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Practice 1

The following is the novel you have studied in the literature component in English

The Elephant Man by Tim Vicary

Moby Dick by Herman Melville
We Didnt Mean to Go to Sea by Arthur

Based on the novel above, write about a character you dislike the most. Support your
answer with close reference to the text.


in not less than 50 words

in continuous writing (not in note form)

I have learnt the novel, The Elephant Man, written by Tim Vicary. This novel is based
on a true story that tells the life of Joseph Merrick who is born with physical deformities. He is
also known as The Elephant Man. The character who I dislike is Simon Silcock. In my
opinion, Simon Silcock is an opportunist who takes advantage of Merrick and uses him as a
business opportunity, like bringing him around for to be laughed at with a small charge.

Firstly, I dislike Silcock because he is a cruel and mean man who shouts, orders and
hits Merrick. He puts Merrick in a cold, dark, dirty and smelly room at the back of the shop.
The room only has a chair, a table and on the table is a dead flower. Whats more, he does
not care about the welfare of Merrick. This is because Merrick only wears some old
trousers, with no shirt, coat or shoes and an old cloth over his head to protect him from the
cold. The above reason is why I hate him because to me, we should be kind to others
because it helps us feel better.

Secondly, I hate Silcock because he also uses Merrick as a means of earning an

income. Merrick is being exploited and turned into a sideshow freak. He even calls Merrick,
the best Elephant Man in England with hundreds of people coming to see him at two pence
per time to stare and be frightened by his terrible physique. Silcock also does not care if
Merrick is laughed at, teased and rejected and even screamed at out of fear. This is
because his main concern is to make money through Merrick. In my opinion, we need to
respect and treat everyone the same because they are fellow human beings.

Thirdly, I detest Silcock because he is greedy, cunning and ruthless. He takes Merrick to
Belgium and exhibits him there for a year. Then, he steals Merricks fifty pound which
Merrick has saved and earned for his hard work. Plus, it has taken him a year to save it.
Besides cheating Merrick, Silcock also abandons him on the streets of Belgium and returns
to London. After that, with difficulty, Merrick finds his way back to London. I do not like
Silcock because to me he is a heartless person.

The above reasons are why I dislike Simon Silcock.

Practice 2

The following is the novel you have studied in the literature component in English Language.

The Elephant Man by Tim Vicary

Moby Dick by Herman Melville
We Didnt Mean to Go to Sea by Arthur

Based on the novel above, write about a character you like the most. Support your answer with close
reference to the text.


in not less than 50 words

in continuous writing (not in note form)

I have learnt the novel, The Elephant Man, written by Tim Vicary. This novel is based on a true story
that tells the life of Joseph Merrick who is born with physical deformities. He is also known as The
Elephant Man. The character I like is Dr Frederick Treves. Dr Frederick Treves is a doctor at the hospital.
He pays 12 pence to see Joseph Merrick. After that, he brings Joseph Merrick to the hospital to examine
him. Plus, Dr. Treves also tries to find a way to help Merrick get a home at the hospital. I think Dr.
Frederick Treves is a good person because he helps Joseph Merrick and made him happy.

Firstly, I admire Dr Treves because he is a kind-hearted person. This can be seen when he wants to
give Merrick a permanent home. He then, informs the Chairman of the hospital, Mr Gomm about
Merricks problem. This is because he cannot stay at the hospital as a patient since he is not ill.
Therefore, Mr Gomm then writes to the editor of The Times newspaper for financial help. As a result, the
hospital gives Merrick his first home by the donation that is 50,000 from the readers of The
Times.Lastly, he has a place at the back of the hospital; one room for a bathroom, so he can have a bath
every day and the second room is a bedroom with a table and chairs. I like Dr. Treves because he
makes Merricks life more comfortable.

Secondly, I like Dr Treves because he is an understanding man. This can be seen when he tries to
fulfill Merricks wishes to see a play and the country although it is very difficult to make the arrangements
and he is very busy.Plus, he is very protective of Merrick too. Therefore, he does not want people to
ridicule him and that is why Dr Treves gets his friend, Mrs Kendall to buy the tickets for a box at the side
of the theatre. Then, he takes Merrick there in a cab with dark windows. They enter the Queens door at
the back of the theatre to see a childrens Christmas play. Nobody sees them. Besides that, Dr Treves
also takes Merrick in a train with dark windows to the country. He then stays one night with Merrick in the
country house to make sure that Merrick is absolutely safe. I like Dr Treves because of his protective
which makes him a good role model.

Thirdly, I love Dr Treves because he is a thoughtful person since he notices Merricks loneliness.
Therefore, he visits Merrick every day and talks to him. Merrick loves reading and talking about books but
he has only the Bible and a few newspapers so Dr, Treves gives him some love and story books. He also
realises that the nurses at the hospital talk very little to Merrick and he does not talk much about women
either. Dr Treves does not want Merrick to be isolated or talk only to him. That is why he gets his female
friends and other people to visit him. Even the Queen of England visits Merrick and he is overjoyed. All
his visitors treat him with respect and dignity. Nobody laughs at him. Dr Trevess understanding is what
makes me love him because he is giving Merrick a reason to trust and live again.

The above reasons are why I like Dr Treves. He is a kind-hearted, understanding and thoughtful

Practice 3

The following is the novel you have studied in the literature component in English Language.

The Elephant Man by Tim Vicary

Moby Dick by Herman Melville
We Didnt Mean to Go to Sea by Arthur

Based on the novel, write about a theme of the story and support your answer with the evidence from the


in not less than 50 words

in continuous writing (not in note form)

I have learnt the novel, The Elephant Man, written by Tim Vicary. This novel is based on a true story
that tells the life of Joseph Merrick who is born with physical deformities. He is also known as The
Elephant Man. The theme that is portrayed in the novel is kindness and this can be seen through the
character of Dr Treves. Dr Frederick Treves is a doctor at the hospital. He pays 12 pence to see Joseph
Merrick. After that, he brings Joseph Merrick to the hospital to examine him. Plus, Dr. Treves also tries to
find a way to help Merrick get a home at the hospital I think Dr. Frederick is very kind because he helps
Merrick and made him happy.

Firstly, the kindness as a theme is illustrated when Dr Treves wants to give Merrick a permanent
home. He then, informs the Chairman of the hospital, Mr Gomm about Merricks problem. This is
because he cannot stay at the hospital as a patient since he is not ill. Therefore, Mr Gomm then writes to
the editor of The Times newspaper for financial help. As a result, the hospital gives Merrick his first home
by the donation that is 50,000 from the readers of The Times.Lastly, he has a place at the back of the
hospital; one room for a bathroom, so he can have a bath every day and the second room is a bedroom
with table and chairs. His kindness had made Merricks life more comfortable.

Secondly, the theme of kindness can be seen when Dr Treves tries to fulfill Merricks wishes to see a
play and the country although it is very difficult to make the arrangements and he is very busy. Therefore,
Dr Treves gets his friend, Mrs Kendall to buy the tickets for a box at the side of the theatre. Then, he
takes Merrick there in a cab with dark windows. They enter the Queens door at the back of the theatre to
see a childrens Christmas play. Nobody sees them. Besides that, Dr Treves also takes Merrick in a train
with dark windows to the country. He then stays one night with Merrick in the country house to make sure
that Merrick is absolutely safe.The kindness shown by Dr Treves can make him a good role model to

Thirdly, the kindness is portrayed when Dr Treves notices Merricks loneliness. Therefore to avoid his
loneliness, he visits Merrick every day and talks to him. Plus, Dr, Treves gives him some love and story
books since Merrick loves reading and talking about books. Beside thats, he also realises that the nurses
at the hospital talk very little to Merrick and he does not talk much about women either. Dr Treves does
not want Merrick to be isolated or talk only to him. That is why he gets his female friends and other
people to visit him. Even the Queen of England visits Merrick and he is overjoyed. All his visitors treat
him with respect and dignity. Nobody laughs at him. Dr Trevess kindness has given Merrick a reason to
trust and live again.

The above reasons are why I like the theme of kindness showed by Dr Treves

Practice 4

The following is the novel you have studied in the literature component in the English Language.
The Elephant Man by Tim Vicary
Moby Dick by Herman Melville
We Didnt Mean to Go to Sea by Arthur

Based on the novel above, write about an interesting event. Support your answer with close reference to
the text.

in not less than 50 words
in continuous writing (not in note form)



Practice 5

The following is the novel you have studied in the literature component in the English Language.

The Elephant Man by Tim Vicary

Moby Dick by Herman Melville
We Didnt Mean to Go to Sea by Arthur

Based on the novel above, write about how the main character overcomes a problem in his life. Support your answer
with close reference to the text.

in not less than 50 words
in continuous writing (not in note form)



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