Life Horoscope - In-Depth Reading - Woody Allen

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NOTE: This Reading is based on the data provided by you and the best possible
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Woody Allen DOB: 01:12:1935 ; TOB: 10:55:00PM ; POB: Bronxdale (USA)

Astrological Particulars

Date of Birth : 1 December 1935 (Sunday)

Time of Birth : 10:55:00PM
Place of Birth : Bronxdale , USA
Longitude : 073:52:00W Sidreal Time : 03:39:49 hrs
Sun Rise Time : 07:11:52AM
Latitude : 040:51:00N
Sun Set Time : 04:34:27PM
Time Zone : +05:00:00 hrs
Aynamsha : N.C.Lahiri (022:57:43)
War/Daylight Corr.: 00:00:00 hrs
Vikram Samvat- 1992
GMT at Birth : 03:55:00 hrs
Saka Samvat- 1857
LMT Correction : 00:04:32 hrs Samvatsar- Yuva
Local Mean Time : 22:59:32 hrs Samvatsara Lord: Brihspati

Avakahada Chakra Ghatak Chakra

Lagna (Ascendant) : Leo Rashi : Dhanus
Lagna Lord : Sun Masa : Chaitra
Rashi (Moon-sign) : Aquarius Tithi : 3,8,13
Rashi Lord : Saturn Day : Thursday
Nakshatra (Constellation) : Dhanishtha Nakshatra : Aridra
Nakshatra-lord : Mars Prahar : 3

Nakshatra Charan : 3 Lagna : Kanya

Paya (Posture) : Tamra S S Yoga : Vyaghat
Ritu (Season) : Hemanta Karana: Kimshtughna
Masa (Month) : Agrahayana Ruling Planets (as per K.P.
Paksha : Shukla
The Weekday Lord : Sun
Tithi (Moon's elongation) : Saptami
Ascendant Sign-lord : Sun
Tithi Class : Bhadra
Ascendant Star-lord : Ketu
Tithi Lord : Saturn
Ascendant Sub-lord : Venus
Karana (Half-Tithi) : Garija
Moon Sign-lord : Saturn
Karana Class : Chara
Moon Star-lord : Mars
Karana Lord : Vasudeva
Moon Sub-lord : Venus
Gana (Spiritual inclination) : Rakshasha
Pars Fortuna (K.P.) : 204:23:26
Varna (Ego development) : Shudra
K.P. Ayanamsha Value : 022:51:56
Yoni (Nature) : Lion(F)
Western Astrological Particulars
Surya Siddhanta Yoga : Vyaghata
Rajju (Prone part) : Shir Sun-sign (Western) : Sagittarius
Vashya (Compatibility) : JalaChara Decanate : 1

Tatwa (Element) : Akasha Face : II

Tatwa Lord : Jupiter Moon-sign (Western) : Aquarius
Vihaga (Symbol) : Mayura Ascdt-sign (Western) : Virgo
Nadi (Health) : Madhya(Pitta) Term-lord of Sun : Venus
Nadi-pada (Constitution) : Adi(Vata) Term-lord of Moon : Jupiter
Vedha (Incompatibility with) Mrigashira Term-exchange : ---
Adyakshara (First letter) : Goo

Mangalik blemish is present in the chart and owing to absence of certai

conditions this blemish had not been cancelled.

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

Planetary Positions & Dispositions

Planets Signs SignL Degree Nak-Pada NakL Karaka Diginity Association
Ascendant Leo Sun 09:22:06 Magha-3 Ketu --- --- ---
= d
0 g Scorpio Mars 16:04:43 Anuradha-4 Saturn Amatya Friend's House With Benefic
1 j Aquarius Saturn 01:08:04 Dhanishtha-3 Mars Dara Enemy's House With Malefic
4 i Capricorn Saturn 03:08:27 UttraAshda-2 Sun Jnyati Exalted ---
2 g Scorpio Mars 11:32:59 Anuradha-3 Saturn Matri Enemy's House Combust
5 g Scorpio Mars 12:09:20 Anuradha-3 Saturn Bhratri Friend's House Combust
3 e Virgo Mercury 29:56:00 Chitra-2 Mars Atma Friend's House ---
6 j Aquarius Saturn 11:03:06 Shatavisha-2 Rahu Apatya Mool-Trikona With Benefic
< h Sagittarius Jupiter 20:13:28 PurvaAshda-3 Venus --- Friend's House ---
N b Gemini Mercury 20:13:28 Punarvasu-1 Jupiter --- Neutral's House ---
Uranus R
7 ` Aries Mars 09:13:09 Ashwini-3 Ketu --- --- ---
8 d Leo Sun 23:43:16 PurvaPhalguni-4 Venus --- --- ---
Pluto R
9 c Cancer Moon 04:12:49 Pushya-1 Saturn --- --- ---

Navamsha Kundali

Lagna Kundali
4 2 Ke
5 1
Ven 29:56
Ve 3
Asc 09:22 6 12
6 4 Ket20:13 9
7 3 Ju
Mo Ra 7 8 11
Me 10
5 Su Ma Sa
Sun 16:04
8 2 Moon Kundali
Mer 11:32 Ma
Jup 12:09
Mo Sa 10
12 Ra
1 9
9 Moo 01:08 Su
Rah20:13 1
10 Sat 11:03 12 2 8
5 Me

3 7
Mar 03:08 Ke 4 6


Degree-Distances between Planet to Planet & Planet to Ascendant

Asc Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Uranus Neptune Pluto
Asc --- 97 172 144 92 93 51 182 131 311 240 14 325
Sun 263 --- 75 47 355 356 314 85 34 214 143 278 228
Moon 188 285 --- 332 280 281 239 10 319 139 68 203 153
Mars 216 313 28 --- 308 309 267 38 347 167 96 231 181
Mercury 268 5 80 52 --- 1 318 90 39 219 148 282 233
Jupiter 267 4 79 51 359 --- 318 89 38 218 147 282 232
Venus 309 46 121 93 42 42 --- 131 80 260 189 324 274
Saturn 178 275 350 322 270 271 229 --- 309 129 58 193 143
Rahu 229 326 41 13 321 322 280 51 --- 180 109 243 194
Ketu 49 146 221 193 141 142 100 231 180 --- 289 63 14
Uranus 120 217 292 264 212 213 171 302 251 71 --- 135 85
Neptune 346 82 157 129 78 78 36 167 117 297 225 --- 310
Pluto 35 132 207 179 127 128 86 217 166 346 275 50 ---

0,1,359 Conjunction 59,60,61,299,300,301 Sextile 89,90,91,269,270,271 Square

119,120,121,239,240,241 Trine 149,150,151,209,210,211 Quincunx 179,180,181 Opposition

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

Vimshottari Dasha
Vimshottari Balance of Dasha at birth (as per N.C.Lahiri Ayanamsha : 022:57:43 ) : Mars : 2
y.10 m.26 d.

S.N Dasha of Planet Duration From........To

1 4 Mars Dasha 2 y.10 m.26 d. 01:12:1935 --- 28:10:1938
2 < Rahu Dasha 18 y.0 m.0 d. 28:10:1938 --- 27:10:1956
3 5 Jupiter Dasha 16 y.0 m.0 d. 27:10:1956 --- 27:10:1972
4 6 Saturn Dasha 19 y.0 m.0 d. 27:10:1972 --- 28:10:1991
5 2 Mercury Dasha 17 y.0 m.0 d. 28:10:1991 --- 27:10:2008
6 N Ketu Dasha 7 y.0 m.0 d. 27:10:2008 --- 28:10:2015
7 3 Venus Dasha 20 y.0 m.0 d. 28:10:2015 --- 28:10:2035
8 0 Sun Dasha 6 y.0 m.0 d. 28:10:2035 --- 28:10:2041
9 1 Moon Dasha 10 y.0 m.0 d. 28:10:2041 --- 28:10:2051
Antara of Vimshottari Dasha

Mars Dasha Rahu Dasha Jupiter Dasha

Antara From-----To Antara From-----To Antara From-----To

Mars Rahu 28:10:1938 - 10:07:1941 Jupiter 27:10:1956 - 15:12:1958
Rahu Jupiter 10:07:1941 - 03:12:1943 Saturn 15:12:1958 - 28:06:1961
Jupiter Saturn 03:12:1943 - 09:10:1946 Mercury 28:06:1961 - 03:10:1963
Saturn Mercury 09:10:1946 - 28:04:1949 Ketu 03:10:1963 - 09:09:1964
Mercury 01:12:1935 - 24:04:1936 Ketu 28:04:1949 - 16:05:1950 Venus 09:09:1964 - 10:05:1967
Ketu 24:04:1936 - 21:09:1936 Venus 16:05:1950 - 16:05:1953 Sun 10:05:1967 - 26:02:1968
Venus 21:09:1936 - 21:11:1937 Sun 16:05:1953 - 10:04:1954 Moon 26:02:1968 - 28:06:1969
Sun 21:11:1937 - 29:03:1938 Moon 10:04:1954 - 09:10:1955 Mars 28:06:1969 - 04:06:1970
Moon 29:03:1938 - 28:10:1938 Mars 09:10:1955 - 27:10:1956 Rahu 04:06:1970 - 27:10:1972

Saturn Dasha Mercury Dasha Ketu Dasha

Antara From-----To Antara From-----To Antara From-----To

Saturn 27:10:1972 - 31:10:1975 Mercury 28:10:1991 - 26:03:1994 Ketu 27:10:2008 - 26:03:2009
Mercury 31:10:1975 - 10:07:1978 Ketu 26:03:1994 - 23:03:1995 Venus 26:03:2009 - 25:05:2010
Ketu 10:07:1978 - 19:08:1979 Venus 23:03:1995 - 21:01:1998 Sun 25:05:2010 - 30:09:2010
Venus 19:08:1979 - 18:10:1982 Sun 21:01:1998 - 27:11:1998 Moon 30:09:2010 - 01:05:2011
Sun 18:10:1982 - 30:09:1983 Moon 27:11:1998 - 27:04:2000 Mars 01:05:2011 - 27:09:2011
Moon 30:09:1983 - 01:05:1985 Mars 27:04:2000 - 25:04:2001 Rahu 27:09:2011 - 15:10:2012
Mars 01:05:1985 - 10:06:1986 Rahu 25:04:2001 - 12:11:2003 Jupiter 15:10:2012 - 21:09:2013
Rahu 10:06:1986 - 16:04:1989 Jupiter 12:11:2003 - 17:02:2006 Saturn 21:09:2013 - 31:10:2014
Jupiter 16:04:1989 - 28:10:1991 Saturn 17:02:2006 - 27:10:2008 Mercury 31:10:2014 - 28:10:2015

Venus Dasha Sun Dasha Moon Dasha

Antara From-----To Antara From-----To Antara From-----To

Venus 28:10:2015 - 26:02:2019 Sun 28:10:2035 - 14:02:2036 Moon 28:10:2041 - 28:08:2042
Sun 26:02:2019 - 26:02:2020 Moon 14:02:2036 - 15:08:2036 Mars 28:08:2042 - 29:03:2043
Moon 26:02:2020 - 28:10:2021 Mars 15:08:2036 - 21:12:2036 Rahu 29:03:2043 - 27:09:2044
Mars 28:10:2021 - 27:12:2022 Rahu 21:12:2036 - 15:11:2037 Jupiter 27:09:2044 - 27:01:2046
Rahu 27:12:2022 - 27:12:2025 Jupiter 15:11:2037 - 03:09:2038 Saturn 27:01:2046 - 28:08:2047
Jupiter 27:12:2025 - 27:08:2028 Saturn 03:09:2038 - 16:08:2039 Mercury 28:08:2047 - 27:01:2049
Saturn 27:08:2028 - 28:10:2031 Mercury 16:08:2039 - 21:06:2040 Ketu 27:01:2049 - 28:08:2049
Mercury 28:10:2031 - 28:08:2034 Ketu 21:06:2040 - 27:10:2040 Venus 28:08:2049 - 28:04:2051
Ketu 28:08:2034 - 28:10:2035 Venus 27:10:2040 - 28:10:2041 Sun 28:04:2051 - 28:10:2051

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

General Predictions Related to Native

General Characteristics :
Your Ascendant falls in sign Leo. This sign has been classified as a fiery, fixed or grave sign.
Certain other natural qualitative characteristics have also been attributed to it: this sign is
sterile and bestial by nature.

For being born in this Ascendant, you are likely to be endowed with an impressive
appearance and firm disposition; your nature will be proud and fearless - rich in life and
feeling. You will be ambitious - fond of pomp and magnanimity; but you will always resent
any kind of clique and secrecy. You will be very rude towards your adversaries and
determined to destroy them at any cost. You will be very courteous and generous as well;
will remain ever optimistic, high-spirited, and oblivious to enmity. You will have unique
adaptable quality and mingle yourself with new / changed conditions. You will get success
inyour ventures easily and achieve your goal. Your desired aspirations will be accomplished.

You will have a serious disposition, determined nature, and always believe in keeping
promises and fulfilling commitments. You will be traditionalist and have firm believe in
traditions and conventions. You will have desire of living freely like a king. You will be
authoritative and command others. You will hate restrictions. For your majestic qualities,
youwill turn many heads and attract the attention of the people occupying authoritative
positions. You will be faithful and kind-hearted, for which reason people in your circle will
treat you with due respect. Your outlook towards life will be spiritual and philosophical. You
will believe in God's existence and have respect for him. You will not commit sinful act. You
will not be envious and malicious.

You will be nature loving and like to visit forest and hilly areas. You will have inclination
towards literature, music and art. Your attitude will be positive. You may have an intense
desire to come to the fore; for fulfilling your objective, you may work hard for acquiring
somespecial abilities.
Physical Appearance :
Your complexion will be reddish. You are likely to have a strong build and impressive physical
structure. Your face is likely to be oval shaped and forehead may be prominent. Your
distinctive features will be upright walk with a sunny cheerful disposition. With these, you
will be the center of attraction everywhere you go.
Mental Characteristics :
In your chart, the Moon is situated in sign Aquarius; it is a positive, fixed, and airy sign -
which is ruled by Saturn, and symbolized by the figure of a matured human being emptying
awater-pot. Persons born with the Moon in this sign generally become well known by their
profound nature and strength of character. Your specific characteristics will be a
penetrating mind, great depth of thought, power of assimilation, and an extreme patience.
Depending on the modifying influences of the other planets on the Moon, a few distinct
variations are quite possible. At one extreme, it may make you a person of melancholic
temperament, fond of solitude and nocturnal work. Yet, you will still be endowed with
philosophic outlook, and remain engaged in useful pursuits - which may be scientific or
technological, or otherwise highly technical.

You may be somewhat slow, but you will be sure; you are very much likely to come up with
something new and novel - for which your name and fame will be widespread. You will
attachvalue and importance to peace and tranquility, and seek the company of learned,
wiseand pious people. While on the other extreme, you might be endowed with a bright,
cheerful nature - possessing humane disposition and artistic inclinations. You will be of
soberand placid temperament - fully devoid of unruly passions; but you will consider it to be
a moral duty and responsibility to attend some important meetings and conferences. Study

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

of the subjects like physical sciences, engineering, technology, agriculture, and decorative
arts might attract you grossly. You are likely to be a maker of your own fortune, and find it
in quite distant inland places and even in foreign countries.

You will also be greatly attracted to subjects, which are essentially uncommon, yet original
and novel. For your deep interest in occult and mystic subjects like Astrology, palmistry,
numerology, interpretation of dreams, etc you will become a center of attraction wherever
you will remain; yet there will always be some people, who might consider your inclination
asbias, and brand you as an eccentric. But people in general will know you as a real worthy
person having broadness of mind, optimistic nature, philosophic outlook, wide sympathies
and philanthropic inclination. Rather than considering yourself as a mere person born in- or
belonging to- a family, having limited interests and concerns, you will view your life to be a
kind of mission, and count your success on the basis of being able to fulfill the purpose of
living - by doing good to others. You are likely to devote your life for a cause - for which
you may actively work for a charitable institution or a humanitarian organization.
Qualities :
You will have an artistic inclination and a creative mind. You will have excellent
managementskills and able to organize the things in a perfect manner. You will be daring
anddauntless like a lion. You will be energetic and full of life. You will be thin-skinned and
Negative Traits :
You will like to rule others and may be inconsiderate. You may be short tempered and
fanatical. At times you may be haughty.
Special characteristics :
1. You will appreciate good quality work and skilled workers and expect same from others
2. You will be open minded and will be able to adjust with every person, whether he / she
belongs to high or low class.
3. You will remain attached to your traditions and customs.
Profession :
You can look forward to having excellent advancement in politics. You can become a
politicalleader, senior executive, diplomat or administrator. You can be successful in
researchand development work being as a scientist or technician. You can earn money
through marble, timber and other product related with forest. You can be a teacher, actor,
artist, jeweler, sports person or geologist.
Benefic and malefic Planets :
1. Mars, lord of the 4th and 9th house, is most benefic and yogkark.
2. Sun, lord of ascendant is benefic.
3. Jupiter, lord of the 8th house is marakesh.
4. Venus and Mercury are malefic.
5. Saturn is most malefic.
6. Moon, Jupiter and Saturn are neutral.
Important personalities belonging to LEO Ascendant :
Sanat Jaisurya - Cricketer, Rajnikant - Film Star, Aditaya Birla - Industrialist, , Inder Nath
Banerji- Advocate, G. Banerjee - Judge, General Manekshaw - Field Marshal, Jyoti Basu -
Ex-C. M. West Bengal, Guru Nanak - Saint, J.M. Baird - T.V. Inventor, Nixon - Ex-President
of U.S.A.

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

Planetary Combinations (Yoga) Applicable in Kundali (Chart)

Important Yogas Applicable in Kundali(Chart) :
In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord, the sign-lord of the Ascendant-lord, the sign-lord of
the said sign-lord, and also the lord of the Navamsha-sign of the same sign-lord - all are in
exaltation or are situated in angular (kendra) or trinal (trikona) houses. This overall highly
favorable combination is termed as Kalpadruma Yoga. By virtue of presence of this
combination in your horoscope, you will be a pious and virtuous person, although you will be
very strong and powerful. You will not at all be afraid in case of opposition or conflict, and
inthe event of such a development, you will tend to step forward for fighting to the finish;
nevertheless, you will be merciful and have a forgiving nature. You will enjoy limitless wealth
and influence, and your name and fame will be widespread.

In your horoscope, the 7th-lord is situated in any house other than the 3rd, the 6th, the
8th, and the 12th; the sign-lord (or the sign-lord) of the 7th-lord is situated in the
7th-house. This very favorable parivartana-yoga combination is termed as Mahaa Yoga. By
virtue of having this auspicious combination present in your horoscope, you will be blessed
by the goddess of wealth, and receive rewards and benefits from the authorities and the
state. You will lead your life in comfort and style - together with your spouse, children,
relatives and friends. You will be well-respected in the society, and your credibility, honor,
fame, and reputation - all will be ever-waxing.

In your horoscope, the 5th-lord is not strong - for not being in exaltation, or in own-sign, or
in own-nakshatra. Besides, it is situated in an angular (kendra) or a trinal (trikona) house.
This typical combination is termed as Eka-Putra Yoga. If some strong modifying influences
are not present in your horoscope, then you might be blessed with a single child only -
which is very much likely to be a son.

In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is situated in the 4th-house, and one or more
naturalbenefic planet/s is/ are conjoined with it or aspects it. This is a favorable
combination, termed as Nishkapata Yoga. You will be a very pure-hearted person by nature,
and always abhor or detest hypocritic attitude, secretive nature, and resorting to

In your horoscope, the three natural benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury) - either
jointly or severally - are situated in the Ascendant or the 2nd- or the 4th- or the 5th- or
the7th- or the 9th- or the 10th- house. Besides, Jupiter is situated in exaltation, or
own-sign, or own-nakshatra, or friendly sign. This overall combination is especially
favorable,termed as Saraswati Yoga. By virtue of the presence of this yoga in your
horoscope, you may be a favored person - blessed by the goddess of learning. You will be a
highly learned person, endowed with excellent proficiency in literary pursuits and/ or fine
arts. You will be praised by one and all, and your name and fame will be widespread. Your
family-life will be very joyful and happy.

In your horoscope, the 2nd-lord is conjoined with a natural benefic planet, and it is situated
in an angular (kendra) or trinal (trikona) position. This overall combination is very favorable,
termed as Yukti-Samanwita Vagmi Yoga. You will be endowed with the gift of eloquence
andwill become well known for your irrefutable logic and oratory skills. You are very much
likely to shine in assemblies and win laurels.
Applicable Dhana Yogas in Kundali(Chart) :
The lord of the 9th house (= father, fortune) is strongly placed in your horoscope and the
natural significator for father (= Sun) is also well disposed. You have been highly fortunate
inrespect of having a wealthy father, will have an excellent upbringing, and enjoy ever

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale


The lord of the 9th house (= father, fortune) is strongly placed in your horoscope and the
natural significator for father (= Sun) is also well disposed. You have been highly fortunate
inrespect of having a wealthy father, will have an excellent upbringing, and enjoy ever
increasing prosperity.

A highly auspicious combination is present in your horoscope. By dint of your own directed
endeavors and by virtue of your sheer strength of will, you are destined to go far ahead of
your contemporaries. All your ambitions will be realized, and all your cherished desires
fulfilled. People around you will regard you as an exemplary person, and a source of
inspiration. You will lead a prosperous and happy life with your spouse, children, relatives,
and friends.

As your 11th house coincides with an airy sign, you may have good gains in or from the
places situated in the western direction from your native/ birth place.

As the 11th-lord is situated in an angular house (kendra) - while a malefic planet is situated
in the 11th house, you will become exceedingly rich by dint of your own endeavors; you will
enjoy your life by rolling in wealth.

In your horoscope, your 2nd-lord (= Dhana) is situated in an angular (kendra) house, and is
conjoined with the natural Dhana-Karaka planet Jupiter. This is a very good Dhana Yoga
combination, and you will enjoy a high degree of affluence.
Applicable Nabhasha Yogas in Kundali(Chart) :
A Nabhasha Yoga combination known as Kedara Yoga is present in your horoscope.
Althoughthis is not a very auspicious combination, yet you may be fortunate in certain
respects. Although you will be truthful, and always mind your own business only, you might
be quite fickle-minded lacking in understanding. Although you may be a simple person with
open mind, you may still appear to be somewhat talkative and obstinate. Your profession
may have some connection with agriculture, agricultural produce or implements, etc.
However, you will have good earnings, and always be helpful to others.
Applicable Anishta Yogas in Kundali(Chart) :
In your horoscope, one (or more) malefic planet/s is/ are situated in the 5th house while no
benefic planet is situated in it. The malefic planet/s is/ are neither exalted nor situated in
own house or nakshatra. This is an unfavorable combination - termed as Anishta Yoga. If
modifying combinations are not present in your horoscope, then you may be unhappy on
account of children.

In your horoscope, Rahu is situated in your 5th house; it is neither exalted, nor in own
houseor nakshatra. There is no benefic planet situated in the same house. This is an
unfavorable combination - termed as Anishta Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are
not present in your horoscope, then in your case birth of children might prove to be very

Exception :

As Jupiter is associated with a benefic planet in your horoscope, there is a silver-lining

present in your horoscope; as such, in spite of the presence of Anishta Yoga, the situation
will be considerably improved, and you may not face much of difficulties.

As the 5th-lord is associated with a benefic planet in your horoscope, there is a silver-lining
present in your horoscope; as such, in spite of the presence of Anishta Yoga, the situation
will be considerably improved, and you may not face much of difficulties.

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

Applicable Chandra Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :

You have favorable Gaja-Keshari Yoga combination present in your horoscope. You have
been born in a fairly well to do family, will have a good upbringing, receive favors and
benefits from your superiors, rise to a fairly stable position, and your fortune will be

As a planet (excepting Sun) is present in the 12th from the position of Moon, it gives rise to
a planetary combination known as Anapha Yoga. Owing to the presence of this combination,
you will remain free from diseases and will be fortunate in many respects. You will have a
charming disposition, be endowed with virtues, and be fairly popular and well-known in
Applicable Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas in Kundali (Chart) :
In your horoscope, Saturn is situated in an angular sign from your Ascendant; besides, it is
strong as it is situated in exaltation-sign (or own-sign). This combination, known as Shasha
Yoga, is one of the so-called Pancha-Mahapurusha Yogas. Although the generic name of
thisclass of yogas is apparently somewhat misleading, it nevertheless is a good yoga; it
indicates increase of material possessions and assures general prosperity. You may be a
superior of a limited number of people, and receive benefits from others; but you may not
bevery scrupulous in employing methods for achieving your objectives. As Saturn is not
combust (or eclipsed or retrograde) in your horoscope, the beneficial effects of the yoga
willbe quite significant.

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

Predictions of Planets situated in Various Signs and Houses

Results from Position of Sun :
In your horoscope, Sun is situated in sign Scorpio. As Sun is not happily placed in the insect
sign, you may not be fortunate in certain respects. You might be bereft of happiness from
one of your parents. If modifying influences are not present in your chart, then you may
have quarrelsome nature and warlike disposition. You might be troubled by poison, fire, or
weapon. You may not have much of interest to follow righteous path, and wish to become a
law unto yourself. You might become vicious, lustful, headstrong, and always intent on
inflicting harm or injury to others. Some persons of doubtful integrity and suspicious
character might become your companions and associates, and you might find special
pleasure by performing some blameworthy and wicked deeds. If you do not mend your
ways,then you might run the risk of slipping away from the mainstream of normal social life.

In your horoscope, Sun is situated in the 4th-house. As your Ascendant is Leo, the position
of the Ascendant-lord Sun in the 4th is a favorable combination in many respects -
althoughit may affect the health and well being of your mother. You will become very
wealthy, and acquire land and property; it will be more so if Mars is conjoined with Sun or
aspects it. You will be a well educated and learned person, and occupy a respectable
position - probably in a government sector. You might run an educational institution, a
publishing house, or a library; alternately, your profession may have some connection with
irrigation, water works, sewage treatment, mineral processing, etc fields.
Results from Position of Moon :
In your horoscope, Moon is situated in sign Aquarius. Owing to this reason, you are likely to
be susceptible to cold; therefore, you should avoid such articles. Unless some modifying
influences are present in your chart, this is not a favorable position for Moon - as it
becomesthe 6th-lord from its own place, and is situated in the 8th from the sign it owns.
You may experience wide fluctuations in life, and owing to your experiences of struggling
against adversities in the growing age-period you may develop a mistrustful nature and
peevish disposition. Although you will have many friends and acquaintances, the terms
mightactually be superficial only - as you might be concerned about fulfilling your own
interests. For securing financial benefits you might adopt convenient means, and for gaining
property you may even resort to underhand actions and incite people to do wicked deeds.

In your horoscope, Moon is situated in the 7th-house. For this, you may have an overly
sentimental disposition, and are likely to be quite changeful in respect of relationships. You
may face open opposition from general public - particularly from some female persons - who
are inimically disposed towards you, and your popularity might be on the wane. If Moon is
situated either in sign Taurus or in sign Cancer, then your spouse may be in medical
profession or her/ his profession may have some connection with medicine; but if it is weak
or afflicted, then your spouse may have wavering mind, short-fuse temper, unsettled
nature,and roving disposition.
Results from Position of Mars :
In your horoscope, Mars is situated in sign Capricorn. Owing to this reason, you will be
fortunate in many respects; however, if Mars is debilitated in Navamsha chart, then the
result could be just the obverse. You will be very bold and courageous, and conquer your
enemies and opponents. You will be very enthusiastic, energetic, optimistic, active, and
enterprising. By directing your efforts in a prudent manner, you will achieve success in all
your endeavors. You may fare well in active services like defence or police, or earn a
fortuneby running your own business. You may earn well from real estate, construction
materials, hotel/ restaurant, machineries, iron and steel, chemicals, etc.

In your horoscope, Mars is situated in the 6th-house. This position is specifically

unfavorablefor the health and well being of maternal uncle, mother's younger sister or

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

stepmother (if there). However, this position is very beneficial for having success in a very
competitive examination, and securing a lucrative employment in a big organization; you are
also likely to have transfer or change of employment quite a few times. You are also likely
toget into difficulties with some people of Turk (or Muslim) origin - for which you should
remain careful. If Mars is situated in sign Aries or Scorpio or Capricorn, then you will be very
lucky and amass a lot of wealth; but if it is in sign Cancer, then you may have to work in
small place in a rather modest capacity.
Results from Position of Mercury :
In your horoscope, Mercury is situated in sign Scorpio. Owing to this reason, you may not
befortunate in certain respects. However, if Mercury is situated in its own nakshatra
(Jyeshtha), and/ or if Mars is either exalted or situated in own-sign, then you will rather be
fortunate in many respects, and come up in life at a relatively early age-period by making
use of your education, intelligence, and discretion in an effective manner. But if any
modifying influence is not present in your chart, then you may not be intelligent - for which
you may not have good education. From sometime in your mid-teens, you may fall in bad
company, take to evil ways, and ruin your prospects.

In your horoscope, Mercury is situated in the 4th-house. If Mercury is situated in sign

Geminior Virgo, then you will be very fortunate - as you will enjoy the beneficial results of
'Bhadra Yoga' (a 'Pancha Maha-Purusha Yoga' combination). For this, you will be intelligent,
wise, and speak in a charming language; besides, you will be bold and successful in all your
undertakings. For being somewhat secretive, you may not remain in cordial terms with your
kinsmen. You will be a learned person, and people will treat you with honor and respect. If
Mercury is situated in sign Pisces, then you may run a modest business - like a tailoring
house. If it is situated in some other sign, then they you may be like a rolling stone, and be
quite inconstant in all your affairs in general.
Results from Position of Jupiter :
In your horoscope, Jupiter is situated in sign Scorpio. Owing to this reason, you will be
fortunate in certain respects - but not so in some other respects. However, if your
Ascendant is Aries, and Jupiter is not situated in own nakshatra (Vishakha), then you may
not be fortunate and suffer from some obstructive diseases. You will be a learned person,
and study the sacred ancient classics with deep interest. Your religious inclination will be
profound, and may practice abstract meditation. You may gain some renown as a
commentator, and construct religious and philanthropic institutions. But you might be
troubled by disease and enemies, and commit a contemptuous act in a fit of frenzy.

In your horoscope, Jupiter is situated in the 4th-house. If Jupiter is situated in sign

Sagittarius or Pisces or Cancer, then you will be very fortunate - as you will enjoy the
beneficial results of 'Hamsa Yoga' (a 'Pancha Maha-Purusha Yoga' combination). For this,
youwill be intelligent, wise, and an embodiment of virtues - with profound religious
inclination; you will be successful in all your undertakings. You will be fond of water resorts,
but might be somewhat libidinous. You will always remain engaged in doing worthy deeds,
and be helpful to others. People in general will treat you with respect and honor. You will
visit many holy places. If Jupiter is situated in some other sign, then you will be fortunate in
respect of parents, and gain through inheritance. You will find your fortune in your place of
birth or the native place itself.
Results from Position of Venus :
In your horoscope, Venus is situated in sign Virgo. Venus becomes debilitated in this sign,
but debilitation is not a deterministic phenomenon. Venus gives rather some exceptionally
beneficial results when situated in this sign - more so when either Mercury or Jupiter is
conjoined with it or aspects it. You will be fortunate in respect of financial matters and
having a harmonious relationship with your spouse; you may have more female children. In
this sign, Venus accentuates the qualitative characteristics of Mercury; you will be a very

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

intelligent and learned person, and occupy a position of rank and status. Alternately, you
may be a highly successful professional in a branch of fine arts.

In your horoscope, Venus is situated in the 2nd-house. For this, you will be fortunate in
many respects. You will be lucky in respect of your spouse, and female people in your family
might be more in number. You will be endowed with abundance and plenty, and your
family-life will be very joyful and happy. You will impress people with your smiling face,
sweetspeech, winning manners, and charming behavior. You will occupy a position of rank
and status, have excellent earnings, and your credibility and honor will increase; dame
fortune will always be smiling on you, and shower you with many new acquisitions -
includingvehicles, articles of comfort, and precious items like gems and jewelry. You will live
in comfort and style.
Results from Position of Saturn :
In your horoscope, Saturn is situated in sign Aquarius. Owing to this reason, you will be
fortunate in many respects. However, it will so if malefic planets do not afflict Saturn;
otherwise the situation can be just the obverse. You will be a person of serious nature and
practical outlook with clarity of thought and depth of feelings. You will nurture a very high
ambition, and with dogged determination will direct your endeavors in a prudent manner for
achieving your desired goals. You will be a bright success in your sphere of profession. At
heart, you will be deeply humanitarian, and remain occupied with impersonal thoughts. You
are very much likely to work for a cause; alleviation of suffering of your fellow men and
general welfare of the society will be your chief concern. You may donate a large sum for
aneducational establishment/ research institute, hospital/ healing center, etc. You will
receive due acclaim for your laudable efforts, and people will hold you in high esteem.

In your horoscope, Saturn is situated in the 7th-house. This is a typical position; while you
might be fortunate in certain respects, you will obtain just the obverse results in some
otherrespects. As Saturn attains directional strength (Dik-Bala) in this position, you will be
tactful and diplomatic, and very lucky in respect of public dealings and foreign affairs. You
may work in responsible positions in private companies, and later may start a new venture
ofyour own - which might be industrial. You will be lucky in respect of having dependable
sub-ordinates and dutiful employees. In respect of marriage, however, the position is not
very good; In your horoscope, Saturn is situated in the 7th-house. This is a typical
position;while you might be fortunate in certain respects, you will obtain just the obverse
results in some other respects. As Saturn attains directional strength (Dik-Bala) in this
position, you will be tactful and diplomatic, and very lucky in respect of public dealings and
foreign affairs. You may work in responsible positions in private companies, and later may
start a new venture of your own - which might be industrial. You will be lucky in respect of
having dependable sub-ordinates and dutiful employees. In respect of marriage, however,
the position is not very good;
Results from Position of Rahu :
In your horoscope, Rahu is situated in the 5th-house. For this, you will be highly intelligent,
very fortunate in respect of having good education in some application-oriented field, and
gain exceptional success in intellectual pursuits. This position is however not good for the
prospect of childbirth. You may have strong inclinations for speculative investments, but if
you cannot come out of your illusions, then you will soon become wiser after having your
fingers badly burnt in the process.

In your chart, Rahu is situated in either an angular (kendra) or trinal (trikona) position from
the Ascendant. This is a favorable combination; for being placed in such a position, Rahu
acts as a temporal benefit-giving (yoga-karaka) planet in the chart. You will do well in
academic and/ or intellectual pursuits, and have improvement in your sphere of profession.
You will be highly fortunate, and successful in all your endeavors during the period when the
Dasha or Bhukti of Rahu will operate. However, you may face some irritating minor problems

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

during the closing period of the same.

Results from Position of Ketu :
In your horoscope, Ketu is situated in the 11th-house. For this, you will be fortunate in
certain respects. You will form friendships with new people; most of them will hail from
different communities and/ or religions. If the 11th-lord is not well placed in the chart, then
your earnings may tend to decline; but if that is well placed instead, then your earnings will
rather tend to increase - but you may have to face fluctuations at times. If a natural
malefic planet afflicts Ketu, then some of your erstwhile friends may become inimical, and
tryto create troubles for you.

In your chart, Ketu is the lord of the nakshatra wherein your Ascendant is placed; besides,
its placement does not coincide with any of the unfavorable 'trika'-houses (6th or 8th or
12th), and it is situated in its own nakshatra. This is a favorable combination, and you will
be highly fortunate, and successful in all your endeavors during the period when the Dasha
or Bhukti of Ketu will operate. However, you may face some irritating minor problems during
the closing period of the same.
Results from Position of Uranus :
In your horoscope, Uranus is situated in sign Aries. For this, you are likely to have a
prominent high forehead with thin hair and receding hairline. You may be somewhat nervy
and - for your unusual yet original ideas - even be branded as an incorrigible eccentric. For
keeping pace with your thought process, your walk might be uneven and somewhat jerky.
You may tend to startle people by some of your deeds - but something queer and
unexpected can always be expected from you. You may suffer from ailments like
sleeplessness, nervous headache, nodding head spasm, migraine, apoplexy, head injuries,

In your horoscope, Uranus is situated in the 9th-house. For this, you might be involved in
somewhat like Quixotic adventures in a distant inland place or a foreign land. You may soon
become an obedient satellite to your gravitationally stronger spouse - whose
family-membersmight leave no stone unturned for making your life miserable in every
possibleway; you may even face a lawsuit. However, if you are inclined to study the occult
subjects, then you may soon be an adept by acquiring some prophetic abilities.
Results from Position of Neptune :
In your horoscope, Neptune is situated in sign Leo. For this, you are likely to have a
stronglybuilt full body-structure of above-average stature with somewhat bulging eyes -
yetthe looks would be penetrating. You will remain actively engaged in creative activities
and healthy recreations. You might be endowed with profound artistic inclinations, and have
interest in acting and theatrics. You may have a good understanding and real concern for
little children. You may suffer from ailments like thrombosis, spinal meningitis, palpitation,
syncope, angina pectoris, heart disease, etc.

In your horoscope, Neptune is situated in the Ascendant. For this, you might be endowed
with a restless spirit, inconstant nature, visionary mind, and wandering disposition. You may
have a taste for maritime life or otherwise enjoy your pastime on the surface of water. If
counteracting combinations are not present in your chart, then you may suffer from a
wasting disease, or owing to some sworn enemies remain very fearful.
Results from Position of Pluto :
In your horoscope, Pluto is situated in sign Cancer. For this, you are likely to have a rather
thickset body-structure of less than average stature - which with age may tend to become
flabby. Your emotions could be very intense; and if you seem to be clever but not at all
intelligent, then it might be very destructive. You may be obstinately possessive about your
home and family interests; if a natural malefic planet afflicts Pluto, then the situation might
turn devastating - one or more of your family-members may suddenly disappear without

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

What is KaalSarpa Yoga?

When all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu i.e., the moon's north node and
the moon's south node KaalSarpa Yoga is formed. Complete KaalSarpa yoga is formed only
when half of the chart is unoccupied by planets. Even if one planet is outside the Rahu Ketu
Axis there is no KaalSarpa Yoga.

The general impacts of KaalSarpa dosha are following :

1. Hurdles in every important and auspicious work.

2. Lesser Mental peace.
3. Low self-confidence.
4. Deterioration of health and reduces longevity.
5. Poverty and destruction of wealth.
6. Destruction of business and loss of job.
7. Anxiety and unnecessary Tensions.
8. Bad Relations with family members and friends.
9. Treachery from friends and colleagues.
10. Very less help from relatives and friends.

You don't have KaalSarpa Yoga in your kundali.

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

Various Parts of Body and their functions

Appearance, Physical Structure Skin-Complexion
Any of these is dependent on a host of factors, where every factor might be subjected to
various modifying influences : the Ascendant-sign, planets situated in the Ascendant (if
any), planets aspecting the Ascendant (if any), planets situated in the Moon-sign (if any),
planets aspecting the Moon-sign (if any), the krishamsha of the Ascendant, sign-positions
ofthe planets, house-position of the Ascendant-lord, etc.
Estimating the possible height (when grown-up) :
Your Ascendant-sign happens to be Leo (Simha). If some modifying influences are not
present in your birth-horoscope, then you may have a fairly tall physical stature.

In your birth-horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is situated in an angular (or kendra)

house-position from the Ascendant. If some modifying influences are not present in your
birth-horoscope, then you may have a fairly tall physical stature.

In your birth-horoscope, the 'Sayana' (or Tropical) longitude of the Ascendant falls within
about the first quarter of the sign. If some modifying influences are not present in your
horoscope - then you may have a fairly tall physical stature.
Estimating the possible skin-complexion :
In your birth-horoscope, waxing Moon (that is, of Shukla-paksha) aspects your Ascendant;
but your Ascendant is not Cancer (Karkata). If some modifying influences are not present in
the horoscope, you are likely to be quite fair-complexioned.

Your Ascendant is neither Aries (Mesha) nor Scorpio (Vrishchika), and Mars aspects your
Ascendant. As such, you are likely to be quite fair-complexioned.

Your Ascendant is neither Aqarius nor Capricorn (Makara), and Saturn aspects your
Ascendant. As such, you are likely to be quite dark-complexioned.

In your birth-horoscope, Moon is in conjunction with Saturn, while it is not conjoined with
any other planet. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then
owing to its influence, you are likely to be somewhat dark-complexioned.
Cumulative effect of planets on skin-complexion :
By considering the cumulative influence of all the planets (from Sun to Saturn), it appears
that you are likely to be endowed with fairly dark-complexion.
Estimating the possible bulk of the figure (when grown-up) :
In your birth-horoscope, (two or more) planets are found to be in the state of combustion.
This is not a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your
birth-horoscope, then - owing to its adverse influence, you are likely to be endowed with a
somewhat sickly constitution.

In your birth-horoscope, both the Ascendant and Moon are associated with- or aspected
by- Saturn. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then -
owing to its adverse influence - your body may not be very muscular or bulky or heavy.

In your birth-horoscope, Moon is associated with- or aspected by- Saturn, and the lord of
Moon-sign is also similarly disposed. If some modifying influences are not present in your
birth-horoscope, then as a result of its adverse influence, your body may not be very
muscular or bulky or heavy; rather, you are likely to be endowed with a somewhat sickly
The Eyes & Eye-Sight

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

In your birth-horoscope, Sun is situated very close to the position of the fixed star Antares
Shiloh (A Scorpii); this region is very sensitive for eyesight. This is a very unfavorable
combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you
must take more care of your eyes. There are some chances that your eyesight might be
considerably affected during sometime in your life - it may result either from internal disease
or from external causes.

You are a male person; the 2nd-lord is debilitated and/ or combust and/ or eclipsed in your
horoscope. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you
may face some problems with your 'right' eye, and may have to wear specs. You must
remain more careful in respect of your eyes; and if you ever feel any discomfort, you should
better get your eyes checked by an experienced eye-specialist.

Venus governs over the 'lens' part of the eyes; it also has some influence over the 'left' eye
(in case of male persons) and the 'right' eye (in case of female persons). Venus is
debilitatedand/ or combust and/ or eclipsed in your horoscope. As a result of these, there
are some chances that your eyes might be somewhat affected during your age-period
around late teens or early twenties. If you feel any discomfort, then rather than ignoring it,
you should contact an experienced eye-specialist.
Teeth, Tongue & Speech
In your birth-horoscope, Mercury is not your Ascendant-lord; it is situated in 'square' to the
Ascendant, and the aspect is very close to exact (within 3*20'). If some modifying
influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then as Mercury's influence is operating,
there might be slight gaps between your teeth - particularly on the upper row, and in the
front side.

In your birth-horoscope, Venus is not your Ascendant-lord; it is situated 'trine' to Moon,

andthe aspect is very close to exact (within 3*20'). If some modifying influences are not
present in your birth-horoscope, then as the influence of Venus is operating, there might be
an overlapping between your teeth - particularly on the upper row, and probably on one

As in Mercury's Bhinna-Ashtakavarga, there are 8 dots in sign of the 2nd-house. It indicates

something highly favorable. Owing to its influence, you will be a gifted person and
unassailable in speech; besides, you will be a capable writer. You will be endowed with the
ability of convincing others and obtain support for your views and opinions. If a natural
benefic planet is well-disposed in your birth-horoscope, and the 5th-house is also strong,
then you may even become a poet or literateur.

In your birth-horoscope, in Mercury's Bhinna-Ashtakavarga, there are 4 (or more) dots in

thesign of the 2nd-house. Moon is 'waxing' (of shukla paksha) in your birth-horoscope, and
ithas contributed 1 dot in its own kaksha. This is a favorable combination. If some modifying
influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you will be a charming person. As
you will be very frank during conversations, people will like you.

In your birth-horoscope, in Mercury's Bhinna-Ashtakavarga, there are 4 (or more) dots in

thesign of the 2nd-house. Mercury has contributed 1 dot in its own kaksha, while one (or
more) benefic planet has also contributed dot in the same house-sign. This is a favorable
combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you
will possess pleasing manners; your speeches will be very logical and witty during

In your birth-horoscope, in Mercury's Bhinna-Ashtakavarga, there are 4 (or more) dots in

thesign of the 2nd-house. Jupiter has contributed 1 dot in its own kaksha, while one (or
more) benefic planet has also contributed dot in the same house-sign. This is a favorable

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you
will possess pleasing manners; your speeches will be intelligent, clear and very edifying
during conversations.

In your birth-horoscope, in Mercury's Bhinna-Ashtakavarga, there are 4 (or more) dots in

thesign of the 2nd-house. Venus has contributed 1 dot in its own kaksha - while one (or
more) benefic planet has also contributed dot in the same house-sign. This is a favorable
combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you
will possess charming manners; your speeches will be interspersed with lofty ideals and
interesting anecdotes during conversations.
The Ears & Hearing
In your birth-horoscope, the dispositor of Venus is found to be combust or eclipsed or
debilitated. This planet has governance over the eustachian tubes and aural ducts. If some
modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then it appears possible that
you may experience some problems with your ears, and your hearing might be somewhat
impaired in a comparatively late age-period.
The Arms, Hands & Shoulders
Mercury, who is the lord of the 3rd-sign in the natural zodiac, is involved in close
conjunction or aspect with one or more functional malefic planet/s in your horoscope. This
isnot a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your
birth-horoscope, then the portion of your body around the arms and shoulders may not be
well developed; alternately, you may feel some congenital discomfort around this portion of
your body. As Mercury also governs over the food-pipe, wind-pipe, nervous system, and
respiratory process, you may face some problems - as one or more of these may not
function in perfect order.
The Stomach & Digestion System
The 4th-house has governance over the very important internal body organ - the Stomach.
In your birth-horoscope, one or more natural malefic planet/s is/ are aspecting this sign -
whereas no natural benefic planet aspects it. This is not a favorable combination. If some
modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then the functioning of your
stomach may not be free from minor problems, and you may not be endowed with good

The sign Virgo (Kanya) has governance over the very important internal body function - the
Digestion system. In your birth-horoscope, one or more natural benefic planet/s is/ are
situated in this sign - whereas no natural malefic planet is situated in it. This is a favorable
combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then the
digestion system of your body will be quite problem-free, which will make you fairly healthy.

The 6th-house has governance over the very important internal body function - the
Digestion system. In your birth-horoscope, one or more natural malefic planet/s is/ are
situated in this sign - whereas no natural benefic planet is situated therein. This is not a
favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope,
then you may at times suffer from some problems affecting your digestion system, and this
may in turn affect your health to some extent.
Generation, Circulation & Elimination System
In your birth-horoscope, Moon is associated with-, or aspected by-, one or more natural
benefic planet/s. The indications are favorable. If some modifying influences are not present
in your birth-horoscope, then the fluidic circulation system and the glandular processes of
your body will remain operational without any problem.

In your birth-horoscope, Moon is afflicted - for being associated with-, or aspected by-,
oneor more natural malefic planet/s. The indications are not favorable. If some modifying

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you may often suffer owing to
someproblems in connection with the fluidic circulation system and/ or the glandular
processes of your body.

In your birth-horoscope, Moon is afflicted - for being associated with-, or aspected by-,
oneor more functional malefic planet/s. The indications are not favorable. If some modifying
influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you may often suffer owing to
someproblems in connection with the fluidic circulation system and/ or the glandular
processes of your body.

As In your birth-horoscope, Moon is associated with-, or aspected by-, one or more

functional malefic planets. The indications are not very favorable. If some modifying
influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you are likely to be susceptible to
some organic disorder at certain times.

In your birth-horoscope, Mars is strong - as it is in exaltation or situated in own-sign or

own-nakshatra. Its indications are favorable. If some modifying influences are not present in
your birth-horoscope, then you are not likely to face any problem in connection with your
external generative- and excretory- systems.
Thighs, Knees, Shanks, Feet & Toes
In your birth-horoscope, the 9th-lord is strong - as it is in exaltation or in own-sign or in
own-nakshatra. The 9th-lord governs over the hip-portion and the thighs. Its indications
arefavorable. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then
these portions of your body will be fairly well-developed.

Saturn, who is the lord of the 10th-sign in the natural zodiac, is a natural malefic planet; it
is also a functional malefic planet in your horoscope. Besides, it is in conjunction with- or
aspected by- one or more functional malefic planet/s in your horoscope. This is not a
favorable combination. Its indications are not at all favorable. If some modifying influences
are not present in your birth-horoscope, then the portion of your body around the knees will
not be well-developed; alternately or in addition, you may feel some congenital discomfort
around this portion of your body.

Saturn, who is the lord of the 11th-sign in the natural zodiac, is a natural malefic planet; it
is also a functional malefic planet in your horoscope. Besides, it is in conjunction with-, or
aspected by-, one or more functional malefic planet/s in your horoscope. This is not a
favorable combination. Its indications are favorable. If some modifying influences are not
present in your birth-horoscope, then the portion of your body around the shank portion -
below the knees and above the ankles - may not be fairly well-developed; alternately, you
may feel some congenital discomfort around this portion of your body.

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

Checking the Prospect Of Education

Estimating the hindering influences (if any)-
In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is conjoined with the lord of a major
education-related house (the 2nd-, or the 4th-, or the 5th-). By virtue of being the
Ascendant-lord, in spite of being a natural malefic planet, it has functionally become a
'super-benefic' planet. So, the conjunction with the Ascendant-lord will prove to be very
beneficial for education.
Aptitude and Proficiency (from 2nd House) -
In your horoscope, one or more natural benefic planet(s) is/ are situated in the 2nd-house.
This is favorable for the prospect of education. You will be endowed with good aptitude for
education and academic proficiency - more so during the relatively early age-periods.
Special role of the Ascendant-lord -
In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is situated in the 4th-house - which is the house of
general education. As the strength of the 4th-house has thus been enhanced, it will be
advantageous for you for acquiring good education - you will be a holder of a degree or
diploma at least.

In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is conjoined with the 5th-lord - where the latter is
the significant factor of memory, merit, intelligence, skill, application-oriented education,
etc. As the strength of the 5th-house has thus been enhanced, it will be advantageous for
you for acquiring good education - you will be a holder of a degree or diploma at least.
General Education - (from 4th-house) -
In your horoscope, the 4th-lord is strongly placed - for being situated in exaltation or in
own-sign or in own-constellation. Its indications are favorable for receiving good education.
You will not only successfully complete your graduation, you are to pursue your education
further; you may opt for receiving some professional education/ post-education training
froman institution of repute for enhancing your worth.

In your horoscope, Mercury is situated in the 4th-house. Its indications are favorable for
receiving good education. You will not only successfully complete your graduation, you are
likely to pursue your education further; you may opt for receiving some professional
education/ post-education training from an institution of repute for enhancing your worth.

In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is situated in the 4th-house. This is an

advantageouscombination for having good education. Its indications are favorable for
receiving good education. You will not only successfully complete your graduation, you are
likely to pursue your education further; you may opt for receiving some professional
education/ post-education training from an institution of repute for enhancing your worth.
Intelligence, memory, merit - (from 5th-house) -
In your horoscope, Mercury is conjoined with the 5th-lord. Its indications are favorable for
receiving good education. You will be endowed with keen intellect and retentive memory;
you may even be exceptionally meritorious. You will not only easily complete your
graduation, but also like to pursue your education further; you may pursue higher education
in general stream, or acquire some professional qualification from an institution of repute for
enhancing your prestige and improving your professional status.
Application-oriented education - (Inter-relationship between the 4th-lord and the
In your horoscope, the 5th-lord is situated in the 4th-house. This is a favorable indication
for having some application-oriented education. You will be very intelligent and endowed
with a retentive memory. For completing a professional course of your choice, you will not

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

need a long duration. Whichever examination you will ever appear at, you can rest assured
that you will come out successful very easily.
Prospect of Education and Areas of interest - (from Bhinnashtakavarga of Mercury)-
In your horoscope, in Mercury's Bhinna-Ashtakavarga, there are a good number of (7 or 8)
benefic dots in the 2nd-house. This is a favorable combination, and you will be endowed
with good aptitude for education and academic proficiency; you will possess the gift of
eloquence, and will be very dependable in respect of financial dealings.
Considerations from the 10th-house : For Acuired Knowledge, which can be utilized in
profession -
In your horoscope, the 10th-lord is situated in the constellation of the 4th-lord. As
10th-house signifies knowledge while 4th-house indicates education, its indications are very
favorable. It ensures that you will have good education and informal studies as well - which
will have effective utilization in your profession throughout your working life.
Considerations from the Divisional Chart Chaturvimshamsha : The quality- and extent-
of education -
In your D-24 Divisional chart (which is considered specially for education) Mercury is
situated in a movable (chara) sign. Its indications are that you will be capable of thinking
very fast, and arrive at conclusions almost instantly. As in the same divisional chart, Mars is
situated in a sign of Mercury (Gemini or Virgo), the indications will be further enhanced.

As in your D-24 Divisional chart (which is considered specially for education) the lord of a
trine (trikona) house is situated in an angle (kendra) house, it indicates that you are likely
topursue education in an application-oriented field; there are chances that it might be
technology or engineering.

As in your D-24 Divisional chart (which is considered specially for education) the lord of an
angle (kendra) house is conjoined with the lord of a trine (trikona) house, it indicates that
you are likely to pursue education in an application-oriented field; there are chances that it
might be technology or engineering.
Considerations from the total number of dots in Bhinnashtakavarga -
In your horoscope, in the 2nd-house, the total number of benefic dots - contributed by the
planets favorably disposed for education - is found to be very good. This is a favorable
combination, and you will be endowed with good aptitude for education and academic
proficiency; you will possess the gift of eloquence, and will be very dependable in respect
offinancial dealings.

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

Checking Prospect of Profession

Since the Sun is situated in the 10th from your Moon-sign, you will be highly energetic and
will be successful in all your endeavors. You will receive patronage from government circles,
embassies, etc and will meet with honors in your middle life and your credit will be fairly
secure. You will possess leadership qualities and will be a source of inspiration to others.
Youwill move in high circles and will acquire wealth through various callings and efforts. You
will receive acclaim and your name and fame will be widespread.

Since Mercury is situated in the 10th from your Moon-sign, you will have possess a restless
spirit and will have a taste for literature. You will do well in a scholastic or literary
profession; alternately, you will be successful in trading and commission agency business. If
Mercury is exalted or situated in own house, you will have large gains through literature,
artsor craftsmanship and will acquire wealth by leading many people. But if Mercury is
associated with or aspected by a natural malefic planet, you may have many worries and
vexations and you may have an uncertain position in your sphere of profession.

Since Jupiter is situated in the 10th from your Moon-sign, you will be highly fortunate as
thisis one of the best auguries for having a prosperous, happy and contended life. You will
earn through various means, acquire wealth by dint of mental pursuits, receive high honors
and patronage from the government authorities. You will rise in your sphere of life, gain
credit and renown, and will have a lasting reputation. You will possess leadership qualities,
will be a virtuous person with strong religious inclinations and will be a law-abiding citizen.
You will be greatly respect by the people of the society.

Since the Sun is aspecting the 10th from your Ascendant, you will be highly energetic and
will be successful in all your endeavors. You will receive patronage from government circles,
embassies, etc and will meet with honors in your middle life and your credit will be fairly
secure. You will possess leadership qualities and will be a source of inspiration to others.
Youwill move in high circles and will acquire wealth through various callings and efforts. You
will receive acclaim and your name and fame will be widespread.

Since Mercury is aspecting the 10th from your Ascendant, you will have possess a restless
spirit and will have a taste for literature. You will do well in a scholastic or literary
profession; alternately, you will be successful in trading and commission agency business. If
Mercury is exalted or situated in own house, you will have large gains through literature,
artsor craftsmanship and will acquire wealth by leading many people. But if Mercury is
associated with or aspected by a natural malefic planet, you may have many worries and
vexations and you may have an uncertain position in your sphere of profession.

Since Jupiter is aspecting the 10th from your Ascendant, you will be highly fortunate as this
is one of the best auguries for having a prosperous, happy and contended life. You will earn
through various means, acquire wealth by dint of mental pursuits, receive high honors and
patronage from the government authorities. You will rise in your sphere of life, gain credit
and renown, and will have a lasting reputation. You will possess leadership qualities, will be
avirtuous person with strong religious inclinations and will be a law-abiding citizen. You will
be greatly respect by the people of the society.

Since Saturn is aspecting the 10th from your Moon-sign, you will be an embodiment of
patience and perseverance; you will be a strict disciplinarian, a hard task-master and
firmness of purpose will mark your life. If Saturn is exalted or situated in own house, you are
sure to rise to a high position in life. But if Saturn is retrograde or debilitated or is
associatedwith or aspected by a natural malefic planet, then you will face failure and
dishonor and may have the risk of facing a steep downfall suddenly. Public affairs are likely
to fail and bring in discredit coupled with huge losses. You should remain very careful and

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale


Since Mercury is the secondary significator for profession in your chart, you will remain
engaged in intellectual pursuits. Your profession may have connection with teaching,
laboratory, scientific research, mathematics, accountancy, journalism, advertising, printing,
publishing, books, stationery items, courier service, broker's business, etc. You may have
some connection with tannery, footwear or leather items. You may also have some
connection with oxygen, health club, yoga, meditation, etc and may even be a health,
fitness or lungs specialist. If Mercury is well-placed in your chart, you will have special
interest in Astrology and allied subjects. If Mercury is afflicted in your chart, then you may
resort to unfair practices like falsehood, trickery, cheating, etc.

Since Jupiter is the primary significator for profession in your chart, you will have much of
interest in money matters; as such, your profession may have some connection with
banking, insurance, tax-matters, speculation, investment, etc. If Venus is well-placed in
your chart, then you may study law and if Mercury is well-placed in the chart, then you
maywork in an advisory capacity or become a consultant. You will be learned in Astrology
and allied subjects like Mantra, Tantra, etc and may become an author. You will have
strongreligious inclinations and might be attracted to spiritualism; you may become a priest
or monk. You might also be the interested in Gynaecology or Meteorology.
Observations from K.C.D Jeeva-Rashi and Amsha-Rashi
Your KCD Jeeva-Rashi : Gemini
Your KCD Amsha-Rashi : Taurus

As Ketu is situated in your Jeeva Rashi (= Life), you may suffer some great grief, which you
may leave a deep scar or a sense of void in your mind. You might be in the habit of going to
the extremes - which may at times bring in great advantages, while at some other times it
might lead to great despair. If a natural benefic planet is situated together with Ketu or
aspects it, then you will have a religious bent of mind and also have a dutiful nature. But if
anatural malefic planet is situated together with Ketu or aspects it, then you may have
abnormal enthusiasm and unrealistic great expectations.

Your KCD Amsha falls in sign Taurus. For being influenced by the lord of the Amsha sign
(Venus), you will be highly fortunate in many respects. You had been born in a fairly well to
do family, and will become even more wealthier by directing your own endeavors. You will
besuccessful in all your efforts and will receive direct favors and indirect benefits from the
authorities, more so from people of noble descent; you are also likely to receive benefits
from some aged ladies of aristocratic background.

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

Checking Prospect of Marriage

In your chart, in the Bhinna Astakavarga of Venus, there are 5 (or more number of) benefic
dots in the 7th from Venus. This is a highly fortunate combination in respect of the natural
significations of Venus - marriage and happiness in married life. You will be highly fortunate
inrespect of your spouse. She/ He will be very attractive looking, hail from a decent family,
will be very cultured, well mannered, and refined in taste. Your married life will be very
joyfuland happy, as you will consider each other to be dearer than your own lives.

In your chart, in the Bhinna Astakavarga of Saturn, there are 3 (or less number of) benefic
dots in the 7th from Venus. This is not at all a fortunate combination in respect of the
natural significations of Venus - marriage and happiness in married life. If some benign
modifying influences are not present in your chart, then you may not be very fortunate in
respect of your spouse. She/ He would neither be very attractive looking, nor hail from a
decent family; besides, she/ he might be quite lacking in culture, manners and refinement in
taste. Although she/ he might be industrious, yet your married life may not be very happy,
as she/ he might have an argumentative and obstinate nature, coupled with absolutely
unrealistic vainglorious disposition.

In your chart, in the Bhinna Ashtakavarga of Venus, there are 4 (or 5) dots in the 7th from
Venus. This is a favorable combination. Your spouse will be a very considerate person; she/
he will give due importance to your likes and dislikes, and value your opinions. Your married
life will be joyful and happy.

In your chart, the 7th-lord is situated in an angular (kendra) position from the Ascendant;
besides, it is associated with (or aspected by) a natural benefic planet, and also occupies
the navamsha sign owned by a natural benefic planet. This is a highly favorable
combination.If some strong counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then you
will be very fortunate in respect of your spouse; your spouse will be a chaste and devoted
person, and she/ he will leave no stone unturned for making your conjugal life very blissful
and happy. She/ He will be a source of pride and joy to you forever.

In your chart, as reckoned from Venus, one of the three significant signs (the 4th, the 8th
and the 12th) is occupied by one or more natural malefic planet(s), while no natural benefic
planet is situated in that particular sign. This is a quite unfavorable combination. If some
strong benign influences are not present in your chart, then it has the potential and
capacity to cause some havoc and mar your happiness in marriage.

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

Checking Health & Disease

As Sun is free from serious affliction in your horoscope, you will remain free from any
organicdisorder. Your radical constitution will be very sound and you will inherit no disease
by way of hereditary transmission.

As Moon is under some affliction in your horoscope, you are prone to suffer from some
functional disorder. You may not remain in good health for long, and tend to acquire
diseasesstemming from external causes like variations in climatic and environmental

As the Ascendant is under some affliction in your horoscope, you may not have good
resistance to disease. You are liable to at times suffer from some disease or other.

As the 6th-lord (6th = disease) is situated in Moon-sign in your horoscope, you may not be
very healthy, and are liable to suffer from some ailment or other at times.

As the 6th-lord (6th = disease) aspects the Ascendant in your horoscope, you are liable to
suffer from some disease for a fairly long duration. Possibly you might have suffered from
some disease - sometime during your childhood or early youth.

As the 6th-lord (6th = disease) aspects Sun in your horoscope, you may not be very
healthy, and are liable to suffer from some serious ailment during sometime in your life.

As the 8th-lord (8th = serious problems) is situated together with Sun in your horoscope,
you may not be very healthy, and are liable to suffer from some serious ailment during
sometime in your life.

As Saturn is situated in sign Aquarius, and afflicts the Ascendant in your horoscope, you
may suffer from ailments like heart affections, and painful swellings in the regions of knees
and shanks due to cold.

As the 8th-lord aspects it's own house - the 8th-house itself - in your horoscope, you are
not likely to face any serious accidental mishap in your life; you are also not likely to
undergo any major surgical treatment.

As two (or more) natural benefic planets aspect the 8th-house in your horoscope, you are
not likely to face any serious accidental mishap in your life; you are also not likely to
undergo any major surgical treatment.

As Mars is in exaltation or situated in own house in your horoscope, and it is not retrograde,
you are not likely to face any serious accidental mishap or undergo any surgical treatment;
you are also not likely to suffer owing to either bloodshed or blood-loss.

As Saturn is in exaltation or situated in own house in your horoscope, and it is not

retrograde, you are not likely to have any bone-breakage or undergo any major surgical
treatment. However, if counteracting combinations are also present in your horoscope, you
may at the worst suffer owing to bone dislocation - and require external orthopedic

Since the two dire malefic planets Mars and Saturn afflicting the same sign in your chart
andthe afflicted sign happens to be Aries. The part of body corresponding to it is prone to
affections owing to accidental mishaps or in some other way, in which respect you should
remain very careful.

As the sign Aries bears the combined influence of Mars and Saturn in your horoscope, the

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

parts of your body prone to affections owing to external or internal causes are: the head
and face.

As you are a male person and the afflicted sign happens to be an odd sign, the left side of
the part of body indicated by the afflicted sign is more prone to sustain injury or otherwise
be affected.

As Pluto is situated in sign Cancer, and afflicts Moon in your horoscope, you may suffer
fromailments like stomach ulcer, and also from various problems affecting the region of your
abdomen. If you are a married female, then there are chances that you may suffer from
abnormal condition of the womb and/ or mammary glands.

Woody Allen DOB-01:12:1935 TOB-10:55:00PM POB-Bronxdale

Travels, Tours, & Foreign Journey

In your horoscope, the Ascendant falls in a fixed (sthira) sign, while the Ascendant-lord is
also situated in a similar position. This indicates that normally you will not be interested to
move around a lot - unless owing to circumstantial necessities or compulsions, you might
have to travel. You are likely to undertake only a few journeys to long-distance places, and
that too only if some counteracting combinations are present in your horoscope.

In your horoscope, the 9th-lord is situated in a movable (chara) sign. This indicates that
youwill have many changes, and frequent journeys to long-distance places. As your
9th-lordis situated in the 6th-house, you are destined to have changes of profession quite
anumber of times.

In your horoscope, the 3rd-lord is situated in the second half (charardha or half adjacent to
movable signs) of a common (ubhaya) sign. This indicates that you will have many changes,
and frequent journeys to short-distance places.

In your horoscope, the 8th-lord is situated in the 4th-house or aspects it, and the 8th-lord
is neither exalted nor situated in own house or own nakshatra. This is an unfavorable
combination indicating possibility of having sudden 'dislocation'. Unless counteracting
combinations are present in your horoscope, you may have change of residence a few
times,and may not remain in the same place for long. Alternately, it is also possible that you
may have a transferable job or job-changes a few times - which may in turn command
change of place of residence.

In your horoscope, the 11th-lord is situated in the 4th-house or aspects it, and the
11th-lord is neither exalted nor situated in own house or own nakshatra. This is an
unfavorable combination indicating possibility of having sudden 'dislocation'. Unless
counteracting combinations are present in your horoscope, you may have change of
residence a few times, and may not remain in the same place for long. Alternately, it is also
possible that you may have a transferable job or job-changes a few times - which may in
turn command change of place of residence.

In your horoscope, a faster moving planet (which is not retrograde) is involved in close
'square' aspect with another planet in 'applying' posture. This indicates the possibility of
yourshifting to a long-distance place (from your place of birth or native place) owing to
some sudden and unexpected development, and you may stay there for a fairly long
duration. If some counteracting combinations are not present in the horoscope, then
suddensetback in profession may be the probable cause.

Favorable Direction - Where to Go ?

If some counteracting combinations are not present in your horoscope, the favorable
direction for you will be SOUTH.


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