CPE680 Assignment 1

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In this fast paced era, there are a lot of changes happen in our nation especially in Malaysia.

From education, health, economy and many more have tremendously change year by year in
order to achieve our country target. In this 2017, there are a lot of big issues updated on the
social media regarding our world crisis. We live as human with other human, communicate,
meet up and work together in harmony and peaceful condition because we have been raised
up by good example of moral and we live by the law that our country apply. Could you ever
imagine our world without law, morality, ethics and etiquette? It would be a deadly disaster
when hatred comes between people and laws are not being implemented in this world. People
will kill each other as easy as that when those greedy, arrogant all those negative vibes
surrounded by them. Would we jeopardize our dignity as cheap as that? This is why we learn
humanity and respects towards each other since we were born or to be exact since little. The
school system in Malaysia or other countries are supporting this humanity project to build up
the good generation for future. Moreover, in this kind of world we need more positive people
to value us more and to stop over things that may harm and cause the chaos in the world.
There are a lot of government efforts and Non-Government Organization (NGO) effort in
order to unite people. For example Global Peace Foundation annually organized global youth
summit in order to gather all the people from university and industry to share the ideas of
each from their country and discussing on how to help each of their country problem. For
example, in Philippines and Indonesia, we can see the huge gap between the rich and poor.
Some kids are not going to school, play at the street and some even stay at the street because
they got no home to live. Have you ever wonder how this kids will grow up and will they
ever learn know what is moral and etiquette with this kind of situation. As they are still kids
and need guide from others, they should not be blame from their behaviour. As in Malaysia,
the poverty rate is decreasing compare to those countries stated. Some may agree that law,
ethics, etiquette and moral have nothing in common but actually they are related to each
other. For example, if a person does not apply and learn about moral, they will more likely
express a bad etiquette. Moreover, this bad ethic will surely become a threat if many of us are
not practising a good moral. Hence, it will lead us to the judgement based on our law.
Regarding Devlins guideline, law should only intervene when society won't tolerate certain
behaviour. Thus, law, ethics, etiquette and moral are important for us to understand and to
follow the guideline given in order to achieve a better life for human. In order to achieve all
this, all people must respect with each other and obey the law of country and even towards
our leader.

Lord Devlin viewed that society is unified and subscribed to a common morality.
Public morality is good and so prised that all other goods should sacrifice for its sake. Devlin
proposed that society is endorsed with the right to pass judgment on all matters of morality,
especially those that necessary to society. The use of law in order to preserve morality as
destruction to public morality is devastating to the society. Indeed, law and morality are sync
to each other because without good law, human from past times wont be able to teach us the
good moral. Moral is an act of human with the principles of right and wrong attitude and the
goodness or badness of human character. Hence, moral also define as a lesson, especially one
concerning what is right or prudent and it is a piece of information, or an experience. As a
human we need to obtain a good attitude and morality to keep our country in harmony and
peacefully. Based on the Hart-Devlin debate regarding the morality and law these both are
really important. They both have been discussing about public morality and homosexuality.
In their opinion regarding to homosexuality these both disagree about this behaviour or act.
However in certain countries, homosexuality act is accepted and many people on certain
countries are supporting this. This homosexuality or well known as LGBT initials that stand
for (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) since 1990. LGBT is famous since the era of
renaissance. Moreover, homosexuality issue was started since the early of AD. But then there
are a lot of issues brought up by the public this day to support the LGBT. A few countries do
support this LGBT but in Islam teach LGBT is one of the wrong acts to be done. People who
support LGBT have organized a LGBT foundation and they do have website to be visited.
They do support each other in enhancing and developing their life because certain people are
cannot be accepted by the society. This is their choices but they need to face the music that
they in the challenging world because some society will neglect them. We will be discussing
about LGBT in Islamic way and also by opinion from Hart-Devlin theory.

We started at Hart-Devin theory about homosexual. As what they debate on their

article, they are disagreeing about homosexual act. This is because homosexual act are
unhealthy. Law and religion are important to develop a better future and good human attitude.
Discussing about homosexual act, literally it is unhealthy for people. Based on the scientific
research, it spreads HIV/AIDS since ages ago. Furthermore, up till this new era of technology
there is still no cure that could treat this disease. Thus, many have died or are dying from
AIDS. This is yet to count how much money that Government and tax payers spend for
treating this disease and the time that the family sacrifice to take care of the patient. There are
some of the immoral activities that could lead to HIV/AIDS such as the wrong use of drugs
and many more. As we live in this new era of technology and in this orthodox, human have
right to choose whatever they decide to be in their life. As we grow up older we definitely
know what are moral, ethics and etiquette and are they following the law of our country. For
example, in certain country acceptance towards LGBT such as in England and America could
be done and approved by the Government. But as we are in Malaysia and some of the Islamic
countries are disapprove about this act.

In Islamic theory about this homosexuality issue, religions are to guide and regulate
all aspects of the affair in ethical form. Islam is a perfect way of life. This is because it
moulds one life with the principles of individuals and social behaviour through divine
revelation and it does not precinct the private life of individuals alone (Shamrahayu.A.Azizi).
Thus the position of morality in Islam of a human is obvious and unquestionable. As a
Muslim we will need to follow the Shariah (the law of Allah) and Akhlak (morality that
essentials of Islam). This shariah and akhlak cannot be change since the first day they
have been told by Allah by His messenger Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). A Muslim is forbid
from having a homosexual relationship. We all learn the values of morality at home, at
school, with friends and even from our experience in life. Morality is also known as the set of
values that we live by, consciously or unconsciously. The values of good moral can be told
and can be seen when we look at a person based on how they talk, how they behave. A good
moral should be show especially to children. As an adult we should practise and implement
good attitude in front of the children. But these days, kids are easily influence by watching at
television and from the adult. In this technology days, there are a lot of television series that
show a very good moral and teach this children to be a better person .As a parents, they
should guide the kid while watching the stories that eligible for the kids to watch. It is not
hard to sparks them to have the sense of moral. Recently on newspaper, the groups of
underage student which are at the age of 10-12 years old were caught watching pornography
on their smartphone. The thing that we need to ponder over this issue is, why these underage
using the smartphone at the very young age without authorize from their parents? These days
we are all aware of the hand phone usage among these school students to ensure their safety.
Statistics show that the increment of crime issues been reported among the school kids. This
will be one of the factor kids at the young age own a smartphone. But there is no wrong on
having a smartphone at the young age but parents need to authorize the usage and guide
them. Nowadays, all those immoral video such as pornography, movies that show bad
behaviour are easy to access. One of the way to ensure these wont happen is parents should
make the kids hand phone on safe mode where they cannot access the bad internet sites.
Social media is a medium of a communication nowadays. Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter,
Snapchat and so many more have been trending all these few years. Statistics of social media
users also have been released by the researchers and the majority used of all these social
media is teenagers. Internet has boon and bane. Every single thing in this world own
advantages and disadvantages. Internet could be so good and inspire people to invent new
things and to act as guideline in everything because frankly speaking internet is the medium
to search and develop new knowledge. All these times people need to go to the library to gain
knowledge but when internet was invented by past years, everything has changed. In fact,
internet also could bring the disastrous in someone life. The misuse of internet by the user
could lead to the leak of information detail, cyber-bullying, and so many negative impact that
we cant even imagine. There is one story reported at the media about the murdering and
raping case. It was happened in America on 2013, a teenager girl meet a stranger that she
known at Facebook after two months. They have been met for a tea but suddenly the man
dragged the girl to the forest and raped her. She had been murdered in the forest and her body
was found after three days. The fact that girl was still a teenager. This is how bad internet
could harm us. The immoral activity such this would be a nightmare for us and this could be
a lesson for all the parents to make sure the safety of their kids. We are all free to access
internet but to avoid bad things happen, all these got their limit.

At superficial level, law, moral and ethics are strongly related. We can simply tell
what a mans ethical qualities are by how the individual carries on. Those who believe by
doing good deed or giving the positive vibes will repay with good deed too. They will
certainly do well to other mankind in this world. Moreover, etiquette is the list of rules
deliberate to make pleasant encounters between all people. Etiquette is to be polite in every
action. As human being, who are born not to be perfect we tend to have flaws and it is normal
not being polite for all the time. The key point is to respect other. Every each of the culture
has its own rule but the path is still the same since everyone loves good deed. Good manners
could be thought as a good behaviour towards other mankind. There are some differences
between morality and ethics, morality is the essentials of the value you live by while etiquette
is your polite behaviour. As an analogy, regarding the etiquette is, Adolf Hitler is quite an
evil person because he is using the dictator system to lead his country or army but he also
known as a person who has that good manner (etiquette). Law allowed what is punishable in
society. This law is not to make people afraid but to sustain the harmony of human life.
Stealing causes harm as everyone will live in fear of getting their things stolen. Raping and
murdering also treats the victims as it may lead to an end of their life. This is why law should
be implemented and especially for a murderer. They will be sentence to death. To look more
deeply into the matter, we must first make a distinction between rule of law and rule of man.
In certain societies, the law is simply an instrument used by the ruling class to enforce rules
that keep them in power or ideas the ruling class agree with. Each of the countries in this
world applies difference type of law to suit their countries needs and goals to achieve. As an
example, in china since they are the capitalist they only allow each of the family have not
more than two children. If they do reach the limit they need to pay the taxes or fine to the
country for the third child and so on. While during the years of BC, a family should not have
a daughter in their family or else they will be killed. Day by day, the Islam teaches brought a
light to the right path where daughter should be chance to live and to give the best for
countries. A girl should be protected. There are many law implemented to ensure the peaceful
of a country. When there is law, none of us could do something bad or immoral towards
other. There is one case at Sweden including a family from Malaysia and Muslim living in
Sweden. These parents have been arrested at Sweden Police Station regarding the violation of
kids. After all those inspection, the couple are actually canning their children as they dont
perform their pray. In Islamic law, parents should canning their children if they dont perform
their pray at the age of 10 years old. This is what actually the couple do to educate their
children in Islamic way. Since they are living and working in Sweden, the Sweden law forbid
the parents from beating or hurting the children. Thus, this case had been settled few months
after. Each of the countries implements different law but at the end of the day, the purpose of
the law is same in each of the countries in the world. It was applied to ensure the ethics and
moral of the people in the country. When there is law, people will learn to respects other
people and not making chaos for the country.

Law and moral relate so much, there is the case an engineer who needs to work at the
tobacco factory as an engineer to regulate the system of making the tobacco. Did he do
something against the law and immoral? In this kind of situation tobacco had been one of the
biggest company who give job opportunity to people around the area. As long as the
company pay taxes and follow the rules and regulation of the country then it wont be a big
deal. For the morality condition it is actually depends on some people, some will say it
immoral because we all know smoking is harmful but some will say it moral because it give
job opportunity to others. Fast food industry had been famous since ages and we all are aware
this fast food will also bring bad to us. Fast food will lead to obesity and more disease such as
diabetes, heart attack and so on. It is actually the choice of the people itself on how the
choose what they want it to be. There is no such law that saying by eating fast food you will
be fine and fast food, alcohol are harmful as the tobacco. Moreover, people do aware of this
because there are a lot of advertisement on social media and newspaper. We determine who
we want to be by picking the right thing to eat and consume for our body.

The Greek word ethos is the word ethics is originated from and is described as
character, spirit and attitude of a group of people or culture. Ethics also means a system of
moral principles by which human actions may be judged as good or bad, right or wrong
(Saadia, 2015). According to the Oxford Dictionary, ethics can be defined in two different
contexts: (1) moral principles that govern a persons behaviour or the conducting of an
activity; (2) the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. The purposes of ethics
are to guide the conduct of a person before an act is undertaken, and to define what is
considered an honourable behaviour. Often ethical actions are comprised by the intuitive
beliefs a conscience stemming from cultural, spiritual, and religion beliefs. For example,
lying, stealing and killing have the same negative view shared by all of the societies. In
Islamic point of view, ethics, which is akhlaq in Arabic, is the spiritual and innate instincts,
habits, and qualities, which are present in man (Behruz, 2004). As in many religions, ethics is
directly linked to the ways of God. In order for the believers to gain the reward in afterlife,
they must conduct day to day activities according the Gods guidelines. Quran and Sunnah
are the sources of ethics in Islam. The Quran is the most significant gift by God as the
guidelines on the ways of human conduct besides the Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad
(S.A.W.). Prophet Mohammad is the model of ethics in actions, and behaviours, as the
prophet himself said, I was sent only to perfect the moral excellence of human beings (al-
Bayhaqi). Malaysia is the home of multi-races that have different culture and religion beliefs.
The history of the diverse population goes way back to the late 18th and 19th centuries where
the immigrants were welcomed by the colonialist Great Britain from China and India in order
to build up the production of precious raw goods such as natural rubbers, tin ores and gold for
their benefits. Although the majority of the population is Muslim with 61.3% (Malaysia, The
World Factbook), ethical theories and practices in Malaysia are often similar for all races and
religions. The ethical behaviour can be observed through the habits of sincerity or honesty,
truthfulness, respect for self and others, respect for time, respect for work, and respect for the
One of the major ethical issues nowadays in Malaysia is the information or rumours
with no confirmation of validity being viral throughout media socials. Applications such as
blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Whatsapp are the examples of the medium in which
such information are being spread. Although those applications are created and developed to
connect the people wherever they are by providing ease of communication with Internet
availability, there are people taking advantage of them and misusing them for their own
benefit. False information can profoundly cause negative impact on people and country. For
instance, it can overturn the safety of the nation, and welfare of the community, as well as
disturb current economy position. Undersecretary of Youth Development, Datuk Abdul
Karim Rahman Hamzah in The Borneo Post on April 27, 2017, urged the people, especially
the youths, of the negative effects of spreading false information and not to be involved in
social issues as the future leaders of the nation. Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
in Sinar Harian on February 25, 2017, also supported the statements as a number of
controversies had been caused regarding the political issues in Malaysia in order to overthrow
the government. The action of the people who posted the false information, fake news,
rumours, or half-truths is considered as wrong, and unethical, no matter whether they shared
them on concern or condemn basis, or without knowing whether the information is true or
not. However, even news sources can sometimes get the wrong facts or appear out of sync
with the real situation. This is also viewed as unethical in journalism practices, and they have
to rectify the situation by publishing the correct news, and apologize to the public, or face the
charges. A similar scenario is also happening in the country of freedom, the United States of
America. In fact, it is worse there, as the hacking tools and documents of the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA), the countrys government bureau, were revealed and put the
safety of the country in jeopardy in WikiLeaks on March 7, 2017. The documents, with
sources that were then unidentified and called Vault 7, had been exploited by the former U.S.
government hackers and contractors in an authorised manner to provide more documents to
the anti-secrecy website. Obviously, the person who committed the crime, which had been
revealed on March 9, 2017, was the contractor of the agency itself would face the heaviest
punishment. In contrast, in order to maintain control over the Internet, China has been
arresting people as part of its intensive efforts. Chinas restriction on online-rumours resulted
in its controversial censorship system, and was harshly condemned by the West. Major U.S.
Internet companies, including Facebook, Twitter, and Google, has been blocked by China,
who claims that it is essential for societal order (Kan, 2016). Although China has successfully
blocked false reports, they have also targeted the truths by banning discussion of subjects the
government would rather citizens did not talk about. The Chinese people then have to rely on
the social media for unfiltered news, even with the questionable sources as they distrust the
official media. In Islamic view, Islam has commanded the Muslims not to pay attention, and
not to accept just any news or information, or anything that anyone says to them with
exception that the reports are from those people who possess the ethical traits of justice and
reliance that prevent themselves from making up false reports. Making up rumours, and lies
are a great sin in Islam. Hence, the view is quite clear on the spreading of false information,
fake news, rumours, and half-truths it is unethical. However, the social media and Internet
is not to be blamed. It is the people themselves and how the government handles this kind of
issue. It seems that too much freedom in a country can be a cause of concern, and too much
restriction can also be a cause of concern.

According to Cambridge Dictionary, etiquette is the set of rules or customs that

control accepted behaviour in particular social groups or social situations. The word is
originated from the following words: (1) French term, tiquette, means list of ceremonial
observances of a court, and (2) Old French word, estiquette, is literally described as label or
etiquette. Firmage et. al., (1990) considers that a more precise word to describe etiquette is in
Arabic word, adab. The word gives meaning of refinement, good manners, morals,
decorum, decency, and humaneness. To be well-mannered, civil, or urbane is to be
muaddab. Ethics and etiquette have a distinction in which ethics is the science of morals
and values, delving in action that is good or bad, right or wrong, whereas etiquette is the
conventional code of behaviour of the community. For example, good people may lack of
manner while evil folks may occasionally display exquisite etiquette. The concept of good
manners is defined as courtesy or order or norm which is practiced by a society in order to
maintain the relationships amongst people, and mind the manners in communication and
interaction (Salinah, 2005). Robert Sibarani as cited by Salinah (2005) in his paperwork
mentioned that modesty is procedure, custom, or norm that happens amongst a civilised
society to conserve good relationships in fellow humans. Good manners constitute the rules
of conduct assigned, and established by a certain community until they become the
unequivocal requirement in social behaviour. It has been known widely that Malays are
referred as friendly, sociable and courteous. Children have been taught since little of proper
conducts and politeness in talking or doing something. Every action has limits and rules that
must be followed. In accordance with the understanding that the Malays are Islamic religious,
thus every conduct in Malay society will be limited by custom law or the religion law itself.
For instance, a Muslim starts his day by praying after waking up at dawn to communicate
with the Creator. A Muslim also is encouraged to start every act with Bismillah, meaning
in the name of Allah to gain His blessings, and favours in conducting the act. However,
custom and religion can cause a rise in duality. One of the examples of the conflict is
wedding ceremony. Local folkways have long been influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism
that have left cultural traces, artefacts, as well as customs (Munan, 2008). Today, many
Malays wedding customs may be traced to an indistinct Hindu past. Some of the customs are
acceptable in Islam while some are considered as against the beliefs of Islam. For instance,
celebrating, and giving blessings to the married couple by sprinkling rosewater and spattering
yellow rice at the couple is influenced by Hinduism. Islam rejected the custom because the
married couple should simply be celebrated by praying for goodness, and blessings as well as
asking for them forgiveness to the Merciful (Shazwani, n.d.). Moreover, spattering yellow
rice is a waste of food, and waste is a prohibited in Islam.

Malaysians, who consist of largely by Malays, Chinese, and Indians, have each of
their own distinguishing social customs and religions. They also tend to be fairly conservative
and sensitive in matters related to their social customs and practices. The differences can be a
cause of riff, and divide to the unity of the races. However, a number of similarities in the
customs and religions can also be the root of the harmonious of races in Malaysia.
Malaysians are very particular in respect of formal hierarchy or seniority. Elders and
particularly senior family members should be treated with honour and esteem as family is
central to the Malaysian life. It is common for younger people to bow their heads as a sign of
respect when passing by an older person. Improper way of addressing the older person and
challenging a figure of authority in public are completely improper etiquette. In Malaysia, it
is customary to call older women mak cik or aunty, and kakak or sister. This etiquette way
of respecting elders and senior family members is also practiced by Japanese and Koreans. In
fact, the Japanese is especially strict in treating people other than family members. They are
usually referred to by adding -san to their last name and talking to them must be in polite
terms. It is proper to ask for permission to address the Japanese with their first name.
Changing the way of addressing the Japanese from familiar to polite manner is a sign of
dispute and disrespectful. Thus, etiquette has various definitions, and it is basically the rules
of conduct of polite behaviour in society. Etiquette in Malaysia is a result of the combination
of social customs and religions, and some customs may be in contrast with religion beliefs.
There are similarities and dissimilarities in customs and religions of different races in
Malaysia. Good conduct of etiquette, and respect to other people beliefs can greatly prevent
dispute, maintain tolerance, and allow the diverse people of Malaysia to live in harmony as
well as retain close ties with its people all over the world.

Law, moral, ethics, and etiquette have a distinction but can also be interrelation with
each other. They are defined as the following according to Horner (2003): (1) law is
comprised of concrete duties established by governments that are necessary for maintaining
social order and resolving disputes, as well as for distributing social resources according to
what people need or deserve, (2) morality is referred as a set of deeply held, widely shared,
and relatively stable values within community, (3) ethics involves the study of values, and the
justification for right and good actions, and (4) etiquette is a proper way to behave. A certain
case can be totally bad or totally good. For example, murder is illegal, immoral, unethical,
and bad etiquette. However, some cases can be a mixed between positives and negatives.
Driving over the speed limit when being late for work is viewed as illegal, moral to some and
immoral to others, unethical as well as bad etiquette if it affects other drivers. Several issues
have been elaborated previously in detail in regards of each term. Malaysias perspective,
principles, and practices in regards to those issues are acceptable and agreed upon. LGBT
have been widely accepted by the West, and they are continuously spreading this kind of
treatment for LGBT around the world by making it a human right to be whoever they are
being in relationship with whoever they want despite its violation to the law of nature that a
man is created for a woman. As a recognised Muslim state, Malaysia strongly rejects LGBT
as it is illegal, immoral, unethical, and bad etiquette. Ironically, the West who had been
gruesomely abusing and killing the LGBTs in the past harshly condemns Malaysia for its
decision. The same opinion is also feasible for the issue of spreading false information.
Malaysia also encouraged good etiquette in every action, dressing, and speech. For instance,
young people must treat the elders in respect. However, Malaysians nowadays are
continuously violating the laws, becoming immoral, losing consciences and being rude. Thus,
there should be improvements in the approach and practice of laws, morals, ethics, and
etiquettes in Malaysia.


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