User Manual: Version 1.1 / 13.01.2011

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User manual

Version 1.1 / 13.01.2011

Page I
Table of contents
1 CREATE CONTENT .......................................................................................... 5
1.1 Chapter ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.1 Create chapter .................................................................................................. 5
1.1.2 Change chapter ................................................................................................ 8
1.1.3 Delete chapter .................................................................................................. 9
1.2 Charts ...................................................................................................................... 10
1.2.1 Create chart .................................................................................................... 10
1.2.2 Edit chart......................................................................................................... 14 Edit title ....................................................................................................... 14 Edit text....................................................................................................... 16 Create a bulletlist ........................................................................................ 16 Superscript / Subscript ............................................................................... 17 Add a picture .............................................................................................. 19 Add a video................................................................................................. 21 Add an animation........................................................................................ 25 Add material to Further Reading .............................................................. 27 Link to Further Reading............................................................................ 29
1.2.3 Move a chart ................................................................................................... 31
1.3 Quiz .......................................................................................................................... 34
1.3.1 Create quiz question ....................................................................................... 34
1.3.2 Edit quiz question ........................................................................................... 36
1.3.3 Add an answer ................................................................................................ 38
1.4 Chart preview ........................................................................................................... 40
2 ADMINISTER USERS...................................................................................... 43
2.1 Create users ............................................................................................................ 43
2.1.1 Create a user .................................................................................................. 43
2.1.2 Edit a user....................................................................................................... 45
2.1.3 View user information ..................................................................................... 47
2.1.4 Delete user ..................................................................................................... 49
2.2 Import users ............................................................................................................. 50
2.2.1 Enter userdata in a csv-file ............................................................................. 54
3 GLOSSARY .................................................................................................. 55
3.1 Edit glossary entries ................................................................................................. 55
4 MESSAGES .................................................................................................. 57
4.1 Send messages ....................................................................................................... 57

Page II
5 ADMINISTER COURSES ................................................................................. 58
5.1 Create courses .........................................................................................................58
5.1.1 Create a course ...............................................................................................58
5.1.2 Create and assign classes ..............................................................................60
5.2 Create learning groups .............................................................................................62
6 TESTS ......................................................................................................... 65
6.1. Create tests ..............................................................................................................65
6.1.1. Create a test ....................................................................................................65
6.1.2. Edit a test.........................................................................................................68
6.1.3. Test results ......................................................................................................70
6.1.4. Delete a test ....................................................................................................71
7 STATISTICS.................................................................................................. 72
7.1 Visitor statistics for client ..........................................................................................72
7.2 Learning progress per course ...................................................................................74
8 REVISION MANAGEMENT .............................................................................. 77
9 USER PRIVILEGES AND ROLES...................................................................... 78
10 UPLOAD OF FILES......................................................................................... 79
11 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 80

Page III
User manual E[MCO] Campus

1 Create content

1.1 Chapter

1.1.1 Create chapter

Click on Create a new node.

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Put in a name for the chapter.

Click on the field Position within tree ( ).

In order to create a new chapter, you can select to create the chapter before, after or
within a certain chapter.

Select the position of the new chapter within the E-Portfolio.

Select an existing chapter.

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Click on Create ( ).

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1.1.2 Change chapter

Click on the pencil to change the name of a chapter.

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1.1.3 Delete chapter

Click on the red X to delete a chapter.

In order to delete the chapter, click the OK button within the new dialog.

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1.2 Charts

1.2.1 Create chart

Click on Create a new node.

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Fill in the name of the chart.

Select the type Chart.

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Click on the selection box Position within tree ( ).

Click on ( ).

Select the position, where the chart should be created.

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Click the button Create ( ).

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1.2.2 Edit chart Edit title

Click on the pencil to edit the chart.

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Click the pencil to edit the title of the chart.

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User manual E[MCO] Campus Edit text

Click on the pencil ( ).

Mark a word and select the proper formatting, i.e. H1 for heading 1. The respective
formatting tag will be added automatically. Create a bulletlist

In order to create a bulletpoint, select the according line / sentence.

Click on the hyperlink Bulleted list ( ).

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For example: fill in a x, followed by an empty character.

Click the symbol for Superscript ( ).

Now enter the text which should be raised.

Click on Update ( ).

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Now you see the text in a preview.

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Click Add ( ).

Enter the picture title and hit the Browse ( ) button.

Select a picture for upload.

It must be one of the following formats: gif, jpg, png.

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Click Upload ( ), in order to upload the picture.

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Click Add ( ).

Enter the video title and select ( ).

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Click the button Browse ( ).

It must be one of the following formats: flv, mp4.

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Click the Browse button ( ) and select a thumbnail picture.

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Click Upload ( ).

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Click the Add symbol ( ).

Enter a title for the animation and select ( ).

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Click the button Browse ( ) and select the animation. Only animations based on
ActionScript 3 or higher are supported.

Click Upload ( ).

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Click the Add symbol ( ).

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Click the button browse ( ) and select a file. All formats are supported.

Click Create ( ).

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Click the Add symbol ( ).

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Select the type link ( ) and enter a url.

The url has to start with http:// or ftp://.

Click the button Create ( ).

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1.2.3 Move a chart

Click the symbol pencil.

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Click the link Move ( ).

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Select the preferred position and click Move ( ).

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1.3 Quiz

1.3.1 Create quiz question

Click the link Create a new node ( ).

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Select quiz_question.

Click the button Create ( ).

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1.3.2 Edit quiz question

Click the pencil ( ) .

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Click the pencil ( ).

Enter the question and click the button Update ( ).

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1.3.3 Add an answer

Click the Add symbol ( )

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Check the Correct box ( ), if the answer is correct.

Enter the answer and click the Create button ( ).

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1.4 Chart preview

Click the magnifying glass ( ) of the corresponding chart.

You get a preview of the chart.

Click ( ).

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You can see, if there are links or documents added to the chart.

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In the preview, you can also view pictures, videos or animations. E.g., click on the picture.

Youll get the picture in its original size.

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2 Administer users

2.1 Create users

2.1.1 Create a user

Click on Users ( ).

Click on Create a new user ( ).

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Enter the userdata and the corresponding roles. If Active is not selected, the user cant

Click the button Create ( ).

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2.1.2 Edit a user

Click the pencil ( ).

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Click the button Update ( ).

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2.1.3 View user information

Click the magnifying glass ( ) in order to get more information about the user.

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Click the link << User list ( ) to get back to the overview.

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2.1.4 Delete user

Click the red X ( ) in order to delete a user.

Click the button OK ( ).

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2.2 Import users

Click on Users ( ).

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Click on Import users from CSV ( ). In order to get an according

csv-template, click Download CSV-Template.

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Click the Browse button ( ).

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Choose the userlist ( ).

In order to work properly, it has to be a csv-formatted file based on the csv-template.

Click the button Open ( ).

Click the Import button ( ).

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2.2.1 Enter userdata in a csv-file

Enter the userdata according to the csv-template. Name, E-Mail and Password must be
filled in.

Remaining fields are optional.

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3 Glossary

3.1 Edit glossary entries

Click on Glossary ( ).

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Click on Create a new entry ( ).

Enter the definition and add the according description. When finished, click the
button Create ( ). The entry can now be viewed in the glossary within the learning
environment. If the term can be found on a learning chart, it will automatically be linked to the
glossary entry.

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4 Messages

4.1 Send messages

Click on Send a message ( ).

Select a learning group and enter your message. When finished, click Send ( ).
The users will receive the message directly after the login.

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5 Administer courses

5.1 Create courses

5.1.1 Create a course

Click on Courses ( ).

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Click on Create a new course ( ).

Enter the name and the description of the course. The description will be available as
detailed information within the learning environment.

In order to add contents, either click the plus sign ( ) next to content title.

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Click the button Create ( ).

5.1.2 Create and assign classes

Click on Create a new class ( ), in order to create a learning group

and to assign a tutor to it.

Click the button Create ( ).

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You can see, that the class was assigned to the course.

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5.2 Create learning groups

Click on Learning groups ( ).

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Click on Create a new learning group ( ).

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Enter the name of the learning group.

Select the users, which should be added to the learning group. Hold the ctrl-button on your
keyboard in order select more than one user.

Click the button Create ( ).

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6 Tests

6.1. Create tests

6.1.1. Create a test

Click on Tests ( ).

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Click on the link Create a test ( ).

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1. Select the questions you want to add. Press and hold the ctrl button on your keyboard if you
want to add more than one question.
2. Choose the class, which has to complete the test.

3. Click the Create button ( ).

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6.1.2. Edit a test

Click the pencil ( ).

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Modify the settings of the test.

Click the Update button ( ).

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6.1.3. Test results

Click the percentage icon ( ).

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You'll get the results of all users of the learning group.

6.1.4. Delete a test

Click the red X ( ) in order to delete a test.

If you really want to delete the test, click the OK button ( ).

If you delete a test, all the results belonging to the test will also be deleted.

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7 Statistics

7.1 Visitor statistics for client

Login with an admin user. Click on the Statistic link ( ).

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You get the stats of how often every single page of your entire portfolio has been visited.

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7.2 Learning progress per course

Click on Courses ( ).

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Click on the result symbol ( ).

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Click the magnifying glass ( ) to get a list of all the pages that have already been visited
by this user.

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8 Revision Management

Click on the menu item Revision Management (Revision Management).

Click on the Publish button to release the changes. After that the changes will be available
for users with the roles "Tutor" and "Student". The courses will be updated automatically.

Please note:

Alterations to charts
If you edit contents in charts (add or delete text or graphics) those changes will be
available immediately in the courses (after publishing)

Alterations to chapters
If you change the structure in the e-portfolio, the Controller (see 9 User Privileges and
Roles) has to release those changes, before they will be available in the courses

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9 User Privileges and Roles

Admin Author Controller Tutor Student
CreateEPortfolio X
ViewEPortfolio X X X X
AdministerEPortfolioincl.content X
Releasecontentchanges X
UserManagement+Rights X
LoginBackend X X X X
LoginE[MCO]Campus X X X X X
Chartpreview X X X X

UserManagement(createandimportUsers) X
CreateLearngroup X
Asignroles X
CreateCourse,Test X
ReceiveInboxmessages X
SendInboxmessages X
EditGlossary X
EMCOStatistic X
Contentstatistic X
Loginstatistic X
Progressincourses X

SearchCharts X X X X X
PrintCharts X X X X X
FurtherReadings,Library,Glossary,Userprofile X
ExecuteQuiz&Test X
SwitchLanguageintheE[MCO]Campus X X X X X
Attendacourse X X X X X
Forum:createposts X X
Forum:createtopics X
ViewFAQs X X X X X

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10 Upload of files

Recommended upload restrictions and further definitions:

o Recommendedmaximumwidthandheight:930x530px.

o Dependingonthedatatransferrates10MB/minarerecommended.
o maximumwidthandheight:930x630px

o Recommendedmaximumwidthandheight:930x630px
o Recommendedframerate:30fps
o Filetype:swf


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11 System Requirements




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