tank Swinton
MotionLaw of Newton
Multiple ProportionsLaws of Dalton
Natural SelectionLaws of Charles Darwin
Neongas W. Ramsay
Neutron Chadwick
Nuclear Fission Otto Hahn
Nylon W.H. Carothers
Paints Shalimar
Penicillin Alexander Fleming
Periodic Law Mendeleev
Phonograph Edison
Photo-electric-cell-Theory of A. Becquerel
Photography L. Daguerre
Photography (coloured) Gabriel Lippman
Photography (Roll Films) George Eastman
Photography (Under-sea) Edgerton
Phototherapy N.R. Finsen
PneumaticTyre Dunlop
Power loom Cartwright
Printing Press Cutenberg
Psycho-analysis Dr. Sigmund Freud
Quantum Theory Max Planck
Radio-activity Artificial Madam Joliot and Irene Curie
Radio-activity of Uranium A. Henry Becquerel
Radar Robert Watson Watt
Radio Marconi
Radio Telephone Lee De Forest

Radio Transmitter Alexanderson

Invention Inventor
Radium Madame Curie
Railway Engine Stephenson
RelativityTheory of A. Einstein
Heart Transplantation Christiaan Barnard
Revolver Colt
Safety Lamp (Miner's) Humphrey Davy
Safety Razor Gillette
Salk Vaccine (Anti-polio) Dr. James E. Salk
Seismograph Robert Mallet
Sewing Machine Elias Howe
Space Flying Dr. Wernher Von Brown
Sextant John Hadley
Steam Boat Fulton
Steam Engine James Watt
Steel Smelting Process Sir Henry Bessemer
Stethoscope Laennec
Submarine John P. Holland1875
Streptomycin Waksman
Sulpha drugs G. Domagk
Talkies Lee De Forest
Telephone A. Graham Bell
Telescope Hans Lippershey1608
Telescope (Reflecting) Newton
Television Apparatus J.L. Baird
Thermometer Fahrenheit
Vacuum Flask (Trade Name Thermos Flask) James Dewar
Torpedo Robert Whitehead
Transistor W. Shockley
Tubercle Baccilli Koch
Typewriter Sholes
Uranium A. Henry Becquerel
Vaccination (Smallpox) Edward Jenner
Vitamins Funk
Vitamin D F.C. Hopkins
Rubber, Vulcanising Good Year
Wireless Telegraphy Marconi
X-ray Roentgen
Yellow feverCauses of Reed
Amundsen Discovered South Pole in 1911.
Neil Armstrong First person to set foot on the moon on July 21, 1969.
Byrd Flew over the North Pole in 1926 and over the South
Pole in 1929. Discovered Edsel Ford mountains and
Morie Byrd Land.
Captain Cook Discovered Sandwich now called Hawaiian Isles
in 1770.
Columbus Discovered West Indies in 1492 and South America
in 1498.
David Livingstone Discovered the Victoria Falls, Lake Nyasa in Africa and
course of the Zambezi
Edmund Hillary Joint conqueror of Mount Everest with Tenzing. In a
Trans-Atlantic expedition he reached South Pole on
January 3, 1958.
Ferdinand de Lesseps Conceived the plan of the Suez Canal which was
completed in 1869 through his efforts.
Kepler Johannes Discovered the Laws of Planetary Motion in 1609.
Lindberg Made the first solo-flight across the Atlantic from New
York to Paris in 1927.
Magellan Commanded the first expedition in 1519 to sail round
the world and discovered a passage to the Pacific from
the Atlantic through the straits.
Marco Polo Explored China, India, South eastern countries and
published the record of his various explorations.
Nausen Explored across Green land and reached the highest
altitude in the North Polar Region till then attained.
Robert Peary First person to reach the North Pole in 1909.
Shackleton An Arctic explorer who reached within 100 miles of the
South Pole.
Sven Hedin A Swedish explorer who contributed to the geographic
and archaeological knowledge of the large areas of
Central Asia.
Tasman A Dutch navigator who discovered Tasmania and New
Zealand in 1642.
Tenzing The first Sherpa to reach Mount Everest on May 29,
1953 along with Edmund Hillary.
Vasco da Gama A Portuguese navigator who rounded the Cape of Good
Hope and discovered the sea route to India in 1498.

Altimeter Measures altitudes in an aircraft.
Ammeter Measures electrical currents in amperes.
Anemometer Measures the force and velocity of wind.
Audiometer Measures intensity of sound.
Audiophone Improves imperfect sense of hearing.
Barometer Measures the atmosphere pressure.
Callipers A compass with legs measuring the inside or outside
diameter of bodies.
Calorimeter Measures quantities of heat.
Carburettor Charges air with petrol vapours in an internal
combustion engine.
Cardiogram Traces the movements of the heart.
Chronometer It is kept on board ships to measure accurate time.
Cinematograph It consists of a series of lenses arranged to throw on a
screen an enlarged image of photographs.
Compass Needle It is used for knowing approximately the North-South
direction of a place.
Crescograph It is used for recording the growth of plants.
Drinker's Appartus Helps in breathing in infantile paralysis.
Dynamo It generates electricity.
Electro encephalograph It is the technique of recording and interpreting the
(EEC) electrical activity of the brain
Epidiascope It is used for projecting films as well as images of
opaque articles on a screen.
Fathometer It is used for measuring depth of the ocean.
Gramophone A machine that reproduces sound.
Hydrometer It is used for measuring the specific gravity of liquids.
Hydrophone It is used for recording sound under water.

Hygrometer It is used for measuring humidity in air.

Kymograph It is used to record graphically physiological

movements, i.e., blood pressure, heart beating, study of
lungs etc. in living beings.

\ (185)
/ Lactometer It is used for measuring the purity of milk.
Mariner's Compass It is used to guide the sailors. Its needle always points
Micrometer A micrometer is an instrument for measuring very small
distance and angles.
Microphone Microphones are used in Radio and Television
Microscope It is an optical instrument for magnifying objects.
Odometer It is used to record the distance covered by wheeled
Parachute It is a umbrella-shaped safety device used in an
emergency by the passengers of an aircraft or by
paratroops during war.
Pipette It is a glass tube with which a definite volume of liquid
can be transferred.
Radar It is used to detect the direction of an approaching
aeroplane by means of radio micro-waves.
Rain Gauge It is an apparatus to record rainfall at a particular place.
Saccharimeter It is an instrument to determine the amount of sugar
in a solution.
Seismograph It is an instrument to record earthquake shocks.
Sextant A sextant is an instrument for finding latitude.
Stethoscope It is an instrument to hear and analyse the movements
of heart and lungs.
Stop Watch It is used to record small intervals of time.
Tachometer It is an instrument to determine speeds of aeroplanes
and motor-boats.
Teleprinter It is an instrument which prints automatically messages
sent from one place to another on telegraph lines.
Telescope It is an apparatus used for observing distant objects.
Clinical Thermometer It is an apparatus used for measuring temperature of
the human body.

States Capitals
1. Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad
2. Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar
3. Assam Dispur
4. Bihar Patna
5. Delhi* Delhi*
6. Goa Panaji
7. Gujarat Gandhi Nagar
8. Haryana Chandigarh
9. Himachal Pradesh Shimla
10. Jammu and Kashmir Srinagar
11. Karnataka Bangalore
12. Kerala Thiruvanathapuram
13. Madhya Pradesh Bhopal
14. Maharashtra Mumbai
15 Manipur Imphal
16. Meghalaya Shillong
17. Mizoram Aizawl
18. Nagaland Kohima
19. Orissa Bhubaneshwar
20. Punjab Chandigarh
21. Rajasthan Jaipur
22. Sikkim Gangtok
23. Tamilnadu Chennai
24. Tripura Agartala
25. Uttar Pradesh Lucknow
26. West Bengal Kolkata
New States
27. Chhatisgarh Raipur
28. Jharkhand Ranchi
29. Uttranchal Dehradun
Union Territories Capitals
1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands Port Blair
2. Chandigarh Chandigarh
3. Dadra and Nagar Haveli Silvassa
4. Daman and Diu Daman
5. Lakshadweep Kavaratti
6. Pondicherry Pondicherry


Afghanistan Afghan afghani Kabul

Bahrain (^T) Bahraini dinar Manama
Bangladesh (HlcHI<^l) Bangladeshi taka Dhaka
Bhutan (<3?R) Bhutani ngultrum Thimphu
China (^Hl) Chinese yuan Beijing
Cyprus ('MISSJ'H) Cypriot Cyprus pound Nicosia
India (Ifew) Indian rupee New Delhi
Indonesia (sj-^RKII) Indonesian rupiah Jakarta
Iran (trR) Iranian rial Tehran
Iraq (tn^) Iraqi dinar Baghdad
Israel Israeli shekel Jerusalem
Japan (vHNIH) Japanese yen Tokyo
Jordan (W^T) Jordanian dinar Amman
Kazakhstan (cbvHlftvMH) Kazakhstani tenge Alma-ata Akmola
North Korea (HiaJ chlRill) North Korean won(KPW) Pyongyang
South Korea (-HIvJSM chlRill) South Korean won (KRW) Seoul
Kuwait (ffcl) Kuwaiti dinar Kuwait
Laos (eTTSITft) Laotian kip Vientiane
Lebanon (^HIH) Lebanese pound Beirut
Malaysia (Hc^RlAll) Malaysian ringgit Kuala Lumpur
Maldives (HldftcH) Maldivian rufiyaa Male
Mongolia Mongolian tugrik Ulaan Bator
Nepal (AMM) Nepali rupee Kathmandu
Oman (3?RFT) Omani rial Muscat
Pakistan (mfcbwiH) Pakistani rupee Islamabad
Qatar (c^ex) Qatari riyal Doha
Saudi Arabia VM^RIAI ) Saudi Arabian rial (SAR) Riyadh
Philippines (fq^FH) Filipino or piso Manila
Singapore (RHII^) Singaporean dollar Singapore
Sri Lanka (^hcichi) Sri Lankan rupee Colombo
Syria (faffcn) Syrian pound Syrian pound Damascus

> (188) '

Taiwan (dl^clH) Taiwanian dollar Taipei
Tajikistan Tajik tajik rouble Dushanbe
Thailand Thai baht Bangkok
Turkey Turk; Turkish turkish lira Ankara
United Arab Emirates dirham Abu Dhabi
Uzbekistan (vJuHRb+dM) Uzbekistani som (UKS) Tashkent
Vietnam (RWdHm) Vietnamese dong Hanoi
Yemen (TO) Yemeni riyal (YER) Sarfa
Russia Russian rouble Moscow

Algeria Algerian dinar Algiers
Angola 3TffTen) Angolan kwanza Luanda
Botswana Ml<r<HcJM|) Botswana pula Gaborone
Burkina Faso wft) Burkinan franc CFA Ouagadougou
Burundi Burundian burundi franc Bujumbura
Cameroon chH^H) Cameroonian franc CFA Yaounde
Cape Verde cfnr crsf) Cape Verdean cape verde Praia
Central African Central African franc CFA Bangui
Republic RqRdcb)
Chad W Chadian franc CFA N'Djamena
Congo (ctfRft) Congolese franc CFA Brazzaville
Djibouti Djiboutian djibouti franc Djibouti
Egypt Egyptian pound Cairo
Equatorial Equatorial franc CFA Malabo
Guinea Guinean
Eritrea Eritrean ethiopian birr Asmara
Gabon ('win) Gabonese franc CFA Libreville
Gambia (Jlfi^AJI) Gambian dalasi Banjul
Ghana ("STHT) Ghanian cedi Accra
Guinea Guinean guinean franc Conakry
Guinea Bissau Guinean peso (GWP) Bissau
Kenya (^WJI) Kenyan kenya shilling Nairobi
Lesotho Lesothonian loti Maseru
Liberia (dl^^Rill) Liberian liberian dollar Monrovia

X <189>
Madagascar Madagascan malagasy franc Antananarivo
Malawi Malawian kwacha (MWK) Lilongwe
Mali Malian franc CFA Bamako
Mauritania (MdiPm) Mauritanian ouguiya Nouakchott
Mauritius (iftffefara) Mauritian mauritius rupee Port Louis
Morocco (Tfl^) Moroccan dirham (MAD) Rabat
Mozambique Mozambican metical Maputo
Niger < Hl^vH^) Niger-Congo franc CFA Niamey
Nigeria (HljvflRm) Nigerian naira Abuja
Rwanda (ycl^l) Rwandan rwanda franc Kigali
Sao Tome & dobra Sao Tome
Principe ftHflljq)
Senegal Senegalese franc CFA Dakar
Seychelles ('AVIWH) Seychelleois Seychelles rupee Victoria
Somalia Somalian somali shilling Mogadishu
South Africa ("HMiM 3UI>W>l) South African rand Pretoria,
Cape Town
Sudan Sudanese sudanese pound/ Khartoum
Tanzania (dHvHlPfill) Tanzanian tanzanian shilling Dodoma

Antigua & ( ^ y a n Tying Antiguan east Caribbean St. John's
Barbuda dollar
Bahamas Bahamian bahamian dollar Nassau
Barbados Barbadian barbados dollar Bridgetown
Belize Belizean belize dollar Belmopan
Canada (ebHkSl) Canadian Canadian dollar Ottawa
Cuba (cJ^T) Cuban cuba peso Havana
Dominica (^flPlfrl) Dominican dollar Roseau
Dominican Rep. ( ^ P l c M f f r . ) Dominican peso oro Santo Domingo
Grenada (t^T^l) Grenadian dollar St. George's
Guatemala ('dl^Hldl) Guatemalan quetzal Guatemala City
Haiti Haitian gourde Port-au-Prince
Honduras Honduran lempira Tegucigalpa
Jamaica Jamaican dollar Kingston

> (190) '

/ Mexico Mexican peso Mexico City
Nicaragua (P|cbKIJJ3n) Nicaraguan cordoba Managua
Panama (mhihi) Panamanian balboa Panama City
St. Lucia ("#5 cjR^l) Caribbean dollar Castries
Trinidad & (1MRR XTTTg Trinidadian dollar Port of Spain
Tobago riT^'ll)
United States (^Hl^-s! American dollar Washington, D.C.
of America

Argentina Argentinian peso Buenos Aires
Bolivia (sflcflEim) Bolivian boliviano La Paz, Sucre
Brazil (sJlvjfplcH) Brazilian real Brasilia
Chile (xJl^d) Chilean Chilean peso Santiago
Colombia (cblcilf^ill) Colombian peso Bogota
Ecuador Ecuadorean sucre Quito
Guyana (TJ3THT) Guyanese dollar Georgetown
Paraguay Paraguayan guarani Asuncion
Surinam Surinamese guilder Paramaribo
Uruguay Uruguayan peso Montevideo
Venezuela C^H^dl) Venezuelan bolivar Caracas

Australia (3ll^fcHA||) Australian dollar Canberra
Fiji (IWft) Fijian dollar Suva
Marshall Is. (HiyTcH 3TH?.) Marshallese dollar Dalap-Uliga-Darrit
Micronesia Micronesian dollar Palikir
Solomon Is. S. Islander dollar Honiara
Nauru (Hl^) Nauruan dollar No official capital
New Zealand (-ilyTlelu^) New Zealander dollar Wellington
Tonga (dHIl) Tongan pa'anga Nuku'alofa

Albania Albanian lek Tirana
Andorra (dkSlVl) Andorran franc/peseta Andorre la Vella
Austria (^iR-diJl) Austrian schilling Vienna
Belarus (cldl-M-l) Belorussian rouble Minsk .

\ /
Belgium Belgian franc Brussels
Bulgaria (<s|eHlR*Jl) Bulgarian lev Sofia
Croatia (fbll^ian) Croatian kuna Zagreb
Czech Republic Czechs koruna Prague
Denmark (^HHli) Dane/Danish krone Copenhagen
Estonia Estonian kroon Tallinn
Finland ((ihHclu-d) Finnish markka Helsinki
France (wRl) French franc Paris
Germany (Tiptft) German deutsche mark Berlin, Bonn
Greece (IfRr) Greek drachma Athens
Hungary (FT^f) Hungarian forint Budapest
Iceland (yis^i^) Icelander krona Reykjavik
Ireland (ail^cHM) Irishman pound Dublin
Italy Italian lira Rome
Latvia (elrifclill) Latvian lats Riga
Liechtenstein ( h i ^ h - w i ^ h ) Liechtensteiner franc Vaduz
Lithuania (fcH^aiiPiiii) Lithuanian litas Vilnius
Luxembourg Luxembourger franc Luxembourg
Malta (Hlcril) Maltese lira Valletta
Monaco (H^chl) Monegasque franc Monaco
Netherlands Dutch guilder Amsterdam
Norway Norwegian krone Oslo
Poland (M^u-d) Pole/Polish zloty Warsaw
Portugal Portuguese escudo Lisbon
Romania (^HlPKJl) Romanian lei Bucharest
San Marino ^RWl) San Marinese lira San Marino
Slovenia (wife) Pi ill) Slovenian tolar Ljubljana
Spain Spanish peseta Madrid
Sweden (*5VSSH) Swedish krona (SEK) Stockholm
Switzerland (R-cldvHy^l-d) Swiss franc Berne
Ukraine (^MH) Ukrainian karbovanets Kiev
United Kingdom ( ^ h i ^ British pound sterling London
Yugoslavia (^ilwiRiiii) Yugoslavian new dinar Belgrade

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