A Few A Little Many Much Some Any: Exercise G601

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Exercise G601:

a few a little many much some any

1. Please wait ____ minutes more.

He will be back soon.
2 . There has not been ____ rain
3 . I only want ____ rice. I am going
on diet.
4 . There were ____ people at the
Jusco Grand Sales today.
5 . ____ of the chairs and tables in
the classroom are broken.
6 . There isn't ____ ink in my pen
anymore. Can you lend me
7 . There is so ____ to do and yet so
____ time.
8 . I shall not take ____ of your time.
I have only ____ questions to ask
9 . He bought ____ mangoes last
night. He gave us ____
1 0 . There isn't ____ water in the tank.
Can you give us ____ .

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