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Cady Podgur

May 1, 2017

Advanced Issues

Dr. McDowell-Smith

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For this intelligence paper, The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) will be studied.

The FBI has been around since July of 1908. The FBI is an intelligence-based organization that

is based in the United States but reaches outside the borders. There vision is to, Ahead of the

threat through leadership, agility, and integration. . There mission is, To protect the American

people and uphold the Constitution of the United States (FBI.Gov) They are known to use all

available resources and continue to our source and gather more research about the United States

of America.

There are over 35,000 agents working

all around to protect the citizens of the United

States. Their top priorities that are dealt with

regularly are to protect citizens from an attack

against the United States. The types of

crimes they investigate are Cyber Crime,

Public Corruption, Civil Rights, Organized

Crime, White-Collar Crime, Violent Crime,

and WMD. To help gather intelligence about these crimes they have 56 field offices and 60 plus

international offices. The FBI headquarters is located in Washington D.C. The agents who work

at the FBI headquarters are agents who are working to organize activities for the FBI to assist in

and work to be done around the world. These activities include, Setting the priorities and policies

for the Bureau;

Ensuring centralization and coordination at the highest levels;

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Helping lead the fight against terrorism by serving as a hub for intelligence and


Providing operational and administrative support to field divisions and overseas offices;


Taking the lead within the FBI during times of national crisis or emergency, directing

major case and operations.

These are things that the FBI does everyday. They are the stepping-stones to keep the United

States safe.

They works closely with all other branches of law enforcement to gather intelligence

from all over and share the information with local, state, and other government agencies. The

FBI is highly advanced in technology that is created by them and trains other agencies on their

technology. They have an invaluable amount of programs, and technology that is equipped to

handle any attach the United States is threatened with. The FBI is also notified if there is a

criminal who is highly dangerous and has not been located. They continue to look for these

criminal and conduct a list of the most wanted criminal so they can be arrested and serve their

time for the crime that was committed.

The FBI also has a list of who are either missing or have been kidnapped. There are over

80 people on this list. Some of these people on the list have been on there since 1997. The FBI

often reviews these cases hoping to find new information. Some of the people that are on this list

are often taken off the list when they have a reason to believe that they are no longer alive. There

is also a link that people with information can call to give information on these people.

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This list of the most wanted criminals change every year do the technology and the

anonymous tips that are called in from all over the world, just to try and help take a criminal off

the streets. The top three people on the FBIs most wanted list are Walter Yovany Gomez. He is

wanted for murder and is know to be armed and dangerous. The next person is Bhadreshkumar

Chetanbhai Patel. He is also wanted for first degree murder and is considered armed and

dangerous. Luis Macedo is also wanted for murder and is armed and dangerous. All three of

these men have a reward of $100,000. They have all been on the run for at least one year. With

the help of FBI agents continuing to look for people on the run, our country will eventually come

safe when as many criminals as possible are caught.

The FBI also produces a Uniform Crime Report (UCR). The UCR is a, Program that has

been the starting place for law enforcement executives, students of criminal justice, researchers,

members of the media, and the public at large seeking information on crime in the

nation.(FBI:UCR) The program was first started in 1929 and was then eventually handed over

to the FBI to take over and keep current.

Today, four annual publications, Crime in the United States, National Incident-Based

Reporting System, Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, and Hate Crime

Statistics are produced from data received from over 18,000 city, university/college,

county, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies voluntarily participating in the

program. The crime data are submitted either through a state UCR Program or directly to

the FBIs UCR Program.(FBI:UCR)

The UCR reports have been around for almost ninety years. This department is currently going

through a lot of changes. They are working to improve their system so it can be easier and more

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reliable for the FBI and other agencies to refer too. These reports give a real example of data,

that is crucial to staying up to date. Other agencies and civil groups often look at these public

records to crime trends in a specific area. This report includes crimes like rape, use- of force,

hate crimes, cargo theft, and human trafficking. This report is related to all crimes that the FBI is

investigating. If the crime is not on the annual report and is creating a pattern then it will be

studies and possibly put on the list.

The crimes that the FBI investigates consist of Terrorism, Counterintelligence, Cyber

Crime, Public Corruption, Civil Rights, Organized Crime, White-Collar Crime, Violent Crime

and WMD. All of these crimes have agents who have a background especially in these particular

types of crime. Many of the agents in these fields are considered to be experts in their field.

In order to be a director for the FBI you must be considered an expert. The very first FBI

director was Stanley W. Finch, July 26, 1908. Finch worked his way up and was chief of the

examiner in the department of justice. Finch is the one who advocated for the investigation team

to be created. One day Finch pitched the idea to Attorney General Bonaparte who liked the idea

and gathered a group of highly qualified men and called it the Bureau of investigation. The BOI

officially became the FBI in 1935.

In the one hundred and eight years that the FBI had been a total of eighteen FBI directors.

Seven of those directors have been acting directors that have only served a few months except

for Patrick Grey who served as acting director for a little over a year. Many rules have now been

put into place as guidelines to being a director. After J. Edgar Hoover served as FBI director for

forty-eight years, there was a capstone put in place to make it that a director can not serve for

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more than ten years. This rule was altered in 2011 allowing Robert S. Mueller to extend his

tenure by two years.

J. Edgar Hoover had a large involvement as FBI director and did many things that have

shaped to the department to what it is now. Hoover knew there were many agents who were

politically appointed and were not qualified for the job. Many were fired and a whole knew way

of hiring agents was put into place to make sure of their qualifications. After making many

changes, he also created many teams that are still in use today like the Technical Laboratory to

provide forensic analysis, domestic counterintelligence, counterespionage, and counter sabotage

investigations. After these branches were created, the FBI was asked by president Roosevelt to

create an intelligence group to gather information on the western hemisphere. This agency is

now referred to as the special intelligence services. A few other agencies Hoover took on were

the thefts, bank robberies, kidnappings field and civil crimes.

Many people who are director to not many much time to prepare for the passion. When

they are appointed they are not given training and must adapt to the job with the help of their

teams. When Robert S. Mueller was appointed on September 4th 2001, he had only been serving

as director for a little over a week when the 9/11 terrorist attacks happened. The ones who serve

as director are the best in their field. They are trained to adapt to any situation and always

continue to work through the pressure that is put on them.

Many believe that Robert S. Mueller was the second best FBI director, with J. Edgar

Hoover being the first best director. Hoover had such a large role in changing the FBI to

implement new rules and guidance to other agents. Mueller played a large role in protecting the

United States after 9/11. He as also a key member to encourage the creation of the Department of

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Homeland Security to also protect the United States from having to go through another attack in

our states.

The current FBI director is James B. Comey. There have been eighteen prior FBI

presidents in the past. There is also a group of FBI executives. Their job is to run their

department and look other other branches that are closely linked. The other executives are listed

with there name and job title, Monique A. Bookstein - FBI Ombudsman, Office of the

Ombudsman, David L. Bowdich - FBI Associate Deputy Director, Brad Brekke - Director,

Office of Private Sector, Dawn M. Burton - FBI Deputy Chief of Staff, Carl Ghattas - FBI

Executive Assistant Director, National Security Branch, Andrew James Castor - FBI Deputy

Associate Deputy Director, Richard L. Haley, II - FBI Assistant Director, Finance Division,

Patrick W. Kelley - FBI Chief Compliance Officer, Office of Integrity and Compliance, Stephen

D. Kelly - FBI Assistant Director, Office of Congressional Affairs, Michael P. Kortan - FBI

Assistant Director, Office of Public Affairs, Jim Rybicki - FBI Chief of Staff/Senior Counselor,

Kerry Sleeper - FBI Assistant Director, Office of Partner Engagement, Eric Velez-Villar - FBI

Executive Assistant Director, Intelligence Branch, Candice M. Will - FBI Assistant Director,

Office of Professional Responsibility. As an FBI executive, you are appointed to the position and

along with the director can also only serve ten years.

James B. Comey the current direct has recently been in the news. Many people have been

talking about him and Hillary Clinton working together. During the campaign Hillary should

have been investigated for having suspicious emails that were sent on her personal email account

that was not secured by the CAI. Many believe he was conspiring to hide evidence during the

campaign. Because of this, many people think he should resign and many people are surprised

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that president Trump has not yet asked for his resignation. The FBI handles all types of people

who have committed a crime and will work to investigate the case until proven innocent.

The FBI is specially know for gathering intelligence on all of these crimes and providing

statistics to help show crime patterns. The intelligence that is gathered from these states can help

in new investigating and show recurring interrogation tactics. The FBI is one of the best

government agencies when it comes to gathering intelligence; know matter where the crime or

case is based.

The FBI works very closely with other agents like homeland security, the central

intelligence agency, department of justice and the office of the president. All these agencies work

together to protect and serve. I would like to learn more about their resources and how they work

and work on cases that are on the other side of the world. There are many things that are not

talked about in this line of work and I would like to know more about the whole agency.

FBI is gathering intelligence that is related to a case they are very particular on where the

information comes from and how it is gathered and how they use it to the best of their advantage.

They have several types of methods that they use when gathering intelligence. These intelligence

methods are validity, simplicity, flexibility and works with unstructured data.

There are many different types of methods that are used to gather intelligence. The FBI

and other federal agencies created these tools of gathering intelligence. There are many FBI

specialists whose primary job is to come up with new ways of gathering intelligence. Currently,

the The Biometric Center of Excellence (BCOE) is working to create new ways and to make sure

the technology that is used to gather information is up to days. Their job also consists of looking

for new online tools that they can create to use instead of older databases of research.

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The first type is the intelligence cycle. The intelligence cycle is a six step process that

must be done in order for best results. The first step is the planning and direction stage. This step

is important because it determines what information is most important and how it will be

gathered. Once it is planned out it will allow the FBI to create a timetable to set up the data to be


The second step is the collection process. The 5 basic intelligence source that the FBI

uses on a regular basis are: Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT),Human- Source Intelligence

(HUMINT), Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT), Open Source Intelligence

(OSINT) and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT). They also continue to use more common sources

like government records, satellite images and other tactical goals.

The third step is processing and exploitation. This involves using highly trained

personnel to examine the data and turn it into factual data that all can interoperate. The fourth

step interacts with the third step. The fourth is to analysis and production. This step involves

integrates and evaluate information for the finished product. The information that has been

gathered so far is now turned into intelligence. This information will help in the future to prevent

attacks and other crimes.

The fifth step is to dissemination. This step is when the finished product is given back to

the person who had requested the information. It is delivered electronically and is produced in a

timely manner. It is usually sent through email, Web 2.0 and other software tools. The FBI hands

over the report to other agencies it is often reviewed and sent back to gather more information

using the same six steps from the beginning.

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The final step is the evaluation step. It is used to give feedback on the process and to the

individual who did the research. There are always improvements being used to come up with

new tools for the FBI to use. When knew recommendations are referred to the cycle they are

often shared with other federal agencies who also use this intelligence process.

Those four intelligence methods are used when looking to see what kind of intelligence is

good and what is not. The facts must be valid and must have something to back them up. The

data should be easy to understand as it either shows the facts on what is happening or does not

tell us anything. The FBI must also be able to conduct their own intelligence and be flexible in

how they conduct an interview or an undercover operation. These ways of gathering sufficient

evidence/ intelligence must all relate and easy to structure. Intelligence has a way of wrapping

everything up together.

There are two types of intelligence, long term and current intelligence. Long term

intelligence can be analyzed and continue to gather information for several months and could go

up to a year. These case are usually fraud cases and other civil cases. The other time of

intelligence is short term. They consist of current issues that are very important and demands

constant attention. These cases usually only last for about two weeks and then it is not

considered current. If there was a terror attack that the United States found out about, that would

be considered current because the U.S. would act quickly to stop any harm from happening on

U.S. soil.

Along with the six stepped intelligence cycle there are also other tools that are used

individually to gather intelligence. They are signals, imagery, measurement and signature and

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intelligence, human - source intelligence, open source intelligence and geospatial intelligence.

These are also tools that give us a better idea of how to gain intelligence from using them.

Signals intelligence is the source of gathering information from communications

intelligence, electronic intelligence and foreign instrumentation signals. All these tools are able

to pick up signals that allow us there hear what they are saying. It also allows us to gain access to

there electronics in hopes of gathering more information.

Imagery intelligence is representations of an object reproduced electronically or by

optical means on film, electronic display device or other media. Some example of this is when

the FBI use drones with radar sensors to take pictures. An X-ray scanner would qualify as

imagery intelligence. This is a very common tool do to the fact that with a picture it can actually

be proved that a person was there or that something was destroyed.

Measurement and signature intelligence is a technical branch of intelligence gathering,

which serves to detect, track, identify or describe the signature of fixed or dynamic target

sources. This tool can locate individuals connected to an investigation, identifies, or describes

distinctive characteristics of target and Utilizes nuclear, optical, radio frequency, acoustics,

seismic, and materials science. With this type of technology the FBI has been about to do so

much. This tool has helped to solve many cases and is very valuable. (

Human- Source intelligence is the way of gathering information using a person to

personally go and interview someone who is of interest to gather intelligence. This information

will be be kept a secret to the public and only allowed to be shared with spies and members of

the FBI. Whatever is gained from their conversations is recorded and that way it cannot be he

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said/ she said. These conversations can be done by a confidential informant or can be taken

when under cover.

Geospatial intelligence is intelligence about the human activity on earth derived from the

exploitation and analysis of imagery and geospatial information that describes, assesses, and

visually depicts physical features and geographically referenced activities on the Earth. This is a

complicated tool but is very useful because it incorporates all of these six tools of intelligence.


In May of 1933, Bonnie and Clyde were two well-known fugitives. They had been

known for traveling around the United States during the great depression. They were known to

rob many people of their money and valuables. After a while of stealing they then began to

become more confident in their criminal activities, but did not kill a lot of people. They mostly

robbed stores and then escaped in the car of one of the people they help up. This crime of

automobile theft immediately became the FBIs jurisdiction. Bonnie and Clyde were killed in a

shoot out with police and FBI agents in May of 1934

The hunt for Bonnie and Clyde took exactly a year. If this were a current day situation of

cars constantly being stolen police would have been able to have found them earlier due to all

them intelligence technology that now exist. They would have been flagged for going through a

toll as well as intelligence mapping. The FBI due has created many of these tools to there past

experience and knowledge of ways to make it easier on them to catch a criminal.

These methods all relate to good techniques to find intelligence on a topic. These five

tools are analysis of competing hypotheses (ACH), multi criteria decision making (MCDM),

social network analysis (SNS), intelligence preparation of battlefield (IPB) and Bayesian

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analysis. All of these have many steps that are precisely followed in every single investigation


The first step of ACH is to decide what the question is and that everyone who is apart of

the investigation knows what he or she needs to know. The second step is to identify any

possible hypothesis. These means including all key factors and question how each step was done

and who could of done it. The third step is to collect all the current evidence and argue both sides

and go with what was assumed in the hypothesis. In most cases there are more than one agent on

the case and this is when they would go over each side of the possibilities. The fourth step is to

make a diagram to decide what theory/ evidence is credible and what is not credible. For

example here is a diagram that is labeled with what is a good source of evidence.

The fifth step in ACH is to reevaluate the evidence that has been ruled credible from the above

diagram. This will allow you to reconsider your hypothesis. The sixth step allows you to

reconsider all options and is open to test all theories. The seventh step is important because it

involves an opinion. It is often important to go with a gut feeling because sometimes the

evidence can leave you to believe many other things. The last two steps are to report the

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findings and to identify the main outcome. This process is highly thought out and ways all

options. This tool is also used to the most due to all the detail that is covered from the beginning.


The multi criteria decision-making tool has five key components:

1. Goal

2. Decision maker or group of decision makers with opinions

3. Decision alternatives

4. Evaluation criteria

5. Outcomes or consequences associated with alternative/interest combination. Each part is then

thoroughly analyzed to discover if there are any hidden components. All components are ranked

and then used as needed and relevant to each individual case. The FBI uses this to determine the

risk and their next action. Every outcome thought ahead and how they want it to end.


Intelligence preparation of battlefield is also a four-step process that is used to analyze

the threat against our nation and to the environment. The agents in charge are to determine the

course of action and also the best way to pursue the threat in the safest way. Multi criteria

decision-making tool are very similar in a way because of their four-step approach.

Unlike Intelligence preparation of battlefield and Multi criteria decision-making tool,

bayesian analysis is a tool that helps gather intelligence for the FBI, but mostly uses statistical

paradigm. This method uses mostly math to show the facts and the probability of each event

actually occurring. These were five tools that are most often used as tools and techniques by the

FBI when gathering intelligence.

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The overall goal of intelligence is to collect intelligence that is related to an investigation.

The agent wants to make sure that all the bases are covered and all the options have been

investigated and any proof that was taken from any of the intelligence tools. An investigation

will build a case and the original theories will be included as well as the entire past hypothesis.

Conclude the case with all your findings and allow for the case to be shared with all individuals


The Federal Bureau of Investigation is called when local and state law enforcement

agencies cannot handle or solve a problem. The FBI has many agents who specialize in different

crimes that local agents are not necessarily able to solve, like serial killers, terrorism, and fraud.

Their mission is, To protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United

States (FBI.Gov) there vision is to, combat threat through leadership, agility, and integration.

These agents who serve their country, have many years of experience dealing with crimes of

many different variables.

Many locals have the FBI called in to assist in cases that they are not as familiar with.

They are there to assist and also have jurisdiction when they are there. For example when they

are in town they usually review the whole case and look for evidence that others may not have

thought about. They are brought in because they train their special agents to be the best at finding

evidence and that do not stand out to other police agencies. They have the ability to contact the

best in the fiend that is in questioned. They are also accompanied by a local agency to allow

them easy guidance through the town they are in. The FBI also tries to teach local law

enforcement agencies when in town so they can better Asses the criminal situation using the

tools of the FBI.

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The FBI also offers many services that can be very resourceful for others to use. The

services they offer are, Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS), CIRG, Laboratory

Services, Training Academy, Operational Technology, and Records Management. All are

welcome to request to use these resources. The FBI also offers many conferences that go over

the use of these services and how to best use them.

The FBI also has one of the largest forensics laboratories in the country. They can send

the confidence and will work on it as soon as possible. Many towns and states do not have their

own labs so there are sent to a federal laboratory. They have the best analyst in the country and

are also sent there when evidence needs to be re examined. They are able to do test that are still

very knew to the forensic world. They are experts in Combined DNA Index System (CODIS),

Latent Prints, Scientific Response and Analysis, Technical Hazard Response, Photographic

Operations, Evidence Response Teams, Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center (TEDAC),

Firearms/Tool marks, and Trace Evidence. The evidence that is sent in can often take up to three

months to get the results back. It is also very expensive for this test to be done when local towns,

due to their department budgets, request them.

The Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) mission is, To equip our law

enforcement, national security, and intelligence community partners with the criminal justice

information they need to protect the United States while preserving civil liberties.

(FBI,Services). They are closely connected with all law enforcement agencies. They are also

often called in to testify and an expert in criminal cases that are arguing about information/

intelligence being obtained properly. They work out of the FBI headquarters and are classified to

assist in all FBI cases.

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The FBI also has 56 field offices located in the united states (FBI). They are scattered in

major cities and are there to assist and continue to do their own intelligence research in the area.

They are constantly checking satellites and anonymous tips looking to prevent an attack like a

potential school shooting, a massacre, a terrorist attack and a large money laundering attack.

Their primary goal is to stop another 9/11 from every happening on United States soil again. In

order to prevent they are constantly tracking their enemies and watching people to suspicious and

activities. Suspicious activities do not always have to cause harm. They can include money

laundering, tax evasion and other illegal activities. Money laundering can often lead to new

crimes that can become much bigger. The FBI often looks for money trails that can lead to over

sea bank accounts. These accounts can lead to any crime whether it is drug related, cyber crime,

terrorist organization and many other crimes. This step allows for the information that is

gathered to be studied and taken as either information or intelligence.

Three Florida residents have been charged with the "largest single criminal health-care

fraud case ever brought against individuals by the U.S. Justice Department an alleged

Medicare fraud and money laundering scheme that netted participants a whopping $1 billion

since 2009, prosecutors revealed Friday. (CNN, Mangan). The owner of the assisted living

facilities, a hospital administrator and a physician's assistant have been charged with money

laundering of a medical facility. They had been billing family and Medicare for procedures and

medical expenses for their patients that were not actually happening. "Enforces is alleged to have

been at the top of a complex and profitable health-care fraud scheme that resulted in staggering

losses in excess of $1 billion," said FBI Special Agent in Charge George Piro. They have

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been doing these scams for 14 years and in the last 5 years they have been buying private jets

and flashing their money. There are also more people being punished for their crimes

Because they did not report it and were receiving a $5 million dollar kickback there theyre

silent. The prosecution has ruled that Enforces is a man who will continue to proceed with his

criminal enterprise of money laundering for personal monetary gain

Tax evasion is another crime that many criminals underestimate. Tax evasion consists of

not making a payment for your taxes. The FBI works closely with the Internal Revenue Service

(IRS). Together they can find people who are not paying their civil dues as an American citizen.

As an example of tax evasion, the FBI and IRS were able to arrest Al Capone. He was well

known gangster who was arrested on tax evasion charges. He was sentenced to eleven years in

prison, which he spent most of that time at Alcatraz prison in California. Sometimes the FBI

must call in other agencies like the IRS to help, but many times they can also be called to help

including outside the United States borders. These crimes of money laundering and tax evasion

are cases that can go unsolved for many years. They often end after a large amount of money is

either collected or owed. The FBI uses open source intelligence to gather their information.

Some of these recorders required a warrant and the FBI was able to get that for these cases.

Looking into these cases is what takes the most time in order to build a stable case.

The FBI goes beyond the United States borders to help with a certain case. With ISIS

being a large threat the FBI works with many agencies to keep track of their efforts to

communicate with Americans. When they are not watching for communications they are

watching for attacks. The FBI is able to track all Internet devices by using signals intelligence to

pop up in a data base that looks for searches like, How to make a bomb. This is an example of

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what is constantly being traced and collected. Once it is collected further behavioral analysis can

then better assess the person who made an interest to cause a threat they are not shy of

claiming an attack when they are the one producing the danger. In the United States ISIS has

been responsible for eight attacks in the United States since 2014 (Tim Lister). The worst one of

those attacks was on June 16, 2016 when Omar Mateen shot and killed 49 people at an Orlando,

Florida nightclub. Omar Mateen had pledged allegiance to ISIS in a 911-phone call earlier in the

weeks leading up to this event. Al Qaeda has also been a large threat to the United States past.

They were also the ones who took full responsibility for 9/11/. Their military group was

organized and ruled by Osama Bin Laden who was killed by United States special forces (Tim

Lister). Before the 9-11 call pledge to ISIS he was not on the FBIs radar. He was a 27-year old

U.S. citizen of Afghan .

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President Obama said there was no evidence the attacker was under direction from a

terrorist network, or carrying out any group's larger plot. ISIS media outlet Al-Bayan

later described Mateen as "one of the soldiers of the Caliphate in America," but the group

provided no evidence of communication with the attacker. The attack is believed to have

been inspired by ISIS. (CNN)

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In the picture provided by CNN, these show the attacks that have been conducted by

ISIS are indicated using the red dots and the attacks inspired by ISIS are seen in blue. ISIS has

been known for attacks all over the world. The United States is large target for them and

continues to be.

The FBI works to help stop ISIS from finding lead members from entering or

encouraging citizens to become members in the states. They found Emanuel Lutchman who was

25 years old and was directly talking and taking orders from ISIS. This was through signals

intelligce from tracking him though suspicions of friends. They found undercover agents by

using human intelligence, which would best fit the role that was meant for the case in November

of 2015. The FBI hired 20 knew agents to go undercover for this operation. Human intelligence

allowed for the person to be best matched with the criminals therefore they could safely go

undercover as the best role possible. These undercover agents discovered that he was given the

order to plan an attack on New Year's Eve in New York City that would cause many casualties.

The FBI agents wanted to back out at one point, but did not and it gave Lutchman even more

faith. He was a poor man and had to get the money to pay for the bomb equipment by asking the

undercover agent for the money. This attack was stopped do to the special agents in tell that they


Ever since 2016 the Federal Bureau of Investigations had been hiring over hundreds of

agents to go undercover in these groups. They are equipped with a weapon and are asked to

study their new life due to the fact it will save their life. This is an important step of going

undercover, because when questioned about their new like it is important that they know every

detail of their assigned life. Going undercover as an American who is trying change faiths and is

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looking towards ISIS for faith is the main role of whom they must play. They are to find the

ones who are willing to obey ISIS direct orders and carry out an attack. Once they find a

member willing to take the orders they act as if they want to be apart of carrying out the attack,

but also report back to the FBI so they are aware of what is planed and so they can plan a good

time to make an arrest. (Networker)

The FBI also uses undercover agents to conduct drug busts all over the United State

borders. The FBI has ignoloaged some of the biggest drug trafficking locations and who the

leaders of the organization are. Through imagery intelligence there are drug cartels that have

been recorded smuggling drugs into the states. Geospatial intelligence is also used to pinpoint

their entries because the cartels often do not use the same point of entry into the U.S. every time.

The FBI works closely with other agencies like the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). The FBI

and the DEA will often seek help from each other. The FBI can give them tools to go undercover

and the DEA can often give more information on the drug cartels that they spend their days


The FBI has many offices where they are always looking to new leads to follow. On

February 9, 2016, Mother Omar Saleh and partner Fareed Mumuni were both arrested for trying

to provide weapons to ISIS members. They had been on the FBI radar doing to the

communication with other ISIS members. They are always closely following these chat rooms,

but there are always new websites they use to keep the FBI away from the newest one so they

can not be traced. They were also seen buying multiple pressure cookers at the nearby Macys

on multiple occasions (Keshner).

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After they discovered the messages they then followed their every move. That

Thursday Fared Mumuni was the first to place a pressure cooker in the subway of New York.

The was then apprehended and they continued to look for Mother Omar Salah. He was

suspicious of the police when he did not hear back from his partner. The FBI then cornered him

and he threatened to set a pressure cooker off. They were able to stop him and no one was hurt

that day. It is things like that that spark the FBIs attention and the reason that there was not

another attack. Many attacks are planned in places what will collapse due to an explosion, have

high fatality rates or places that are very compacted (Keshner). They often look for things that

will cause the most damage. For example, if they were to put a bomb in one or both of the twin

towns that would cause a lot of damage, but the cause they used a plane they killed people on the

plane and people in both buildings They used the pane to send a message of airport security and

they chose that plain because it had enough fuel to get to California, therefor the gas in the plane

would also cause an explosion.

The New York office is one of the busiest offices in the United States do to the

population of the city and the close quarters they reside in. They have been that way ever since

the 9/11 attacks. They are always tracking signals and doing other research on other crimes

going on in the area. The FBI has also been doing a lot of polls and surveys on gun violence in

schools. In, The School Shooter: A Threat Assessment Perspective conducted by the FBI they

report several statistics. Some of the interesting facts that they discovered had to do with their

behaviors. Most of the students involved in this violence were reported to be between the ages

of 12- 18. Some of the clues of personality that are reported by the FBI are,

23 Podgur
Coping with conflicts, disappointments, failures, insults, or other stresses encountered

in everyday life.

Expressing anger or rage, frustration, disappointment, humiliation, sadness, or similar


Demonstrating or failing to demonstrate resiliency after a setback, a failure, real

perceived criticism, disappointment, or other negative experiences.

Demonstrating how the student feels about himself, what kind of person the student

imagines himself or herself to be, and how the student believes he or she appears to


Responding to rules, instruction, or authority figures.

Demonstrating and expressing a desire or need for control, attention, respect,

admiration, confrontation, or other needs.

Demonstrating or failing to demonstrate empathy with the feelings and experiences of


Demonstrating his or her attitude toward others. (For example, does the student view

others as inferior or with disrespect? (Ellen) New FBI is the ones that produce this information.

They have resources all over the world like behaviorist, doctors and other specialist to crime like

blood splatter, school shooting, terrorist, and agents who also work on unsolved cases. These

facts that have been recorded are an example of human intelligence. Human intelligence links

back to the cycle of intelligence. Human intelligence refuse to data collected through people and

by gathering qualitative research.

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The FBI is unique with the skills and resource methods they use. One of them is called

the Four-Pronged Assessment Approach (NCAVC). This approach is to find out the likelihood

of that one person actually carry out their threat to society. They evaluate the threat because

many therapies are made but it up to the individual to carry out. Many will say something when

then are mad but it is a whole different thing went that person actually participates in the attack.

The Federal Bureau of Investigations has now realized not the same people for every

situation can handle every attack. It involves critical thinking of who to allow near the person

who is causing harm. They start all threat assessors with basic information like age, gender,

workplace and relationships. The FBI has four prongs that they officially go by the prongs are:

Prong One: Personality of the student

Prong Two: Family dynamics

Prong Three: School dynamics and the student's role in those dynamics

Prong Four: Social dynamics (NCAVC)

These are how they would start an investigation. Law enforcement agencies have taken this

critical thinking path and made it their own. Many special agents and local and state law

enforcement agencies now start by those prongs and then move on into their investigation.

Another thing that is helpful to know about a threat is the level that it will be assessed as.

There are three options. Low Level, Medium Level, and High Level (FBI). A low level threat

would not assume much danger to the public. Law enforcement would sit down and talk to the

person making the threats and to the parents and continue to get this person help in any way

possible after clearing them of causing any harm. In most cases they will not be criminally

25 Podgur
charged for a crime. An example of a low level threat is, You are a dead man. They do not

pose much harm. This mostly just expresses their anger.

A medium level would consist of suspicious behavior in the past and will also have

gotten into trouble or could lead to trouble. Threats will be announced and will cause a large

scare to the one around he or she. Police usually are aware of the child and what he is capable

of. An example is, Tom Murphy, a ninth-grader, makes a videotape for one of his classes. The

tape shows student actors shooting at other students on the school grounds, using long-barreled

guns that appear real. On the videotape, the actor-students are heard yelling at other students,

laughing, and making off-color remarks, while aiming their weapons at others. Murphy's teacher

receives the tape and becomes concerned. (NCAVC)

A high level threat is when a location is in lockdown or should evacuate to keep a safe if

possible and all law enforcement will be there to assist. And example of a high level risk is,

"There is a pipe bomb scheduled to go off in the gym at noon today. I placed the bomb in the

locker of one of the seniors. Don't worry; it's not my locker. I just placed it there because I can

see it from where I will be sitting -- and will know if someone goes to check on it."(NCAVC).

26 Podgur

The FBI continued to receive threats every day and has assisted them.

Through the research conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigations it has been discovered

that the amount of school shooting in America are dropping to a lower rate. The rate of active

shooters in schools is growing but not as much as it was in 2009.

Seung-Hui Cho, was a 23 year old senior who was responsible for the Virginia Tech

shooting back in 2007. He killed a total of 32 people. Many knew him as a quiet individual. A

month before that attack he was able to go into Roanoke Firearms store and easily buy a glock 19

handgun that was the exact weapon that took so many lives. This represents the second

amendment to bear arms, but since it was this easy to get a gun there should be more regulations

on who can get one.

There will always be a threat to the United States. The FBI is the leading law

enforcement agency to respond to a domestic attack on the United States. Throughout the United

27 Podgur
States the FBI has been called in daily to solve local and state cases to prevent future crimes and

attacks with the intelligent that they gather on a daily basis.

The FBI works on all cases all over the United States. These agents have one of the

highest levels of security clearance. The FBI can be trusted to work with the president of the

United States and also with any other government agency. They are trusted to work on all threats

of national security. The FBI has national security branch (NSB) agents that work with in that

branch full time. There job is to, Establish a National Security Service that combines the

missions, capabilities, and resources of the FBIs counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and

intelligence elements under the leadership of a senior FBI official Their mission is to Detect,

deter, and disrupt national security threats to the United States and its interests. This branch was

put into place in 2005 and is now. Executive Assistant Director Carl Ghatss has now been in

command since February of 2017. (FBI-NSB)

The NSB is responsible for looking out for all criminal acts against and within the US. If

there is a security threat from within the US that may interfere with other countries around the

world is when they would step in and look for these kinds of acts before being revealed to others.

This branch is also watching out for other counties that are allies and our enemies to see what

they could possibly have planned against the united states. They are looking out for all citizens

of the United States and continue to stop.

One of the FBIs leading guidelines that they must obey refers to the National

Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States of America that represents an evolution in our

approach to a whole-of-government awareness of and response to foreign intelligence entity

28 Podgur
(FIE) threats. These are rules that all government, and law enforcement agents must follow.

These rules are the foundation of all future intelligence. Even when more intelligence strategies

are created they still must follow.

There main points are to identify the threat, strategic response, and strategic environment

and force multiplier. These points are used everyday by so many agents. They know that every

situation is going to be very unique and they are trained to assess that on the spot. This strategy

puts all central intelligence strategies into play when needed, no matter the level of spying

required. These central intelligence strategies also refer to foreign intelligence entity (FIE)

threats. These threats are very dangerous and could cause a war if the threat was to go through.

We often use these striates when looking to terrorist attacks. There are about 15 major terrorist

attacks years year that are stopped due to National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United

States of America.

Future Recommendations

After conducting research on the FBI, the FBI is one of the most advanced agencies that

deal with dozens of crimes. These agents spend many months in training and should teach more

local law enforces their techniques. There are only 56 field offices, 18,000 police stations and

35,000 agents. If there were able to hire more agents or take away and have them travel around

to the 18,000 locations to give training they would be more valuable to their departments. These

agents would also she the ones who were called in first. If they stayed in their jurisdiction and

were needed they would come an assist and if they needed more help they would call for a whole

team of FBI agents to investigate.

29 Podgur
I also believe that guns in this country are a problem and FBI would start working closely

with the government to establish a test that proves you are sane enough to get a gun. They should

be the ones regulating these rules. After looking into other school shooting that some of these

people actually were able to buy these guns that were used. There needs to be a better set of

guidelines to obtain a gun license. There have been too many people like Seung-Hui Cho who

have been able to get a gun when they are too unstable and should not have one.

Another recommendation I have for the FBI is to

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