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Experiment Reports - 211 -


Lucila Castanheira Nascimento1, Isa Ribeiro de Oliveira Dantas2, Raquel Dully Andrade3, Dbora Falleiros de

Free Lecturer. Associate Professor at the Maternal-Infant and Public Health Nursing Department of the University of So
Paulo at Ribeiro Preto College of Nursing (EERP/USP). Brazil. E-mail:
Doctoral student of Interunit Nursing Doctoral Program at the USP School of Nursing (EE) and EERP/USP. So Paulo, Brazil.
Doctoral student of Public Health Nursing Program at EERP/USP. So Paulo. Brazil. E-mail:
Free Lecturer. Associate Professor at the Maternal-Infant and Public Health Nursing Department of the University of So
Paulo at Ribeiro Preto College of Nursing (EERP/USP). So Paulo, Brazil. E-mail:

ABSTRACT: This study aimed to identify and analyze how the genogram and ecomap have been used in Brazilian nursing, summarizing
this areas contribution to family care. Integrative review, combining predetermined key words and descriptor in LILACS and SciELO,
besides a non-systemized search in five qualified nursing journals, published between 2000 and 2010. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
guided the paper selection, resulting in a sample of 34 articles. The genogram and ecomap have been mainly used as complementary
tools in research data collection. Its use as an approximation between interviewer and interviewee, in teaching and as a therapeutic
resource are hardly explored. The use and dissemination of these tools are essential to understand the family, picturing its structure
and interactions with the community, enhancing the participation of individuals, and contributing to the understanding of the context
of each family, which is vital to nursing care.
DESCRIPTORS: Nursing assessment. Family nursing. Data collection. Nursing.



RESUMO: Este estudo objetivou identificar e analisar como o genograma e o ecomapa tm sido utilizados pela enfermagem brasileira,
sintetizando a contribuio dessa rea para o cuidado familial. Trata-se de reviso integrativa, combinando palavras-chave e descritor
pr-determinados, no LILACS e SciELO, alm de busca no sistematizada em cinco peridicos qualificados da rea, no perodo de
2000 a 2010. Critrios de incluso e excluso orientaram a seleo dos artigos, culminando com amostra de 34 artigos. O genograma e
ecomapa tm sido utilizados eminentemente como ferramentas complementares para a coleta de dados em pesquisas. Seu uso como
aproximao entre entrevistador/entrevistado, no ensino e como recurso teraputico so pouco explorados. A utilizao e divulgao
desses instrumentos so essenciais para a compreenso da famlia, retratando sua estrutura e interaes com a comunidade, valorizando a
participao dos sujeitos e contribuindo para ampliar o conhecimento do contexto de cada famlia, vitais para o cuidado de enfermagem.
DESCRITORES: Avaliao em enfermagem. Enfermagem familiar. Coleta de dados. Enfermagem.



RESUMEN: La finalidad fue identificar y analizar como el genograma y el ecomapa han sido utilizados por la enfermera brasilea,
sintetizando su contribucin en el rea del cuidado de la familia. Revisin integrativa que combin palabras-clave y descriptores
predeterminados, en LILACS y SciELO, adems de una bsqueda no sistematizada en cinco peridicos calificados del rea, entre
2000 y 2010. Los criterios de inclusin y exclusin orientaron la seleccin, culminando con una muestra de 34 artculos. El genograma
y ecomapa han sido utilizados principalmente como herramientas complementares a la recoleccin de datos de investigaciones. Su
uso como aproximacin entre entrevistador/entrevistado, en la enseanza y como recurso teraputico es poco explorado. El uso y la
difusin de estas herramientas son esenciales para comprender la familia, mostrando su estructura y las interacciones con la comunidad,
adems de fomentar la participacin de las personas y favorecer a la comprensin del contexto de cada familia, lo que es vital para el
cuidado de la enfermera.
DESCRIPTORES: Evaluacin en enfermera. Enfermera de la familia. Recoleccin de datos. Enfermera.

Text Context Nursing, Florianpolis, 2014 Jan-Mar; 23(1): 211-20.

- 212 - Nascimento LC, Dantas IRO, Andrade RD, Mello DF

INTRODUCTION The following guiding question was used for

the integrative review: how has Brazilian nursing
Professionals in different areas routinely use
used the genogram and the ecomap? The words
the genogram and ecomap, mainly to understand
genogram and ecomap are registered neither in
family processes. The genogram is a graphic
the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) nor in
representation of the family composition and the
the MESH (Medical Subject Headings), but were
basic relationships in at least three generations,
nevertheless used as keywords, associated with
elaborated through symbols.1 It permits a rapid
the descriptor nursing. The combinations of the
and clear visualization of the family members, terms or the simple search were undertaken as fol-
whether by blood or not, identifying the age, oc- lows: genogram; genogram and nursing; ecomap;
cupation, profession and education level of each, ecomap and nursing. To search the publications,
besides showing each persons place in the family the database LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana
structure.1 e do Caribe em Cincias da Sade) and the electronic
The ecomap is a diagram of the relations be- library SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library On-
tween family and community and helps to assess line) were used, as they include Brazilian pub-
the available support and its use by the family.2 lications. In addition, non-systematic searches
It can represent the presence or absence of social, were undertaken in five nursing journals: Latin
cultural and economic resources. The ecomap American Journal of Nursing, Texto & Contexto
pictures a given moment in the life of the family Enfermagem, Acta Paulista de Enfermagem, Revista da
members and is therefore dynamic.2 These instru- Escola de Enfermagem da USP and Revista Brasileira
ments were elaborated by family therapists and de Enfermagem. The choice of these journals was
have been used by different health professions, based on the qualitative ranking of the intellectual
including nursing, medicine, psychology, social production of graduate programs for the trien-
service and pharmacy, to represent structural, nium 2007-2009 proposed by the Coordination for
emotional and affective family processes.3 the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel
The genogram and ecomap are valuable (CAPES), called the Qualis CAPES assessment.
instruments,2 as resources to assess the family com- The publications classified as A1 and A2 were
position and interactions among family members chosen. The Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem was
and beyond the family. In view of the applicability chosen due to its relevance, as a result of its broad
of these instruments to assess the complexity and circulation in the nursing area.
dynamics of the family structure and relations, the The inclusion criteria were: papers published
objective in this study is to identify and analyze in Brazilian journals, between 2000 and 2010;
how Brazilian nursing has used the genogram and whose authors included at least one nurse; pub-
ecomap, summarizing the contribution of the area lications in Portuguese, English or Spanish; and
to family care. publications with available abstracts and indexed
in the abovementioned database or available in
the electronic library collection. Publications in
METHOD Brazilian journals but conducted outside Brazil
To achieve the proposed objective, the were excluded, as well as studies exclusively
integrative review method was chosen, as it is produced by professionals from other areas than
broad and permits the simultaneous inclusion nursing; studies in other languages than English,
of studies with different designs, with a view to Portuguese or Spanish and unpublished studies,
fully understanding the study phenomenon.4-5 The such as theses or dissertations. The choice of the
review involved the following steps: definition of languages was based on the observed publication
the problem (elaboration of the guiding question, of papers in English, Portuguese and Spanish in
establishment of keywords and paper inclusion/ the Brazilian journals selected for the review.
exclusion criteria); search and selection of articles; To select the publications, the titles and ab-
definition of information to be extracted from stracts were exhaustively read to guarantee that
the studies and analysis of the studies; discus- they addressed the guiding question and complied
sion and interpretation of the results and, finally, with the inclusion criteria. In case of any doubt,
knowledge synthesis.4-5 To enhance the rigor of the publication was included with a view to a final
this method, two authors performed the literature decision after fully reading its content and discuss-
search independently. ing the inclusion among the authors.
Text Context Nursing, Florianpolis, 2014 Jan-Mar; 23(1): 211-20.
Genogram and ecomap: Brazilian nursing contributions - 213 -

In the survey of studies based on the key- of papers was based on the analysis of the usage
word genogram in the database LILACS, 57 range of the genogram and ecomap in Brazilian
papers were found, of which 22 were selected. nursing and on the identification of gap that di-
The remainder (n=35) was excluded because of rect further research.
the publication year (n=12), because they were
not related to nursing (n=18), because they were RESULTS
dissertations (n=3) and because they had been
produced in other countries (n=2). In the elec- As regards the publication year, 2009 stood
tronic library SciELO, using the same keyword, out with 10 articles.6-15 In 20052,16-19 and 2008,20-24
22 papers were located, none of which was se- five papers were published in each year. In 2004,25-
lected though, as eight of them were not related
200729-32 and 2010,33-36 four papers were published
to nursing and 14 had previously been selected per year. Only one was published in 200237 and
in the database LILACS. 2003.3 No papers were found in 2000, 2001 and
Using the keyword ecomap, 23 papers were 2006. In two papers, besides nursing, authors
came from the social service,24 psychology19,24 and
found in the LILACS database. Four references
statistical areas.24
were selected and 19 were excluded, due to the
following reasons: one was not produced in the Except one, 37 all papers included in the
nursing area, one in another country and 17 had review used the genogram and ecomap as
already been selected. complementary tools for research data collec-
tion. One paper was identified in which the
In the electronic library SciELO, using the
contribution of the genogram and the ecomap
keyword ecomap, 14 papers were located but none
was explored in undergraduate nursing educa-
was selected, as one was not related to nursing and
tion and in childcare.37 Besides its applicability
13 references had already been selected.
for research data collection, these instruments
Using the combination of keywords and the were used as a form of approximation between
descriptor (genogram and nursing; ecomap and the interviewer and the interviewee. In three
nursing), 12 papers were found in LILACS and papers,2,16,19 the authors had planned this use
six in SciELO, but none was selected as they had already at the start of the research and, in oth-
already been included in an earlier phase. This sys- ers,12,24,35 the recognition of these instruments as
temized search resulted in a sample of 26 studies. a form of approximation was a finding present
Besides the systemized search, a complemen- in the research results, although the authors had
tary search was undertaken in the five Brazilian not expressed this objective in the research. The
journals mentioned above, manually, year by authors also described these instruments as a
year (2000 till 2010), volume per volume, reading therapeutic resource.2,15-16,22 In that sense, they
the complete articles to identify any studies that were appointed as means to identify vulnerable
answered the review question. Each papers were points for the research participants, to indicate
found in this search, which together with the 26 support strategies in the community and to
papers that had already been selected resulted in reveal perspectives on the family relationships.
a final sample of 34 articles. The genogram and the ecomap were used
To analyze the selected articles, an instru- to collect research data from families or indi-
ment was used with the following indicators: year viduals. Papers were identified with families
of publication, authors, insertion area of the au- of: elderly people;10,12,24,32 pregnant women with
thors, objectives of the paper, applicability of the human papillomavirus;23,27 women with human
genogram and ecomap, techniques used, dynam- papillomavirus, in the form of a case study; 11
ics (individual or group) and place to construct adults with arterial hypertension and diabetes
the instruments and difficulties and facilities for mellitus;8 nursing faculty members;29 children
its use. Through these indicators, relevant data who were victims of violence; 31 children with
could be collected from each article, resulting in cancer2 and chronic kidney failure;9-16 patients
a set of elements that made it possible to answer with mental disorders;3,14,28 users registered in
the review question. The authors analyzed each the Family Health Program;19 adults with chronic
paper independently. After consolidating the kidney failure;13 hospitalized patients;20 adoles-
results, the knowledge synthesis procedures cent parents;7 people living in rural areas36 and,
were applied. The critical assessment of the set in one study, to understand the family context
Text Context Nursing, Florianpolis, 2014 Jan-Mar; 23(1): 211-20.
- 214 - Nascimento LC, Dantas IRO, Andrade RD, Mello DF

in the health-disease process. Individually,

meetings with the family; in one paper, a single
these instruments were used: with mental health meeting was sufficient to collect the data;12 in
service users;15 with mothers of premature chil- two, it was reported that, first, a relation had to
dren;6,21 mothers of pre-adolescents;17 patients be established with the family;19,22 in four, the
with traumatic spinal cord injury;18 children in construction of these instruments started during
early childhood;26 children with nephrotic syn- the initial contact with the family members.2-3,17,36
drome;30 stoma patients;22 elderly people33-34 and The other 18 papers did not mention how these
young victims of violence.35 meetings took place.
With regard to its construction, in seven pa- The techniques used in the construction of
pers, the genogram and ecomap were elaborated the genogram and ecomap were mentioned in 22
based on an individual interview;6,17-18,21,23,33,35 in papers,2-3,6,8-9,12-16,20-22,24-25,29-30,32-36 as follows: participa-
17 during group meetings;2-3,8-16,19-20,28-29,32,34 and, in tion of the family members, use of materials, such
three,22,24,30 both individual and group interviews as markers and color codes by the children, and the
were used. In seven papers,7,25-27,31,36-37 the authors moments when the instruments were elaborated
did not mention how the instruments were con- (first or second meeting) were described in some
structed. papers. In 12 papers, the construction process was
Among the papers selected, in 19, the inter- not referred to.7,10-11,17-19,23,26-28,31,37
views were held at home,3,6,8,10,12,17-19,21,24,26-29,32-36 in The difficulties and facilities related to the
five at the health service9,13,15,20,23 and, in six, both use of the genogram and ecomap were described
at home and at the health service.2,11,16,22,25,30 In four in 14 papers, 2,8,12,15-16,19,21-22,24,27,29,33,35,37 while the
papers, the place where the interviews were held authors of the other 20 studies did not mention
was not mentioned.7,14,31,37 these aspects. Table 1 displays a summary of the
As regards the meetings with the families, papers included in the review, according to the
in nine papers, 2,6,9-11,20,28,32,36 it was mentioned characteristics of the authors, publication year,
that the data collection resulted from different objectives, facilities and difficulties in the use of
these instruments.

Table 1 - Papers included in the review, according to the authors and their insertion area, year of
publication, study objectives, facilities and difficulties in the use of the genogram and ecomap

Author/Year/Insertion area Objective Facilities Difficulties

Santos, Pavarini (2009) 12
- identify the family composition - useful instrument to picture the family - not mentioned.
Nursing of elderly people with cogni- structure of elderly people; further ap-
tive alterations in Family Health proximation among family members of
Units. visualization of family peculiarities.
Schwartz, Muniz, Burille, - get to know the support network - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
Zillmer, Silva, Feij, et al. for clients and families in coping
(2009)13 with chronic kidney failure.
Laval, Olschowsky, Kantorski - identify the social support net- - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
(2009)14 work of users and families within
Nursing the territory.
Moura, Nogueira, Bezerra, - assess structural aspects of - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
Pinheiro, Barroso (2008)23 families of pregnant women with
Nursing human papillomavirus based on
the Calgary model.
Joca, Pinheiro (2009)11 - observe the structure, develop- - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
Nursing ment and functioning of families
of women with HPV based on the
Calgary model.
Pereira, Teixeira, Bressan, - get to know coping forms of - revealed each family in its complexity - infrequently applied in-
Martini (2009)8 families of patients with SAH and dynamics. struments, limited aca-
Nursing and DM in Florianpolis. demic use due to time
spent on appropriate

Text Context Nursing, Florianpolis, 2014 Jan-Mar; 23(1): 211-20.

Genogram and ecomap: Brazilian nursing contributions - 215 -

Author/Year/Insertion area Objective Facilities Difficulties

Pavarini, Luchesi, Fernandes, - assess family composition of - permitted further approximation with - not mentioned.
Mendiondo, Filizola, Barham, elderly people at a Family Health families; effective to verify the elderly
et al (2008)24 Unit using the genogram. patients family composition; pictured
Nursing, social service, psy- diseases.
chology, statistics
Simioni, Geib (2008)21 - get to know the perception of - the density of the family bonds could - not mentioned.
Nursing the mothers of premature chil- be established.
dren about social support at
Dias, Nascimento, Mendes, - identify social supports, support - offered an opportunity to identify the - not mentioned.
Rocha (2007)29 networks and roles in families of strengths and vulnerabilities of health
Nursing nursing faculty based on family protection.
Silva, Galera, Moreno (2007)32 - describe how the family reacts - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
Nursing to the dependence of an elderly
members, what resources it uses
and what Nursing interventions
are useful and applicable.
Roque, Ferriani (2007)31 - get to know the familys trajec- - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
Nursing tory and perceptions about jus-
tice-related events in cases of
violence; quantify and analyze
forensic processes.
Nascimento, Rocha, Hayes - describe the experience of us- - the genogram enhanced the childs - not mentioned.
(2005)2 ing the genogram and ecomap to involvement, facilitating the relation
Nursing survey data in the family of chil- between the child and the profes-
dren with cancer in a qualitative sional; reveals the childs perception of
research. family relations.
Simpionato, Correia, Rocha - present the data collection ex- - after being set in motion, it is gratify- - construction process
(2005)16 perience of families of children ing and mobilizing task for the family. of the instruments de-
Nursing with chronic kidney failure under- mands the participants
going peritoneal dialysis as the time and availability.
first phase of the family nursing
Moura, Kantorski, Galera - report on assessment and in- - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
(2004)28 Nursing tervention in families of mental
patients attended by the Family
Health Team.
Radnz, Olson (2005)17 - explore beliefs, values and - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
Nursing health promotion practices
among mothers of pre-adoles-
cents, describing variances in
the drugs phenomenon, health
promotion, quality of life and
pre-adolescent risk behavior.
Mello, Viera, Simpionato, - describe the application of the - permitted knowledge about the fami- - not mentioned.
Biasoli-Alves, Nascimento genogram and ecomap in fami- lies internal and external structure.
(2005)19 lies at a Family Health Service,
Nursing, Psychology reflecting on their use in the
Family Health Program.
Cecagno, Souza, Jardim - get to know daily family life and - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
(2004)25 interfaces with the disease pro-
Nursing cess, historical aspects, family
dynamics, development phases,
support network, genogram and
Digenes, Varela (2004)27 - assess the families of single - enhanced the perception of the entire - not mentioned.
Nursing pregnant women with HPV, pri- family, the interactions with the broad-
oritizing affective bonds between er systems and the extended family.
mother and daughter, using the
Calgary model.

Text Context Nursing, Florianpolis, 2014 Jan-Mar; 23(1): 211-20.

- 216 - Nascimento LC, Dantas IRO, Andrade RD, Mello DF

Author/Year/Insertion area Objective Facilities Difficulties

Souza, Kantorski (2009)15 - identify the social network of - the ecomap identified vulnerable - not mentioned.
Nursing subjects under treatment at a points in the subjects bonding, social,
CAPS ad, support bonds and family and individual needs for health
stressors. care planning.
Vall, Braga (2005)18 - assess functional capacity and - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
Nursing social aspects of traumatic spinal
cord injured patients, with and
without associated central neu-
ropathic pain.
Ximenes, Pinheiro, Lima, Nery - identify situations of health - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
(2004)26 problems among children in
Nursing early childhood in the family and
school contexts; survey the fam-
ily structure and risk factors in
the domestic sphere.
Rocha, Nascimento, Lima - present instruments used in - not mentioned. - instruments remain in-
(2002)37 nursings approach of the family; frequently used in Bra-
Nursing provide support for their use in zilian nursing for child-
nursing education and childcare. care purposes.
Ribeiro, Rocha (2007)30 - understand how children with - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
Nursing nephrotic syndrome are being
cared for, identify new contextual
elements and horizons to recon-
struct Nursing care, within a fam-
ily focus.
Montefusco, Bachion, Naka- - analyze NANDA nursing di- - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
tani (2008)20 agnoses in families accompa-
Nursing nying hospitalized patients for
treatment of non-transmissible
chronic conditions, using the
Calgary evaluation model.
Viera, Mello (2009)6 - describe the care after dis- - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
Nursing charge of preterm and low birth-
weight infants from the NICU,
in monitoring at home and in
health services.
Meincke, Carraro (2009)7 - discuss feelings of adolescent - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
Nursing fathers families in the experi-
ence of fatherhood.
Barros, Santos, Erdmann - describe the social support - the ecomapa assessed available - not mentioned.
(2008)22 network for elderly patients with support and their use by patients; the
Nursing stoma, represented by the eco- use was a technological resource for
map of multiple support rela- the indication of broad and dynamic
tions, in the light of the Complex- support strategies.
ity framework.
Paula, Nascimento, Rocha - understand the experience of - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
(2009)9 families of children with chronic
Nursing kidney failure to support Nursing
care, quality of life and health
promotion in the family.
Silva, Bousso, Galera (2009)10 - present the experience of as- - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
Nursing sessing families of elderly peo-
ple based on the Calgary model.
Horta, Ferreira, Zhao (2010)33 - get to know the perception of - identified the family structure and - not mentioned.
Nursing elderly people about aging, cop- dynamics, support networks, commu-
ing strategies and repercussions nication forms and strategies to cope
in the family. with problems or crises.
Santos, Pavarini, Brito (2010)34 - characterize elderly patients - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
Nursing with cognitive alterations at Fam-
ily Health Services, from different
social vulnerability contexts.

Text Context Nursing, Florianpolis, 2014 Jan-Mar; 23(1): 211-20.

Genogram and ecomap: Brazilian nursing contributions - 217 -

Author/Year/Insertion area Objective Facilities Difficulties

Fernandes, Boehs (2010)36 - present aspects of changes in - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
Nursing the roles and tasks of rural fami-
lies, in family care in situations
of situational and maturational
Cocco, Lopes (2010)35 - analyze the social dynamics of - complementariness of information - not mentioned.
Nursing young violence victims through from the genogram and ecomap permit-
the (re)construction of daily rela- ted an approach-understanding of the
tions and vulnerability situations. young peoples relationship networks.
Filizola, Ribeiro, Pavarini - assess and intervene in fami- - not mentioned. - not mentioned.
(2003)3 lies of users with severe mental
Nursing disorders, based on the Calgary

DISCUSSION freer, permitting the use of non-verbal language

resources.2 It should be kept in mind, however,
The genogram and ecomap are useful
that their construction process is dynamic and
instruments to survey families internal and ex-
demands updating over time,2 besides the close
ternal structures. Their application is relatively
engagement and participation of the interviewer
simple, as only a pen and paper are needed.38
and interviewee.
The genogram is a diagram of the family group
and the ecomap a diagram of the familys contact The approximation between the interview-
with institutions, services and other individuals er and the interviewee as a result of the applica-
external to the family. As they indicate the future tion of these instruments was evidenced in some
as well as the past and the present, these instru- of the papers selected.2,12,16,19,24,35 The genogram
ments facilitate alternative interpretations of the showed to be an instrument that permits further
family experience.38 approximation with the families and is effective
In view of the importance of these instru- to verify the family composition and visual-
ments, in the selected articles, the use of the ize the relations among the family members.24
genogram and ecomap was surveyed. The results These instruments permit an approximation-
showed the vast use of these tools to comple- understanding of the relationship networks the
ment data collection in research, as a therapeutic people experience.35
resource, forms of approximation between inter- One of the papers selected highlights the
viewer and interviewee and in teaching. importance of the genogram and ecomap for
In the selected articles, the genogram and the inclusion in undergraduate education. Brazilian
ecomap were largely used as tools to complement nursing makes little use of these instruments, but
data collection in research. Complex information they help nurses to reach a diagnosis and to ob-
can be collected and systematically organized in tain and organize the data for the sake of a better
these instruments. Their use permits helping the visualization.37
family to identify each of its members as part of With regard to the construction techniques
a group of individuals who relate mutually and of the instruments, in some papers, markers and
with the environment, and who are joined by codes were used that were colored by the children,2
a mutual commitment, representing the set of and involved all family members in the elabora-
people they consider as their own family.2 Through tion.3,13-14,24,29,34 The approach of the children, in
these instruments, the data collection allows the research as well as in care, demands different tech-
participants to identify strong points of health niques than those used in research with adults.2
protection and vulnerabilities.29 The advantages of using the genogram in childcare
The use of the instruments as part of the are: greater involvement of the child, facilitating
therapeutic process is also extremely important the relation between the child and the profes-
for patients and their families. In research as well sional; revealing the childs perception about the
as in the therapeutic process, these instruments family relations; offering valuable information to
facilitate the relations between the professional the professionals that can direct the continuity of
and the interviewees as they make communication care planning.2

Text Context Nursing, Florianpolis, 2014 Jan-Mar; 23(1): 211-20.

- 218 - Nascimento LC, Dantas IRO, Andrade RD, Mello DF

In some papers, the facilities and difficulties edged, such as the possibility that the search for
in the application and details or contributions papers published in Brazilian journals was not
of the genogram and ecomap were mentioned, exhausted, which could expand its results.
in which the authors reported that they did not Some possibilities for the use of the geno-
experience any problems in the elaboration of gram and ecomap are presented, based on the
these instruments,12,24 besides the possibility to scientific production in Brazilian nursing. Given
determine the density of the family bonds.21 In the importance of using these instruments in nurs-
many papers, however, the difficulties, facilities ing, in this review, the need for further research
and contributions deriving from the use of these is appointed, with a view to further exploring
instruments were not mentioned. It is important the applicability of these instruments in teaching
for researchers to divulge these aspects in their and clinical practice, including its details, so as to
studies, with a view to contributing to other re- enhance the knowledge about the singularities of
searchers who are not familiar with these tools. each family context, with a view to the qualifica-
This fact may favor the use of these instruments tion of nursing care.
in these researchers work and collaborate in the
dissemination of knowledge.
1. Castoldi L, Lopes RCS, Prati LE. O genograma como
CONCLUSIONS instrumento de pesquisa do impacto de eventos
Brazilian nursing has eminently used the estressores na transio famlia-escola. Psicol Reflex
Crit. 2006 Mar; 19(2):292-300.
genogram and ecomap as tools to complement
data collection in research. Their use to further 2. N a s c i m e n t o L C , R o c h a S M M , H a y e s V E .
Contribuies do genograma e do ecomapa para o
approximate interviewer and interviewee, in
estudo de famlias em enfermagem peditrica. Texto
teaching and as therapeutic resources has hardly Contexto Enferm. 2005 Abr-Jun; 14(2):280-6.
been explored.
3. Filizola CLA, Ribeiro MC, Pavarini SCI. A histria
The synthesis of this review reveals the small da famlia de Rubi e seu filho Leo: trabalhando
number of studies in Brazilian nursing that use com famlias de usurios com transtorno mental
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Correspondence: Lucila Castanheira Nascimento Received: November 16, 2011

Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeiro Preto/USP - DEMISP Approved: August 15, 2012
Av. Bandeirantes, 3900
14040-902 Ribeiro Preto, So Paulo, Brasil

Text Context Nursing, Florianpolis, 2014 Jan-Mar; 23(1): 211-20.

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