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Father name
Mobile No

Mr. M S/o R
Annexure (a) to the Project
Cost of Project Amount(Rs)
Land Rented
Buffalo ( 4 Buffalo @ Rs 45000 per buffalo) 180000.00
Shed 18000.00
Misc Assets 2000.00
Total Cost of project 200000.00

Means of Finance

Term Loan Bank 200000.00

Total 200000.00

( Subsidy : 25% on Term Loan From Bank i.e Rs 50000.00)

SUBSIDY 50000 Rs

Your Suggestion for Excellence is Welcome.

Annexure (b) to the Project
Mr. M S/o R


A) INCOME/EXPENSES Ist Year Iind Year IIIrd Year Ivth Year Vth Year

Sale Realisation 540000.00 564000.00 631680.00 707481.60 792379.39

Other income (inttof MMFd) 4500.00 4500.00 4500.00 0.00 0
B) Total Income 544500.00 568500.00 636180.00 707481.60 792379.39

C) Cost of Sale
Cost of Cattle Feed 274480.00 277400.00 321784.00 373269.44 432992.55
Wages & Salary 48000.00 50400.00 52920.00 55566.00 58344.30
Electricity 24000.00 24000.00 25200.00 26460.00 27783.00
Depreciation 2000.00 1800.00 1620.00 1458.00 1312.20
Land Rent 24000.00 24000.00 24000.00 24000.00 24000.00

D) Total Cost OF Sale 372480.00 377600.00 425524.00 480753.44 544432.05

E) Gross Profit(B-D) 172020.00 190900.00 210656.00 226728.16 247947.34
Medical Expenses 6000.00 6000.00 6000.00 6000.00 6000.00
Repair 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00
Telephone Expenses 3000.00 3300.00 3600.00 3900.00 4200.00
Administrative Expenses 12000.00 12000.00 12000.00 12000.00 12000.00
F) Profit Before Intt& tax 146020.00 164600.00 184056.00 199828.16 220747.34
Interest on term Loan 24050.00 20150.00 13000.00 5850.00 1950.00
G) Profit After Intt Before Tax 121970.00 144450.00 171056.00 193978.16 218797.34
Self Withdawls 36000.00 48000.00 60000.00 72000.00 84000.00
H) Profit Trf to Capital 85970.00 96450.00 111056.00 121978.16 134797.34

Interest on FD (Subsidy) will be taken @9% for first three years.

Mr. M S/o R
Ist Year Iind Year IIIrd Year Ivth Year Vth Year
Capital investment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Profit Before Tax & deep 148020.00 166400.00 185676.00 201286.16 222059.54
Term Loan 200000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 348020.00 166400.00 185676.00 201286.16 222059.54

Purchase of live Stock 180000.00 0.00 45000.00 90000.00 90000.00
Fixed Assets 20000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Increase in Working Capita 29563.33 1556.67 1731.33 1805.85 1866.37
Interest on Term Loan 24050.00 20150.00 13000.00 5850.00 1950.00
Repayment of Term Loan 30000.00 30000.00 30000.00 30000.00 30000.00
Drawings 36000.00 48000.00 60000.00 72000.00 84000.00

Total 319613.33 99706.67 149731.33 199655.85 207816.37

Closing Cash 28406.67 95100.00 131044.67 132674.98 146918.16

Mr. M S/o R
Projected Balance Sheet
LIABILITIES Ist Year Iind Year IIIrd Year Ivth Year Vth Year

Capital 0.00 0.00 50000.00 50000.00 50000.00

Profit & LossA/c 85970.00 182420.00 293476.00 415454.16 550251.50
Subsidy from Deptt. 0 0 0 0
Term Loan From Bank 170000.00 140000.00 60000.00 30000.00 0.00
Sundry Creditors 26873.33 27316.67 31225.33 35736.29 40944.74
Subsidy from Deptt. 50000.00 50000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 332843.33 399736.67 434701.33 531190.447 641196.24

ASSETS Ist Year Iind Year IIIrd Year Ivth Year Vth Year
Live Stock 180000.00 180000.00 225000.00 315000.00 405000.00
Fixed Assets less Dep 18000.00 16200.00 14580.00 13122.00 11809.80
FD Subsidy 50000.00 50000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Current Assets `
Cattle Feed 11436.67 11436.67 11436.67 11436.67 11436.67
Debtors 45000.00 47000.00 52640.00 58956.80 66031.62
Cash and Bank 28406.67 95100.00 131044.67 132674.98 146918.16

Total 332843.33 399736.67 434701.33 531190.45 641196.24

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Mr. M S/o R

Working Capital Requirements

Ist Year Iind Year IIIrd Year Ivth Year Vth Year
Current Assets

Cattle Feed 11436.67 11436.67 11436.67 11436.67 11436.67

Sundry Debtors 45000.00 47000.00 52640.00 58956.80 66031.62
Total 56436.667 58436.67 64076.67 70393.47 77468.28

Less : Creditors 26873.333 27316.6667 31225.3333 35736.28667 40944.7375

Net Working capital 29563.333 31120.00 32851.33 34657.18 36523.55

Increase in working Capital 29563.333 1556.67 1731.33 1805.85 1866.37

Mr. M S/o R


Ist Year Iind Year IIIrd Year Ivth Year Vth Year
Net Profit Afte tax During yr. 121970.00 144450.00 171056.00 193978.16 218797.34
Add: Depreciation 2000.00 1800.00 1620.00 1458.00 1312.20
Add: Interest On Term Loan 24050.00 20150.00 13000.00 5850.00 1950.00
Total Amount available For
serving intt & Installment 148020.00 166400.00 185676.00 201286.16 222059.54

Installment and interest to be Served 54050.00 50150.00 43000.00 35850.00 31950.00

Debt Service Coverage Ratio 2.74 3.32 4.32 5.61 6.95

Average DSCR 2.87

Annexure (g) to the Project


1 No. of Workind days 365 Days

2 No. of Productive Days ( Average) 250 Days

3 Sale Realisation
No.of Animals* Productive Days * Milk Per Animal * Rate of Milk per Kg
4 * 250 Days * 12 kg * 45
540000 Rs

Assumed the sale will be increase by 10% every Year.

4 Cost of Cattle Feed

Cattle Feed per Animal per day

Hara Chara 10 kg @ Rs 2 per kg 20

Turi 10 kg @ Rs 32per kg 20
binola 2 kg @ Rs 20 per kg 40
Bajra 2 kg @ Rs 15 per kg 30
Khal 2 kg @ Rs 20 per kg 40
Methi 1 kg @ Rs 30 per kg 30
Hence total cost per year : No. of Animal * No. of working days * cost per animal
4* 365 * 188
274480 Rs
5 Wages & Salary

Workers Skilled 1 4000 4000

Manager 1 Self 0
Total Per Month 11 4000

Estimated at Rs.12000.00/- p.m. 48000

or Say Annual Salary with 5% Annual Increment will be 50400

6 Depreciation Shed Total Dep. WDV

Rate of Depreciation 10%

Ist Year 20000.00

Less : Depreciation 2000.00 2000.00 18000.00

Iind Year 18000.00

Less : Depreciation 1800.00 1800.00 16200.00

IIIrd Year 16200.00

Less : Depreciation 1620.00 1620.00 14580.00

Ivth Year 14580.00

Less : Depreciation 1458.00 1458.00 13122.00

Vth Year 13122.00

Less : Depreciation 1312.20 1312.20 11809.80

7 Interest on Term Loan 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Opening Balance 0.00 170000.00 140000.00 60000.00 30000.00

Add : Addition 200000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Less : Repayment 30000.00 30000.00 30000.00 30000.00 30000.00
Less: Subsidy Adjusted 0.00 0.00 50000.00 0.00 0.00
Closing Balance 170000.00 140000.00 60000.00 30000.00 0.00
Avg. Balance 185000.00 155000.00 100000.00 45000.00 15000.00
Interest @ 13% 24050.00 20150.00 13000.00 5850.00 1950.00

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