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The Baxter Legacy: Alignment with Indigenous Values

Connie Baxter Marlow and Andrew Cameron Bailey

Unity of Greater Portland, Windham, ME
Equinox Weekend. Sunday September 24, 2017
Inauguration of the Interfaith Intercultural Celebration Season

My great-great grandfather James Phinney Baxter, 6-time mayor of Portland and his son
Percival, Governor of Maine 1921-1924 practiced heart-centered governance. Percy, after
lowering the state house flag in honor of the death of his dog Garry said I seek to offend
the feelings of none, yet I relinquish to none the right to act according to the dictates of my

How many of you here enjoy Baxter Boulevard, Baxter Woods, Baxter State Park,
Mackworth Island and the Portland park system? These men championed the Earth and
future generations through these gifts. They endorsed Womens Suffrage when it was
challenging to do so, they put women in office, they championed the animals through
passing the first anti-vivisection laws, they fought for the water keeping the water rights in
Maine. They provided for the disadvantaged, the deaf through Governor Baxter School for
the Deaf. Regarding Suffrage Percy stated If any of us have strong convictions about it our
convictions must govern our actions. They gave away their fortunes to the people of Maine
whom they loved.

These are indigenous, life-honoring values: honoring the Earth, water, animals, water and
future generations. These are universal values that are our birthright.

Why isnt our governance heart-centered today, why arent we embodying a reverence for
all of life. Why do the principles of competition, private interests and the acquisition of
wealth dominate our political and economic life?

We believe that it has to do with our core assumptions about the nature of reality. These
Baxter men walked to the beat of a different drum. They had different assumptions that
drove their decisions and how they lived in their personal and political lives. They operated
in what we call The Trust Frequency. We propose the difference has to do with letting go
of fear, and walking in trust of a conscious, loving abundant universe.

Why didnt they hoard their wealth for the generations of Baxters who were to follow them?
Why did they follow their hearts and as Percy stated I prefer to stand upon my convictions,
and if my constituency disapprove of my action, I must submit to such punishment as they
may see fit to give me in the years to come."

In our book The Trust Frequency: Ten Assumptions for a New Paradigm we present an
indigenous cosmology, quantum science synthesis on the nature of reality that gives us tools
for shifting our reality into alignment with our hearts and the highest aspirations of humanity
that are stated in the freedom documents of the United States and is Americas promise to
the world. We can embody Liberty, Justice, Equality and Abundance for All, it is the dream
the Founding Fathers had for humanity.

We will give you a take away today. Some new assumptions to ponder that if taken in and
acted upon can change ones life.

Our first assumption is: "We live in a conscious, loving Universe. There is ONLY Love."
That sets up a paradox what about the things we see as Not love war, abuse,

Our second assumption resolves that paradox The Universe loves us unconditionally. It
gives us everything we ask for.

Our third assumption tells us what our requests to this conscious loving universe are "We
create our reality by the power of our consciousness."

Our forth assumption gives us a practical understanding of the nature of our consciousness
that determines our frequency and therefore our reality: We have what we call the 7 As of
consciousness. 7 words that begin with A. Here they are in one sentence: With expanded
AWARENESS and accurate ASSUMPTIONS, we choose our ATTITUDE, consciously
direct our ATTENTION, ALIGN with our highest inner promptings, take committed
ACTION and ALLOW the loving universe to manifest beyond our wildest dreams.

When we understand these principles and act accordingly, individually and collectively we
will enter a frequency where the American dream Americas promise - is possible.
In God We Trust and Equality, Justice, Liberty and Abundance are the order of the day.

In our workshop this afternoon we will speak on Civil Disobedience, Spiritual Activism
and Higher Law. A Vision of the Individuals Role in creating a Just World. We give tools
for social activism in the world today through an understanding of our power to influence
the collective through our individual consciousness.

Thank you.

Connie Baxter Marlow

Andrew Cameron Bailey

Connie Baxter Marlow and Andrew Cameron Bailey will, through their message this
morning and their workshop this afternoon, bring us clues for becoming the promise
America made to the world living from our hearts and embodying liberty, justice, equality
and abundance for all. Connie grew up in Maine and has been inspired by her Baxter
ancestors, Andrew was born in England and raised in South Africa and has worked with
Connie to bring forth the discoveries they have both made concerning the nature of reality
and humanitys place in it.

They are visionary authors, filmmakers, futurists and social philosophers and their uplifting
vision is a bold synthesis of contemporary quantum science, indigenous cosmology and
Eastern and Western mysticism. They propose practical solutions to the dilemmas that face
humanity through examining and updating our core assumptions. They foresee a completely
new and unprecedented world: one of peace, harmony and abundance, which has never
before existed on Earth.

Through a system of cosmological axioms, their book and workshop THE TRUST
FREQUENCY: Ten Assumptions for a New Paradigm offers straightforward, practical
tools for accessing the Trust Frequency, an alternative reality where the souls destiny
awaits, the laws are expanded, and there is more balance, beauty, joy and abundance than
we can fathom.

Click for the poster for entire weekend's events with Connie and Andrew: "Become
America's Promise"

For more in-depth information on James Phinney Baxter and Percival Baxter: The Baxter
Legacy: A Case for Expanded Thinking. Presented in conjunction with RHYTHMS OF
CREATION: THE BAXTER LEGACY, an exhibit of images and ideas by Jack Baxter,
Connie Baxter Marlow and Ali Baxter Marlow. University of New England July 14, 2000.

See below for Connie and Andrew's work to realize the vision of James Phinney Baxter who
left a bequest to the City of Boston to build a pantheon to honor the early settlers of New
England whose principles and ideals were the seed of free government.

SEEDS OF FREEDOM: A Vision for America. Watch the 30-minute film online HERE
or 8 minutes of highlights HERE. Liberty! Justice! Equality! A new perspective presents a
revolutionary look at the syntheses between European colonists and the American Indian in
the evolution of the American democracy, mind and spirit. Related historical mystery novel:
"The Mayflower Revelations." Read the Preface HERE.

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