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CEP 416-Universal Design for Learning Template

For this assignment, you will focus on the technologies that you picked for last week's activity, and you will
make sure that they comply with UDL principles. Remember that simply using technology in the classroom is
not enough; we want to purposefully think about how technology enhances learning and how we can best plan
it into our activity to achieve intended learning goals.

YOUR NAME: Alexa Brown


Students will be able to show their understanding of rhyming word families by correctly identifying rhyming
words in a picture
Students will be able to show their ability to spell CVC and CCVC words in the same rhyming word families by
correctly spelling them out on the board

TECHNOLOGIES USED FOR ACTIVITY (please provide a URL link to it if applicable):

Possibly iPads

(adapted from CAST UDL curriculum self-check)

Flexible media and materials play an essential role in helping students achieve activity/lesson goals. The
principles below help you consider what could/could not work for all your students with the media and materials
included in your activity.

UDL principle Example Explain how the technology you picked

for the activity provides that?
(add URL links, descriptions,
screenshots, etc if necessary)
Both images and text are used in the
Multiple and varied media are used Text, images, graphics, audio, activity. Text is available both on the board
to present concepts and content video, and multimedia as well as in front of students because they
are able to write down words these see on
the picture.
Students will say what their word is before
Materials and media provide visual Captions for videos, text outlines writing it out on the board, and then spell out
equivalents for auditory information for lectures, text-to-speech or the word verbally. Then, if the word is
and vice versa as needed digital voice tools for text accepted, we will repeat the word as a class.
So students can both see how the word is
spelled but will also hear the word when we
say it out loud.
For students who need extra support, a
Options for diverse Hyperlinked multimedia glossary glossary could be made with images,
linguistic/language abilities are definitions; foreign language spelling, and definitions for many of the
provided in materials and media translations; language modality pictures in the larger picture. This could also
translationsASL/speech be done on an ipad that could actually give
an audio of the pronunciation of the word in
addition to everything else. If iPads were not
available, I could always go around and aid
these students by pronouncing certain words
for the students.
Instead of just having students write words
Visual organizers, rubrics, and Using advanced organizers down on a lined sheet of paper, I could have
checklists are available to help a worksheet with lines and check boxes.
students to learn, plan, and complete This way, after a student already puts a
lessons word on the board, students could check off
that that word was already used. It could
also offer the spelling of the original word for
When I give the students a second chance
Materials and media are designed to Comparing work over time to look at the picture, they may be able to
help students monitor their own during the activity, picking their find more words they hadnt thought of the
progress and promote self-reflection best work, choosing new first time (even though they were sure they
personal goals found them all.) Overall, this activity isnt
great for this principle and it could expand
further to better meet this by adding more to
the actual lesson instead of just relying on
this single activity.
The fact that this activity involves teams
Materials and media provide More structured vs. open-ended makes it more/less difficult. For students
students with varied levels of tasks in the activity, different who had a difficult time identifying words,
challenge and support to address levels of difficulty they can sit back and observe or get help
diverse abilities and challenges from classmates.


Based on your responses, how would you modify your media and materials to address the diverse challenges,
talents, and preferences of your students? (answer one)

If your technology provides support for UDL principles (e.g., 4 out of 6 principles), what are other
student challenges or preferences that you could anticipate in this activity?

As a whole, I do think the technology provides support for the UDL principles, but I also think this activity could
be expanded more. I think by adding an actual lesson of some kind in the beginning would better scaffold the
activity while also providing more opportunity for UDL principles to be added and expanded on.

If your technology does not provide support for UDL principles (e.g., less than 4 principles), how would
you modify your media and materials to address the diverse challenges, talents, and preferences of
your students?
(participation points for this week).

Briefly describe your thoughts about the UDL-ization process:

1) How is UDL changing how you view technology for teaching and learning?

I think having a better understanding of UDL makes it easier for me to understand why we use
technology in the classroom. Before, I just thought we used technology because it was easier and so
we could teach students about how to use technology. Now, I feel like I understand that technology is
meant to provide more opportunities and strategies to make a lesson more UDL.

2) How will you implement UDL in your future classroom?

I plan to implement UDL by simply using as many strategies as I can for lessons. The more choice and
the more diversity I can add to my lessons will make it that much better for my students and it doesnt
even have to make the lesson more work for myself. By finding simple UDL strategies I can make
consistent in my classroom, it will make it easier to add UDL to my lessons because there isnt any
extra work.

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