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Departamento de Engenharia Electrotcnica e de Computadores

Power Electronics Available 19-09-2017

First evaluation series of problems Due 24-10-2017

Problem 1.1

a) For the circuit of Fig.P1.1, the switch Sw is closed at t=0. The initial conditions are: iL(0)=0 e
vO(0)=50V. Determine the expressions of the circuit time variables.
b) By resourcing to a simulation program determine the time diagrams of iL(t) and vO(t) (PSIM, PSPICE

Sw A

c) Consider now that a diode is placed between points A and B with cathode in point A and anode in B.
Switch Sw operates at a frequency of 20kHz, with a duty cycle of D=ton/T. Please repeat question b)
for D = 95% and for D= 50%.

d) In Steady State determine the relation between the average values of vO and VI in function of the
duty cycle. Is this relation valid for all the values of R? Please justify.

e) Explain what is the fundamental difference between the operation of this circuit and the operation
of the circuit studied on the first LAB work.

Problema 1.2

The time diagram of the variable represented in Fig.1.2 is built by segments of a sinus wave: v(t)=100|sin
100t| for < t <k. Consider that a defined load presents at its terminals a voltage with this time
diagram, and that the current that flows through it, is approximately continuous and equal to 1A.


a) Indicate what is the type of load.
b) Calculate the average and RMS values of the represented voltage and of the current in the load.

Problem 1.3

By using a one phase bridge inverter with four transistors and four anti-parallel diodes, draw a circuit that
can transform the DC voltage of a battery of 100VDC in each of the AC voltages presented in Fig.P1.3 when
=180 (vAC 1) and when =120 (vAC2) . For each voltage determine:

a) the VRMS value.

b) the steady state time diagram of the load current when the load is resistive (R).
c) the steady state time diagram of the load current when the load is inductive (R & L). d) Consider L=10mH
and R= 10and calculate the expression that will permit the calculation of the power in the load in the
case of vAC2.
d) The magnitude of the third harmonic for both voltages.




Problem 1.4

1 - Determine the expressions of the input current and of the output voltage of a single phase diode bridge
rectifier with a load composed by a capacitor in parallel with a resistor and draw the time diagrams of the
electrical variables in the following conditions:
a) the rectifier is supplied by a sinusoidal voltage source.
b) the rectifier is supplied by a sinusoidal current source.

(consider in this case that the capacitor is very high so that the voltage in the resistor can be considered

2 Could you substitute the diodes by thyristors without changing the load RC, in the case a)? Why?

3 Repeat question one for the case of a voltage source single phase diode bridge supplying a DC load
composed by an inductor in series with a resistor.

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